First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

jkb - sounds like a great report!

Gone Girl is also on my list, but I am so random with books. I do a lot of audio in my car. I try to read at home or on my lunch but feel mentally exhausted all the time. But I typically read things like Stephen King...but now am in love with his son Joe I am reading his graphic novel series. Graphic novels is a new thing for me...this would be my first one & I like it. I am also listening to the Gregor series by Suzanne Collins. She wrote the Hunger Games series. The Gregor series is more meant for pre-teens I think but I like it. I also really like Christopher Moore. I find his books very funny. I do not really like girly books or romances.

I started working in the yard for a bit...feels nice out but I have these flower beds that have been neglected & now are jungles. So I got super hot really fast. I am also being cautious because there are things growing I want to keep & pretty sure I could run in to a snake...yuck! But now I am wanting some cooling off & hoping to get back out there again before the couch gets too comfortable.
Knitgirl-We are reading (or just finished reading) Gone Girl. I can't believe how fast I got through it. I usually don't read pleasure books when I have school stuff to read, but this semester hasn't been that rigorous and since hubs was gone, I had some alone time to just read and read. What a great book! Next I want to read Goldfinch, but it's supposedly 750 pages long. I'm going to have to ask my sister if it's REALLY good or just ok. I'm not spending months reading a book for it to be just ok when there are others I really want to read that are good.

BabyW-Glad your first day of stims went well. I stimmed for 10 or 11 days. It's the perfect amount because when you're really tired of it, it's done. hee hee.

kfs1-Hope tonight goes swimmingly. I think ERose and I agree that after you mix the menopur, let it sit for a minute or two before injecting it. You can mix it, do your Gonal F, and then do your Menopur.

I'm not going to the bar to watch football today. I'm just going to stay at home and save my few dollars. The Cowboys play at 4:30 and I'm worried that if I invite my husband to the bar with me, he'll drink uncontrollably and spend lots of money, so I'm not inviting him and I'm not going. Last week I got mad at him because I ended up driving home when he offered to drive TO the bar. If you know you're going to get drunk, why offer to drive? I am learning more and more lessons about my 39 going on 22 year old husband. Re-diculous.

Terri - You & husband are so funny. I think all men are like that. The benefit is I married young. We have been together almost 14 years. So I have had plenty of time to mold...also easier to mold a 25 year old instead of a 39 year old. Plus you guys have lived so independent for so long...I can see how it could be hold to find a middle ground sometimes. But that's what marriage is I guess. He is a Cowboys fan, didn't you say? Mine, too. I hate football but consistently root against the Cowboys. :)
They said all of my embryos were stages 6-8. Can anyone explain this too me. I have seen so many different definitions of grading embryos but, don't understand stage 6-8 on day 3.
The Cowboys game isn't until tomorrow night. I don't know why I thought it was this afternoon. I used to love Stephen King books in high school/college, and then I decided I should branch out and haven't gone back. I heard he has a new one out now or coming soon. The Hunger Games was also pre-teen/teen book, so I'm not surprised the other series are the same genre. I don't read romance novels. hee hee. I am surprised to really like historical fiction. All of James Michener books are SO up my alley, Chesapeake, Hawaii, etc..They are really good. I also like Ken Follett, and I read a book about medieval fiction and liked it! That was beyond me. hee hee. Yes, oftentimes I wish I had married younger, but it is what it is.

jkb-My guess is that they are 6-8 cell. Don't worry about the grading. Some have perfect embryos that don't work and some have non-perfect that work, so I wouldn't get too hung up on their stage right now.
First injections done. The menopur stung a bit but overall not too bad. I feel very emotional for some reason though. Just wish this process could be easier for us all. :(
Oh kfs! :hugs: It will all be ok. You did it and now you have about ten days to go. Power through! You're strong like an ox. It will be so worth it in a few weeks. Just wait!
ERose-Are you going to read Gone Girl? I want to talk about it, but I don't want to spoil it for others that want to read it. If so, I can wait.

TTC on break=book club for Terri. HA!!HA!! I started reading another book last night, Cutting for Stone. It's shorter than Goldfinch and one chapter in and I can't wait to get home and continue reading. My sister recommended it.
Feeling better today, Terri, thanks. I just felt so emotional for some reason!!! :shrug:

I think books as a distraction is a GREAT idea. I'm actually reading 2 books right now, only because one is on my iPad and sometimes my husband will be using it so then I'll grab my other book. I'm reading Doctor Sleep, which is the sequel to The Shining. And also Before I Go To Sleep, which is a story about a woman who has amnesia. I picked that one up at a tag sale. :)
Feeling better today, Terri, thanks. I just felt so emotional for some reason!!! :shrug:

I think books as a distraction is a GREAT idea. I'm actually reading 2 books right now, only because one is on my iPad and sometimes my husband will be using it so then I'll grab my other book. I'm reading Doctor Sleep, which is the sequel to The Shining. And also Before I Go To Sleep, which is a story about a woman who has amnesia. I picked that one up at a tag sale. :)

Me & my husband went to the mountains in Jan & Doctor Sleep was our audio book we listened to. I really liked it. Very different from The Shining in my opinion. Very long but very good. If you really enjoy Stephen King, I def recommend his son Joe Hill. My husband is currently listening to Heart Shaped Box & I just finished NOS4R2.
So I was super productive last night. We made brownies. Guys, if you have a Trader Joe's near you, def go there & pick up some fat free brownies. They are so good. You mix yogurt in with the baking mix. So that is all you need. We do not have one close by so when we do go we buy like 5 boxes! I had also had this muffin gift set I had never opened...they had cranberry muffin mix so I made those for us to grab for breakfast on our way out in the mornings. I made my sandwich for lunch & filled up my little containers of juice. So I have a shelf in the fridge just with my lunch stuff. So I grabbed a juice box, a V8 (I really don't like them, but find the small cans are tolerable), a yogurt, & a small container of pudding. A while back I bought a ton of pudding & jello to make as work snacks. So I made that last night as well & put it in small containers. It was so easy to get up this morning & just grab everything & stuff in my lunch box. The muffins were big & I just finished it & it was perfect for breakfast. I also had bought some bananas which seem to always go bad in my house. So I plan to make banana muffins this week some time. I also wanted to add some fiber powder or protein shake powder to them. Now I just need to work on being more active.

I just realized last night my appointment is this week...once I get that done, I really feel like time will start flying by. Hopefully after only a few weeks in Nov I will start my meds. It is very exciting but I am also so nervous.

Anyways...I hope everyone has a good week!
beagle-If I pack my lunch the night before, I'm happy the next morning. The problem I usually have is opening the refrigerator before I leave for work because I don't normally eat breakfast. I have been getting better about it since I have yummy cereal to eat (Kashi Go Lean Honey Almond Flax). Glad your muffins/brownies/jello/pudding are working out. Plus, you spend less if you have healthy snacks you like at work.

What's your appointment for again? November is going to fly by.
First injections done. The menopur stung a bit but overall not too bad. I feel very emotional for some reason though. Just wish this process could be easier for us all. :(

Hang in there and stay busy. Try to take it a day at a time and not look ahead. It will all be worth it in the end.

I am trying not to get into my head too much about this. Last night I did it without really thinking. I bled after the menopur shot which was odd. Dh got my cold so I will be plenty busy this week since he can't be near the baby. I'm worried though b/c he has to deal w/ him in the morning after I leave for work and the baby crawls all over him. I pray he doesn't catch this cold. His teething is enough to handle at this point. It has thrown off his eating, sleeping, and he's just not himself.

I wish I had time to read like all of you ladies. I started the Games of Thrones book and got 200 pages into it before I got too busy. Dh has read them all including book 3 twice. I've also read the Dark Tower books with one left, dh loves Stephen King so he passes books to me.

Happy Monday ladies. I hope to hear happy news about wonderful transfers and responses to stims!!
So I was super productive last night. We made brownies. Guys, if you have a Trader Joe's near you, def go there & pick up some fat free brownies. They are so good. You mix yogurt in with the baking mix. So that is all you need. We do not have one close by so when we do go we buy like 5 boxes! I had also had this muffin gift set I had never opened...they had cranberry muffin mix so I made those for us to grab for breakfast on our way out in the mornings. I made my sandwich for lunch & filled up my little containers of juice. So I have a shelf in the fridge just with my lunch stuff. So I grabbed a juice box, a V8 (I really don't like them, but find the small cans are tolerable), a yogurt, & a small container of pudding. A while back I bought a ton of pudding & jello to make as work snacks. So I made that last night as well & put it in small containers. It was so easy to get up this morning & just grab everything & stuff in my lunch box. The muffins were big & I just finished it & it was perfect for breakfast. I also had bought some bananas which seem to always go bad in my house. So I plan to make banana muffins this week some time. I also wanted to add some fiber powder or protein shake powder to them. Now I just need to work on being more active.

I just realized last night my appointment is this week...once I get that done, I really feel like time will start flying by. Hopefully after only a few weeks in Nov I will start my meds. It is very exciting but I am also so nervous.

Anyways...I hope everyone has a good week!

This just made me so hungry!!! I wish I could eat muffins, jell-o and pudding! I am so sensitive to sugar, if I have a muffin for breakfast I crash so hard I want to take a nap under my desk. I'm allergic to eggs so breakfast is a tough meal. I wasn't always allergic and when I was pregnant I could eat them again it was awesome!!!!! I have a banana and sometimes a gluten/egg free english muffin with turkey or turkey sausage if my cafeteria doesn't have regular turkey. I also went kitchen crazy yesterday and made a 4 quarts of homemade chicken soup. Dh had some for dinner and I am bringing it in for lunch. I am trying to keep the bloat down this cycle and eating light dinners.
Terri - this appointment will be my consult with the dr. I really already had like a mini consult a few months back when IUI #1 didn't work. But since we are def headed to IVF they want me to have another sit down with her. That is at 11:15. We will get something quick to eat then head back at 1 for my meds class. So we are on our way. I should get a calendar & everything then I think. Basically I will be able to sit down & figure out when the IVF will be. Like Booger, by clinic runs the IVF in first come first serve. I am getting in early so I see no reason I can't do it in early Dec like I planned.

Babywhisperer - I read #1 in the Dark Tower & wasn't that in to it, but I do plan to keep going since so many people love it. I have also been thinking a lot about freezing dinners like soups & things like that. No idea how to do that or what you can freeze. But I would love to make large meals to freeze later. Then we aren't bored with the leftovers & do not have to put in much of an effort to take out of the freezer later.
Good morning ladies,

Hope is well with everyone.

KFS1 - Congrats, with getting through the shot. It does get easier, I was worried to but it has gotten better.

Terri - Sounds like a really good book.

ERose, Beagle, JCM and Booger - How are you ladies doing?

AFM - I started the Ganirelix on Sunday and my Menopur has increased from 75iu to 150. I went for monitoring on Saturday and I had 9 follicles and they were measuring from 9-10mm also, my Estradiol went from 88.5 to 202. Today I went again and I had 8 follicles that they could see and they are measuring from 10-12mm. Don't quite understand the decrease in follicles but I guess it is ok.
Good morning ladies,

Hope is well with everyone.

KFS1 - Congrats, with getting through the shot. It does get easier, I was worried to but it has gotten better.

Terri - Sounds like a really good book.

ERose, Beagle, JCM and Booger - How are you ladies doing?

AFM - I started the Ganirelix on Sunday and my Menopur has increased from 75iu to 150. I went for monitoring on Saturday and I had 9 follicles and they were measuring from 9-10mm also, my Estradiol went from 88.5 to 202. Today I went again and I had 8 follicles that they could see and they are measuring from 10-12mm. Don't quite understand the decrease in follicles but I guess it is ok.

Focus on quality and not quantity. It sounds like they are growing nice and strady! How was the Ganirelix? I start that later this week.
Good morning ladies,

Hope is well with everyone.

KFS1 - Congrats, with getting through the shot. It does get easier, I was worried to but it has gotten better.

Terri - Sounds like a really good book.

ERose, Beagle, JCM and Booger - How are you ladies doing?

AFM - I started the Ganirelix on Sunday and my Menopur has increased from 75iu to 150. I went for monitoring on Saturday and I had 9 follicles and they were measuring from 9-10mm also, my Estradiol went from 88.5 to 202. Today I went again and I had 8 follicles that they could see and they are measuring from 10-12mm. Don't quite understand the decrease in follicles but I guess it is ok.

That sounds good! My class is Thursday...I know you are anxious about this week as well...good luck with growing the little ones. I am sure you will have a good result on retrieval day.
Good morning ladies,

Hope is well with everyone.

KFS1 - Congrats, with getting through the shot. It does get easier, I was worried to but it has gotten better.

Terri - Sounds like a really good book.

ERose, Beagle, JCM and Booger - How are you ladies doing?

AFM - I started the Ganirelix on Sunday and my Menopur has increased from 75iu to 150. I went for monitoring on Saturday and I had 9 follicles and they were measuring from 9-10mm also, my Estradiol went from 88.5 to 202. Today I went again and I had 8 follicles that they could see and they are measuring from 10-12mm. Don't quite understand the decrease in follicles but I guess it is ok.

Focus on quality and not quantity. It sounds like they are growing nice and strady! How was the Ganirelix? I start that later this week.

I am trying to focus on that I just was hoping for more but that helps quality not quantity. This morning was my second time taking it and it is no fun. The needle doesnt go easy like the Menopur and Gonal F. I also feel a pinch when my husband is pushing on the plunger. He said it is alot harder to inject than the other ones, it has more resistance. But I am getting through it fine, it is doable.

What day are you in your cycle?
Good morning ladies,

Hope is well with everyone.

KFS1 - Congrats, with getting through the shot. It does get easier, I was worried to but it has gotten better.

Terri - Sounds like a really good book.

ERose, Beagle, JCM and Booger - How are you ladies doing?

AFM - I started the Ganirelix on Sunday and my Menopur has increased from 75iu to 150. I went for monitoring on Saturday and I had 9 follicles and they were measuring from 9-10mm also, my Estradiol went from 88.5 to 202. Today I went again and I had 8 follicles that they could see and they are measuring from 10-12mm. Don't quite understand the decrease in follicles but I guess it is ok.

That sounds good! My class is Thursday...I know you are anxious about this week as well...good luck with growing the little ones. I am sure you will have a good result on retrieval day.

Thank you! That must be exciting, I remember being excited about starting my class. I am very anxious about this week and praying that everything goes well. I hope the retrieval day has more eggs or at least quaility eggs.
Good morning ladies,

Hope is well with everyone.

KFS1 - Congrats, with getting through the shot. It does get easier, I was worried to but it has gotten better.

Terri - Sounds like a really good book.

ERose, Beagle, JCM and Booger - How are you ladies doing?

AFM - I started the Ganirelix on Sunday and my Menopur has increased from 75iu to 150. I went for monitoring on Saturday and I had 9 follicles and they were measuring from 9-10mm also, my Estradiol went from 88.5 to 202. Today I went again and I had 8 follicles that they could see and they are measuring from 10-12mm. Don't quite understand the decrease in follicles but I guess it is ok.

Focus on quality and not quantity. It sounds like they are growing nice and strady! How was the Ganirelix? I start that later this week.

I am trying to focus on that I just was hoping for more but that helps quality not quantity. This morning was my second time taking it and it is no fun. The needle doesnt go easy like the Menopur and Gonal F. I also feel a pinch when my husband is pushing on the plunger. He said it is alot harder to inject than the other ones, it has more resistance. But I am getting through it fine, it is doable.

What day are you in your cycle?

Is it a different gauge needle? Is it sub-cutaneous or intramuscular?

Last night was my second night injecting. Today is cd3 for me. So far so good.

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