First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi everyone!

Sars I'm glad your scan went well and that you saw the heartbeat! Amazing moment! You must be on top of the world at the moment!

Beagle I usually buy a few samples when I want to paint a room and then decide once I've seen them on the walls. It always takes me and my dh ages to decide on wallpaper or paint! Your nursery floors and theme are lovely! Spotting is horrible but so normal and common during first tri.

Booger 8 hour round trip is really far, is tha because it was the best clinic? My dh isn't allowed in for scans, retrieval or transfer either, he would be in the waiting room.

Erose I like both names! Probably would pick miles but I wouldn't worry about how the middle name flows, they are so rarely used once baby is here its the first name you really need to love. Picking names is so exciting isn't it! With my dd she was going to be Olivia all the way through (although we were team yellow and convinced she was a boy!!) and literally a few weeks before she was born we randomly changed it!

Alejandro reminds me of the song too! It's lovely I like it.

Hello to everyone else!

As for me, had another scan Friday and now have 5 follies all around the same size and a bunch of tiny ones that she said probably won't do much. So I am pleased as at least it looks like we are getting to egg retrieval. I know my chances of day 5 blasts and frosties are low but just getting to transfer is more than I dared to hope for so I'm feeling happy and just hoping all 5 keep growing!!
Booger, my dr trips are an hour & a half one way...I can't even imagine 4 hours! I know you will be happy for that drive to be over.

Amy - I never get to sleep in because of my dogs. But I am not feeling well again today so maybe I will get a nap in.

Mrs W - I am so glad you have 5 looking good so far. Hopefully you can make it to day 5 but plenty of people do day 3 transfers. You just have to trust your team.

I texted my husband about the low toxins in the paint & he said well goo since I am going to be painting it all. So true! I never do more than enough to say I like the color. I love the idea of painting...but I don't have it in me.
SARS congratulations on a great ultrasound!!!so happy you got to see the heart beating away!!

Erin- I love the name miles! Nolan is cute too, but I agree miles has a better flow.
I love double names for girls but that doesn't really work well for boys.

Amy, booger, and lady- I'm so excited for you girls! Bfp's coming right up:)

Mrs w- congrats on 5 good size follies! Positive thoughts girlie!

Beagle- the floors look great! Can't wait to see the walls painted:) hand yay for being 6 weeks today!!

I have been having sharp pains since Thursday evening. No spotting at all. But just sharp stabbing pains that come and go.... Have y'all had similar?
SARS congratulations on a great ultrasound!!!so happy you got to see the heart beating away!!

Erin- I love the name miles! Nolan is cute too, but I agree miles has a better flow.
I love double names for girls but that doesn't really work well for boys.

Amy, booger, and lady- I'm so excited for you girls! Bfp's coming right up:)

Mrs w- congrats on 5 good size follies! Positive thoughts girlie!

Beagle- the floors look great! Can't wait to see the walls painted:) hand yay for being 6 weeks today!!

I have been having sharp pains since Thursday evening. No spotting at all. But just sharp stabbing pains that come and go.... Have y'all had similar?

I continue to have cramping...some are very sharp...comes & goes. Freaks me out a little because it feels so much like af.
On Tuesday evenng especially it was more than just a cramp. I was walking across my den and it made me bend over in pain. Hasn't been that bad since but but still pretty sharp.....
I have not had it that sharp...but a few times it makes me flinch because it is unexpected. It is probably nothing. But if you think it is concerning you should put a call in to your nurse.
My RE released me to my ob and I have an apt for Thursday. it hasn't been as severe as the one time on Thursday evening so I'm trying to hold out calling them. I know at this point there is nothing to add to my care. Just glad I haven't had spotting. Just curious if any of the girls have had similar pains with the uterus stretching
I am sure that's what it is. Sometimes when I have a lot of cramping I take a cheap hpt. Makes me feel better... Even though it makes me seem a little psycho ☺
I'm pretty sure I had loads of odd pains and cramps when I was pregnant, stretching pains etc and all was fine. It's really common. If there's no spotting or bleeding I'd say not to worry and even if there is spotting it can be normal. If you get really worried call your dr for some advice. First tri is so tough, so much worry. Hugs xx
Mrs. W-When is your retrieval? yeah on 5 follies growing strong. :)

booger-I hope all goes well tomorrow. One more sleep and one more run. Yeah!

LadySosa-Just in case I don't get on the computer, same good vibes to you too.

sars-So awesome that the heartbeat was strong. :wohoo:

ERose-My girlfriend's son is named Miles. He's like 15 now, so not like it's a popular name, but he is a good kid. I'm going to vote for Miles. Although I do like both. I wouldn't be surprised if you changed it altogether once you get further along, but it's fun thinking about names.

beagle-Yikes..sorry you were almost sick at work. And glad your boss was happy for you and hugged you. That made me smile.

AFM-The nurse called me on Friday to discuss my genetic testing future, but I just let it go to voicemail. I didn't talk to my husband about it because he doesn't know/care, but now I'm wondering about the batch processing. The doctor told me that the price stays the same for 1 as for 8. So now I'm thinking that I should do a few fresh cycles to get the maximum number and then test them. Of course I want to do the overnight thing so that I can hopefully be prego sooner and get the answers right away, but say I send 2 off and they both come back as abnormal. Then I'm out $4k (if that's really the cost), and then I'll have to do another fresh cycle and another $4k for testing the next time. Making these types of decisions is so confusing/frustrating because none of it is in my control either way. So it's not like one way is better/worse/more cost effective, etc...
Well, I tried to go advanced to reply but it wouldn't work so I am just going to go the regular way..........less smilies and such.

Terri - If you have the patience, I think batching is the way to go. To me, it sounds like the best option all the way around. I have read where several ladies have done this. It really just depends on if you are in a big hurry. And I guess if you want to maximize your out of pocket expenses. Just my 2 cents. Thanks for the good vibes! I am ready (at least I keep telling myself that)! I do plan on making a nice long run today - it's supposed to be gorgeous out today and Spokane has such a nice path along the river.

Beagle and jkb - Obviously, I can't offer any advice on the cramping. They only thing I can say is that I read about a lot on various forums and such. It sounds pretty normal - but only you can decide if it gets to the point where you think it's something to be concerned about.

MrsW - When is your retrieval scheduled? Have you taken your trigger shot yet?? I really hope they get all five and they grow strongly for you!!!! My clinic is the closest one to where I live; good thing they have such high success rates, too! That's just one of the joys of living in the 4th largest state in the US.

Amy - Mateo and Maya would be super cute together!! But yes, I can imagine that when she was older she might not appreciate finding out that she was named after the dog. Only two more sleeps for you!!! Hooray!

How is everyone else?? We haven't heard from some of you ladies in a while - hope you are just busy and that everyone is doing well. :flower:

Well, I had a mini meltdown last evening. As you know, DH is at home. We got a bunch of snow yesterday so he really, really wanted to go backcountry skiing today. I told him I didn't want him to go. That I had been through a lot and that the finish line is so close, I didn't want anything to potentially get in the way of my transfer. I just have this (ridiculous) vision in my head of him going out and breaking a leg or something and then I have to come home and miss my transfer. He got super whiny about it - like I was asking him to never ski again. Anyway, I won out in the end but I hate it because I feel like the bad guy. I'm glad he stayed home, though. He sent me a message this morning saying the chimney needed to be swept so I said "Well, there's your project for the day so you won't be bored" Then I thought about him tumbling off roof........I am losing it!!!!
Thanks Booger. I hope you got a nice run in today. It was almost 50 here today and it melted most of the shoveled snow away. We got about 5-6 inches yesterday so as long as we shoveled a couple paths, the sun melted it. Tomorrow it's back to cold temps though.

I agree that I should do the batch process. I have insurance to keep trying so if I end up with eight abnormal embryos, that will be several times of trying and it is what it is. If there are some normal embryos, then I'll have the insurance to do a FET. Plus, I always have my motorcycle trip in July that I am supposed to ride to, so it may turn out that I'll just be taking shots while traveling to Canada and then transfer upon my return. I think that is the best option for now. Or if I get eight before July, I can do the transfer and then ride to Canada during my TWW. Thanks again.

I'll be waiting for your update tomorrow afternoon!!
Hi girls, I have to work Monday and Tuesday, work is usually too busy to check in so I want to wish booger and Amy the best!!! I'm so excited for you girls can't wait to see those BFP coming up:)

Terri- I think doing the batches would be great. I didn't know that was even a possibility!
Hi all!
Terri, I agree with exactly what Booger said. You are so patient. I really have to commend you for that. Plus, you always make smart rational decisions.

Erin, I'm a Nolan fan and like Amy, I think of Miles Davis whenever I hear the name Miles! Haha too funny that's exactly what ran through my head, Amy! I love the middle name Steven. That's DHs middle name. : ) I'm also having an issue with the middle name "flowing" with the first name until this I don't give a crap! Lol can you tell I'm still a miserable pregnant gal? But honestly, I came to the conclusion of it's not sounding like it flows because it's not like I say the name out loud or have to yell at her at all. Recently everyone started referring to her as "Charli" instead of "the baby" and now it feels like her name. Besides, nobody is going to call her by her full name except me and maybe the person that performs her wedding ceremony. Lol! I say, go with both names that you love and things will flow the more you say it.
I'm SO STINKIN EXCITED for your transfer, Booger! You too, Amy! Btw, love the name Olivia. It was on my list too.
Jkb, cramping like that is normal. I had it too. So annoying. It will come and go though if you're anything like me so eventually I just was able to ignore it.

In other news....I did not lose my credit card but my info was stolen and someone made a card of their own with a magnetic strip of all my info on it. Isn't that awesome? People really suck. Spent 2k at Targets and Safeways all across the valley of Arizona. I can't believe that's a thing. You could give your card to a waiter to pay for dinner, they run the card through and then swipe it on a little card reader and then BAM! Fraud. So I had to call and put freezes on everything so nobody can open an account as me. So so annoying. So be careful and check your accounts every single day! This happened in 5 days. Unbelievable. At least American Express is handling it now. Nothing new here...hemroids, nausea, and acid reflux oh my! Lol I think this baby starts a fire in my throat every single night. I'm able to watch her entire body move through my skin. It's a little creepy...has anyone seen alien? It's like that. I brought DH coffee to work on Friday and we took a peek at her. She's always in a standing up position. Her feet are at the way bottom of my stomach and her head a hands are up by my belly button. Makes sense because she always kicks me so low and I swear I feel it right in the vagina. I hope she's having a blast in there...
Booger, hope you had a great run today!! Good luck on the transfer tomorrow!! We'll be thinking of you.

One more day Amy!
Just wanted to pop in real quick and say good luck to Booger!! I'm so excited for you that this day is finally here!!
Jen - that is awful. I had someone steal my account number once...such a pain!

Terri - I think batching is a good idea especially if you have the insurance. Plus you can get a few good ones so you have frosties for siblings :)

Good luck to our transfers this week! Very exciting. I am trying to be patient in waiting for my u/s Friday. Ugh...time is creeping.

My nausea continues...but I can eat. My husband brought home pecan pie (I HATE i!). And this piece looked so gross. I said you have to eat that away from me. I can eat whatever I just can't really cook it or be around the food before I eat it. So if someone puts a plate in front of me, I can def eat it.
I have soooooooooo much catching up to do but just wanted to just wanted to say Good luck today Booger!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Can't wait to hear your report. I'll check back in later ladies. *mwah*
My RE released me to my ob and I have an apt for Thursday. it hasn't been as severe as the one time on Thursday evening so I'm trying to hold out calling them. I know at this point there is nothing to add to my care. Just glad I haven't had spotting. Just curious if any of the girls have had similar pains with the uterus stretching

I had a lot of round ligament pain with Jack, one day so bad it felt like my appendix and they sent me to the ER b/c I had a fever. All was ok, just intense stretching. The other thing, if you get up too quick you might get some sharp pains, happens a lot to me and my friend who is 3 weeks ahead of me.

Sars, yeah for seeing the heartbeat!!! Such an awesome moment.

Erin, I have to say I like Miles a lot. It's a name that is getting popular here and it's such a cute baby name while also a great name as he grows.

Mrs W, 5 is a great number and you only need one. I know the security of wanting more than that, but I had 1 to transfer and 1 to freeze. It will all work out, trust that.

Booger I'm thinking of you!!

Afm not much to report, feeling the baby more and now dh can feel her too which is great. I'm getting winded more and more as each week goes by so bending down to vacuum moldings and getting into cleaning fits is becoming more arduous, still want to hit the gym and would have this weekend but we went upstate to see friends. It's so different this time since I'm chasing after a 14mo old and we live in a bigger house so there is more to do. I have to start thinking about the nursery and furniture as I want everything done by May...don't want to run around at the end like last time...I was in BBB 3 days before my water broke and the baby's head was hitting nerves in my pelvis and it felt like electric shocks that would make me say ouch, I freaked out the cashier...she had Ronald McDonald red hair, so many facial piercings she looked like she fell head first into a tackle box, and looked at me with horror like I was going into labor. Looking back being active the last trimester probably helped him come early.

Hope you ladies had a great weekend!
Hi ladies!

Hopping on real quick to say "Thanks" for all the well wishes! It really means a lot and has helped me stay excited instead of nervous.

My transfer isn't until 11:30 Pacific time (2:30 Eastern time) and then I have to drive the 4 hours home so you might not hear from me until later this evening or tomorrow morning. Just depends on how the drive home goes......

I can't believe the day is finally here!!!!!!

Oh, and Amy - good luck to you tomorrow if I don't get back on here today!!

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