First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Moni I live on LI.

Amy that's a great response. I don't think I'm responding that well. I have 3 or 4 lead follies on either side. The Dr who did the u/s is not great at finding my right ovary. I hope I get another Dr tomorrow. I started the Ganirelix last night. I have a few set follies under 10 on each side. I am at the same dose for Gonal F and Menopur and hope to have better news tomorrow. How was everyone's Halloween?
Babyw, looks like you have it under control but if the job starts hassling you again, I know a great employment lawyer in NYC. 3-4 on either side is great! Don'tworryabout thenumbers it's the quality that counts!
So this post is all work BS...please feel free to skip if you don't want to read my vent. I won't be offended.

So I am having a work issue. Not as horrible as you BabyW, but it is really getting me down. So I am an assistant. I was out Thursday for a meeting then my appointments. I left a very important loan document for the branch manager to sign & send up to get this past due loan cleared by month end. So this loan technically wasn't even my problem. But me & another assistant did all the work & rushed around to get everything done. All she had to do was sign it. Not to mention it is all her fault this was so last minute. I came in Friday to my banker telling me it didn't get done. I was just sunk. To do so much & then she forgot about it...makes you feel like you were just shoved in the dirt. I told my banker how I was feeling & got it all out. Then later he asked me about an envelope containing a financial statement. My other banker who is new there mentioned it to him. It was on a file cabinet where I keep some pending things in our file room. So I am angry for so many reasons. One, I told the other banker about the wasn't signed so I had it out aside & I was working with the office to get a signed one. Two, I have been in this position 4 years...never had a problem with how I store my stuff in the past. I am very organized & my workspace is a place where they don't even go. Three, my banker is the business manager. He other banker is also someone I support. Why does he feel the need to go to the manager over something so simple instead of just asking me? And I have a different manager. Part of me wanted to say if you have a problem with me, get my manager involved in the conversation & we will have a sit down. I know this sounds petty. But I hound them all the time over things that need to be done & are important. But no one listens. But then shit like this gets brought up to me.

The crazy part of all of this??? Nothing about IVF is stressing me out. Only work. The meds, the driving, the appoitments, the previous failures, the money...none of it is bothering me. Everything about this coming up cycle excites me. No negativity. But the stupid job. And because of it, I take care of men all day. So at the end of the day, my husband gets the short end of the stick because I am burned out. So as petty as all this is, I basically plan to stop all or most of the babying I do at work. Small things that aren't my job. I do my job right & I am pretty damn good at it. I don't appreciate petty stuff being brought up to me...or being questioned on how I do my job. Or being unappreciated. All of this makes me think even harder about being a stay at home mom. Or just finding another job.

Sorry for all the nonsense...just needed to vent it all out.
Back to TTC nonsense ;)

BabyW listen to Moni...she def knows about quality vs quantity.

So as I briefly mentioned in my vent...I am so excited about my coming up cycle. I don't even think about all the past failures. All I focus on is this cycle. I am excited about my meds...I put my appts on my work calendar & scheduled my last week of vacation the week of my estimated transfer. I can adjust as time gets closer. I just feel so positive. All I say to my husband is we are having a baby in is happening. And if it is stubborn, maybe September ;) I want to put all my positive energy out in to this thread. We all deserve out positives...we have all been through so many different paths & stories on here. We are all working towards one goal...the same goal...and I really hope this year will bring it for us.

So we have a few vlogs & I think once we get them polished up with an intro, I will post them here for you guys.
Booger!!! Come back!!!! hee hee.

kfs1-Glad you get to work from home, but sucky that your water heater is on the fritz. I hate when house stuff breaks because it's money I didn't intend on spending. Hopefully it's fixed soon so you can watch People's Court and Steve Harvey show (?) hee hee. Daytime tv is terrible.

Book club updates-How are you ladies coming along with Gone Girl? HURRY!!!! hee hee. Did I tell you my new book is called Cutting for Stone, and I can't find enough time to read it. I was on hold with insurance today and there I was reading my book and listening to the elevator music in the background. HA!!HA!!

Yeh, Booger where have you been???
Hi ladies!

I'm back! I'll catch up later after I've actually had time to read all the older posts.

We got home yesterday and I don't think I have ever been so happy to be back in Big Sky Country. Not only was I just ready to be home, I missed my dogs so much.

Halloween on my street is CRAZY and we had to get ready as soon as we got home - we had 900 trick or treaters. I know because I give one thing of candy per kid and we had 930 packets of treats. We ran out around 8:30 or so. It's insane.

Anyway - I'll read through and catch up soon - missed my BnB ladies!
Thanks Moni and Beagle yes quality is more important it just feels like I won't have enough to freeze if this doesn't work.

Beagle vent away about work. I can empathize. I will say this though, not getting defensive helps. Put the ball back in their court and ask if they prefer you do things another way. Chances are they will say no and realize they are putting blame in you for their lack of organization and follow through. Hang in there and don sweat the small stuff.

Moni, my husband is an attorney and hennaed me speak to a partner who is an employment lawyer that usually represents the company not the employee so she told me what they were trying to do but ultimately can't without facing a potential claim. It's more offensive what they are trying to get away with given they told me I would be covered 100%. They can't retroactively take it away and say I owe it. It's not my fault they didn't have a formal policy in place.

In the end if I leave my accts will never do business with the firm so my revenue will go with me. That's not worth what they say I owe them.

I've stimmed 7 nights and I wonder how many more I need. I'm very tender.
True Baby whisperer...I try to not be petty which is hard for me. I don't get over things easily.
Hi girls, I just got in from a night of drinking and although I have a buzz, I'm not quite sleepy, so thought I'd check in with my girls. Tonight was a benefit for a friend of ours who has aggressive leukemia. Turns out her immune system was too compromised from the chemo to even come to her own fundraiser, poor girl. But it was a great turnout, and lots of money was raised for her.

Beagle, I'm so glad you have all your info! And to hear you so excited about it is contagious. :) So glad we all have each other as cheerleaders. I'm so super happy for you, and just feeling really positive for everyone. Sorry about what you're dealing with at work. Since work takes up such a large portion of our lives, it sucks when things aren't going so well. But im glad you're excited about your protocol and schedule. :thumbup: I feel just as optimistic for you as your doc does.

BabyW, I understand what you're saying about wanting frosties, but I agree with the others that in the end it's quality that matters. And in my honest opinion, I think your numbers sound good. I think I ended up with 3 more follies that they weren't counting, by the time my retrieval rolled around. So you're gonna do just fine, and you will have frosties. Even if you don't thought, remember Moni had success with no frosties. But I still feel like you're gonna have some.:flower:

Hi booger!! So happy to see you check in, we've missed ya!!

And Amy, that's a great response! Glad to hear stimming is going well, and that you're trying the acupuncture. I did it a few yrs ago before TTC. In my honest opinion, when they did one specifically for relaxation, I was very relaxed indeed. But when they did it for something else (sinuses, slipped disc, etc.), I got nothing out if it. But I'd be willing to try it for fertility to see what it does. That's pretty fascinating that it stopped your brown spotting! I, too, get that a couple days before AF and have it mixed in during AF!

Moni, take care of yourself, I hope you can fight that cold off! Hope you're loving the maternity pants. :)

LadySosa, great news on the insurance!! Seriously, that must've made your whole week! That's huge. It helps SOOO much!

Terri, hope you hear from the nurse soon, and that it's all good news. :)

Kfs, glad to hear no IM injections for you. :thumbup: As much of a baby as I am about those, that would be good news to me. :)

Hi to everyone else!! Hope you're all having a great weekend!
Babywhisperer - I only have 3 on my right and 7 on my left - pretty close to you. I'm trying not to stress though. We're doing all that we can, right, and we can't change how our bodies respond. I'm sure you'll have plenty of great follies at your ER.

Quick update and I'll respond to everyone later: I had an ultrasound Friday and Saturday. My doc called yesterday and said that ER will likely be wed, thurs, or Friday of this week. Will know more on Monday. :)
Babywhisperer - I only have 3 on my right and 7 on my left - pretty close to you. I'm trying not to stress though. We're doing all that we can, right, and we can't change how our bodies respond. I'm sure you'll have plenty of great follies at your ER.

Quick update and I'll respond to everyone later: I had an ultrasound Friday and Saturday. My doc called yesterday and said that ER will likely be wed, thurs, or Friday of this week. Will know more on Monday. :)

that sounds great...good luck! I am so anxious to start I can hardly stand it!
Babywhisperer - I think you are responding well also. Everyone is different and the other girls are correct, quality is definitely more important than guanity.

Beaglemom - I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time at work. I hope things get better for you soon. Your vlogs are very cute!! I love your dogs :)

kfs1 - You're almost there!! Whoo Hoo!!!

booger76 - I'm so glad you're back :) 900 trick or treaters!! holy moly! We get about 300-400 and I thought that was A LOT!!! Do you even bother stepping away from the door with that many or do you just sit out front lol.

Well I feel like an dumbass! I discovered the Q-Cap last night. Why oh why did the nurse spend 15 minutes with me showing me how to mix all these damn meds with a needle and syringe when they include these Q-Cap things in the packaging that make everything SO much easier?? *Sigh*
Babywhisperer - I think you are responding well also. Everyone is different and the other girls are correct, quality is definitely more important than guanity.

Beaglemom - I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time at work. I hope things get better for you soon. Your vlogs are very cute!! I love your dogs :)

kfs1 - You're almost there!! Whoo Hoo!!!

booger76 - I'm so glad you're back :) 900 trick or treaters!! holy moly! We get about 300-400 and I thought that was A LOT!!! Do you even bother stepping away from the door with that many or do you just sit out front lol.

Well I feel like an dumbass! I discovered the Q-Cap last night. Why oh why did the nurse spend 15 minutes with me showing me how to mix all these damn meds with a needle and syringe when they include these Q-Cap things in the packaging that make everything SO much easier?? *Sigh*

I think that is how mine is. Except I am mixing my follistim with the menpur to create one injection.
Amy-Yeah Q caps are the bomb! You didn't see them in the package with your medicine and wonder what they were for? hee hee. At least you found them know.

kfs1-Woohoo on retrieval one day soon. hee hee.

beagle-I'll check out your Vlogs later, but thanks for sharing.

AFM-The nurse told me on Friday that she's still waiting to hear back about my pre certification (or whatever).

In other news, my nuts for nuts MIL missed her flight from NM to VA. My sister lives in NM, and the airport is SOO small. She got there 2 hours early because she's nuts for nuts, but then when it was time to board she was gone and didn't hear the page. Seriously?? In two hours you can do everything there is to do in the airport. She's going to have to move closer to us sooner than I thought, I imagine. I told hubs that either she stops going on these church conferences out of state or she finds a buddy that can watch her. She is only 65. She's not that old. :wacko:
Babywhisperer - I think you are responding well also. Everyone is different and the other girls are correct, quality is definitely more important than guanity.

Beaglemom - I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time at work. I hope things get better for you soon. Your vlogs are very cute!! I love your dogs :)

kfs1 - You're almost there!! Whoo Hoo!!!

booger76 - I'm so glad you're back :) 900 trick or treaters!! holy moly! We get about 300-400 and I thought that was A LOT!!! Do you even bother stepping away from the door with that many or do you just sit out front lol.

Well I feel like an dumbass! I discovered the Q-Cap last night. Why oh why did the nurse spend 15 minutes with me showing me how to mix all these damn meds with a needle and syringe when they include these Q-Cap things in the packaging that make everything SO much easier?? *Sigh*

Thanks ladies. Knit I think we are going to be doing our ER on the same day or close to it. I went this morning for bw and us. 9.8 lining
Right 13.4 13.1 12.9 11.3 12.7 and there are a few smaller than 10.
Left 12.6 11.2 12.0 12.4 and a couple less than 10. Possible 3 more nights stim and maybe retrieval on Fri or Sat. They dropped my Gonal F to 225 from 300, kept me at 150 menopur and the Ganirelix. I keep spilling the Ganirelix. I try to get rid of the air bubble and it ends up squirting a little. Do you think that's a serious issue? The Ganirelix also gives me the runs, sorry TMI. Thinking of doing acupuncture tomorrow night just to make my pin cushion status complete. I go back for bw and us tomorrow. I got there early today and went to NJ to see my new nephew. I'm in love. He's such a peanut. Even with the marathon I made record time coming and going. This is a rare treat and I'm thankful.
Hi ladies
I'm brand new to this forum, I've had 2 failed IUI's and I'm starting IVF this cycle, got my AF yesterday (2.5years ttc), my DH has slightly low motility, mostly we have unexplained infertility - any advise for first time IVF? Got my meds yesterday - wow it's a lot!
Hi ladies
I'm brand new to this forum, I've had 2 failed IUI's and I'm starting IVF this cycle, got my AF yesterday (2.5years ttc), my DH has slightly low motility, mostly we have unexplained infertility - any advise for first time IVF? Got my meds yesterday - wow it's a lot!

Welcome, I am also on my first IVF round and praying it's my last. I was successful with my 1st IUI over a yr ago and have now had 3 failed IUIs ttc #2. This is a wonderful group with warm and supportive ladies who are very knowledgeable about IVF. Take it day by day and feel free to ask any questions or vent. Good luck!!
Hi ladies
I'm brand new to this forum, I've had 2 failed IUI's and I'm starting IVF this cycle, got my AF yesterday (2.5years ttc), my DH has slightly low motility, mostly we have unexplained infertility - any advise for first time IVF? Got my meds yesterday - wow it's a lot!

Welcome...I have not done IVF yet...plan to start meds later in the month. My only advice, seriously try to relax & take 1 day at a time. We are dealing with low sperm count. I plan to use meditation during my stimming & after until my beta. Some women use accupunture, but I did not have the same benefits others seem to get. Also after your transfer, keep your core warm foods like soups & drink room temp water. Try to avoid cold items. I will also be adding pineapple core. I think you do that for 5 days starting on transfer day. I went out shopping this weekend & am all stocked up on warm goodies. I am very excited...been at this for a while...but I am sure as I get closer, my anxiety will kick in :)
Good morning ladies,

How have you all been? Hope all is well.

AFM - I have been missing with school, work and appointments it's been hard to get on. Yesterday I triggered so ER is tomorrow Tuesday, November 4th at 10am. And transfer will be 3day(Friday - 11/7) or 5day(Sunday - 11/9). Frist pic is for 10/29, second is 10/31/14 left ovary, third is 10/31/14 right ovary and last one is final measurements on 11/2/14.

10/17/14 - Estradiol - 8.7, evening meds150 Gonal F and 75 Menopur

10/20/14 - Estradiol - 88.5, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 75 Menopur

10/25/14 - Estradiiol - 202, 4 follicles on Right measuring 10mm/5 follicles on left Measuring 10-11mm, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 75 Menopur

10/26/14 - Evening meds 150 Gonal F and 150 Menopur

10/27/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 423, Progesterone - 0.327, 5 follicles on the left 11-12mm/3 follicles on the right 10-11mm, evening meds 150Gonal F and 150 Menopur

10/28/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, need to order more meds, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 150 Menopur.

10/29/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 844, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 150 Menopur

10/31/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 1635, Progestrone - 1.03, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 150 Menopur

11/1/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 1890, Progesterone - 1.12, 7 follicles largest 19.1mm, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 225 Menopur, Symptoms: sore boobs, vaginal pressure, left ovary pain, nausea and bloated

11/2/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 2465, Progesterone - 1.8, 9 Follicles 12 - 21mm, Lining 9.1mm, Trigger at 10pm - HCG 2ml with 10,000iu (NO MORE INJECTIONS):happydance:

11/3/14 - antibotics tonight, nothing to eat after midnight.

11/4/14 - arrive at 8:30am and 10am ER:happydance:


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  • Left Ovary Follicle count a measurements 10 31 14.jpg
    Left Ovary Follicle count a measurements 10 31 14.jpg
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  • Right Ovary Follicle Count and measurements 10 31 14.jpg
    Right Ovary Follicle Count and measurements 10 31 14.jpg
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    Final Follicle count 11 2 14.jpg
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