First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

ERose-What day are you supposed to be doing your transfer? I feel like it's coming soon, but I can't remember.

Hi knitgirl and Babywhisperer. I guess you're waiting for AF, but once she arrives, your RE will give you the scoop on what meds to get (although you should probably be ordering those now if your chart is correct so you have time to get them, and be ready when you need them), and they will give you a schedule of events. Like ERose said, the transfer is the easy part. The shots and retrieval will give you some bloating, but nothing that put me down for the count. Jen (JCM) was kind of bad off for a bit but everyone's different, so no sense fearing anything. You're going to roll with it regardless and do what you need to do. That's how I look at things.

I have been obsessively stalking a website on embryo grading and blastocysts, and I'm pretty sure looking at my pictures from last time and my pictures from this time, last time I didn't even get to blastocyst stage. I think I was at the stage before and we were just hoping for the best. This time, and not to get my hopes super high, but I definitely have full fledged blastocysts that are rated 4BB. That is from what the doctor said as well as comparing pictures on other sites. I'm pretty stoked right now. I just like knowing what's up. C'mon cells-keep dividing!!

:wave: to everyone else!
Hi terri, no transfer for a while now.... I have to go through a full natural cycle first and get a real AF since I had the CP. I'll do the same thing as my last FET though... I'll start the Lupron in this current cycle (7 days after O, so hoping to O earlier this time), and then I should get AF about 7-9 days after that. The only thing different this time, is that she'll do my hysteroscopy after AF. If it's clear, I'll start the FET protocol with the E patches again, just like before. Oh, and while she's in there for the hysteroscopy, she'll go ahead and do the endo scratch again. We did it for my fresh transfer, but didn't do that for my last FET for whatever reason, but she said it certainly doesn't hurt to try it again for this next one.

I think everything is sounding awesome for you!! Yay for definite blasts this time!!! Everything seems to be working perfectly in your favor this time around, and I'm SO happy to hear, and I'm feeling really, really good about this one! I'm betting this is it, lady!:thumbup:
Hey guys...I have been so busy today, so I couldn't check many posts today!

First off welcome to knit girl & hello babywhisperer. You guys are in a great group. Lots of experience, advice, honesty, & positivity.

Terri - everything seems to be going your way! Good luck with your cycle...& hopefully the MLB post season will keep you occupied & the time will fly.

Erin - we may be very close in dates. Maybe 2-3 weeks apart.

Booger - I am so glad you did the PGS...probably puts your mind at ease for transfer time.

Babywhisperer - I am also curious why your dr is not a fan of PGS. Especially for are older & already have a little one. So you would think PGS would be great to find the best egg & limit the chance of multiples. Oh & my office does bcp for 2-3 weeks. But I think Erin did Lupron at the end of her cycle so her IVF cycle was shorter. I will be on bcp longer because I am wanting to time my transfer for the first week of December. I know a bit more about your stress because of the other thread. It may be a good idea to take a cycle off to get back in to the acupuncture & a better state of mind...& get a few things settled.

I think I touch base on everyone...Nothing new with me. I am just anxious for next week. I think I may start testing tomorrow. If I had implantation at 7 dpo, tomorrow may be a good day to test. Next week will be exciting either way...either preggo or get to start my IVF protocol.

So I have a weird may sound stupid. But on more than 1 occassion I have felt weird things around 7-10 dpo. It is possible to have an egg fertilize, then TRY to implant but just not make it? The your cycle is not really delayed because pregnancy never technically happened? I hope that makes sense.
ERose-I forgot that your place makes you wait a cycle. That's probably a good thing (in hindsight) just because you can get yourself together, deal with what happened and then start fresh again. I feel better knowing you have a few more weeks before starting. I think the endo scratch works so I'm glad you are getting it done again this time.

Beagle-yay for testing tomorrow. I don't know about trying to implant and can't. Have you looked it up? I'm freaking out with excitement for you because your time is finally here!! Finally!!!
I did look it up last night and most people say it is the progesterone. So I dunno. I totally forgot to test this morning.
I saw your post at 6:07a and thought sure there was exciting news on the horizon. hee hee. put that stick on the sink when you go to bed tonight. Now I have to wait another day! hee hee.

My update is that I feel totally back to normal. No bloating, no cramps, nada. I'm kind of happy about that, but last time I had a lot of cramping and felt bloated and weird. This woman doctor was so much gentler. It was a nicer experience, for sure. I'll get the call today on how many we're freezing. I am thinking all positive thoughts for the next few weeks. And..I realized that my beta day is the day I'm going to the theater with MIL. Not sure how I'm feeling about that. She's coming into town the night before and leaving the following morning. I am PRAYING I have good news to share with her.
Knitgirl - Welcome! This is a great group - a bunch of amazing women, all at different stages in the IVF process. These ladies (myself not included) really know it all. :)

Babywhisper - I know your name from SOMEWHERE on these boards. Welcome!

Moni - Once again, seriously love your latest scans. Your little Chimmi looks so cute! :)

Booger - Congrats on the 3 embryos! That's so fantastic! :happydance:

Terri - Yay for full fledged blastocysts! Updates, please. I don't think not having any bloating is a bad thing. Like you said, different doctor, different month, different experience. :thumbup:

eRose - You're right. You guys will make up your minds eventually. Don't stress - you have some more time to think things over. And you guys sound so great together. You'll make the right decision for sure. :)

Beagle - Hope you get your BFP tomorrow! :dust:

:hi: Hi Amy, Brighteyez, JCM, and everyone else!

Here's my report! Had my sonohysterogram yesterday. Just some pressure/cramping but NOTHING compared to the HSG. And my uterus looks great! (Never thought I'd hear that coming out of my mouth!) My DH came the appt as well and my RE talked over the risks and timeline. I'm on BCPs until 10/22. I go back in on 10/20 for an ultrasound & bloods. And in the meantime, they're ordering my meds - bravelle, menopur, crinone (yuck), estrogen patches and uuuhhh - can't remember the others. Paperwork's at home. :) She was happy with the results of my DHs second SA but since he's still on the low side, she's leaning towards ICSI but said that we'd maybe do half and half depending on how his sample looks on the day. She will be transferring 2 and she said our chances are EXCELLENT - 60-70% chance of success. She also talked about monitoring estrogen levels and that if things seem too high, that we'll hold off and just do an FET the following cycle. If all works out, ER will be sometime around 11/5 or 11/6 with ET following 2-5 days after. Question: Did you ladies have someone drive you to your ET? I'm leaning towards it since I have to drive into the city (about an hour from me) but is it necessary? Anyway, I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited ladies.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a trip to Cape Cod - an annual trip with all of my friends. We have an 11 bedroom oceanfront house this year. We go clamming and oystering, relax, eat, drink, etc. :) CAN'T wait. Last hoorah before injections. :)
I saw your post at 6:07a and thought sure there was exciting news on the horizon. hee hee. put that stick on the sink when you go to bed tonight. Now I have to wait another day! hee hee.

My update is that I feel totally back to normal. No bloating, no cramps, nada. I'm kind of happy about that, but last time I had a lot of cramping and felt bloated and weird. This woman doctor was so much gentler. It was a nicer experience, for sure. I'll get the call today on how many we're freezing. I am thinking all positive thoughts for the next few weeks. And..I realized that my beta day is the day I'm going to the theater with MIL. Not sure how I'm feeling about that. She's coming into town the night before and leaving the following morning. I am PRAYING I have good news to share with her.

I will def try to remember when I get home today to do that. I told my husband & he said well it is too early anyways. He is all about asking me what day I am on these days. It is so hard to remember to test when my dogs wake me up at 5:30...I basically get up & go to the bathroom in a fog...trying to get back to bed & hoping I can fall back asleep which is almost never the case.

I am hoping my mom is coming to see me this weekend. I am off on Monday for the holiday & plan to go to the Outlets. I am hoping she comes because I think I should tell her about IVF coming up.
Terri, you are going to have triplets!! Wow such a betterresponse this time, going tobe great!.

Welcome to the newbies. On the ferry now, I'll try to catch up more later. Headed to England for the weekend, so might not be until next week...but still stalking.
Good mornind ladies,

How is everyone doing?

Terri - It sounds like everything is going great!!! I am so excited and can't wait for you to test and get that BFP!!!!

ERose - how are you doing? I am glad you have sometime inbetween before going right back to transfer. I agree with Terri that it will help with you getting back on track emotionally, physically, and spiritually!!!

AFM - I am just waiting to finish these pills....they have me spotting non stop ugh!! Also had issues with medication coverage but God is good and will always provide a way.
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Welcome to knit girl and babywhisperer. Beagle said it best - this is a great group of ladies.

Terri - I am so excited for you. :wohoo: We want to see pictures of your embryos!!! I'm also excited to see how many frosties you have. What a difference between the two cycles. :happydance:

Beagle - Haha - I can't believe you forgot to test. :dohh: Maybe that's a good sign. It certainly is possible to have fertilization without implantation. That's why it's so critical that the uterus and lining are in prime shape.

kfs - Wahoo! Glad to hear that the sonohysterogram went well and was less painful than the HSG. :thumbup: One less thing to worry about knowing that things are in good shape. You are getting so close! Things should move pretty quickly now. I found that once I got my calendar the waiting seemed less hard. :happydance: Have fun at Cape Cod - that sounds awesome.

Erin - Good to hear from you - looks like our FETs could be pretty close together now. If insurance will cover the PGS will that make your DH more likely to want to do it? I'd still be nervous about transferring three - but that's jut me! Again, I'm a chicken when it comes to multiples. I was super happy with our 3 good embryos. I know it doesn't necessarily mean we'll get a baby but I at least feel like we have a better chance now. Now, I have been saying all along that we wouldn't find out the gender prior to transfer but I might be changing my mind! :shock: I'm curious as to what sex our 3 little embryos are! I'm pretty sure DH wants to find out as he really wants a boy but I'm still not sure if I really want to know. He did say something last night about "what if they are all girls?" Well, then it looks like he'll be outnumbered.

Moni - Have fun in England!! Sounds like fun. Where are you headed?

Hello to Jen, Brighteyez, Amy, LadySosa, and jkb!!!

Well, it looks like I'll be heading over to my REs office on Monday for my mock transfer and sonohysterogram. I have the day off of work and they had an appointment time that works so I just decided to go ahead and get it done. I'm going to see if I can get a copy of our PGS results (with the gender piece removed!). DH asked what the abnormalities were on the the 3 that weren't normal and I realized that I didn't even ask.
Great news, booger! Wow! Yay!!!

Terri, glad you're feeling normal. I remember feeling normal almost immediately. Then the progesterone kicked in...yuck. Bloats me right up! I'm still so bloated now. Yoga pants are my best friend! Are you doing progesterone shots?

Kfs, DH went with me to the transfer. He said usually the husbands are there when the wife gets knocked up so he should get to go. Haha it was cool though. He got to watch the embryo go right in on the monitor! I was always bummed that I wouldn't be pregnant the normal way and that day I said "well how many people get to actually watch this happen!? Only IVFers!!! They also gave me a Valium right before they went in there and did it. Don't overfill your bladder! Cause that was the most uncomfortable part!

Hi babywhisperer! Good to see you again! My egg retrieval was a little bit uncomfortable (after). The retrieval itself was great. I don't remember a thing! I was down a few days after though. I had a mild OHSS. Nothing too serious. Just watch your weight and measure your waist every morning. Mine kept getting higher and I was too swollen in there I guess. I just drank a ton of Gatorade and lots of ramen noodles (high sodium) and I shrunk back down. Really the only terrible day was the day after. Diarrhea all day. Horrible. I still ended up having my 5 day transfer and I'm pregnant now! Totally worth it! I don't know if you remember, but I also was doing acupuncture when my ivf cycle started. Once a week until retrieval week came...then that week I went twice. My acupuncture guy then came with me on the transfer day (before and after they transferred, he worked on me) then I went 3 times a week during my wait. I honestly think he kept me more relaxed. He's super knowledgable about infertility and I really like him so I'm glad he was there.

Wow our little thread is busy busy!!! Welcome to anyone else that joined!

Hi to Erin, Amy, beagle, Brighteyez, Moni, aaaaannnnnd who am I missing!? So many of us now!

Me: juuuuust hanging out til I get to see my little chosen one(s) on the monitor next week. I had my first sick day yesterday. I can seriously smell everything and it's disgusting. One of my little angel pups decided to poop behind the couch in the kids family room...I could smell it from 6000 square feet away. So I went to clean it up and got sick on top of it. Isn't that lovely? My stepdaughter just stared at me. She looked scared. Poor kid! Today I feel ok though. I can't seem to sleep through the night anymore. Everything wakes me up. Especially DH snoring. Earplugs don't work. I might have to kill him. Lol
Booger - I am so glad you said that about the gender...because the other night I was like hmmmm maybe I do want to know. We both so desperately want a girl. I was also thinking they could just tell me how many of each I had...then I would know the odds. But we are so torn...we want a girl...but we have an awesome name picked out for a boy (we have a great one for girl, too). So we truly do not care either way. But my mom does not have any grand daughters. And I think my husband would just be the best dad to a little girl. Every girl should have a dad like him to teach them what kind of man to marry one day...and a mom like me to teach them not to take any crap from the male gender...we are much stronger than them! :)
Booger- exciting news! Congrats on 3 great embies 😀 I admire your patience. I'm going to find out the sex right away! My office says they can't tell us until after the transfer. Was your office willing to tell you prior to transfer??? My nurse said its illegal in nc to tell because of people choosing sex selection.

I had my baseline ultrasound this am. I had 20 follies on the right and 8 on the left, my lining was 7.98. Is this similar to what you ladies had that have already been thru it???
Booger- exciting news! Congrats on 3 great embies �� I admire your patience. I'm going to find out the sex right away! My office says they can't tell us until after the transfer. Was your office willing to tell you prior to transfer??? My nurse said its illegal in nc to tell because of people choosing sex selection.

I had my baseline ultrasound this am. I had 20 follies on the right and 8 on the left, my lining was 7.98. Is this similar to what you ladies had that have already been thru it???

I am in NC as well...I did not know it was illegal...but I am not surprised. I didn't even know you could tell the sex until someone on here said I guess I won't be able to choose. What clinic are you working with?
The women's institute. It's in charlotte.

I understand why they can't let us pick which sex we want but for me it would be fun just to know I have x amount of boys and x amount of girls��I'm such a planner!!
Thanks for such a warm welcome, everyone!! I am on Day 16 and will go in on Tuesday for confirmation that I've ovulated, and then hopefully starting Lupron. I'm so excited because it means we are another step closer to getting pregnant! And, I am slightly terriffied about having to give myself shots. My DH has offered, but I think I need to try it myself first. All of my meds came in the mail a couple days ago and it was thrilling and also a bit overwhelming.

I had a hysteroscopy for a polyp removal last week and my RE said all looked good. I'm just so freaked out that I'm going to do something that is going to hinder our chances. I switched to decaf but recently read that there is caffeine in that. I think I'm so anxious about all of this because I will be 40 in April. We were pregnant last year but had a miscarriage at 11 weeks - baby stopped developing at 8 weeks they think. I'm starting acupuncture and prenatal yoga - someone suggested that I start prenatal yoga now, and the instructor thinks that is a good idea.

This thread has been really helpful for me to read - so thank you to all of you wonderful women for sharing your stories. :dust:

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