Brittany - yay for the names listed on the front page!

The pregnancy journal thing does sound great

I guess thats what I'm doing but with the e-mails to Bean rather than in journal format. I just LOVE filling things in so I like the idea of pre-written out journals lol.
I've already bought TWO baby record books coz I just have this obsession with filling stuff in - I have no idea why or why anybody would need two baby books lol.
Sarah - Oooh how exciting! Less time to wait for baby!

If I get my way with the c section, I would most likely be having baby in that same week since they usually do them a week or two weeks before. I'm hoping they'll do it two weeks before my due date though, as I read about early labour being a complication for my medical condition and I just hate the idea of going into labour before the date of the c-section! Assuming I get one....geez it'd be nice if they'd just discuss what's happening with me! :/
Anyway - as it stands my due date is 4th April
Linzy - Aww I know how you feel. I literally didn't sleep for one second last night. I am destroyed today :/ Its horrible.
Maybe your baby is having a growth spurt and thats what tiring you out? I read that can happen. I hope you feel better soon
Lauren - If I were you I would mention the feeling you have to your midwife or Dr, as whenever I have had a UTI its started off with that feeling...and they're supposed to be common in pregnancy, aren't they?!
Hopefully it could just be what Sarah said though! *fingers crossed*
As for the name, I actually Beau Skyla works well. I love the name Skyla though I have only seen the Skyler spelling before.
I love unusual names so I think its really cool that you're going for something different - but definitely learn from MY mistakes and don't announce it until the baby is here!!
Its NO fun when you love a name and people ruin it for you by telling you they don't like it! Their opinions shouldn't matter but when you're pregnant and hormonal I have found it hard not to get upset by their comments - I imagine it wouldn't have happened if I had waited to announce the name until baby was born, as its MUCH harder to say you don't like a name once the baby is there in front of you!!!
Afm - I had ANOTHER crappy day yesterday as I woke up with searing toothache and had to go get an emergency filling done :/ Thank goodness for free dental treatment as this is the second one I've had to have so far in this pregnancy!
I was REALLY freaked out as I didn't feel ANY movement at all from Bean for about 24 hours - last night Jon & I were sitting in bed at like 4 am poking my stomach, playing loud music directly to it (If baby grows up with an aversion to Alphabeat, I'll know why!) and getting me into all kinds of positions that would usually be uncomfortable for baby and result in him kicking me - and we got NOTHING. Not a single flutter.
It was SO horrible :/
I was planning on going to hospital this morning, but I got one big kick at around 9 am - and I have had some little flutters since. Definitely not as much activity as usual though, which still concerns me.
I've been wondering if the numbing injection the dentist gave to me might have knocked the baby out a little?!!! And I had also taken a few paracetomol throughout the course of the night....
In other news, I started off the process of registering as a patient here in Liverpool today - they gave me an appointment with a midwife on Tuesday to fill in all the forms etc. I hope everything gets moving quickly, I just REALLY want to get back on track with appointments etc :/