First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Well I still have MS, I have to keep up with the snacking but I can at least keep all the food I eat down (well as long as I eat as soon as I start to feel nauseated instead of waiting) but this is the but stopping the prenatals was the best thing I could have done.

Lindsey, I hope you're feeling better. I can't even imagine how upset I would feel if one of my parents weren't around. :hugs:

Amanda, your family sounds awful! I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. MIL has made it clear she was disappointed that OH and I moved in together before we got married but we were not going to get married when our entire relationship before moving in together was long distance. She seems to have come around now. She knows we're going to get married when it's right for us and she has been thrilled about this pregnancy. I was actually worried she would say something about us not being married first so I was pleasantly surprised. I wish your family would come around. :hugs:

Sarah, I got my flu shot at my last appointment, it didn't hurt too bad but boy did that arm hurt for a couple days afterwards.

Welcome JerseyBean! I've added you to the first post. I thought Sarah would be happy to see another team yellow person here. :)

Sarah, I hope you get the cloth diapers you want. I have picked out all the diapers I want for both a girl and a boy so I'm still waiting to get mine. I also decided not to get preloved ones. Mainly because half my diaper supply is one size diapers and I feel they'll last longer if they're new rather then preloved. Plus, I'd like to be able to save them and use them for the next baby in 2 or 3 years. What style did you decide to go with? Are you making sure you try out a few different brands rather then buying all of the same ones? I think I have 2-5 diapers picked out for 6 different brands since everything I've read said different brands work better for different babies as far as absorbency and fit and stuff go.
Well the batch I bought (yay! i won them! :happydance:) were all tots bots, and there are size 1 and 2 which apparently does btp, but I think once we are out of the size 1 I will move to one size AI2, so I think I'll get a whole batch of those brand new, like you say I want them to last for more babies! It's weird because I would usually be pretty disgusted by anything second hand (total snobbery I know!!!) and surely nappies are the worst thing as someone else has pooped in them?! So I don't know what came over me!! Over excited definitely!!

I am planning On buying a couple more brands as well - probably some little lambs and maybe something else to try them all out, and will prob buy those new too! The ones I am getting for newborn are fitted, and I may invest in some Terry's as well! I feel like there is so much to do!

Glad you mentioned your arm hurting, I couldn't sleep on my right side last night and its still sore today.
JerseyBean, congrats on your BFP!! So happy you're joining us - the more the merrier!

Things are busy around here and it really makes the time fly. I'll be 4 months on Saturday... only 5 to go! Sometimes it seems like forever and then sometimes it doesn't seem like very much time at all. There's so much to do!! :wacko:

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I want to ask her if it's possible to experience fetal movement at 15 weeks because I seriously thought I felt something yesterday in the car. I've had gas bubbles and bloating for a while but this didn't feel like that at all... it was three distinct (but not very strong) nudges in the same spot below and to the left of my belly button. I haven't felt anything since. Most of the things I've read say you start feeling things around 18-20 weeks but I've heard a few people on here say they felt them as early as 13-14, so I don't know! But that would be cool if that's what it was!

I hope everyone's weekend was a good one! :)
Linzylou I was just about to google the exact same thing although i'm a bit behind you.

For the last couple of nights when i've been sat watching telly, my belly does this wierd thing where it sort of bubbles :wacko: It feels like... you know when you have a fizzy drink and it fizzes on your tongue? Sort of like that but in my lower belly :blush:

I've never had it before :shrug: x
I have a few size 1 diapers on my list and then I have a few that are BTP. I think buying size 1 first is probably a better way to go. The size 1 diapers I have usually start out at 6 lbs whereas the BTP ones I have start out at 7-8 lbs. I know OH and I were both small babies so I don't even know if I would be able to use the 7-8 lb diapers right from the start. I like AI2 diapers but I haven't been able to find any online. Whenever I keep doing my searches I keep getting AIO.

I read in my pregnancy book that you can feel movement as early as 15 weeks. But it won't be anything strong, more like flutters or butterflies in the stomach kind of feeling. I'm excited for when we all start feeling proper movement from our babies.
You can def start to feel movement at 15 weeks, thats when my sister started to feel it in both of her pregnancies :)

How exciting!!! :)
Lindsey that must be baby moving!!! How exciting!!! And Laura that definitely sounds like your baby moving too! That's so wonderful!

I'm jealous though...I have a while to go before that - just 13 weeks tomorrow!

Brittany flip (by bum genius) do an AI2, but I agree it is sooo hard to find them. I want btp as well, but like you think that size 1 will be better for a newborn.

Urgh, I am so sore today. It was my hips this morning, now it's my muscles of my low abdomen. Agony. At one point I could hardly stand up!
Got to hear the heartbeat at my appointment today!! Totally wasn't expecting that. Got my flu shot, too, which I also wasn't expecting. :wacko: Oh well, I'd take a flu shot over having blood drawn any day. They scheduled my anatomy/gender scan for October 23rd! Only 22 days until we find out pink or blue!

Just like you guys said, my doctor thought I probably felt the baby move but that I shouldn't expect to feel much for another month and a half. That's such a long time lol. Laura, I think you're only 3 days behind me? Not very far at all! None of you ladies are, actually.

I can't remember who said they bought a swaddle but I broke down and bought a 4-pack of muslin wraps. It was hilarious to watch OH try to swaddle his childhood cabbage patch doll. Not that I'm any better at it!! :haha:

The only thing that ruined this wonderful day was my man's inability to help with certain things. We had such a busy weekend that we kinda let the house go and he agreed to start picking things up if I ran some errands. Well, I spent 3 hours running errands and I grabbed us some dinner...only to find him sitting in the same place as when I left. He basically lined up the dirty dishes by the sink and organized the trash. How thoughtful lol. I guess he did say that he would "start" picking things up but yeah...not what I had in mind lol!! Men!!

I hope you ladies are feeling well and having a great week so far. :)
Got to hear the heartbeat at my appointment today!! Totally wasn't expecting that. Got my flu shot, too, which I also wasn't expecting. :wacko: Oh well, I'd take a flu shot over having blood drawn any day. They scheduled my anatomy/gender scan for October 23rd! Only 22 days until we find out pink or blue!

Oooh my gender scan is the same day! :) How exciting! I can't wait! :happydance:

I'm generally feeling a little more energetic lately, and my MS has gotten much better (though I have still thrown up once yesterday and once today) - my only problem now is that I seem to be CONSTANTLY hungry?!!

I mean, literally - I eat and then within an hour I am STARVING again - full on with actual hunger pains and stomach growls! :wacko:

I can't keep up with it - I don't WANT more food but my body tells me I'm hungry. Its so annoying - is anybody else having this problem?

I do have Graves Disease (A thyroid condition) which I've had for about 12 years, and that can cause an increased metabolism - so I'm wondering if its pregnancy or illness related
Hayley yay for swaddles!! I have two now. :)

We bought a preloved bassinet that rocks. It has a nice wooden frame. So cute! Going to same place tomorrow to shop for more deals! :dance:

Our gender scan is Oct 24th the day after! Looks like that week will be exciting here!

Those pains sound all too familiar. And lower back pain. Ouch. I soak in a warm-hot bath every night.

I switch off between gummy prenatals and pill prenatals because the pills have iron and the gummies don't. The pills with fish oil make me throw up. :-/

My inlaws are in South Africa and we're in the USA so we are very far away. We only see them once a year max. We moved here 1.5 yrs ago and DH is from there. He is so home sick lately. We went to his brother's wedding in August...actually flew the day I got my BFP! We miss his family a lot. Going next year again for youngest brother's wedding. :)
I'm so glad you got to hear the heartbeat Lindsey, do you remember what the BPM was? I got my flu shot at my last appointment and had to have blood drawn for genetic testing. I was basically getting poked with needles all over. :haha:

Exciting news for your gender scan! Oct 23rd will be here soon! Mine isn't scheduled until Nov 13th so I still have awhile to wait.

Hayley, I wish I was wanting to eat as much as you. I'm still suffering from the MS and the all day nausea really makes me not want to eat. Still doing a lot of forcing myself to eat. I can't wait for this MS to go away. I basically told my OH that I never want to be pg again because of how over being sick I am. He just said okay and then proceeded to tell me his pregnancy book told him to just agree to everything I say. :haha:

Only news I really have to share is I finally heard about the genetic screening blood test. Everything came back normal so I'm pretty thrilled about that.
Brittany that's great news about your genetic tests?, and :haha: at your oh! Some of the things they say in men's pregnancy books make me laugh e.g. "This is when she starts to look somewhat like a beached whale. But never, ever think about uttering those words.." In my dh's!! Sorry you are still feeling sick, I guess switching prenatals didn't help so much?

How is everyone's bump coming along? Mine looked HUGE last night, but seems to have settled back down a bit today!!
It's no wonder my OH didn't want me reading his pregnancy book. I'm sure it probably said similar things. :haha:

I don't know what to do about the vitamins anymore. I switched to children's Flintstones vitamins and take one in the morning and one in the afternoon because 2 of those equal one prenatal. I know the day I threw up in the afternoon since switching was my fault for waiting too long to eat. I don't know what caused me to throw up this morning. I've been horribly nauseated most of the day though. I just want to be done with this.

As for bumps, mine is definitely growing. It's getting more and more noticeable through my clothes but at the same time I don't think it's very obvious that I'm pregnant at this point so I kind of just feel like I'm fat. I plan to take another bump picture at 4 months (so in 2 more weeks).
Hayley, I wish I was wanting to eat as much as you. I'm still suffering from the MS and the all day nausea really makes me not want to eat. Still doing a lot of forcing myself to eat. I can't wait for this MS to go away. I basically told my OH that I never want to be pg again because of how over being sick I am. He just said okay and then proceeded to tell me his pregnancy book told him to just agree to everything I say. :haha:

Oh I'm still suffering with the MS too - Its def less than it was but I'm still throwing up once a day at least.
But the hunger is just an added bonus :haha:

It actually seems to have eased a little in the last day -I googled it and apparently it can be that when baby is having a growth spurt, we can be hit with extreme hunger. Apparently it will happen a few times throughout!

LOL - I tell my OH everyday that this is the only baby we're having. I literally can not deal with another 3.5 months of constant throwing up....ever. He just smiles in this "I bet you change your mind" way....yeah right, we'll see about that :D

How is everyone's bump coming along? Mine looked HUGE last night, but seems to have settled back down a bit today!!

Mine hasn't changed much lately, but I def have a pretty noticable one! I'm hoping it doesn't grow too much for another few months! I want to look for a part time job and I don't think my chances are great if I'm really obviously pregnant!
Glad it's not just me with the noticeable bump! I feel like its huge, but when I'm wearing clothes, like you mentioned Brittany, I am at that kind of "is she fat or is she pregnant?" stage!! Choosing my clothes for work carefully at the minute, and wearing a lot of distraction scarves!!
Hope everyone's well (apart from ms :haha:) xx

Here's my stupidly bloated belly at 14w & today's 15w :flow: x

Edit: Sorry I seem to blend into the wall in the 15w one :haha: x
:rofl: My hubby doesn't have a book but think he should get one. He has no CLUE how to deal with me. :haha:

Laura cute 14wk pic! You look like baby is carrying least so far. My bump is dead center and sticks straight out, nothing on the sides. Haven't taken a bump pic since 10 weeks and I was bloated. Belly now looks similar to then except it is definitely more from baby now. :)
That makes sense as to why you're feeling more hungry, Hayley. I've had a few times where I've noticed my stomach would actually growl rather then me just feeling incredibly nauseated but that doesn't seem to happen very frequently.

Also, I think OH's pg book said something about how we will repeatedly say we don't want anymore kids because of how miserable we feel but our OH's shouldn't take us seriously because we're basically crazy right now. :haha:

At least my OH keeps telling me that he appreciates everything I'm going through so we can have a baby. That makes it a little better.

Jenny, my OH reads my pg books too. I just sit them in the bathroom and he browses through them while he's in there. :haha:

This is my bump today at 14+1. It's exciting to see us all getting bigger.


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Brittany your bump is so petite!! Laura yours looks roughly the same size as mine, and Jenny I am all out front, poking out insanely!

My parents were admiring my bump today - my mum actually kissed it, and my dad said "well done!" :haha: but I feel like a heifer! And since I still haven't told anyone apart from immediate family I am running out of things to wear!
That's a good idea to put the pregnancy books in the bathroom. I think that's the only time my OH really ever reads anymore! :lol:

I think my growth spurt is over for now. For like, a week I was insanely hungry but now I'm just "eh" about food. I didn't even finish my Frosted Flakes this morning! As of yesterday, my stomach feels more... cramped? Not bloated, but someone's definitely taking up more space in there! I still don't look obviously prego, just kinda round.

Love your bump, Laura, and happy 15 weeks! :happydance:

Brittany, your bump is cute and petite but I bet you'll pop soon! I'm only 5 ft tall and have a shorter torso (well, short everything :lol:) so I sometimes feel like there is no where for baby to go except out.

I was gonna wait until Saturday (16 weeks) to take a new picture but I'll be out of town so here it is at 15+5:


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