First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Went to bed with cramping and waking up to it. I can't tell if it's abdominal or uterine. Feels like I feel during af. Hoping it is all just leading up to a second line.

Did you test this am???:)
Terri, I'm excited as well!!! Glad you are giving it another try. I'm with you girl- drain those funds;) can't wait for you to get started!
Beaglemom - I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I tested at 9dp5dt and my line was really light so I know for a fact it would have been a negative at 4,5,6 maybe even 7dpt. It's still so early for you so don't let yourself get down.

LadySosa - On my fresh cycle I stopped drinking weeks and weeks before I started stimming (at the advise of my RE). But I've been drinking on the weekends lately (I love wine too). I haven't decided when I'll stop. I'm kind of conflicted on that. I was thinking I would stop when I started my meds, which is tomorrow but now I'm thinking an occasional glass on the weekend shouldn't hurt lol.

AFM - I had my baseline appointment this morning. Everything looks good and I start my Estrace tomorrow. On a sour note, they retested my TSH and it came back at 4.08 :( it was 2.8 when they tested it 6 months ago. So my RE has put me on synthoid, so another medication to add to the list of others lol.

:flower:Amy- I'm so happy you're getting started. Hope your thyroid behaves for you. Sorry you had to add another med, that's how I felt about having to start BP meds. I use to run so low they were worried about me, no after all this fertility stuff I'm very hypertensive. But , I will say it runs in my family too.
Thanks ladies...I don't feel the cyst. I don't feel anything except irritable that AF isn't here. It's so bizarre. All those times we want her to stay away, yet when she is SUPPOSED to come, you start getting annoyed because you don't have another chance to TTC until she arrives. Grr.. My FS does do that guarantee thing, but you have to pay outright for it, and insurance doesn't let you do anything like that. So, no, I'm not going to pay 30k or 60k for a guarantee. If I was 30 and had plenty of years to try, I might have done that, but alas, I'm not 30.

Booger-Thanks for the picture. It's gorgeous. The recipe for loaded tots is not really a recipe. Just grate some cheese (or buy already shredded. I like fresh), cook some bacon and cut it up, cook the waffle fries/tots as it says on the package, and a few minutes before they're done, put the bacon/cheese on top and heat for a few more minutes. Once done, put salt/pepper on them. Then get some sour cream and enjoy! hee hee. So easy, yet so yummy. Someone on FB had waffle fries with crab dip on top. That's a little more involved, but I don't want to mix crab with potatoes.

beagle-Ooh...sounds promising..when is your official test date again? The cat moving close to you sounds really exciting.

:wave: to everyone else! Have a fun day today and do something nice for someone.
I did test this morning & it was negative. Hoping all this stuff going on is late implantation. No spotting or anything.

Terri - I didn't think insurance would cover it, but just curious. Would be worth doing if they did cover it.

Back to work for me. Gone 3 business days & I had 65 emails. Ugh. I also brought in my bedroom slippers to wear under my desk to keep my feet warm. Drinking me some tea right now.

Oh & my official test date is 2/9. So less than a week to go. Sars is lucky...she gets her test on Friday!!!
Terri - So, you're 100% sure that you have a cyst or just guessing? Why won't they see you right away to make sure? And yuuum - I haven't had tater tots in so long. It was only me, my DH, and my sister-in-law for the superbowl so I only really made some dips, chips - things like that. Oh and I'm not a football fan but was rooting for Seattle. Painful ending.

Beagle/Sars - I hope you get positive test real soon! I don't know how you're testing every day like that. I couldn't even test once because I was so nervous.

Brighteyez - Sorry for the delay. Why did they decide to delay everything?

Babywhisperer/Moni - How much snow did you get yesterday? We ended up with about 10 inches. Starting to run out of places to put it!

Ladysosa - I definitely had a glass or two of wine and/or beer until about a few days before my ER. And then I had a glass of wine the night after my ER - maybe even the next day but that was it. Held off a few days before each procedure. I say get it in while you can. :)

Amy - So excited that you're starting up again! How long will you be on estrace?

Booger - Gorgeous pics!

Hi everyone else! Nothing to report here. It's been freeeezing so really I've just been hibernating and taking it easy. I'm starting to feel like a real sloth though. Need to get my butt moving!
Beagle I also think your symptoms sound very promising! Hang in there you're still really early!!! My embryologist came in with my dr on the morning of my transfer. She said that my ebmbryo was actually ahead and ready to go, that if you look at the picture you can see the "shell" and she is coming almost all the way out. So that actually put her that extra day ahead. In your picture you can still see him in his "shell". Which is the expectation. But he needs that extra time to come out completely so he can hatch. With all Pgs testing the embryos get the assisted hatching because that is the process to send the biopsy. On the left in your pic you can see where he is starting to make his way out of the shell:) I definitely have a good gut feeling for you but I know, along with everyone else here how hard that wait is.
I just have to test now hat I started. Suprnervousyesterday, but feeling a bit better. I hope my symptoms are a good thing. Thank you for that explaination on the embryo. My embryologist explained something about it being expanded or not expanded. I didn't understand what he was saying. Plus the accent. But he was explaining why it looked how it did. Something about the freeze. Now that I am up & about, the cramping is def more uterine. No more tummy issues so far.

Oh we did do a dip for Superbowl...really just because we wanted it. Very easy. Cream cheese (1 package, but I use 2), Jimmy Dean sausage (I get the hot), & rotel. I also added cheddar cheese to it. I didn't realize the creamcheese was a bit the ceddar balanced it out. So good with tostitos...or just a spoon! :)
Good morning guys! Ugh, have the worst headache this morning. I feel hungover but didn't drink anything last night. Blasted Lupron.

Booger - wow! Absolutely gorgeous! You are so lucky that you live in such a scenic place. I've never been to Montana but hear nothing but good things.

Amy - ugh - one more medication. :( Not fun. But at least they caught it early and are monitoring it closely!

Erin - glad you are feeling good! Any baby bump yet??

Beagle - sorry for the BFN, but all this cramping must be implantation symptoms, right?? Sounds like a good sign!

Sars - how are you feeling? Your test is in a few days!!

Terri - Yay!! So glad to have you back in the game!! :) I hope af comes soon!

BabyW/Moni/Kfs - stay safe and warm out of the snow!

Afm - we cleaned out our bathroom last night and today is the DEMOOO!! Last night we went around buying the supplies for our contractor - material for tile, new fan, etc. etc. We also got the tile warmer thingy, so our tile floors will be warm!
kfs1-Well, I figured that is what it was at first, and then when I wrote to the nurse, she said 'it's probably a cyst. Wait one week and then come in for bloodwork/us.' What else could it be? I'm certainly not pregnant, unfortunately. Glad you're just chillin'. I keep thinking about how you have no symptoms and if I really was pregnant right now, I'd also have no symptoms. HA! :wacko:

So I made my follow up appointment for Thursday, talked to my prescription insurance and the lady said she THINKS I have 10k per year to use (how are these people so incompetent?), so I'm pretty much ready to move forward. If they find out that I do have a cyst, I'm hoping (not really) that they give me BCP and it shrinks, wait for AF, and then start stimming. In a perfect world...
kfs1-Well, I figured that is what it was at first, and then when I wrote to the nurse, she said 'it's probably a cyst. Wait one week and then come in for bloodwork/us.' What else could it be? I'm certainly not pregnant, unfortunately. Glad you're just chillin'. I keep thinking about how you have no symptoms and if I really was pregnant right now, I'd also have no symptoms. HA! :wacko:

So I made my follow up appointment for Thursday, talked to my prescription insurance and the lady said she THINKS I have 10k per year to use (how are these people so incompetent?), so I'm pretty much ready to move forward. If they find out that I do have a cyst, I'm hoping (not really) that they give me BCP and it shrinks, wait for AF, and then start stimming. In a perfect world...

I hate when I tlk to peope who should know the answer & they say I think or should be...but then offer up no follow up. If you work in insurance & you say I think, follow up with but I will double check to be sure. Don't leave me hanging!
Good morning ladies,

Terri - I am so happy you are trying again. I hope everything with the insurance company. I know the frustration you are feeling with their uncertainty, but I am sure everything will workout. Can't wait for th process to begin for the both of us.
Brighteyez, so sorry for the delay but it will be here before you know it.

Moni you're so lucky you stayed in. I came to work and slid the whole way to the train station, took 2hrs to get a train out of Penn Sta home, and my car was an igloo when I got to the station. Took 30min to de-ice. Treacherous.

Beagle, sorry you're not feeling good, but if it's what I think it is you will be feeling off for about 35 more weeks!!

Booger those pics are awesome! Bluebird day!!

Terri sounds like you have good insurance. We only had a lifetime of 10k which was used up by IUI. I'm glad you're starting. I forgot but have you done acupuncture?

Sars I'm getting excited for your beta!!

Amy, sorry about the thyroid, all this TTC business really throws our bodies out of wack. The Synthroid will help a lot. I'm excited for you to start!

Kfs we got about 4 inches, then sleet/ice and then another 2. The driveway looks like a Jell-O 1-2-3 dessert!

Ladysosa, I had some wine here and there but I never really got my tolerance back after having Jack. It's hard for me to be dragging all day with a 1yr old. I say moderation is key.

Hello to everyone else, hope you are all staying safe and warm. Nothing new with me, feeling good just tire easily at the end of the day.
Brighteyez, so sorry for the delay but it will be here before you know it.

Moni you're so lucky you stayed in. I came to work and slid the whole way to the train station, took 2hrs to get a train out of Penn Sta home, and my car was an igloo when I got to the station. Took 30min to de-ice. Treacherous.

Beagle, sorry you're not feeling good, but if it's what I think it is you will be feeling off for about 35 more weeks!!

Booger those pics are awesome! Bluebird day!!

Terri sounds like you have good insurance. We only had a lifetime of 10k which was used up by IUI. I'm glad you're starting. I forgot but have you done acupuncture?

Sars I'm getting excited for your beta!!

Amy, sorry about the thyroid, all this TTC business really throws our bodies out of wack. The Synthroid will help a lot. I'm excited for you to start!

Kfs we got about 4 inches, then sleet/ice and then another 2. The driveway looks like a Jell-O 1-2-3 dessert!

Ladysosa, I had some wine here and there but I never really got my tolerance back after having Jack. It's hard for me to be dragging all day with a 1yr old. I say moderation is key.

Hello to everyone else, hope you are all staying safe and warm. Nothing new with me, feeling good just tire easily at the end of the day.

I hope so. The bad feelings in my belly are just cramping.
Terri, glad to hear you have a plan to move forward. Insurance people are so totally incompetent. We were actually first told we'd have coverage for 6 IUIs. We decided to give it a shot in November and December -- even though my doctor thought it was a long shot -- since it'd be free. It got disputed, took them six weeks to sort it out and they we were told oops, your policy was conflicting. It isn't covered. It was kick in the stomach. If you feel comfortable talking to HR they might be able to confirm your coverage. I had to get my HR involved.

So, I've had a weird morning. I woke up having to go to the bathroom real early this AM and decided to just POAS. I was half asleep, saw what seemed like a pretty quick fast negative and went back to bed. When I got up a few hours later, I saw a pretty solid positive. But it'd been sitting for a few hours so I wanted to test again.

I chugged a lot of Gatorade and I've got a pretty faint positive. Cautiously, very excited. :happydance:

The first photo is the most recent one. The second one is my early morning one that I left.


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SARS!! That's awesome! Very positive!!!are you 5dpt?? Congrats lady!!!
Terri, glad to hear you have a plan to move forward. Insurance people are so totally incompetent. We were actually first told we'd have coverage for 6 IUIs. We decided to give it a shot in November and December -- even though my doctor thought it was a long shot -- since it'd be free. It got disputed, took them six weeks to sort it out and they we were told oops, your policy was conflicting. It isn't covered. It was kick in the stomach. If you feel comfortable talking to HR they might be able to confirm your coverage. I had to get my HR involved.

So, I've had a weird morning. I woke up having to go to the bathroom real early this AM and decided to just POAS. I was half asleep, saw what seemed like a pretty quick fast negative and went back to bed. When I got up a few hours later, I saw a pretty solid positive. But it'd been sitting for a few hours so I wanted to test again.

I chugged a lot of Gatorade and I've got a pretty faint positive. Cautiously, very excited. :happydance:

The first photo is the most recent one. The second one is my early morning one that I left.

That is no squinter, that's a bonafide BFP!!!! Congrats girl!!

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