First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Well the Mexican places I love are more authentic. I basically think that if my waiter can only say Coke, water, & the special #2 (or whatever) it will be good food. If white people serve me, I am not happy! (sorry if anyone takes that as a racist remark, it is really a compliment to the Mexican people!) The place we went to was Tex Mex...I am not a fan.

Oh & Terri - you reminded me of my friend. She has a lot of health issues in general...especially female issues. So her doctor is notorious for calling her on a Friday saying call us back & then they close at 12 so she has to wait ALL WEEKEND for results. And most of the time it is fine. But it drives her CRAZY!

Erin - I am not loving all food like you seem to be, but I am not having too many issues eating. I feel much better if I eat often. I actually just realized I am having a great day today. Last night we ate breakfast for dinner. I could have ate some more bacon for sure. Then I finished off my jar of was at least half full! Today I opened a big bag of peanut M&Ms & now can't stop eating them. I am not usually big on sweets like that. Also someone put a reeses cup in our it just taunts me everytime I see it! So I had to buy my own. I feel crazy but I do have to admit it is fun to be able to do this & people are just like whatever...she's pregnant!
Sars - Wow that is even crazier. You still don't know how it got into the house? I would have ran out of the house too. My dog brought in a dead bird one time and set it in her bed and I almost had a heart attack and it was dead lol.
I have to take another blood test on Monday and they usually schedule the ultrasound 7 - 10 days after that. So I would say two weeks or so.

kfs1 - Ya I felt she was totally insensitive. She didn't even apologize, but that was the receptionist and she's only been there for a few months. Once the nurse got on the phone, she did apologize so it made me feel better.

I did some research on the cheeses as well. It is confusing because different websites say different things. From what I was able to generalize, pasteurized cheeses of any kind are fine. And that it is illegal to import unpasteurized cheese into the US so any unpasteurized cheese out there was made here and you usually only find those at places that sell specialty cheeses. I also read that Mexican Markets or Carnicerias also sell some unpasteurized cheeses too because a lot of mexican cheeses are unpasteurized BUT if it is heated then it is fine.

I also woke up with sore boobs this morning. They have a throbbing feeling now where the past couple days I was feeling a tingling sensation. They are also firmer and fuller. Almost like I have my 25 year old boobs back lol.
Amy - that was very helpful cheese info. I had to buy new bras pretty quickly...but I am small I am now in a B cup. My breasts hurt mostly when I wake up...almost like they are full of rocks...just heavy. You are supposed to wear a bra at night to help, but it is more uncomfortable than it is worth to me. But if you do want to do that, I suggest the bra is pretty comfortable.

My cat brings in dead birds a lot. So gross.
Beagle you are experiencing exactly what I did...I could go into a deli or other place for lunch and look at the menu and go "meh" on everything. Nothing was what I wanted especially by the time I got back to my desk to eat. I basically ate to help stave off nausea. I found that eating several small meals helped tremendously.

Amy welcome to "your cup runneth over" club as far as bras are concerned. That's how one woman guessed a girl for me...she said my chest was much bigger faster this time.

Terri I love your are far more patient than I. How are you liking this weather?!?!?

Erin don't wear yourself down too much this month...I am the perfect example of compromised immunity due to fatigue and stress!

How is everyone else?

I am feeling better, sounding better but poor Jack was projectile last night out of nowhere. I don't know what caused it but he was sobbing when I got home, just wanted me to hold him, slight temp of 99.5 but I couldn't tell what it was...he took a little bottle but was super clingy like he was scared. Them boom, puke city. I gave him a bath and he seemed to come around, but again today my nanny called and said he was sobbing and clingy. So far he seems to have slept it off...maybe too much mucus being swallowed upset his tummy...seeing him get the chills and turn ash grey was so scary. My poor little monkey. 2 weeks straight of being sick. If it happens again tonight we are going back to the dr. Poor guy...I felt helpless.
Hello ladies,

How is everyone doing?

I did have retrieval today. 5 eggs collected, not sure how I feel. Have been feeling sort of numb mentally today. My left ovary is a little sore so I feel a little uncomfortable. But God is good, so I will trust him.
Glad all went well today. How many did you have last time? Do you remember? Now I bet you're really glad you'll do a frozen transfer if you're feeling bad. Rest up. All will be just fine. :hugs:
Hello ladies,

How is everyone doing?

I did have retrieval today. 5 eggs collected, not sure how I feel. Have been feeling sort of numb mentally today. My left ovary is a little sore so I feel a little uncomfortable. But God is good, so I will trust him.

5 is a great number. Rest and hydrate. I will be thinking good thoughts for you!
brighteyez - Feel happy!!! Five is great and now you can rest up and recover. :hugs:
Good morning, ladies!! :coffee:

terri - Hooray on the negative pap results. :happydance: So will they give you a start date now for stimming?? Or did you already have it and I am just a space cadet.

babywhisperer - I'm glad you are feeling a bit better and I hope poor Jack is now too. You guys have really had a rough go of it this winter. Ugh.

Erin - I have my first ultrasound tomorrow. If that goes well, I'll let you switch me on page one. Thanks for all your positivity - I just want to make sure everything's in the right place. Sorry you're so busy at work! I hope it makes the month fly by and then you can relax a bit.

beagle - Did you get your crib?? You are so ahead of the game. I'm usually a planner myself but you are ready!!! What are you going to do for the next 7 months? :haha:

Lady - When is your beta? This Saturday?? Only a couple of more days now. Are you going to test again at home first? I'm not trying to encourage you to do that - just being nosy.

Amy - Congrats on your amazing beta!!! High numbers don't always correlate with twins as the information you posted from betatbase shows. A lady on another forum I am on had her 2nd beta on 16DPO come in at 7,000 but ultrasound showed she is pregnant with a singleton. So don't freak out just yet! But I guess it certainly is a possibility. :shrug: How do you feel about the potential for twins?? I keep waiting for something to happen to my boobs but nothing yet. I'm not complaining but it seems like almost everyone deals with that one. I know they'll start expanding eventually so I'm not trying to rush it - it's just funny how everyone is so different.

sars - Your bird story was hilarious. I know it wasn't at the time but it made me chuckle. I'm glad you got it out of the house and no parties were harmed. Also, your description of it being black and creepy looking gave me a good laugh. I hope you don't have any more bird trauma anytime soon. :awww:

Hola to all the other lovelies out there!! :wave:

I was slammed at work yesterday plus I had a meeting offsite. By the time I got back to where I had internet access, I had a headache and was too exhausted to post. I should hear from DH tonight!! I have enjoyed his time away but I'm ready for him to be home. He won't actually get home until tomorrow afternoon but they ski back out to civilization this afternoon. I am guessing he is pretty ready to be home too.

I have my first ultrasound tomorrow morning! Can't wait to see what's there. I have another blood draw too so I'll get an update on my hCG level as well. Here's hoping tomorrow is a good day. :thumbup:
Good morning ladies,
Brighteyez, 5 is great! Don't worry and rest up. Let those ovaries come back down to normal size. Hope you feel better fast.

BabyW - sorry Jack is sick. Poor little guy. That must be so frustrating to watch him go through that and not be able to make him better. Throwing up is never fun and I can't imagine for a little tiny being. :(

Afm, I tested again this morning, and got another negative. I've been teary all morning and starting to well up as I type. I just feel so disappointed. I wish I could've stayed home on the couch and watched tv all day. Instead today I have a meeting with our general counsel (same one that made me cry a few weeks back) this afternoon. Argh, I hope that I can keep it together in front of the jerk. I wonder if its best to reschedule for when I am less emotional and can think more clearly. I'm trying not to give up ALL hope, since I do still feel a little crampy and I know there is still a possibility. But its hard not to feel despondent. :(
Good morning, ladies!! :coffee:

terri - Hooray on the negative pap results. :happydance: So will they give you a start date now for stimming?? Or did you already have it and I am just a space cadet.

babywhisperer - I'm glad you are feeling a bit better and I hope poor Jack is now too. You guys have really had a rough go of it this winter. Ugh.

Erin - I have my first ultrasound tomorrow. If that goes well, I'll let you switch me on page one. Thanks for all your positivity - I just want to make sure everything's in the right place. Sorry you're so busy at work! I hope it makes the month fly by and then you can relax a bit.

beagle - Did you get your crib?? You are so ahead of the game. I'm usually a planner myself but you are ready!!! What are you going to do for the next 7 months? :haha:

Lady - When is your beta? This Saturday?? Only a couple of more days now. Are you going to test again at home first? I'm not trying to encourage you to do that - just being nosy.

Amy - Congrats on your amazing beta!!! High numbers don't always correlate with twins as the information you posted from betatbase shows. A lady on another forum I am on had her 2nd beta on 16DPO come in at 7,000 but ultrasound showed she is pregnant with a singleton. So don't freak out just yet! But I guess it certainly is a possibility. :shrug: How do you feel about the potential for twins?? I keep waiting for something to happen to my boobs but nothing yet. I'm not complaining but it seems like almost everyone deals with that one. I know they'll start expanding eventually so I'm not trying to rush it - it's just funny how everyone is so different.

sars - Your bird story was hilarious. I know it wasn't at the time but it made me chuckle. I'm glad you got it out of the house and no parties were harmed. Also, your description of it being black and creepy looking gave me a good laugh. I hope you don't have any more bird trauma anytime soon. :awww:

Hola to all the other lovelies out there!! :wave:

I was slammed at work yesterday plus I had a meeting offsite. By the time I got back to where I had internet access, I had a headache and was too exhausted to post. I should hear from DH tonight!! I have enjoyed his time away but I'm ready for him to be home. He won't actually get home until tomorrow afternoon but they ski back out to civilization this afternoon. I am guessing he is pretty ready to be home too.

I have my first ultrasound tomorrow morning! Can't wait to see what's there. I have another blood draw too so I'll get an update on my hCG level as well. Here's hoping tomorrow is a good day. :thumbup:

So excited for your ultrasound!!!
Good morning ladies,
Brighteyez, 5 is great! Don't worry and rest up. Let those ovaries come back down to normal size. Hope you feel better fast.

BabyW - sorry Jack is sick. Poor little guy. That must be so frustrating to watch him go through that and not be able to make him better. Throwing up is never fun and I can't imagine for a little tiny being. :(

Afm, I tested again this morning, and got another negative. I've been teary all morning and starting to well up as I type. I just feel so disappointed. I wish I could've stayed home on the couch and watched tv all day. Instead today I have a meeting with our general counsel (same one that made me cry a few weeks back) this afternoon. Argh, I hope that I can keep it together in front of the jerk. I wonder if its best to reschedule for when I am less emotional and can think more clearly. I'm trying not to give up ALL hope, since I do still feel a little crampy and I know there is still a possibility. But its hard not to feel despondent. :(

Do not throw in the towel just yet. Could be a late or slow implanter. I know how it can play on your emotions, but if you can keep busy and stay focused you will feel better. Sitting at home will only make you dwell on it. Stay positive and have faith. And don't let that jerk get the best of you...he was probably stuffed in a locker every day in high school. Chin up girl, thinking good thoughts for you.
Lady-I would reschedule. You don't want to start crying in front of him again AND you never know what might trigger your waterworks. If you can meet with him another day, I would, but you know what's best. My heart is aching for you so badly. I know exactly how it feels to be positive thinking but then to get a BFN. It's still early, like the others said, but the unknowing is just terrible. And..there are people who got negatives on tests, and then when they got their blood drawn had a positive beta. So..don't be too discouraged just yet, but I TOTALLY understand what you're going through. :hugs: Now I want to go home and sit on the couch! :friends:

booger-Yay for ultrasound tomorrow and your husband coming home. How great will that be to have him hanging around? Don't forget to ask for pictures. hee hee. My stim date starts on Friday night. I am happy this day is finally here. Retrieval is scheduled for the end of the month. I am fortunate that I can use the Gonal F that I have and then use Follistim. I'll let you know in the future if I need any cartridges. Thank you for the offer. :)
Lady - you still have some time...hang in there!

Brighteyez - I don't necessarily believe fets have a higher success rate...if they did, my office would be the first to stop fresh. Having said that, I def feel like fets have a better effect on us emotionally. I was so happy to start my period & get back on the next cycle. I feel like my fet & I was so full of positive energy. Where as in my retrieval cycle, I was just worn out physically & emotionally. 5 is a great number & I think you will feel so much better doing an fet.

booger - try to do a video with your phone...I am def glad we will mean so much for your husband to see the little heart beat! Don't worry, the symptoms will come! But it is more reassuring when we feel them. My nausea seems to be going away...but if I didn't feel so hungry & wake up feeling a wreck, I would be nervous.

I have not gotten my crib has been hectic. I think I will order it today if I have time. I was just thinking what now? We are working on a registry. I think I may actually not go to any more consignment sales. My mom is making fun of all the clothes I have. I went to Target & got these ninja turtles & batman onsies...they were like $2 & come on, I am an 80s kid! Gotta have ninja turtles! I found a crib matress & boppie pillow at the last sale so I really think I have most of the big items...I really just need a swing & maybe a tub (someone offered me theirs).

So I just want to focus on the nursery for now & getting organized. I probably won't get my furniture put together until my husband is done with training.
Oh and I couldn't hold out any longer. I'm Facebook official!


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Booger- can't wait for your ultrasound and beta update tomorrow! Enjoy it:)

Lady- hang in there girl! I know seeing the negatives is hard but everyone and every baby is different. Praying you get your bfp in the am! Hope work is ok for you. *hugs*

Brighteyez- congrats on getting thru retrieval! 5 is a perfect number. Hope transfer comes quick for you.

Beagle congrats on the face book announcement.

Baby w hope - you and sweet jack are feeling better!!

Erin- good to hear from you. Hope works slows for you!!

Terri- woohoo! Come on Friday!!!

We are doing a gender reveal party for immediate family on Saturday. It has been so off and on due to the bleeding but ultimately I'm ready to just tell family and enjoy it. My fear is they will get more attached and then something will happen. Hubby says to just have so I am:) should be fun!
Hi ladies, thanks for the kind words. I know its still early, I'm just concerned because I'm still bleeding and have been since Monday. Seems to be a long time for just spotting. I'll try to keep my chin up and stay busy. Maybe I'll go to the mall for my lunch break to cheer myself up!

Booger - can't wait for your ultrasound! And glad your DH is on his way home safe. Def. take a video so DH can hear it later. :)

Beagle - congrats on the FB announcement! I bet it feels real now!

Terri - thanks for the advice. You always know just what to say!! And woohoo for getting started tomorrow!

Our general counsel is almost 80 years old. Normally I would be kind to my elders (and I am kind to his face, through gritted teeth) but he is soooo stubborn and rude. He likes to name-drop and remind everyone (almost daily) about how smart he is. He insists that he is open to new ideas and wants me to "speak up" if I don't agree with something, but I've tried that, and he just shuts me down. It's his way or the highway. And all his practices are straight from 1970. He doesn't agree with anything electronic (e-signing? No way). So my new m.o. around him is just nod and agree, agree, agree until my head feels like its going to pop off from nodding so much. Whatever. Anything to get away from him and his 30-minute stories about how he once blah...blah....blah...

Sorry, rant over! Haha.
Booger- can't wait for your ultrasound and beta update tomorrow! Enjoy it:)

Lady- hang in there girl! I know seeing the negatives is hard but everyone and every baby is different. Praying you get your bfp in the am! Hope work is ok for you. *hugs*

Brighteyez- congrats on getting thru retrieval! 5 is a perfect number. Hope transfer comes quick for you.

Beagle congrats on the face book announcement.

Baby w hope - you and sweet jack are feeling better!!

Erin- good to hear from you. Hope works slows for you!!

Terri- woohoo! Come on Friday!!!

We are doing a gender reveal party for immediate family on Saturday. It has been so off and on due to the bleeding but ultimately I'm ready to just tell family and enjoy it. My fear is they will get more attached and then something will happen. Hubby says to just have so I am:) should be fun!

Yay for a gender reveal party! I am excited for you! Yes, I would say overcome those fears and move forward with the party. You can't just put the pregnancy fun on hold because something *may* happen. Take a deep breath and try to be confident! :)
Hello ladies,

Pray everyone is doing well.

AFM - my 5 have now turned into 2. No feeling the best right now but, it is what it is. Thanks for all of your support.
Booger - YAY I can't wait until your ultrasound tomorrow!!
I think the possibility of twins is terrifying and exciting at the same time. Although I would prefer a singleton, I wouldn't hate the idea of twins either. The first year would be the hardest I think. I know it could go either way at this point. It's just last time my numbers were low enough that I didn't even consider it as a possibility, just knowing it is totally possible this time is crazy lol.

LadySosa - I'm so sorry you got a BFN this morning. I know how discouraging that is. But don't lose all hope just yet. Like I told you before, my positive last time wasn't until 9dp5dt and it was super light I don't think it would have shown up at 7dpt at all. (P.S. Are you using a FRER? If not I'd stop and get some). And if for some reason it doesn't work out, focus your energy on the fact that you have frosties waiting for you. That really kept my spirits up after my miscarriage. We're here for you.

Beaglmom - Congrats on going facebook official :) So exciting.

Brighteyez - I'm so sorry your 5 turned into 2. I know it's so discouraging when your numbers drop but you only need 1. I'm praying for your 2 to continue to grow and make it to freeze.

kfs1 - YAY for your gender reveal party. Are you going to reveal it in any special way?

Terri - Yay only 1 more day!! Whoo Hoo!! I know you're ready to get this show on the road.

Well I had another symptom pop up (or so I think). So I finally get what babywhisperer and beaglemom have been talking about. I could not eat dinner last night. I wasn't nauseous but the thought of food made me feel as if I would have to choke it down. So probably not the best thing, but I totally skipped dinner and went to bed early. Then of course I woke up at 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep :dohh:

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