First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Brighteyez - I can't remember how many days you are now...but my eggs all dropped dramatically within the first cpuple of days & stayed strong after. Hopefully that is the case for you too. Remember the strongest survive...and we have 2 ladies here I think who transferred the one & only that made it & that was there positive.

Amy - it def scares me when I can't eat. I try hard to eat something. Everyone says be healthy, but honestly sometimes you just have to eat what feels right. Very shortly after I got pregnant, I started packing a bag of water, gatorade, & made me feel better to know I had something if I felt weak or nauseous.
Hi ladies,

So it's a big glass of wine and hot bath for me tonight..... My blood test was negative. I knew it would be, I've had brown spotting and awful lower back ache since Tuesday. Now Ives stopped the progesterone af will arrive in force. I'm ok..... Just got to keep looking forward.

I will check in soon and write to everyone personally, not strong enough tonight, just wanted to let you all know and thank you for your support xx
Thank you ladies,

Beagle - Yesterday was retrieval and today's call was just to see what fertilized. tomorrow will be to see which ones divided appropriately. So hopefully no other ones die on me within the next 5 days and make it to freeze. I just dont feel very confident that they will. It very discouraging to get 5 and only two survive the fertilizaton....but tis life. It just reminds me of the first cycle when I had 11 retrieved, 7 fertilized but at the end I only had 3, 2 transferred and 1 frozen. This time I didnt have much to begin with so don't have any to lose :cry:
Hi ladies,

So it's a big glass of wine and hot bath for me tonight..... My blood test was negative. I knew it would be, I've had brown spotting and awful lower back ache since Tuesday. Now Ives stopped the progesterone af will arrive in force. I'm ok..... Just got to keep looking forward.

I will check in soon and write to everyone personally, not strong enough tonight, just wanted to let you all know and thank you for your support xx

So sorry hun. Take as much time as you need. Eat sushi, go for a deep tissue massage, have whatever makes you feel better. :hugs:
Mrs w- My heart is aching. I'm very sorry. I admire your attitude. Sending you hugs. Take all the time you need and we will be here when you're ready.
:( So sorry Mrs. W. Enjoy that glass of wine and the hot bath - you deserve to treat yourself well! Rest up and take the time you need.

And Amy - thank you, that does make me feel a lot better. DH is really bummed. I feel like I have to be comforting him! I'm like, "cheer up, it's not all over yet!"

For those who had implantation bleeding - how long did it last for you?
Brighteyez- crossing my fingers your 2 embies make it to freeze. Positive thinking;) moni is getting close to delivering with her one and only!

Amy- for the gender reveal I'm letting our son open the box with pink balloons in front of the family and the we have finger foods and a pink filled cake:) after the reveal I have purchased a lot of materials to have all the ladies make her hairbows with a tag so I know who made which one. I hope to send them a pic of her wearing the hairbows they have made. I'm mainly excited for family to know so we can discuss names and shopping.i also have a jar for everyone to suggest a boy and a girl name. Oh and I made signs- one says its a girl and then a its a boy, when people are coming in I'm getting a pic of them holding the signs for what they think. I love scrapbook ing so it will make for some fun pages.
Lady I never had it...but everything I read online varies so drastically. I hope you get surprised.
on the food front - I still have a hard time with dinner - especially if I wait until really late to eat. Basically I am starving all morning and eat about 2-3 times BEFORE lunch and then lunch and a late afternoon snack, and then a pretty small dinner. And also very indifferent most of the time. Still craving the saltier foods though WHEN I have cravings - pickles and turkey burgers and fries oh my.
Oh Mrs. W, I'm so sorry...Enjoy your wine and hot bath. It's been a long two weeks, that's for sure. Definitely keep looking forward and consider trying again. That's what I'm doing! We'll be here when you're ready. <3 :hugs:

brighteyez-Like beagle said, two is not a bad number. In reality, you really want the best eggs possible to increase your chances, so let those slackers move on out of the way for the strongest ones.

LadySosa-I can't remember. Did you have your embryos sent out for PGD/PGS? I can't remember that far back. Sorry you're the one comforting your hubs. Sometimes they are so dramatic. I'm really praying good news is right around the corner.

beagle-Did I say 'yeah' for being FB official? I thought your announcement was really cool. You never would have made it to April Fools. HA!!HA!!

jkb-Your ideas sound really cute. I hope everyone has a fun time. I love the snapshot of people with their 'it's a boy' sign and 'it's a girl' sign. I may have to suggest that idea for someone else when I find out they are having a gender reveal party. hee hee.
Good evening, ladies!

Mrs W - Awwww, I'm so sorry, sweetpea. :cry: Take all the time you need and enjoy those glasses of wine, hot baths and anything else you've been avoiding. Your attitude is very admirable. Chin up and try again!

brighteyez - All of this is so, so hard. Just stay focused on the two you do have and know that either (or both) could be your little one. :hugs:

terri - Tomorrow is the big day and you're back on your way!!! :happydance: Fantastic!!

jkb - Cute party idea and yes, now is the time to enjoy and celebrate after what you have been through lately. Mmmmmm, cake. :cake:

beagle - Facebook official and everything!! Very cute. :dance:

Lady - Chin up to you too!!! It's not too late you know. These waits are just so cruel. Here's hoping that the next couple of days bring better news. :hugs: I know that your general counsel is old and all but he really just kind of sounds like an ass. I'm sorry you have to deal with him! :grr:

Amy - Sorry about your latest symptom popping up last night. Maybe dinner will sound more appealing tonight! :sick:

DH is alive!! I got a text a little bit ago saying they had made it back to the car safely and were headed to soak in the hot springs. He also said he's ready to be home. :cloud9: I can't wait to see him tomorrow but now I have to start thinking about cooking full dinners again. :haha:
Booger - Good luck today!!

Terri - Congrats on starting stims again today! You're on your way again. This is going to be your year!

Erose - I'm still feeling good! I've been feeling more little twinges & kicks lately but otherwise, no other symptoms. I have a little belly but you really can't tell anything yet. I finally announced at work the other day and some people were shocked because I really look pretty much the same. I'm sure one of these days I'll wake up with a belly though.

Mrs. W - I'm so sorry hun. No words. Just take some time for yourself.

Sars - There was a bird in my wood stove this morning - it made me think of you. I was going to leave it until my DH got home but it was desperately trying to get out so I taped a garbage bag over the opening and opened the door. It eventually flew into it and I was able to bring it outside. It was scary though - I would have FREAKED if it started flying around my house.

Brighteyez - Like everyone else said, try not to lose hope. Those 2 embies are the strongest and you still have a good chance. You're not out yet.

LadySosa - I'm still holding out hope for you lady. Still, I know how stressful this all is. When is your beta?

JKB - Have fun at your party this weekend. Sounds like a great idea.

Amy - I hope the nausea passes for you so you can get something down. Maybe try smaller meals/snacks...?

Beagle - Congrats on the FB announcement. I've been thinking of doing one but I'm seeing some good friends this weekend who I haven't seen in a while so I want to tell them in person first.

I'm so jealous of all of you with bigger boobs. I'm on the smaller side so I was really looking forward to that side-effect:) but nothing. What's everyone up to this weekend? I have a bridal shower on Saturday and then our family St. Pats celebration on Sunday. Corned beef and soda bread for me. :)
Good morning all!

Booger - yay that DH is safe and almost home! And woohoo for your ultrasound this morning - so excited for you! Update us when you can.

Terri - woohoo for stimming tonight! How do you feel? Ready? We did not do PGS. In fact, my doc/nurse never even mentioned it. I would've had no idea about it except for this board! Is it something that can be done after the embies have been frozen?

Jkb and Kfs enjoy your parties this weekend!

Afm, I feel great today. I went to bed last night at 7:30pm and feel wide awake now! I am mentally preparing myself for a negative result, so if I get a BFP I'll be shocked. Beta is tomorrow morning. I'm trying to see the positive its a BFN - I'll get to drink coffee, wine, have a hot bath, get some exercise in, get a spray tan (I've been holding out and I am white as a ghost).
Oh Mrs. W, I'm so sorry...Enjoy your wine and hot bath. It's been a long two weeks, that's for sure. Definitely keep looking forward and consider trying again. That's what I'm doing! We'll be here when you're ready. <3 :hugs:

brighteyez-Like beagle said, two is not a bad number. In reality, you really want the best eggs possible to increase your chances, so let those slackers move on out of the way for the strongest ones.

LadySosa-I can't remember. Did you have your embryos sent out for PGD/PGS? I can't remember that far back. Sorry you're the one comforting your hubs. Sometimes they are so dramatic. I'm really praying good news is right around the corner.

beagle-Did I say 'yeah' for being FB official? I thought your announcement was really cool. You never would have made it to April Fools. HA!!HA!!

jkb-Your ideas sound really cute. I hope everyone has a fun time. I love the snapshot of people with their 'it's a boy' sign and 'it's a girl' sign. I may have to suggest that idea for someone else when I find out they are having a gender reveal party. hee hee.

Terri - you are great!!! I haven't laughed since the report LOL but that was funny and inspirational #slackers! I really appreciate your energy. Thank you :flower:!
Booger - Good luck today!!

Terri - Congrats on starting stims again today! You're on your way again. This is going to be your year!

Erose - I'm still feeling good! I've been feeling more little twinges & kicks lately but otherwise, no other symptoms. I have a little belly but you really can't tell anything yet. I finally announced at work the other day and some people were shocked because I really look pretty much the same. I'm sure one of these days I'll wake up with a belly though.

Mrs. W - I'm so sorry hun. No words. Just take some time for yourself.

Sars - There was a bird in my wood stove this morning - it made me think of you. I was going to leave it until my DH got home but it was desperately trying to get out so I taped a garbage bag over the opening and opened the door. It eventually flew into it and I was able to bring it outside. It was scary though - I would have FREAKED if it started flying around my house.

Brighteyez - Like everyone else said, try not to lose hope. Those 2 embies are the strongest and you still have a good chance. You're not out yet.

LadySosa - I'm still holding out hope for you lady. Still, I know how stressful this all is. When is your beta?

JKB - Have fun at your party this weekend. Sounds like a great idea.

Amy - I hope the nausea passes for you so you can get something down. Maybe try smaller meals/snacks...?

Beagle - Congrats on the FB announcement. I've been thinking of doing one but I'm seeing some good friends this weekend who I haven't seen in a while so I want to tell them in person first.

I'm so jealous of all of you with bigger boobs. I'm on the smaller side so I was really looking forward to that side-effect:) but nothing. What's everyone up to this weekend? I have a bridal shower on Saturday and then our family St. Pats celebration on Sunday. Corned beef and soda bread for me. :)

KFS1 - thank you for the support and positive vibes. They are really helping. You ladies Rock!!!!
Good evening, ladies!

Mrs W - Awwww, I'm so sorry, sweetpea. :cry: Take all the time you need and enjoy those glasses of wine, hot baths and anything else you've been avoiding. Your attitude is very admirable. Chin up and try again!

brighteyez - All of this is so, so hard. Just stay focused on the two you do have and know that either (or both) could be your little one. :hugs:

terri - Tomorrow is the big day and you're back on your way!!! :happydance: Fantastic!!

jkb - Cute party idea and yes, now is the time to enjoy and celebrate after what you have been through lately. Mmmmmm, cake. :cake:

beagle - Facebook official and everything!! Very cute. :dance:

Lady - Chin up to you too!!! It's not too late you know. These waits are just so cruel. Here's hoping that the next couple of days bring better news. :hugs: I know that your general counsel is old and all but he really just kind of sounds like an ass. I'm sorry you have to deal with him! :grr:

Amy - Sorry about your latest symptom popping up last night. Maybe dinner will sound more appealing tonight! :sick:

DH is alive!! I got a text a little bit ago saying they had made it back to the car safely and were headed to soak in the hot springs. He also said he's ready to be home. :cloud9: I can't wait to see him tomorrow but now I have to start thinking about cooking full dinners again. :haha:

Booger - Thank you, you ladies have helped me change my outlook this morning and I really appreciate it.
Brighteyez- crossing my fingers your 2 embies make it to freeze. Positive thinking;) moni is getting close to delivering with her one and only!

Amy- for the gender reveal I'm letting our son open the box with pink balloons in front of the family and the we have finger foods and a pink filled cake:) after the reveal I have purchased a lot of materials to have all the ladies make her hairbows with a tag so I know who made which one. I hope to send them a pic of her wearing the hairbows they have made. I'm mainly excited for family to know so we can discuss names and shopping.i also have a jar for everyone to suggest a boy and a girl name. Oh and I made signs- one says its a girl and then a its a boy, when people are coming in I'm getting a pic of them holding the signs for what they think. I love scrapbook ing so it will make for some fun pages.

Thank you JKB!!! I really appreciate your support and positive thinking!
Hi ladies,

So it's a big glass of wine and hot bath for me tonight..... My blood test was negative. I knew it would be, I've had brown spotting and awful lower back ache since Tuesday. Now Ives stopped the progesterone af will arrive in force. I'm ok..... Just got to keep looking forward.

I will check in soon and write to everyone personally, not strong enough tonight, just wanted to let you all know and thank you for your support xx

Oh, Mrs. W I'm so, so, so sorry. Enjoy your hot bath and wine and know we'll be waiting for you when you're ready. :hugs:
Happy Friday ladies. I've had a few busy days at work and haven't been able to write. Although, I've been following along.

LadySosa: I'm so, so, so hoping you have a big surprise tomorrow!! I think you've got a great attitude about it. I will say having the frosties helped and I tried to focus on the fun things that I could do if things didn't work out this round. Hope you survived the meeting with your general counsel.

KFS: I'm so sorry you had to deal with a bird too! For those that asked, I still have no idea how it got in the house. We do have a chimney for venting our furnace but no fireplace. I have no idea where the chimney enters our house even. And I'm glad it gave some of you a laugh. It was rather comical, I gotta admit.

Brighteyez: Sending you good vibes and thought. It only takes one =) And you want the strongest ones. I hope they're still dividing and growing for you!

Terri: I seriously cracked up over your slackers comment. So, excited for you to start stimming again. You are such a positive force, it's time for you to have some good news! I'm praying for you.

Booger: Good luck on the ultrasound today! It's pretty special enjoy. And yay for DH surviving his trip.

JKB: The party sounds soooo cute and fun. That's the only thing that stinks a little about team yellow. I love throwing parties and there are so many fun options. Enjoy it! Soak it up. You certainly deserve to have some fun after all the stress you've been dealing with.

Amy: Sorry you're feeling sick. They say try eating smaller meals every two to three hours.

Beagle: Congrats on going Facebook official! That was a cute idea.

I'm super proud of my idea for when we're ready to announce. When I told DH he couldn't believe I came up with it by myself. He kept asking me if I saw it on Facebook or Pinterest. I almost got offended =). Since we're both big runners I wanted to take a photo of our shoes, baby running shoes and have a mock race bib that says Baby X, estimated finish: 10:17 and say: We've signed up for the longest race of our lives. We're still waiting a few more weeks. There are a lot of friends I'd like to tell in person around 10-12 weeks and then we'll throw it out to the world.

We told our mutual boss this week, who is my mentor. He was so thrilled and excited for us, it was just so sweet. He gave me a huge hug and said that's freaking awesome when we told him. He also said not to worry about the FMLA limits, basically told us we're taking off the time we need. So, if I feel up to it that means we can go to Tuscany with my family in June! Missing out on all that wine will suck but it's better than missing the trip altogether. It is my aunt and my brother's girlfriend's first time out of the country. It should be special. My parents are renting a villa we stayed at in 2011.

I had my first appointment at my OBGYN practice today. It was just with the nurse. I had to get on the scale. I was kind of horrified I was up four pounds since my last RE weigh in two weeks ago. I've really not been eating badly. We went out to dinner last night, so I'm blaming it on that!

The appointment was just a lot of paperwork, medical background, going over nutrition etc. The practice doesn't ban lunchmeat so I was psyched about that. I've been craving a hoagie like woah. They do recommend sticking to pre-packaged lunch meat. DH is taking it upon himself to make me a mean sandwich this weekend. Monday I have an ultrasound with a doctor. The practice does rotate between five OBGYNS. I love my regular doctor there so we'll see how the others are.

I was seriously missing the convenience of the RE this morning when I had to go to THREE labs to get bloodwork for various reasons: insurance/ prescription being written for a lab that lab doesn't work. So aggravating. I saw the OBGYN affiliated with the hospital I'll deliver at. The office is in a building adjacent to the hospital but they wrote the RX for a lab that is only affiliated with one of the network's labs. This is a massive hospital that spans five counties and two states. The first place I went wasn't affiliated, the second was but said they didn't think my insurance would cover it there. Our health care system is maddening.

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