First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Too funny! My husband went to Paul Smith's College! He was there from 1997-2001 (man, we're old) and he went for environmental science/natural resources. What about your husband?

Small world! My husband was there from 1999-2001 and was a forestry type major. I wouldn't be surprised if they know of each other based on the size of the school!
Wow, two of you have ERs tomorrow! How EXCITING, knitgirl and brighteyez!!! Can't wait to hear your two reports tomorrow. :) Knitgirl, I'll keep FXd that the OHSS will stay away!

and kfs, you are RIGHT behind them! I bet you're getting excited. I know I'm excited for you girls, hehe!! Your follie report sounds really good.:thumbup:

Leens, welcome to our forum! Happy to have you!:flower: My only advice would be to remain relaxed and happy. My doc always says, "You can't shake a good apple off a tree...if its meant to be a viable pregnancy, its going to be, unless you do something really drastic." But since stress can be detrimental, stay as stress-free as possible, do whatever YOU'd normally do as an individual to relax and stay happy, and try to think positively. :)

LadySosa, sorry about the weather. I tend to get really blah when I'm in cold rainy weather for too long! And 4pm is so early for it to get dark! I think right now with the recent time change, its getting dark here around 6pm. It will get worse though, the further into winter we get.

booger, your stuff is getting closer and closer, huh? :) :) Time seems to fly for everyone... at least it seems like it to me! Glad you got home safe, and I hope you can get back into "work mode", hehe. It is hard after two weeks, i know! And yes, my chart does look interesting, but at 14dpo, I believe I would've had a pos test by now if i was going to. So now I'm ready for AF so i can get this show on the road, hehe!

Moni, yay for FB official! I bet that felt good, huh? :) I imagine what it will be like someday to finally be the one posting that, instead of seeing all my friends/cousins/etc. posting, hehe!!

beagle, very cute vlogs. :) Looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing. :) Sounds like the timing on your BCP worked out perfectly.

Amy, sorry you didnt know about the Qcaps! They're so convenient, right?? I liked those little things a lot. Glad you discovered them finally, hehe!

Gosh, Terri, you're right, your MIL isn't that old, so i'm surprised she needs as much assistance as she does with things. But I guess not all women are quite as independent as others, huh? So, you're right... a travel buddy would be MUCH better for her, just to be the lead during travels. I hope you hear from your nurse today, and I hope they approve everything. I know you're ready to get started now that you've made the decision.

Hi to everyone else!
Oh, and AFM...

We decided to def do the PGS on my last 4 embies. I know I'd be kicking myself if my next FET w/3 embies doesn't work, or if i have another CP. And then I'd have ONE embie left that we'd obviously want to transfer (instead of just letting it sit there!), and go through all this AGAIN, not having a clue if it's even viable. I'm ready for this to just happen already, and I'd really rather just do this ONE more damn time. I know PGS doesnt guarantee anything... but at least we wouldnt spend the time, emotions, and money going through this TWO more times, not knowing which/if any are even viable. Also, as I thought about it more... if we do PGS, and we put in 1-2 chromosomally normal embies, and it STILL results in another CP, then we know that something else is going on in there, and my RE would have the knowledge she needs to decide if there are other tests I need, or something else we should try. If we don't do PGS, we'll never know whether it was the embies or me. And I've already decided that I will do another full IVF cycle (another ER and all) if this fails. I'm not going to quit until i have a baby, so doing PGS will at least give us some answers.
Awesome update ERose. I like your thinking about getting the PGS. I guess I'm just more of a risk taker as far as rolling the dice and hoping for the best, but your plan is a good one. I assume my MIL finally made it home. i don't have the energy to deal with her nonsense, and if my hubs has always had to deal with her, he can continue living/dealing with her dependency on him. I do feel bad though because my parents are completely independent. I mean, my whole family is independent except my brother and we just say 'no we can't help you monetarily' and keep it moving. He has no problem asking for money at all. It's weird.

brighteyez and knitgirl-All will go well tomorrow. You'll blink and it will be over and you'll just be waiting for the fertilization report. It's seriously that easy.

Hi to everyone else. This time change and the late football game has thrown me for a complete loop. I didn't even know if I'd be able to finish my tea this afternoon because I feel so tired. I'm going to get to bed early tonight and make up my hour of falling back. I jumped up early on Sunday to go running and now I realize that my timing was a mistake. hee hee. I'm glad I did it though.
Hey all! Been super super sick. This has been nonstop. Yuck! But I am keeping up! Good luck to the egg retrievals this week! Hope you all have a smooth recovery and the best quality eggs you've ever produced!

Hang in there to the ladies that are still stimming! It will be over before you know it!
Kfs, I had lots of ewcm the day before and following my trigger. I was so stressed out that I had already ovulated! Silly me.

Welcome to anyone new! I did acupuncture and still do it. I wasn't a fan at first but when I found this fertility specialist I fell in love with it. I didn't do any of the pineapple or strict diet stuff and I didn't stay completely relaxed because, well let's face it, this stuff is stressful. I tried to do a low carb, high protein type thing but I really love bread and pasta sooooo that made me cranky and I stopped! My best advice is call your dr a million times if you have questions or are unsure. I still call mine and I'm almost released from that office! I love them. Oh, I wasn't allowed to drink alcohol or caffeine the entire process. I stuck to it. At this point I don't miss it at all.

Congrats on the boy, Moni! Awesome news! I am seeing my OB tomorrow. She is taking over completely soon so I get to tell her about these lovely blood thinners I'm on. RE says he wants me on them until I'm 20 weeks. I swear they make me more sick. Soooooo I haven't exactly been on schedule taking them. I get nervous that I'll mess something up but hubby has a fancy ultrasound machine at his clinic so I pop in there and that little heartbeat is fast! I'm thinking there is plenty of blood flow going to my uterus! Other than puking every morning and feeling like I'm on a boat all day until 5pm I'm good. Lol I could sleep for days though. I lost about 13 pounds the last two weeks so at least I'm starting at my normal weight! Those ivf meds really packed on some lbs! Oh yeah, and my boobs are huge. Best diet ever? Maaaaaybe.

Terri, I'm so happy you're doing another FET this year. Great news! DH was excited when I told him too. Lol he's so involved. Are we allowed to talk about the book yet? I'm going to see the movie this week. I have to now. My girlfriends say it's even better than the book!

Hope AF gets here so you can get this show on the road Erin!

Hi Booger! Glad you're back!
Oh also, I laughed at the MIL story Terri. What a headache. Im having the 3rd counseling session with the in laws this week. I think it's making me dislike them more. My morning sickness seems to calm down whenever I need it most...(to throw up on them) haha! I think I get to have "the floor" this week. My bitchiness is kicked into high gear for week 10 of pregnancy! Watch out, people!
Hey again everyone!

Question: Amy, you asked if our insurance is effective Jan 1, will it be approved in time for a Jan 9th start to stimming...that got me thinking. I'm still waiting on our company's insurance broker to provide the infertility treatment details, so I don't know what all is covered/how its covered.

How is infertility treatment typically covered under insurance? Is there usually a cap on the annual costs? And to Amy's point, does it have to be approved usually before treatment commences? Thanks everyone!
Oh, and AFM...

We decided to def do the PGS on my last 4 embies. I know I'd be kicking myself if my next FET w/3 embies doesn't work, or if i have another CP. And then I'd have ONE embie left that we'd obviously want to transfer (instead of just letting it sit there!), and go through all this AGAIN, not having a clue if it's even viable. I'm ready for this to just happen already, and I'd really rather just do this ONE more damn time. I know PGS doesnt guarantee anything... but at least we wouldnt spend the time, emotions, and money going through this TWO more times, not knowing which/if any are even viable. Also, as I thought about it more... if we do PGS, and we put in 1-2 chromosomally normal embies, and it STILL results in another CP, then we know that something else is going on in there, and my RE would have the knowledge she needs to decide if there are other tests I need, or something else we should try. If we don't do PGS, we'll never know whether it was the embies or me. And I've already decided that I will do another full IVF cycle (another ER and all) if this fails. I'm not going to quit until i have a baby, so doing PGS will at least give us some answers.

I think this approach is wise. Might as well try to be armed with as much info as you can to tweak protocol is it's needed to maximize your chances. It will happen, have faith and keep that positive attitude.
Oh also, I laughed at the MIL story Terri. What a headache. Im having the 3rd counseling session with the in laws this week. I think it's making me dislike them more. My morning sickness seems to calm down whenever I need it most...(to throw up on them) haha! I think I get to have "the floor" this week. My bitchiness is kicked into high gear for week 10 of pregnancy! Watch out, people!

Sorry you're still feeling sick, hopefully it passes after the 1st tri is over. As for the MIL, let it rip. Get it all out or else resentment will fester and you don't need that now. You can verbally vomit all the stuff you want. You just might feel better!
Okay guys...if you start discussing Gone Girl on here, please include a SPOILER disclosure. Because I have no idea when I will get to it. :)
Same here on the Gone Girl front....

Erin - I'm glad you have a plan and it sounds like a good one!

JCM - feel better soon!!

(Wow - 12 people viewing this thread right now...that has to be a record!)
Hey again everyone!

Question: Amy, you asked if our insurance is effective Jan 1, will it be approved in time for a Jan 9th start to stimming...that got me thinking. I'm still waiting on our company's insurance broker to provide the infertility treatment details, so I don't know what all is covered/how its covered.

How is infertility treatment typically covered under insurance? Is there usually a cap on the annual costs? And to Amy's point, does it have to be approved usually before treatment commences? Thanks everyone!

I work for a health insurance company, so i can give you a little info. If your policy (or changes to it) are supposed to be effective 1/1/15, then it should cover a starting date of 1/9/14. However, specifics of what is covered and at how much (if you have copay, deductible, etc) depends on the specific plan. My recommendation is to find out ASAP what you will need from your RE's office and then make sure that it is submitted by 1/1/15. My guess is that if all the paperwork/referrals, etc are not lined up by 1/9/14, you would be able to submit for reimbursement for the covered amount. Does that make sense? Hope this is helpful!
Hi girls! I got my PGS results....
1 embie came back inconclusive. She said that doesn't mean bad just that there was no result, but all the other 8 came back genetically normal! I'm so relieved. But now my dr is really puzzled because she was expecting it to be genetic problems causing all my miscarriages. So my expected transfer date is January 8th, pending my labs and ultrasound results.

So excited for you girls with retrievals tomorrow. Keep us updated once you feel up to it.
Erin- sounds like you have a great plan and I agree if you know they are normal and you mc then you know the problem is else where.

Moni- so happy you were able to share with everyone via fb! Enjoy everyday of you pregnancy!
Jen- I so hope the puking passes for you!! Kinda great your where you started weight wise tho!

Leens- Welcome! I agree with everyone else, take it a day at a time! And the stimming isn't too bad, for me it was more stressful from an emotional standpoint.

Oh I forgot- even though in NC you can't gender select, my nurse told me I had 4 boys and 4girls and 1 unknown! And my hubby is really wanting to put 2 in! Which I would too normally but since I have had trouble carrying just 1 I am saying no. But glad he's open to having 3;)
Hi girls! I got my PGS results....
1 embie came back inconclusive. She said that doesn't mean bad just that there was no result, but all the other 8 came back genetically normal! I'm so relieved. But now my dr is really puzzled because she was expecting it to be genetic problems causing all my miscarriages. So my expected transfer date is January 8th, pending my labs and ultrasound results.

So excited for you girls with retrievals tomorrow. Keep us updated once you feel up to it.
Erin- sounds like you have a great plan and I agree if you know they are normal and you mc then you know the problem is else where.

Moni- so happy you were able to share with everyone via fb! Enjoy everyday of you pregnancy!
Jen- I so hope the puking passes for you!! Kinda great your where you started weight wise tho!

Leens- Welcome! I agree with everyone else, take it a day at a time! And the stimming isn't too bad, for me it was more stressful from an emotional standpoint.

Oh I forgot- even though in NC you can't gender select, my nurse told me I had 4 boys and 4girls and 1 unknown! And my hubby is really wanting to put 2 in! Which I would too normally but since I have had trouble carrying just 1 I am saying no. But glad he's open to having 3;)

That is awesome. I am trying to convince my husband to let them tell me the sex of the litter :) but he is still not sure he wants to know. But we def do not want to be able to choose the sex.

So I forgot to tell you guys I am a crazy person...big shocker there! Aren't we all ;) I went online & downloaded some weekly calendar templates. I started it for next week. I plan to write notes on what procedures I have done & if any feedback from them. Then when I trigger, I plan to test every day & tape the test to the paper to keep. I am nuts. :)
Terri - Ya I saw them in the box but I assumed there was a reason why the nurse didn't have me using them. It took a few days until I got curious enough to look online to see how they worked. And it was exactly the same thing, just easier #-o

Babywhisperer - The trick the nurse told me to do with the Ganirelix is to pull the syringe down a little first (this gets any medication out of the top of the needle if any) then tap to get the bubbles out, then slowly push up.

kfs1 - I know right!! But other than that everything is good. My retrieval is going to be on Friday or Saturday so we are going to be 1 day apart or possibly the same day!! :)

Leens08 - Welcome :) This is my first IVF cycle so I'm learning as I go. As everyone else has already said, all the ladies here are very friendly and very helpful. Even when heavily medicated with hormones hee hee :haha:

Moni - Congrats on making it official :) Was everyone so excited? Did you get lots of comments?

Knitgirl & Brighteyez73 - YAY!! Good Luck tomorrow. Check in as soon as you feel up to it!! Can't wait to get updates!!

Erin - Great plan! I think you're making a good decision. Like I told you before, your reasoning during your decision making always makes perfect sense to me :)

JCM - I hope you feel better soon geesh!! You know what they say about really bad morning sickness though... that it's probably a girl :) I guess we'll have to wait and see if the old wives tale stands true!!

LadySosa - I'm not too sure about the insurance since mine didn't cover anything at all (well except the blood work). But I have seen others who's insurance did cover it mention that their clinic had to get the approval from the insurance company to start the cycle. But that's as much as I know. And I'm not sure if that was true for everyone. Also, I think some had to do IUI's first before an IVF cycle would be covered. So as soon as you find out what insurance and coverage you'll have, start researching everything so you'll be ready to go :)

jkb11 - Congratulations!! Those are GREAT results!!

beaglemom - I can't wait to see all your baby stuff!!!

Funny how we always want what we don't have. I love rain. I would love to live where it rained all the time. It never rains here. I'm so tired of not having distinct seasons. I am tired of it being 80 on Christmas Day lol. But if I moved to Seattle, how many years would I survive before I missed the sun? LOL
Thanks so much, I think it's important to speak to people who are in the same boat especially if you don't know anyone else in the same position :)
As I said...still very new and learning to use this forum, tried to reply but I ended up posting...gotta go work now so I'll sit and navigate tonight lol for now.

Thanks so much baby whisperer, beaglemom, booger76, LadySosa, kfs1, moni, knitgirl, ERosePW and Amy - your welcoming is I cannot even begin to tell needed...especially since I've stopped speaking to friends and family in general, their pity is very unwelcome and hurtful.
Beaglemom I've tried acupuncture but hated it, was so sore and uncomfortable and the shocks were unbearable, so disappointed, I've started massage in the hopes that will calm me down - maybe I just went to a really bad acupuncturist?

On a happy note! For my 2 IUI's I begged nurses to do my shots after hours and ran to the emergency rooms, it was a nightmare but for my first IVF shot, I did it myself, I'm so proud - DH just faints at the sight of needles.

Good luck girls (or break a leg ;)
brighteyez/knit - Todddddday's the day. Good luck ladies.

Erin - I think PGS is the perfect choice for you. Like you said, if it happens that the FT is unsuccessful, at least you can rule one thing out. Yay! I can't wait for your next transfer. :)

Terri - I think the time change messed with me, too! So annoying, right? Any word from the nurse?!?!?!?!? Come on already!

Booger - I bet you anything they know each other! My husband lived in an apartment off-campus that was attached to a post office with 3 other people. I know they used to have a lot of parties back in the day. Ask your husband if that rings any bells. :)

JCM - Wow. I'm sorry that you've been so sick. I'm sure you've tried all of the common remedies already, right? Anyway, hope you start to feel somewhat normal again soon. Are the counseling sessions helping at all?

LadySosa - At my company, we have a 15K max for fertility coverage. That includes any fertility-related surgeries, tests, IUIs, IVFs, etc. My husband's insurance is different. There is no $ amount max but they cover up to a certain # of IUIs and up to 3 IVFs in a row (but will cover further IVFs if one is successful, like for example, if you're trying to have a second child.) So, basically, every plan is different. Like knit said, try to get as much information up front and try to get your REs office involved so they can get everything in place on time. Yay! Good news either way. :)

Moni - Yay for the FB announcement. I bet everyone's so excited for you!! :)

JKB - Congrats on your results. :)

Amy - That would be awesome if we're on the same day. :)

Leens - Totally agree. No matter how supportive our friends & family are, they can really just never understand what we're all going through. Also, sometimes I just don't want to flood people with details but I know I can dump everything on the ladies here. :)

Working from home this morning and then headed back in for yet another ultrasound at 9:30. So, I told my mom over the weekend. She was fine. No real reaction, other than being worried about the surgery aspect of it. And I told my MIL as well. For whatever reason, I thought it would be good to share with her since we haven't really shared much with my DHs family. I can't really explain it but I feel like she was almost "embarrassed" for me or something. Like, she said, "Oh, I wouldn't tell anyone else about that." or something like that. And then she preceded to talk about how she had the OPPOSITE problem when she was younger. It was just TOO easy for her so she had to be really careful. Needless to say, I immediately regretted telling her and will not be telling anyone else for sure. That said, I'm putting it out of my head because in all honestly, I feel like she really just didn't know what to say and she's such a great person so I know she wasn't intentionally trying to hurt my feelings or anything. People will never understand this process unless they're going through it. Of course this isn't our ideal method for having a baby but we're strong women and we're doing what we have to do!

OK sorry - rant over. :)
I seriously can't keep up.

Moni-Yeah for the FB announcement. I bet all your friends are so excited.

Hope the retrievals go well for everyone today. I called the nurse and she still hadn't heard from the insurance or whoever says that I need CD3 bloods. She was like "Well, we can just stay on BC." I thought, 'no..if I can get off of it and try naturally, that would make me feel better.' I hope today she has results for me. I've been on BCP for almost a week now. I go back to my regular obgyn today for my annual exam. I hope it's a fast and easy appointment.
Leens - one note on massage...just be careful when you are doing them. I think you are supposed to avoid deep tissue. But I may be wrong. But I would just look in to that some or maybe ask your dr if it is safe & what time in the cycle it is safe. I plan to also use massage maybe before my retrieval for both me & husband.

kfs - that is awesome coverage. I wish we were covered, but we have accepted that...but one day all companies will be doing it. We can only hope this journey is easier on the next generations.

None of my family knows. Only my banker & manger because I felt like I had to tell them. And a friend who went through 4 years of trying before getting a natural positive & then my best friend. My manager is so great. She is a woman. Sometimes she is too great. Almost everytime she talks to me she asks me how I am & how things are going & I know she means the treatments. Sometimes I just don't want to talk about it. I wanted to tell my mom but worried because I don't know how she would feel about it & also don't want her to worry. She worries a lot. In the end the thought of surprising her was better than worrying her. I just hope she does not want to visit around my retrieval/transfer dates. My whole family on both sides seemed to have the issue of it being too easy. We are filled with unplanned pregnancies. If only me & my husband could be so lucky.

I am glad you guys like the videos. We did the baby stuff last night but did not edit it yet. My husband checks it every night to see how many views we have...he is too funny.

Oh one other thing I wanted to bring up. I follow someone else who is having a rough time with IVF. Someone on her thread said a girl in her office was doing IVF & boucing around telling someone she was going to get pregnant this week. The girl posting said how rude & how she wanted to scream & say it isn't so easy for everyone. Now, I know it is not easy. We have some people here who have not had it easy. But I would hope that when I say I am getting pregnant in Dec (& I do say that) that you guys would understand the power of a positive attitude. I would never try to stomp on someone who was doing IVF & trying to be positive in that way. I am sure in the back of that girl's mind she know it is not 100%. But why rain on the small window we have for hope? If it fails, we will know soon enough. I would rather think I am pregnant for 2 weeks than mope around talking about the odds against me. And I hope me acting so sure of myself does not offend anyone here. I know some of us are having some bad luck. As I have said 100 times, we all have our own journey. Mine is different from everyone else. I expect everyone doing a transfer to be pregnant at their beta. No reason to think otherwise. I hope everyone on here knows I think about all of our struggles. And all I want it to have a virtual picture in my head of all of us in the summer time together showing off the bumps. :)

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