First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Good morning ladies!

I've been reading the thread but not posting as much. Lurking, if you will. :)

I decided to withdraw from the interview process. I started getting really stressed about it and decided to instead focus on making a baby! I don't want to be starting a new job when I'm preggo. Besides, the job I'm in currently, my boss has expressed support for me going to part time when the baby comes. I like that idea.

Yesterday I had a u/s and bloodwork. Unfortunately my lining was at 7.5, not the 8 that they want. So, they are pushing out the transfer date a couple days. I go back tomorrow for more BW and u/s, then they will hopefully schedule it at that time. My nurse said I was reeally close, so it will probably be just a couple days later. Fingers crossed.

Jen - LOVE the nursery! So adorable! Your hubby does look a little tired, LOL.

Amy - Yay! Congrats on being PUPO! So excited for your beta results. Sorry about the lunatic on the highway. That can certainly deplete your good energy in a hurry. Loser had no idea the things you are going through! We encountered a crazy person in San Jose over the weekend. He was a pedestrian that we must've pissed off by being too close to the crosswalk - he was screaming obscenities at us (we're in the convertible, top down), then started chasing us when we drove off!! We were so scared!

Terri - Yay for getting started again! Buh-bye 'hanging out and being fabulous'! Haha. Awe, that is so cute about Fun and his swimming. I am glad the shelter takes good care of him. You are an angel for fostering!

Beagle - LOL, I love picturing your foster dog swimming in the pool when nobody's around. So cute. My dog hates water too. Woohoo for ordering a doppler!

Erin - fun about the doppler! I'd actually never even heard of them till just now. I am sure I will want to have one when the time comes.

Booger - how are you feeling?

Knit girl - haven't heard from you in a while! How are you?
Here's the bathroom progress! We got our ginormous medicine cabinet installed (DH and I tackled that - whew!) and hung up a pretty picture. I was a little bummed when we got the medicine cabinet cause it's off white, and the cabinets are bright white, so they look a little funny being two different shades of white. So, this weekend, I'm going to paint the medicine cabinet a bright white. Ugh so much work left still! Still have to do the drawer pulls and install towel rack and hooks. But it's coming along!


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Good morning, ladies!:coffee:

LadySosa - Your cabinets look great. :thumbup: I can't really tell the color difference too much in the picture but that's a bummer you have to paint them to match. Oh the joys of home ownership!! I'm sure it was a tough decision but I think you made the right call by not interviewing and staying low-stress right now. DH and I work in different offices but for the same agency. There is a lot of cross over between the people we work with and we have implemented a rule that we are not allowed to talk about work right now. Sorry about your lining not cooperating. But a few more days to let it plump up should do the trick and you'll be right in the waiting game in no time!! Did they change your medications at all??

Terri - Hooray for getting the schedule for your first retrieval!!!! We're glad to have you back in the game!! :haha: I'm also glad that Fun is coming back to stay with you - maybe you'll be the one to adopt him. :winkwink: Mama does have a nice ring to it but I'm not ready to start using it myself - gotta make sure things are for real before I'll let myself start thinking that way.

Erin - Glad the doppler worked for you right away. It has to be very reassuring. :thumbup:

jkb - Oh, dear. I can't believe someone named their child that. Yikes! I've bet you heard it all. I feel sorry for teachers of the future since it seems like the pattern right now is the try and spell a child's name as oddly as possible. Oh, and the poor kids too. I think about them trying to apply for jobs in the future with this crazy name.......but maybe by that time they'll just seem normal. Your scan is amazing!! How sweet. :flower: Oh, and I used to live in New Mexico and there was this tiny, little town close to where I lived called Regina and they pronounced it the normal way to say vagina. I always found that so strange.

JCM - Wow!! Your nursery is beautiful. And huge!!! I love it. Those little lambs are too cute. I agree, I would want to hang out in there too. Good job to you and DH! :thumbup:

Amy - I agree with the others when I say try not to worry about being too active. It's doesn't sound like you did anything strenuous so I think you're fine. Although, I know it's always a little unnerving to not follow doctor's orders. In this case, it sounds fine! :flower: Also, that's crazy (and scary) that you had someone living off public assistance using your information. I'm sure that's more common than we know about. Ugh.

babywhisperer - I'm sorry your manager outed you like that. How unprofessional. Interesting dreams your having! :blush: I can only imagine trying to have intimacy while being pregnant, having a toddler and working full time. That's a lot!

sars - Well, maybe she just though it was someone else's US photo. :haha: I think she'll keep her mouth shut - at least I hope so. If this transfer is successful, I plan to keep things a secret at work for as long as possible. I had a coworker who just had her baby a couple of weeks ago keep it a secret until about 18 weeks or so. I'd love to be able to pull that off but I'm guessing it's highly unlikely. We'll see what happens.

Hello to everyone else!!! :flower: Hope you are all doing well.

Nothing to report here. I have a blood draw tomorrow morning to check estrogen and progesterone levels. Trying to figure out what to do this weekend to stay busy and distracted. :shrug:
beagle, funny mine is a Sonoline B too. :) I was a tiny afraid of it stressing me out too, if I was unable to find the HB myself. But I paid attention to where my OB put his doppler at my last appt, and I used that same spot, and only had to move it a few seconds before I heard it. Baby moves around in there a lot, so it would fade in and out on me sometimes, but I would just move it a bit or push down a little more and I'd get it again. At some point while moving it around, I did hear my own HB, but it's easy to differentiate since ours is so much slower. Btw, if you run out of gel at any point, you don't have to order more u/s gel. You can use aloe gel or any kind really. I'm using aloe gel, because this one was given to me, so my friend had already used all the u/s gel, and at some point she ended up switching over to it as well.

LadySosa, bathroom looks great! I know its such a bummer when something shows up and isn't the way you expected/needed it to be! But at least painting is a nice quick easy fix. It looks great! Sorry your transfer was delayed a couple days. But its so close!! I'm super excited!

kfs, I totally agree! Right after I hear the HB at a doc appt, I'm happy and on a sort of high for several days, but after a couple weeks pass, I start thinking about it and want to hear it again, hehe!

booger, keeping busy is definitely the key!! You're 3dpt today, right? Omg, its even hard for ME to stay patient waiting for your test day! Hehe!
Mrs W - How did your retrieval go??? :flower:

Erin - Yes, I'm 3DPT. Your comment made me laugh. :laugh2: It's going to be hard NOT to test. 1. I just really don't want to be disappointed early if it a BFN. 2. It's kind of like a challenge of willpower to see if I CAN make myself wait. I never had a problem waiting in the past because I was never certain fertilization happened. Well, it's a whole different ballgame now since I know something was put in there! :ignore:
No, they didn't change my meds at all. I was bad about taking my meds on our trip, and I totally spaced on one dose of estrogen all together. I suspect that was the issue. Any other suggestions to make that lining plump??

Oh, BabyW - I can't believe your boss told everyone! I'd be really annoyed. The other day, my boss (she knows all that is going on) was in my office while our IT guy was installing a printer. She said to the IT guy, "Now, I heard some printer ink can be harmful, is that right? We don't want to hurt any mothers-to-be! Or, umm, anyone else!" He looked at me all confused. I just smiled politely and blushed. She TRIES to keep secrets, but she's not very good at it, LOL.
Sorry guys...this is a total rambling post.

I forgot to tell you guys...I FINALLY got reimbursed by my insurance for something in all this. My anesthesia was separate (for my retrieval). I paid her with a check. I submitted it & of course it took forever. It went towards my old plan where I had met the deductible. So I got it approved & the check finally came. Only $300 but I am still excited about it. Also I was looking at my claims. I had submitted a claim for my progesterone. I didn't expect it to be covered. Well I just checked & the insurance negotiated the allowable amount to $20! I think I paid close to $500. Not sure how that works, but I assume Walgreens Specialty will have to reimburse me. It will probably take forever though. That was such a shock to me. But on a down side, Walgreens (local) screwed me on my estrogen. I don't know if this is a repeat story. But I slacked on getting a refill. Then the snow hit. So I had only 1 pill...not enough to get me to another day. I probably could have been okay to skip a couple, but didn't want to risk it. So Rite Aid had to order it. So I took it to Walgreens. They had it. I come to pick it up & they claim my insurance will only cover 30 days X 1. They want me to take it 3X. So I knew it wasn't too expensive so I just paid the difference. But Rite Aid has been doing it for me this whole time. It was only $20...I will submit that too & see what happens.

So weird thing happening to me...I wouldn't call this cravings. But I start remembering good stuff I ate the day before & then just want to relive it. Like I had a chocolate doughnut & I kept thinking about that doughnut for like 2 days. Last night we had tacos & I kept thinking about it at lunch today. So I broke down & skipped my brow bag & got Taco Bell. Not exactly Mexican but good enough. But I don't feel like I just have to have it...more like remembering good food & tastes. I dunno. I have a feeling when cravings start for real they will be insane. I eat some weird combos already before prego.

Oh shoot...another short story. My mom said in her pregnancy with me she bought those little cherry pies at the store & devoured it on her way home. She claims this is why I have red hair. So I bought one the other day & took a pic & told her I was trying to brew a red head. She thought it was hilarious. She also claims coffee gave me freckles.
Amy: I agree that the light activity you're doing is totally fine. It's not like you went and ran a marathon.

Jen: What a beautiful nursery. It's a lovely room to begin with and I really like the furniture. That lamb rocker in the sweetest! I think the photos will look awesome above the crib.

JKB: I just cannot believe someone would name their kid that. The things people do blow my mind. I feel like naming a child is such a huge responsibility but clearly some folks do not agree.

Terri: So excited for you to be back in the thick of things!! And Fun training should be a great distraction. How old is he again?

LadySosa: The bathroom looks great. I'm sorry to hear about the delay but I'm sure you just need a few more days of regular meds, on schedule to plump up. More time for a few last glasses of wine :wine:
I think dropping out of the interview process is a good call probably. I've had a few job opportunities come up all in the last few weeks and I've been hesitant to leave a job I have been in for 8.5 years where I have supportive managers to jump into a new job in the middle of all this.

Booger: You've got the willpower of an endurance athlete for sure.
I know exactly what you mean about not having trouble waiting before.

Beagle: I've had similar cravings like that. I had chili on Friday at a business lunch at the brewery where my running club meets after the run. It was all I could think about all week and I got some last night. We had burgers at a new restaurant Saturday and I keep wanting to go back. It is so strange. That's sweet about your mom and the pies! I've thought about getting a doppler too. I'm thinking I might wait a little longer.
How did you get reimbursed for the anesthesia? Did your insurance cover it? My insurance offers no IVF coverage, only IUI. I have a $1,5000 deductible, so, I wouldn't get any money back for the anesthesia but that would get me to the deductible. (Then I still have a $3,000 coinsurance limit) Each one of my betas cost $120. I already have a $700 bill. I keep joking by the end of this pregnancy I could've bought a luxury car. My old insurance was awesome. They switched us Jan. 1. My co-worker spent ZERO dollars on her entire pregnancy.
I hope this works...don't mind my super thrilled hubby! He's been on call the last two days and I made him move this stuff around a million times! It's a work in progress but we are moving along! I think I want newborn pictures above the crib...I'll change my mind a million times though!

Love it! We did the boats from Pottery barn, nautical flag rug, boat mobile, sailboat lamp, and painted the room french grey which is a nice blue his room.
They told me at the office I might get reimbursed. She gave me an invoice with all the info I needed & I just went to my insurance website & filled out a claim form & sent it in. Your betas should be covered, too. So you may want to gather all that up & look in to submitting a claim. The betas for sure should count...just think if you didn't do IVF, you would still need prenatal blood work. My labs during IVF were not covered. Actually it was weird because the IVF blood was covered but my FET was not. I have a feeling they submitted it differently. But oh well. My betas I did at a local LabCorp & they just processed through insurance. I have not met my deductible this year, but my insurance negotiates the rates. So instead of $188 I only have to pay $20. So make sure you are putting things through insurance to get your negotiated rate & credit towards deductible.
Also, just passing along what my Dr said about dopplers, there was an FDA warning....probably not a big deal but worth mentioning. When he looks for the heartbeat he is super fast he finds it in 5 secs, listens for 5 secs and that's it. I mentioned wanting to get one when I was prego with Jack and he said he thinks people go overboard listening every day and for a long time each time. It gives off heat internally and he said they even try not to do ultrasounds every month anymore b/c studies have shown it isn't good. I know he is very conservative, but thought it was worth sharing.
Also, just passing along what my Dr said about dopplers, there was an FDA warning....probably not a big deal but worth mentioning. When he looks for the heartbeat he is super fast he finds it in 5 secs, listens for 5 secs and that's it. I mentioned wanting to get one when I was prego with Jack and he said he thinks people go overboard listening every day and for a long time each time. It gives off heat internally and he said they even try not to do ultrasounds every month anymore b/c studies have shown it isn't good. I know he is very conservative, but thought it was worth sharing.

I actually was wondering about that. I didn't think the dopplers were strong enough to cause issues. Maybe it depends on the brand as well. Def worth considering.
They told me at the office I might get reimbursed. She gave me an invoice with all the info I needed & I just went to my insurance website & filled out a claim form & sent it in. Your betas should be covered, too. So you may want to gather all that up & look in to submitting a claim. The betas for sure should count...just think if you didn't do IVF, you would still need prenatal blood work. My labs during IVF were not covered. Actually it was weird because the IVF blood was covered but my FET was not. I have a feeling they submitted it differently. But oh well. My betas I did at a local LabCorp & they just processed through insurance. I have not met my deductible this year, but my insurance negotiates the rates. So instead of $188 I only have to pay $20. So make sure you are putting things through insurance to get your negotiated rate & credit towards deductible.

Thanks for the information. I'll have to check into the anesthesia. The betas are covered. But the negotiated rate was $120 down from $430. Each beta they tested the HCG, my progesterone and estradiol. Each one ran $30-45 plus $15 per office visit. And since I haven't met my deductible I have to pick up the entire tab.
I'm having spotting today along with abdominal pain. I'm trying to just lay in bed. The tech did push really hard on my abdomin for the transabdominal yesterday but I'm sure she does that to all women coming in there that are1st trimester. I also did color my hair colored yesterday but had her double wash to ensure it was off my scalp and we only left on minimum amount of time. I called both ob and RE and they both said just hydrate and pelvic rest, both of which I have been doing. Praying it stops and all is fine.
I'm having spotting today along with abdominal pain. I'm trying to just lay in bed. The tech did push really hard on my abdomin for the transabdominal yesterday but I'm sure she does that to all women coming in there that are1st trimester. I also did color my hair colored yesterday but had her double wash to ensure it was off my scalp and we only left on minimum amount of time. I called both ob and RE and they both said just hydrate and pelvic rest, both of which I have been doing. Praying it stops and all is fine.

I am sure everything will be fine. I hope it calms down for you.
Also, just passing along what my Dr said about dopplers, there was an FDA warning....probably not a big deal but worth mentioning. When he looks for the heartbeat he is super fast he finds it in 5 secs, listens for 5 secs and that's it. I mentioned wanting to get one when I was prego with Jack and he said he thinks people go overboard listening every day and for a long time each time. It gives off heat internally and he said they even try not to do ultrasounds every month anymore b/c studies have shown it isn't good. I know he is very conservative, but thought it was worth sharing.

I'm actually surprised to hear that any doctor has ever done ultrasounds every month. My OB only does 2 ultrasounds throughout an entire pregnancy. And my RE only does one or two before release. As for the doppler, I don't plan on using every day. I'm too lazy anyway! If I just feel like hearing it, I now have it recorded on my phone, so I can just replay any time. I'll just use the doppler during those times that I start to worry a little bit and need some peace of mind. But I haven't been too much of a worry wart so far.
I'm having spotting today along with abdominal pain. I'm trying to just lay in bed. The tech did push really hard on my abdomin for the transabdominal yesterday but I'm sure she does that to all women coming in there that are1st trimester. I also did color my hair colored yesterday but had her double wash to ensure it was off my scalp and we only left on minimum amount of time. I called both ob and RE and they both said just hydrate and pelvic rest, both of which I have been doing. Praying it stops and all is fine.

I'm sorry you're dealing with this right now... Even though I'm sure it's nothing and all is well, I know its hard when you're the person going through it. I've heard about staying hydrated before... My RE had told me in advance if I had any spotting, to make sure I was hydrating, as that's a common cause of spotting (which I had not heard before). I feel like I have read TONS of stories of women having spotting and abdominal cramps or discomfort during pregnancy, and were always totally 100% fine!:flower:
Jkb- I hope it's just a little irritation. Rest should do the trick.

Sars-fun is probably about 7 or 8 months now. It'll definitely be a nice distraction.
I'm having spotting today along with abdominal pain. I'm trying to just lay in bed. The tech did push really hard on my abdomin for the transabdominal yesterday but I'm sure she does that to all women coming in there that are1st trimester. I also did color my hair colored yesterday but had her double wash to ensure it was off my scalp and we only left on minimum amount of time. I called both ob and RE and they both said just hydrate and pelvic rest, both of which I have been doing. Praying it stops and all is fine.

Rest up JKB! I'm sure it's nothing. Just a little cramping and spotting. That said, I know it is absolutely impossible not to worry. Try to relax, rest up, drink lots of water and get DH to wait on you hand and foot tonight. I know it sounds kooky, but when I'm anxious/mind racing, I find some deep breathing really helps and to just focus on the breathing. Think I'm breathing in, I'm breathing out.

Terri: Ah, so he's still a super energetic pup! You've got lots of fun with Fun ahead!
Thanks for loving my nursery! I can't wait to put a baby in there!

Beagle, I've been thinking about a chocolate donut for the last 15 mins of reading. Lol dunkin donuts sounds amazing.

Jkb I hope it's not too painful. Maybe your cervix is a little irritated?

Terri I wish I could foster. I want to wait another year to be sure there's no chance of a dog getting parvo from anything. My dog had it a year ago and I'm paranoid! I also think of getting a new dig every other week right now. I need to be put in time out! I love animals.

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