First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

brighteyez-Like the others said, it is not uncommon to not go through with a fresh transfer. You want your body to be exactly where it needs to be, and if your P is already high, the embryo probably won't implant properly. Besides, it can only go up until AF gets here, so why risk it. You'll be ok. The meds for a frozen transfer are considerably cheaper too, so all is not lost.

beagle-I didn't know I was going to be on Follistim until today. If you want to shoot me the vials, I wouldn't turn it down. HA! You never know how many I may need when push comes to shove.

Mrs.W-Like LadySosa said, 11 dpo is still pretty early. Don't worry just yet, chica. I'll say a special prayer that you get your BFP.

Amy-Glad they got your blood! I can't wait.

I'm running to the store back in a few to comment on everyone else's stuff.
I've never been so happy to see brownish spotting! Woot woot!
Thanks girls for letting me vent. It's nice having people who understand the struggle. Hall are the best. On a happy note the bleeding has stopped for now. I'm praying my body reabsorbs the rest of the blood and I don't have to see it.

Mrs w. 11 dpo is really early. Hang on to hope. I'm praying you get that bfp this go round! My beta at the equivalent of 16 dpo was only 29! So who knows what it would have been at 11 dpo. Do you plan to keep testing or wait for the official beta? *hugs*

Lady- woohoo for brown spotting!!! I too have the lack of appetite. It can be a side affect of the progesterone. Guess it better that starving and getting huge off junk food. I have to make myself eat.

Bright eyes- sorry for your wait but I agree, that FET was best for my too. I had developed OHSS as well. I think you will feel better as well having that time to recover.

Amy- I'm excited for your test results!! Sorry they had to stick you so much. If you are a tough stick often, it helps to load up on fluid prior to having it done. Makes those vein nice and plump:)
JKB: Wow lady! You've had such a rough, rough, rough go. I hope the bleeding stops for good and the high risk doc has some answers for you. You're little lady is clearly a feisty strong one though! Sending you lots of good prayers.

Brighteyez: Hope you're trigger goes well. It sucks to get delayed but as everyone said it's pretty common. And so many folks say a frozen is better.

Terri: I took 100-125 of the Follistim. My dose was really low because I'm small.I actually only went through one full pen. I still have a pen that I think I only used the vial twice. I haven't been able to bring myself to throw it out since it was $2,000. I'm guessing there are sanitary issues with someone else using it. But if there aren't you'd be welcome to it!

Mrs. W: I agree it's still really early. Don't lose hope yet! Sending you prayers and good vibes.

Amy: Sorry you got stuck so many times. Hope the beta went well!

LadySosa: Sounds promising!! Good luck if you test tomorrow AM.

I'm still feeling really good. Got a five mile run in Monday and three today in a t-shirt in the sun!!! I've actually been craving lots of salads, fruits and veggies. All good things.

I am bummed a lot of my clothes already don't fit. I went to put on one of my go-to work outfits today and the shirt just barely pulled down over my chest. It looked ridiculous b/c my boobs are HUGE. I was a DD to begin with and I'm really petite, so this is getting me nervous for what's to come. I had to unbutton my pants to wear them later in the day. I really haven't gained any weight but I feel quite bloated. I know it's all normal. I just expected to have a few more weeks before these issues.
Booger - I'm totally with you in the no symptoms club. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting and nothing. But I guess that's not a bad thing, right?

Terri - Ugh. Another pill to take, huh? But you're right - you can just take it along with everything else. I'm sure it's the least of your worries. :) Stupid question - what is the difference between Gonal-F and follitism? I was definitely using Gonal-F so I'm no help. Speaking of meds, I might have some things left over if you'd like them. Let me check tonight.

LadySosa - Wow. Your symptoms sound strong but like you said, it's all normal so I'm sure that means good things for you. Your DH sounds too cute. My DH is only just now starting to fully comprehend what's coming. :)

Beagle - Nice new pic of the bean. :) Ummm - and your pool? You're making me jealous. I can't believe you have done so much for your baby's room already. I have done NOTHING.

JKB - You poor thing! I can't believe all that you're going through. You absolutely need to see a high-risk doctor - for your peace of mind if nothing else. You shouldn't have to be fighting so much for these answers!

Mrs. W - I'm still holding out hope for you girl!

Sars - Bloating is a normal thing. You're so healthy so I'm sure you'll easily be able to keep your weight in check.

Amy - Can't wait to hear your report!

Hi everyone else!
Oh & I was on 225 follistim the whole time. Same dose as IUIs.

I was off yesterday...Boss is being an ass today. Ugh. And I know he thinks my bitch attitude is hormones. Men. Couldn't possibly be that he is an ass.
Thanks everyone for your offers. I should be fine. The lab was short staffed today and we were there for over an hour. Re-diculous. Luckily, hubs and I were the second family there, but still..Then my blood didn't want to pump, and the doctor was nice, but super slow. And we have to redo our infectious disease bloodwork, etc..etc... Such a pain. I am going to be getting a follistim pen, similar to Gonal F, but the rude nurse (who has been very nice the last few times, btw) said that I can use my Gonal F first and then go to Follistim. I guess it's the same thing, just different manufacturers. I have a new 900IU pen leftover, and I think I have about 450 IU in the other pen that's just been sitting in my refrigerator, so I'll use that first. I'll find out later today what my dosages are.

sars-Sorry your clothes don't fit, but they have cute maternity stuff out there. And flowy/drapy shirts are in now so you don't even really have to get maternity. Just cover those tatas. hee hee.

booger/ERose-What's up, chica?

brighteyez-Did you trigger last night?

Hi to everyone else. Amy...waiting patiently over here! :juggle:
Good morning, ladeis! :coffee:

Terri - I used Follistim. I was on 300 units daily but I took 150 in the morning and 150 in the evening. I have one cartridge leftover too I could send if you need it. I can't wait for you get going again!!! Sorry you had to deal with the slow lab. I hate waiting in those places. Such waste of time.

Beagle - I hope you enjoyed your day off. Sorry your boss is being a jerk today. At least your week is one day shorter since you had yesterday off! When does DH leave??

kfs - Yes, I'm not complaining on the no symptoms front. But I'm only 5 weeks as of today so there is still plenty of time for things to kick in. I've read where morning sickness usually doesn't kick in until 6 weeks but I'm not going to complain if it doesn't show at all. I do have the weird, slightly metallic taste in my mouth but that's it.

sars - Sorry about the bloating! Hopefully, it will go away soon and you won't have to leave your pants unbuttoned for long. I have heard that after pregnancy that a lot of ladies breasts are actually smaller so maybe you'll end up in that boat after all is said and done!

jkb - I'm sorry you've had to deal with any of this but at least you know the cause now. That has to be somewhat of a relief. Maybe?? I hope that pesky SCH clears up quickly and the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly. You've already had enough stress!!!

LadySosa - Your symptoms do sound promising. Did you test this morning??

Amy - No results yet?? You're killing me over here!

Mrs W - Don't give up hope yet! I waited until the equivalent of 12DPO to test (and later in the afternoon at that). It was so light. I'm pretty sure if I had tested any earlier it would have shown BFN. I still have hope and I am pulling for you! :hugs:

brighteyez - Sorry to hear about your fresh transfer getting cancelled. It must be a bummer but it really is the best thing. But that's not necessarily any consolation when you want to be pregnant right now!! However, it seems like this thread has had a lot of success with frozen transfers so I'm hoping it's the same for you! And now your body has a little time to recover from being pumped full of hormones for the last couple of weeks.

Hello to moni, Erin, JCM, babywhisperer, and knitgirl!! :hi:
Hey all, just popping on quick to say good luck to all the testers and triggers! I have been at home sick since Wed night. Went to urgent care on Sun and they wouldn't give me an antibiotic...swollen glands, lymph nodes, throat red, sinus infection, and then a fever started yesterday. They suggested I go to WF and get raw honey. Thankfully my Dad always has a zpack or 2 lying around and I took it while prego with Jack for a sinus infection. I fought the good fight for 5 days and was only getting worse.

Jkb, oh hun I am so sorry for all the stress and frustration. I swear we have to be our own advocate when it comes to these situations. I would ask to know where the bleed is, if the hematoma is between the pregnancy and the uterus that's a dangerous location. I will say that my Dr said that in his 30yrs of practicing he only had 1 patient miscarry from this and her hematoma was huge, like 10x the size of mine. He also said they are very common, clots alone are not enough to cause him to worry, it's when there are clots and severe cramping that makes him concerned. I know this is little consolation, but hearing the hb means all is ok. This can't be easy at all to deal with and I am praying all is ok. I have a feeling it will resolve itself though. My Dr has seen thousands of patients and only 1 lost her pregnancy...that is less than 1% of 1%...pelvic rest should help. Do you know in your medical history if you have a problem with clotting in general?
Hey all, just popping on quick to say good luck to all the testers and triggers! I have been at home sick since Wed night. Went to urgent care on Sun and they wouldn't give me an antibiotic...swollen glands, lymph nodes, throat red, sinus infection, and then a fever started yesterday. They suggested I go to WF and get raw honey. Thankfully my Dad always has a zpack or 2 lying around and I took it while prego with Jack for a sinus infection. I fought the good fight for 5 days and was only getting worse.

Jkb, oh hun I am so sorry for all the stress and frustration. I swear we have to be our own advocate when it comes to these situations. I would ask to know where the bleed is, if the hematoma is between the pregnancy and the uterus that's a dangerous location. I will say that my Dr said that in his 30yrs of practicing he only had 1 patient miscarry from this and her hematoma was huge, like 10x the size of mine. He also said they are very common, clots alone are not enough to cause him to worry, it's when there are clots and severe cramping that makes him concerned. I know this is little consolation, but hearing the hb means all is ok. This can't be easy at all to deal with and I am praying all is ok. I have a feeling it will resolve itself though. My Dr has seen thousands of patients and only 1 lost her pregnancy...that is less than 1% of 1%...pelvic rest should help. Do you know in your medical history if you have a problem with clotting in general?

No past medical problem with clotting. However it is a side effect of progesterone. I have had off and on stomach cramps but i take metformin just for the prevention of gestational diabetes due to pcos and that med can really mess with your tummy! But I have taken it religiously for a long time so I feel I'm pretty well adjusted to it. I'm trying to remain calm and positive. I have so much to do around my house but it can wait and hubby is doing good about helping but he is a workaholic so it's just when he has free time. Your docs numbers are reassuring to hear. Dr didn't speak about location of it to me but I noted it is to the right of the placenta.
Good morning ladies!

I broke down and tested this morning. I really wish I hadn't, cause I got a BFN. I knew that that was a strong possibility, since I am only 5dp5dt. But still, I've been feeling the symptoms so strongly I figured there was no way it wouldn't be positive! I'm trying to stay optimistic. I didn't tell DH that I tested, cause I feel like he'd be disappointed. I may try again tomorrow morning...I'm using the Walgreen's version of the early tester. Still feeling really crampy this morning and still spotting. At what point did you guys get a positive with a HPT?
Oh, and BabyW - ugh! I am so sorry you are going through that hell! That sounds awful! And to not be able to take anything?! The worst. Take care hun!
Lady- hang in there if you just had implantation yesterday it takes a couple days for you body to start releasing hcg to turn that test positive! Tww sucks!!! Hang in there
Whew! Thanks Jkb! That makes me feel a lot better. :) Hope you are feeling better!!
Lady - I first tested in the afternoon of 6dp6dt so the equivalent of two days after where you are and I just barely pulled a line. So don't stress!!
Booger my sickness stated a couple of days before 6 weeks. Husband will be leaving in a few weeks.

Lady you are still early.

So I bought a pregnancy pillow and oh my good I slept so great last night! Long work meeting today. We are on a break now. Ugh.
OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! You guys are going to flip out. Ok well maybe you won't flip out, but I am LOL. So nobody ever called me yesterday!! I had to call them this morning. The stupid receptionist said Oh, well we were really busy yesterday. I wanted to be like, lady you obviously have never had fertility issues because everything I have done for the past year and a half and all the money we've spent is ALL for these results you were too busy to give me grrrrr!!! Anyway rant over.

My beta was 2,076!!!

Isn't that a ridiculously high number for my 1st beta??

I don't go back for a week now. That's the way this clinic does it. They like to torture us lol.

LadySosa - Don't worry at all. 5dp5dt is still way early. I got my positive this time at 7dp5dt but last time it wasn't until 9dp5dt and it was really light even then.
OMG AMY!!!!!!!!!!! You totally are having twins!! That is crazy high!! Happy dance! So happy for you. :)
Amy!!!!! I'm totally doing a happy dance for you:) amazing beta! I'm calling boy/girl twins for you;)
Amy you have twins or one of your little ones split and you have triplets!

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