First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Terri - If you decide to chart again, you know I'm here to stalk you lady. :)

Erin - How are you feeling? Do you feel like time's been going fast for you this time around?

Beagle - Ugh. I HATE restless nights. Try to relax tonight, no caffeine or exercise after 6:00. Get in bed with a good book.

Amy - How'd it go, how'd it go, how'd it go?

Hi everyone else! :hi:

Waiting to hear my blood test results. And, yes, I'm happy that I told my immediate boss. I felt immediately relieved. I had been debating about whether to tell her and/or my immediate team but she actually cautioned me against telling anyone else due to some of the big mouths that we have in my office. I hope to take off the day of my ER & ET and hope to just work from home around those days if needed. I figure I can easily sit on my couch with my computer, right? But either way, she said to take whatever time I needed. And she's excited for me which is cute. :) Made it feel a little more real to share it with someone here.
Amy - yay. So happy you're starting! I wasn't able to get bravelle because of my insurance but I has asked about that beforehand and she said to mix them all in 1 vial. Like Jcm said, one shot's better than 2!

Brighteyez - you're getting close!!!

Babywhisperer - glad to hear that you're doing well, too. When's your next appt?

Erin - phew! Happy your temp jumped back up.

Beagle - hang in there. We all have those days.

Bloods tomorrow and then bloods/ultrasound on Wednesday. I ended up telling just my immediate boss today and she was super sweet and said to take as many days as I needed and to let her know if I need anything. :)

Next appt is tomorrow just for blood. Last night I bled again from the menopur shot and bruised. So my little guy got my cold, he is so congested in his nose I feel terrible. He has trouble breathing while drinking his bottle.

I'm very curious to see what the b/w reveals tomorrow.
Terri - If you decide to chart again, you know I'm here to stalk you lady. :)

Erin - How are you feeling? Do you feel like time's been going fast for you this time around?

Beagle - Ugh. I HATE restless nights. Try to relax tonight, no caffeine or exercise after 6:00. Get in bed with a good book.

Amy - How'd it go, how'd it go, how'd it go?

Hi everyone else! :hi:

Waiting to hear my blood test results. And, yes, I'm happy that I told my immediate boss. I felt immediately relieved. I had been debating about whether to tell her and/or my immediate team but she actually cautioned me against telling anyone else due to some of the big mouths that we have in my office. I hope to take off the day of my ER & ET and hope to just work from home around those days if needed. I figure I can easily sit on my couch with my computer, right? But either way, she said to take whatever time I needed. And she's excited for me which is cute. :) Made it feel a little more real to share it with someone here.

I could never tell anyone here. The thought of me prego translates into people trying to steal my accts.

Beagle sorry for the bad sleep, can you take melatonin? Reading helps me. No TV or computer, just reading articles relating to work and 10min later ZZZZZZzzzzzz.

Erin how are you?

Terri I wish I had the patience to temp. I wake up and bolt out the door in 30min!
kfs - I ended up telling my banker when I had to start seeing the FS for IUI...when I did IUIs with my gyno I just did it at lunch. But my FS is over an hour away. I usually have a great relationship with him (despite our freak out days like today). He was very excited...he has kids & was just excited we were moving in to the parenthood world. He also doesn't ask too many questions. Then when my management changed (banker used to be my manager) I told the new manager. She is a woman & even offered to let me work in her office since it was close to the dr. But my banker was not excited about that.

Babywhisperer - Never tried melatonin. I honestly think I just need a brain wind down. I will try to just eat dinner, take a bath, & get in bed with a tv or computer.
beaglemom - I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Things will get better and soon you'll be pregnant and all this will just be a thing of the past :)

So I did my shot last night. It wasn't too bad. What is crazy is all the mixing. I just felt like I wasn't getting all the medication back out after I put it in each vial to mix. And then to do that six times over. It was like 3/4 of a CC instead of 1 CC by the time I did the injection. I'm sure I'll get better at mixing (hopefully lol). The injection site is sore today (hope that is normal) but there is no bruise so far. I had a little bit of blood but I did jab it in there a little hard (nervous I guess). I'll try to go easy on myself tonight lol.
beaglemom - I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Things will get better and soon you'll be pregnant and all this will just be a thing of the past :)

So I did my shot last night. It wasn't too bad. What is crazy is all the mixing. I just felt like I wasn't getting all the medication back out after I put it in each vial to mix. And then to do that six times over. It was like 3/4 of a CC instead of 1 CC by the time I did the injection. I'm sure I'll get better at mixing (hopefully lol). The injection site is sore today (hope that is normal) but there is no bruise so far. I had a little bit of blood but I did jab it in there a little hard (nervous I guess). I'll try to go easy on myself tonight lol.

thanks...It is funny because last night I was so exhausted & I asked my husband what on earth is he going to do with me when I am pregnant??? Then the baby comes & no sleep. But I really think I will feel better after a relaxing night & my appt.

Since my next holiday is on a Tues, I may seriously consider taking off Monday. Really depends on what they tell me...not sure about additional appts & the mock transfer. I think most monitoring happens at 7:30 am...but not sure about everything else.
Ok - finally caught upafter my hell week last week!

Erin - my retrieval was 8/17 and transfer 8/22 (I think) BFP via beta on 8/31. Thanks for the updating!

Great numbers JKB - hoping they continue,. I had 10 eggs, 7 were mature, 3 fertilized but only 1 made it to transfer. As was said above the one was a little behind schedule - but still made it. And now my SON is 12 weeks along! Yep - got the harmony results and it is a boy! (Will have to stop calling him Chimmi....) I also came back at low risk for all chromosomal disorders - so no CVS or amnio for me!!

Lots going on this week - excited for the upcoming retrievals!!

Oh and I plan on reading Gone Girl as well....

I also had my NT scan yesterday and will try to get a pic posted by the end of the week!
Amy congrat! You survived the first day! You will do great. I find it helps to really pinch around injection area while inserting! Helps take the ouch away��

Thanks moni! I'm excited! I called back to clarify and she said once she takes the biopsy she immediately freezes them. So my first 7 are frozen and will find out if there's additional tomorrow. Congrats on a baby boy!!! So excited for you. Doesn't knowing the sex make it seem more real! Yay for no amino, or cvs! So is there a new nick name for lil one??
Beagle- sorry it's been a crazy, sleepless time for you. I truly believe it's part of this process. I was/am right there with you. I focus on remembering to take it one day and a time. It will all be worth it! Enjoy your bath and bed!
Baby w- sorry your sweet boy got your cold. Some tips for making him more comfy: use saline nasal drops and then bulb suction his nose, as well as if you have a small bathroom in your home, turn the shower as hot as it will go and just sit on the floor beside the shower and play with him with toys and let the bathroom steam up really good and that will make his nose drip, you can also take the bulb suction in there to assist with clearing his nose. I like to do that at bedtime so he can get a good nights rest. Hope he feels better soon!
Kfs- did you get the results??
moni-Welcome back!! Glad you can take a break for a bit and fill us in on the details. I'm so excited that you're having a little boy. <3
Amy congrat! You survived the first day! You will do great. I find it helps to really pinch around injection area while inserting! Helps take the ouch away&#55357;&#56832;

Thanks moni! I'm excited! I called back to clarify and she said once she takes the biopsy she immediately freezes them. So my first 7 are frozen and will find out if there's additional tomorrow. Congrats on a baby boy!!! So excited for you. Doesn't knowing the sex make it seem more real! Yay for no amino, or cvs! So is there a new nick name for lil one??
Beagle- sorry it's been a crazy, sleepless time for you. I truly believe it's part of this process. I was/am right there with you. I focus on remembering to take it one day and a time. It will all be worth it! Enjoy your bath and bed!
Baby w- sorry your sweet boy got your cold. Some tips for making him more comfy: use saline nasal drops and then bulb suction his nose, as well as if you have a small bathroom in your home, turn the shower as hot as it will go and just sit on the floor beside the shower and play with him with toys and let the bathroom steam up really good and that will make his nose drip, you can also take the bulb suction in there to assist with clearing his nose. I like to do that at bedtime so he can get a good nights rest. Hope he feels better soon!
Kfs- did you get the results??

Thanks, I slept much better last night but because I went to bed so early, woke up early. So I am a bit tired, but not as bad as yesterday. I had a relaxing bath with meditation music & incense...then my husband made us soup...figured that would help relax me. Then I read for a while in bed til my husband came in. Then we started talking about all the warm comfy food we will eat during my IVF wait so the egg will feel comfortable & implant!

Terri - I hope you get some positive info today...I am so excited for me to go tomorrow.
Moni - Congratulations! :happydance:

Terri - Good luck today. Hope you and your RE can come up with a solid plan for moving forward when you're ready.

Beagle - Ahh. Sounds like you had a relaxing night. I had to go over to a friend's house to help her decorate for her Halloween party this weekend.

Brighteyez - Any updates?

Amy - How'd the second night go?

So, last night my RE called and told me to reduce gonal-f from 225 to 200 units (or whatever they are). Before my ultrasound this morning, she said that according to my bloods from yesterday, I was responding very well to the meds. And then she did the ultrasound, and said "Everything looks fine but I may decide to increase your gonal-f dosage again, depending on your bloods from today." And that was it. She didn't say anything about how many follies there were but there was a line of women waiting so she seemed rushed.

So, what exactly does gonal-f do again? Increase the # of follies or the size? I'm sorry - I should know this - don't hit me. Do you think it's possible that there aren't enough follies? Just curious about why she would change her mind after my ultrasound. Also, when did you all start Ganirelix (or whatever version of it you were prescribed)?
Moni - Congratulations! :happydance:

Terri - Good luck today. Hope you and your RE can come up with a solid plan for moving forward when you're ready.

Beagle - Ahh. Sounds like you had a relaxing night. I had to go over to a friend's house to help her decorate for her Halloween party this weekend.

Brighteyez - Any updates?

Amy - How'd the second night go?

So, last night my RE called and told me to reduce gonal-f from 225 to 200 units (or whatever they are). Before my ultrasound this morning, she said that according to my bloods from yesterday, I was responding very well to the meds. And then she did the ultrasound, and said "Everything looks fine but I may decide to increase your gonal-f dosage again, depending on your bloods from today." And that was it. She didn't say anything about how many follies there were but there was a line of women waiting so she seemed rushed.

So, what exactly does gonal-f do again? Increase the # of follies or the size? I'm sorry - I should know this - don't hit me. Do you think it's possible that there aren't enough follies? Just curious about why she would change her mind after my ultrasound. Also, when did you all start Ganirelix (or whatever version of it you were prescribed)?

The gonal f helps the follies grow. In a normal cycle for normal women you have one dominant follie (sometimes 2). The dominant one releases for fertilization. With my IUI I took follistim (same thing) to get more eggs to release. With IVF you are trying to get WAY more eggs to develope so they can retrieve them & fertilize them in the lab. Otherwise on day of retieval you would only have 1 or 2 eggs to retrieve.
I started Ganirelix about 6 days away from retrieval. I believe the purpose of this is to block your LH surge from happening, so prevents ovulation. i'm not sure if they give it to you based on a certain E level or based on follicle size.

The doctors don't want you to get OHSS, so I think the increasing/decreasing of meds is probably something formula based; depends on how many follies, size of them, estrogen levels and other information that they get from bloodwork. Sometimes they tell me 'come in in two days' in the morning and then when they call in the afternoon they say 'ok, see you tomorrow.' So it can change on a dime. I wouldn't be too concerned right now.

I want to call my insurance company but all my secret places for calling have people in them. I wish I could just barge in people's offices sometimes and close the door. hee hee.
kfs, don't worry... Thats the whole reason for all those ultrasounds and bloodwork, is so they can monitor how you're reacting to the meds, and either increase or decrease based on your individual response. They have this certain range of where they want your E to be every couple of days, so most likely you were just a little above their range when she had you dial the dose back a little. It could literally change from day to day, and they could change their minds again. During my 10 days of stimming, they had to dial my Gonal F back twice. But I recall her saying that could change at any time too. So no worries... they've got ya'. With each increase or decrease, they're getting you right where you need to be.
Just believe they know what they are doing. It will work out!

We are calling him Max now.

Here's my pic from Monday's NT scan:


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moni, hey!! Congrats on the boy, thats so exciting! :) :) Love the pic!!! Glad to see you check in. :flower: Thanks for your dates...I'll add you to our front page.

jkb, sounds like your embies are doing great! 7 frosties already is really good! Let us know if you hear about the other 3 today.:thumbup:

BabyW, so sorry your LO got your cold!

Amy, I always felt the same about some of the injections, when I couldn't get it all out of the vial and into the needle. My nurse always said that was normal though, and that they supposedly compensate for that. But not sure how it is when mixing multiple meds.

beagle, glad you're feeling somewhat better today.

terri, can't wait for an update from your appt today.:thumbup:

Hi to everyone else! Hope everyone is doing well.
Erin, your temp seems to be getting way way up...interesting ;)
Erin, your temp seems to be getting way way up...interesting ;)

Oh, I know, haha! But I think today's must be a fluke or something... That's pretty high, even for me. I know I woke up to some weird feeling this morning, and my pulse was racing. Not sure if I was having a bad dream, or if I'm just stressed right now or what. But maybe that caused the crazy high temp this morning. I also have a headache, I was VERY emotional last night (to a point of being unreasonable), and I feel a bit anxious today. I'm wondering if the Lupron is finally having some negative effects on me... since this is my THIRD dang time having to use it, I'm wondering if it is starting to affect me the way I've heard some others talking about it.
Well we will just keep hoping for a miracle pregnancy :)

So I checked my credit card balances & my cash advances are posted. Not sure if I have to pay anything tomorrow. The bank still has a hold on them, so I need to check my other card balances in case I do have to pay anything tomorrow. All my paperwork says the fees are due on the day of your meds class. Luckily I have some cards with no balance I can use. Those will also be my back up in case the price becomes more than I expect. I very SMALL part of me wants to skip PGS & take the risk in putting in 2...but I just know I will regret it. I will either get a negative or twins...& I don't want either...twins would be okay, just not preferred.

Ahh!!! Just so ready for guys may be tired of listening to me say that. But we have our appointments plus the whole afternoon to spend together.

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