First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Sarah was officially 6 weeks old yesterday! Where does the time go? :cry:

Seth and I talked. I let him know that he was starting to treat his paternity leave like a vacation. I don't mind if he goes hunting/fishing but not to the point of neglecting us. I think he feels bad because he's been really helpful and even suggested I get my nails done while he takes the baby.

Last night was better. She was really fussy all evening and the only thing that kept her distracted was bouncing on my exercise ball with her sitting on my lap, while letting her stare at the sunlight and shadows on the wall. She was so mesmerized! She cluster fed for a few hours, then finally fell asleep at 10. Ate at 2, 4:30, and 7:30. She was awake after that so Seth took her downstairs while I got another hour of sleep.

Lauren, writing letters to your daughter is a great idea and I think Beau will really enjoy reading them someday. I haven't written anything down other than Sarah's baby book (which I still need to finish) and my BnB posts but I should start.

Sarah, I'm so sorry you had an awful night! I hate not knowing why my baby's crying or how to get her to stop. The one thing I've noticed is that their sleep patterns are always changing (for better or worse) so just because one night was terrible, does not mean that the next night will be. It will get better! Have you considered gas drops for her tummy? :hugs: :hugs:

Brittany, I'm sorry that relatives screwed up Aiden's naptime and that you had to suffer the consequences! My parents always do that. They get so excited to see her that they're always trying to wake her up and/or keep her up when I'm trying to tell them to let her sleep. I guess they don't care because they don't have to deal with her at night.

Sarah had urate crystals in her urine, too, but luckily they happened while we were at the doctor's for her 1 week checkup so her pediatrician was able to explain right away. If I'd been anywhere else, I'm sure I would have freaked out! She only had them in her diaper that one time.
Lindsey sounds like last night went well, those times that Sarah ate sound roughly like what Isabelle does most nights, and it isn't so bad I find. That's a great idea about bouncing on the exercise ball, I am going to give that a go when Isabelle is next fussy. The fussy evenings are awful, I hope she doesn't have another tonight. And that's great about Seth, maybe he just genuinely didnt realise he was taking advantage.

Brittany, I would have freaked about the pink pee! Sounds like in this case, google was helpful and didnt give you any big scares like it is prone to doing (like two weeks ago when I had a shooting pain in my breast, googled and first thing said breast cancer :shock:) sorry about your rough night, I hope tonight is better and you all get more sleep. I hate the feeling when Isabelle doesn't seem to feed well.

Afm: after listening to you ladies we decided to try and get Isabelle into a bedtime routine and get her into her crib in the evenings. So just before 8pm she had some nappy free time, then bath and a feed and into her crib at 8.45pm. I loitered for a few minutes and she was awake, but quiet. Simon then made me come downstairs, and wouldn't let me check on her until 9.05pm- she was fast asleep. It's now almost 9.30pm and she hasn't made a peep so far.
I know it won't be this easy every night, but I think it's a good start, especially after last night being so awful. I'm watching her monitor like a hawk though (it flashes green every time the movement mat senses her move) and every time I hear any sound I think it's her!
I'm so jealous, Sarah! I haven't been brave enough to try the crib yet. Well, I set her down in her one time during the night when I realized I needed to get more diapers out of the closet. She was awake and just kinda laid here. I definitely think I would get more sleep if she was in her own room because she's such a noisy sleeper but I know I'd miss her at the same time. It sounds like Isabelle is doing great in her crib! :)
Oh her crib is in our room, I think the reason she settled so easily is that she's used to it as we have her in it each night. I couldn't put her in her own room yet, I'd never get any sleep :haha: I'd end up camped out on her bedroom floor!
You aren't supposed to put them in their own room until 6 months old. I really really hope we have sold this place by then otherwise she'll be staying in our room. We could buy her a cot for the small room but it's not what I want. I want a big cot bed to last her a few years.

Beau was being her typical annoying self last night. Put her to bed about 9:30, slept through until about half 1 then wouldn't go back to sleep. Adam got up with her to feed but when he brought her to bed she kept moaning and crying so got back up to give her more milk, which she drank. But still didn't settle after. So at 3 I brought her to bed and she didn't wake up until 7:30. I got up then to make her milk but Adam came in and told me to go back to bed and he'd look after her. So I slept in until 10 which was great! I am one who likes my sleep and for the last few days I have felt really tired so I'm glad I got some much needed catch up sleep :)

Think I'm getting a cold though :( woke up last night all blocked up with a sore throat. I'm going to be buying some medicine for it today as I really don't want it to get worse!!

I have loads of house work to do. I was lazy yesterday so didn't do anything :p
Lauren I am so jealous of you sleeping until 10am! I was totally exhausted this morning and Isabelle wouldn't do the honour of going back to sleep so we were up at 8(ok, that is hardly early :haha: but really up since 6am as she was in bed with me since then and asleep on my chest so I was just dozing)
Sorry to hear Beau was difficult again during the night. How long will Beau's hammock last her for? Isabelle seems to love her swinging crib, and luckily it should do her until we're ready to move her into her cot, whereas I don't think her Moses basket would at all.

Isabelle was weighed again today- she's up to 9lb now!
Lindsey, glad your talk with Seth went well and that he is being more helpful.

Sarah, I'm glad the bedtime routine went well for you. Hopefully it continues going well.

Lauren, glad you were able to get some sleep. That's one thing I hate about breastfeeding, Aiden doesn't let me sleep more then 2-3 hours before he is ready to be fed again.

Hope you feel better soon!

AFM, Aiden did better last night. Really glad the good nights outweigh the bad.

Also been a bit emotional lately. Been feeling really irritated with DH. For the most part he has been great at stepping up with the household chores, the animals, etc. But I can't help feeling like he has it so easy when it comes to parenting. I know this isn't the case but I feel like he is spending all his time doing whatever he wants whereas I can barely do anything without having Aiden attached to me. I guess I feel like I've had to give up being able to do whatever I want, when I want since having Aiden but I don't feel like DH has done the same and that makes me resentful of him a bit.
Hi Girls! :flower:

I feel like I've missed a million posts! I've tried to read through everything but in between Tyne crying and Jon distracting me I feel like I've already forgotten everything I've just read! :wacko:

I hope everybody is doing ok!

OH's - It sounds like some of the men folk need a good talking to!! The new mum thing is really hard, if you girls feel like the OHs could help out more you should definitely sit them down and have a chat about it. It'll only get worse otherwise, and its better that everyone establishes their roles now. :hugs:

Bedtime routines -I admit I havn't tried a routine yet, because everything I've read in baby books and going off advice from my mum and Aunts etc - the general consensus seems to be that there's no point in even trying a routine before they're 6-8 weeks old as they won't be sticking to it.
But maybe I should give it a try just to see?!

Our nights generally go pretty much the same way every night - Tyne has a feed around 10pm, he usually (but not always) falls asleep after it and we put him on his bean bag. He then feeds at around 1.30-2 am, after that feed we all go up to bed (We've always been people who go to bed around 1 or 2 am!) - he sleeps in his moses basket until around 5 then wakes for a feed.
OH feeds and changes him, and puts him back to bed - he part sleeps/part gripes until around 7 am (spitting his dummy out and crying until its put back in, etc) - OH feeds him at 7, he then comes into our bed and sleeps until around 9.30 or 10 am!
Like Lauren - I'm grateful for the sleep so happy to have him in bed with us and actually find the family snuggle time cute, but worried he'll still be wanting to do it in 5 years time!

So I'm thinking maybe we should make more of an effort to go to bed after his 10pm feed, and see if he sleeps in his moses basket until his 1.30/2 am feed. I might try that tonight.

Letters To Baby - I think I mentioned a while back that we opened an email account for the baby. We did it when I was about 18 weeks pregnant, and both me and OH send separate emails to him whenever we feel like it - I emailed him throughout the pregnancy telling him all about what was happening with appointments/scans/etc.
We've carried on writing to him since he was born, and we plan to keep on doing it and then showing him the letters when he's 16 or so.

First Periods - I'm SO worried about the period I'm having. Has anybody had their first proper period pp yet?
I started mine definitely over 7 days ago, and I'm still HEAVILY bleeding - I'm using Always Ultra Night pads (So HUGE and super absorbent ones) and I am soaking through them within an hour.
I keep soaking through to my underwear, I can feel it literally gushing out of me! (Sorry TMI).
I went out for dinner with friends on Saturday night, I put a clean pad on before we went - within an hour I had soaked through it. I bought super plus tampons and put one in - by the time we left the restaurant two hours later, it was SO soaked through that I could feel it slipping out while I walked!!!
It is AWFUL, its SO embarrasing I am scared to go out of the house, I keep passing big clots too and I have really strong period pains :wacko:

I'm worried its not normal, and I'm losing so much blood that it must be making my anemia much worse - I'm going to call the health visitor about it in a minute.

AFM - We had Tyne's christening on Sunday. Its been sooooo hectic trying to sort it all out, and with my ridiculous heavy period from Hell and STILL being ill with a throat infection its been quite stressful!
But the day went really well - we had a lovely time, the service was lovely and Tyne looked so gorgeous and was so well behaved!
It was lovely seeing all our family and friends, and we were absolutely spoiled rotten with beautiful gifts!! I just have no idea where to keep them all lol.
Luckily everybody was very thoughtful and we actually got lovely and useful gifts rather than loads of silver trinkets! We got one or two silver keepsakes which is nice, but we mainly got things like personalised baby towels, clay hand print photo frame, personalised money box, loads of giftcards and money etc - so we're really pleased and overwhelmed!
Whoa, Hayley, definitely phone your mw/health visitor in relation to your bleeding. I've always had super heavy periods, but what your describing is how I would be maybe 1/2 days out of 7. I think that it being that heavy for so long is definitely something to ask about. Hopefully it'll be totally normal, and you can report back that we are all in for the same treat!
Glad Tyne's christening went well, and its great to get the more useful gifts, rather than a heap of "baby's first tooth" silver boxes :haha:
Hayley, it seems like your period has returned with a vengeance! I would be concerned, too, and I think you're doing the right thing by calling your healthcare provider. I haven't gotten my period yet but I do remember the doctor saying to call if I had any postpartum bleeding that soaked through a pad in 1 hour. I hope everything is okay!

I'm glad Tyne's christening went well! :)

Lauren, I'm jealous of the sleep, too! It's 7am here and I'm up listening to Sarah "talk" to the birdie mobile in her swing. It's pretty cute but I'm exhausted! Although, you deserve to sleep in after a night like that! I hope you feel better!

Sarah, we tried putting Sarah in her crib for a nap yesterday afternoon just to see. She lasted 30 mins...better than nothing! I'm nowhere near ready for her to sleep in there at night but I don't see the harm in getting her used to the crib.

Brittany, I'm glad last night was better but I'm sorry you're feeling down. :hugs: We give up a lot for our babies! I agree that even though Seth helps a lot, it's still way easier for him to get out and do things whereas I have to prepare, pump enough milk, and even when I do go out I miss Sarah and can't wait to get back home. But I agree with Hayley that a talk is in order if you don't think your DH is pulling his weight. I've been so much happier since I've talked to Seth.

AFM, Sarah was a total stinker after 3am. I've pretty much been up and down with her since then and it's 7am now. She wasn't fussing but I could tell that she was (and still is) working on a bowel movement. She was even doing it in her sleep, which made it hard for me to sleep because I was lying there listening to her grunt and strain. She goes to the bathroom once every other day now (doctor says that's normal after 1 month, and he also said it was normal for babies to have to "learn" how to go to the bathroom hence all the noise and funny faces) but it seems like it always takes so much work! I can't wait until Sarah figures out how her butt works!!
Hayley, do we get to see some photos of the christening?? :) I want to see Tyne in his little outfit!
I haven't had my period come yet, although I feel like its due any day. I remember my mum after her last. She bled really heavily, said she used the super tampons and a thick pad and had to change every hour. Sooo from that, I assumed it was normal for the first period? What did your doctor say? I am guessing you aren't on any form of contraceptive? (those that affect your period). I am planning on going on the injection... But assume I'll have a period before then.
I had those night time pads your describing, I brought them before labour and used one when my waters broke. It was shocking!! Soaked straight through, wheras the maternity pads didn't. Its worth getting some of them and see if they are better, especially for nighttime. Mine were sainsburys own.

Brittany, I think you should have a word with Seth too. You need to get how you feel off your chest or it will only get worse.

Adam hasn't been at work much recently (they don't have work for them) so he worked 2 full days last week then a couple of hours thursday and Friday. He has been asked to work this weekend though which annoyed me because I'm going out Friday, now I can't stay out late and have to watch how much I drink so I'm fit enough to look after Beau. I go out for the first time in nearly a year and still have to be sensible. Not that I planned on getting wasted or anything lol!!

Because Adam has been home loads recently too, I don't have any sort of routine. Things are all over the place. Hopefully when work does pick up and he is out more often, I can get in to one.

This sounds like a daft question but does anyone else over-worry? I think about Beau's saftey all the time. The thought of her being hurt worries me so much, I don't want to leave her with anyone incase they hurt her. Not on purpose, but if something happened I hate the thought of not being there to sooth her. My list of things goes on but I won't bore you with them. I over worry about safety anyway, normally my own or those close to me... But I worry TOO much when it comes to Beau's safety. God, I'm such a weirdo :haha:
lauren I worry a lot as well. Simon keeps telling me off, and when i am fretting about something (eg asking him if her stomach looked swollen and did we need to call my brother to come and look at her :blush:) he always says "she is a BABY, she is supposed to do that/look like that/make those noises" I actually snapped last night and screamed "I know she's a f**king baby- who pushed her out of their vagina?! It's not like I don't know!" :haha: but yes, I think that the worrying thing is just part of our lives now. Simon said to me that, while he worries, he think I worry a lot more, and that's because as we have carried them etc we are now hard wired to looking out for them at every given moment.

Brittany :hugs: I feel exactly the same way about dh and Isabelle as you do about dh and Aiden. I know it's stupid, but I feel like he can nip upstairs to do things, or pop out to the shop or whatever it is, whenever he wants, whereas if I want to do something for more than half an hour (eg take a bath) I have to make sure Isabelle is fed and settled first, and I think it's easy to end up resenting the men as they seem to have it so much easier
But at the same time, I know Simon has it tough in that he works all day and only gets a few hours with Isabelle, so I try to remember that we have different roles and, as a breastfeeding mummy, for now my role is simply to have a little baby attached to me at all times. I think it will definitely get easier as they get older and need feeding less regularly, or when I can pump and leave her for a longer stretch.

Lyndsey I think a 30min stretch in Sarah's crib is a great start! Hopefully that means she's an easy going girl who will be happy to adapt to sleeping in her crib full time when the time comes. Isabelle sleeps so well in her swinging crib (which I think you guys call a cradle?) and in her bouncer, but now flat out refuses to do more than 10 mins in her Moses basket. I think it's because it doesn't move... So I'm worried that when we transfer her to her cot we may have an issue...I hope not!

Oh's and routine: I know a few of you mentioned feeling like there is less routine or you get less done when oh is home and I am exactly the same. Tbh I feel like people are still so eager to see Isabelle and spend time with her that I haven't had one single day just her and I, in the house together, to get into any routine. I'm happy to be so busy, but I do kind of feel like we need a few days home together. Then again when I am stuck home all day ina few weeks once the excitement around her dies down I may be regretting saying that!

Isabelle went down around 8.30pm again tonight and settled really well. It's been half an hour and not a peep, so I'm hoping this evening goes as well as yesterday evening...
- hope Isabelle has stayed nice and settled again tonight!

The OH/routine is definitely how it is for me! Jon is off on holiday this week and its lovely to have him here and have days out etc - but the routine thing is MUCH harder with him around! I just find it all so much easier when its just me and Tyne.
Then everything is done my way, I know what has been done and what needs to be done, and everything is nice and calm! :coffee:

Lauren - Aww I worry a lot too, I think its natural.
I think there are certain things that only a Mum senses/notices with regards to the babies well being and so for that reason we worry about other people not picking up on it.
I can tell when Tyne is just attention crying and when he REALLY means it for example, and I know other people wouldnt be able to tell the difference.

Little safety things get me too - like Jon with nappy bags!! We always use nappy bags coz I HATE nappies laying around - but they worry me sick coz SO many times Ive seen Jon have them sitting by the babies head while he's changing him! I go mental every time , and he always tell Im being stupid coz hes sitting right there and isnt going to him him suffocate - but still, just DONT put them by his head?!!!!

I've attached some pics of Tyne's christening but we're still waiting on the ones my cousin took with his proper camera, the only ones i have at the minute are my crappy digi cam ones and the light in the church wasnt great!

I am on contraception now yeah, the midwives were harrassing me about it so I went on the pill about 2 weeks ago. I've been on the injection before - it was good! I dont want it this time as I might want to think about another baby within a year or so, and I'd rather be on something that will wear off quickly - but after I've had another baby I would def use the injection again. So convenient!

Lynsey - Lol @ Sarah figuring out how her butt works! Tyne is the same way! He also goes once every other day now too.
And the faces and straining - OMG! I was really concerned at one point, but a quick Google search reassured me it was normal!
Hope Sarah has settled now!

My Period - I called the health visitor and told her my symptoms, and she panicked me more! She said it could be post partum haemorrage as apparently that can happen for up to 6 weeks afterwards - she said to go straight to my Dr or A & E.
I called my Dr and they got me an urgent appointment, so I went in but he said he didnt think it was that.
Heavy periods are very normal, especially after a c section apparently - but because its getting heavier after 7 days rather than lighter its a bit unusual.

He said its probably either an infection from the c section (things like womb linings can apparently get infected?!) or possibly yet ANOTHER side effect of my Graves Disease - he said if my thyroid has gone very underactive then that can cause very heavy periods and clotting. So he's sent me for blood tests to check that and to see how the anemia is - and put me on antibiotics in case its an infection. :shrug:

Meanwhile I'm still bleeding everywhere like a Vampires wet dream :cry:


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Meanwhile I'm still bleeding everywhere like a Vampires wet dream :cry:

:rofl: what a phrase! That is worrying, but hopefully your dr is just being overly cautious and it turns out not to be anything serious.

Those christening photos are gorgeous, Tyne's outfit is absolutely amazing, he looks adorable!!

baby pooing I can't believe Sarah and Tyne only poo once every other day! I know Isabelle is younger, but she poos at least 7 times every single day. I look forward to this less frequent pooing - it will certainly make changing her and washing her nappies a bit less gross :haha:

Afm: a long night. Isabelle slept from 8.30pm until almost 11, but then she was up every 1.5-2 hrs, and for some reason after her 2am feed she would not settle at all. She got the hiccups which always keeps her awake, but she doesn't usually get them until 6am. So she was awake for an hour, which is very unusual for her in the night. However, that meant she didn't get her 6am bout of hiccups, and although she fussed slightly, she fell back to sleep in her crib and we both slept until 8am when Simon left. He didnt even come and say goodbye to us this morning I know we were asleep, but that is very much not the point!
Lindsey - We put Aiden in his crib for one of his naps on Saturday. He did really well. I, on the other hand, was so nervous about not hearing him if he needed me that I was practically glued to the video baby monitor.

Sorry Sarah has been struggling with the bowel movements. Hopefully she'll figure it out soon.

Hayley - Love the pictures from Tyne's Christening. Thanks for sharing!

Also hope the bleeding slows down soon. I can only imagine how uncomfortable you feel.

Sarah - Aiden has no problem in the pooping department either and goes as often as Isabelle does. My pediatrician says at this age they want at least 3 bowel movements a day and Aiden goes double that. :haha:

AFM - Very rough day yesterday for me. Aiden started randomly having green poop yesterday and one of the times it was mucousy, green poop and smelled bad. I was reading on Google that this kind of poop could be baby diarrhea so then I started freaking out thinking Aiden is sick. It was also at the same time I discover the mucousy poop that Aiden decides to be really fussy on the breast and kept latching and unlatching repeatedly. Then if I did manage to get him latched where it seemed like he was going to stay on, the dog would bark or DH would come in the room and he would get distracted and would unlatch again and start screaming. I don't know which of us was crying harder during all of this.

I did call his pediatrician and they didn't seem concerned at all about his green poop so I've been trying to relax and avoid Google, especially since he has been having mostly the normal yellow poop diapers today. But the whole thing still has me feeling a bit stressed. Especially since what I was reading online kept talking about a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. But I haven't changed anything with the nursing/still allow him to stay on the boob as long as he wants so I don't think I could suddenly have an imbalance. It just all seems confusing.

I do think the fussiness at the breast is due to my milk spraying out. I know when I squeeze milk out of my breast it will often spray out. I imagine the same thing is happening to DS when he nurses but I'm not quite sure what to do about it. Lindsey, you had this problem when nursing Sarah if I remember correctly.
It's strange how advice is different in other countries. Here they say one bowel movement a day or even one every other day is normal. I don't know if there is a difference between breast fed and formula fed. Beau tends to have one a day, sometimes one every other.

Hayley, love Tyne in his little outfit. So cute :) Hope your bleeding stops soon, when will you have your blood results back? Our health visitor keeps going on about contraception which is annoying. I have been on the pill since I was 15 and have gone through multiple brands as they keep disagreeing with me. So this time I'm thinking about going on to something else. Don't want to feel pressurised to do anything by the health visitor though!!

Nothing new here really. Went to see the girls at work today which was nice. The sun has been shining all day so I'm happy about that :) (we don't see sunshine all that often here in the UK lol so we make the most of it!!)

We attempted to have :sex: last night but had to stop before it even began as it hurt me :( I thought I'd be ok... Guess not. I'm sure I'll be ok in another couple of weeks.
Hayley, I love the pictures of Tyne's christening! He's such a handsome little man - and growing up so fast! I can't believe it's been a month.

Whoa, how crazy to go from being told you might be hemorrhaging to an infection. Hopefully the antibiotics kick in and your bleeding stops soon.

Lauren, I bet it was nice to get out of the house and enjoy the sunshine!

Sarah & Brittany, Sarah used to poop with every meal but as soon as she turned 4 weeks, she started going once a day. I read that breastfed babies can go up to a week without having a bowel movement. I think their bodies are absorbing more so there is less waste for them to pass.

Brittany, I honestly don't think you have an fore/hind milk imbalance, either. There are both kinds of milk in each drop of breast milk except that the fat content increases as the baby continues to drink. I heard that a true imbalance is uncommon but you can always use the same breast (block feeding) for a few feedings in a row if you're super worried about it.

Maybe the mucous was a reaction to something you ate? Do you drink a lot of milk? If Aiden's dirty diapers are back to yellow than I wouldn't worry about it. Like yours, my pediatrician told me that green is still in the range of normal. I was freaking out because Sarah had green poop for days and he still wasn't concerned. Turns out, I stopped using Colic Calm (the liquid is black) and they turned yellow again.

As for the spraying, you may have an overactive let-down? I have this. I think it's pretty common. As soon as I feel the let-down, I unlatch her and let the milk spray into a burp cloth. Once it stops spraying, I put her back on. Or I sit her up when I nurse and try to lean myself back a little bit so that gravity helps slow the flow. Side-lying position is good, too, because the excess milk runs out of the other side of their mouth. Once, I dozed off nursing and woke up to her fussing because I was spraying her in the face!

AFM, Seth got a little taste of what I go through sometimes. :lol: He's a night-owl so he's been feeding Sarah when she wakes between 9pm-1am. Usually, I feed her right before 9 and that puts her to sleep. Last night, she would not go down and was crying and crying. I don't think Seth understands that she's too young to put herself to sleep because he thinks that he can just lay her in the swing or in her rocker and be done with it (this only works sometimes). I came downstairs after 30 mins of crying, swaddled her, went in the bathroom and turned on the ceiling fan, rocked her for 5 mins and she was out. I heard her crying a couple of other times during his shift but I think he figured it out. It was just funny because she's usually a little devil during my shift at night and for once the tables were turned. She slept good for me! :haha:
Lauren - Breastfed babies tend to have more bowel movements then formula fed babies. I think its because breastmilk is digested faster.

Sorry your first attempt at DTD didn't go well. I want to start DTD again but I still have days where I'm sore so I don't think we'll be making any attempts for another few weeks.

Lindsey - I didn't change anything with the way I nurse him or anything in my diet and he's been back to normal yellow poop today so I don't know what was up with him yesterday. I guess he just wanted to scare me.

As for the overactive let down I think I do have this. Especially with my left breast. I did call my LC and asked about it. I've been manually expressing before having Aiden latch like she suggested and that seems to be helping.

Glad Seth got a taste of what you go through. I think our DH's appreciate us more when they actually see how hard we work.

AFM - MIL is hounding me about coming over to see Aiden. I'm really irritated by this since MIL just doesn't take no for an answer. Not to mention it was DH who told her to call and ask me whenever she wants to come over even though he knows how I feel about his mom. Geez I just want a week where I can do my own thing and not have to deal with people fussing over Aiden and messing his routine up.
I am the verge of tears right now. Sarah has been screaming constantly since 6 last night (about 30 mins after she ate). She fell asleep about 9 but woke up every hour until 6am. Got her back to sleep around 7:30 but she's been crying/screaming since she woke up at 9 (it's 11:30 now). She seems gassy so I've been trying to help her with that. I don't know if it's something I ate or what but this is really awful. :( Where did my happy baby go?!

To make matters worse, my MIL is going to be here in a few hours.
Lindsey, I am really sorry to hear about Sarah. I hope she settles soon.

Brittany, I feel for you. We had Adam's auntie and grandma want to come over again. I don't mind them but it irritates me that they want to come. We hardly saw them before, well his grandma occasionally, but auntie probably once or twice a year!! So for her to want to come round..again...annoys me. I have always been very quiet and kept to myself, I enjoy space and being unsociable. I hate that things have changed.

I was/am annoyed with my dad and step mum. For ages my dad has been saying 'I want to buy you something big/substancial for Beau'. I said we didn't need anything in specific as we have everything and don't have the space for things like a cot ect. Anyway, I was told they'd just give me vouchers - fair enough, we could keep them until we move out and spend it towards furniture or whatever. Well, SM came round the other day with a gift. It was a thing you stick in the bath tub and its supposed to hold baby so you can wash them properly without having to hold them up (Beau is too small to use it yet though) which cost about 20 pounds. Then handed me a mamas and papas gift card - for 30 quid :huh: ok, I was grateful and didn't think anything of it. Well, the next day I told my mum....then found out he had given my sister 100 pounds FOR GETTING A NEW JOB. Yes we are happy for her but its a small pay rise, nothing too laadidar. So after that I was fuming!!! He makes out he wants to do all this and that for Beau and in the end all she gets is a lousy 50 quid spent on her - his first grandchild!!! and my sister got 100 for getting a promotion at work!!! I was really upset at first, he may as well done nothing for her. Oh and then he was supposed to come round on Sunday (which he NEVER does - its always me going to his house), so thought that was nice...until he cancelled on me about 45 minutes before he was due to arrive because he had an ''upset stomach'', no sorry or anything. :growlmad::growlmad: so I'm not a happy bunny with him at all. I feel like telling them both to do one.

On a plus, I won a childrens dress :happydance: I get to choose which one I want and in what size. I am either going to sell it or give it to Adam's neice for her birthday at the end of the month. I'd be buying her something anyway, just need to find out whether she is a dress wearer, if so, what size she wears.

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