Brittany Aww thats so cute that Damian and Aiden will have playdates etc!
And a rocking chair sounds like a great addition to the nursery!

What a lovely idea!
I'm SO glad your husband got to feel Aiden kicking after all his waiting!
Also the pregnancy journal sounds lovely; I want one too but I think my mum may be buying one for me as a Christmas gift!
Lauren - Aww that is cute that Adam bought a personalised dressing gown for the baby!

Have you announced the name on here yet?
I'm starting to get confused with all of our babies names so forgive me if you have and I've forgotten it.
Brittany maybe we could add the babies names to the first post?
Cherry - I just noticed you have babies name on your signature, I love the name Paige its so cute!
Sarah - Maxwell Jay sounds like a great name to me!

And William Martin are great middles! Are they in honour of people or just names you like? Max is very cute

So its a Max or an Isabelle for you, right?
AFM I'm having another off day today - feeling under the weather. But OH has been very good with looking after me/cooking for me/massaging me bless him, so I'm hoping to be feeling better tomorrow!
Tonight I opened up an email account for the baby so that Jon & I can send him e-mails throughout the pregnancy and through his child. I got the idea from someone on the forums and thought it was cute, and it'll be nice for him to look back on the emails in years to come
We've been doing more looking into the name situation - we have gone through SO many boys names in the past few weeks! - we let Noah go because of popularity, and since then we've been through Logan (also too popular), Jonah (Love it but worried it will be shortened to Joe), Lorne (Love it, but worried people will think its Lawn as in grass!), Lachlan (Just didn't feel right in the end...), Hayden (Too close to my own name), Braden (Worried it doesn't go with the surname) the end we have our final two narrowed down, which we're happy to take to the hospital with us and just see which suits him best!
So it will either be Tyne William Henry or Ossian (pronounced Osh-een) William Henry.
They both fit what we wanted perfectly - they have meaning to us, they are unusual and definitely won't be Top 100 names, and he should definitely by the only child in his class with the name
OH is still pushing for Tyne and my mother is still giving us crap about it, but I will be keeping my mouth firmly shut on what our second option is so she can't ruin it for me....and we'll just see what happens