First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Hi ladies, just catching up from the weekend. Will post more later :flower:
Sarah, I'm so glad you and OH decided on a boy name. Maxwell is a great name. :) Any ideas on a girl name?

Hayley, I think keeping a pregnancy journal is fun though I actually went with purchasing just a regular journal. The pregnancy journals I looked at seemed a bit demanding on when/what you write about. I liked that with a regular journal I could write about whatever, whenever I wanted to.

That's a great idea for adding the baby names to the first post, I'll start working on that.
Ok, I only went through the last few pages and added the names that people had definitely decided on/had in their signature so if you want your babies name added to the first post let me know. :)
Brittany we have chosen Isabelle Katie for a girl (Katie is my sister's nn, from her name Katrina). So now just to wait and find out which name we are using!

Lauren, we aren't telling anyone our names either (apart from you ladies!) as I don't want my family in particular judging them! I know they will love Isabelle, and Max, but I don't think they will be 100% sure on Maxwell as the full name. But they can suck it, because we love it! :haha: (Until we change our minds again...!)

But, we don't have so long to wait now to find out if it will be Isabelle or Max, as the midwife officially changed my EDD to 29th March!Everything at my check up was great, and she happily changed the EDD. That means that even if I go overdue, the lastest my bubba will be here is 11th April, which is only 2 days after my previous EDD so I can definitely cope with that! I'm very pleased!

Plus I get to finish work a little earlier! :haha:
Your due date is the same day as mine, Sarah. Though I really wish they would change mine since my baby is almost a week behind that so I don't feel like it's an accurate due date. I've been considering my due date to be April 4 and that's what I've been going by in my ticker.
Is Aiden measuring a week behind at your scans? I wonder why they didn't change it? That's really strange. I don't know if it works the same in the states, but here if you go 14 days past your due date then they induce on the 14th date (latest). But that would mean for you that you would actually only be a week overdue if they are working on earlier dates. :shrug:

Everyone keeps telling me "oh they will come whenever they like" which I know, but it's nice to have that date firmly in your mind to work towards, and you want it to be right!!!
Sarah, that's so cool they changed your due date! Not long now! And I adore both of your name choices. :) We will also not be telling friends/family our name for similar reasons. I don't think anyone will have anything negative to say once the baby is actually here.

AFM, I'm back to being an insomniac. :( I just can't get comfortable at night. I toss and turn and get up to use the bathroom a lot and then there's the baby's dance parties. When I do sleep, I have the craziest dreams! I feel so bad for DH that I've considered sleeping in the guest bedroom. Anyway, I'm usually so tired the next day that I lose all motivation and have just been feeling really "blah" and anti-social. My long-distance relatives have started calling and I don't even want to talk to them... I just want sleep! Is anyone else feeling this way?

DH was gone hunting for a few days and when he came back and laid down next to me and started talking, the baby kicked so hard (she hadn't been moving before that). I wonder if she recognizes her daddy's voice? I thought it was really cute.

I need to get caught up on the rest of the messages but I hope everyone's doing well.
I can have awful nights. The last couple haven't been too bad though but I still wake up a few times during the night... To either go to the toilet or I just wake up. Oh and I've been waking up really early in the morning. That's rather annoying!!

Right, I'm going to tell you the name(s) we have chosen... I doubt anyone will find out. The name we have chosen is Beau (Bow) but I decided to spell it as masculine as I don't like Bow or Bo. We also like Sykla but are unsure... I have loved the name Beau for years. We thought about using Skyla as the middle name but I don't think the names go together. I know some will like the name and others won't - hence why we aren't telling anyone.

I've had a bit of a problem for a few days now... It's rather embarrasing but my vagina area has swollen lol!! Adam says he can't really notice but I can and it makes me feel very uncomfortable. It doesn't hurt or anything but feels strange, the feeling is similar to how your head feels when upside down. It's very weird.

Lindsey that's really sweet :) Adam STILL hasn't felt a proper kick. She goes very quiet when we start feeling around. The most active time is shortly after eating. We think she takes after me and loves food haha
Lauren I love Beau! I think it's really cute! I haven't heard of Skyla before, so it would definitely be a more unusual choice, and I agree they don't necessarily go together - but then again if you put them together (either one first) after a while you won't remember. Hat they ever seemed to not go together...if that makes sense?

I read that at the minute blood flow to everywhere south of the belly button (:haha:) has increased, which is probably why you are swollen? As long as it isn't sore, I wouldn't worry too much. Maybe pop an ice pack (or frozen peas!) down there and see if it helps?

Lindsey, that is so sweet about baby kicking when she heard dh! Since mine seems to actively avoid its father, I think that's so cool that she clearly heard his voice and responded. A daddy's girl already!

Sorry to hear you aren't sleeping well. I'm sure family and friends will unsay and you are going to be tired anyway, without the added stress of not sleeping. Don't push yourself to do too much, remember we all have a 'get out of jail free' card these days if we don't feel like doing something!
Brittany - yay for the names listed on the front page! :) The pregnancy journal thing does sound great :) I guess thats what I'm doing but with the e-mails to Bean rather than in journal format. I just LOVE filling things in so I like the idea of pre-written out journals lol.
I've already bought TWO baby record books coz I just have this obsession with filling stuff in - I have no idea why or why anybody would need two baby books lol.

Sarah - Oooh how exciting! Less time to wait for baby! :) If I get my way with the c section, I would most likely be having baby in that same week since they usually do them a week or two weeks before. I'm hoping they'll do it two weeks before my due date though, as I read about early labour being a complication for my medical condition and I just hate the idea of going into labour before the date of the c-section! Assuming I get one....geez it'd be nice if they'd just discuss what's happening with me! :/
Anyway - as it stands my due date is 4th April :)

Linzy - Aww I know how you feel. I literally didn't sleep for one second last night. I am destroyed today :/ Its horrible.
Maybe your baby is having a growth spurt and thats what tiring you out? I read that can happen. I hope you feel better soon

Lauren - If I were you I would mention the feeling you have to your midwife or Dr, as whenever I have had a UTI its started off with that feeling...and they're supposed to be common in pregnancy, aren't they?!
Hopefully it could just be what Sarah said though! *fingers crossed*

As for the name, I actually Beau Skyla works well. I love the name Skyla though I have only seen the Skyler spelling before.
I love unusual names so I think its really cool that you're going for something different - but definitely learn from MY mistakes and don't announce it until the baby is here!!
Its NO fun when you love a name and people ruin it for you by telling you they don't like it! Their opinions shouldn't matter but when you're pregnant and hormonal I have found it hard not to get upset by their comments - I imagine it wouldn't have happened if I had waited to announce the name until baby was born, as its MUCH harder to say you don't like a name once the baby is there in front of you!!!

Afm - I had ANOTHER crappy day yesterday as I woke up with searing toothache and had to go get an emergency filling done :/ Thank goodness for free dental treatment as this is the second one I've had to have so far in this pregnancy!
I was REALLY freaked out as I didn't feel ANY movement at all from Bean for about 24 hours - last night Jon & I were sitting in bed at like 4 am poking my stomach, playing loud music directly to it (If baby grows up with an aversion to Alphabeat, I'll know why!) and getting me into all kinds of positions that would usually be uncomfortable for baby and result in him kicking me - and we got NOTHING. Not a single flutter.
It was SO horrible :/
I was planning on going to hospital this morning, but I got one big kick at around 9 am - and I have had some little flutters since. Definitely not as much activity as usual though, which still concerns me.
I've been wondering if the numbing injection the dentist gave to me might have knocked the baby out a little?!!! And I had also taken a few paracetomol throughout the course of the night....

In other news, I started off the process of registering as a patient here in Liverpool today - they gave me an appointment with a midwife on Tuesday to fill in all the forms etc. I hope everything gets moving quickly, I just REALLY want to get back on track with appointments etc :/
Hayley don't worry, my LO has been really quiet these last few days as well. I can feel the kicks, but they are so gentle it's more like it was at 17 weeks or so. I mentioned to my midwife and she wasn't a tap bothered. Said its totally normal. Doesn't stop us worrying, and I've had the Doppler out a few times!!!

Your appointment to find out about c section is in January, right? Is there no chance of it being brought forward at all? You must just hate the not knowing, that's the killer in situations, just not knowing what's going to happen.

My dh went to the dentist for the first time in 3 years yesterday. I expected him to come home and tell me how many fillings he needed.....NONE. He hasn't a single filling and needs none! I have loads and am constantly getting them redone! It's not fair! (But like you say, at least it's free at the minute!)
Yeah, I feel better just having had a few flutters today and one kick. But last night when we were trying EVERYTHING for like an hour and getting nothing - it was terrifying. I REALLY wished I had a doppler then. I promised myself infact that if everything was ok, I'd order one to save myself from going so crazy next time!! :/
They're just expensive right on top of Christmas but I'm still tempted...

Well, no, the appointment was SUPPOSED to be in January but that was before I changed over ante-natal care from Devon to Liverpool. Now I'm back to square one, having to wait to raise the subject again and start from scratch!
I'm going to talk to the midwife about it on Tuesday and try being more forceful. :/
So there is no date at all? That is awful. Definitely make sure midwife gets a firm telling of exactly what needs to happen, and that it needs to happen ASAP.

I have the angel sounds Doppler. I didn't buy it, but I don't think they are hugely expensive on eBay etc, and although some people say its rubbish I've had no trouble with mine.
Nope - right now I'm just floating, waiting to see the midwife here to "re-book me in" as though I was a brand new patient :/
So I'll tell her that I had been in discussions in Devon about having a c-section and that I want to have one, so can she please put that in my notes and have somebody let me know what date it will be happening - hopefully if I'm forceful like that it might make things happen?! Who knows!

I just ordered the Angelsounds. It was £25 which is more than I can afford right now as I need to be focusing on buying Christmas presents, but I can't face another night like last night!
Totally ridiculous that they can't just transfer you over...what a great system the NHS can be :dohh:

Oh whoa I didn't realise it was that expensive :wacko: I know what you mean about Christmas - I am checking my bank account literally everyday to make sure I have enough money for this present or that one. We've tried to cut down on presents t phis year but still so expensive :growlmad:
I know! :/ Its worrying me, especially with needing the thyroid care transferred too - I'm worried there's too much going on and something in going to get lost in translation!

Yeah, Christmas is sooooo stressing me out this year. I know exactly what I'm getting for everybody, its just a matter of affording them all! :/

I think Jon & I will go easy on each other gifts this year, definitely reign it in a LOT. I was going to get him things that are useful for the baby - a new camera, a baby fund box (Hes been saving his £2 coins in a little box, bless him!), a funny book about blokes tips for surviving pregnancy etc!
Hayley I have felt the same on a couple of occasions. My LO has been very quiet just recently... I posted it up in here the other day and the girls say it might be because they are going through a growth spurt at this stage. I read that they sleep 12-14 hours at the moment.... What the hell are they doing for the rest of the 24 hours lol because I certainly don't feel much going off!! I still haven't brought a Doppler and not planning on doing.. I guess it would be reassuring to listen when they go quiet... :-/

Im glad you like the name :) what do you think about the way we are planning on spelling Beau? I don't want people mistaking her for a boy lol but then more and more people are having names like that. Yesterday I came accross a patient whose name is Lyn... I found out when I asked for them over the phone that the patient was male!!

As for me today - I woke up with cold :'( I have an awfully sore throat and I'm all blocked. So upset because we can't take anything for it. I really hope it passes soon.
Yeah it could just be a growth spurt - it was just weird how we were trying so hard and poking so much though and getting NOTHING back. I'm sure in my own mind that it had something to do with either the anaesthesia from the dentist or the paracetamol I had taken, or maybe even just from the stressful day I had with the dentist etc - I wonder how much our stresses and anxieties tire out the babies?! They must feel it somehow.

Well exactly, I'm a bit of a name nerd - always have been - and I'm on a naming forum where fellow name nerds discuss names and trends etc - and the current trend with girl names is to go masculine!
There are names that have always been VERY male which are now being taken over by the girls - Emerson, Addison etc - so I think if people can use those names for a girl, you can absolutely spell Beau in the traditionally masculine way.

Plus I really never understand WHY Beau was the masculine spelling as to me its a french word - french words are feminine! Bo looks much more manly to me anyway.
I know the famous Beau Bridges and Bo Derek go against that, and that could be what people think of when they hear the names - but really, I just don't think the spelling Bo is usable in the UK anymore because of the way its become a common every term we use for body odour!
Beau is a MUCH better spelling in my opinion! :)

I hope your cold is better soon. I felt one coming on last night, but it disappeared when I took a long hot bath (Well as hot as we're allowed these days!!) Worth a try! :)
Totally forgot to come back and update :dohh:

So we haven't had a great week this week. OH found out on Sunday that he's been laid off until after Christmas :( We knew it was coming but didn't know when so it wasn't a huge shock. Luckily we've got so much done in baby's bedroom and bought most of the stuff early - incase this happened.
So Christmas is definitely gonna be a struggle in our house this year.

DoggyLover - Isabelle and Max are both gorgeous names, I doubt anyone would have anything bad to say about either :)
Exciting stuff about them changing your due date! So you've basically skipped just over a week? :haha: Jealous!

LinzyLou - I'm still having trouble sleeping too. Not so much getting comfortable, it's the 'staying asleep' part that i'm struggling with! I'm soooo tired all the time but I must wake up around 5 times a night, easily.
That's so sweet about LO kicking when daddy spoke! Definitely a daddy's girl already :)

MrsHippo - I love the name Beau. I know two people that have it as their middle names (brother and sister) and it sounds so nice!
Ugh. I've had the ladypart problem too :( It's so uncomfortable! Sometimes I feel itchy there too.. kind of like when your feet swell and you take your socks off and it leaves that indent around your ankle and you wanna itch it :blush:

LiverpoolLass - Hope you get something sorted with regards to transferring your notes/appointments etc. It's ridiculous that they're making you wait for another appointment to come through.

As for me, nothing new.. Here's this weeks bump..
Laura, yep I managed to skip out 12 days of my pregnancy! Not too bad at all! Loving your bump! It's so clearly a baby in there - sometimes I worry people still think I'm just fat! I'm so sorry about oh getting laid off. Will he be back to work after Christmas?

Lauren, I prefer the spelling Beau to Bo, definitely. I don't know if there are any other ways to spell it? But Beau is my favourite. It is the masculine version of the french word for beautiful, but then like Hayley said, lots of cross gender naming happens now. A kid in one of my classes was called Kelsey. I assumed girl...nope, a boy!

afm, exhausted from marking exams all day long. My eyes have gone a bit.... :wacko:!!

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