First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I ended up ordering my coat from my mum's Grattan catalogue because I couldn't find one I liked anywhere else. Last year, there were tonnes of cape-coats in the shops; this year? None. :huh:

I can't believe you managed to not find out the gender - part of me wishes we had, but then I look at some of the things we've bought and I change my mind again :haha:! x
Sarah, I'm planning to register at Babies R Us and Walmart for my baby shower. So maybe getting the registry stuff done will be our plan for next weekend. It seems like I have so much stuff to do before Christmas and not nearly enough time to do it all. As for the crafts, I finished the bibs. I thought I posted a picture but I guess I didn't. I'm now working on my quilt for Aiden. I'm so excited to see it when it's done. Anyways, I'm glad the vomitting bug has left you. I'm also sorry about the sciatica. I don't know anything about that but hopefully your midwife will be able to suggest something so you can have some relief since it doesn't sound fun.

Hayley, I'm not sure if someone mentioned the name Lynn Marie but Lynn is my sisters middle name, and Marie is my middle name so I think that's a cool name combination for that reason. I hope the doctors listen to your concerns and you get everything sorted. I would be so stressed if I didn't know anything for my birth plan.

Bstar, congratulations on deciding on names. I was so relieved when DH and I finally decided on a name for our boy. As for the scan, I was able to get a cd at my 20 week appointment but it didn't have the heartbeat on there. Just the pictures she took. I've been debating on going and having a 3d/4d ultrasound done elsewhere when I'm 30 weeks or so. I think it would be nice to get to see our little guy when he's almost ready to arrive, not to mention, I think there are other places that do a lot more then what they did during my gender scan which was rather brief given the time constraints. Also, you just made my craving for mac and cheese return. So glad DH suddenly got a craving for mac and cheese when I mentioned it so I actually have some in the house. :)

AFM, DH might actually get out of work somewhat early today so I think we're going to go and get my license all updated with my new last name and change the address on there so by January I should have everything changed to DH's last name and then I can actually start using it/signing it. Then I'm hoping we can go and pick up some paint swatches so we can get an idea of what color we want to paint the nursery. DH has been sick this week though so I really hope that he doesn't feel too lousy when he gets home because I really want to get this done. This weekend we're going to see BIL/SIL and meet our nephew for the first time. Next weekend I'm hoping we can pick up paint and get started on that so I can start getting nursery furniture set up (my glider arrived today). Then the weekend after that I'd like to get the registry stuff done. It's really starting to feel like I have a billion things to do and so little time to do it with DH only having one day off work lately. Not to mention, Christmas is just hectic in general.


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Bstar Thanks hun :) I hope somebody listens to me soon too!

I'm sorry to hear about the low lying placenta problem :/
But yay for getting another scan!! Here we can only get DVDs if we go private for 4D ultrasounds. It sounds cool to have though, and would be nice to show baby when he/she is older!

I am also most comfortable sleeping on my back right now...I'm trying not to but sometimes I wake up and find myself in that position :/

I also find myself out of puff a lot lately, but I read on The Bump that its a pretty common symptom for around at least we know its normal! Embarrasing though!

Laura - Yeah I don't understand why they can't just sent the paperwork through. I think they WILL do that but they still want me to re-book in as new. Doesnt make sense to me since I'll just be re-filling out all the green maternity notes that we all have to carry with us anyway, so I have them all here with me?! I don't know...I'll just be glad when its all done!

Brittany - I SWEAR I saw somebody on here had decorated their nursery and put up the name "Lynn Marie" on the wall...maybe it was JennynBump?

The bibs are so cute! Little owls, aww!

Hope you have a fun weekend! How old is your nephew?

AFM...I'm planning on having some fun this week! My parents are away all week so OH and me have the place to ourselves....alone time at last!! :)
I plan on going to the Christmas market and the Ice festival, and trying to get into the festive spirit! :) I can't BELIEVE its 1st December tomorrow!!!!!!!
Feels like five minutes ago it was June and I had my BFP!!! Whatever happened to the summer?!

oooh also I got an AMAZING baby bargain this week! I was browsing the Bounty Offers website, and I spotted a lovely Graco Logico car seat - exactly what I wanted, something that doesn't have to be used with a base but can be if I want it to be, unisex colours, comfy looking - It should have cost £140, and I got it for £40 with free next day delivery!!!!

It arrived today and its perfect! I'm so thrilled! :) I'll post a pic up soon.

I also bought a really cute little baby record book from Mamas & Papas - I LOVE those things, I can't WAIT to start writing in it! :)
My nephew is almost 2 weeks old. I always wait until people are out of the hospital and back home and ready for visitors since I'm so anti having people at the hospital/my house bugging me right after I have the baby.

You got an awesome deal on the car seat! I love when I find deals like that. I got my glider for my nursery yesterday but I'm waiting to set it up until after we get the room painted.

Speaking of the room, DH and I went to look at paint swatches yesterday and failed to find one that matched the colors in the bedding. I kept telling DH we needed a more blue, green color but DH was insistent that we needed more of a regular blue color. He was wrong, of course, but now this means we have to go again to look for paint swatches.
I'll defo be looking at those bounty offers!! That was a great deal you got there.

I have been having problems with sleeping... A lot of you have mentioned sleeping on your left. I HATE sleeping on my left, I will eventually fall asleep but I always wake up on my right. Lying on my back is more comfortable too. Does anyone know at what stage it can cause problems? I will be asking my mw when I see her but that's not until the 17th.

Also, at what stage do we 'monitor' our baby's movement? Mine has been pretty quiet today and it has worried my slightly. I don't know whether it's just because ive been out and about and not really thought about it... Since sitting down and typing this I have felt her a couple of times. But it's still not much.

Oh and I love the little owl bibs :) I've been searching everywhere for some girly owl baby grows and stuff but can't find any nice ones...
Lauren, I think we start the kick counts around 28 weeks. Basically as soon as you get into 3rd trimester. I remember looking at this on my appointment chart.

AFM, I had my hand on my belly and I thought for sure I was feeling him kicking on the outside so I lifted up my shirt and sure enough, I could see him move my belly when he kicked. I'm not sure why DH hasn't been able to feel him unless Aiden is just not kicking as hard when DH is trying to feel.
Brittany maybe aiden is just being shy when daddy is around! My baby was doing that until it got to the point where I made Simon just sit with his hand on me for ages, and eventually got to feel it. Maybe you did post those photos before, I probably missed them :dohh: I love those bibs, they a so cute! And well done- if I had tried that it would have been an almighty disaster with much sweating involved! :rofl: at "he was wrong, of course" in relation to dh and the paint!! It's definitely tough finding that perfect shade. I know exactly what I want but I have been looking online at the paint samples and don't see any which match. Some stores here will mix you a colour, maybe you guys need to do that? And it'll be so lovely to see your new nephew! And great that he will be all grown out of his tiny baby gear before Aiden arrives so you can use it all :haha:

Lauren I believe Brittany is right about starting to monitor at 28 weeks. Plus I have read a lot of people on here say their baby 'goes quiet' around 23/24 weeks, and apparently it relates to a growth spurt they have, so less energy to wiggle about.

Hayley that deal on your car seat is amazing!!!! I'm so jealous! I will definitely have to give the bounty site a wee look, I haven't even heard about it (I obviously didn't read my bounty pack info too well!) we did Christmas market last week and it was sooo nice to be all festive and winters!

Afm, not much new. Got our advent calendars (all three of them...for two of us. And we are adults :haha:) on the go today, and dug out some old jumpers of my brothers which are nice and snuggly now none of my hoodies fit. We are planning on doing out first big baby shop next weekend - getting our swinging crib, playmat and lots of clothes, Muslins etc :mrgreen: I can't wait!
Hayley, that's awesome about the car seat! I love a good deal. And I think you're right about Jenny naming her baby Lynn Marie. Hope you're having a fun weekend!

Lauren, I've read on here that you'll feel uncomfortable lying on your back (light-headed, short of breath, etc.) long before something happens but I'm not 100% on that. I wake up on my back 2-3 times a night now even though I start off on my side. I've always been a tummy sleeper so it's killing me that I can't lay like that anymore... well, I can, but the baby kicks the crap out of me if I try.

Also, I have days where she's super active all day and then a day or two where she barely moves. I think it's still normal at this stage but it doesn't make me worry any less. Lol, sometimes I feel lonely when she doesn't kick for a while.

AFM, today is V-Day! Only 16-ish more weeks to go! DH is gone hunting until tomorrow night so I'll be spending the weekend alone. Perfect chance to find him a Christmas present and hide it before he gets home. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!
Lindsey :happydance: congratulations in reaching v-day!!!! Next stop, third trimester, stop after!!!
I brought my calendars today, I actually thought about buying three haha but managed to resist :p I have also done some Xmas shopping, I left work early yesterday and went in to town as didn't fancy it today as its just too stressful. Went to some local shops this morning and that was bad enough. I have also booked Monday off work, me and my sister are going to Birmingham for the day to try and get all our shopping done. Excited about that :) I am planning on buying my tree next weekend too... I love Christmas, so exciting :xmas2: although I recently discovered I won't be spending the day with Adam :( he has invited his mum round, it's her first Xmas off work in years so I can understand why he wants to spend it with her but I don't want to spend my Christmas in our tiny apartment eating Christmas dinner off our laps and there just being three of us... OMG it would be awful. As I said last time we discussed Xmas, mine is all about family - and lots of them! With the kids, my mum, brother and sisters ect. Its the only time of year I enjoy being around them all at once haha. I feel really bad that I'll be leaving them both here by themselves but Adam knows how I feel about Christmas, I'd only be miserable here :'( to try and spend time with everyone I've asked Adam's mum to come round early so I can be there for a couple of hours, then I'll be going to my mums ... Then my dads at some point. It's going to be a busy day!!

I can't believe I'm 22 weeks tomorrow, doesn't time fly!!
Brittany - aww cute! Whats your nephews name? How cute that the little cousins will be so close in age! :)

What is a glider? Good luck with finding the right paint colour!

Lauren - Yeah the bounty offers site is def worth a look, it seems that they have different on there each day.

I think Brittany and Sarah are right - I think its 28 weeks that we're meant to monitor the movements. I know its scary, but I do think its normal at this stage for baby to have quiet times. I read somewhere that they are sleeping around 14 hours of the day, and if they are having a growth spurt they don't move as much.

if you're very worried though, get yourself to the hospital to get checked. My hospital always says never to worry about going in with any concerns. They will just check the heartbeat for you, its so quick but so reassuring.

Sarah - Yep def check it out! Its well worth a look! :)

Hope you have fun with your baby shop! :)

Lindsey - Happy V day! Oooh how exciting!!!!! :)
I just read this and it made me smile so I thought I'd share it with you :)
Lindsey, happy V-Day!!

Lauren, what about inviting Adam's mom to your family's for Christmas? That way they're not left alone to have Christmas by themselves and you still get to spendtime with your family.

Hayley, my nephews name is Damian. My SIL and I are so excited to have playdates and stuff since the boys will be close in age and I'm sure they'll get along great. A glider is basically just a rocking chair. That was my baby shower gift from my mom and dad. I had major pregnancy brain though when my dad was asking me about it because instead of saying "yes, that's what I want" I said "what's a glider". :haha:

AFM, I've been keeping a pregnancy journal where I write every couple or weeks or so to Aiden about my thoughts and feelings about things, doctors appointments, etc. Well last night I was writing in it about getting to see him kick and how hopefully this means DH will get to feel him kick soon. Well Aiden must have gotten the message because about an hour later he started a kicking up a storm so I had DH put his hand on my belly and DH was actually able to feel it. He described it as feeling like water moving in a water balloon. We're both really excited and happy that Aiden finally let DH feel him. :happydance:

As for the paint, I'm looking for a lighter shade of one of the colors in the bedding. This time I'm just going to take some of the bedding to the store with me so I can match up paint there. If we can't find anything then we'll just have them match the color in the store but I figure we have a better chance of finding the right color if we actually have something to go with rather then trying to go off what we remember the color being in our heads.
Thats great that your OH got to feel him :) Adam is still waiting to feel something proper!!

As for the Christmas thing, Adam's mum and my family have never met and I don't think either my mum or his will feel comfortable... So I've not brought it up. If they had met and got along then I would have definitely suggested it. Never mind.

I can't wait until I can start choosing colours for the nursery!! I really really hope we are moved in to our new home by summer so I can get started!! I'd love to put one of those stencils on the wall - a nursery rhyme or something. I think they are really sweet. We took a trip out Friday evening and were looking at cot beds... Adam got bored after a while though! Tut. Typical. Guess when the time comes to actually buying stuff he will take more of an interest. He picks up clothes and stuff, oh and he brought a personalised dressing gown for her - I found that sweet :)
Thanks ladies. Dont feel like im on here as much just now but ill try my best to keep up with you all. My mind is easily side tracked lol. Hope your all keeping well to :) xxxx
Lauren those reasons to be lad you're pregnant are great! Some are very funny! But scary thinking about how few lie ins we have left :haha:

Brittany that's great news abut dh finally feeling Aiden!! And a great description of what it feels like. My dh described it as putting your hand on your cheek and poking inside your cheek with your tongue.....yours is definitely better!!

Afm, after mentioning to you ladies about us liking the name Max but thinking it was too short, and you saying it wasn't, we have been thinking about it more. I mentioned to my family and they also thought it wouldn't be too short so today we decided that if we end up with a boy we are going with Max :) we did struggle with whether to give a longer name that Max is the nickname for. Neither of us are that fond of Maximilian, so we have settled on Maxwell Wlliam Martin :) Max for short obviously! So as long as we don't change our mind again (and I don't think we will as Max feels the most right of any boys name we wdiscussed) we are all set name wise!
Aww I'm so happy you decided to go with Max :) my friends little boy is called that and I think it's sweet. I also agree with the other girls about it sounding fine!!

Yes I agree with the very little time we have left for lie ins but I just can't bring myself to stay in bed because I feel as though I'm wasting my days... That is a totally different story though when I am either woken up or made to get up!! Haha
Brittany Aww thats so cute that Damian and Aiden will have playdates etc! :)
And a rocking chair sounds like a great addition to the nursery! :) What a lovely idea!

I'm SO glad your husband got to feel Aiden kicking after all his waiting! :)

Also the pregnancy journal sounds lovely; I want one too but I think my mum may be buying one for me as a Christmas gift!

Lauren - Aww that is cute that Adam bought a personalised dressing gown for the baby! :) Have you announced the name on here yet?
I'm starting to get confused with all of our babies names so forgive me if you have and I've forgotten it.
Brittany maybe we could add the babies names to the first post?

Cherry - I just noticed you have babies name on your signature, I love the name Paige its so cute! :)

Sarah - Maxwell Jay sounds like a great name to me! :) And William Martin are great middles! Are they in honour of people or just names you like? Max is very cute :) So its a Max or an Isabelle for you, right?

AFM I'm having another off day today - feeling under the weather. But OH has been very good with looking after me/cooking for me/massaging me bless him, so I'm hoping to be feeling better tomorrow!

Tonight I opened up an email account for the baby so that Jon & I can send him e-mails throughout the pregnancy and through his child. I got the idea from someone on the forums and thought it was cute, and it'll be nice for him to look back on the emails in years to come :)

We've been doing more looking into the name situation - we have gone through SO many boys names in the past few weeks! - we let Noah go because of popularity, and since then we've been through Logan (also too popular), Jonah (Love it but worried it will be shortened to Joe), Lorne (Love it, but worried people will think its Lawn as in grass!), Lachlan (Just didn't feel right in the end...), Hayden (Too close to my own name), Braden (Worried it doesn't go with the surname) the end we have our final two narrowed down, which we're happy to take to the hospital with us and just see which suits him best!

So it will either be Tyne William Henry or Ossian (pronounced Osh-een) William Henry.

They both fit what we wanted perfectly - they have meaning to us, they are unusual and definitely won't be Top 100 names, and he should definitely by the only child in his class with the name :)

OH is still pushing for Tyne and my mother is still giving us crap about it, but I will be keeping my mouth firmly shut on what our second option is so she can't ruin it for me....and we'll just see what happens :)
Hayley, it seems like Tyne is sticking it out through all! And Ossian is a great name as well - I love both choices. We have been back and forward with ours too - why is it that you choose something and then go right off it?!

I have to say I'm glad you didn't choose Logan. It is a cute name but we have a devil of a child at school called Logan and I would hate to think of your wee man ending up like him!!

So yep, it's either Max or Isabelle for us. We've now started calling the bump "Imax" as a weird hybrid! But only between ourselves as I refuse to tell our family our name choices for as long as they will let me hold out! As for our middle names, William is my dad's middle name, and Martin is Simon's dad's name, so we wanted to get them both in. (Unfortunately my dad's first name is Norman which wouldn't have been quite so good!!)

Afm, it's exam week at school which means the normal timetable is scrapped. We get about 5 sessions to cover all week, and then have the rest of the time for marking. BUT I have no exams in until tomorrow afternoon, and no cover at all just now, so I have done a little online shopping, a bit of reading my new novel...very relaxing day :haha:
Hayley, sorry to hear you've had another pants day :(

We haven't announced the name to anyone and I don't want to post it on here because I'm worried someone will see my posts. We have two names though, one will end up as a middle name - just haven't decided yet.

Well, I went on my shopping trip today and OMFG I can barely walk now!!! I was walking around the bullring for close on 6 hours and then had a two hour drive before I got home. I am so unbelievably tired. Only brought 6 things though!! I'll be doing the rest online, no more shopping trips until LO is born!! I did however, buy the cutest baby grow from baby baker (ted baker) it was £18 though - which for one baby grow in my eyes is a lot of money but I just HAD to have it!! Just had a look online to show you but it's not on there.. If I remember I'll post it up when I'm on the computer next :)

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