First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Sars that's great news! Sounds like all is great in there, how exciting that its less than a week until you see baby on your scan!

Beagle, I'm so sorry about your dads reaction, sounds like he thinks its about him when this is all about you guys. You are handling it so well though, try not to let it spoil your joy of such an amazing time.

Jkb, that its hilarious.... And very inventive!! Might take a while to cover all your roots that way!! Luckily I'm blonde so last pregnancy I coped through first tri and could then have highlights using foils.

Anyone got romantic valentines plans?

Terri yay for af!!

My af arrived yesterday too and I went for my baseline scan. The nurse didn't seem very positive as she only saw 4 follicles, poss a very small 5th. My understand is the stims (I started gonal f this morning) should help grow and mature those 4 I've got but that's it. Has this happened to anyone else here? I only have one ovary and a low amh. Feeling a bit worried.
Mrs w- the stems will definitely help! But remember it only takes one!! Quality over quantity!!! I do believe gonal f is the magic drug. That could be why it cost 4k a pop.

Yeah , the eye shadow worked...somewhat... But was gross feeling every time I ran my fingers thru my hair. Oh well I think once I'm in 2nd trimister I will feel better about actually getting it done.
I had my baseline bloodwork and u/s this morning. 10 follicles on the left, and 12 on the right. Not I got the skinny on my fibroid. It's getting bigger (as in, now I can actually see it on the screen), but it is out of the way like my doctor said, so no reason to worry about it. And...there's only one. So...bloodwork results will come back tomorrow and I'll probably be back on BCP tomorrow as well. If it wasn't so windy I'd get the prescription filled now, but it can wait a few hours. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! I'm staying warm and inside. Even Fun hated going outside this morning. Brrrr...
Thanks jkb, that's good to hear. I'm on 300 gonal f so the max dose. I think I'd have to have minimum 4 follicle to go ahead with ec and the nurse seemed so negative, reminding me of the possibilities of cancellation of cycle that its got me really anxious about what I will hear when I go back next week.

Has anyone heard of wheatgrass for helping eggs grow? I've read so many things, it's always hard to know what to try! I've heard protein, avocado, lots of green leafy veg etc. lots of water.
Mrs. W-I was on 275 gonal F I believe. I don't know anything about supplements or certain foods. I don't really believe that stuff, so sorry I can't help. The number of follies may change with stims so keep taking your shots and thinking positively.
How was everyone's weekend? I found out some great news. My sister called me on Valentine's Day and told me that she's pregnant and due 4 days before me! She has 1 son who will be 9 in August so it was kind of a surprise but they're so excited. My nephew's wish every year on his birthday has been for a little brother. :) She's known since November but wanted to wait to make sure everything with me was OK and didn't want to steal my "spotlight" since I'm having my first. The funny thing is is that I HATE the spotlight :) but I do understand her holding off a bit because of all of the IVF stuff. But not this long!!! Anyway, I'm sooooooooo excited for another niece or nephew. I'm sure my mom's having a heart attack. She'll be coming up from SC when the babies are born and will be running around all over the place since we're delivering at different hospitals.
Oh wow, Kfs! That is awesome! How special that you and your sister get to go through all this together! And yeah, that is a long time to hold out before sharing her news. Very thoughtful of her though.

Beagle - that's good that your DH's job doesn't change until March. March is really only a couple weeks away!

Mrs. W - yes, that's what the stims are for! The follicles should increase for sure.

Terri - yay for the baseline! And those are great numbers!

Afm, I am feeling so much better than last week. Much less emotional, more energized. I worked out yesterday (first time in about a month and a half), so it felt really good to get back at it. My phone interview on Friday went well. We'll see if I get a call back for an in-person. I really hope I do. It's kind of an awkward time to be thinking of changing jobs (seeing as I could be preggo in 2 weeks), but my boss is just so looney I am not sure how much longer I can withstand it here.

Our weekend was awesome. The weather here in Seattle's been gorgeous, sunny, around 60 degrees (sorry to those of you dealing with snow and wind - ugh!). Our garden thinks its spring already! Yesterday we went into the little town by our house, got coffee, had a little picnic by the marina. I baked cookies and caught up on laundry. Just a nice, leisurely day!

How's everyone else doing this morning? Booger - I feel like we haven't heard from you in a while!
Hi ladies!!

I have the day off so I thought I would catch up.

LadySosa - So did you get to lower your Lupron dose finally?? It does make a difference. I'm glad you are feeling better. Exercise really does relieve stress better than anything else, at least in my opinion (Well, maybe a good beer of glass of wine is almost as good.). Sometimes we really do just need to sweat it out. Only two more weeks your transfer!!! Hooray! :happydance: Our weather here has been gorgeous as well. It's really quite crazy. Your weekend sounds quite lovely.

kfs - That's awesome about your sister! :happydance: That was very sweet of her to not want to steal your spotlight. Awwww. I just love that. Sorry about your crappy weather. I really, really wish we were getting it here instead!

MrsW - I'm with Terri. I'm not a big supplement gal. The only one I took was Coq10. You have to be on them for 3 months for them to affect egg quality though. Since you're starting soon, I'm not sure anything you would take right now would help much. Just my two cents, though. Good luck!!!!

Terri - That's a great antral follicle count!!! Hooray! I am so happy you're getting started again. Stay warm! When do you get started on stims again?

Beagle - That's great that your DH will get be with you at your first scan. It will be so sweet to have him with you.

Sars - Wahoo on your last beta coming in right where they wanted it! Did you have another today? How did it go??

jkb - Haha. Your eye shadow story was funny. I used to use this dry shampoo called Hair Fix that was tinted to match one's hair color. It was always weird to shampoo in the shower after having used it because you could see it turning the water brown. Anyway, we do what we have to do, right?? :haha:

Moni - I hope you had a wonderful shower and soaked up as much sun as possible!!!

knitgirl - TWINS!!! Wahoo! And holy crap! That's amazing. I really hope things go smoothly for you. :flower: Our first set of twins on here. So exciting!

Erin - I cannot believe you are already almost through the first trimester. Wahoo! How are you feeling??

Amy - One more week to go for us!! I cannot wait. I am dying over here - this week is busy so that should help it fly by for me. I hope the same happens for you. So far, my monitoring has been going well. Sounds like you are having the same results. Yippee!!! I can't wait!

Welcome to Prayingforno1!

Hello to Jen, Brighteyez, and babywhisperer!!! I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day and weekend.

Man, you really can't go away for very long around here or you lose track fast!

Well, transfer is officially one week away (I guess a little less now :winkwink:). I am dying with anticipation. I have been busy trying to get in every last bit of things I won't be able to do for awhile. Running hard, skiing hard, and having a few beers every now and again. :drunk:

Only two more Lupron shots! But the dreaded PIO starts Wednesday evening. :cry: I hope they aren't too bad.

This week is going to be crazy. Work is insanely busy and I have to head over to my clinic twice! I drive over tomorrow night after work so that I can have an US and blood draw Wednesday morning. Then I'll drive back home. Transfer is scheduled for next Monday but I have to have one last blood draw on Sunday morning and that can't be done locally so I have to head back over to Spokane on Saturday. DH isn't going so it's going to be a solo trip. No big deal but I'm going to have to find something to keep me busy while I'm over there. Maybe I'll get in one last nice, long run before transfer.

Anyway, I'm super excited and even more nervous. I finally told a good friend of mine today all about what was going on while we were out hiking. I'm so glad I told her - it's nice to have someone else here in person (besides DH) excited along with me.

I hope everyone is doing well!!!
kfs - that is great news about your sister. I am thinking of seeking out some groups locally to find some pregnant buddies.

Mrs W - I do think supplements help. However, as Booger said, they take about 3 months to effect anything. So for now just relax & listen to your dr. Be sure to ask questions if you have any but trust them. You will be fine.

So here is an update on my situation with my dad. My mom said very seriously she wanted to drive to VA (4 hrs) to punch him in the face. I will be telling my step dad on Wed. I hope my chocolate wrappers come in today so we can start mailing those out.

I went outlet shopping (yes again). Sat was with my friend & yesterday with my mom. I found some great deals on Maternity clothes. I actually found some at Burlington Coat Factory & Burkes Outlet. Mostly shirts. So I think I should be all set on clothes for me & baby. Now I am looking for clothes over 12 months.

We had an ice storm here last night. Work is delayed until 12 but I have to call in at 11 to check for updates. I am crossing fingers for another day off.

I hope any of the other folks hit by the storm are staying safe!
Sars yeahhhhhh! I knew it would be all good. Rest easy mama, you are doing great.

Beagle, I'm sorry about your Dad, it's probably his own residual issues with the divorce and family dynamics. Some people will find something wrong in everything. Having low expectations is sometimes the best course and not expecting people to behave or respond the way you would. I tend to over give or give really elaborate and well thought out gifts and those that don't reciprocate or do a half-a$$ed job I just stop making such a concerted effort. Don't let it get to you, but give him a call maybe and explain that you thought it was a cute idea, bury the issue and move on. It's not worth a stand-off of stubbornness or harboring hurt feelings. Some people are just emotionally inept. This is a time for you to be happy and surround yourself with healthy and positive people....block out the rest. You will find in this journey that everyone responds differently. My sister-in-laws didn't come to my baby shower. One had to work (she didn't want to be bothered with finding a fill-in) and the other said it was her bday weekend and was doing something with my BIL. Was I hurt, yes but now I know their sense of obligation is not like mine. Don't let it get you down.

As far as haircolor, last time I did this vegetable dye for the first 14 weeks, but not this time. I got my hair colored twice in the 1st tri since I get a single process. From what I have read and from what my Dr has told me it isn't bad. That's why I really stretched my time in between appointments. I am so grey and when prego my hair grows super fast.

Lady, I'm so sorry the Lupron is doing a number on you. Have you tried acupuncture? I swear it helps balance the effects of the meds.

Amy it's almost time!!! I can't believe how time is flying!

Terri yeah for af!! I'm so excited for you to start again.

Hello to everyone else. I hope all the pregos are feeling good and those up next, I am crossing fingers and toes for you.

Afm, not much to report. I had a fast appt on Fri just to hear the heartbeat. My level 2 ultrasound is 3/18, I lost a couple of pounds from last month, probably from being sick with the never-ending cold. My sinuses are so bad I fell asleep for 2hrs each day this weekend and went to bed at 8pm on Valentine's Day. We rescheduled our dinner to Sunday and dh did so many sweet things for me this weekend. I got 2 cards, flowers, and a whole lot of attention. I asked the Dr on Fri if despite the hematoma if I could resume all normal activities and she said yes. I said good, b/c it's Valentine's Day weekend and my bump is only getting bigger! She got a laugh out of that. Only thing is (TMI warning) is I cramp after we bd. I know it's normal, but it's a weird sensation. Oh, and I fell Fri night. We went out for dinner with 2 other couples and went to our club. They opened the bowling alley for us since we asked ahead of time. I slipped and landed on my back and hip. It rattled my spine and I was sore for 2 days, but I'm fine. I also beat everyone in bowling!! I am not a bowler and haven't worked out in months so I was plenty sore the next day. I can't wait for this cold to be gone b/c I am excited to get back to the gym.

Hope everyone this side of the Mississippi is ok with this crazy weather! Be careful out there!
Good morning ladies!

Booger - yayy! Just a few more days! Time is flying - it is crazy! So excited for you. Get those beers in while you can. ;)

BabyW - Aww, that is so sweet that DH was taking good care of you this weekend. Yikes on the fall - be careful lady!

Beagle - woohoo on the shopping! You are set!

Afm - yes, starting the estrogen and reducing the Lupron has definitely helped. I am feeling a lot better. I have bloodwork scheduled for this Thursday, then we're off on our trip Fri-Mon! Woohoo.
We finally got a good bit of snow, so I called out today. I mean, I'm working from home. HA!!HA!! I have a feeling many others are as well, but my hubs shoveled and he went to work. He's a workaholic.

Anyway...I was able to find BCP in my drawer, so I didn't have to stress about the pharmacy not having it. They never have anything..the truck is coming in today with my delivery, but since I have 1.5 weeks of BCP leftover from last time I'm not going to rush to CVS. It was packed all day/night yesterday with anticipation of this storm. I even dusted/brushed an old man's car window when I left. Old people are funny. I guess he didn't have a shovel, so he used his fingers and brushed a little. As I was driving past him, I was like 'Let me dust this guy's car, so he doesn't get in an accident.' I parked, ran over to his car and asked him if he wanted me to dust it off. He nodded 'Oh,ok.' Considering it's February and hubs and I just finished watching a 6 hour PBS/MD public tv special on African American History from the 1700s to today, I totally felt like a slave, while he was sitting in his warm car, but whatever. I did my good deed. He didn't say thank you. I just moved out of the way, and he left. Jerk. HA!!HA!! Just kidding. I hope he made it home safely.

I should be getting my schedule from the nurse today, but I haven't gotten it yet. Fun is doing great, and we are loving going out in the snow and running around. It makes him happy, which in turn makes me happy. Hubs is even showing some pleasure with this dog. HA! That also makes me happy.

Booger-Sorry it's not snowing so much out there. You can have the snow next year! New England will need a break.
LadySosa/Amy-The countdown is on for reals!! We need some fresh transfer action around here. I like when others are in the TWW. hee hee.
Beagle-Hope the presentation with your step dad works out well.
BabyW-Nice job winning the bowling game and good for getting some exercise.

Hi to everyone else! Enjoy your FAT TUESDAY!!
Hi ladies. Having a hard time getting motivated to work today after a really relaxing three day weekend. My meetings this morning were cancelled due to snow and I'm just sort of twiddling my thumbs.

Had another beta yesterday and my RE was pleased with the numbers so I don't go back in until the U/S Friday, which is scheduled for 2 p.m. I was so relieved I forgot to even ask what the number was.

Yesterday, hubs and I went to the Pottery Barn Outlet and went antiquing. I got the cutest crib sheets with little elephants on them. They slay me. DH totally thought I was going to give in and buy this elephant chair but I restrained myself. Baby stuff is just so cute. I saw both American Sniper and 50 Shades this weekend, clearly very different movies but I enjoyed them both. Anyone see them?

Kfs, that's so sweet about your sister and so, so fun you'll get to go through all of this together.

Booger, good to hear you're doing well and enjoying lots of fun before you're transfer. It is so close! Do you plan to run after? I only didn't because of the stims after effects. I did go out for two miles with my running club last Wednesday, which felt good.

LadySosa, glad you're feeling more normal. I'm super jealous of your trip.

Terri, glad things are moving along. That's a great follicle count.
Beaglemom - That sucks about your dad. Maybe you can text once more to try and explain it to him? Older people can be a little dense sometimes, more so if they were dense to begin with lol. Maybe you can tell him that he was one of the first people you told, and that you tried to put thought into the way you told people and you thought he would like the birthday surprise. Then end it with saying you were hoping he would be happy for you and that you wish the focus would have been on this monumental news you shared. Make him feel a little guilty, he deserves it lol. But I get it, if you just want to leave it alone, then do that. Do what makes you feel best.

Lady Sosa - Only two more weeks whooo hoooo!!!!!

Terri - Congrats on the baseline follicle count!! That's great news!!
My DH is a workaholic too. A snow storm wouldn't keep him home either lol. I was with someone for a few years that used to call in sick if he stubbed his toe. It used to drive me crazy. I used to think to myself, you damn lazy pansy ass lol. So I really love his ambition and drive because I know that other side of that coin and it blows LOL.
And good for you and your good deed. Maybe he didn't appreciate it but I think it was very cool of you!

kfs1 - Congrats on being prego twins with your sister. That is so sweet.

Babywhisperer - Ouch!! I hope you start to feel better soon!! You can't seem to catch a break :(

Booger76 - We are soooo close :happydance: I'm sure the week will go by fast. I can't believe tomorrow is Wednesday already lol.

Well one week to go for me. I can't believe it's that close already. I gained about 10 pounds since the start of my first cycle, with the meds and everything else. My goal was to lose it before the transfer and that didn't happen lol :dohh: I've also had wine every single night since Thursday. With Valentine's day and the holiday weekend, we've gone out every single night. But I'm starting to feel guilty. For those of you that did a frozen transfer did you drink almost all the way up until the transfer?
Oh, Terri, I forgot to say LOL about your story! What a jerk! That was a very nice thing you did. He should have shown some appreciation.

Amy - I've been drinking wine almost every night too. I feel kinda guilty about it, but my nurse did say it was ok, as long as I don't overdo it. We're trying to drink up all our good wine from Napa before I get preggo! DH will NOT be enjoying that stuff without me! LOL. I think we're fine. I think my plan is to stop drinking 2-3 days before the transfer so it can get outta my system.
Oh and Sars - yay for starting to buy baby stuff!! I love Pottery Barn. I can't wait to buy adorable little baby stuff.
Amy and booger- can't wait for y'all to be in the tww as well! It's almost here!!

Terri- yay for a great baseline follicle count! Cleaning his window was a very kind gesture. Hopefully, it unfroze his seemingly cold heart;) kudos to you for being the good person.

Kfs- I'm sure you will do great with twins. I can't wait to see pics of them together!! I wish I was preggo with my sis! Does family know you're having twins???

Lady- not much longer on the dreaded meds! Hope you have a great trip!!

Baby w- glad your better post fall! Thought I was going to slip on all this ice we got today! I love bowling! And somehow I'm shockingly good at it. Yay for winning!

Beagle - I wanna go outlet shopping but it's just too cold for me now. I tried 2 weeks ago and ended up just buying a big coat then I left;)

SARS - I'm so happy your numbers are checking out good! I think you just caught them before a rise that one time:)

Afm- I had a repeat ultrasound today. I'm so thankful to the Lord!! Her heart rate was 176!!!! And she was even flipping and moving all around. She still measured 2 days behind but that was the same as the 1st ultrasound! My RE released me to regular ob and has me stopping my meds at 12 weeks. I have a appt with the ob on next Thursday. Only negative news is my ob is older and stopped delivering a few months ago:( sucks cause I love him! So I'm booked with a new lady. Hope she knows her crap;)
<<<<<<check out my cute baby doll;) (pic to the left)
Amy and booger- can't wait for y'all to be in the tww as well! It's almost here!!

Terri- yay for a great baseline follicle count! Cleaning his window was a very kind gesture. Hopefully, it unfroze his seemingly cold heart;) kudos to you for being the good person.

Kfs- I'm sure you will do great with twins. I can't wait to see pics of them together!! I wish I was preggo with my sis! Does family know you're having twins???

Lady- not much longer on the dreaded meds! Hope you have a great trip!!

Baby w- glad your better post fall! Thought I was going to slip on all this ice we got today! I love bowling! And somehow I'm shockingly good at it. Yay for winning!

Beagle - I wanna go outlet shopping but it's just too cold for me now. I tried 2 weeks ago and ended up just buying a big coat then I left;)

SARS - I'm so happy your numbers are checking out good! I think you just caught them before a rise that one time:)

Afm- I had a repeat ultrasound today. I'm so thankful to the Lord!! Her heart rate was 176!!!! And she was even flipping and moving all around. She still measured 2 days behind but that was the same as the 1st ultrasound! My RE released me to regular ob and has me stopping my meds at 12 weeks. I have a appt with the ob on next Thursday. Only negative news is my ob is older and stopped delivering a few months ago:( sucks cause I love him! So I'm booked with a new lady. Hope she knows her crap;)

That's a great heart rate!! I know how you feel when a Dr stops delivering...I hope one of the Dr's I love doesn't step down his hours, he's wonderful. If this new Dr isn't a good fit, find someone who is. You have to have confidence and feel good about who will deliver.

Kfs, great news about your sister and I love how she kept it a secret to not steal your thunder, that's a wonderful person.

Booger you are so close!!! Sorry the snow this season wasn't great, you can always take a trip to VT and ski all the fresh pow they have...but it's colder than a witch's you-know-what.

How's everyone doing today?
The board is quiet this week! I need some action to read about! Haha.

Jkb - yay! How exciting! And so cool to see your little peanut in her picture. So glad everything is going along smoothly for you. I think Kfs is not actually having twins - its just that her sis is having a baby at the same time...Right? Did I read it correctly?

Anywhoo, afm, nothing too exciting. Still plugging along with 5 mg of Lupron and my estrogen 2x a day. The estrogen is making me break out. Ugh. Getting ready for our trip - soo excited! We fly out Friday.

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