First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Sars - I would just go to a different eye Dr. and tell them you're only 5 or 6 months lol. Just temporarily until you have time after the baby comes to go back to your usual Dr. You never know how long that will be.

LadySosa - Congrats on being PUPO. So excited for you!! When is your official test date? Do you plan on testing early? Hee hee!!

Terri - Fingers crossed for your one fabulous embryo. I have a feeling this is going to be the one though :) You shouldn't regret or second guess your decision. I know this way makes each step even more stressful, but it's so much better knowing rather than getting pregnant and miscarrying. We've both been there and I'd do anything to avoid having to go through that again. :hugs: So when your AF arrives are they just going to start straight away to prepare you for a frozen transfer? You mentioned something before about not having to take the BCP.

Tripledagger3 - Congrats on being PUPO!!

MrsW - I'm sorry your IVF cycle got cancelled but I'm glad that it didn't go completely to waste and you were able to do an IUI instead.

Krissy - Congrats on the great betas! So happy for you!!

Booger - I'm SO glad the air finally cleared up for you!! That must have been awful.

AFM - Well my doggy Mya is sick. I took her to the vet last week because she was having diarrhea and wasn't eating normally. So they ran the usual tests for worms/parasites/giardia etc... which were all negative. So the vet said it was probably just an intestinal virus and gave me antibiotics. She told me to come back if she wasn't better when I finished the antibiotics and that they'd have to do further tests (x-rays, etc) to check for an obstruction. So today is the last day of antibiotics. Her diarrhea got a little better but I think that's because (according to the vet) the antibiotic is also an anti-diarrhea medication. But she's still barely eating. I've been making her just plain chicken breasts and normally she'd scarf that down but now she leaves it there or eats a little, walks away, comes back later. So out of character for her. She also will just set down her favorite treats, which she never does either. She isn't lethargic or throwing up which the vet told me to watch for because that would definitely point towards an obstruction. So now I'm just worried and don't know what to think. If she was only a few years old I'd wouldn't be as worried, but she's 9, so as she gets older each year, when stuff like this happens, I get more and more nervous. So off to the vet tomorrow we go.
Amy - so sorry about your pup. You know I went through something similar. But my vets thought the upset stomach was linked to the pain in his back. Hopefully they can get it cleared up. Also with that your dog could be dehydrated. You may want to ask about trying to give her some fluids at the vet. That really helped my dog. I truly believed he was just in such a bad state, he just didn't feel like eating. So maybe like my dog fluids will make yours feel better & you can start getting some food in her. I feel like with dogs the main thing is making them feel better & other things will fall in place. Also mine got this anti-diarrhea med that solidified his stool. That really helped in slowing down the diarrhea. I hope she feels better soon.
booger-So happy that you got to go walking finally. Yay!! Hopefully the skies will stay clear. sorry about your dog too. 9 isn't that old unless your dog is really big, but for a medium sized dog, 9 is middle aged, so hopefully this is just a bug and not anything more serious. Oh, the nurse said if people were against BCP for religious reasons, they could skip it, but I'll be on it for a few weeks or so, but we'll time it so that my transfer is either before my trip to Seattle or afterwards (it's the end of this month). So...we'll just see what happens.

Hi to everyone else. Not feeling so chatty today. I'm worn down.
Amy - Aww best of luck with your pup today! How's the weather been by you? I know sometimes in bad heat my older dog (11) loses a bit of his appetite. Plus antibiotics definitely put my stomach off, so maybe she's just not fully recovered yet but on her way there. Best wishes!

AFM - Got my second beta result early today. 270! A bit over double my last beta and even more than makes up for the (slightly) less than double last time! Feeling more and more excited! The nurse who called with the results nearly gave me a heart attack though. She sounded very reserved when she spoke and I was sure it was going to be bad news. When I pointed out her tone she perked up a bit lol. Looks like I'm going in for betas every other day until we hit 2k, but hopefully that's just a few tests away.
Krissy - That's great news! :happydance:

Terri - It's okay to be not so chatty. I think we all get that way - worn down. But you can't stay that way for too long - we need our peachy around here.

Beagle - I forgot to respond to a comment you made the other day about watching too much Criminal Minds. I had seen it a few times in the past but just started watching it from the beginning on Netflix. This morning when I was heading out for my walk there was someone I had never seen before walking around the neighborhood all strangely. I was like "I should alter my normal walking route in case they are used to my pattern" Think I might need to back off on the creepy shows!

Amy - I'm sorry little Mya isn't feeling so well. :cry: When my dog gets like that the vet always recommends boiling ground beef (which is gross sounding) and mixing it with white rice. Hopefully, she's feeling better soon.

Sars - If you don't feeling like canning your tomatoes, you can always freeze them (if you have the storage space). When I'm feeling like I don't have time to can, I just freeze them whole (I don't even peel them) and then try to use them up within 6 months or so. I use them in chili and spaghetti sauce, etc. I thaw them out and put them in the blender and they work just fine. I love home grown tomatoes so it's nice to have them in the winter. Your mattress sounds like it fits perfect - especially if you can't get the two fingers in there. I have one of our bases for the infant seat installed but I need to get it inspected to see if I did it right! All these little details.......

:hi: to everyone else!

I just came back from getting my hair cut - first time since January! I just got a trim since it's finally long enough to pull back into a ponytail. It was nice to get a little pampering though. I had my eyebrows waxed too. They were out of control - was starting to look like an old man.
Sars - it's a good plan to keep an open mind about birthing plan, you just have no idea how you'll feel until the time. I had a documented plan, haha, totally ignored that once labour started!

Terri, sorry you're feeling worn down. Sending hugs xx

Krissy - woo hoo, great news!!

Amy, sorry to hear about your dog :( so hard when pets are ill and can't tell us what's wrong. I hope he's better very soon.

Booger, made me giggle about the eyebrows!!
Booger - next Wed I plan to do just the cut, maternity massage my husband got for mothers day, & maybe a pedicure. I do not usually like them but my feet ache. I plan to do a drastic cut...I just can't find the right pic. Oddly enough, I saw it first on an episode of Criminal Minds. So I need to find a good pic so I can explain it. I am just so tired of blow drying my hair! I get so overheated in the mornings. I also may add some color...blond highlights...I know summer is ending, but whatever. I work at a bank, so sometimes I get paranoid if a car pulls in the neighborhood behind me. I am so relieved when they tur down a different street. I get that Criminal Minds paranoia a lot. Doesn't help that I watch all those shows like CSI & Law & Order.

I am so uncomfortable. I am about to leave to get yogurt or something. Work has not been busy this week so the longer I am in the chair the worse I feel. And I have had 2 nights of literally tossing & turning & not a full nights rest. It is seriously getting harder & harder to get up in the mornings. I am so looking forward to Monday's holiday.
I guess it is the day for haircuts because I got a trim today too! It looks so much better. And I have one last cut scheduled Oct. 9. Here's hoping I make it there.

Amy: I cracked up at your suggestion to see another doctor. That could probably work but then I'd end up with glasses that might not work post pregnancy. So, I gotta just suck it up I think. Sorry to hear about Mya. I get so nervous every time my pup gets sick. I hope she starts feeling better.

Terri: We all need a break some times. Hope you can rejuvenate and recharge.

Krissy: Fantastic news!! That's a bit nerve wracking to keep going back and going back. But hopefully you're over 2,000 in no time.

Booger: We did freeze some tomatoes last year but I feel like DH would be more likely to remember them if they're canned. He does all our shopping and cooking and he can be spacey on what is in the freezer. I picked a massive bowl of tomatoes last night from the garden. Between that and our CSA, we're up to our ears. But it is really my favorite time of year. So, no complaints. I cracked up at your eyebrows comment. Mine have definitely been growing way more than usual.

I've seen almost every episode of Law and Order SVU and I had to stop watching it when I moved into a city apartment with a fire escape. I couldn't sleep at night worrying about someone climbing in the window. Now, I'm tempted to binge Criminal Minds.

Beagle, Your day of pampering sounds perfect. My pedicure last week was heavenly on my sore feet. I have to schedule my prenatal massage too. I've been trying to hold off until I'm supremely uncomfortable. Have you tried putting your feet up on a box or something during work? I find that helps me.
Hi ladies!

Krissy- woohoo!!!!! So happy for you! That is such uplifting news- congrats.

Amy- I'm sorry about your pup being sick. That is no bueno. I know how stressful it is to worry about your fur baby not feeling well and not knowing what it is exactly. Prayers for your girl and I hope the vet finds the cause of her lack of appetite really soon.

Terri- yay for one embryo making it! Sorry it's not more but at least you've got the one. This could be it.

AFM, just chilling. Nothing crazy to report. Feeling really tired lately but that's how I felt the last couple times, so doesn't mean anything. I am so trying to stay positive but I can't help but have these negative thoughts running through my head - "I feel no symptoms so I must not be preggo..." Or thinking about what we'll do if/when we get the BFN. Trying so hard to stay positive but it's hard. Dreading I may not test at home and may wait till the beta...ugh I dunno. The anticipation may just be too much for me to handle and I may break down and test. Just so sick of seeing the negative result.....
I guess it is the day for haircuts because I got a trim today too! It looks so much better. And I have one last cut scheduled Oct. 9. Here's hoping I make it there.

Amy: I cracked up at your suggestion to see another doctor. That could probably work but then I'd end up with glasses that might not work post pregnancy. So, I gotta just suck it up I think. Sorry to hear about Mya. I get so nervous every time my pup gets sick. I hope she starts feeling better.

Terri: We all need a break some times. Hope you can rejuvenate and recharge.

Krissy: Fantastic news!! That's a bit nerve wracking to keep going back and going back. But hopefully you're over 2,000 in no time.

Booger: We did freeze some tomatoes last year but I feel like DH would be more likely to remember them if they're canned. He does all our shopping and cooking and he can be spacey on what is in the freezer. I picked a massive bowl of tomatoes last night from the garden. Between that and our CSA, we're up to our ears. But it is really my favorite time of year. So, no complaints. I cracked up at your eyebrows comment. Mine have definitely been growing way more than usual.

I've seen almost every episode of Law and Order SVU and I had to stop watching it when I moved into a city apartment with a fire escape. I couldn't sleep at night worrying about someone climbing in the window. Now, I'm tempted to binge Criminal Minds.

Beagle, Your day of pampering sounds perfect. My pedicure last week was heavenly on my sore feet. I have to schedule my prenatal massage too. I've been trying to hold off until I'm supremely uncomfortable. Have you tried putting your feet up on a box or something during work? I find that helps me.

My entire desk just feels uncomfortable. I'm about to take a bath so maybe I will sleep better after that.
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Beagle - I hope you felt better after your bath. I can get pretty uncomfortable at work too. Well, I should say that my middle back starts hurting if I sit for too long. I am lucky though because I have this thing called a Varidesk that sits on top of my regular desk that I can raise and lower at will. This allows me to stand when I want and sit when I want. I'm constantly adjusting it but it's a lifesaver right now. I honestly feel better standing all day rather than sitting - provided I wear the right shoes!! The end is near - hang in there!

Lady - I was wondering how you are feeling. I won't encourage you to test early. I know you've done this before but I will advise to not read into any symptom spotting. It's easy for our minds to trick us and really, because of all the medications we take for FETs, it's probably impossible to know what is real and what is happening because of the medication. So, try to chill and just relax until beta day. Which is oh-so-impossible! Don't feel bad if you test early, either. I totally thought I would make it until beta day but I caved. We're all here to support you! :hugs:

Sars - Yeah, we are overwhelmed with tomatoes and peppers right now too. But I'm not complaining. My eyebrows have a tendency to get really long so that's why I think I look like an old man if I don't keep up with plucking them. They look better (for now)!

MrsW - How are you feeling? How many days past your IUI are you now?

Terri - Feeling any better today?

Krissy - Keep reporting in on your betas as they happen!

:hi: to all the other ladies out there.

The county fair starts today! I am going to go with my friend and her 4-yr old daughter on Friday. I can't wait. I love going to the animal barns and looking at the bunnies and goats and baby pigs. Not to mention all the fair food. Not sure if we'll hit up the rodeo but they can be pretty entertaining to watch too.
We have a fait in town starting soon too. Sadly I am going to miss the state fair. Too far of a drive for an almost 9 month pregnant woman. I have never gone to the local one but I am sure it is fun. Honestly all we do is eat.

I slept much better last night but I did wake up once & it was so hard turning over. I could tell my arm was asleep so I had to move. My husband woke up because he heard me moaning. Seems every move I make, I am making some kind of animal noise! I woke up at 4:30 with my dog. My husband took him out but I was awake. Then went back to sleep at about 5:30 which is the worst! But no shampoo today...I think from now on I will be washing my hair every other day to save myself the hairdrying so often.

Last night all I dreamed about was being at this seafood buffet eating piles & piles of shrimp. So I woke up dying to go to Myrtle Beach for a seafood buffet. Not sure I will make it though. It is 2 hours away which makes my husband nervous.

My hospital bag should be coming today which I am so excited about...sounds weird but I am. My friend will be home this weekend so I hope to just relax some at home with her & maybe get through some baby room organizing.

Dr appt in an hour.
Hey ladies..I'm feeling fine today. I went out to eat last night with my bestie and our other friend, and we had a fun time. The restaurant wasn't the best, and I just wrote a critique/how to improve/complaint letter to them, but it was still fun hanging with them and chit chatting for hours. hee hee. It was a lot cheaper than I expected too, so we had coffee, dessert, appetizers, entrees for a reasonable price. Yay!! Oh, and most importantly, free parking.

LadySosa-I agree with booger. Don't test early. If something out of the ordinary happens, I say go for it. Otherwise, I say wait for the surprise.

booger-Funny about your eyebrows. My sister gets long eyebrows and she doesn't even pluck them. Sometimes it's hard to look at her. HA!!HA!! Or, I just scream 'can you please go get your eyebrows done?!' Her husband doesn't care or notice, and she doesn't have a lot of gfs to tell her about herself so they are usually in disrepair. HA!

beagle-I think you'd be ok going to Myrtle for some shrimp. I think you're at least 6 weeks away. Do you have an impression that DC is coming sooner? Go get that shrimp and eat some for me since I'm allergic! So good..Hope you can find a way to be more comfortable at work for the next few weeks. How is your foot/ankle?

Our state fair is in town until Labor Day, but I haven't been in years. They always have really good silver queen corn and fair foods, and people watching is a must. I just haven't been willing to drive near my work on weekends.
Well this weekend is rough because my hsuband's store opens on Wed. So he works Sat & family night on Sun & he is not off for Labor Day. I think if I went this weekend it would be fine, but each coming weekend just gets closer & closer. Wonder if he would care if I called my mom to go. Last weekend I swore off all activities. Now I am already trying to find things to do.

My leg/ankle feels better but it still looks swollen. I am sure it is from not drinking as much water. So I bought another 50 oz bottle to use. I was drinking fairly well when I had that to measure by.

So not sure what to think of my dr appt. I had some glucose in my urine...but they say probably from my large breakfast. I ate 2 breakfast sandwhiches & a V8 splash. Trying to make that baby grow! Then she measured me & I am now 2 weeks behind. She said plus/minus 2 weeks is fine...any more & they would be worried. My weight has caught up to my highest point, so hopefully he will catch up. But you also never know how he is positioned. Also my husband siad what they did didn't look very official. They just use a tape measure on my belly. My husband said it doesn't look like an exact science.

So I am sure all is well, but I get nervous. He moves just fine & stays pretty active. So I will try not to over think it. Of course having said that, later today I will probably be googling.

Terri - glad you had a nice night out & feel better today!

Lady - as far as testing, I just think do what feels right. I always knew I wouldn't be able to wait...but some feel better that way. Some test the day off to take of the anxiety. You know you what's best for you. But I think this is the one (or two!) for you!
Hi ladies,

I had a check up this am. They did a NST and confirmed i am having contractions. They have been pretty active for almost 2 weeks now. They are getting more we will see. Im scheduled for a c section on the 21st. My B/P do fine with my meds but the meds have been wearing off in the mid afternoon so the dr mentioned maybe moving the section up a week. If she doesnt come sooner. Also i have to go back tomorrow for a US due to lack of weight gain. I'm up 16 lbs but the past month has not budged. I have been having frequent milkshakes trying to gain. But we will know her sizing a little better after tomorrow.

Lady-thinking of you! Cant wait for your BFP, but i agree-you should test when its right for you. You will know when the time is right.

Krissy- so happy to read your report! Congrats!!

Terri- glad you had a fun night with friends. We can all understand the worn down feeling. Sometimes we just need that down time to recoup. Hugs*

Booger- have fun at the fair!! I love them. Cant wait to see the crib!

Beagle- i say go for it! A day trip to the beach would be fun and relaxing :)
jkb-How exciting!! Did you want a c-section? I didn't know the plan. Are your contractions painful or just surprising. I can't believe your little girl may be here in less than two weeks. It's crunch time!! :thumbup:
jkb-How exciting!! Did you want a c-section? I didn't know the plan. Are your contractions painful or just surprising. I can't believe your little girl may be here in less than two weeks. It's crunch time!! :thumbup:

I'm very ready for her:) its been a 7 year wait, so I am very happy to have her coming and so thankful i have made it this far in the pregnancy. I feel guilty if she is too small, i just pray she has gotten all the nutrients she needs. My son was an emergency c section because the cord was wrapped around his neck and his heart rate would not come up. Since i have only had him and hes so old they are giving me the option to vbac.... which i would love avoiding the surgery but i also have a large dermoid on my left ovary that needs to be removed so the plan is to go with the flow. If i get to the 21st and she hasnt came then we will go ahead with the section, if the contractions continue early then i may attempt vbac, i just dont want her in any distress. I do not want to be given pitocin or go past my due date because, that in conjunction with my high blood pressure increases the risk of uterine rupture if you previously had a section. Im trying not to have a solid plan because, i know they change:dohh: i just want her out safe and sound.
They arent painful but are definitely noticeable. Last night i was thinking about going to get checked because they hung around for quite a while but, i had been on my feet running all day at work so once i laid down and hydrated they lessened. Dr did say I'm not dilated at all and evidently my lady part isnt shaped the best for a vaginal birth. Haha! But she said you never know for sure until its time.
Terri your sisters brows sound amazing haha!!!

Jkb not long to go now then!! How exciting! It must be exhausting with constant contractions.

Lady - how's the tww treating you? Hope you're managing to stay relaxed, when's your otd?

Beagle - I think you're right, the tape measure isn't an exact science, just gives them an idea and if its too off what they expect they send you for a scan. I think you grow a cm a week. So you're 2 cm off. So often I hear this and baby is fine, just in an odd position etc. I agree with the others, go for your trip,to get shrimp!! I stayed close to home nearing my dd due date and never made any plans for after the date as I assumed she would be here. She was 16 days late in the end and every day felt like a hundred years!! I'd keep active while you can.

Booger enjoy the fair!! I love stuff like that too.

On my way to my in laws for a few days relaxation with hubby and dd, can't wait!! Got a book, nail polishes and plan on eating lots and chilling!!
The nurse called and said the results would take two weeks! I guess I'm going to be with Amy for an October transfer. Booo. Hopefully it'll be early October. I can take shots while on vacation. :shrug:
Ok so the update on my pup...

Long story short is Beaglemom should be a vet :)

So I took her back into the vet yesterday and they re-ran the fecal tests, did a full panel of blood work, and did an abdominal x-ray. The x-ray showed a lot of gas in the intestines and digestive track but no blockage. But the blood work showed that her kidney levels were really elevated so she was really dehydrated. So now the vet doesn't know if she's having problems with her kidney function or she's just dehydrated from the diarrhea. So they do a urinalysis, which came back all normal. So she then decides that she wants to send me down to a specialist/24 hour facility. She recommends they do an ultrasound (my clinic doesn't have an ultra sound machine) to make sure that it is only gas that they're seeing on the x-ray, as well as check the kidneys. She also wants them to give her IV fluids. So I take her down there, they go over all the records that were sent over and agree with my vet's recommendations. So they admit her overnight (that was the hardest part for me) so they can do the IV fluids overnight. So they did the ultrasound this morning, which was also all clear except for the gas still, but the kidneys looked normal. They re-tested her kidney levels again after the night of fluids and they had returned to normal which shows that the elevated levels were caused by dehydration. They said after the fluids she was doing great, acting happy and alert, and ate really well for them. So basically the diarrhea made her really dehydrated, and being dehydrated made her act a little mopey and not want to eat. So they are waiting for her to poop and then I can go pick her up and she just has to continue with her medication for another 5 days. So $1,600.00 later :dohh: she was just really dehydrated and needed IV fluids, just like Beaglemom said lol.

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