First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Good monring ladies,

Excellent Terri that 14 embies are hanging on strong. :happydance:

Beaglemom - I hope this means good news. FX'd

Erin - Hope are you doing? :hugs:

AFM - I recieved my protocol last week here is the plan:

BCP - 19 days (10/17/14 will be last day)

Pre-IVF Evaluation (Baseline) - 10/20/14

Injections - starting 10/21/14 if everything goes fine at Pre-IVF Evaluation results.

Injections - for 11-12days

Egg Retrieval - 10/31/14 (Halloween)

Transfer - on 11/3,4,5,or 6 depending do how embies are doing.

I am so excited that things are moving along now.:happydance:

Good luck...a Halloween baby! I hope the month goes by fast for you.
Terri, 14 still going strong, that is SO great!!! I'm super happy for you. You'll have frosties for sure now!

Brighteyez, so glad things are moving along now, you're so close.:thumbup: All very exciting!

beagle, FXd the dull ache is something good! I know it can go either way, but always good to hold out hope when its something you've never had before.:winkwink:

Jen, I'm excited to find out if you have twinnies in there. :) Can't wait for these last ten days to go by, hehe!

nj, wish i could help on the thyroid levels... I dont know anything about that, but I'm glad Moni's experience helped you.:flower:

jkb, there's a small chance of losing them during freezing/thawing. New technology prevents a lot of that now, but it does still happen. So usually they do the PGS right after fertilization, prior to freezing. There's also a very small chance that the biopsy itself can harm the embies. By removing a cell from an already tiny cell itself, it could cause it to weaken and die. But I don't think it happens often. I won't worry about thawing, because we have to thaw them anyway, to do the transfer. The only difference is, instead of just thawing 2, we'd thaw all 4 to test. So we'd just hope they survive the biopsy, and then IF we have, say, 3/4 good ones and transfer 2, then we'd be re-freezing the 3rd one, and just hope it makes it through freezing a 2nd time. But its unlikely that more than 2 are good anyway.

Amy, are you still waiting on AF??

Hi to Moni, booger, and LadySosa!!

AFM, not much new to report, except that I got my sh!t together and called my insurance co. to see how close I'm getting to my lifetime max for fertility. I still have enough left over for 2 more FETs if we end up needing it. They couldn't tell me if they pay for PGS or not, because I don't have a procedure code to give them. So i'm awaiting a call from the finance girl at my clinic, so she can either tell me whether my insurance will pay it, or she can give me a procedure code so that I can call them back myself. Other than that, just trying to decide between PGS/FET or doing my next FET with 3 embies, without knowing.
I think I would lean towards the PGS...only because I am so afraid of a large number with mulitples. Chances are slim, but it does happen.

I am glad you have the numbers on your insurance. The good news is, if the PGS damages the leftover embies, it will be like starting at zero if you have to do IVF again. But the only reason you will need IVF again if for baby #2 (or #4...LOL!) because your next FET will work for sure.
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Wow - we were busy over the weekend on this thread.

Welcome to nj112233, jkb11, and LadySosa! Everyone has been so kind and supportive here; I think you have found a great thread on which to post.

Terri - :happydance: So happy to hear about your 14 eggs fertilizing :happydance: I hope they just keep on growing strong. And look at your Orioles rolling on into the ALCS. Things are looking up for you, lady! :hugs:

Brighteyez - So excited for you to get your schedule - it really won't be long now. Once you get that calendar in hand, it seems like things really move pretty quickly.

Beagle - I think the bedding set is cute. I'm sure you can sell it pretty easily if you change your mind. That's the nice thing about getting such a steal on things, they are easier to get your money back if you decide it's not for you. Weird about the pinching thing in your side...wonder what it could be. You are 7DPO so you have to wonder a little bit.....

Moni - Your link worked for me! Love reading your story.

Erin - I'm not sure what advice I can offer. It's such a difficult and personal decision. I'd be a little nervous to transfer 3 but I get why they are suggesting that as an option. I'd also be a little nervous of the thaw, biopsy, refreeze and then rethaw for transfer. But I think with vitrification, it really isn't as stressful as it may sound. I guess maybe I'd lean towards testing before transferring 3 but that is just me being terrified of multiples. I know the chances of 3 is slim but you just never know. I would definitely hold off on doing any more transfers until after they check for polyps/fibroids (you did say they were doing that right?) as I have read that can really affect implantation (I'm going to see if I can get that done before my transfer, as well). Our PGS testing cost us $3000. That didn't include the biopsy, which was $1000, or the cost of vitrification, which was another $1000. I'd ask what your clinic charges to thaw, biopsy and re-vitrify as that could add up quickly (if that's an issue). Good luck making your choice - I know you guys will come to the decision that's best for you. :hugs:

Amy - Did AF show up yet??? I surely hope so. :thumbup:

Jen - Haha - I read that story about the lady with quads. Crazy!!! And terrifying. Also, very highly unlikely to happen. I would be terrified if I were her. Oh, how cute about buying some pacifiers. :cloud9: I can't wait to start looking at baby stuff (I never thought I would say that!).

kfs - How are you doing???

nj112233 - I'm not sure what your RE might do. My TSH is around 2.3 - but it has ranged from 2.5 to 3.4. I mentioned it to my OB/GYN but she didn't seem concerned. I am definitely going to bring it up to my nurse next time we speak to see what he thinks. I'd like to get it where they want prior to my transfer.

LadySosa - Good luck with your lap! My DH and I went with the preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) option - it's where they test the embryos for chromosomal normality prior to transferring them. We only want one baby at a time so our RE suggested doing the testing so that we would know that the 1 embryo we are transferring is normal, which means it has a higher chance of success. I'll be having a frozen embryo transfer (FET) in early December. We are currently waiting to hear back about how many normal embryos we have out of 6 that made it blastocyst stage. I do realize that there is a chance our embryo could split and we could end up with twins anyway.

So, I realize as I'm typing this that I sound very anti-multiple pregnancy when I'm not (at least not for other people!). I feel like I should explain. I totally understand why people transfer more than 1 embryo. It makes total sense to me. I guess we really would prefer not to have twins for a number of reasons. The thought of two babies at one time terrifies me. I know lots of people do it and it's obviously a normal thing. I'm just not sure how DH and I would handle that situation. We will if we have to; but I'd rather not have the odds in favor of that situation right off the bat. Twin pregnancies have a higher chance of complications - for both mother and babies (low birth weight, preterm delivery, cerebral palsy, more time spent in the hospital, etc). I know this isn't always the case but it's just not something I want to gamble with if I don't have to. I'm not trying to preach or sway anyone in a certain direction, just explaining why we made our choice. Lots of women are totally okay with the thought of twins (or more) - and I think that's great! We aren't and that's why we are trying to go the route of one baby at a time. Which to me means that Murphy's Law is going to kick in and we'll end up with twins, anyway. :haha:
Booger - you & me are totally on the same page with the PGS. By the way, I would hope everyone realizes we each have our own personal choices to make in this process. No one is trying to say what someone else does is a bad thing. We prefer to have a singleton for the same reasons you stated. But if our single egg splits, then so be it...twins were meant to be. For us, we are also unsure if we can financially manage 2 at once. Mainly when it comes to daycare. My husband would def have to step up on getting a promotion. He is currently working on being a store manager of a small store. But I have already told him if we have 2, he will have to get a big store. This is not something he wants to is great money, but stress is the cost you pay. And that stress flows down in to the family.

I am also not anti multiples. I think it is awesome when someone gets pregnant no matter how many babies. But we each have an ideal in our head in how we hope our family to be.
Hi girls :kiss:I love hearing everyones progress!

Brighteyes you are right behind my schedule! I just finished BCP on the 4th. I'm excited your moving along:happydance:
Just curious when did you ladies get AF after stopping BCP? I started lupron on the 1st so it overlapped a few days with my BCP.

Beagle- adorable bedding! Thanks for sharing!!

Terri- I know you must be so excited for your transfer! I can't believe the difference in the number of embies this go round for you.

Erin- I'm sure you and hubby will reach a decision best for y'all. In discussing the Pgs with my RE, she originally said insurance wouldn't cover but then once we committed to it she said due to the number of losses I have had she thinks she can get them to cover it. She has gotten it approved only 2x before but I'm crossing my fingers they will for me. I need to read up more on the thawing/freezing process... The dr has given me so many scenarios they are all running together and I feel like I'm on information overload!
Of course we all want to make the best possible decisions and get the best possible outcomes. It helps so much to have you ladies to chat with! My hubby today is having a freak out moment. When we discuss the wide range of eggs that I could get. I'm kinda frustrated because he was asking me questions that we have discussed before and things I begged him to read up on prior to starting problem is deciding what to do with the extras or poor quality embies I'm wondering if I should only fertilize like 7 of my eggs and then freeze my remaining eggs in case none of those make it. Or is the freezing process on just the eggs really hard as well?? :shrug:
Hello ladies,

I have a TMI question to ask about when you are in the IVF cycle. My husband and I was told that we couldn't hav unprotected intercourse doing this cycle. Please tell me how you handle this because hubby is thinking that is crazy. You input is greatly appreciated.
First off girls, I wanted to say, I really appreciate all your feedback... it helps a lot to read your opinions/suggestions, and also think about my comments even as I'm typing them. It's almost like talking through it w/ someone and getting closer and closer to deciding.

booger, we wouldn't have to re-freeze, because my RE would do an overnight stat on the test, rather than waiting the 2-3 weeks for results. The plan would be to thaw my 4 embies the day before transfer. The results would come next morning, and we'd transfer the good ones. This would be a day6 transfer, so my embies will be "expanded blastocyst" by this time, or possibly already hatching, both of which are good. (They say the longer the embryo survives in a lab, the higher chance it has of being successful in the uterus anyway). So anyway, we dont have to worry about the strain of thawing, re-freezing, and then thawing again, because of the overnight stat. The only way we'd have to re-freeze, would be if more of those 4 are good than we expect. In that case, we'll probably still transfer 2 good ones (because PGS still doesn't guarantee, and also because we'd be ok w/ twins), and then we'd re-freeze any other good ones. So my RE has a pretty safe plan in place, IF that's the route we go.

beagle, I agree, I'm leaning more towards the PGS... The way I'm looking at is, what if NONE of those 4 are good, and I go through 2 more FETs, both times having SO much hope that it's gonna be it for us, when in reality, we never had a chance either time. I understand that probably isn't the case at all... Odds show that at least 1 should be good, and potentially even 2. But DH's friend's wife was only 33 yrs old, and only 1/5 of her embies was good. They realized that only because her 1st IVF attempt was successful, but she m/c, and they added that to a couple other m/c's she had prior to even starting IVF. So in her 2nd round of IVF (with a new ER and all), they did do PGS, and thats when they found that only 1 out of 5 was good. They implanted the only good one she had, and now she has a 6-mth old baby. :) My RE doesn't feel I have that issue, but how would she really know?? And if I don't do PGS and end up with 2 more failed FETs, I'll never know for sure if they were normal. And I'm just the type of person that needs to find out as much info as I can. Besides, if i do the PGS/FET, have 1-2 good ones, put both in, and they still fail, at last I'm not putting myself through yet another FET, and i can put THAT money toward doing another full-blown IVF cycle, starting w/all new eggs, and doing PGS at that time.

Sorry to yap so much today!! It just helps to really type this out... it sorta keeps giving me perspective every time I type out my thoughts, and also read all your thoughts. Please, please, even if you disagree with what I'm saying, I'm happy to hear your feedback!!! Because its still not like I've made up my mind completely.

and Terri, I have to say, if you end up getting a good number of frosties, yes, if it were me, I think I would def decide to do PGS, but this is ONLY because of my experience so far! That's all I can base that on. Only you and your RE know what's best for you. Maybe you could go ahead and do a stat PGS on them now (if your clinic even does that), and be ready by your transfer. Then you'd know the right ones are going in. Depends on money and emotions, and all that, so like everyone says, its a very personal decision.

jkb, thanks for your input as well! And i wish I could answer your question about the eggs vs embryos.... good question! Not sure if freezing eggs is harmful at all or not....??? But one thing to keep in mind, is that the embie freezing isn't really that bad with the new process of vitrification... they are VERY successful with it nowadays. If you are concerned though, I would talk to your Dr about his opinion on whether you should only fertilize some and freeze the others, or if you should fertilize all and freeze the embies. That's the first time I've seen that question pop up, and I'm not sure that it's too common, so let me know what your doc says. :)

Oh, and my estrogen during my FET was 370, and my RE told me on Friday, that it is a beautiful E level for implantation. So my body was indeed in a much better place this time, which is probably why implantation occurred. We were just unlucky to have grabbed bad embies. Shame, shame, huh?
Terri - SO amazing about your 14 embies! Any updates today?

jkb - Welcome! I'm so sorry for your losses. I hope this IVF cycle brings you for BFP.

LadySosa - Welcome! To be honest with you, I only just started BCPs but I have an appt this Wednesday to discuss more specifics around the IVF process. So, I'm right there with you on being confused. :) But these ladies are all soooo knowledgeable so you're in the right place for sure.

Welcome NJ!

Moni - Your DH is too cute, framing the sono pic. :)

Beagle - Hope that your symptoms turn out to be something good! Also, happy that you came to a solid decision about moving forward. It sounded like you were leaning towards that direction anyway. And yay! Now you don't have to worry about timelines/delays with the grant.

Beagle/Booger - Saw your comment about the movie "Office Space." Ugh. So many aspects of my office remind me of that movie!! Drives me CRAZY sometimes.

JCM - Sorry you had that scare over the weekend! Glad you're feeling better.

Erin - Ugh. I have no advice for you around PGS but I'm sure you and your DH will come to the right decision together. Good for you for calling your insurance company. So happy you still have coverage for a few more rounds. Takes a bit of the stress off I'm sure.

Amy - Has the witch arrived yet? I can't see your chart anymore.

Brighteyez - So exciting!! Glad to hear that things are moving along! Woohoo - ER on Halloween! :)

You guys are freaking me out with all of the "quads" talk. :) Talk about an insta-family. :) Nothing really to report. I have my sonohysterogram on Wednesday so I'll find out more info then about timelines/procedures. My RE did mention that she was SHOCKED that my previous insurance had charged $9000 against fertility and she couldn't for the life of her figure out what it could have been for. She attempted to call them a few times and they never returned her call. Either way, I have my DHs insurance now anyway but I think I'm going to investigate in case I should need to switch back to my insurance down the road. You never know!
Hello ladies,

I have a TMI question to ask about when you are in the IVF cycle. My husband and I was told that we couldn't hav unprotected intercourse doing this cycle. Please tell me how you handle this because hubby is thinking that is crazy. You input is greatly appreciated.

Well brighteyez, I was not told to abstain throughout my IVF cycle. I was using Lupron to prevent ovulation during the cycle, so they didnt seem to have any qualms about letting us BD, as long as I was taking my Lupron every single morning at the same time. They didnt seem concerned at all. I believe other clinics tell them to abstain, but I'm thinking Moni's was like mine, in that they were okay BDing....
ERose - Thank you! They said no unprotected intercourse, but it is hard to tell hubby to run and protect himself. He feels like why should he we are married. I am going to ask them tomorrow when I go to sign consent forms why protected only?
I don't know my clinics view on sec during the ivf cycle. But if I am told no I would just buy a small pack of condoms. But honestly I doubt either of us will be in the mood. TTC can be draining on the sec drive and ours was low to begin with.
shoot, kfs, i missed your post while i was doing my couple of posts! Yep, if i were you, I'd keep looking that old insurance... maybe they did over charge, and in that case, would that benefit you if you figure that out now? Did they bill the clinic and have you pay co-insurance? If so, I guess you might be able to get a little money back if you over-paid, right?
GL on Wednesday, can't wait to hear when you can get started, wuhu!!! Super excited for you. :happydance:

And booger, i forgot to answer about the hysteroscopy.... yes, she's doing before the next transfer. She wants it right after my next AF, when things are thin and she can see the lining really well. Nothing showed up on the Xray during my HSG, but she said that doesnt mean it would've caught smaller ones. So we'll see whats in there. I dont want ANYTHING interfering with implantation! And while she's in there, she'll do the endo scratch again, which is supposed to give fresh lining and reactivate certain growth cells that help with implantation too. We did it for my fresh cycle, which was completely unsuccessful anyway, but didn't do it for my FET. It may not be needed since we ended up having implantation during the FET, lol. But anything that improves my chances, is fine with me. :winkwink:
Beagle - I was thinking the samething (just go buy some condoms) but hubby was like really? Why???? And our sex drive is pretty much in over drive all the time so I don't waiting this month out is going to work for us especially since we have to reframe close to the time of ER and TR and after. LOL
Erin, I agree it's nice and helps so much to be able to discuss with each other. Your comments make it seem so simple! As I was reading your response I was thinking why would I want to go through the tww and bfp just to have another loss and use any remains funds when it can be prevented in the beginning.

So I just did some research on the egg freezing... Looks like it's not very cost effective and in some cases insurance won't cover:nope:
I'm fearful they're going to tell me that I have embryos that are compatible with life, just not with optimal quality of life. Such as Down syndrome. I would love a child with downs as much as any child. But the hard ship is that now, children with downs are outliving their parents and I would worry about if I chose to implant that embryo who would take care of my child when my husband and I no longer could??? But I also struggle with not using embryos... Guess I thought if I fertilize less then there was a slimmer chance of that happening..... Too many decisions, trying to take it a day at a time but I kinda want my choices made before I'm emotionally in the midst of it.

Thanks for letting me ramble:blush:
Erin - Sorry! I totally spaced the whole STAT PGS results. You had mentioned that in in a previous post. I would totally go the PGS route then. I think you're reasoning above makes total sense. I'm glad to see that your estrogen was perfect for the transfer. At least it seems like they have that part figured out!

Brighteyez - Sorry, I'm of no help here. My clinic was like Erin's. I would do what they say until you have a chance to talk to them. I suppose they have their reasons!

kfs - Let us know how the sonohysterogram goes! I'm curious as I'd like to have one before my transfer. I'm nervous about it though because my HSG was super uncomfortable and I would like to prepare mentally if necessary. And yes, I feel like my office is a combination of Office Space and Dilbert.

jkb11 - I'm not sure about freezing eggs. I do know vitrification has made it a more viable option. I will say that any embryos we have that are not "normal" (i.e. have too little or too many chromosomes) will be discarded. We are fine with that because they would likely not result in a viable pregnancy and we have no religious convictions surrounding the issue. Our RE will not transfer abnormal embryos even if we wanted him to for some reason. Now, if we end up with a high number of normal embryos, we will have to decide what to do if we end up with any extras after any successful pregnancies. There's no guarantee that just because an embryo is normal that it will implant and result in a successful pregnancy. It just has a greater chance of success.
Beagle - I was thinking the samething (just go buy some condoms) but hubby was like really? Why???? And our sex drive is pretty much in over drive all the time so I don't waiting this month out is going to work for us especially since we have to reframe close to the time of ER and TR and after. LOL

I do not know what to tell you. Personally if my husband, I would say suck it up & use the condom. But I am that woman who thinks men can be huge babies. Just like when I hear women on here say their husbands are all upset over giving a sample...seriously? Just get over it! I am carrying the baby, taking the fertility drugs, getting probed several times a month, & have now reach a much higher number than I planned of people who have seen me naked from the waist down. But I can be a bit harsh sometimes. :D

But being a person who has not used any form of birth control for over 10 years...& only used condoms the first few months...I can understand the annoyance the thought of condoms can bring.
Erin - I think your plan sounds like a really good one. If you go the PGS route, it will definitely put you more at ease. It seems like you're leaning more in that direction, right? And the way you explained it, your reasoning seems very logical to me.

beaglemom - Very cute bedding. And hoping your weird feeling is something wonderful going on :)

Terri - YAY :yipee: on the 14 still progressing. That is so awesome!! When is your transfer date?

nj112233 - My ER would definitely consider 3.4 to be hypothyroidism. He says that many Dr.'s still allow up to 4.0 or 5.0 but that is a very outdated scale. Many endocrinologists are now considering anything over 2.5 as hypothyroid. I was at 2.8 and he considered that as slightly hypothyroid. He says he doesn't medicate unless you're over 3.0 though since TSH can fluctuate. However he also said that even with a slightly elevated thyroid (3.0 - 4.0) he wouldn't postpone my IVF cycle, he would just prescribe me a low dose medication. But this just shows how every Dr. is completely different lol, so it really will depend on your Dr.

Brighteyez73 - YAY for getting your schedule!!! You're definitely on your way!!!

booger76 - I like your way of thinking. You knew exactly what you wanted, and did what you needed to do to put the odds in your favor!! Doesn't sound anti-multiples at all. Just sounds like you know what you want.

kfs1 - So weird about your insurance. I would definitely look into that.

AFM - When I reported that I was spotting on Saturday morning, by that afternoon it was full blown AF. So Saturday was CD1 and I started my BCP yesterday (CD2 per the clinic). Today is CD3. I will call to schedule my SHG and mock transfer today. I'm taking a break from charting, so that's why my chart disappeared lol. But YAY :happydance: it's finally starting!!!
I was swamped at work today and only got to play enough to see my email from the Os saying that tomorrow morning I have my chance to buy ALCS tickets!! Obsessive much? hee hee.

So the nurse called and I STILL have 14 embryos!! She was so great. She gave me an update on every single one of them. The smallest is a 5 cell, but she said that sometimes they catch up and divide quickly in the last few days. The best two right now are at 13 cells, and they call that early compacting (?) I will look that up later. I won't bore you with ALL the details, but I'm feeling really great. Bottom line, 13 pretty strong embryos. No update tomorrow, but transfer will be Wednesday at 10a. :thumbup: try to catch up with everyone.

jkb-I have never heard of freezing eggs alone, but why would you do that? If your husband is with you for retrieval and can shoot into a cup and fertilize all your eggs, isn't that so much easier? I don't know about frozen eggs (like the ones from hens) in real life, so I don't know if that's even an option. I say get and fertilize as many as you can and THEN save those bad boys. I would talk to your RE about it now, since you have time, but it seems unusual. :shrug:

Moni- YES! How awesome was that final game? Scary waiting for someone to score, but once the Os scored, we just had to hang tight and we did. When I say we, you know what I mean. hee hee.

brighteyez-My hubs thought having protected sex was awful too, and so did I, but the nurse explained it to us that with all this special help that we're getting and paying for, why let one sucker sperm who couldn't find his way all this time suddenly decide to step up to the plate? Those are my words, but I agreed with her after that. They had over a year to do what they needed to do, without success so no sense hoping they can do something now. Your hubs will either go on hiatus (although he should clear the pipes periodically somewhere), or he'll use a condom. Pick your poison, or just risk it. Other people have sex during their IVF cycle, but I chose not to waste my money, and did what they said.

beagle-I like the bedding too, but I didn't see any purple. I also looked at the customer pictures and still didn't see purple. I think it could be a girl or a boy bedspread. I hope that pain you're feeling is a good thing. 7dpo already? You're almost ready for test time.

booger- UGH!! I just hit go advanced, and it seemed I missed a whole page of responses. I guess I'm about done for this post because I can't go back any farther.

kfs1-I would definitely find out why/how you spent 9k on 2 IUIs. That seems VERY steep to me, but it can't hurt to call and find out. Retrieval Wednesday at 10a.

ERose-I agree that you HAVE to do the STAT PGS on all of them. No sense doing all this if you have the opportunity to get it done on all four and find out the best course of action after that. You'll feel more assured transferring two knowing there are two good one remaining for next time. Do you pay the same fee for all four, or does each one cost a certain amount. And...if for some reason two are bad and two are good, you know what to do, and you can start fresh when you're ready for your next kid or try with the two bad ones (would you do that? Probably not.).

Amy-I'm glad you're getting started. Woohoo!!

Jen-Hope you're well. :flower:

Hi again to the new ladies..I obviously am losing track of everyone. hee hee.

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