First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

beagle, tomorrow is your ultrasound, isn't it? I bet you're so excited. :) Can't wait to hear how it goes! I can honestly say my two ultrasounds were two of the happiest days I've ever had in my life.
Yeh I am so excited. And my mom is coming which is really great. I know she is excited but she doesn't really ask me anything. So it was nice when I texted my appt to her & she asked to come. The place is an hour & a half for us. My mom is the other way, so she is meeting us halfway then driving to work another hour & a half after for her night shift. I know she will be so tired which makes it even better she wants to come. We aren't so great at expressing our actions are important. I had to cancel plans with my friend who lives near my dr...but she gets it.

Jen - sorry to cause a donut craving :)

I had a friend who ate out with us & gave us all her leftovers. She said she couldn't handle them. She was pregnant at the time. Wondering if I am getting that way. I think I want to eat out so much because I am not involved with the food beforehand. Thinking about preparing food makes me feel so blech...even putting leftover pasta in a bowl to heat up.

I am thinking about telling my work earlier. We will see how I feel after tomorrow. It is just so weird I have to lie about such little things. Like I was telling a lady my awesome kohls deal story...we always share kohls stories. Anyways...I bought my husband a green shirt & tie for his new store. The neighborhood markets Walmarts are green. I also bought a little Monster Inc plush for the baby. Just such a small thing to have to omit or lie about.
Beagle- good luck at your us today. Can't wait for the update
Beagle good luck today x

I had my ER yesterday, all went well and got 6 eggs which I was really pleased with. Sadly only 2 have fertilised :( they are going to be checked tomorrow and either transferred tomorrow or Sunday.

Hi everyone xx
That's not bad, Mrs. W. You only need one and the sooner they can get it back inside where it belongs, the better. Hopefully tomorrow.

beagle-Can't wait for the update. Glad your mom is going out of her way to be with you. How exciting.
Mrs w glad your retrieval went well! 2 is a perfect number! I know it is hard seeing some not fertilize though. Will you transfer both or just one and freeze the other? Rest up and hydrate well
Thanks ladies. This is the hardest bit so far.

If one embie looks good quality they will only transfer one as I'm under 37, if they both look the same and are medium or low quality they might discuss putting 2 back. They also only freeze eggs if they get to day 5 blast so given that they will transfer the highest quality one back inside, my chances of getting the lower quality one to blast are quite slim.

Also, just passing along what my Dr said about dopplers, there was an FDA warning....probably not a big deal but worth mentioning. When he looks for the heartbeat he is super fast he finds it in 5 secs, listens for 5 secs and that's it. I mentioned wanting to get one when I was prego with Jack and he said he thinks people go overboard listening every day and for a long time each time. It gives off heat internally and he said they even try not to do ultrasounds every month anymore b/c studies have shown it isn't good. I know he is very conservative, but thought it was worth sharing.

I'm actually surprised to hear that any doctor has ever done ultrasounds every month. My OB only does 2 ultrasounds throughout an entire pregnancy. And my RE only does one or two before release. As for the doppler, I don't plan on using every day. I'm too lazy anyway! If I just feel like hearing it, I now have it recorded on my phone, so I can just replay any time. I'll just use the doppler during those times that I start to worry a little bit and need some peace of mind. But I haven't been too much of a worry wart so far.

Monthly u/s's are fairly routine for high risk pregnancies. Being 39, IVF, thyroid issue makes me borderline, if I had multiple losses I would be deemed high risk for sure.

Jkb I'm sorry you're experiencing this sweetie. rest, drink plenty of fluids, and relax. If you are around the time af would normally come this could be the reason. How bad is the abdominal pain? When I had my bleed they said if there truly was a problem the blood would be bright red with clots, and the pain would be very intense. Try and remain calm.
You can't predict the future, so we will just have to wait and see what happens. The two that fertilized may both be strong and make it to blast stage. No giving up hope just yet! I'll be patiently awaiting your results.

I made an appointment for our phone consultation on Monday evening regarding the PGS. They watched the video and it was basically telling me the same stuff I already know...'old WOMEN have abnormal embryos, blah blah...and the rate of abnormality is 75%.' If we can get eight embryos, I'll be perfectly fine with two normal embies to transfer. HA!
Mrs W - good luck...I hope they stay strong & grow! This was def the hardest part for me...waiting for the end result of the eggs.

Terri - I really think your new plan will be great. I think I told you already but I a woman on youtube went through one pgs with nothing then the next all 5 were normal. So you never know. Seems our egg/sperm unions are just luck of the draw sometimes.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I am so excited & just ready to go already! Counting down the minutes...leaving work in just 2 hours!!!
Monthly u/s's are fairly routine for high risk pregnancies. Being 39, IVF, thyroid issue makes me borderline, if I had multiple losses I would be deemed high risk for sure.

Ah, that's right, I forgot about high risk pregnancies... Ya know, you've got me thinking about this now... I'm 38, IVF, and 2 chemicals in the past. I have friends over 35 who were seeing a high risk specialist simply due to age alone. Two of them had IUGR where baby didn't have enough room to continue growing, so both were either induced or had c-sections a few weeks early. I'm beginning to wonder why my OB wouldn't suggest I see a high risk doc. Does this normally only come up further into the pregnancy? Not that I want to have to see one, but with my friends' situations (even though IUGR has nothing to do with age) it does make me wonder which OBs recommend it and which don't.... any thoughts?
Mrs W, like everyone is saying, you only need one to get prego!! I'm glad they are staying on top of it and might do a day3 transfer if they feel its necessary. I'm sure your two will be just fine, and you may end up having one to freeze for later too. Keep us posted!

terri, as much as we all hang out on these forums, I have no doubt that video was all stuff you already knew, ha! But nice that you watched it anyway. You never know when a new bit of news might pop up that you didn't know. So how's DH acting through all this? Is he showing a little more emotion or interest during this one than he has the others?
Mrs W, like everyone is saying, you only need one to get prego!! I'm glad they are staying on top of it and might do a day3 transfer if they feel its necessary. I'm sure your two will be just fine, and you may end up having one to freeze for later too. Keep us posted!

terri, as much as we all hang out on these forums, I have no doubt that video was all stuff you already knew, ha! But nice that you watched it anyway. You never know when a new bit of news might pop up that you didn't know. So how's DH acting through all this? Is he showing a little more emotion or interest during this one than he has the others?

It is probably easier to watch the video having the prior knowledge. Sort of like when I went in to talk about IVF. I had most of the knowledge so it made it easier to follow when new info was introduced. It also helped me explain things more to my husband afterwards. I think he was a little overwhelmed. Much more than me.
MrsW - I only had 3 fertilize - it only takes one!!

Erin - I am high risk but still seeing my regular OB - I think she is good to handle high risk as well. I go in for the fetal Doppler scans EOW with a special perinatologist but other than that, I see the same docs. No other "reg" ultrasounds are planned.

Beagle - ugh, why is your appointment so late!!
MrsW - I only had 3 fertilize - it only takes one!!

Erin - I am high risk but still seeing my regular OB - I think she is good to handle high risk as well. I go in for the fetal Doppler scans EOW with a special perinatologist but other than that, I see the same docs. No other "reg" ultrasounds are planned.

Beagle - ugh, why is your appointment so late!!

Ha ha! I think they make follow ups that involve the dr later in the day & leave the mornings open for u/s & procedures. But also since it is so far to drive, I asked for the latest I could go so I could still put in a half day of work.
terri, as much as we all hang out on these forums, I have no doubt that video was all stuff you already knew, ha! But nice that you watched it anyway. You never know when a new bit of news might pop up that you didn't know. So how's DH acting through all this? Is he showing a little more emotion or interest during this one than he has the others?

Not really. I don't think that he's NOT interested, he just doesn't seem to want to ask questions or talk about it, so I talk, make suggestions and he always says ok. I'm over his lack of emotions. I am doing what's best for me. :haha:
Monthly u/s's are fairly routine for high risk pregnancies. Being 39, IVF, thyroid issue makes me borderline, if I had multiple losses I would be deemed high risk for sure.

Ah, that's right, I forgot about high risk pregnancies... Ya know, you've got me thinking about this now... I'm 38, IVF, and 2 chemicals in the past. I have friends over 35 who were seeing a high risk specialist simply due to age alone. Two of them had IUGR where baby didn't have enough room to continue growing, so both were either induced or had c-sections a few weeks early. I'm beginning to wonder why my OB wouldn't suggest I see a high risk doc. Does this normally only come up further into the pregnancy? Not that I want to have to see one, but with my friends' situations (even though IUGR has nothing to do with age) it does make me wonder which OBs recommend it and which don't.... any thoughts?

My Dr is not just a high risk obgyn, but he has high risk patients and non high risk patients. Chemicals don't really put you in the high risk category. Health history like high blood pressure, clotting issues, and other more serious issue play a far more critical role. I am borderline due to my thyroid, age, fertility issues, and a procedure I had when I was younger that could have compromised the integrity of my cervix. I know friends who are high risk and they have a lot that has to be monitored very closely like diabetes. I chose this Dr due to his background in high risk obstetrics, and based on the recommendations of a few people. I found out after I started going that it is the same practice that J Lo used...not that it really matters, but she can have any Dr she wants and she chose the founder of this practice. At the end of the day they monitor my thyroid more often and I have appts every 4 weeks. I had an easy pregnancy with Jack, just an awful delivery. I love 3 of the Drs there but def not the one who delivered Jack, she is full of herself. For whatever reason I always hear that people who have a hard time getting prego have easy pregnancies or an easy delivery. I had an easy pregnancy. Jen you might have an easy delivery girl!!!!

As a side note for ladies with cramping, water, water, water. We need 2x the amount of water than normal due to the increase in blood. Drink at a minimum 80oz a day. Most cramping is from dehydration. I always hear while at the Dr them telling nurse to call the patient back and tell them to drink more water.
Monthly u/s's are fairly routine for high risk pregnancies. Being 39, IVF, thyroid issue makes me borderline, if I had multiple losses I would be deemed high risk for sure.

Ah, that's right, I forgot about high risk pregnancies... Ya know, you've got me thinking about this now... I'm 38, IVF, and 2 chemicals in the past. I have friends over 35 who were seeing a high risk specialist simply due to age alone. Two of them had IUGR where baby didn't have enough room to continue growing, so both were either induced or had c-sections a few weeks early. I'm beginning to wonder why my OB wouldn't suggest I see a high risk doc. Does this normally only come up further into the pregnancy? Not that I want to have to see one, but with my friends' situations (even though IUGR has nothing to do with age) it does make me wonder which OBs recommend it and which don't.... any thoughts?

My Dr is not just a high risk obgyn, but he has high risk patients and non high risk patients. Chemicals don't really put you in the high risk category. Health history like high blood pressure, clotting issues, and other more serious issue play a far more critical role. I am borderline due to my thyroid, age, fertility issues, and a procedure I had when I was younger that could have compromised the integrity of my cervix. I know friends who are high risk and they have a lot that has to be monitored very closely like diabetes. I chose this Dr due to his background in high risk obstetrics, and based on the recommendations of a few people. I found out after I started going that it is the same practice that J Lo used...not that it really matters, but she can have any Dr she wants and she chose the founder of this practice. At the end of the day they monitor my thyroid more often and I have appts every 4 weeks. I had an easy pregnancy with Jack, just an awful delivery. I love 3 of the Drs there but def not the one who delivered Jack, she is full of herself. For whatever reason I always hear that people who have a hard time getting prego have easy pregnancies or an easy delivery. I had an easy pregnancy. Jen you might have an easy delivery girl!!!!

As a side note for ladies with cramping, water, water, water. We need 2x the amount of water than normal due to the increase in blood. Drink at a minimum 80oz a day. Most cramping is from dehydration. I always hear while at the Dr them telling nurse to call the patient back and tell them to drink more water.

Thanks babyw. I am definitely staying super hydrated. I'm having more spotting today. Just called ob office back and asked to have a dr call me. Wondering if I should do an extra crinone?? Yesterday the Rn that called me back pissed me off. Her comment was "well if it's going south there's nothing you can do about it" I'm not wasting my time fooling with idiots like her anymore. I know it's not a genetic issue due to PGS. I was at 76 oz of water a day but have bumped it up since the cramping started.
Hi ladies! :flower:

Beagle - Good luck this afternoon! That was very sweet of you to ask your Mom to go with. She's going to love it!

Terri - Interesting that they are making you do all this educational stuff about the genetics. I think it's great but it's funny how different every clinic is....we had none of that. Not sure if that's because we talked about the PGS in our very first consult with your doctor or if they just don't do it. But I do think it's good to find out all the information first - whether your clinic does it or you self educate.

Mrs W - Hooray for your retrieval being over! Sorry you're disappointed in the fertilization. :nope: Two is good!!! I am hopeful for you. Hang in there!! :flower:

jkb - I hope you're feeling better today!! :flower:

Howdy to everyone else!!! It's Friday! :happydance:

As for me, nada. I don't feel anything. Actually, that's not true. I feel anxiety and despair one minute and then the next, I'm still hopeful. But I'm also starting to feel like AF is coming. I nomally have a 10-11 day luteal phase so this would be about right. I know the progesterone should keep her away but I guess stranger things have happened.
Ugh. I hate this crap. I had my progesterone and estrogen checked this morning - waiting for the call from the nurse to see how it looks. :shrug:

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