First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

jkb11 - I'm SOOO glad everything turned out great at your appointment. It's such a relief when you find out there is a cause for the spotting and that your precious baby is just fine!!

beaglemom - Wow I can't believe your sister-in-law did that. Some nerve. You would think one would have the common sense that if YOU haven't posted anything about it, there must be a reason. I would definitely be upset too.

LadySosa - So sorry you're feeling nauseous. But on the positive side, only 3 more sleeps and you'll be PUPO!!!! :yipee:

Booger - Do you have any symptoms besides having to pee a lot? :)
I noticed you said you were 7dp6dt. What makes it a 6dt vs a 5dt? Did your clinic leave them in the lab an extra day or does it have something to do with being frozen or having PGS done? I figured mine was a 5dt since it was frozen on day 5. But nobody really explained that to me.
Oh, Beagle. That is ridiculous!!! I would be pissed. Grrrrrrrr. Glad she took it down quickly.

Amy - Yeah, so in order to do the PGS testing (at least at my clinic) the blastocysts have to be at the expanded stage. Some blastocysts get there in five days and some take six days. When my doctor came in to talk to me before transfer, I saw on the straw it had been frozen in that it had been frozen 6 days after retrieval. The only "symptom" I would say that really got me thinking that I might be pregnant was this weird taste I have been having my mouth for the last couple of days. I wouldn't really call it metallic but kind of similar. That could all be in my head. Oh, and I guess the cramps. Those come and go and I thought of them as being bad, but I guess they are quite common.
Lady - I've been having nausea from the progesterone too, it sucks! Not long till you are pupo and hopefully soon feeling sick for real!

Jkb - wonderful news! I am so glad you have reassurance that all is ok with baby!

Terri, I am glad the funeral went well and was a celebration. I think the nicest ones are where you can smile through your tears and that is what she would have wanted xx

Amy you are doing well holding off testing, how are you feeling? Enjoy being pupo, looking forward to hearing when you do test. X

Beagle, I love the nursery colours. Grrrr can't believe dhs sister did that!! I deactivated my fb when pregnant with my dd until we had told everyone just in case anyone accidentally did the same assuming that because we had told them we had told everyone. Glad she took it down though, it's your news to share x

Afm I have got another cough, so frustrating its my second in a month so I think the first virus never left. My embie should be becoming a blastocyst today! 3dp2dt. The tww is hard, I keep feeling like because I only had one embie left and had a 2dt I have less of a chance than those of you having lovely blasts out back but I know it only takes one and that I must be positive. Xx

Booger - loved your testing story, so happy for you xx
Terri - I'm so sorry about your cousin again. It sounds like the funeral was nice, though - a celebration of her life.

Amy - Don't feel bad for being "chicken shit" about testing. I didn't test at all before my beta because I was so nervous! When is your beta again?

Booger - Congratulations again. It must have been amazing to see "pregnant" on the digi!

Beagle - WTF was your SIL thinking? I'm glad you were able to get her to take down the post! I haven't done a facebook announcement or anything but the important people in my life know and that's all that matters to me. :)

Brighteyez - I agree with everyone else. Hang in there and trust that your body will pull through!

JKB - Wow, you must be relieved. Did your doctor say how long the bleeding might last? I hope it stops for you soon. Either way, it's great to hear that the baby's doing well.

Mrs. W - I know it's hard but try to stay positive. You're right - it only takes one and now that little embie is in the best place it could be!

Hi everyone else!
His sister is just full of drama. We didn't even tell her. Never intended to. His mom told her because she was so excited. Can't blame her. But we have so much negativity between us, we don't care what she thinks. And then I told my husband why is she so excited anyways? She is never going to see the baby. Her own doin, not ours. She lives about an hour & a half away. Her dad is near us in assisted living. She can't seem to visit him...why should we expect her to come to us? There was also a load of drama at Christmas concerning her kids. She just wants everyone to look at her. She is so jealous of anyone showing attention to my husband. I think she thinks we fell in to a gold mine & only great things happen to us & only because we are lucky. Couldn't possibly be because we work hard. Her life is crap & she likes to blame the world. Ugh. I can't stand her. There are plenty of times she pulls crap with my husband & I just want to punch her...but I let him deal with her. It takes a lot for him to actually get angry at someone & lash out.

ANYWAYS...just had to vent....Serenity now, serenity now...

I just want to forget about her & bask in the glow of my life right now. :)
Mrs W - don't worry about the age of the embryo. I think a lot of people just need help getting the sperm & egg to meet. Your body will know what to do & take over. I think we had a couple of people who went through a fresh, only 1 embryo left & not even "strong". Put it in & now pregnant!
booger, hooray!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I was so happy to see that you tested! Wuhu!! CONGRATS!!! I knew it was gonna work. :) I'll add you to our BFPs on the front page... were you 6dp6dt when you tested?
Good morning ladies!

Terri - sorry about your cousin. I'm glad you had a celebration of her life and spent time with your dad! When do you start stimming?

Beagle - Argh! That would make me mad too. Good thing she took it down quickly.

Mrs. W - I agree with Beagle. Once the embryo is there, your body knows what to do! I am glad I'm not the only one who gets queasy from the progesterone! Not fun. And you're sick on top of it - boo!

Amy - I was wondering the same thing about 6dpt vs. 5dpt. I think 2 of my embryos were frozen after 5 days and 2 were frozen after 6 days.

Afm I am working from today so it's nice to be lazy in my jammies. Yesterday we talked about baby names. :) It really makes it feel real when you start making a list of names! We had a hard time finding a good boy name, but we make a list of like 5-6 names, none of them were standing out to us too much. We have one name already picked out for a girl - Camila. Woo! I am getting excited!!
Booger: I’m still so stinking excited for you!!

LadySosa: It’s totally normal to only be thinking about this. It was ALL I could think of. I was super unproductive in the days leading up to my transfer, immediately after. You’re so close!

Birghtetyz: Hang in there! The doctors know what they’re doing and they’ll get you there.

JKB: What a relief! Thank god it’s nothing to worry about it. You must feel so much better knowing what’s going on. I love RH stuff too. It’s very understated and sophisticated.

Terri: That’s wonderful the funeral was a celebration. My husband’s cousin died at 53 a few days before Christmas (cancer) and the wake was truly a party. It’s a comfort when you know you’re doing something that they would be pleased with.

Beagle: WTH is wrong with your SIL? I’d be so mad. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that.

Amy and Mrs. W: I hope you’re hanging in there and staying positive!

I had another U/S today. We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, which was a huge relief and so amazing. Everything looked normal. RE called the baby an overachiever b/c the placenta is in a good spot. Apparently this is a problem with IVF pregnancies? Today was my last visit with her and I’m actually a tad sad! She gave me a big hug when I left. I finally got the go ahead for running and sex as well. So, all in all a great appointment.

Only funny/awkward thing is I ran into a city councilman and his wife in the waiting room at the clinic. I deal with him for work and we were both just like, Heyyy. And I think he had to go back and give a sample after. Felt bad for him.
sars - I never ran in to anyone I knew, but sometimes I felt awkward in the elevator. The office is the entire 3rd we know if you press 3 where you are going. Sometimes you just want to be like so what's your deal? Since we are all in the same boat basically.
Oh, Jkb - I forgot to say whew! So glad your babe is ok! You must be so relieved.

Sars - thanks for that encouragement! I am very unproductive this week, lol. I'm glad I am not the only one! That is so awkward to run into someone you know. I'm always afraid of that! How exciting to hear the HB! I can't remember - are you team yellow?
Oh, Jkb - I forgot to say whew! So glad your babe is ok! You must be so relieved.

Sars - thanks for that encouragement! I am very unproductive this week, lol. I'm glad I am not the only one! That is so awkward to run into someone you know. I'm always afraid of that! How exciting to hear the HB! I can't remember - are you team yellow?

It was just super awkward because I'm a journalist, so, the dynamic we deal with each other in is a bit strange. He was like," Hi, how are you?"

Yup, team yellow! Although, we both feel like it's a boy. I know its silly but from the moment I saw the embryo I thought it's a boy, which my best friend says means it will be a girl haha. It's funny before all of this I really wanted a girl. Now, all I care is that the baby is healthy.

Love the name. Our friend's daughter is named Camila. Jose is Argentinian so all of their kids have neat names. I can never pronounce them as pretty as Jose makes them sound though.
Sars I kept dreading bumping into someone we know or from work at our clinic too, hasn't happened yet luckily. Although I've 'met' 2 ladies on here who go to my clinic!

I was absolutely convinced my first pregnancy was a boy and was such a shock when they showed my husband and he told me 'its a girl!' So you never know! Team yellow is lovely. X
Lady - I love the name! We have had a boy name that we both love for years but we have numerous girl names that we really like but not one that we are like "yeah that's it"

Amy and mrs w - can't wait for you gals to test!! Mrs w I agree with everyone, the baby is in the best spot possible! You have already jumped over the hard hurdle of getting that good egg! Next up the bfp!!

Terri- I love when families are able to celebrate a life. Its not easy missing someone but it helps when you know they lived a full joy filled life.

SARS - congrats on the ultrasound! What was the heart rate? I'm going team blue for you as well;) remind me... How far along are you? We need to get you a ticker:)

Thanks for all the well wishes ladies! It definitely is a relief to hear that sweet heartbeat! I told hubby I wish we could push a button and just have her already;) I went to hobby lobby today and bought a ton of supplies to make hair bows. We are going to do a small gender reveal party for immediate family on the 14th I thought it would be sweet to have all the grandmothers, aunts make babies first hairbows:) I'm so excited!!
Thanks JKB! I didn't actually ask the heartbeat rate. I was just so relieved baby was there and still growing. Just checked the US and it says 154.

I started getting really paranoid before the ultrasound today for some reason. Beagle and I had our transfer on the same day. I'm a little over seven weeks. I've just been paranoid about miscarrying. My dad's mom lost six babies and my mom and both of her sisters lost their first as well.

I felt really good today with how pleased my RE was. It was funny on the ultrasound I was thinking wow, it's already starting to look like a baby. And then she pointed out that was the gestational sac.
So I just went to get food & hit McDonalds...a 20 piece nugget...I know not a good thing. Anyways after the first one I felt so much better. I am starting to think when I wake up at night I should make a snack. Most of my sickness I think is just me being hungry. I am not used to eating so often.

I wanted a girl so bad because my mom doesn't have a granddaughter. But before the transfer, boy kept hitting me. I really thought boy. But sometimes you have a feeling & you are who knows. And yes just happy he is healthy.
sars, I will put a yellow stork down for you on the front page. I must've missed that you are team yellow!

Hi all! Haven't had much time to post replies to everyone, but I've been jumping on to read and stay caught up! (otherwise its too easy to fall behind!). I just started a super busy phase at work, as our year-end is this month, and we get insanely busy. Plus, I had an us/ today, which made me almost 2 hrs late for work, so now I'm struggling to get caught up before my phone starts ringing off the hook.

Here's today's scan... Little Man wouldn't stretch out to get a good body shot, but still nice to see the side of his big noggin. :winkwink: They also printed out this other pic, which is wild to me... a face shot where you can see his eyes, nose, mouth.


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Hi ladies!!:flower:

Beagle - Yeah, it sounds like you need to snack a little more to maybe help with the queasiness a bit. :sick: I hope that helps!!

sars -Awwwww, hooray on the awesome US today! :flower: That's great. I love that your Dr. gave you a hug when you left. I'm not a super touchy, feely person but there is always one nurse at my clinic that gives hugs and I never seem tot mind.

jkb - I'm so happy everything checked out okay! That has to be a relief. :thumbup: I was always worried about running into someone at my clinic too, but it never happened. Sounds like you both handled the awkwardness well.

LadySosa - Working from home is just the best! Only two more days until transfer. Can you believe it? Gah!!!!! I am so excited for you.

kfs - Thanks! Yes, it was reassuring to see it on the digital but I won't rest easy until after my beta(s). Every wait is more agonizing than the one before it, I swear. :nope:

Mrs W - Hang in there!!! :hugs: You just never know what's going to happen and that is one of the hardest things about this whole process. We're all here and pulling for you and your little embie!! Stick, stick, stick.

Terri - Thanks!! I'm glad your cousin's service was so nice. A celebration on one's life is how it should be!! Now you have me wanting a hoagie......mmmmmmm, hoagies.

Brighteyez - How are you feeling today?

Erin - Those are cool pictures!! It's almost like you can see his little, round belly below his noggin. :) Yes, I guess when I first tested I was 6dp6dt. But don't put anything on the front page yet - not until after my beta tests, please! I'm just trying to be a bit cautious, sorry.

Thanks again to everyone for all the love. It feels nice. :flower:

Okay - I know it's normal but I have had some brown spotting today (along with cramping) and I'm really trying not to freak out. :sad2: My test was positive again this morning so that's good. It's just the worst feeling not being able to know what's going on or even to be able to do anything about it if I knew. My beta in the morning cannot get here fast enough!! I'm going to be there right when they open at 6:30 am, I swear. :loopy:

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