First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi, I would like to join this group. I'm in serious need of support for my ttc journey...

In brief my history was

Got pregnant in May 2014 after 2 years of trying(actually got pregnant 2 months after DH sperm count issues got cleared) but miscarried at 20 weeks (August)with no particular reason.after that got hospitalized for pancreatitis due to gall stones and underwent surgery for gall bladder removal (sept ending). After 3months break started ttc with no luck (5 IuI s). My RE keeps telling that there are no issues with both of us. So it's unexplained infertility.after that we asked him for Ivf option as we desperately want a baby. So we are doing Ivf August- September.

I'm starting lupron this 28th ( had ultrasound this morning by drinking 25 ounces of water)
I'm so much confused,emotional, and feel like crying. I joined this group because me and my DH donot share our infertility issues with anyone. I need some people to share my feelings and emotions.......

143-so sorry for what you have gone through. The good thing is IVF has a great success rate. I know it is scary but we have all gone through it & we have a high percentage of success in this thread. Good luck to you. Oh & be think you are emotional now, wait for the hormones to kick in :)
beagle-Thanks. You're making me cry. He sent me an email yesterday saying that 'Hope you have a good day.' And I reamed him a new one. I told him that he was the problem with his low level sperm and that he ruined our chances, and I hope he was happy being the life of the party with his friends because that's all he'll have in the future because he f&*(@ up big time. The second sample was probably a waste, and after 2 years of pills, 1.5 years of shots, etc...he's an a$$hole for ruining our chances at parenthood, etc because he couldn't do ONE freaking job. Produce a healthy sample...I went on and on. Told him I didn't want to be a part of his drinking parties, his friends or him for a while and no I'm not having a good day, and I hope he has a bad day until i feel like being bothered with him, which will be a long time. I'm responsible for myself and Fun from this point forward.' Now that I've aired my dirty laundry all over the internet, it is what it is. If we never have kids, so be it, if we do, I can do it on my own if he doesn't want to change his ways. Surprisingly last night he did not drink. Oh, so when it's the two of us, apparently he can refrain from drinking, but let one other guy/friend come over, and it's game on. He said by email that he wanted to talk (and came directly home from work), but when he got home, he didn't say a word, and neither did I. I already said what I needed to say. I'm still pretty mad even with a positive report. That's the last I'm going to talk about it. What's done is done and I can only move forward from here.
Morning, ladies! :coffee:

Terri - Ok! So we are all pulling for your little embryos. Grow, babies, grow!!!!

Beagle - It sounds like you really are ready for DC now! I'm still feeling woefully unprepared in most aspects - but I figure we have a place for the baby to sleep, a few clothes and food and that's all they really need at first, so if nothing else falls into place, we're okay for now. Sorry you're feeling so tired. I can definitely tell I'm starting to slow down a bit but I am trying to stay busy. I know it will hit me hard in a few more weeks so trying to get stuff done while I can.

JCM- It's not a good week for the husbands around here. Must be something in air......hope you're feeling better after getting some sleep.

TTC - Welcome and good luck!! I think there were quite a few of us "unexplained" infertility gals around here. This process can be overwhelming and crazy at times. My DH and I didn't share our issues with anyone in real life either (well, I told my sister but she lives 2000 miles away so it was all over the phone, etc) so this forum was a huge source of comfort for me. I hope it can be the same for you.

Amy - I hope the testing can shine some light on what's going on. Or at least show conclusively that you really have just had bad luck. I'm glad you have a plan for moving ahead with this next transfer. :thumbup:

sars - That was a good score on the swaddling blankets! I have some on my registry too. Too bad we don't have a Marshall's around here or I'd have to swing by. We do have TJ Maxx and Ross so maybe I should stop by there next time I'm in town. How did your birthing class go? Did you make a decision on a doula?? I am still not sure what I'm going to do. I've read quite a few places where they say that even just having the right person with you (not necessarily trained as a doula or anything) can make all the difference. Like maybe a good friend who has been through it and who has a calming presence. For now, I'm leaning towards just having my Mom with me (well, and DH obviously) - she went through it naturally 4 times so I'm sure she can help coach to some degree. I also read where they said to make sure that if your DH isn't the most sensitive or calming (and my DH isn't, for sure) that it will be important to have someone there who is. It's not that my DH isn't supportive - because he is awesome - but I read where it's not particularly helpful to have someone there who is just going to tell you to "suck it up." I told my DH this and he was like "well, what else do you say?" :dohh: That confirmed right there that I might need someone else in there to baby me a little bit!

:hi: to everyone else!

DH made good progress on the crib this weekend. Everything is primed and has two coats of paint - just need one more coat of paint and then the polyurethane and then we can put it all together. I'm not sure how I'm going to survive these last 2.5 months at work. Everyone and everything is getting on my nerves right now! I guess it's just one more lesson in patience before little one gets here.
Booger, I think you are in line with me...about 30 weeks the hormones kicked in & I was either crying or pissed off. I am excited for your baby furniture! My husband may get on my nerves by being too supportive if that makes sense. I am going to have to be sure to tell him to just try to listen to my words & not get offended if I snap. Def good to get in all you can now. I seriously do not know how some of you were still able to work on your house, shopping, & finishing the baby room at 36 weeks! I applaud you!
Thankyou for your support JCM, Beagle and everyone who are with me in my emotional roller coaster journey.

Before planning Ivf my RE told me " my tubes are clear,my thickening is good, my hormones are good , my DH sperm count ,morphology every thing is good and I'm ovulating every month.every thing is good"

Egg and sperm both are good but they are not meeting....everything is good but nothing happening.

Hope this Ivf gives me my little one....
Thank u all...
Ttc143 - I'm so sorry for what you've been through. I've also had miscarriages so I know how heartbreaking that can be. Although having a miscarriage at 20 weeks is devastating, that's so far along. They have no idea what caused it? Like the other ladies have said, this is a great support group. It's time to get excited though, starting IVF means your one step closer to getting your little one.

Terri - I'm praying for your 3 little embies!!!. When do you get your next report?

LadySosa - I'm thinking of you!! I think your transfer is today? or sometime this week? Check in when you can!!
TTC: I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine miscarrying at 20 weeks. While the infertility was on my husband's end, I can't say knowing made it any easier. Thankfully we had great success with IVF. I will say the support of some close friends and family was invaluable as we were going through the process. Good luck stimming and know there are some wonderful, knowledgeable women on here.

Jen, I loved what you said about sticking around until there is no one left. Touched my sappy heart. Hope you're feeling better today.

Terri, We are all rooting, rooting, rooting for those embies. Take some time to be kind to yourself. You're anger is natural and understandable.

Booger, I really enjoyed the labor class. We took it with some friends and the nurse was really awesome. We learned a lot. I also was reassured to hear how much the nurses like natural births and how supportive they are of them. Once you get an epidural, it opens up "the web of interventions" and slows labor, she said. She advised if you want one to hold out until you reach 5 cm dilated. It was a good mix of what to expect, breathing and pain coping techniques. We also met with a pediatrician as well. The nurse had us a play a game where we ranked the things that were most important to us in labor with these dual-sided cards. So, one said epidural, no epidural etc. And then things kept going wrong and we had to keep flipping them over. Good exercise in how little control you have.

I'm still on the fence about the doula. I think largely because the baby has been breech every U/S so far. I have another U/S 9/8 and I think I will make my final decision then. Everything you said I think is totally true. Our nurse talked about how important the frame of mind is. With her first she was 8 cm dilated when her mom, sister and her sister's new boyfriend showed up. Her husband was still enroute to the hospital. Her labor was going very fast until her mom showed up and started telling everyone she was going to end up with a c-section, just like her mom. And she did. I'm currently reading Ina May's Natural Childbirth.

I would try TJ Maxx since they're the same company as Marshall's. I was pretty psyched about those finds.
Ttc-sorry for your loss. That has to be devastating. I wish you the best with ivf. It's a long road.

AFM-Hubs just listened to the call and all three embryos are dividing properly. They are supposed to be two cell today and they are all at four cell. I still don't have my hopes up, but I will smile a little.
Hi ladies! Wow, I'm getting behind! I'll try to catch up tonight but I don't have my glasses on so I can barely see haha. Excuse any typos.... :)

TTC- welcome! So sorry for your loss. How sad. I cannot even imagine all that you have been through. I echo the others that you will find some comfort in this group - they are all so supportive and wonderful! We're all here when you need to vent.

Terri- I kept meaning to check in and leave you a reply. So sorry about hubs being inconsiderate; you have every right to take some time for yourself and give him a little silent treatment! ;) And YAHOO for 3 embies growing strong! So excited about that! I have my fingers crosed for you lady.

Booger- sorry about feeling irritable. With some of the meds I feel like that-too everyone just annoys me. At least you recognize that it is your hormones that are impacting your emotions and that some of your thoughts/actions may be irrational. Oh and that made me laugh about your DH not being very DH is JUST like that. I can just imagine him saying "C'mon, suck it up, it can't be that hard." Haha.

Sars- woohoo bargain shopper! That was a steal. I bet that feels good to get the nursery in order. That's ok that its a small room - babies are small too!

Amy- I'm glad you're getting some more testing. Looking forward to hear th outcome of that. I hope you can get some answers.

Beagle- sorry you're feeling so tired lately. Thats completey understandable at this stage so treat yourself kindly!

AFM, transfer is set for Friday! Eeeeehhh I'm excited. It's come so fast. Being busy with work has helped to take my mind off things and it (almost) suck up on me. Well, I am off to sleep! Have a great night all!
Amy-I can't remember if I commented on your next steps, but I like them. The scratch will help with implantation, and the other testing hopefully will comeback with good results, but it doesn't hurt to get tested for them, if it's just a simple blood draw.

LadySosa-yay for Friday. What protocol are you on in preparation of your FET? I only saw one typo so that was really impressive without your glasses. :thumbup:

sars-I like Marshalls, even though I don't shop there often. I don't really shop (I did treat myself to Victoria's secret on Monday because I had a coupon for a free pair of panties, so I got those, plus 4 other pairs with the "sale" and a new bra), but before my honeymoon I needed some bathing suits and I went to Marshalls and I really liked their selection and bought three. The next year I went back and I was really disappointed. When I left, I realized that I was in Ross Dress for Less. hee hee. They are practically right next to each other. And your birthing class sounds fun.

jkb-Is it time? Should we be on serious baby watch this week? I'll have to go back and look at your ticker? Hope you are doing ok?

booger-Are you planning on working until the last day possible? can you work from home for a day a week to get away from your coworkers? Sorry they are getting on your nerves.

Jen-Hopefully you're not still mad at your DH. Maybe he just didn't know what to do. I think once your kids are grownup you forget that babies need a lot of care and attention. :hugs:
Amy-I can't remember if I commented on your next steps, but I like them. The scratch will help with implantation, and the other testing hopefully will comeback with good results, but it doesn't hurt to get tested for them, if it's just a simple blood draw.

LadySosa-yay for Friday. What protocol are you on in preparation of your FET? I only saw one typo so that was really impressive without your glasses. :thumbup:

sars-I like Marshalls, even though I don't shop there often. I don't really shop (I did treat myself to Victoria's secret on Monday because I had a coupon for a free pair of panties, so I got those, plus 4 other pairs with the "sale" and a new bra), but before my honeymoon I needed some bathing suits and I went to Marshalls and I really liked their selection and bought three. The next year I went back and I was really disappointed. When I left, I realized that I was in Ross Dress for Less. hee hee. They are practically right next to each other. And your birthing class sounds fun.

jkb-Is it time? Should we be on serious baby watch this week? I'll have to go back and look at your ticker? Hope you are doing ok?

booger-Are you planning on working until the last day possible? can you work from home for a day a week to get away from your coworkers? Sorry they are getting on your nerves.

Jen-Hopefully you're not still mad at your DH. Maybe he just didn't know what to do. I think once your kids are grownup you forget that babies need a lot of care and attention. :hugs:

I will be 36 weeks Saturday :) so getting close but not quite there. A few weeks ago the dr lowered my b/p meds again because i was running too low but now a few hours before my meds are due my pressure spikes to 140s/upper 90s which i dont like. Going call dr back today aand see if they want to make any adjustments. ... she has been active which i love! So hopefully shes good in there.

So happy your 3 embies are growing strong!
Ttc-sorry for your loss. That has to be devastating. I wish you the best with ivf. It's a long road.

AFM-Hubs just listened to the call and all three embryos are dividing properly. They are supposed to be two cell today and they are all at four cell. I still don't have my hopes up, but I will smile a little.

Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

jkb - 36 weeks!!! Wahoo! :happydance: Getting closer and closer. I hope they can get your blood pressure straightened out.

terri - Hooray for three strong embies!! :wohoo: Your comment about smiling a little cracked me up. Keep going strong, little ones! I was just thinking this morning as I was driving to work about how my original plan was to work up until baby is born but that might change depending on how I'm feeling. Now I'm thinking I'll work up until my Mom shows up - which is tentatively scheduled for a week before due date. That way we have some time together before baby to get the house as settled as possible - provided she waits until her due date.

Lady - Only two more days to go. :thumbup: I agree with Terri - I'm impressed with your typing skills with no glasses on. :haha: It makes me laugh that my husband the way he is (sometimes it's infuriating, too).....I tell him all the time that he has no idea what's in store for him when this little baby melts his heart.........

sars - Oh, good. I'm glad your birthing class was so helpful. I'm leaning towards no doula at this point. I like to pretend that my years of running and training have taught me how to push myself - not that I'm comparing childbirth to running because I have a pretty good feeling which is more painful - but I think it's helped me become pretty mentally tough. When I went for my glucose test they gave me a packet for hospital pre-checkin/registration. There was some information in there about pain relief options and it talked about intrathecals - now I'm thinking I'll start there and move on up as pain necessitates. I'm not completely opposed to an epidural, I just don't want to get one until I need it because I want to be able to move around as much as possible.

:hi: to all the other ladies out there!

My coworkers have a tendency to drive me bonkers anyway. Well, I guess I should say it comes in waves. There are times when everything is great and then it seems like everyone conspires to be as annoying as they can be at once. :haha: I do recognize that I'm more sensitive than usual right now. I could start working from home a couple days a week but then I think I'd be bored - I do like the "social" aspect of work. I'm like Goldilocks right now - very hard to please!
Terri, I cracked up over the Ross Dress for Less. My mom is obsessed with Ross and she insists on calling it by its full name. I'm more a fan of Marshall's. The one by my house is a Marshall's Home Goods and I can do some serious damage there. I do 99 percent of my shopping online but I do enjoy wandering there when I have free time.

Lady, yay for your transfer being so close! It is wonderful you're so happy in your new job.

JKB, You're getting so close. Hope they can get your meds sorted out.

Anyone see this awful shooting of the two Virginia TV reporters? Given my job it definitely hit close to home. I just can't imagine. They were out doing a fluffy feature story. So senseless.

I've got nothing exciting to report. Painter is working away on my kitchen cabinets while I sit on my couch and work. It's pretty sweet to actually hire out some work for once.
Good morning Booger, we cross posted there. I've definitely thought the same thing with running. I'm like I can run a marathon, I can do this. My favorite hobby is willingly pushing my body through pain and new thresholds.

I'm not familiar with intrathecals. They mentioned stadol as an option.

I worry I will have the opposite problem with my husband. He's so sweet and accommodating and I have a feeling that might be too much for me. During the labor class as we were doing a breathing exercise, he kept staring into my eyes with such total adoration I kept cracking up. I told him he had to stop looking at me.
sars-You are ON today.. 'stop looking at me!' HA!!HA!! So I typed Ross Dress for Less, and then I was like 'why did I type that whole thing?' I just call it Ross. Everyone knows it as Ross. :rofl:

jkb-Ok, a few more weeks to go. I'll calm down.

booger-I show up at work for the social aspect too. Not that I can't find fun things to do at home, but I like hearing gossip about this person or this department etc.., and I feel like if I stay home, I'm not 'in the know.'

I have to get rid of this anger that I feel. Maybe I'll go down to Ft. McHenry (where the star spangled banner was written, for those who didn't know) today with Fun and just sit out by the water and chill out. The weather has been great (80s), so it might be a good day just to do that and take Fun someplace new.
This whole conversation about Ross is cracking me up! I'm assuming you guys have heard of the store World Market? I always call it Cost Plus World Market (which, in my defense, is it's full name) and people look at me like "What"?? Even the website is just (but if you go and look, there is Cost Plus, right above World Market in the logo). Not sure how the whole name got stuck in my head but it did years ago and now I can't call it anything else. It's one of my favorite stores.

Terri, your plan for clearing your head sounds great! I say go for it. I'm sure Fun would be happy too.

sars - I hadn't really heard of intrathecals either until I read about them in the packet. It's described as an injection of a small amount of analgesic medication into the spinal fluid in the lower back without much numbness in the lower body. The medication usually lasts for about 2-3 hours and you can get another shot if it starts wearing off.
Yayyyy!!! For those overachiever embies!!! That's great!

As this baby is pooping in my hand I realized I didn't tell everyone her surgery is scheduled for September 30th! She's getting a real butthole! Lol I'm so excited and nervous.

Funny story about husbands that are like. "Suck it up"
I was recovering from my c section on day 1 and DH was sore from working out. So it hurt his legs getting up and down from the recliner. He said "ugh you have no idea how much this hurts" I wish I could have seen my face.
I have been so swamped today.

Booger - dito on the epidural & the back in forth on work driving me nuts. I plan to work as long as possible just so I have more time with the baby. And I am not sure I can take off work early without the dr's ok without having any more PTO stored up.

Terri - your day with Fun sounds like a great idea. It has been gloomy here.

Not much else going on...I need to eat soon & still have a few things to clear up at work so I don't feel so overwhelmed. A lot hitting me at once today.
booger-I have never heard of World Market, but I did look at the website, and it kind of reminds me of Pier 1, and Home Goods and some other stuff. Looks really cool though. That's funny that you call it Cost Plus World Market. What does cost plus even mean?

Jen-Your husband being sore made me laugh as well. Guys can be such wusses. Don't let them ever have a cramp or something that's actually painful. hee hee.

Beagle-Sorry you're so swamped today. Tomorrow I have an all day study in the production area and so I'm taking it easy today. I also want to catch up on some paperwork on Friday, so I think I'll be busy then too.

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