First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

LadySosa, WOW, what a difference that made, right?? Totally new bathroom! Looks awesome, I'm sure you're loving it so far! Your RE didn't miss anything... your Endometrin is P, right? That replaces the PIO injections.
I didn't really think about it upsetting anyone...especially because I am not trying to fool anyone. I just thought them second guessing it would be sort of funny. Plus all our family would already know so I am sure they would post on my post & it would seem more real. And it wouldn't just be a husband has a plan on doing this light painting thing where he outlines my belly & writes the due date. And at work I am going all out with cupcakes & blue & all that...seems like a lot for a gag. I can see your point...but in my case I am not actually lying...anyone else have any thoughts on it??? I don't want to upset anyone. Just figured the joke would be that it's not a joke.

Do you really want your announcement to be in a feed of constant April Fool's jokes? It's a very special thing to share, why would you want people to second guess? Their immediate reaction of happiness and excitement would be better if it were me. But you would know better.
Good morning ladies!

Amy - BOOO! Cali, why, oh why?? I saw the forecast. So bummed. Rain and clouds all weekend. So much for our convertible. Haha. Oh, well, we will still have fun!

Ok, here is the bathroom progress so far! Everything's done except for the bathroom drawer pulls, vanity mirror and towel bar. I took a shower this morning in the new shower - very exciting!

You guys all talking about the PIO shots makes me doc never prescribed that. I'm on estrace, lupron, vaginal endometrin (or will be next week) and baby aspirin. I hope they aren't missing something...?

A happy marriage is more than 1 TV and more than 1 sink!! Love it!
Lady - love the bathroom. My office would not allow me to use endometrin for my FET. No studies to prove its success rates. BUT my nurse said the chances were it was fine, but my office is big on studies. I think you are fine.

I will mention the stuff about the post to my husband...see what he thinks. I don't see a lot of April Fools stuff on FB in general either...& I don't think I have ever seen a pregnancy one.

We will see if I can wait a month. I started feeling sick today. My boss had bought me a breakfast sandwhich & then proceeded to detail explain the stomach virus running through his house...yuck. But that didn't upset. Just an hour or so later I was feeling queasy.

Oh my husband is finally trying to finish up my nursery floors today! I am excited.

Little bit of a panic mode...just went to the bathroom & saw a tiny speck of what I think was brown spotting...but I had discarded it too quickly to look close. I have had a lot of cramping/twinges. Trying not to think about it since it was brown. Also the crinone has some discharge so maybe that was it.
LadySosa-The bathroom looks amazing..It's so, so different than the original and I really like it. I wish our main bathroom was bigger. The three of us (me, hubs and Fun) can hardly fit. hee hee. I guess you're getting ready to head out to Cali, so enjoy your stay. It may not be sunny, but hopefully it'll be a little warmer than at home.
Lady - love the bathroom. My office would not allow me to use endometrin for my FET. No studies to prove its success rates. BUT my nurse said the chances were it was fine, but my office is big on studies. I think you are fine.

I will mention the stuff about the post to my husband...see what he thinks. I don't see a lot of April Fools stuff on FB in general either...& I don't think I have ever seen a pregnancy one.

We will see if I can wait a month. I started feeling sick today. My boss had bought me a breakfast sandwhich & then proceeded to detail explain the stomach virus running through his house...yuck. But that didn't upset. Just an hour or so later I was feeling queasy.

Oh my husband is finally trying to finish up my nursery floors today! I am excited.

Little bit of a panic mode...just went to the bathroom & saw a tiny speck of what I think was brown spotting...but I had discarded it too quickly to look close. I have had a lot of cramping/twinges. Trying not to think about it since it was brown. Also the crinone has some discharge so maybe that was it.

You're lucky dh is handy!

My friend posted last year that she was prego with her 6th kid on 4/1, it was literally divided 50/50 as to who believed her and who didn't. I would have believed her if it were any other day.

So homeowner rant here: The wall across from my sons room gets very warm when dh has a fire going, which is often. I was very concerned so I had a chimney guy come today and my Dad met him at the house to verify what he was saying. Turns out we had a clay chimney liner and when they converted from oil to gas they should've installed a stainless steel liner as it's the code where we live, not to mention they can have carbon monoxide emissions from the clay liners. The clay was literally crumbling as the house is 100yrs old. The company came very highly recommended so I said I had to call dh before they could proceed. My Dad went down to the basement and saw the clay liner cracked and crumbling and told me he felt confident that this was 100% necessary and that these guys were being honest. Well dh was not happy, claimed he never saw the text informing him I made an appt for chimney guy to come and that I should shop around for a cheaper guy...thing is with the gas heat that we have, it also uses the chimney to vent and I didn't want to spend another night with that old clay liner. Jack's room is literally across from the wall that the chimney goes up. So now dh is annoyed that I take forever researching the right vacuum and TV cabinet but I pulled the trigger same day for this. I told him one is a major safety concern and I am of the mindset to do whatever you can to minimize the probability of something happening, skiing with a helmet and what not. Dh doesn't think anything will happen until it does, skis without a helmet and puts up a fire with the screens open despite a rug being inches can Venus (me) tell Mars (dh) that this was not the time to bargain hunt, and is $1500 a lot for a chimney liner? End rant.
He is pretty handy. But flooring is not his thing. We are better as a team but can't find the time to work together. But he seems confident. He had about half done a few weeks ago but had to pull it all up because not all of it snapped in correctly. I will be happy when he is done. When I have floors, I will feel better about buying furniture!

With home improvement, I would prefer to pay more & feel confident in the job vs getting a better rate with a company I am not confident about. Besides, going cheap could cost you more in the long run. I don't know chimney's, but $1500 doesn't seem high to me considering what it is.
Ooooh, LadySosa! That shower looks amazing!! I might have to hit you up for the information about it soon as we are looking into getting a bathroom added to our upstairs since there isn't one up there right now. Eventually, the whole upstairs will become our master suite. Right now it's just one big open room.

Babywhisperer - Oh, I hate dealing with house stuff like that. I always end up being the one who has to deal with it too. I had to research exterior painters and roofers and it's so stressful. I'm glad you just went with your gut. Safety first!!

Beagle - Hooray for floors getting finished!
Booger, re:fresh versus FET. My RE actually told me there's a growing school of thought that FET is more successful. But since SART hasn't issued an official position it is up to each clinic. She predicted in a few years folks won't do fresh and it will all be FET. The big change is that they have such better results with the number of embies that survive the freeze/thaw process. I forget what the old number was but it was pretty low. Now, it in the 90th something percentile if I recall correctly. It definitely gave me pause. But I was impatient and had plenty of frozen ones if the fresh failed.

And WAHOO for Monday! So exciting!!

LadySosa, sorry to hear the weather looks crummy. The bathroom looks awesome.

Terri and Booger, I'm with you on being very laidback. I do ask questions b/c I like to know why but I've never questioned their protocol or what they do. I figure they know a lot more than I do.

Re: April Fool's. I did have a friend last year change her Facebook profile picture to her U/S from her daughter. I was shocked b/c she has Crohn's disease and her husband had a vasectomy after their little girl was born. I was still trying to process it when one of our friends commented to her husband I thought you got snipped, which quickly put an end to it. Her husband wasn't too pleased with that being publicized.

I don't know if it would necessarily be upsetting Beagle. I just might find it confusing. Honestly, after a certain point, the Facebook pregnancy announcements started to get to me no matter when they were. Thanksgiving and Xmas this year were really bad since so many folks got married after we started trying and were announcing it. It i really up to what makes you happy I think.
beagle, I'm pretty sure I had 2 different occasions where I had a very small amount of brown mixed in with my Crinone. I had read that Crinone can start to irritate the cervix after bit, and in turn, can cause a little bit of that. I only had it on two different occasions, two separate days, during the whole time I was using it, and it was a very teeny tiny amount (a couple of specks). But I read where several others had experienced it more often.

Congrats on the floors! Its the best feeling when something like that is finished!
So homeowner rant here: The wall across from my sons room gets very warm when dh has a fire going, which is often. I was very concerned so I had a chimney guy come today and my Dad met him at the house to verify what he was saying. Turns out we had a clay chimney liner and when they converted from oil to gas they should've installed a stainless steel liner as it's the code where we live, not to mention they can have carbon monoxide emissions from the clay liners. The clay was literally crumbling as the house is 100yrs old. The company came very highly recommended so I said I had to call dh before they could proceed. My Dad went down to the basement and saw the clay liner cracked and crumbling and told me he felt confident that this was 100% necessary and that these guys were being honest. Well dh was not happy, claimed he never saw the text informing him I made an appt for chimney guy to come and that I should shop around for a cheaper guy...thing is with the gas heat that we have, it also uses the chimney to vent and I didn't want to spend another night with that old clay liner. Jack's room is literally across from the wall that the chimney goes up. So now dh is annoyed that I take forever researching the right vacuum and TV cabinet but I pulled the trigger same day for this. I told him one is a major safety concern and I am of the mindset to do whatever you can to minimize the probability of something happening, skiing with a helmet and what not. Dh doesn't think anything will happen until it does, skis without a helmet and puts up a fire with the screens open despite a rug being inches can Venus (me) tell Mars (dh) that this was not the time to bargain hunt, and is $1500 a lot for a chimney liner? End rant.

Sorry you're dealing with this... I have no idea if that amount of money is a lot or not, but it doesn't sound too bad considering the job..? I hear ya' on your DH thinking nothing will happen until it does... Recall my DH's broken arm on his 4-wheeler the day before we were supposed to head to my family's house in KY for Christmas!
BabyW: I don't know a lot about chimneys but that sounds pretty reasonable to replace the entire liner. That's just not something you want to mess around with. Carbon monoxide is no joke.
I meant to add on fresh vs FET that my clinic (as I have said before) is all about the studies & so far the studies do not support eliminating fresh. However, they are very specific on certain things happening that will cause a my P level being too high. So I trusted my clinic which ever way it went. You can never get a clear answer. I think BabyW's dr said pgs was dangerous to the embryos...but my dr was like that is ridiculous. So I think it is just important to trust your dr...& your gut. In Erin's case maybe her body was not up for fresh so maybe it should have been cancelled. But we can never know that for sure.

My floors are DONE! Except quarter round. I am so excited. The next weekend off together Ikea shopping I go!!! Probably mid March. Hopefully it will have warmed up by then.

As far as FB...I googled it & actually found A LOT of people who did the real announcement on 4/1 & made it funny. So I think we will do that. I really do appreciate everyone's comments & opinions. It is good to see other people's reactions. I am not offended by anyone's honesty. The other thing is the people I do care about knowing on FB would know me & my husband. So I don't see them getting offended...but there may be that little bit of are they serious? Sars - I never got too upset at the announcements in general. I think I was just so dead set on staying positive I refused to let them get to me. My motto is my time will come. But it is a really hard front to keep up & it wasn't always easy.

Thanks Erin. I just went back to the bathroom & the only thing I saw was def crinone discharge & it wasn't brown...& nothing on my liner. So I feel a lot better.
Beagle- not sure what device you are using to administer your crinone but I have had it come in two different containers. The current one I am using I like it almost looks like a big syringe and I push the plunger to administer. The other one I hated because, It had like a bulb you would squeeze to administer it but if I Released the bulb while still in me (sorry tmi) it would suction, causing irritation/spotting.
Beagle- not sure what device you are using to administer your crinone but I have had it come in two different containers. The current one I am using I like it almost looks like a big syringe and I push the plunger to administer. The other one I hated because, It had like a bulb you would squeeze to administer it but if I Released the bulb while still in me (sorry tmi) it would suction, causing irritation/spotting.

I have the syringe type now. But I did have some with the plunger. But I haven't used those in a few weeks. I think maybe just administering could cause irritation.
Pics of my remodel


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Oh Beagle, I love the floors! The wide planks look awesome.

Re: FB upset. I'd say I generally stayed positive until I got hit with the full costs of out-of-pocket IVF. We did a multi-cycle discount plan and in November/December I started getting rather bitter about losing a major chunk of my new house down payment for a baby, something everyone was getting to do for free. This coincided with like 20 women I know announcing pregnancies. Once I wrote the check, I strangely felt a lot better.
Oh Beagle, I love the floors! The wide planks look awesome.

Re: FB upset. I'd say I generally stayed positive until I got hit with the full costs of out-of-pocket IVF. We did a multi-cycle discount plan and in November/December I started getting rather bitter about losing a major chunk of my new house down payment for a baby, something everyone was getting to do for free. This coincided with like 20 women I know announcing pregnancies. Once I wrote the check, I strangely felt a lot better.

Yes I love the one piece being one plank vs some that have the illusion of 3 rows in one board. I think it looks more real. It is laminate, but I still really like it.

It is totally understandable about FB. I think at a point you just become serene about your least that's what I hope for people going through this.

Oh I told my boss today. He hugged me. Begged to know the name so I caved. I knew he would like it because he is also a Yankee fan. But I won't tell any other office people until April. I started thinking today if I felt this bad, I would need to fess us before it got worse. I would rather tell him my way than for him to guess.
I couldn't tell it was laminate at all from the photos. Are you starting to feel pretty sick?
I couldn't tell it was laminate at all from the photos. Are you starting to feel pretty sick?

Today is a rough day. I am feeling nauseous & hungry at the same time. First day that I really thought I may throw up...but it hasn't happened yet.

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