First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

LadySosa-glad you your date scheduled and it's a weekday so you can have the weekend to yourself. I forgot to say that I liked your tidbit on rain in the convertible. Awesome. Hee hee.

Beagle-I didn't watch your ultrasound video but I did watch the Chinese one. That is a great commercial. I thought only you and your mom were going to the docs today so I'm glad your hubs was able to make it.

Happy Saturday to everyone else. My dad is flying in in a few hours.
You were a chatty bunch yesterday ladies. I was in the office, so I followed along on my phone but wouldn’t keep up with you.

Mrs. W: Congrats on a great retrieval. I know it stinks when they don’t all fertilize but just think those are the strongest. Hope they’re hanging on and dividing. Good luck this weekend if you have your transfer!

JKB: So sorry you’re dealing this. That nurse sucks. How about some compassion and trying to make you feel better? I hope things have quieted down for you and you’re feeling better. :hugs:

Booger and Amy: How are you ladies hanging in there? Did you break down yet or staying strong? Hope you have lots to do this weekend so time flies. It is so tough when you’re second guessing every twinge and feeling. It’s certainly an emotional roller coaster.

LadySosa: Wahoo on a transfer date!! So, excited. Enjoy your last weekend as a non-prego lady.

Beagle: Congrats! He looks great. That’s awesome you had both your husband and your mom there.

Terri: It is funny how every clinic is different. I did the genetic blood test and they just drew a bunch of vials and I was on my way. It is really neat all that they can test and it was relief to see everything come back negative. The company offered a promotion if your insurance didn’t cover the testing it would only be $25. My insurance rejected it and I got an $11K bill, which gave me a heart attack. Thankfully, Natera adjusted it with no problem. I hope you have a nice time with your dad despite the fact he’s in town for a sad occasion.

I’m working today and had to be in at 7 a.m., which kind of stinks. I’m not an early bird. But I’ll be done by three. We’re going out to dinner with two other couples tonight, which should be fun. I’m employing my mocktail strategy again.

DH told his best friend on Thursday night that I was pregnant and about the IVF. His wife called me last night and cried she was so happy for us. It was super sweet. DH has been friends with him since middle school and they’re our neighbors. They have two little ones and were so eager for us to join them with kids.

I still feel pretty normal. I've got another U/S on Tuesday. Excited and will be relieved to hopefully see the little peanut again.
Hi ladies! :flower:

sars - I'm working today too! I think I have mentioned that I'm working on this big project that has been dragging on painfully for years and we are so close to getting it out the door. Because I have been so distracted lately (Hmmmm, I wonder what has me distracted), I find that I can get a lot done on the weekends when there isn't anyone else around or e-mails to which I have to respond. Let's hope this is the last one for awhile.

Terri - Glad you get to see your Dad but like sars said, sorry that it's because your dealing with a sad event. I am also sorry that I totally had it wrong the other day when I sent condolences and thought it was your aunt. I see you said it was your cousin who passed away. I hope you guys have a nice weekend to remember her.

LasySosa - Hooray for 8mm and setting a new date. Just a couple days later. That's not too bad! I can't wait!!

Beagle - I love that your husband was awed and excited by the ultrasound. And it's so sweet that your mom really enjoyed going too! Thanks for the pep talk. I'm feeling better today.

jkb - How are things going today?? Take it easy this weekend!

Amy - It's nice to know I'm not alone in this but I really wish we could both just relax and feel better about it all! I do feel better today. I heard from my nurse yesterday afternoon and that helped. What are you doing this weekend to keep your mind off of things??

Mrs W - Any updates?

How is everyone else doing?? I hope you all have lovely weekends.

As I mentioned to sars, I'm working today and mostly likely tomorrow. Of course, in my ideal world, I wouldn't be sitting at my desk but that's just how it goes for right now. It's actually okay because it's keeping my mind other things, if you know what I mean! I think I felt so desperate yesterday afternoon because I was cramping ever so mildly. It just felt like AF was trying to show up! I know that cramping happens for all sorts of different reasons so I was just trying not to worry about it too much. Then my nurse called to tell me that my estrogen and progesterone levels looked great - so I felt much better after that. They were at 121 and 49 respectively. She said it was good so I haven't bothered to Google. I'm trying to maintain some sanity!

I still haven't tested. I know I can make it through the weekend. I might test Monday morning as that would make me 7dp6dt and the equivalent of 13DPO. I would think that something should show by then if it's going to happen. I don't know how it will make me feel if it's not positive though and then I have wait 2 more days for my beta. I guess I'd rather not have to go through a negative twice.
Sars - enjoy feeling normal, some ladies are lucky enough to not get sickness at all. Your mocktail strategy is brilliant! Def using that one next time I'm preggo!

Jkb - how are you doing today? Bleeding/spotting is common and so often nothing to worry about during first tri. Hold onto seeing baby at your recent scan, I know the not knowing why is really tough. Thinking of you xx

Ladysosa - yay! Good luck for thurs! You will soon be pupo! X

Beagle - awww! Glad the scan went well, precious pics! Sorry you are feeling so awful tho.

Terri - I hope you enjoy your time with your dad.

Amy - it wasn't isci just normal ivf. The tww is so hard, I know ill feel the same as you! Look after yourself. Booger - ditto to you :hugs:

Hi everyone else and thanks for all the nice comments. I had a call this morning and we lost one egg over night, it stopped dividing :( so I have 1 x 2 day, 3 cell, grade 2 embaby on board now! Now I just need to relax, pray it keeps dividing and implants.

Enjoy your weekends ladies xx
MrsW - It looks like we posted at the same time. Hooray for transfer!! :yipee: I'm sorry that you lost the other embryo though. Keep growing little embaby!!
Hi girls, I just had brown spotting this am so hoping it is stopping! I have literally just been laying around for 2 days.... Hubby is being sweet and cooking, cleaning and taking our son to ball practice and school but I know this can't keep up. Hope the little break is doing baby good. Maybe the spotting was my bodies way of telling me to slow down.

Booger- happy that your levels came back perfect!:) not much longer waiting! Sorry you are having to work today but glad it is keeping you occupied.

Mrs w- I'm praying for that strong embaby to implant and grow! Congrats on your transfer! Sorry you lost one. Xoxo. Are you a tester or do you hold out for the beta? Hydrate and rest up.
Booger we did post at same time, yay for your levels being good! Now I'm joining you in the land of waiting and trying not to worry!!

Jkb that's great, hopefully that's the last of the spotting. Enjoy the resting! I'm not an early tester no. Having been pregnant twice I think ill know by otd just by how I feel, but ill test before the otd as I don't want the phone call at work with bad news, I'd rather cry at home the night before if its bad news.

Hopefully it won't be though!!

Booger when will you test? X
Hi ladies, just checking in:) did any of you tww gals test this am? Hope for some BFP's any day now! Fingers crossed
Hi ladies, just checking in:) did any of you tww gals test this am? Hope for some BFP's any day now! Fingers crossed

Good morning! I hope you are feeling better & the spotting has stopped.

I had the worst dream! I went to my dr & my appt was at 12 & I waited for 3 hrs. I finally just left but heard them call me back. I went back & got in to a huge arguement with the check in girl. Apparently I never signed in which was why my wait. But also I was hearing them talk about my condition. They asked about spotting & I said nothing was happening. Then I go to the bathroom to see a ton of red blood. I can't remember what happened...I think I was fine...he had a normal heart beat. I also remember my dog was sleeping on the waiting couches. It was so weird. Ugh...I hate dreams like that.
Hi all - I'm sooo far behind. Just want to say congrats to all in the TWW!!! I hope you're all feeling good. Now, let me try to get caught up. This board moves fast. :)
Good morning, ladies!! :coffee:

jkb - I hope your spotting completely went away! :flower:

Mrs W - How are you feeling??

Beagle - Sorry about the crazy dream! I hate how unnerving they can be sometimes. Crazy how our subconscious make all these weird things happen when we sleep. I dream all the time and sometimes they are just so strange. I had one the other night where we had an elementary school reunion and my old classmates and I were back in our one of our grade school classrooms, sitting in desks telling the teacher what our lives were like now. It was crazy because everyone in the dream was an adult and then they were showing pictures of our lives when we were kids and every person in the dream was just like they were when they were kids. People I hadn't thought about in YEARS. The brain is just so mystifying sometimes. And then a couple of nights ago I dreamed I brushed my teeth with OxiClean. So weird.

How is everyone else doing?? I hope you all had lovely a weekend.

So, I did it. I tested this morning. I may not have hidden the tests like I planned. :blush:


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Booger!!!! That made my day! Congrats chica! Have you told hubby yet? How are you feeling with everything?
!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!
Hi ladies, just checking in:) did any of you tww gals test this am? Hope for some BFP's any day now! Fingers crossed

Good morning! I hope you are feeling better & the spotting has stopped.

I had the worst dream! I went to my dr & my appt was at 12 & I waited for 3 hrs. I finally just left but heard them call me back. I went back & got in to a huge arguement with the check in girl. Apparently I never signed in which was why my wait. But also I was hearing them talk about my condition. They asked about spotting & I said nothing was happening. Then I go to the bathroom to see a ton of red blood. I can't remember what happened...I think I was fine...he had a normal heart beat. I also remember my dog was sleeping on the waiting couches. It was so weird. Ugh...I hate dreams like that.

I hate dreams like that too! Makes you feel so under rested the next day. I'm still having spotting it went brown then back to pink. It is still only a little bit but it is daily. I have an appt at 2:30 today. I really want to discuss my meds in detail and see what might be causing the spotting. Hope she will use the Doppler to verify heart rate while I'm there. My BreAst tenderness is completly gone. I'm sure my symptoms will come and go so I'm not going to over analyze.
Good morning, ladies!! :coffee:

jkb - I hope your spotting completely went away! :flower:

Mrs W - How are you feeling??

Beagle - Sorry about the crazy dream! I hate how unnerving they can be sometimes. Crazy how our subconscious make all these weird things happen when we sleep. I dream all the time and sometimes they are just so strange. I had one the other night where we had an elementary school reunion and my old classmates and I were back in our one of our grade school classrooms, sitting in desks telling the teacher what our lives were like now. It was crazy because everyone in the dream was an adult and then they were showing pictures of our lives when we were kids and every person in the dream was just like they were when they were kids. People I hadn't thought about in YEARS. The brain is just so mystifying sometimes. And then a couple of nights ago I dreamed I brushed my teeth with OxiClean. So weird.

How is everyone else doing?? I hope you all had lovely a weekend.

So, I did it. I tested this morning. I may not have hidden the tests like I planned. :blush:

So glad you tested early!!! I can't believe you already have a digi pregnant!!!
I started taking B6 & my nausea is GONE...almost. I only feel it when I need to eat. It worked the first day!

So i am trying to get an OB appt. Apparently like most offices, mine is being dumb. They need verification of the pregnancy. So I briefly thought about going there to's not far from my job. But then I just went through the effort of getting my records released from my RE. The receptionist was like REALLY? Are you an established patient there? I am...not sure why they require it. Oh well. Hopefully can get it sorted quickly. I am wondering if I will have an OB appt before my husband leaves. He found out his schedule. Apparently he is in Arkansas the whole 4 weeks. He can come home the 1st & 3rd weekend.
Good morning ladies,

Jkb - Looking forward to your appointment this afternoon so you can hear the HB and get some peace of mind!

Booger - Yay! I am so excited for you girl! When is your beta again?

Amy - how are you doing? Have you tested yet??

Beagle - that is soo lame. I didn't realize an OB would make you prove that you're pregnant. That seems silly. Sorry your hubby will be gone for 4 weeks!

Sars - yay for starting to tell people! That makes it so real! That was sweet of your neighbor. You guys can have play dates. :)

Yay Mrs W for a good transfer! Grow lil embie!

Afm - had a busy weekend with home projects. Still working on finishing the bathroom. Painted the medicine cabinets, painted the door/frame, installed towel rack and drawer pulls. Then we ventured to Lowe's and looked at the molding. We decided to take that project on too! So we got a few pieces of trim, a nail gun, went home and went to town - ripping off the old trim, installing the new. It looks wayy better than our crappy little stained trim that we had. We only got part of the way done in our bedroom, so another trip to Lowe's is in order in our future.

I went to happy hour with friends on Friday and they all know about the IVF - so I told them, I'm getting pregnant on Thursday!! LOL. Now that I've told so many people this better work damn it! Haha. I started the vaginal progesterone on Fri - yuck. That stuff is nasty!

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