First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Knit that is awesome!!!! I wish you a smooth pregnancy. My friend had twins and went to 37 or 38 weeks. Feel good mama!

Moni have a great shower!

Hope everyone is doing great!
knitgirl-Congrats on your twins that is awesome news and a wonderful surprise right before Valentines Day :) I saw a video clip last night where the mom was trying to get twins dressed for bed and she had to keep stopping dressing one of the babies to grab the other one that had crawled off lol. They were so adorable.

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I do feel comfortable about the current clinic we plan on using and was a bit caught off guard by the nurse's comments but I do appreciate her sharing her concern. May seems far away but when I think I will be starting my BC protocol in little over a month, I get excited/nervous. I still have some bloodwork to do next week and a saline thing (not sure the full name). Hopefully that will come back clean so I have no speed bumps on my road to IVF.
knit, TWINS! That is SO exciting!! I was wondering when this thread would have some twins! As far as that Diclegis... I haven't had ms, so I dont have actual experience with that med, but I believe its the same one Jen took of the over-the-counter version (Unisom, but with Doxylamine). And if i recall correctly, she felt like a new woman the very next day. :) More good news is that it's one of very few drugs the FDA feels comfortable putting in Category A for pregnancy because it's been around so long.

I feel like I should put the boy/girl storks (and now the twins emoticon!) out beside the names on the Success list on the front page. As we find out genders and twins/singletons, I think I might do that.

Praying, welcome to the thread!! Glad you joined us. In regards to picking a clinic, mine was easy because it just happens to be located right behind my OB office. When my OB was initially trying to assist us in getting prego, I had seen the place right behind their office, so I already knew it was there. And that's who my OB ended up referring me to anyway. Luckily from my very first appt, I was sold on the place... I love the doctors, the nurses, even the receptionist is a total doll.

beagle, congrats on those great betas! Oh, and congrats to your DH on his promotion! Such great news at such a perfect time. :)

Mrs W, excited to see you get started! I hope AF arrives on time tomorrow!

Sars, do not worry... your numbers are really good, so I doubt anything is going wrong. There have been some on this thread that didn't rise as quickly as others, and everything ended up totally okay. I really do feel like you're fine!

moni, sorry you had to go back for that long 3-hr glucose test! You're so right... I've heard of tons who failed the first one and had to go back for that second one. When mine comes around, I guess I won't eat even a pinch of sugar the couple of days before, and just hope I pass!

LadySosa, glad your baseline went well!! How exciting that your transfer is right around the corner! Wuhu!

Weezy, you're almost there!! It will be here before you know it!

Terri, has AF arrived yet??

Hi to everyone else! :flower: This group is getting bigger and bigger it seems.

AFM, I'm feeling completely back to normal now, and I think I've entered the nesting phase of pregnancy. DH and I got a new mattress and really splurged, and we replaced all of our bedroom furniture. I'm completely obsessed with getting my closet cleaned out and organized, to a point where i'm looking at closet systems online. I've even been attacking the spare bedroom. I would probably have already started the nursery as well, except for the fact that our old furniture is sitting in there waiting for a buyer, and there's zero room to move around in there right now.
Ok, I've added storks to the front page for the ones that I know... let me know if I have you incorrect...

kfs, you're team yellow, right? There's a stork for yellow too, so if you decide you're def not finding out for sure, let me know and I'll add the yellow stork. :)

knit, the only twins emoticon that I saw was for those who already knew the gender! So I guess I'll wait to put yours up until you find out. Even though I was so excited to put that one up, dangit!

For the ones that I have no stork by, I'm thinking you guys don't know the gender yet, but please let me know if I did miss anyone!
Praying - gettin to IVF for me just dragged on & on. I was waiting on a few things in my life as well. But once my meds started...even just the bcp...I felt like I was on my way.

Def takes reviews with a grain of salt. We do that with hotels & cruises. Sometimes you can tell when someone is snooty with super high standards. My RE had a review stating all this nonsense with the finances of being an egg donor. I just cannot believe it went down like that. I have always been given straight info especially on the money side. And I had to sign the invoices.

Erin - I love the gender icons!
OMG knit!!!!!! How exciting!! And a little scary!! Are you going to find out the genders? You guys ready for two??

Praying - welcome! It is tough to wait. I've been on this board since October when I found out IVF was my only chance to have a baby. Then we decided to wait until the new year when our insurance coverage would kick in. Then I had my ER, then had to waaait for them to freeze and now the FET is coming in a few weeks finally. So, I know the feeling to have to wait! May will be here before you know it - in the meantime, take advantage of this short period you have with no kid! You can drink wine, go out when you want, etc. That's how I tried to approach it. Look on the bright side while you have to wait. :)

Amy - Yeah! That's awesome that you and Booger are right ahead of me. You can give me tips! I am SOO ready to wean off the Lupron. At the moment, for no apparent reason, I feel on the verge of tears. ARgh! Hoping the estrogen will regulate my hormones soon.
Wow, AMY, less than two weeks now!! I feel like yours came up SO fast. You must be getting so excited!
LadySosa-Thanks yes I will be enjoying the time during this wait. I joined weight watchers online on Tuesday hoping I can lose about 10-15 pounds by my IVF date and in preparation for my 9 months of weight gain :) GL to you on your transfer. Wow you really had alot of eggs during your stim cycle. Is that the normal amount?
Erin - I know, I feel like it came up really fast too. But then again with Christmas, New Years, and then I got sick, I feel like I've been distracted so that helped lol. I'm really excited and nervous though too :)
Knit- I knew it!!! So excited for you girlie! Congrats to you and hubby! Twins would be so fun. More work initially but then they will entertain each other from 3 years on:)

Welcome praying! May will come up fast! Good luck with weight watchers. I lost a little weight while I was waiting to transfer too and I'm glad I did. I think it can only help to have your body primed and ready:) good luck.

SARS you've been in my thoughts and prayers. Can't wait for your good report tomorrow.

We may have discussed this before.... But do any of you preggo ladies get your hair colored? I am 2 weeks past my color touch up and it's driving me crazy but I'm terrified to do anything that might remotely cause harm I might just have to fugly it up for a bit;)
I do not color but everything I read says it's not a problem.
JKB - I asked my doctor about hair coloring and she gave me a really vague answer but generally said it should be fine. She said to ask the salon about safer dyes. I am soooooooooooooo overdue - my hair's gross. :)

Erin - Yep, I'm team yellow.

Moni - Have so much fun at your shower this weekend!!!

Morning everyone else! :)
Good morning ladies -
Good to know about the hair color! I'm planning to get my hair done a few days before transfer for that very reason. I'd heard not to do it in the first 12 weeks, but it seems like you hear conflicting information everywhere.

Oh man, yesterday I cried in a meeting. It was really embarrassing. Luckily it was just my boss and our general counsel (who's a crotchety old *******), but I was getting really frustrating dealing with him. And I was feeling on the verge of tears all day. So then I just lost it. They were both very understanding and comforting, but I still felt like such a cry baby! C'mon estrogen, kick in already! I need these hormones to balance out!

Our bathroom is looking good. Flooring is done, its all painted, vanity's in, now we just need to find a 60" mirror (hard to find!), get the drawer pulls, find some decor/accessories. Today they'll finish the grout, install the faucets, install the shower head. I cannot believe: 1) how much over the budget we are and 2) how much longer this is taking. We just learned yesterday that the shower door (which we did not factor into the budget) will be an additional $800. Man!

How are the preggo ladies feeling today? Booger & Amy, what are your transfer dates again? Must be soon!

Any fun plans for the weekend?

:wohoo: AF is here and I'm ready to get started..can't help on hair coloring..badumching!

LadySosa -Glad you got your tears out eventually. Sometimes it just happens, and it's ok. No one is judging you.

Moni-Enjoy the warm weather and have a great time at your shower. Get a few pics for us!

I'm in a good mood, but my vent for the day is "If you have an office, why are you booking conference rooms to have a meeting with one other person? You have an office, JACKWAGON!!!" entitled people are the worst. Happy Valentine's!
OMG knit!!!!!! How exciting!! And a little scary!! Are you going to find out the genders? You guys ready for two??

Praying - welcome! It is tough to wait. I've been on this board since October when I found out IVF was my only chance to have a baby. Then we decided to wait until the new year when our insurance coverage would kick in. Then I had my ER, then had to waaait for them to freeze and now the FET is coming in a few weeks finally. So, I know the feeling to have to wait! May will be here before you know it - in the meantime, take advantage of this short period you have with no kid! You can drink wine, go out when you want, etc. That's how I tried to approach it. Look on the bright side while you have to wait. :)

Amy - Yeah! That's awesome that you and Booger are right ahead of me. You can give me tips! I am SOO ready to wean off the Lupron. At the moment, for no apparent reason, I feel on the verge of tears. ARgh! Hoping the estrogen will regulate my hormones soon.

We are going to find out the sex of the babies. Yesterday I felt ready for twins, today not so much. haha. i'm thinking it will be like this for a while! :) You will feel much better once you start your estrogen! Lupron is just so awful!
Knit- I knew it!!! So excited for you girlie! Congrats to you and hubby! Twins would be so fun. More work initially but then they will entertain each other from 3 years on:)

Welcome praying! May will come up fast! Good luck with weight watchers. I lost a little weight while I was waiting to transfer too and I'm glad I did. I think it can only help to have your body primed and ready:) good luck.

SARS you've been in my thoughts and prayers. Can't wait for your good report tomorrow.

We may have discussed this before.... But do any of you preggo ladies get your hair colored? I am 2 weeks past my color touch up and it's driving me crazy but I'm terrified to do anything that might remotely cause harm I might just have to fugly it up for a bit;)

I'm pretty sure the info that we were given yesterday said to wait to do any coloring, etc until after the first tri, but I would ask your OB.
I was told coloring was okay but when I went to have my hair touched up while I was pregnant, my girl said she was only going to use foils and make sure the color didn't touch my scalp just to be extra safe. I guess if it doesn't touch your scalp it can't be absorbed into your body.

Terri - YAY for AF arriving!!!
Have fun at your shower Moni. You picked a good weekend to steal away to warmer weather. Color me jealous under 18 layers of clothes.

Terri, you made me giggle about your hair. Yay for AF arriving and the process getting started! I’m really excited you’re starting!

I don’t color my hair so I’m of no help on that front.

LadySosa, Crying when you don’t want to is the worst! But I wouldn’t sweat it. Man that Lupron sounds awful.

Thanks for all the kind words and prayers. I admit I have been preparing myself for the worst. But I am still hoping it will be for nothing. FWIW, Jen, my nurse, told me this morning my RE is not really concerned. She didn’t tell Jen to tell me it didn’t look good or anything. In fact, she told her not to get me concerned but Jen said she wasn’t going to lie when I asked about my level. She promised to call me as soon as they got the result. I'm trying to get all my work done this morning in case I do get some bad news.

For those of you waiting to get started, I second get those cocktails and runs in while you can!
I don't get full color, but I get highlights and lowlights both. I had mine done right before transfer, so that I could at least get through the first tri. But now that it's been so long, I'm looking a bit dull and could use a refresher. ;) I was 12 weeks yesterday, so will go soon. But to be honest, I think I would've felt okay doing it in the first-tri, since with highlights they only use foils, and like Amy said, some feel that is better than directly on the scalp. I did also read on babycenter, that even when you do full hair without foils, its such a tiny amount that actually absorbs into your bloodstream, that it shouldn't matter. So as with everything else, who really knows! LOL
Hey guys…Lady so sorry you are feeling crazy! But I don’t think pregnancy will be much better…lol! I have not lost it yet but I did feel more emotional than usual watching tv the other day. But it could be my meds too.

Terri – have you seen Office Space? Sometimes I feel like I live in that movie!

Knit – I can understand anxiety over twins. But I guaranty you, most pregnant women are feeling the same. Just focus on having a healthy pregnancy. And how awesome for twins! I am not sure what you want, but I hope it is boy/girl…best of both worlds.

You guys can ignore me if you want…just a little rant of family drama I need to get out.

So my day started out pretty crappy. My husband & I just found out about the pregnancy around the 4th I think (a Wednesday). I made arrangements to see my mom to tell her in person. My dad is in VA…his b-day was Sun. I wanted my mom to know first, so I delayed mailing his card so he would get it Mon. I wrote from us & Baby Boy coming in Oct. After telling my mom, we called my sister. Then on my way home I told my 2 best friends. My husband told a close cousin sworn to secrecy. His family can’t keep a secret & I had planned to mail personalized chocolate wrappers to announce. So anyways, sorry so drawn out. The point is, this was the order of telling people…days after a pos test & not even a pos blood test yet to confirm.

So I had not heard from my dad. A little background. They divorced when I was 9. My mom basically took care of us alone. My dad came around & spent a lot of time with him when we could. But he was 4 hours away. He also never remembers birthdays…which after a certain point is just disrespectful. He lives in his own world. I do not go out of my way to call him. I have never ignored a phone call or text. He calls me as much as I call him. So I text my step mom yesterday to ask if he got the card. Texted her because if he hadn’t I would call to tell him. So she texts congrats & asks if my new number. I have had the same number for 8 years. She says he wants to talk to me. So no phone call last night. Then texts this morning. He says was that your way of telling me you are pregnant? Yes. Well good thing I had a birthday or you would have never told me. I told him we had just found out & it lined up with his birthday. I was so upset. And no further texts back from him. Most men would be excited to get news on their birthday of a new grandchild. Maybe he thought it was impersonal, I don’t know. But even after finding out, he doesn’t call. And now only a text & he has yet to say congrats or anything.

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