First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hey all, just popping on quick to say good luck to all the testers and triggers! I have been at home sick since Wed night. Went to urgent care on Sun and they wouldn't give me an antibiotic...swollen glands, lymph nodes, throat red, sinus infection, and then a fever started yesterday. They suggested I go to WF and get raw honey. Thankfully my Dad always has a zpack or 2 lying around and I took it while prego with Jack for a sinus infection. I fought the good fight for 5 days and was only getting worse.

Jkb, oh hun I am so sorry for all the stress and frustration. I swear we have to be our own advocate when it comes to these situations. I would ask to know where the bleed is, if the hematoma is between the pregnancy and the uterus that's a dangerous location. I will say that my Dr said that in his 30yrs of practicing he only had 1 patient miscarry from this and her hematoma was huge, like 10x the size of mine. He also said they are very common, clots alone are not enough to cause him to worry, it's when there are clots and severe cramping that makes him concerned. I know this is little consolation, but hearing the hb means all is ok. This can't be easy at all to deal with and I am praying all is ok. I have a feeling it will resolve itself though. My Dr has seen thousands of patients and only 1 lost her pregnancy...that is less than 1% of 1%...pelvic rest should help. Do you know in your medical history if you have a problem with clotting in general?

No past medical problem with clotting. However it is a side effect of progesterone. I have had off and on stomach cramps but i take metformin just for the prevention of gestational diabetes due to pcos and that med can really mess with your tummy! But I have taken it religiously for a long time so I feel I'm pretty well adjusted to it. I'm trying to remain calm and positive. I have so much to do around my house but it can wait and hubby is doing good about helping but he is a workaholic so it's just when he has free time. Your docs numbers are reassuring to hear. Dr didn't speak about location of it to me but I noted it is to the right of the placenta.

To the right of the placenta is better...can they tell you the size? The size of it is what could make the uterus contract which is why pelvic rest is good for you. Some women also pass clots around the time of when af was supposed to show...some women can have this their whole pregnancy. If you put 100 women in a room and asked them all the scary or weird stuff that happened during their pregnancies you would be shocked. A friend of a friend just delivered by emergency C section last week b/c her hands and feet were itchy...a symptom of liver enzymes getting out of wack and can be fatal to baby and mother. Itchy hands and feet! So, good for you for being on top of things, and don't feel pushy for insisting more proactive care with a high risk Dr. Trust your gut. I think you're going to be ok. :hugs:
Hi girls! Not much time to post, but I have been taking a few minutes to read every single day so that I don't get too far behind!

I just had to jump on today to see if booger and Amy were ready for me to move them to the Successes on the front page. :) If so, let me know! If you'd rather wait a bit, no problem there either! Just wanted to be sure and check.:flower: (Amy, congrats on that awesome beta! Another set of twins on the thread?? :))

Oh, and LadySosa and Mrs W, you are early! Many of the girls didn't get their BFP until a couple of days from where you are right now, so no stressing (easier said than done, I totally know!!).

I'll post more when I actually have time to breathe. Already working late almost every night. March is, hands down, the worst month of the year for me at work.:wacko:
OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! You guys are going to flip out. Ok well maybe you won't flip out, but I am LOL. So nobody ever called me yesterday!! I had to call them this morning. The stupid receptionist said Oh, well we were really busy yesterday. I wanted to be like, lady you obviously have never had fertility issues because everything I have done for the past year and a half and all the money we've spent is ALL for these results you were too busy to give me grrrrr!!! Anyway rant over.

My beta was 2,076!!!

Isn't that a ridiculously high number for my 1st beta??

I don't go back for a week now. That's the way this clinic does it. They like to torture us lol.

LadySosa - Don't worry at all. 5dp5dt is still way early. I got my positive this time at 7dp5dt but last time it wasn't until 9dp5dt and it was really light even then.

Amy I would have screamed at that woman! What do you mean too busy!! Limbo to us is torture!!!! That's an amazing beta girl. Check betabase and the days post transfer you will see numbers for singletons and twins. I am so happy for you!!!

Looks like the zpack is doing the trick, I am swallowing w/o pain now, but oh my sinuses are so congested still, will do the neti pot again tonight. I'm glad I came into work, this way they can see how sick I am but trying to make it in. I never work from home 3 days in a row so they knew I was sick, but just didn't know how sick. I think at some point I am going to have to have my septum corrected or have sinus surgery...I always get bad infections and they linger for weeks. The last time I went to and ENT she said my septum was shaped like the letter C and I didn't have enough cartilage in my nostrils to prop them open and as I age it will get harder to breathe....looks like I am getting close to really needing to do something. I sound like Fran Drescher today!!!!
Amy-Oh yeah...there are two in there at least! I can't believe it. I was thinking of you this morning when I was getting my blood drawn, and I was like "What if they waited until the day AFTER I thought they were going to call with results? that must be torture." And that is exactly what happened to you. I really would have screamed at her. HA!!HA!! Congrats!! :happydance: :wohoo: Oh, and I call girl/girl twins.

Babyw-Glad you can breathe now.

LadySosa-It's still too early. Don't get discouraged yet. Your signs are sounding really positive, so it's probably just taking a little bit for the hcg to build up. They say that (for example), if your pregnancy test is 20nm test (units just made up), and your body only has 19.8nm, it will be negative, only because the test isn't sensitive enough. So tomorrow, when you have 38nm, it'll show up for sure. So..try again tomorrow or the next day and see what happens. I'm still thinking that your bfp is right around the corner.

ERose-I forgot that March is your crazy month. We'll miss you.
BabyW: Man you can't win this winter! Glad the pack is helping. Those things are miracle workers. The first year my niece was in daycare I've never been sicker.

LadySosa: It's still super early. I got my positive 5dp5dt but only on a FRER test. My wondfo and even a Clear Blue Easy Digital were negative. Your test just might not be sensitive enough this early. Hang in there. You've got some strong symptoms. I know it is is tortuous. When is your beta?

Amy: HOLY MOLY LADY!! :happydance::happydance: That is one insane beta. There are definitely at least two babies in there. I can't believe they didn't call you after all you've been through. Jerks. But what great, great news. I can't believe they're making you wait another week too. Torture.

Terri: Were you just getting your baseline testing this morning? That's great you can use up your old meds. For any ladies with leftover medicine, my doctor accepts it. She actually gave me one donated follistim pen so I only had to buy one, saving me $2,000, so I super appreciated that kind woman, whoever she was.

Erin: Sorry you're so busy. Hope you're feeling well!

I had a pretty insane morning today. I have a severe phobia of birds. I was attacked by one as a kid at Disney World. It dive bombed my head and would not get off. So, I don't trust that birds will respect my space and not touch me.

I got home from gym class this morning and Fen, my dog, wasn't downstairs, which was odd. I called him, walk walking into my dining room to put down my water bottle and I see a FREAKING BIRD sitting on my windowsill INSIDE!! The rug in the dining room was all a mess as if Fen had been freaking out.

I grabbed my phone, put Fen on his leash, opened the front door wide and ran out of the house. I called DH and he was trying to call me down telling me to call animal control. I don't know WTH animal control would do. I think they'd laugh at me.

So, I called my best friend, who lives around the corner, and told her I needed her to come over STAT and open the window for me. I know it sounds crazy, I'm a grown woman, but I could not bring myself to open that window.

Ash gets over and tells me we need to close the blinds on all the other windows so it doesn't get confused. She's approaching the bird as we're still discussing the best approach when Fen takes off. He runs into the dining room and jumps up on the buffet where the bird is perched on a vase. The bird freaks out, starts flying around with Fen excitedly chasing it. I drop to the floor in the fetal position, Ash is hysterically laughing at me, screaming close the close the door. The bird flew out and was perched on my screen door. I forced myself out of the fetal position far enough to slam the door shut.

Then we laughed for days. I wish we had it on video.

I still have no freaking idea how the damn bird got in my house!
My meeting is finally over & my boss just left. Thank god. People are asking what he will do when I am on maternity leave & he is just like the world keeps turning...even if Sarah has a baby. Thanks...feel REAL appreciated! Then I am out a day & he screws things up that I have to fix. I tell him I told you this & this & he is just like I can't remember everything you say. So iritating.

Nothing new with me. My sickness comes & goes. I went to eat Mexican which is my fav. I ate so much chips & queso (yes I know I am not supposed to). Then my food came I took one bite & I was like nope...I am out. It is so weird & so frustrating at times. I came home Sat wanting deviled eggs so bad I boiled ALL my eggs. Then they were done & I couldn't look at them. I had my husband make them & he & my mom ate most of them. While I was cooking eggs I was eating leftovers. Then started eating a jar of olives. It was a strange night food wise for me.

I found a crib at kohls & I have a 30% we are getting that instead of the one at Ikea. My husband said Ikea was too plain...this one was a little different but still simple...simple is what I am looking for. And all the furniture is the natural wood color. It even has knots in it which I love. So maybe pain this weekend & furniture the next before I lose my husband.

I am starting to realize the girl I vent & talk to at work all the time is not going to enjoy baby stuff talk. She is single. So that bums me out a little. But I still have you guys & some other girls at work.
sars-that is a scary story. I don't know what I would have done either and I'm not even afraid of birds! I just don't like stuff that is supposed to be outside inside! Glad the problem is resolved.

Beagle-how come you can't eat chips and salsa (oops queso)? Sorry your boss is on your nerves. Some people are just so ungrateful.
Erin - Sorry things are so hectic at work for you right now. I was wondering where you've been. I'm fine with you updating my status on the front page :)

SARS - OMG that is crazy!! What kind of bird was it, do you know? So it was wild? Or possibly someone's pet that got out lol? Maybe it thought your house was it's home :)

Terri - When do you start your meds?

Beaglemom - I was thinking the same thing... why can't you eat chips and queso lol.

Babywhisperer - I hope you get better soon! I'm glad the Z pack is working.

Ok so I'm still kind of freaking out LOL. I did a little research like Babywhisperer said on betabase and on peeonastickaddict. There have been woman who had a beta from 5 all the way up to 6,000 on 18dpo (which is what I was yesterday) and still had a singleton. So it is possible to only have one. But I am right in line with the median for twins. I keep getting shocked at every turn with this pregnancy LOL. In a span of one week I've gone from thinking my period was starting and I was completely out to suspecting I might have twins. So crazy. I don't even know what I'd do if there were three in there lol. I'm not even letting my mind go there right now!! :)
Something about the soft cheeses not being pasteurized. I ordered it...then it came & I said I shouldn't eat it & my husband was like THAT'S RIGHT! But it was ordered...nothing he could do :p
I finally got in touch with my OBGYN and of course, the assistant who called me initially wasn't in today. :devil: So...I asked for a reset of my patient portal username/password, and she gave it to me. I looked up my test and the result was negative. So...maybe she was just calling me to say that my info was posted on the patient portal. So stupid. Whatever. I'll fax a copy of my negative result to my nurse (who asked me about it again today when she called), and call it a day. Yay for negativity! hee hee.

Beagle-Not sure about the restaurant, and I make queso sometimes and it's just a block of cheese shredded and melted with milk/cream so it's ooey and gooey, so I think you'll be fine. The soft cheeses that you need to be worried about are like goat cheese (non-pasteurized sometimes), feta (unpasteurized sometimes), Brie or other European cheeses. For the most part, our American cheeses are pasteurized, so don't worry. Eat all the queso you like. HA!

Amy-It'll be fine no matter how many kids you have. You'll be a great mom. I know you only wanted one (for now), but two and done has a nice ring to it as well. :winkwink: I start meds on Friday night. Perfect! I may have to drink a glass of wine tonight. I haven't had wine in a while, so I think I might treat myself. mmm..mmm..
Yeh I am not really worried about it. But it shows up on all the no no lists. Whatever...queso is awesome.
Terri - Yay for the negative! One less thing to worry about! Have a glass of wine for me, I'm jealous :)

And booo that sucks, I love feta cheese.
Erin - Sorry things are so hectic at work for you right now. I was wondering where you've been. I'm fine with you updating my status on the front page :)

SARS - OMG that is crazy!! What kind of bird was it, do you know? So it was wild? Or possibly someone's pet that got out lol? Maybe it thought your house was it's home :)

Terri - When do you start your meds?

Beaglemom - I was thinking the same thing... why can't you eat chips and queso lol.

Babywhisperer - I hope you get better soon! I'm glad the Z pack is working.

Ok so I'm still kind of freaking out LOL. I did a little research like Babywhisperer said on betabase and on peeonastickaddict. There have been woman who had a beta from 5 all the way up to 6,000 on 18dpo (which is what I was yesterday) and still had a singleton. So it is possible to only have one. But I am right in line with the median for twins. I keep getting shocked at every turn with this pregnancy LOL. In a span of one week I've gone from thinking my period was starting and I was completely out to suspecting I might have twins. So crazy. I don't even know what I'd do if there were three in there lol. I'm not even letting my mind go there right now!! :)

Amy, it was definitely a wild bird. It was black and creepy looking. A little crow like but much smaller. I can't imagine the roller coaster you're on. How long will you have to wait to find out how many babies you have in there?
Babyw - Sheesh. You've been sick so many times this winter. Hope you start to feel better soon.

LadySosa - Hang in there lady. It's still early.

Amy - Whooooooooa that's a high beta! Congratulations! You must be ecstatic. Oh, and I would have been so pissed if I no one called me with my results. Like you said, that nurse obviously has not had any fertility issues herself or she would know to be more sensitive.

Sars - Yikes. I'm not really a fan of birds either. I would have run out of the house, too. Still, I bet it would probably make for a funny video. :)

Terri - Congrats on the negative. I know you ordered your meds but when do you start officially? Hope you had a nice, tall glass of wine last night. :)

A note about the cheeses ladies. From what I understand, like Terri said, that only goes for cheeses that aren't pasteurized, so that rule is more for soft cheeses like the kinds you would get at a more gourmet cheese counter or a gourmet section of a grocery store. The ones in your regular supermarket are almost always pasteurized - just check the label. I guess it's a bit trickier if you're at a restaurant because you don't know what they're using.
Good morning ladies!

All that talk about queso last night made me hungry for it! I was going to have leftover spaghetti for dinner but decided to make mexican instead! LOL.

Sars - yikes! That is scary about the bird! Do you guys have a chimney/fireplace? Sometimes they can get in through that. At my parents cabin, we'd visit every couple months and when we'd arrive, we'd always have to get the dead birds out of the stove before we started a fire. They always got in there somehow and then couldn't get out. It made me sad to see them all covered in soot and think about how long they must have struggled. :( But also gross to take them out. Sorry - that story probably horrified you if you have a phobia! But good thing your bestie was nearby to help and that you guys got a good laugh about it! The scenario sounds a little comical.

Beagle - sorry your boss is being a jerk. Maybe he's "manstruating". Hehe.

Erin - sorry that March is so crazy busy! Don't get too stressed out mama!

Terri - what was negative? Sorry, I might've missed something! Hope you enjoyed your last glass of wine! I too am jealous!

Thanks everyone for reassuring me that it was too early to test. That made me feel a lot better! I kept spotting yesterday, I was getting a little nervous. I kept having to change my pantyliner. I still have to check this morning to see if I am still spotting. It goes to show you that no matter how confident I feel, there is still a chance that it may not work out! So I gotta keep my expectations in check. I think I'll test again tomorrow or maybe even Friday. Work has been pretty busy so that's good to take my mind off things. And this afternoon we meet with our tax lady. Wheee! And tonight is my last Spanish class until April, so that's nice I'll have a little break.

How's everyone doing this morning?
Good morning ladies!

I broke down and tested this morning. I really wish I hadn't, cause I got a BFN. I knew that that was a strong possibility, since I am only 5dp5dt. But still, I've been feeling the symptoms so strongly I figured there was no way it wouldn't be positive! I'm trying to stay optimistic. I didn't tell DH that I tested, cause I feel like he'd be disappointed. I may try again tomorrow morning...I'm using the Walgreen's version of the early tester. Still feeling really crampy this morning and still spotting. At what point did you guys get a positive with a HPT?

I meant to reply to this...but I don't think I did. All of our test dates are on pg one. Mine was 5 days past 6 day was at night on a cheap test & seriously barely there! I tested again with frer & it was there but light. My cheap ones never got super dark inthe beginning. After my experience, I highly recommend anyone testing buying frer tests for sure! They are not even that pricey if you buy them at Walmart or Target.

Which reminds me...I have been staring at my unused tests forever & finally put them away. Anyone out there who is tranferring soon need some? Brighteyez...Terri???
You know I don't need any tests, but thanks for the offer. I have a lucky FRER from a friend that HAD HER BABY in June of last year (HA!!HA!!), and I probably have two others in my closet. I also still have a million ICs that I am never going to use.

LadySosa-I had to go back to my regular girl doctor for a follow up pap, and then she called but just said 'call me back.' She never told me my results and my fertility nurse wanted to know what they said. I finally got my username for the portal and read the results myself. I don't need to talk to the doctor. It doesn't even say come back in 3 months, so I'm going to pretend I don't know anything about going back until next year. HA! I'll be prego by then, so I'll be in and out of there quite often, I'm sure. Glad you're feeling better today. :hugs:

Work calls..

brighteyez-How are you doing? Is your retrieval tomorrow?

Mrs.W- Please check in..your date has to be soon or yesterday.

Hi to everyone else.
Girls, I am taking a BREAK. I'm so overwhelmed at work right now, and I just about flipped out on someone, so I think I need to just step away from work for a moment and do something that will calm me, like talk to my BnB girls. Even if it is just for a few minutes.

So first off, jkb, I wanted to say how pleased I was to see that there was a good reason for your bleeding, and that your baby's heartbeat is still going strong! I had a feeling everything was okay and that something else was causing it, but its always good to see good news confirmed. :)

Beagle, you seem to be like me right now… loving your food and eating plenty of it. ;) That’s been me this whole time. Food seems to taste even better than usual. Although I guess you’re still having some nausea…? Is that getting any better, or about the same?

LadySosa, keep us posted on the testing... I def think you were probably just too early. There's quite a range of timeframes for when BFPs finally show up!

kfs, hi there!! Are you still feeling good? I think you are the one of us who has had the fewest symptoms, right? Hopefully that's still the case for you!

sars, the bird story had me laughing!! Not actually funny to you, I know! I think it was just the way you told it, LOL. But as I was reading it, even though I got a few giggles, I was still thinking how freaked out I would've been myself. I'm not a big fan of nature pushing its way into my home! haha!

Amy, you have indeed had some big surprises! You could so easily have twins in there! I'm sitting here trying to remember how many dpt I was for my betas.... ... its in my siggy, but I can’t see that while I'm typing in the Reply box. I’m thinking I was around 760 at the equivalent of around 17dpo or so…

Booger, let me know if you’re comfortable enough to move you over to the successes… I think you’re golden! But it’s your call! :)

Hi to everyone else!!!

As for the queso (I am a cheese FREAK, so this was one thing I looked up early on, ha!)…. It’s a little confusing, because when we hear the word “queso”, we automatically think of any and all melted cheese dips. But what they mean are the quesos that are made from blocks of Mexican cheeses called Queso Fresco or Queso Blanco. Both of those are sometimes (not always) made from unpasteurized milk. An actual melted Queso DIP that you’d order at a Mexican restaurant should be fine, because it has been heated, but maybe that's just my thinking! In fact, who knows if all Mexican restaurants even use those Mexican cheeses to make their queso dips! There’s one near me that just uses a spicy Monterey Jack cheese, ha! I’m sure the more authentic ones do, I guess. You could always ask them what kind of cheese they use. I don't hold back on queso though.

Must run for now... work calls. I need to make it a habit to take more little breaks here and there at work so that I don't get too burned out this month.
Thanks for checking in Erin! We missed you!

Ohh, I see Terri. Yay for a negative result that in this case, is good! Hehe.
Shoot terri, I meant to address you as well in my last post! I wanted to say I'm glad to hear you had a normal pap! And I'm super excited that you'll be stimming soon. You haven't started yet, right? Just ordered meds, from what I've been reading. Thats good that they're going to let you use the Gonal F and then the Follistim. At least your other extra meds didn't go to waste.

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