First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Good luck LadySosa!! I hope today goes as smooth as silk, and YES, it's going to work, so you won't need that fertility coverage. You can just go to the regular doctor once you find out your pregnant. Yay! Smart of you to stock up on meds too.

I came into work super early today to do some testing, and it's 7, and I'm already sleepy. hee hee. I get my phone call at some point today about my embryos and then I guess the next phone call will be to tell me the results. I'm not sure if it's 10-12 days after they send them off, or 10-12 days after retrieval. Do you guys remember how long it took to get your PGS results?

I have had a small nail in my driver's side tire for a while now, but it wasn't hurting anything, so I didn't replace it. Well, two days ago, my low pressure light came on. I have an air compressor at home, so I pumped all the tires. I noticed the back rear was lower than the rest, but I didn't think much about it, except that's the reason the indicator was on. When I was about to leave work yesterday, my back tire was noticeably low again and my coworker used his small air compressor to get me home, at least. Well, as he was looking, he saw a BIG nail in the tire. They are doing so much construction on the highway, I bet that's where I picked it up. So, off to the tire shop I went after work. What a pain. The only good thing is that it was time for me to get new tires anyway, but I hate spending $500 at once. *sigh* I should be good for another 3 years/60k miles at least.

Hope you all have a great Friday and a great weekend! It's fantasy draft time!
Lady - good luck! This will be it for you! I also believe dreams mean something...however when it comes to fertility meds & pregnancy, I throw that all out the window. Sometimes when you have a dream about 3 dead bodies in your back yard, you spent too much time watching Criminal Minds on Netflix...not that that happened to me or anything ;)

Terri - sucks about the tire. I used to get mine at Walmart & they have a warranty. But I would always get the nail in the side of the tire where it couldn't be repaired. I am not sure when my tires will come up due. My husband has done his already...I think they are like $300 each!

So I am now anxious/ready for my next appt. I don't feel like I am gaining weight appropriately. I still feel baby move...quite active. So I am not super nervous. But the fact I was a week behind last time & I know I am not really gaining...makes me a little nervous. And by not gaining...I don't mean 5-10 lbs...I basically have been the same weigh for 2-3 weeks...even down a pound or 2 from my highest weight. I think it is fine, I just need to eat better. It is so hard these days. I am so tired & my husband is so tired. I am trying to pack a bag every day so I have a ton of snacks plus a good lunch. Today I wanted doughnuts, but instead I made 2 of the microwave breakfast sandwhiches when I usually eat 1. I do feel my appetite is not as hearty. So I am just thinking I need to try to eat more & eat better vegatables & high protein.

Glad it is Friday!
Oh Terri...I was supposed to get my report on day 6 because I was going to do fresh...but my fresh was cancelled, so I guess they didn't rush my results. I feel like I had them within a week. But I could be wrong on that.
Lady - thinking of you today!! Things will go great!! Enjoy your relaxation time at the beach with hubs:) this is it girlie!

Krissy- so happy for you! Such great lines early on!! Congrats!

Terri- im excited for you to get your update today &so happy all 3 have been hanging in there and doing so well! It only took a few days for us to get our pgs results cant remember the exact time frame but it wasnt even a full week.
Sorry you had to buy new tires, i hate having to spend chunks of money on maintaining the car but it is a necessity i guess.
Good morning!

Lady - Woohoo!!! It's transfer day. :happydance: Good luck to you (not that you need luck). I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who says the full name of World Market. I am hoping that maternity leave cures some of the workplace annoyances. That maybe I'll actually be looking forward to coming back. I doubt that will be the case but maybe? :shrug:

Krissy - Good luck with your beta today! :flower:

Beagle - Wish I could share my appetite with you! Mine seems to be out of control right now. I wouldn't worry too much about the weight gain unless your doctor says something. I think it slows down some later in the third tri as all your organs being squished makes it harder to eat much at one time. Oh, and I after I read Lady's comment about it being the bottom of your feet that hurt, I wonder if you're not dealing with plantar fasciitis. I've had that before from running and it's miserable. And your feet (heels and arches) will hurt awful first thing when you get out of bed in the morning - then get better throughout the morning, then worse towards the end of the day. Google it and see if you think that's what it could be. Stretching and good shoes definitely help if that's the case!

Terri - I am sending all the good vibes I can your way that you get the best results possible today about your 3 embryos!!! I got my PGS results about 10 days after they sent the biopsies off to get tested. But I'm thinking it probably all depends on the place doing the testing. My embryo biopsies had to go to NJ to get tested so that probably added on a couple more days. I feel you on the tires - we need a new set on both of our vehicles. Plus we need a new clutch in the truck. That's the vehicle I drive the most and it's been needing repair for about 2 years now and I can't take it anymore. So, we are about the drop a good chunk of change on car maintenance and repairs. Ugh. That's why we buy either Toyota's or Subaru's - they last forever and we don't usually have to do anything other than maintenance. My last Outback had 265,000 miles on it when we traded it in.

:hi: to everyone else!

I am about to lose my mind with this nasty air keeping me trapped inside. I come to work in the morning, sit inside all day, go home in the afternoon and then just have to sit inside because it's so nasty outside. Sorry to be a whiner but it's about to drive me batty - we can't even open our windows so the house is all stuffy with no air flow. It's not even that hot, just stuffy.

We have our birthing class tomorrow and then Sunday will probably be spent canning tomatoes and making plum butter. Our plum tree is loaded this year. :thumbup: I got a food grinder attachment for my Kitchenaid mixer so that makes the tomatoes much easier to deal with and I'm guessing the plums too. No more peeling by hand! Hope my little girl likes plums because I have a feeling we'll have quite a few in the pantry.
Oh beagle-I also meant to ask you if you might have plantar fascitis. I've heard about it because of running (I've never had it, knock on wood), but a woman whose journal I read on here just said she has it, and she is 30w. She said her heels hurt when she wakes up to get out of bed. Birckenstocks have been her lifesaver.

booger-Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. At least you have a lot to do.

jkb and everyone else-Thanks! I guess the average is about a week wait. I can do that. The nurse initially told me that it coincided with AF which would be about 10 days away so I might as well say by next Friday I'll know what I'm doing in the future.
It's not really the bottom of my feet. I think it is mainly my ankles. I only feel it more when I get up because I am putting pressure on my ankles. But now I can feel a dull pain in my left foot/ankle even while sitting. But I do notice now since it has pain, I tend to lean more on my left while standing. So I am trying to switch legs to put my weight on when I stand. I think this evening/weekend I will try to add ice as well as elevate. Hoping that helps.
My 5 day transfer is tomorrow! I'm so nervous...of my 11 eggs collected only 5 were mature, 4 fertilized. As of yesterday all 4 were 6 to 8 cells and still growing but I know a lot can happen from day 3 to 5. I'm TERRIFIED that I will show up tomorrow AM and none of our 4 eggs will have made it. The embryologist said at my age (30) half usually make it to the 5 day...if that's true and we end up with two I would be so happy.
If this doesn't work, not sure I will ever do ivf again... this whole process has been 1000 times more stressful than trying to conceive naturally. I really admire all u ladies who have gone thru it more than once!
My 5 day transfer is tomorrow! I'm so nervous...of my 11 eggs collected only 5 were mature, 4 fertilized. As of yesterday all 4 were 6 to 8 cells and still growing but I know a lot can happen from day 3 to 5. I'm TERRIFIED that I will show up tomorrow AM and none of our 4 eggs will have made it. The embryologist said at my age (30) half usually make it to the 5 day...if that's true and we end up with two I would be so happy.
If this doesn't work, not sure I will ever do ivf again... this whole process has been 1000 times more stressful than trying to conceive naturally. I really admire all u ladies who have gone thru it more than once!

It seems most of the time the fertilized makes it to the end. In my case I had 14 collected, 7 mature, & 5 fertilize. I did PGS & 2 were normal. I think with your age you have a great shot with all 4 making it & 2 out of the 4 being chromosomally normal. Are you transferring 2?
Looking at my signature, I may have my terms mixed up...but either way I think you are looking good.
LadySosa: Good luck today! This is it, so I hope you had a glass of wine this week. Smart of you to stock up on the meds.

Terri: Sending you good vibes for the PGS of you overachievers. So, are you thinking you'll know by next Friday? Getting new tires stinks. A few weeks ago husband's car was getting inspected and we knew it needed new tires, brakes and c cracked taillight fixed to pass. It has almost 100K miles and the only thing we've ever done is buy tires so I was resigned to that $700 bill. I sent him to work with my car so he could get cheap gas in Jersey and I got a flat! Added insult to injury for real.

Krissy, looking strong. Good luck on the beta!

Beagle: Glad there's no clot. It was smart to get it checked out but unfortunately I think you're just in the third trimester. The majority of my issues have been leg/foot related. I got scanned for a clot in June that they think was just shin splint pain. If I really overdo it on my feet for a day, I get rewarded with swelling, stiffness and the bottom of my feet hurt to walk on. From what I've read, your body is carrying more weigh than it is used to. It can cause you to change your gait, under pronate and other issues. DH has dealt with plantar and he too swears by his Birkenstocks. Google pregnant, feet hurt and you'll find tons of message board complaints. I got a pedicure Tuesday and it was heavenly.

I've also been concerned about my weight b/c I measured 1 CM behind one week and I really haven't been gaining weight. Everyone keeps commenting on how not pregnant/ how not 8 months pregnant I look. But my doctor has said to me my weight gain has been responsible and the one doc said some people hide pregnancy better than others. I'm just trying to eat, drink lots of milk and not do any overly strenuous activity. I'm up 17-21 pounds depending on if you go with my pre IVF weight or not. I am eager for my next U/S to see how big they think baby is.

Booger: That just stinks about the poor air quality. I'd be going nutty too. Is your dog getting stir crazy? My brother has a dropcam for his dogs and it is really fun to spy on them. I've been thinking about getting one b/c Fen has been howling a lot lately. Had to tell if it is separation anxiety or what. Good luck with your birthing class. I'm curious to hear what you think.

Good luck trippledagger3! It sounds like you've had a great result so far. It is really nerve wracking and I think everyone feels that way. We ended up having one they told me was a goner at my transfer that made a last minute rally and is now one of our frozen. You just never know.

We don't have anything on the agenda this weekend, which is nice because the next few weekends are pretty packed. I'm going to try to make some nursery progress and get some things I've been vacillating on ordered. I am going to brunch with my best friend for her birthday Saturday morning, so I'm excited for that.
sars - I was thinking just a pregnant thing which is why I was just going to wait for my appt to tell the dr...but then my friend mentioned clot which I didn't even know my symptoms matched up with until my husband googled it. I am also sitting at 20 lbs. But I went in to my 3rd tri at 20 lbs. I will just see how I measure Wed & ask the dr about my weight gain. Not that I want a ton packed on...I just want a healthy baby. But he moves around a lot which reassures me every day. I should probably wear better shoes, but I need dressy type shoes for work & also didn't want to put a lot of money in them. I still have my maternity massage my husband gave me so I will probably cash that in soon. I am taking a day off for his store's grand will probably do it that day.

Funny thing...I am trying to get my hospital bag together...trying to find things comfortable to wear & easy to breastfeed but cheap. So last night my husband was like you are 32 weeks...we need that bag read! I said we are 15 min from the hospital & nothing I plan to pack is specific for delivery...we will be fine if I happen to go early. He is too funny. Things are feeling real.
First beta came back at 66! Pretty good for 3 weeks and 5 days pregnant I think, and MUCH higher than last time (27 at 4 weeks). I go back in on Sunday to check for doubling. FXed!
Def a good number for so early. I think my first was 150 & that was 11 days after transfer.
Yay Chrissy! That is awesome news!

Beagle: Gosh, I haven't even tackled the hospital bag yet. I did pack up the clothes for the baby that I plan to bring into a packing cube since I washed them already. It is hard to know what clothes I'll want as early October here can be cold or still blazing hot. We've got some time. Crazy tomorrow is 33 weeks!

Even if I have a surprise early arrival, I can see the hospital from my back window and I hope to labor at home a long time.
Well this sucks. Sharing to help those that are blind as a bat like me. I am due for my annual eye exam Oct. 9.

I called my eye doctor to see if I could come in earlier, pay for the eye exam out of pocket and then just use my eye coverage for new glasses the first day I'm eligible. Turns out I'm too pregnant for them to do an eye exam! Apparently, pregnancy can really mess with your vision and they won't even do an eye exam until I'm at least eight weeks postpartum.

And I'm on my last pair of contacts. I also really wanted new glasses since mine suck and I figure I'll be wearing them a ton in those first few weeks.
Wonder how long before no eye exam? I had one done at about 20-24 weeks maybe. They gave me glasses (previously had none) & told me after the baby comes & things settle down I can do a new exam & may not even need glasses. My eyes could be bad from stress or pregnancy...but it started before pregnancy. I only wear them when I watch's a little blurry & I can't read most smaller print. But at work on the computer I am fine.
Krissy-awesome beta!! Do you go back on Monday??

I got my report and two embryos are at early blastocyst stage which is good. One is at cavitation which is a smidge behind but they will check on them again tomorrow and determine if there are enough cells for biopsy. I hope so and I know they freeze at day 6 so really tomorrow is the moment of truth. You guys know I would have transferred those three in a heartbeat so I hope I am not regretting my decision even though I promised I'd get the testing this time. Eek.

No results until after the draft party tomorrow. I don't want anything bringing me down when I have a fun day with friends planned.
Yay Krissy congrats! That is a great number- you are preggo! That's a good way to start the weekend.

Wow beagle you are so prepared, already packing your bag!

Booger ugh sorry about the bad air quality. It was really smokey here last weekend but has cleared up now. They are getting the fires under control here too. I hope they get the MT ones under control soon so your air can clear up!

I have two "beautiful" embryos on board! One was hatching out of its shell, like what you described Krissy. The embryologist said that was a good thing. She wrote down the genders and gave it to us in a sealed envelope. I think we'll open it if we get a BFP. :) I'm feeling good about everything, fingers crossed this works!

Tripledagger- good luck tomorrow!

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