First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Lauren, My stomach looks like what Sarah described. I gained about 10 extra pounds while I was on birth control so I already had a bit of a belly prior to pregnancy but my stomach now just looks and feels disgusting. I'm so anxious to start exercising again.

My DH doesn't do night feeds since I'm still EBF but I do get him up to do diaper changes and to help burp Aiden. He gets on my nerves though because he'll say he is getting up to take care of Aiden and then go back to sleep. So instead of being able to rest while DH takes care of our son I'm busy yelling at him to wake up. We definitely have the most fights in the middle of the night because I get so fed up with having to do everything alone at night too.

Hayley, :hugs: I'm so sorry you're sick. I've had some sick days with Aiden and it's really rough trying to take care of him while I feel so miserable.

Sarah, are Isabelle's diapers always soaked through? Are you able to use different brands/types? Aiden always soaks the prefold diapers that I have but he is perfectly fine in the AIOs and fitteds. If it makes you feel any better Aiden has diaper rash starting since he poops so much. I thought diaper rash happened less frequently with cloth diapers but that hasn't been the case with us so far.

AFM Aiden started going through growth spurt number 2 yesterday. He has basically been on my boobs nonstop which has left me tired and sore. This is the one time I hate breastfeeding him. He is so fussy and will frequently throw his hands around/pinch me, he will latch and unlatch multiple times, it's just not enjoyable at all. If I remember correctly the first growth spurt took 2 days so hopefully by tomorrow he will be back to his normal self.

Sorry for typos, I'm doing this one-handed since Aiden just screams if I try to put him down once he goes to sleep.
Oh Brittany I feel your pain about the growth spurt :hugs: when Isabelle clusters in the evenings I just feel like tearing my hair out at times. I was having a bath last night with tea tree (for my stitches) I only stay in about 15 mins, and went straight after I fed her...I had to get out after about 8 mins as she needed fed again. :dohh: it can be so tough, but I keep hearing people say after the first 6 weeks its much easier and worth it. I just try to keep that in mind...

I think I just need to change Isabelle more often now she is in cloth. When she was in disposables she was fine for as long as needed (up to four hours was the most) but I think two hours is going to be the max for her in cloth. I haven't tried her in her other nappies yet as they are all still too big :( I will try her in a different brand of fitted later on to see how she gets on in those.
Plus I wasn't convinced by my fleece "stay dry" liners. Her bum has been damp at the least each change.
Nightfeeds - I do the feeds and changes. Like Isabelle, Eva doesnt actually cry she just grizzles and moves about therefore doesnt actually wake OH. I dont mind to be fair as he's back at work tomorrow so I'm glad im used to doing it on my own.

If I've had a rough night with her (ie. she's been wide awake in the early hours - she does this sometimes, doesnt cry, just smiles at me) then OH will take her down at 8am and leave me in bed x
Hayley, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well! :hugs: I wish I could be more help with the feeding. All I know is that when I do pump, Sarah eats anywhere from 1.5 oz to 4 oz. She doesn't really have a schedule during the day - I just watch for hunger cues and usually start her with 2.5 ounces and add another ounce if she doesn't seem satisfied. Last night she was back and forth between the breast and bottle and probably had 4-5 ounces by the time she was done!

What's weird is, my pedi made it sound like 3 ounces was a lot for a 1 month old. He said most babies her age eat between 1.5-2 ounces. But if she eats every 3 hours or so, 3 ounces sounds about right! So I don't know. He told me it was fine but he sort of made me feel like I was overfeeding her for a second.

Sarah, you are doing a great job! Please don't think otherwise. There have been times when my baby will be perfectly content, even asleep, on someone else's chest but as soon as they hand her to me she wakes up, starts rooting around, and won't settle until she eats. I felt "used" for a while - like a snack bar.

Isabelle is still young and feels most comforted by being close to you and nursing. It's a huge compliment to you. :) For a while I was worried that Sarah just associated me with food, so I made sure to hold her and carry her around a lot when she wasn't hungry. And when I fed her, I tried not to put her down right away afterwards. Not sure if any of those things helped or if she just grew up a little bit more...even though I still nurse her to sleep some nights. The boob always works better and faster than anything her dad can do!

Brittany, hopefully this growth spurt passes quickly! I've been off the hook for a little while but Sarah's approaching 6 weeks so I'm anticipating another one any day now. I've got a bunch of movies lined up this time, and a few new books for the Nook. I still imagine I'll be crying and pulling out my hair, though. Hang in there!

Night Feeds - I feed Sarah at 8 or 9, Seth gives her a bottle at midnight or so, and then I do the rest of the feeds, diaper changes, etc. If she's really fussy or has been up all night, I usually hand her off to Seth first thing in the morning and he lets me get another hour or two of sleep.

AFM - Seth offered to watch Sarah so that I could have a few hours "off." I ran errands, ate out, came home and relaxed. It was nice. Except Sarah slept almost the entire day!! Which means I was up with her a lot during the night. She finally fell asleep around 2am and was up for the day at 6. I'm so tired today and she's really gassy and fussy.
When I was at Aiden's 2 week check up I was given a paper with info about my baby at this age. For feeding it said 2-3 oz is typical for that age so I wouldn't think you're feeding too much.

Would type more but Aiden is being really fussy at the boob. Thankfully hubby will be home in about 15 minutes. I'm ready to rip my hair out.
Lindsey, it's typical that Sarah slept while you were out!! I was so annoyed yesterday when Beau was being a nightmare yesterday morning then as soon as Adam gets home she sleeps!!! I'm sure they do it on purpose!!

I don't think it's right about what a baby of a certain age should be drinking. Surely it should always go by weight. If you had two babies of the same age, one 7lb and the other 10lb, you can't expect them both to drink the same amount? My formula has info on the box about how much you should be feeding them, not sure if it's the same for bf babies though as I have been told they don't require as much bm as they do formula.

Well it looks lovely outside today, need to make the most of the mild weather as its turning cold again on Friday. Adam has a hospital appointment this morning then Beau has her follow up this afternoon at 4ish... Need to go to ikea to buy a wardrobe and need to do a bit of food shopping.
Thanks for the support, ladies. Sarah doesn't always take the full 3 oz so I'm not going to worry about it anymore.

Had a little bit of a rough night last night. I was up with her from 3:30-5:30. We did take a two hour nap together this morning so I don't feel too tired right now. Except, I can't get rid of the green poo! It's been 3 days of block feeding and every single BM has been green. It's not frothy or moucus-y or anything. Pedi isn't worried but Sarah seems to have a stomachache that goes along with it. I've eliminated dairy but other than that, I don't know what to do about it or if I should even be worrying.

Hope you other mamas are doing well!

Edited to add a few pictures of Sarah in the "fort" that Seth built her in the corner of the couch. She loved it!


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- I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling so down. :hugs: I think we're all bound to have days like those where we feel like we're not doing things right, I know I certainly have them!
We're all new at this after all! We're bound to have moments of scratching our heads (or wanting to bang them against the nearest wall!).

My mum said something yesterday that was possibly the most unhelpful comment I've ever heard - Tyne was crying and she said to me "Why is he crying?" - I said I didnt know, and she said "What do you mean you don't know? You're his mother, you're supposed to know whats wrong with him!"

ERM?!!!! Yes I'm his mother - I'm not a sodding psychic!!! He's been fed, he's not wet, he's not tired, I've tried winding him - how the bloody hell am I supposed to know why else he might be crying?!!!!!!!

Comments like those definitely add to these feelings of inadequacy :wacko:

I suppose we all just have to try and trust that we're doing the best job we can, and thats all any of us can do at the end of the day :shrug: Everybody had to be a first time mother at some point, and I'm sure they all must have felt the same way - even if people like my mother seem to have short memories! :haha:

Lauren - Thanks for letting me know how Beau feeds. I hope her follow up appointment today went well?

Aww I can see why that would wind you up with Adam! :/

Brittany - I hope Aiden's second growth spurt is nearly over with now and you've managed not to tear all your hair out! It must be so hard going :hugs:

Lindsey - Thanks for letting me know what Sarah feeds. Sounds like she is similar to Tyne with changing amounts!
That is weird what you're pedi said - 1.5-2 oz sounds like very little for this age, surely!

Your time off sounded nice, how irritating that Seth's Daddy Day was spent with a sleeping easy-to-care for baby though! :haha:

Those pics of Sarah are ADORABLE!!!! She is really smiling properly now!!! SO cute!

Night Feeds/OHs - I can't really complain in that department. We give Tyne a feed around midnight and then put him down and we go to bed (We've always been late night people!) - usually he then wants a feed every two hours (its changed since the last two nights though!), and Jon does ALL of them.
He pretty much gets up with him, does all the night feeds between midnight and 9 am, changes him, settles him, etc - I only get up if Jon asks me to hold him while he goes downstairs to prepare a feed.
I should probably be more appreciative of how helpful he is at night time!

But its because Jon works late shifts (noon-8pm) so he doesn't have to get up early, and while he's at work I have Tyne all day so I think its only fair hehe.

Feeding - since I complained about Tyne's routine, its actually improved! In the last two days he's started draining a 3oz bottle regularly, and occasionally finishing a 4 oz bottle!
Last night and the night before, he went down at midnight and only woke for feeds at 4 am and around 7.30 am! If he keeps that up it would be AMAZING!!!! *fingers crossed*

AFM - Thanks for the support girls. :hugs: It is really depressing being sick all the time, I think I'm a bit exhausted too with the christening happening this weekend and so much to arrange for that etc.
It'll be weird once its over as the last month has pretty much been non stop - everything geared toward the birth, then having Tyne, then settling in with him at home, then prepping for the christening - it feels like its been constantly things to do for the last 6 weeks or so! I'm quite looking forward to everything being over with and not having anything to do for a while!
Hi all :wave:

I'm sorry I don't get to post in here much. Hubby went back to work so for the past week it's been me doing everything. He's in Saudi with limited communication so that's hard.

I understand about the night feeds. I'm doing all of them and have done for a week now. I am going to my parents at the weekend and they usually help, not looking forward to the three hour drive though on no sleep!

I don't think you're over feeding. When a baby is full they'll let you know. Plus, it sounds like what the guidelines say. I was told by a bf specialist that babies eat more when they have formula. If you didn't feed her that then I guarantee that she wouldn't be settling and be crying with hunger. Also agree that two different size babies can't eat the sand thing. Each one of us is different. Charlotte can take 3oz in some feeds then 7 in others. There's an Internet page that gives you a total daily guide, I go off that instead of anything else. The midwife told me that sometimes babies want a snack and other times they want a three course meal.

Time for more sleep. Another night feed done!
Lindsey, DH said Aiden had green poop last night at one of his diaper changes. It looks like the normal yellow color today though so it seems to just be a temporary thing. I did read that after eliminating dairy it could take a couple weeks to see any changes so maybe you just need to give it more time? Not sure when you started cutting out the dairy.

Love the picture you shared! What a cutie!!

Hayley, what a rude comment for your mom to make. I don't think there is any mother out there that can say they know what is wrong every time their baby cries. I know I certainly don't. :hugs:

AFM, Set up my pp appointment for May 21st. Other then that nothing new happening here.
Nice to hear from you Nicola, sorry your husband is working away. Must be difficult with limited communication.

Lindsey, those photos are so cute. Bless her. I can't wait until Beau starts smiling properly :)

Hayley, that is really silly of your mum saying that. I'd be annoyed if a family member of mine said it.....he is a baby, babies cry....its just one of those things and unfortunately they can't tell us what is wrong!! I'm not surprised you have been tired with everything going off. I am really looking forward to the baby excitement dying down and things getting back to normal again. I am sick to my teeth of visitors and having to go out and meet people. Then if its not seeing people, its hospital/doctor appointments or health visitors. I just want a week where I don't have anything planned!!!

So Beau had her follow up ultrasound on her hip Tuesday and the double nappies have improved them :happydance: the lady said they aren't fully mature still but both hips are in the sockets now!! We have to go and see a consultant there tomorrow still, its up to him what happens next. I hope she can just carry on as normal.

The milk spots are still really bad and look awful :( I have attached a photo to show you, they look worse in the light though. It is really annoying as there is nothing you can do to get rid of them. I read that they usually dissapear within a month or so but that feels forever away. They are ruining her little face :cry:

Attached a couple of other photos too. I wanted to post a nice one of her awake but I don't seem to have any lol...she looks so cute when she is asleep so I have loads!!

Does anyone else get upset when their LO does? When Beau cries normally it doesn't bother me but when she really gets upset and her little bottom lip comes out it has me in tears!!! I can't help myself. I feel awful that she is upset. I bet I look like a right emotional weirdo lol.

A tip for bottle feeding if anyone is struggling at all. Beau was falling asleep all the time with the number 1 slow flow teats then was hungry again half an hour later, so our midwife recommended using the size up. When we brought them we decided to go for the vari-flow ones as they were for ages 0+, as are the 1s. The 2s are 3 months+. Well at first the vari-flow was much better as she was drinking a whole bottle without falling asleep but found that she started struggling. If she was really hungry she'd suck too hard and start choking on the milk. So just decided to go for the 2s and she feeds SO much better with them!! She takes a whole bottle pretty much all the time and doesn't spill milk out the sides as she did with the vari-flow. So if yours are struggling at all with drinking it is worth looking in to.


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lauren I know exactly what you mean about getting upset when baby does. During the day it doesn't bother me, but in the evening when she is fussy and nothing seems to calm her I get really upset. Luckily Simon is taking that period so I just sit there and try and ignore her cries. That sounds awful, but otherwise I'd be in tears all evening. So glad that Beau's hips are doing much better. That is wonderful news!!
And what a little cutie! Her milk spots aren't great, but she is still gorgeous!

Lindsey oh my goodness those pictures of Sarah at adorable!!! The second one with her smile is just gorgeous!

Hayley I can't believe your mum said that! What a terrible thing to say to any new mum, especially a FTM. Next time tell her Tyne is just having a chat and since he has no words yet, crying is the only way he can talk to you!

afm Isabelle's sleep seems to be getting worse :wacko: she is still fine during the night and up roughly every two/two and a half hours for a feed, but during the day she is refusing to nap in her Moses basket, and in the evening she has started getting fussy right before bedtime, and then taking a while to settle.
She's asleep right now, but again refused her Moses basket so she is in her upstairs crib and I (and one of the dogs!) am on our bed as I don't want to leave her up here alone lol. Plus good excuse for some quiet time for me!
Simon is back at work now, but yesterday I spent time with my dad, and then the health visitor came so this morning is the first "alone" time we've really had!

Isabelle was weighed yesterday and is up to 8lb 9oz - almost a pound over her birth weight at two weeks! Chub monkey!
Babies start fighting sleep after a while, I've noticed Beau doing it sometimes. Think they can be over tired too so struggle to settle. Do you have a baby monitor? We put Beau in to bed a couple of hours before we do. She is in the room by herself but obviously we live in an apartment so can hear her. I want her to get used to sleeping in a room by herself as don't want it to be difficult once she finally has her own room.

Our health visitor said today we should try letting her feed as much as possible in the day so she doesn't need as much at night. Apparently that helps with night sleeping.

She has gone up to 8lb12oz now. When she was weighed 2 weeks ago she was 7lb something. I noticed that she has grown :)
Lauren, glad to hear the double diapers have helped Beau's hips. Is she able to go back to wearing just one diaper now or do you have to continue using two?

Aiden's crying doesn't tend to bother me either but there was one time I saw a little tear drop in the corner of his eye and that made me really upset.

Beau is beautiful!!

Sarah, Aiden seems to be the same as Isabelle with the sleeping. Ever since this second growth spurt I have the hardest time trying to get him to nap during the day. He wants to comfort suck a lot which I let him do (he won't take a pacifier for very long before spitting it back out) then once he falls asleep I try to move him to his bed and often he'll wake up right after I put him down. So I have to start all over with him wanting to comfort suck. It's a pain because the lack of sleep starts to make him fussy which makes getting him to latch properly more difficult since he's flailing around so much.

Go Isabelle on the weight gain! I now feel like the 8 oz that Aiden gained since his last appointment wasn't enough even though my pedi was very happy with his gain. I think I worry too much about his weight because I have a fear of being told he isn't getting enough milk from me and that I need to use formula which will just make me feel like a crap mom (I really want to EBF, don't want anyone to think I'm anti-FF from the "crap mom" comment).

AFM, Aiden is starting to spit up more frequently. He is having plenty of pee and poop diapers so I know he's getting plenty to eat. I think the problem is he wants to be on my boob so much for comfort so he's probably overeating a bit. Plus he gets fussy during the day since he wakes up when I try to put him down so him being overtired probably doesn't help when it comes to him swallowing air. I'm not really sure what I can do though. He will only take a pacifier for a couple minutes (if even that) before spitting it back out.
Brittany, Beau is sick a lot more now too....and she burps after every feed which she didn't do a week ago. She'd hardly ever burp.

So we went to see the consultant today, he is happy with her hip progress but wants us to contine with the double nappies...but wants us to use a fabric nappy on the outside as he wants it to be as bulky as possible. We are due to see him again in 4 weeks and he said he is almost certain they will be normal by then. So we will be popping out tomorrow to find some nappies.

Beau really likes to sit up on me or Adam then cries if I lay her down a little, she likes to look around. Does anyone else's do this? From birth she has been very alert, its really sweet but I feel as though she is growing up too quick lol. She holds her head up all the time too unless she is tired then it flops around.

I think my milk is drying up - one of my boobs has been killing me all day and just recently it has started to go hard, but only from the nipple downwards (rather than the whole thing like they do when milk first comes in). The other isn't bothering me at all, whether it will or not I don't know. But it is horrible, I struggle to hold Beau its that painful. I'm not going to attempt to express any as it will continue coming in, I just have to deal with the pain :( hopefully it will go in a couple of days.
Nicola Hi Nicola! Lovely to hear from you. Aww it must be difficult with hubby being back to work so far away, it will be nice to have some help from your parents!

Brittany - I have found that Tyne has started to be sick more this week too. He's never been a sicky baby at all, infact he hadn't been sick at all apart from once at the hospital - but in the past week he's been sick two or three times. :shrug:
Have you tried different brands of pacifiers with Aiden to see if he likes them any better?
It sounds silly, but I think there can be big differences with them - Tyne refuses to take any other brand except MAM ones, he KNOWS the difference when we try to give him another brand if his MAM ones aren't sterilised and just spits them out after a minute or so.

Lauren - I know what you mean about the baby excitement! I'm SO ready for all the fuss and visitors etc to be over and done with now!
I mean its lovely that people want to fuss, and we do appreciate all the lovely cards and gifts and balloons etc - but its been a month now and I'm ready to just find some kind of normality!

I'm so glad Beau's appointment went well! *fingers crossed that another while of the double nappies works!*

I know what you mean about the milk spots too, Tyne's look exactly the same as Beau's. I find they look worse when he cries as his face gets red.
I stopped using baby oil on his face though for his dry skin, and started giving him drinks of cooled boiled water as advised by the midwife and it does seem to have helped a fair bit - his skin is definitely much less dry and the spots seem less noticable!

Awww lovely piccies! :) Loved the one from Facebook in her little outfit!

Awww yeah I can get upset when Tyne does - not for his normal cry but sometimes he has an "I mean it!" kind of cry when he is REALLY upset and he makes a specific little sobbing sound, gets a tear in his eye and even holds his breath! I know then that he's REALLY not happy and that makes me get upset!

As for the feeding thing of a day, i've heard the same thing - I wouldnt have thought the feeds of a day would matter much for night time sleeping but apparently the more they take in the day, the more likely they are to sleep of a night!

And YES - Tyne has REALLY started to fight sleep in the last few days!!! He's obviously shattered but absolutely fighting it!! Little monkey!

Aww yeah Tyne loves sitting up and looking around! I LOVE it when he does that - his awake and alert times are my favourite! :)
There's definitely more of it now! Today he slept on and off until about 5pm, then after that he was wide awake for hours! He's been loving laying under his baby gym and just looking at it - so cute!
He holds his head up a lot too - my mum keeps telling him to stop it coz he's growing up too quickly lol.

Sarah - Aww wow Isabelle is doing great with her weight gain!
I'm sorry to hear about the sleeping.
have you ever tried the "nest in the moses basket" thing? I personally haven't but I've heard a lot of people say it works wonders. I think its probably too late for Tyne now but Isabelle is younger so it might still work for you?!

I find that Tyne HATES his moses basket and his pram still though, he just refuses to settle in them - he can be fast asleep in someones arms and as soon as he's set down in either one of them, he wakes up and cries!
The ONLY thing he will sleep soundly in at the moment is his beanbag - I wish we could use it at night time lol. He absolutely loves it!

AFM - Tyne & I had a lovely relaxed afternoon on our own today. I REALLY love our Mummy & Baby alone time, I find it so relaxing being the one to do everything! I like the feeling of being solely responsible for everything and having things organised in my way without anybody trying to help!
We had such a nice calm afternoon - he didn't have to cry for a bottle at all, they were ready and waiting for him right on time when he wanted them. We had lots of alert time and lots of chats and cuddles.

Unfortunately, our nice afternoon was spoiled when we had a gang of visitors descend on us at 8.30 this evening!
My Aunty Dot lives in Spain and she's here visiting for the christening and hadn't met the baby yet, so she wanted to come see him - she came with my cousin Emma, and while they were here my other Aunt and my other cousin who live over the road came over too - so we had the four of them here until after 11pm, all being REALLY loud!!!
It was so annoying - Tyne kept trying to drop off to sleep and being woken up by their loudness - and they kept passing him round like he was a pass the parcel! And they were all bloody kissing him all the time - I SWEAR I saw my cousin kiss him on the lips! :growlmad: WE don't even do that FFS!

So now he's all unsettled and overstimulated - so much for our nice calm day! :/
Lauren, I read in a few different things to use cabbage leaves on your breasts when your milk starts to go to help with the pain.

Hayley, we have his hospital paci and the 2 different brands and he isn't interested in any. He will suck on mine or DH's finger for comfort but that doesn't really help us.

So sorry about your relatives. I'm so glad DH and I don't have to go and see anymore people. I hated everyone passing him around and trying to wake him up when he's sleeping just because they wanted him to be awake.

AFN, I had a terrible night last night. I nursed Aiden, he unlatched and fell asleep so DH put him in his bed. About 20 minutes later he was awake. I tried nursing him back to sleep/letting him comfort suck but he kept unlatching and then he would start screaming, he was flailing his hands around a lot and digging his nails into my skin. My boobs were definitely taking a beating last night. I tried changing him, swaddling him, etc. Nothing was working. He just fussed and fussed for hours. He was crying, I was crying. It was miserable. To make things worse, DH was trying to sleep through most of this so I felt so alone. I know he had to get up early for work and that's why he was trying to sleep but when I'm sitting there crying I think he could have tried to help without me needing to ask him. Though considering his solution was to just put Aiden in his room and just leave him there I guess it's better that DH didn't start trying things. Really hoping things go better tonight.
Hayley, I can't believe your aunts and cousins!!! I seriously would have asked them to leave. 11pm is rediculous!! I hate it when people pass them around and keep them stimulated. If I don't want people holding beau, I hold her and dont offer to pass her on. Especially when they're asleep. Adam's mum was round earlier for a couple of hours and Beau was (or should I say is!) over tired and you can tell she wants to go to sleep but won't. She fell asleep just as she arrived so I wanted her to stay asleep, I knew Susan wanted to hold her straight away but she needed sleep. If she woke up (which she did after about half an hour) then she could hold her. I hate how selfish some people can be when it comes to babies.

Brittany, I feel for you. I had an awful night last night. Put Beau down about half 8/9, moaned for about half an hour as she does, woke about 1 for a feed. Adam got up with her, tried putting her back to bed and she just would not settle. He was getting angry with her... As per usual... So I got up about half past with her. I didn't go back to bed until 3! Then was up feeding her again at half 4!!! When she woke at 6ish I just left her for Adam to sort out as he'd left me to deal with her in the night. I was so tired I actually felt sick. I just wish Adam dealt with her better at night, it makes me really angry that he gets frustrated then leaves her for me to deal with. He expects her to settle as soon as she has been fed but occasionally she won't. I was up for 2 hours nearly just rocking and trying to sooth her, yes I was p'd off but I never complained. I got a slight lie in this morning anyway which was nice, she is good as gold in the day time though.

(for uk) Debenhams has a sale on at the mo, up to 20% off then an extra 10% at checkout when you enter a code. The code is on the actual website though. I was looking at baby baker stuff, they have some cute clothes :)
We had an awful night, too!! Sarah did great until 2am and was a little nightmare after that. My husband went fishing and was too tired when he came home at 1am to be much help. I did as much, if not more, crying than the baby did! Of course, she had a big poop this morning and was all smiles after that.

Maybe it was the full moon! Hopefully we all have a better night tonight.
Motherhood was so much easier when they were little beans inside!! Lol

I hope we all have a better night tonight. I'm chilling with a glass of wine at the moment, just got out the bath too so feel nice, relaxed and clean. I'm making the most of her sleeping! :)

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