First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Thanks Booger, yes I'm really excited about the appointment! Just want to get on with it now! I won't know my chances of a baby due to my one ovary and low amh until they see how I react to stims, so I'm anxious! How are you feeling? Only 2 weeks to wait for you!!
Hey all - congrats on the transfers Beagle and Sars! And congrats on joing the boy club Beagle!

At the time of your first beta you are technically about 4 weeks...since the retrieval is actually at 2 weeks (the time clock starts on the day of your lsat period.) That's why the 40 weeks is considered 9 months, because you find out 4 weeks in.

I took the POI until finishing 8 weeks. For me some days hurt, others didn't - but I also have a bigger bum.

Erin - glad you are feeling better.

Terri - cant wait to hear about your successful feast/party.

Hi to all!!!
LadySosa, I'd say we are house hunting somewhat like you are. We are in a city row home in a fabulous neighborhood less then a mile from a ton of restaurants and stores. We love our house. It's three bedrooms but the one is a glorified closet. We'd like something larger once we have a baby that has another bathroom and more outdoor space. But we are pretty picky on location and I do get emotional about leaving. My husband bought it in 2006 and I moved in the next year. We've renovated all of it so we are pretty pleased with it. I totally get how you feel.

Got an update from the doctor today, one of the 7 frosties from yesterday didn't make it. But I have two more blastocysts today they froze. So now we are up to 8. Craziness.
jkb-Where are you babe and what's going on?

Sars-Glad everything went well yesterday and I'm really pleased that you had seven to freeze. Awesome news.

Beagle-Enjoy your weekend!

ERose-I can't remember if I told you, but I'm glad you're feeling better and your thyroid is back to where it should be. What a relief.
They only checked the 3 betas highest one being 168. I go in Wednesday for my ultrasound. I'm praying hard for a heartbeat. I got 2 hpt today so I think I'm going to POWs in the am just hoping it is really dark.
Hope you had some reassuring results this AM JKB!! Can't wait to hear your good news Wednesday
Thanks Sars! The test was positive:) the test line was almost equal to the control line. I was hoping it would be darker but I'm happy with a good strong positive. We stayed busy to pass the time today and that is my plans til Wednesday:)

How are you feeling???
Best of luck with your scan jkb!! It's an anxious time but it will be so worth it when you see that little heartbeat and baby on the screen!!
That's good news JKB! I'm feeling pretty normal actually. I haven't started losing my mind yet. I think it has been helpful knowing there is no point in testing right now. Will get harder when we get into days I can. We've got lots of plans to keep us busy and hopefully distracted this week.
The party food is almost done! I just have to cook tater tots and heat the spinach dip and cook bread once guests arrive. Woohoo!!

It's bern over a month since AF arrived so I may have to go see a doctor. I took a test on Thursday, I think, and it was negative. Nothing is going on menstrually for this girl. Eek.
The party food is almost done! I just have to cook tater tots and hear the spinach dip and cook bread once guests arrive. Woohoo!!

It's bern over a month since AF arrived so I may have to go see a doctor. I took a test on Thursday, I think, and it was negative. Nothing is going on menstrually for this girl. Eek.

Maybe it is your body detoxing and regulating after so many med cycles.

We don't have cable but my husband just figured out the antenna. So now he's can watch. I am pretty sleepy. I am all bundled up and warm and just finished some sleepy tea.
Jkb, hope for good news at your scan!

Beagle how are you feeling?

Terri how was the party?

I am so excited for the next round of bfps!!

Nothing to report other than I seem to be nesting very early this time around. I baked Paleo banana chocolate chip bread, a lasagna, and really have been cooking a lot more than I normally do. I also went into a cleaning fit of rage yesterday. I used this 1 inch micro tool to vacuum every blind, lampshade, molding, radiator...then moved furniture and vacuumed like crazy then mopped. The dust from the heat and the salt from the driveway and roads made the floors gross and now everything shines, smells clean, and I hope despite today's weather it stays this way for the week at least. A big pet peeve is walking around and feeling grit or something under my feet, and when I'm pregnant I need a super clean house or it makes me crazy. I think I was at it for at least 3hrs. Then we went to a friends house for the Superbowl and they have a recording studio in the basement where Jack was playing the drums. He was hitting the drums, cymbals, and sitting on dh's lap. When he wanted the bass drum he would take the drumstick and poke my's was the craziest thing I've ever seen. Our friend who is a musician and who'e recording studio it is was floored that a 1yr old was doing this so he took videos. Now dh wants to get Jack a drum kit...this should be interesting.

Now to the worst ending to one of the best Superbowls I've seen in a while....terrible call to pass the ball with one of the best running backs in the league. Made me sick to see Tom Brady jumping up and down. Hate the Pat's.
I hope everyone had a good weekend (despite that crappy SB end)!

BabyW - Ugh. You're telling me. We were so happy and excited, and then in like 10 seconds that flipped on a dime to utter disappointment. Everyone in Seattle is moping around today, although on my Facebook newsfeed a lot of people are like, "It's ok, we are still proud of our Hawks!" "In my eyes, we won!" "Thanks for a wonderful season!" LOL, true Seattle-ites. So polite. That's awesome that Jack is musically inclined! Maybe you have a little prodigy on your hands.

Jkb - Yay for a positive! That's exciting! Can't wait to hear the news on Wed!

Knitgirl - how are you feeling?

Sars - how was house hunting this weekend? That's a good distraction! Glad you feel good.

Afm - I got my period on Sat. That's normal, right?? Being on Lupron, waiting for my FET, getting af? Booger, I remember you mentioned you were expecting to get it around this time too...

We picked out our tile on Sat, and got an estimate for the vanity. Shopped around for bathroom fixtures, got the estimate for the labor too. Yee, I am excited!!
UGH. That Super Bowl. That was the WORST play call. I hated seeing the Pats all excited. We went to two parties and my hubs enjoyed having me as the DD. I'm rather small so if I have two beers I'm usually over the legal limit.

BabyW: Sounds like you've got a musical prodigy on your hands!

LadySosa, so exciting you made all those bathroom decisions fast. I'm usually so indecisive. We spent Friday and Saturday scrubbing the house for listing photos. Our realtor's only suggestion was to fix a crack in our plaster ceiling, which I knew needed to be done. Now we wait to hear what he thinks we can list it at. That might make us sit on it long. We saw three houses Sunday. One is a beautiful house that dates back to 1800 with the original floors on a gorgeous lot. But ultimately the bedrooms were teeny, tiny and the master bedroom suite was on the first floor a ways away from the second floor. We both loved the second house it was pretty perfect. Checked almost all the boxes. Third house had my dream kitchen but the rest of it was just meh for me.

I'm starting to lose my mind a bit with the not knowing what's going on in my body at the moment. I was very zen at first and hubs was nervous. Then I decided to test yesterday to make sure my trigger was gone, knowing there was no way I could get a positive pregnancy test otherwise. And now it is all I can think about.

Curious for those of you that did test early... does it matter what sort of test you use? I have a ton of those test strips you stick in a cup.
LadySosa - good luck on the remodel. I have a ton of that I want to do. My house was bought new...but we did not build it. The shell is perfect for us, but a lot of the cabinets are not my favorite. I have those huge mirrors in our bathrooms. My stand up shower has a curtain instead of a door. The kitchen cabinets are dark wood but I think I want light or white. Also the cabinets in the bathrooms & kitchen all match. So does the tile in the bathrooms. And it is bland. My first goal was to paint all the rooms. I love vibrant/different colors. My mom HATES it. So funny. When house hunting she was in a house all painted & she was like Ugh why would someone do this? And I said Oh I don't know, maybe their mom never let them paint their room despite promising all the time. So now my house, my colors!

Negative test for me today. But I had pinching over the weekend & a cramp in my side today. Slight cramping like AF. Starting to have some doubts but really trying to stay positive. I know it is way too early.
I test with the cheap ones & plan to use a good one if I get a positive. Before my fresh cycle was converted to a FET, I had planned to test every day until trigger was gone. I did not want to second guess if I got a positive.

Was the trigger out of your system?

I may test every day now...not sure. I did buy some cheap tests at Walmart because I realized I only have one first response & 2 clear blues. but they are blue dyes that a bought. That is another a general rule people say to stay away from blue dyes because they can cause false positives. I just didn't feel like spending a lot, so I got the Walmart brand blue dye. I didn't really need more tests since I have a ton of cheaps...but I just felt like buying some...can't explain it.

I was also kind of bummed after shopping because of my I got a mt dew & twix to eat for breakfast. Ugh...I know...but I caved in.
beagle, its totally normal for the doubts to creep in a bit... even as confident as I was that mine was gonna work this time, I still had some fears push their way into my brain on several occasions. I think that just comes from how long and hard we've all tried, at some point, a BFP just starts to feels so out reach to us. But I feel like you are so totally prego! You don't have any issues, you're young, and you did PGS, so you know the embie is viable. All the odds are for sure in your favor. I'm pretty sure the BFP I got at 4dpt was later in the day too... I didnt test when I got up that morning. If I recall correctly, I waited until the afternoon sometime, and that line was really light (I didn't post that one, I waited until the line was darker the next day and posted that one.)

sars, I so totally know the feeling! The first couple of days are so chill and relaxed. And then it started to drive me nuts not knowing what was going on in there! That's why I caved so early. :wacko: As for which tests, I used mostly FRERs (I'm surprised that company didn't bankrupt me), but I also had some of the $1 New Choice tests from the Dollar Tree. The same day that I got a really faint BFP on my FRER, I had a faint line on the dollar test too.
Beagle, I wouldn't get worked up at this point. It is really early. I have the same doubts swirling in my head and I keep forcing myself to be positive. My test yesterday was negative so I'd say the trigger is out. I expected it because my dose was rather low. Funny, I was still a tad disappointed to get a negative. I knew if it is was positive it was the trigger. But I've never seen a positive for any reason. ha. I took one this morning when I got up and it was negative as well. I told myself I wouldn't test until Wednesday, so I'm not sure why I caved. I know it is super early so I am trying to stay calm and positive.

The test's I have are the Wondfo Test Strips, they are way cheaper than the other tests, and I was testing too much before IVF to afford anything else. The dollar stores around me don't have any tests. I have one Clear Blue Easy Digital I figured I would save until Friday AM before my beta. I also added some FRER's to an Amazon order that should arrive today or tomorrow. My boobs have gotten huge in the past few days, like my bras are uncomfortable. But I figure that could also just be an effect of the progesterone.

Waiting sucks.
I hear good things about the dollar tree tests. I have used a few. Walmart also carries a test similar that is 88 cent. FRER is known to be the best...but like I said...just didn't want to spend the money today. The tests I got were equate 2 for $4. I had the FRER generic but put it back for the cheaper...both were blue dye.

Sars - my breasts feel bigger too. I even asked my husband & he agreed. But this started before my transfer or the next day. So I don't think it is an early sign. I actually think mine is from the estrogen. I have been on P before & did not have this result. Then again it was a lower could be. Also when I wake up some mornings it feels like my chest has been hit by a truck! I have never had sore breasts...I think because I am smaller. But they have gotten bigger over the last year. I think it is mainly because I have gained weight but also maybe the drugs.

Are you feeling anything else? Any cramping or twinges?

I am off work today...last day of my mini vacation.
Hello! Wow! What a Super Bowl! Dh made chili and that was all i cared about...haha! Of course Pepcid too! Those commercials really got me upset though . I probably cried the whole Super Bowl.

I used first response and I love that brand. It's never lied to me! That same morning I used a clear blue digital.

It's still pretty early! Stay positive!
I did feel a little twinge/cramping Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. But who knows. I worked Friday and all weekend pretty much went about my normal routine, minus exercising. Working today, although I do work from home and I don't have to go out to do too much today. Just to pick up some court paperwork. We got about 7 inches of snow last night and it is all supposed to freeze tonight. My car is currently parked in two inches of melted snow, it got rather warm today, so tonight and tomorrow should be interesting.

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