First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Build up to a whole menagerie!

Ahhh I think we are in for some fun tonight. Isabelle usually has a nap before her bedtime routine starts. We like her to be asleep around 7pm and then whenever she wakes up is when we start getting her ready for playtime before bed. Well, it's now 8pm and after half an hour of screaming she has only just dropped off. Simon kept saying"just take her up to her playmat now" (whilst she's in full scream mode...) and doesn't seem to understand that she is overtired so until she naps, bedtime will never work! Men...
I think it would be totally cool to have some ducks. They would be a fun pet for Beau someday. I rescued a baby duck from a storm drain when I was like, 7 and had fun taking care of it until my parents made me release it.

We've had a massive tummy ache going on over here. :( Must've been something I ate because I have one, too, but it's hard to see Sarah in pain. She's tooting up a storm and pooped through her diaper this afternoon so hopefully she feels better now because I can't take the near-constant crying, poor thing.

I've also been trying to put her in the crib for naps but so far it's a no-go. I'm worried I've done a bad thing letting her sleep in her swing so much and on me.

Sarah, I hope Isabelle isn't too difficult tonight! Men just don't get it sometimes. I came home from the store the other night to find Sarah sleeping when she should have been getting her bath/bedtime bottle. I guess Seth doesn't think he can start those things without me. I should've made him stay up with her that night!

I meant to ask you ladies a while ago, but has anyone had any phantom kicks or movements since they gave birth? I don't get them anymore but for a few weeks after birth I seriously felt a baby moving in there. I guess my body missed being pregnant?
Sarah... I have one! I asked Adam to change Beau's pooey nappy last night (he doesn't like it) so moaned a little but got up and changed her in the bedroom. Next minute ''Lauren! Lauren! Quick! Help me!'' So I walk in and she has poo everywhere - including ALL over her hand!! I was like WTF have you done. Beau must have realised something was wrong as she pulled the lip and started crying. So I moved him out the way, told him he was useless and did it myself then bathed her lol. Think he felt bad after though and kept apologising. But what would happen if I wasn't there to take over? Would she have ended up covered in poo???
He did something similar with sleeping the other night when I went out. I was only out for about 2 and a half hours. When I got home at 10 she was asleep in her Moses basket. I asked him why she was in there and he said she got ratty and put her in there (I said earlier - around 6, that if she got ratty because she was tired then put her in there for a nap). Well he fed her about 8:30 and wondered why she was ratty after. I put her to bed after that feed. I know he hasn't been home but I speak to him about it all the time, shows just how little they listen!

I do feel bad after moaning sometimes but when do they realise that they have to stick to their routine?

I feel sorry for Beau at the moment, when she wakes up in the morning she is really blocked and stuffy. It has happened for the last 4 nights, or so. She struggles to drink her milk and doesn't seem to realise that she can breath through her mouth :( it seems to clear within an hour of her being up though. She doesn't have a runny nose or anything, just blocked. I wake up like it sometimes but that comes with an itchy throat and ears (I have allergies). I haven't noticed Beau rubbing her face or anything so I dont she gets the same...

Lindsey, I haven't felt anything yet. It's strange to feel my belly rubble and stuff again. I remember my first night home after having Beau and after struggling to get in to bed, I lay down, touched my belly and burst in to tears. It was a horrible feeling. I still massively miss being pregnant though so I'm glad I don't feel anything as I can imagine it to upset me.
I also massively miss being pregnant :cry: especially on days like today when she won't shut up...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one whose oh doesn't do things to their liking. I'm not sure if its me being unreasonable that he does things differently, and I want them done my way all the time, or if I have a right to get annoyed. But I'm pretty sure it's the first!
Incidentally :dohh: last night ended with me taking her up to her playmat as he suggested, and she played happily for twenty mins with not a shout to be heard :blush: he wins that one. She was up every three hrs last night though, well 9-12, 12.30-3.30 then again at 5 and 6.30. I dunno why she won't sleep well in the early mornings, but I am starting to dread it every day :(

Lauren, maybe stick some saline drops up Beau's nose first thing? They only last a few hours but worked great when Isabelle had a little cold.

Today is not going well at all. firstly I have managed to lose my car keys. Totally lost. I know they must be in the house somewhere as the car is here (unlocked for two days...) but can't find them. Not that ive had much chance to look....So that's not great.
Secondly, is anyone else having a bitch of a time trying to get their demon to sleep during the day? Isabelle is great in the car, or in her pram, or when we are at someone else's house, but at our house she's a terror.
Eg. After an hour nap while we walked the dogs, came home and she woke so I changed her and we chatted, she ate. Then after about 45mins she was starting to get tired so I let her have a quick feed again to settle her and put her down. Took 25mins to get her to sleep (and she would only sleep in her bouncer) then she slept for 20mins before waking, but still exhausted. So for the last half hour I've been trying to get her back to sleep while she screams, absolutely knack erred but fighting it so much. She's now asleep again but I know it will only be for max 30mins. She used to nap no problem at home, for hours. I know her sleep time during the day is getting shorter, but for some reason at home she won't stay asleep at all.
Oh and she's awake. That was 6minutes....
Sarah - I was really nervous about our first attempt DTD. I was literally shaking the entire time we were trying but DH was so sweet that I'm hoping I won't be shaking like I was the next time we try. There is no reason to try any sooner then you're emotionally and physically ready to try. :)

I also feel like I'm under pressure when I'm out with Aiden. I remember going out one evening with him and DH and DH decided to go to a store next to the one I was going in. The entire time I was trying to look at stuff Aiden was screaming his head off in his stroller (he wanted me to walk him around the store rather then just rocking it back and forth like I was doing). I felt like everybody was staring at me. It was such a relief when DH got into the store because he was able to take the stroller and walk Aiden around and he settled right away but I was so flustered that I made us go back home pretty quickly after that.

Lindsey - I hope the mini pill works for you. I'm so used to the Nuvaring where I don't have to remember to take anything that I would probably have an awful time remembering a pill. I'm thinking we'll be using condoms or the pull out method for BC until I can get back on the Nuvaring.
I can't believe you and Seth are managing to DTD 5 days a week! I've gotten it in my head that DH and I are never going to have sex again so I can't even imagine doing it 5 times a week right now.

Glad you had a nice time out with Sarah. Aiden really surprised me when we went out to eat with my family after the funeral Thursday. He just looked around the restaurant rather then crying and fussing like I thought he would.

Lauren - Sorry Adam doesn't stick to the routine you have with Beau. My DH is the same. He had me so irritated this weekend because he kept wanting to talk to Aiden while he's sleeping and he is so loud so he kept waking him up. Then he would scream and I would have to put him back on the boob because he wouldn't settle any other way. It just irritated me how much DH being home ruined my routine with Aiden because DH didn't understand it.

AFM - Had a bit of a rough night with Aiden last night, he was so fussy for several hours before bed and instead of him going to sleep for the night at 9. I was up with him until about 10:30. Then he makes so much noise while he's sleeping lately that I keep waking up thinking he wants to be fed. I really hope we get back into our normal routine again soon.

My face is also breaking out like crazy right now. I've never had the best skin and all the hormones from pregnancy and now haven't helped anything. I feel so insecure with my appearance that I keep thinking DH is going to want to leave me because he's not going to find me attractive anymore with all the acne, stretch marks, etc. DH keeps telling me there is no reason for me to think that way and the rational part of me knows that but I just can't seem to stop thinking this way. I think it's largely been triggered by the fact that our engaged friends broke up after 4 1/2 years of dating (almost as long as DH and I) and the guy is now dating someone else a week after the breakup. I'm just all over the place emotionally I guess.

Also think I need to go back to the doctor because I'm still having pain when having a BM. I never had this issue until a few weeks pp but it seems to be getting worse rather then better since I'm now noticing blood. :(
Brittany, sorry to hear about your self esteem at the moment. I feel hugely unattractive sometimes. Especially when I was on my period as I broke out in lots of spots. I get them on my back and shoulders too. When I was pg I didn't get too many there. So having to deal with that again is crappy. But you will have days where you feel good! When we feel crappy, that's ALL we think about. Try and do something for yourself in the evening, have a soak in the bath, paint your nails and blow dry your hair - sounds daft lol, but I normally leave mine to dry but when I blow dry it I feel loads better (appearance wise).

How was the funeral?

Sarah, sorry to hear about your rubbish day :hugs:

I used to put Beau down to sleep straight after a feed but now I only put her down when she is awake. Especially during the day. I found before, she'd start drifting off with the bottle then as soon as we'd go to put her to bed she would wake. Then wouldn't settle. But putting her for a nap half an hour to an hour after a feed works much better. Then I feed her when she wakes up. Night time is a little different, we only wait 10 minutes or so before putting her to bed.

Strange how we miss being pregnant. I get really upset over it sometimes and majorly jealous of other pregnant women. I don't have any desire to be pregnant or want another baby but I miss Beau being inside me.

So I have complained to our management company today about the idiots upstairs. They wouldn't give me the landlord's details due to data protection so I've had to go through them instead. If they don't deal with it the way I want them to then ill be pestering them everyday until they do decide to sort it!
Hiya Girls!

I've tried to post in here a few times over the last few days and every time something has gone wrong and I've lost my massive post - so fingers crossed for this time!

Brittany - I hope the funeral went as well as it could do and that your cousin is doing ok.
I'm sorry about how you're feeling appearance wise - I feel that way too sometimes, my stretchmarks are nothing short of horrific and I feel like my skin looks awful lately - I agree with Lauren though, it takes a LOT of effort for me to do something to make myself feel better but once I do it REALLY helps.
Just something small and stupid like painting my nails or straightening my hair makes me feel heaps better.

Lindsey - your mother/daughter date sounded lovely! I'd love to do something like that but for some reason I get really self conscious about being alone anywhere. I'd never be able to eat dinner in a restaurant just me & the baby - I don't know why, I'd just feel so on edge!
How is Sarah's tummy now? Hope she's ok!

Sarah - I'm sorry to hear about Isabelle's night and messed up daytime sleeping. Tyne went through that fighting sleep phase a week or two ago - he still does it sometimes but nowhere near as much, so hopefully Izzy will outgrow it soon too!
Hope you find your car keys!! They're bound to be someplace ridiculous - I lost the bath thermometer the other day, searched the entire house for it for 2 days - eventually found it wrapped up in a towel in the laundry basket, where else?!!!

Lauren - Aww sorry to hear that Beau has been snuffly. Tyne is ALWAYS snuffly in the mornings. I'm embarrassed to say I STILL haven't tried the saline drops as Sarah suggested - I really should coz he's been snuffly like that every day since birth!
I hope you get somewhere with the management company!

DTD - haven't even attempted it yet! I seem to be endlessly bleeding so I doubt its going to be happening any time soon!

Sleeping - Tyne seems to be the only baby who literally sleeps all day long!!! He has an hour or so awake in the mornings, and a couple of awake hours in the evening but he literally sleeps all the rest of the day! I wonder if I should be worried about that?!

His sleeping at night time is improving slightly but he certainly doesn't go for big long stretches like your babies all do!
He sleeps from around 9pm until around midnight, feeds and then sleeps usually until around 4 am. Feeds and then sleeps until around 7.30 am.
Last night he missed his 4 am feed though and slept through until 7 we'll see what happens tonight!

"6 week" check - Has everybody had their 6 week post partum checks yet? I had mine today (9 weeks p/p!) - it was pretty useless. She didnt even check my scar or feel my tummy or anything. Crap.
I started yet another period again today - about 2 weeks after my last epic one. She blamed the Cerazette pill for it. I dont know wether to bare with it or just stop it altogether.

Missing being pregnant - OMG I am completely the opposite!!! For some reason today everything reminded me of being pregnant - I was feeling really queasy and faint and the smell of Jon's vanilla e-cigarettes was getting to all just REALLY reminded me of pregnancy and how ill I constantly felt, and how every smell made me feel nauseous - I actually got a bit upset about it coz I remembered how much I hated it and started worrying that I won't be able to handle it again!!!
I loved the being in hospital part after the birth, and the last few weeks of having this tiny little baby so I know I want to have another - but I just dread the thought of being pregnant again :wacko:

AFM - basically, still ill. Got my Drs appointment tomorrow to discuss blood test results so we'll see what they say.
But somebody needs to do something to help me coz I really can't cope anymore. Jon has had to take time off work this week to help me as I've been too ill to get out of bed some days. Its horrific. And starting to bleed again is definitely not going to be helping my iron levels :wacko:

Immunisations - Tyne missed his imms last week as he was really under the weather that day, so we've rescheduled them for this Thursday. Eeek! When does everybody elses babies have theirs?
Hayley, I THINK Beau has hers today. I'm not 100%. I was told by my HV that she'd have them after we see the doctor but nothing was confirmed and I never got given a time for the nurse when the doctors rang to make my doc appointment... :shrug: I'm really not looking forward to her injections though :( I hate the thought of anyone hurting my baby. They should put numbing cream on!!

I didn't think I'd miss pregnancy, especially with how bad the first couple of months were. The rest of my pregnancy was good though and I felt much happier in myself ect. I definitely don't want to go through it again any time soon.

Beau struggled to sleep last night so didn't drop off until 10 (think it was because she didn't have a proper late afternoon nap) then woke at 5:30. I decided to stay up as our appointment is 9:40, if I went back to bed I'd only get an hour and Beau wouldn't settle straight away... So just stayed up, even though I am tired!
So yes Beau did have her injections today and I embarrassingly cried more than she did!! It was horrible. When the first one went in she didn't cry straight away, I thought 'phew' it isn't that bad. Then she really started crying. Then had to have another in her other leg :'( I told Adam that he is taking her for her next ones in 4 weeks time, I can't go through that again!! Lol. I felt more worried about going for them than I did going for my section. I'm glad she isn't fully aware of what happened.

Oh and to make the whole situation worse, the nurse kept referring to her as a he. Even though her carseat is purple, she has a pink thing wrapped about the handle and she is wearing pink!! I had to say 'she' .... That's reassuring - not.
The funeral went okay. About as good as any funeral can be I suppose. It was very hard seeing my cousin though. We did go out to eat afterwards and she held Aiden then which she said made her really happy. I was so glad that Aiden was able to put a smile on her face for a little bit given the situation.

I'm still feeling really down about myself right now. I guess I just want something to feel like it's still like it was before pregnancy. It seems like everything is different and I guess all the change is what I'm having a hard time adjusting too. DH and I have to go to the courthouse tonight though to get a copy of Aiden's birth certificate for insurance stuff so I'm hoping getting out of the house for a little bit will help with my mood.

We attempted to DTD again last night. DH wasn't even able to get all the way in before I had him stop because it was starting to hurt too much. Maybe our third attempt will actually work. I don't know, I'm feeling kind of down about sex right now too.

Hayley I had my 6 week check on the 21st. Basically she just checked to see that the tear and everything had healed up fine (one area wasn't healed right so she put medicine on that to help), she felt my stomach, I think she also checked my cervix and had me do a couple kegal exercises while she had her fingers in there. The cervix check or whatever it was she was doing was so painful thanks to the vaginal dryness due to breastfeeding that I couldn't really pay attention to what she was saying during that. We also talked about BC and then a few other things I had questions about.

Here they do 4 week checks for ladies that have c-sections rather then a 6 week check. Did you have a checkup at 4 weeks? Maybe that's why she didn't check your scar or feel your stomach.

I miss having a bump from time to time and feeling Aiden move inside me, getting to hear his heartbeat, etc. I look forward to being pregnant again for that stuff but I'm definitely in no hurry to start TTC. I'm definitely not over the horrible Ms, heartburn, etc. yet.

Aiden gets his 2 month vaccines on June 11th.
Brittany sorry to hear you are feeling down :hugs: I have days where I feel really down too, sometimes for no real reason, once I feel rubbish I think of all sorts if things which make me feel worse. Last week wasn't a good week, this one is better. You will soon feel better and yes, try and get yourself out as much as you can.

I had my stomach checked a couple of times by the midwife before being discharged by her. Then I had my stomach checked and scar looked at by my doctor today.

Since getting home after the injections, Beau has slept loads. She'd wake for a feed then fall asleep straight after. Now though, she won't settle. She will fall asleep then wakes up half an hour later. I can see us having a difficult night :(
Brittany sorry to hear you aren't feeling great about how you look. I too don't feel so great at the minute. My skin is surprisingly ok - considering I'm usually like a teenager on that front - but I feel so chunky. My clothes all fit but I have 1.5stone (21lbs) to lose to get back to my pre preg weight, and I feel like even though the clothes fit, they make me look so chunky. I am definitely no longer loving my big boobs, as they mean everything seems to fit badly :(
I'm sorry dtd didn't go so well either. Was dh as great about it all as he was previously? Try not to worry too much about it as that will most likely only make you more nervous and make it more difficult to enjoy when you next try.
Have you been out and about much? Are there any baby groups you go to? I definitely think getting out everyday helps keep me sane. If I was in all day, I would go bananas (more on that further down...)

Hayley I had my 6 week check and it was basically "have you got pp depression?" "Are you getting out?" "Are you sore down there?" And off I went. Nothing major at all, but she did fee my tummy.
I'm so sorry that you are still feeling so crappy. It's great that Jon can take time off to help, but I'm sure you couldn't enjoy having him at home when you feel so exhausted and run down. How did your drs appointment go?

Lauren I am definitely going to be the same about Isabelle's immunisations!!! How is Beau getting on now? I'm worried about how she will feel and behave afterwards.

Afm: well I found my car keys! Actually Simon did - at my parents house. So my car was at my house and my keys were 5 miles away! :huh: dunno what happened there!

Yesterday was HIDEOUS. Just awful. My last post was her not going to sleep...well she fought sleep all day, and spent most of it screaming at the top of her lungs. Because I didn't have my car keys I was stuck in all day (was also waiting for the HV who never came!) and I both yelled at her and cried :( it was just awful, her screams were unbelievably loud, and she was screaming until she tailed off because she ran out of breath, then choking herself.
She was so exhausted she slept 9-3 and then til 6.30 so some respite there.
She didnt cry all day straight, she would go for 10/15mins, then sleep for 15, wake and be pleasant, the scream again.

But this morning she screamed for 45mins straight and it was so high pitched and awful. And I am so ashamed of how I acted. I tried everything I could to comfort her and nothing worked, and I ended up screaming in her face. More than once. Which just made me feel even worse, and made her cry even louder if possible. So eventually I had to just leave her for a few minutes because I got so worked up. When I went back tears were pouring down her face. I also told her (and this is truly horrific) I wished I never had a baby. It was all so awful and I feel so so guilty and ashamed of how I acted and the things I said to her. What sort of mother screams at her baby when they clearly need comforted? And I was so rough with her when I pulled her from her bouncer as well. :cry: if I had been stuck in the house today I dread to think how I would have acted later on in the day. Luckily my SIL and I had plans so I went out at 10.30 and she slept most of the day.

I think she has a sore stomach as she had been exploding 3-4 times a day, and is so squirmy and unsettled and seems so uncomfortable. I'm cutting fizzy drinks out as apparently they aren't old when bf :shrug:

But yeah. A shit day yesterday and an awful morning in which I acted appallingly. Sometimes I do not deserve to have such a wonderful baby :nope: I hate myself for what I did and said this morning.
Oh Sarah!! Don't feel bad about how you acted, it is hard not to get over stressed about something, especially when you are looking after her by yourself. I can't believe your HV didn't turn up either!!
If you go through that again and it's becomming stressful for you, leave Isabelle by herself for 5 minutes while you have a breather to calm down. I know it's hard to leave them but you need to calm down before being able to comfort her.

Have you tried gripe water before? Or infacol? They really help with belly ache (if that's what she had). X
Lauren - I've heard a lot of ladies mention their babies sleeping a lot after they get vaccines. Hopefully all the extra sleep won't result in a rough night for you and Beau.

Sarah - I'm right there with you on not liking the big boobs anymore. I've been having to go and buy size medium tops and dresses because my size small clothes fit so poorly. I guess we can use are new bodies as an excuse to go shopping. :)

DH was great regarding DTD just like the first time. He's honestly been great at dealing with all my crazy mood swings this week and has been very understanding. I think I'm just being too hard on myself about everything.

I have been going out quite a bit I think since getting home from the hospital. Now that I've gotten the ok to exercise DH and I are planning to take daily walks in the evening with Aiden and our dog so I think having that family time will be nice.

Not sure about any baby groups out here. I thought about going to the breastfeeding class at the hospital so I could meet other moms but I did not like the LC that is in charge of that when I met her in the hospital.

Try not to be too hard on yourself about how you were with Isabelle. We've all had rough days with our LO's. There have been a few times where I've had to leave Aiden crying alone because I was getting way to overwhelmed. I feel awful about it but I tell myself there is no way I can comfort him if I'm feeling overwhelmed especially since I think Aiden can sense that so then I don't think he finds me very comforting anyways. Like Lauren said you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of Izzy. :hugs:
Lauren - Aww I'm sorry you found Beau's injections so hard. I hope your night wasn't too bad.
Its horrible to think of them being hurt with the injections but my plan for tomorrow is to tell myself how much more horrible it'd be to see them have one of the awful things the vaccines protect them against and get myself through it that way!! *fingers crossed!*

Brittany - Thats so nice that Aiden made your cousin feel a little better for a while. Its lovely how babies can do that.
I always remember when my cousin committed suicide and we went to visit his Mother with my baby niece who was 4 months old at the time - she usually always cried around strangers but that day it was like she KNEW they were hurting, and she was so lovely around them - smiling at his Mother and holding her arms out for cuddles. She really cheered them up for a while and it was so nice.

I hope your cousin is doing ok.

I'm sorry your second attempt at DTD didnt work. fingers crossed for third time lucky!

We havent even been able to attempt it yet! We had high hopes for this week while we have the house to ourselves but nope, my period is back unexpectedly so no sex for us!

No I haven't had any check ups with the Dr since having the baby. I had the midwife check my scar when I was about 5 days p/p but thats all!

Sarah - Thanks :hugs: Its annoying not being able to enjoy being home.

I'm sorry you had such a bad day. Please don't beat yourself up too much over it - these things are going to happen to all of us every now and then. NOBODY can stop it but the only thing you can do is have the presence of mind to remove yourself from the situation for a few minutes to calm down - and thats exactly what you did! So that shows that you are a good mum and even in a stressful situation you're still thinking of what to do for the best for Izzy. :hugs:

I hope things have been easier for you since! Like Lauren said, if Izzy has a poorly tummy then Infacol could be good? I tried gripe water and didnt personally find it too helpful but Infacol seems to help Tyne's tummy.

AFM - My drs appointment was a big fat waste of time.
I sat there while she read out my blood results and told me I have a very low blood count - then she said "So we'd better put you on some iron tablets"....

I replied "Erm...I'm already on them, have been since I had the baby" thinking SURELY thats on my notes you daft cow?!!!

Then she said "Oh ok, well carry on with them" I pressed it further and told her how awful I've been feeling...she listened to my symptoms and said "I wonder if we should maybe check that you haven't got a thyroid problem?"

ERM?!??!?!?! :growlmad: Again - I informed that yes, I have had a thyroid condition since I was 18 - AGAIN is that not on my notes?!!!

So then she said "Oh. Well you have had major surgery, it was only 9 weeks ago, you're bound to feel quite rubbish and you have a newborn. Come back and see me in twelve weeks if you dont feel any better".

TWELVE F****G WEEKS of feeling like I literally can't get out of bed without fainting or being in agony?!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!

I swear to God some of the Drs in this country get paid for literally NOTHING!

Anyway - Tyne has his injections and his check tomorrow. Not looking forward to it!!!!
Hayley, go back!!! What an arse hole doctor. You clearly need something doing, you can't live happily how you have been. Go and see a different doctor. Annoying I know, I think I went through nearly every doctor in the surgery once to get answers for my headaches!

I wish I could say the injections aren't bad... Because I'd be lying. But as I said before, it's me that got overly worked up about it all. She was oblivious.

Brittany, glad you've been able to get out the house. You will feel better soon, try and concentrate on the things that make you happy :) and as you said new boobs = new clothes! Go and get shopping :D

Well my prediction came right. She has a terrible night. She was so unsettled and kept waking up. Sometimes she would still be half asleep and moaning, but at 2 she woke crying so I fed her... Then stayed awake over an hour, I had to keep getting up to give her a dummy as she kept crying, then woke at 4 but fell back to sleep. Then woke at 5 for another feed, didn't drink much then though. Went back to bed but woke at 7 for a feed. I was like a walking zombie so put her to bed with me but stayed awake for 2 hours - moaning - until 9 when she wanted feeding again. The injections must have something to do with that or the sleeping in the day... But that was the worst night she has had in a while.
Thanks ladies :hugs: I knew before Izzy arrived that I would have spats when I got way too worked up to be any use to her, and that I would have to take myself away for a few minutes, so I try to remember that when she is so worked up that I am getting worked up. I also vowed that when I got into a situation like Tuesday I would phone a family member for help, but they were all at work on Tuesday as I sat riffling through their names thinking who to phone! Actually, I found out yesterday my mum wasnt at work, and if I had known she would have been here in a flash. I told her I need to know her schedule all the time now!!

Brittany we often do an evening dog walk as well. It has a triple purpose: exercise for the dogs, puts Isabelle to sleep for her pre bedtime nap, and lets us all spend some relaxing time together. I would definitely recommend it. Plus since I also walk them in the morning it is great to help me stay in shape!
I need to start buying tops in a bigger size I think. I am still trying to get away with my previous size, but I just don't feel comfortable in them so I need to accept that, for now, I need bigger sizes!

Hayley sounds like your doctor really had all the answers :growlmad: that is absolutely shocking!! You definitely need to get back to them before twelve weeks! That's insanity! Good luck with Tyne's injections.

Lauren sorry to hear Beau had such a bad night. Do you think it was due to her injections? Relax with her today and enjoy the nice weather.

afm we do have infacol, I need to start using it more regularly :thumbup: I am awful at forgetting to give it to her, so will strap it to myself so I remember!

We also had a bad night. Isabelle was up at 12, 1, 3, 4 and 5.30! Then up for good at 6.30 when Simon took her downstairs and she screamed blue murder for him. She hasn't been too awful this morning though. So we'll see how we get on...
Sarah, I hope you have a better day today. And yes, defo get a schedule from your mum :)

Sorry you had a bad night also. I definately blame the injections for our bad night....unless it contines!! But she hasn't been that unsettled at night for a good 3/4 weeks.
Hayley - That appointment sounds awful. I wouldn't wait 12 weeks if I were you. Can you see a different doctor? I really don't think there is any reason you should feel as bad as you are. :hugs:

Lauren - So sorry Beau had such an awful night. Hopefully she does better today.

Sarah - Sorry you had a bad night with Isabelle. I'm hoping she'll continue to behave for you this morning.

AFM - Feeling much better today. I think getting out yesterday and Aiden behaving so well even though he was wide awake the entire time really did some good for me.
So glad your day was better Brittany, and that you are feeling better too :) those little bits of them doing well definitely make all the difference I think.

Good luck tonight Lauren, I hope last night was a one off. Is Beau ok after her jabs? She hasn't been fussy? (Other than last night!)

Afm: a pretty good day :thumbup: she still doesn't seem 'herself' somehow. I can't put my finger on it, but she just seems a bit 'off' somehow. So I hope she is back to normal soon as I hate thinking she is upset or uncomfortable.
She went straight to sleep tonight, so I don't know if that's a good thing or not for the rest of the night, but she did self soothe which always makes me happy as I have a tendency to let her fall asleep on the boob and then she doesn't have to soothe herself, but I desperately want her to learn. She does it maybe 2/3 nights a week, so at least that's something.

I got sunburnt today...on one arm :dohh: I look ridiculous. Plus it's not even that hot, I'm just stupidly pale!

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