First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Yay beaglemom-Sounds so promising...

I had my ultrasound this morning and I had 7 follies on left and 7 on right. Some looked like slits, and some looked like small ovals. I still can't really decipher what is on the monitor, but that's not my job. hee hee. The doctor didn't say any sizes, but he said that my results are excellent for Day 4 of injections, so I'm hoping they don't change my medicine. I also emailed the nurse because they sent me Leuprolide, but it's not listed on my paperwork, so I'm not sure what that is for. It was only $5, so it's not the end of the world if I don't use it, but why send it, I wonder. We'll see what she says. I'm feeling really good this week. I'm just happy, not bloated and all is going well. :cloud9:

I made a delicious fish dinner last night (with artichoke hearts, olives and red peppers), and I made blueberry muffins yesterday morning for breakfast this week. Yum!

We were posting same time I think, lol! Leuprolide is Lupron. I know moni is using microdose Lupron to prevent O, but it sounded like your protocol didn't call for that, so sounds like a mistake unless they changed something. Your follies are sounding good, yay!!! Let's hope all of them stay up to speed and they get an egg out of every single one, wuhu!!!
Erin that P stuff is making me nervous if I need IVF. Everyone says the shots are awful. I have another girl on the threads using some form of gel...not sure if the same as you...and she said it was bad. Said it coated the inside & she would have to clear it out every other day or so in the shower. Sounds awful. I hope that is not the same thing you are on.

IUI is set for tomorrow. I am making my list of things to bring for the waiting room as well as list of things I want to look for while shopping. I hope my body lasts long enough! If not, I have the important places marked first!

Oh & a pillow & blanket for the car ride home. I have a feeling I will be sleeping. I fell asleep on the couch last night right after my trigger! So I think I slept about 10 or 11 hours.

It's probably the same thing. Sounds similar to my IVF cycle after I got her to switch me from injections. But lemme tell ya.... That thick gel stuff is a walk in the park compared to the shots, so I was thrilled when she gave it to me! If there's anyone who hates the gel, all they have to do is try the injections first and they'll be in love with the gel, ha! Or then again, maybe DH and I are were just wusses about it. But we were super relieved when she said I could switch. I didn't clean it out every day.... I did a little about every other day, but I was lucky that some came out on its own, and anything left came out when I got AF. It's gross, but it was a HUGE relief after the shots.

Sounds like you're ready to go!! Excited for you!! It all sounds very promising! The odds are in your favor. :)
beaglemom-Does the transfer have THAT big of an effect on you? I felt fine, just bloated. The girls laughed at me because as soon as I got home last time, I went on a motorcycle ride so I didn't have to think about feeling bloated and disgusting. When I got home I still felt bloated and disgusting. But it'll be nice to relax on the way home with your hubs. I rarely have that luxury. I hope you get 9M or more tomorrow!

ERose-Oh ok about the Lupron starting things up sooner. Maybe that's why they gave me the Luprolide in case I don't get pregnant and I can go on and get started with the next cycle. Who knows? It's 5 bucks, and although I'm a penny pincher, I don't mind throwing away 5 bucks in this process. I have Endrometrin applicators. I haven't opened the package yet, but I think it's a pill. It's in a silver package so I can't actually see anything just yet. Last time I had progesterone capsules that I just pushed up my hoo-haa manually, but this time I think it's a capsule that I stick in the applicator and then push it really high. hee hee. Not sure at this point.

I told my hubs I had 14 follies and he said 'oh..only 14? I was hoping for 10x that amount!' I was like '140?? I think I'd either have to have really large ovaries to have that, or something was wrong with me.' HA!!HA!! In my head I was thinking, I don't know if 140 would fertilize. He's such a nutter butter. Can you imagine having 140? Did you have more from your first checkup to your later checkups or is 14 all I'm going to have? Do you remember?
HAHA! Your hubs cracks me up! Sometimes he says things so similar to stuff mine would say. Too funny! Btw, yay for 14 follies! That means that you will get up to 14 eggs if those follies keep growing. :)

To answer your question, I had my RE count before I even started stimming (the antral follies on day 3), because that's how many "potential" eggs they could get IF they all grow to a good size, and IF they all contain an egg. She counted 20. Well, after I started stimming and had my first u/s, they only counted the ones that were growing at the rate they should be, and I think it had dropped to 15 or so. At the next u/s or maybe the one after that, 2 had caught up, and I was at 17. The other 3 that I'd had at my antral count, were trailing behind, so they weren't expecting anything from them. They were visible on the screen, they just had smaller measurements. Well, the day of retrieval, SURPRISE, they got 20 eggs. LOL. You could ask if they are seeing anymore than what they're telling you. Sometimes they are there, but they don't mention them to you if they are smaller. If 14 is what they're seeing though, then they'll get "up to" 14 eggs out of you. But if there are some smaller ones they haven't mentioned, those could catch up. Although, if you remember, two of my eggs fell apart fairly quick, so those two may have come from small follies. I never did ask.
Oh, btw, pos OPK today. :) Imagine that.... no drugs this cycle, and I get a smiley on day 13, which probably means I'll O on day 14, right on target (at least according to the text books, haha!). That makes me kinda happy, since my eggs will have had an extra 4 days to mature, compared to what they normally had before I ever got on meds. I consider this good news, but if I'm being honest with myself, what are the chances that we'll conceive on our own after 20 months, some of those months being on Clomid, 2 IUIs, and 1 IVF? Even the month we did get prego, it was a Clomid month. So I'm not expecting much, but hey, at least it makes the cycle more fun. :winkwink:
Erin there is really no reason to think you CAN'T get pregnant on your own. So you may get lucky. I hope you do because we now have the same O day!!!

Terri - last time I had 3-4 eggs ovulate so after my IUI I was very uncomfortable & could barely walk. Every time I took a step I felt like everything inside was moving around.

So here is some downer news. I just got in another huge fight with my husband. Things have been going really well but I think emotions & stress in me is building up. Plus the meds! So he was taking my car in for servicing today. The appointment was at 2. I texted him to look for a bill at home so I could pay it online. Anyways it was about 8:30 & he said he had left to see his dad & go out to take pictures. So I went insane.

Here is some back story. His dad is in a wheelchair from a stroke, living in an amazing facility. My husband caters to everything he needs & it is ridiculous. Please do not think I am being insensitive. His dad is a jerk to me when I try to help & the same way to my husband. My husband calls him often & sees him on his days off & buys him whatever he needs. But it is exhausting & he will go to the store for him every day. Finally he told him to make a list & unless an emergency he gets 1 trip to the store. It is emotionally exhausting doing all this & he pays a lot of money for other people to do it. Issue number 2...the photography. My husband works a 3 on 3 off schedule. He works long hours & I expect him to take time for himself. But he ends up spending all 3 days running around taking pictures or catering to his dad. Meanwhile there is a yard to mow & keep up. Flooring we never finished. Cleaning & upkeep on the house. I work Mon-Fri. So I only have 2 days off. I do laundry, pay bills, work out all the finances, keep up with vet schedules, buy all the groceries, buy anything we need for the house ever. He helps with cleaning but he never does any deep cleaning & he is constantly creating messes around the house. I am in a constant battle trying to keep the house organized. So let's take all of this & add on I AM ON FERTILITY MEDS!!! I am the one getting probed...I am the one driving 1 1/2 hours 1 way to appointments 3 times a month. Oh & out of my 4 weeks of vacation, only 2 weeks are real week long vacations. I have taken long weekends but other than that everything is saved up for fertility treatment. I took a week earlier in the year & have a week in September. I will take a week in December if I do not need IVF. But otherwise all my PTO will go towards my IVF cycle now.

So I told him to bring me my car & I would handle it. I told him I didn't want him thinking he was doing some amazing thing by offering to get my car done. I would rather he do the things at home I am not able to do. Why did he leave the house at 8:30? He spent all day Sunday with his cousin taking pics in PA. He promised me this was a week of getting things done in the house. I do not want to be 7 months pregnant & still disgusted with the way things are in my house. When a baby comes, we won't have time to do anything. And when a baby comes how does he plan to spend his time off? My days off are automatic baby days. No time out for me. I am off Sat & day care. We love his father, but when my baby comes, it becomes #1. Will he make it #1? His father is healthy & as active as he can be. My husband spending a few hours with him once a week & stocking him up on his luxuaries (& they are just that...the facility provides him everything he needs) once a week is enough. He calls him almost every day. I can not be the one responsible for everything. And he said he needs to do what I say more. Why don't men understand that we do not want to order them around? He should WANT to help me out. So now I need to remind him more? I need to nag more? I am an assistant at work. I spend 8 hours a day chasing after & keeping grown men in line. Everyone comes to me if they need something. When I get home, I need to not have to be the only one keeping things together. Not to mention I have to still beg him to drink pomagranate juice & eat green vegetables.

I am just so tired of having the same argument & nothing changing. He just says I need to do better. Same thing with eating better & losing weight. He complains when I try to buy fresh fruit & vegetables & try new things. I buy him frozen yogurt & he sits down with a HUGE bowl & puts caramel sauce on it. I want us to eat & still be happy, but there are things you could do to do better. I bought the frozen yogurt so he would feel good about himself when he wants a snack. And he ruins my efforts. I asked him to drink more water before the IUI & I am sure that has not happened either.

So now I am all upset & stressed day before IUI. I plan to just get through work...maybe get a mt dew at lunch...go home & take a bath to relax. I need to get all this negative thought out of my head.

Sorry for the rant. I just needed it all out. I really hope I do not sound like an insensitive bitch. I am just getting so anxious & worried about what life is going to be for my family if he doesn't start taking on some responsibilities.
:hugs: beaglemom- I totally hear you. I do admire women that keep the house looking nice. It takes everything I have to want to vacuum, and all I have to do is hold it and walk up and down, and it's TOO much. It's so bad, but I will never have people saying about me that 'I didn't do anything else but keep my house clean' so that's not on my top list of things to do-ever.

What about DH's mom? How come he feels so indebted to his dad, if everything is fine at the facility? Is he really old and won't be around long?

I have to get ready to go, but just wanted to tell you that you're not alone and that it's hard to be a nag. I never thought that marriage means wife nagging husband, but I find that guys are kind of dumb, and need someone to tell them EXACTLY what to do or it won't get done. You have to treat them like children otherwise they'll be doing their own thing and think they can do what they want, but they can't. My boss said that she gives her husband the exact same list on Friday for the weekend's 'to do' list. EVERY SINGLE FRIDAY. HA!!HA!! And if she doesn't give him the list, it doesn't get done. I hope tonight is better. You were so excited to have him around this week. :hugs:
BeagleMom - No need to apologize for the rant. Sometimes we just need to get things off of our chests. :grr: I think sometimes we don't realize how stressed out we really are - and add in the hormones you have been taking - that is a recipe for a need to blow off steam. Hopefully, you have had your say with the DH on this issue and now you can focus on your IUI tomorrow. It sounds to me that with all you have going on, you are handling things well.

Terri - Hooray for 14 follicles! That sounds quite promising so early into your stimming. I've been reading a couple books on IVF and based on what I've read, it sounds like you are responding well. That's awesome! That's hilarious that your boss has to give the same list of things to do to her husband every weekend. I wish I could be more like you and leave my house alone more often. We have two dogs so if I didn't vacuum like a mad woman we would quickly be overtaken by dog hair. And the sad thing is, I actually love to vacuum - it's almost cathartic for me.

Erin - Hooray for your positive OPK! I know you think it's unlikely but you never know, this could be a lucky cycle for you. But even if it's not, I'm sure it's reassuring to know that you have a plan for the next cycle and FET. Sounds like that has a pretty good chance of working for you - how exciting!

Well, it's ovulation day for me. My OPK was positive and my monitor went to peak this morning and that almost always means ovulation day. DH and I didn't BD last night because it was miserable hot in our bedroom. Guess I'll have to make sure we get in one last session today. I kept trying to motivate him by telling him that it could be our last chance to save a bunch of $$$ but it didn't work. Hehe - oh well!
Oh Terri - believe me, I am the same way about my house. I make sure laundry is done & dishes are done. I am not a clean freak. I also have better things to spend my time on. However, I have tried to put things in place to keep organized. And I try to keep my tables from getting cluttered & my counters wiped off. Even that much is hard for me because I hate it so much. But I feel like if I have a system to make it easier, things will be better. Well my husband will cook & the whole kitchen is a disaster. The main things in my house are getting my floors done. We started laying laminate 2 YEARS ago & he still hasn't finished the molding & we have been changing out all the bedrooms. The baby room is just bare & the other rooms we have to finish closets & molding. Plus just cleaning & repainting because we have been in the house for 7 years & you just need to keep things up.

It is also super frustrating to see one thing wrong that never gets fixed. Like our dog gate needs to be replaced. But nothing happens. I think if I can keep the bills & finances up, he should be taking care of any mechanical or upkeep in the house requiring tools.

But I am also going to try to do my part as far as wanting to get baseboards washed & repainted. I can do that stuff.

Maybe I need to do the list thing. He wants to be a child, then I guess I will treat him like one.
Oh beagle, I'm so sorry about all that. :nope: I know you've mentioned some of that on the TTC#1 thread and we've chatted about it some. I hate that it had to pop up today though, when you need to be as Zen as possible.

You're not alone with all that man stuff... I'm sure we ALL have at least some of the same issues. Not every man is exactly alike, but I bet every single one of them shares some of these same characteristics. My DH can barely sit still most of the time, so he typically gets the manly-type stuff done around the house, like fixing things, replacing a doorknob, putting up a picture, or whatever. But when it comes to cleaning, he sounds very much like your DH. I'm not a clean freak, but there's a level of cleanliness that I do want, and then the deep cleaning can come a few times a year. When I cook, I clean as I go... When he cooks, he assumes the kitchen is supposed to get messy, so he just lets it. Another example...I could get home and clear any clutter from the counters in 10 seconds. He comes home, and has sprawled his wallet, keys, sunglasses, pocket change, hat, and sometimes paperwork all across the kitchen bar in less than 5 seconds. Not one pile.... but sprawled across the whole bar. And I have probably asked him not to do that about 30 times in just the last couple of years (and I even put a large catch-all on the end of the bar by the wall to put everything! Its like he forgets its there, even though all my stuff is in it!) Like Terri said, they are like children... absent-minded, forgetful, and sometimes just downright clueless.

And when it comes to TTC.... I know you are doing SO much, and its frustrating that he can't do the few things you ask of him. When my RE told both of us to start taking CoQ10, I literally had to put his two pills right beside his plate at dinner. I started out by putting the bottle right beside his wallet every morning, and it was literally like it was invisible or something. I was so worked up at first because I felt like it was such a small ask compared to what I was doing. But in the end, i was like eh.... it sucks, but I'll go ahead and treat him like a toddler, since it's just as easy for me to take his pills out at the same time I take my own out, and it keeps me from getting worked up. There are some things that I just accept about him, and I just do the little extra effort to push him. BUT, I understand that there are some things that aren't just about a "little extra effort", and that you worry about for your future family. The stuff with his dad, the stuff that hasn't been done in years, etc. I wish I had some advice. :( I guess, like you said, you could do the list thing. Even if its something that will take more than a day, you could just put it back on the list for the next available day too. I know we hate feeling like we already have a child living in the house, when we don't even have kids yet! But maybe that's what it will take to get the stuff done, and take the stress off of you, since right now you need to be as stress-free as possible.:flower:
You are right & I know there are just some things we always have to do. But I feel like I have hit my quota on those things. Even now I plan to go to Sam's on my lunch to pick some things up. Things that he keeps saying he forgets to buy & wants. It is like I am always listening & doing things for him & he never hears anything I say.

Oh & his birthday is coming up & all he can talk about is how he is buying this lense for his birthday & what am I buying him. He started to buy it over a month ago! I said what if I had a plan for your birthday? He can't even wait until the day. We are not broke or anything but the TTC stuff is out of pocket. We can manage it, but all I think about is when the baby comes. It seems like all he thinks about is what he can have for him. So now I am trying to get in a better mood about all this so I can actually do what I want to do for his birthday. Right now I just want to forget he even has a birthday.

I am just stressed & hormonal...that's all.

Thanks guys for your feedback & support :)
Oh, btw beagle, that's great that our O days will end up being the same. Looks like we'll be in the TWW together again, and this time the exact same days! That makes it kinda fun, ya know? :winkwink: I'm really relaxed about this one though obviously, since we have fertilized embryos sitting in a lab! Kinda weird, hehe. But since the FET cycle will begin in a couple weeks, I feel like I don't have to try so hard, and I don't even expect much. I skipped temping while I was out of town, we're BDing just to BD, we're really just totally relaxed. It's nice for a change.

booger, yay for O day! I'm sure you'll convince DH to BD tonight! Remind me (and I'm so sorry if you said this already!), I can't remember if you are going straight to IVF after this cycle, or if guys are holding off for a while? Either way, FXd that you get a BFP this cycle and just don't need to even consider IVF. :) :)
Terri - I forgot to answer...his parents are not is TX, dad here in NC. He had a stroke a few years back...he is paralyzed on one side. He is young...64 I think. So he is in very good health. The stroke actually probably prolonged his life...quit drinking & smoking. He is just demanding & my husband is a pleaser (to everyone but me, I guess). He has a sister here over an hour away who just doesn't make the time to see her dad. It is sad, but we are the only ones near by. We buy him things like coffee creamer because he likes a certain kind & sugar because he likes having his own. And we keep his mini fridge filled with things he likes like cheese & juices. My husband takes him to Walmart maybe once every other month but mainly we just pick stuff up for him. But his facility goes shopping with the residents. But if one thing goes wrong, he just refuses to try again. So he refuses to shop with the residents again for a stupid reason. Basically we had to treat him like a baby & force him to do things on his own. He is very capable & has an electric wheelchair. No reason my husband should have to go by more than twice a week. And he is just demanding & rude. One day he says I need day day bird day fill up my bird feeders. He has no consideration for my husband's life. I feel like I sound harsh, but I hope you guys get what I am saying.
beaglemom-I completely understand. That's so difficult, and it seems like things will probably never change, especially if this is the life your husband knows. I hope that he will spend some time with you. Maybe you guys can make a deal that say, Saturdays or Sundays are all yours. So he can do his errands for his dad on Saturday, and then Sunday he doesn't get to go on photo shoots or whatever he wants to do because it's couple time. There has to be some kind of agreement, and you both have to agree to it. Then you can't get mad on Saturday when you're cleaning the house and he's out taking pics and running around for his dad. Does that make sense? I also feel bad that the sister doesn't help much, but she is far away, and that's the problem when siblings live far from parents. I DO know that experience all too well. Anyway, now you're probably home, so enjoy your bath, get your relax on so that tomorrow all will go well. You really don't need this stress.

I called the nurse, and she said that sometimes they give an HCG trigger, and sometimes they give a Lupron (Leuprolide) trigger. It just depends on how things are going, so they give both just in case. Now I'll be mad if I get the Lupron trigger because that was only $5, and I will have wasted $45. HA! C'mon HCG. She did say that the HCG is more common, though, so most likely that's what I'll use. I was going to ask her about growing more follies, but I forgot.

Everything was fine with my bloodwork and ultrasound. My estrogen was 113, and she said that is middle of the road, so normal, and I'm responding well. My meds remain the same until Friday. :thumbup:
I called the nurse, and she said that sometimes they give an HCG trigger, and sometimes they give a Lupron (Leuprolide) trigger. It just depends on how things are going, so they give both just in case. Now I'll be mad if I get the Lupron trigger because that was only $5, and I will have wasted $45. HA! C'mon HCG. She did say that the HCG is more common, though, so most likely that's what I'll use. I was going to ask her about growing more follies, but I forgot.

Everything was fine with my bloodwork and ultrasound. My estrogen was 113, and she said that is middle of the road, so normal, and I'm responding well. My meds remain the same until Friday. :thumbup:

These meds are so bizarre... I didnt realize they did a Lupron trigger... Seems odd, since they gave it to me and moni to prevent O from happening, and yet they can ALSO use it as a trigger. Oh well, not my job to understand it, right? Just my job to do what they tell me! LOL. My trigger was Pregnyl (hcg). No trigger for this next one obviously, since they already have the embies. That will be kinda nice. Then I dont have to worry about any drugs still being in my system, and I can test at home without wondering if it's still the trigger or not.

Great that you're responding well to the meds, yay!!! Sounds like everything is going great. :)
Terri - I am glad your cycles seems to be going really well...good luck!

The problem with my husband is he works random days. Not always off on the weekend. He does try to get his dad stuff out of the way when I am working. And as far as the sister goes...being a little over an hour away means you can get here once or twice a month. But oh well. Feeling better now. Got home & we both cleaned up the clutter. Now watching a movie. I really want the bad vibes to pass!

My left side is so achy! It feels like I have been jogging. Very crampy & a lot of cm just now at the bathroom. I think my timing should still work out, though. No time to stress about timing anymore...just a few hours until bed then I wake up to my last IUI & hopefully my last step in this TTC world!...until the next one ;)
Now you're talking! Last one ever (until you're ready to have another baby!). Three cheers. :friends: :friends: :friends:
beaglemom-Hope all goes well for you this morning. We're all rooting for your husband and a great count! Report back when you can...:flower: <3

ERose-I'm freaking out. I just read a blog about how painful things are AFTER the retrieval. People are talking about not moving for days and then have weeks of bloating. I'm scared!!! hee hee. I kind of wanted my retrieval to be on the 5th, so I can stop taking meds, but there's no way I can be "sick" for 3 days, so now I'm hoping my retrieval is the 7, so I can be sick for two days and then have the weekend to try to find something appropriate to wear to work with a bloated belly. WHY ME??!! hee hee. Was your experience terrible? I don't know if I should believe the girl on the blog.
GL today beagle! Report in soon!!!

Terri, I didn't want to make people nervous, so I didn't talk about it too much.... And it did suck bad, but I think that girl might've had a worse experience than most. The first day is the worst once the pain meds wear off, but they gave me a few Vicodin to take at home. I won't lie... I was VERY uncomfortable that first day, and could NOT find a non-painful position to lay in when I went to bed that night, so I ended up taking another Vicodin. But by morning, I already noticed it easing up. Not gone... But starting to ease up. I did stay home that next day too, mainly because I didn't sleep well the night before and because I was still pretty achy and uncomfy, but it really did get lots better as that second day wore on. I was back at work the following day. The bloating took the longest to go away - I was still pretty bloated when my 5-day transfer came around, but they could see on the u/s that my ovaries were still kinda full of fluid, which explained that. Of course, when you're bloated, there's SOME discomfort, which stuck with me for a while even after transfer, but as for pain, it really didn't last more than a day and a half or so, and the Vicodin helped tremendously. So don't worry about that lasting long! With the bloating, I just dressed really comfy at work. It was impossible to suck in for the first few days, but after that, I'm thinking it was more just "feeling" bloated, if you know what I mean. It's not a cake walk, but I def wasn't laid up for days. Pain wise, I felt SO much better by the middle of the second day. You'll do great! You have a high pain threshold too, don't you? Do you get some pain meds? They work wonders if you end up needing them. Anyway, it's all worth it too because you know what the end reward is gonna be. :)
Good luck today, BeagleMom!! I hope all goes well for you today and that you recover quickly.........and that this is the lucky time around. :flower:

Terri, I'm glad that things seem to be going smoothly so far. I love the internet and that information is so readily available but man, it can really be a dangerous place too. I find it very easy to freak myself out by reading so much information. I have no doubt that the retrieval is no walk in the park, but it's got to be slightly different for each individual. Hopefully, your experience will be more like ERose's and not like the woman in the blog. That is one of the worst things about all of this - it's hard to prepare for the unknown. You seem so strong though - at least you have that going for you! :thumbup:

ERose - Glad that you are feeling relaxed this cycle. Having a plan in place must help with that. How long is your normal luteal phase? I guess I'm asking because the TWW always seem to draaaaaaggggg. Mind is on the shorter side (11 days) and oddly enough, I'm kind of grateful as I don't have a true TWW. This could be our last natural cycle but I really have no idea. Our appointment with the IVF specialist isn't until next week and I haven't a clue what to expect. Other than some CD3 bloodwork, an ultrasound, the HSG, and DH's SA, we haven't had any other testing done. I'm not sure if the doctor will want to redo any of those tests or order more. I know that I at least have an ultrasound at that first appointment. I'm hoping he can use the information he already has and we can get moving right away. However, I also started freaking myself out on the internet reading about chocolate cysts and having to have them removed prior to starting IVF. I don't even know if I have a chocolate cyst; but my OB/GYN did see a very small cyst on my right ovary when she did the ultrasound and said that it appeared to be filled with a dark fluid. Then after the HSG showed that my right tube was blocked she mentioned it could be due to some endometriosis and the cyst. I think I just need to stay away from Dr. Google until our appointment. :dohh:

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