First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

It is definitely before seven months, since he said, Oh you're past seven months, she won't do an eye exam. Not sure other than that.
One pregnant, one Pupo! It's been a great week on our board!! Congrats Lady Sosa.
My 5 day transfer is tomorrow! I'm so nervous...of my 11 eggs collected only 5 were mature, 4 fertilized. As of yesterday all 4 were 6 to 8 cells and still growing but I know a lot can happen from day 3 to 5. I'm TERRIFIED that I will show up tomorrow AM and none of our 4 eggs will have made it. The embryologist said at my age (30) half usually make it to the 5 day...if that's true and we end up with two I would be so happy.
If this doesn't work, not sure I will ever do ivf again... this whole process has been 1000 times more stressful than trying to conceive naturally. I really admire all u ladies who have gone thru it more than once!

It seems most of the time the fertilized makes it to the end. In my case I had 14 collected, 7 mature, & 5 fertilize. I did PGS & 2 were normal. I think with your age you have a great shot with all 4 making it & 2 out of the 4 being chromosomally normal. Are you transferring 2?

Oh my gosh, that definitely would be amazing if most make it to day 5! We would be so happy if we get 2 or 3 even. We are transferring one fresh, and freezing any leftovers. We debated long and hard over doing one or 2 this transfer, so we decided to try first with one and pray pray pray that it works! If we end up with 3 or more tomorrow and this single transfer doesn't work, then next transfer we will do 2 :thumbup:
Lady I am predicting you will be our first set of twins!
Hi all...

Yesterday night I started lupron and I need to discontinue birth control 4 days after that. I had a question in my mind " how many days I need to take lupron??"

Actually I didn't ask at the time and my nurse forgot to said that.....I'm concerned about this because the lupron which I received is only 2.8 ml. They asked me to take 10 units daily. If I need to continue for many days I need to get a refill of it By ordering through pharmacy.just I'm asking for information.

Thank you all for your support.sticky baby dust to all of you.
Ttc - I am not sure exactly what size container I had but I had the same concerns with lupron. If you have the same protocol I did, you'll only be on 10 units for a week or two then be on 5 units for a while longer. If you are concerned though just ask your nurse at your next appt and make sure the pharmacy sent the right amount to get you through the cycle.
Best of luck! :dust:
Hi krissy,thank you. I talked to my nurse,she told me exactly what you have told.....

I definitely need to order lupron from my pharmacy. As this is weekend I need to order it on Mondays.

Can you tell me the next steps,because I have no idea about them.
Thank you in advance.
Well, we had one embryo able to be biopsies and it was the best quality. 1AA rating. I'm a little disappointed that only one made it this far, but again that's probably why I haven't really gotten pregnant yet. So now we will just have o wait for the chromosomal testing results. I know, I just need one, but it sure would have been nice to have two or three make it.
Hi all! So had my transfer yesterday! We transferred one of 2 AA grade embryos! We froze the second one. Our other two were slower growing.. one is fragmented and probably won't make it to freeze, the other is being grown until today (day 6) and if it makes it to this morning then it will be frozen too. We're definitely pleased we had at least one perfect 5 day blast left over to freeze. It was so cool getting the picture of the one we amazing!
Hi everyone,

Just checking in to say hello!

Lady, congrats on being pupo! Really rooting for you and got a great feeling for you this time, maybe beagle is right, first twins of the thread!! Exciting!

Hi dagger, congrats to you on being pupo too!

Terri, wow what a great quality blast, that's fab news! When will you get the results of the genetic testing? I've no idea what they do, do they test it, freeze it and assuming its ok you transfer it next cycle? Whichever way I hope the embyro is your rainbow baby!

Krissy big congrats on your bfp!!! How are you feeling so far?

I haven't read very far back but hello to everyone else!! Hope all the preggos are feeling ok and new mummy's getting on ok.

Afm, my ivf was converted to an iui this cycle as 2 follicles grew dominate and the smaller follies never grew. I don't think long protocol suited me so assuming iui doesn't work we start antagonist protocol again in 2 weeks when af arrives! Had the iui yesterday, should have ovulated last night and dtd last night.

Terri, at least you have one great embie for testing! Congrats. I know it is disappointing to not have a backup but it only takes one!! Sending you lots of good vibes this one comes back awesome.

Tripledagger3: That's great news. Congrats. It was a really special moment when we finally got to the transfer and saw the photo. I definitely cried.

Mrs W; Good to hear from you! Sorry the last IVF cycle didn't work but maybe this is your lucky month!

I finally found a prenatal yoga class around me, so I'm headed there soon to see how inflexible I've become over the past 8 months.
With pgs they take a sample to treat and then freeze. They don't send off the entire embryo.

Terri good luck to you. I know it's hard to see the numbers go down. But you def still have a shot.
Terri- happy dance for the strong little embie! Sorry its just the one but keep your ever positive outlook girl!! Moni is probably holding her one and only right now; ) i have everything crossed for you!xoxo
Terri - You do just need one, and that is an AWESOME rating. FXed and tons of [-o< for you for great PGS results.

Triple - Congrats on Pupo! When do you get your beta and/or start POAS?

Mrs - I had a REALLY symptomy day yesterday. Tons of bloating and crmaping. The bloating went down today, but still getting occassional cramps and my boobs have been SUPER sore. Sorry you had to switch to IUI but FXed this does it for you and you don't even have to bother with the IVF :D

Sars - Oooh! Let us know how the prenatal yoga goes! It's something I'm definitely interested in checking out if/when things work out for us.

AFM - Beta today was 125 :D Not precisely a full double from 66, but VERY close, and at these levels it can take up to 72 hrs to double. So I should be RIGHT on track :D Now I'll accept be pregnant, cautiously. I'll definitely feel better once I make it to the end of this week.
Thanks Krissy! Symptoms are hopefully a good thing. Keep positive xx

I did pregnancy Pilates all the way through with my DD and loved it! It was funny though, my first time at 14 weeks or so I was like hmmm it's a bit easy and very slow, I can't see it will be doing much. At 39 weeks pregnant I finally got it as I huffed and puffed away on my mat, using all the effort I had just to turn over haha!! It's great so if you get the chance to do yoga or Pilates for pregnancy I'd highly recommend it!

Hope everyone having a great weekend. It's a bank holiday in the uk so day off for everyone woo hoo!
MrsW-Sorry to hear that your IVF turned to IUI, but don't give up hope yet. Tons of people get pregnant with IUIs. fxfx

Krissy-Things are sounding good. Do you go back again at the end of the week?

TripleDagger-Hope it works out for you this time around! fxfx.

AFM-Just being patient over here. Not sure when I'll get the results back, but AF is right around the corner. I'm feeling crampy and yucky.
Terri - I actually go back again tomorrow. Which is a blessing and a curse lol
Hey guys...hope all is well. I went to the fundraiser for the beagle rescue yesterday...and after that I relly do think I am done with weekend activities this pregnancy. It was 85 & the sun wasn't out. But I got so hot. My husband had to wait in this long line at the food truck for water. I was about to text him to tell the people in front he just wanted water & to cut. I thought for sure I would pass out. But it was nice to see all my rescue friends. But no more for me. We went to the outlets & I found the perfect robe for the hospital. I ordered my bag from Amazon which should be here Wed. So I hope to start washing the last of the clothes & blankets I have, pack my bag, & install the car seat. I cannot believe it...only 7 weeks to go.
Hi ladies. :flower:

Beagle - Sounds like you are ready to take it easy from here on out - nothing wrong with that! You sound like you're pretty much ready for DC to make his appearance so why not relax?? I can't believe you're only 7 weeks away.

Krissy - Congrats on the second beta. You're so close to double I can't see what difference a few numbers can make. Hope tomorrow's number is right where it should be. :thumbup:

Terri - Well, now we all wait for your results. I hope they come sooner rather than later. I can hardly stand it! :haha:

MrsW - I'm sorry your cycle had to be converted to an IUI. But you never know, maybe this cycle will be the lucky one and you won't have to worry about IVF again at all!

jkb - Wow! Only about 3 weeks to go for you. Are you ready??? :winkwink:

sars - Hope you enjoyed your prenatal yoga class. I'm not a yoga person but I may be regretting that decision here soon. I am so inflexible right now and could certainly use some relaxation strategies/breathing tips. And that's interesting about your eye doctor. I had not heard that before - about not being able to go after a certain point in pregnancy. I hope you can get by for a little while longer with your current prescription. These babies really do take a lot out of us.

tripledagger - Congrats on your transfer. That's awesome! :happydance: Now the wait.......

Lady - Woohoo!!! Two on board, huh??? Oh boy. I can't wait for your results. So happy for you.

:hi: to everyone else out there!

Well, my weekend was pretty good. The birthing class on Saturday was very informative so I'm glad we went. It was great that DH went so now he has a better idea what to expect too. It didn't really change my mind about anything other than those intrathecal shots I had mentioned - she basically said they are waste of time and she doesn't recommend them for first time moms as they don't last very long anyway. So it seems like I'll try to stay natural as long as possible and then go with an epidural if I want it. Hard to say what's going to happen, you know? After the class we made one of our whirlwind trips to Costco. That place is always a zoo.

Yesterday, I got all the tomatoes canned. The plums aren't quite ripe yet so I guess i'll be dealing with them this weekend. I did a ton of laundry, some more organizing of the nursery and general house chores. I made the mistake of going barefoot almost all day and man, my feet were about as sore as they have ever been by the end of the day! DH made great progress on the crib so that should be done by next weekend maybe.

Good news! We had a storm blow through and we have clear skies for the first time in 2 weeks. :wohoo: I got to go for a walk this morning and it has made my whole day better. My dog was happy too!

Oh, and I had a Dr's appointment this morning. Everything is right on track. My appointments move to every 2 weeks now until the beginning of Oct, then we go weekly. Time is flying!

Wow - that was long. Sorry! Must be the cinnamon roll I just ate kicking in.........I'm in such a good mood today that I don't even feel bad about it being the size of my head. :haha:
Krissy: Congrats another great beta. Good luck tomorrow. I remember how nerve wracking those visits were. Things are sounding very positive for you. I really enjoyed the yoga class. It felt awesome to stretch like that. I impressed myself that I was still able to do some one-legged poses.

Mrs. W. It is funny you said that because I went to prenantal yoga early on and found it way too easy. Was definitely a different story at 33 weeks.

Terri: Hang in there. Hopefully, you'll get some really good news soon. I'm really pumped for you.

Beagle: You're so ready, why not relax? Our next few weekends are jam packed and I'm a bit stressed given how much I feel like I still need to do around the house. We've got several projects under way that I want done before baby arrives.

Booger: I'm glad the birthing class went well. It was definitely an eye opening experience for the husband. We have so many tomatoes between the garden and the CSA we're thinking at trying our hand at canning them. Wahoo for clear skies.

We had a good weekend but it flew by and I wish I had more time to knock out some more stuff. I finally figured out the best way to set up the nursery, picked out a book shelf and ordered art, an ottoman and some other odds and ends.

We put the mattress in the crib, which made things feel real. I'm a little nervous about whether the fit it tight enough. The mattress is bigger than the minimum recommended by the manufacturer and I can't really fit two fingers in there.

I have an appointment to get the car seat installed Wednesday at the city health bureau.

We went to see the Counting Crows last night. They put on an awesome show but it was standing room only so my feet were killing me after four hours standing. The tickets were free through work, so can't really complain.

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