hiyas, it appears i have done it again i just catch up on the reading and replying and i miss a few days of reading and i'm back to square one again hehehe.
I'm trying not to stress about baby stuff too much yet. I am having my baby however at the end of Jan/Mid of Feb so I'm trying not to buy too much more stuff yet as otherwise my friends and family with get annoyed at me for being to organised and not having enough stuff left for them to buy for the shower.
Plus I'm just focusing on xmas stuff at the moment as I only get paid fortnightly so i have to make sure i have the right amount of money for xmas pressies. plus I have been saving 10% of our pays every week/fortnight to help out next year when i'm not working.
Doggylover how very exciting that you have decided on your names, we also love Maxwell as the extended version of Max, I think it's good to give them a choice for when they are older if the want to just be Max or Maxwell. So unless one or both of us change our minds it looks like we will be having 2 Isabelle's or 2 Max's or 1 of each depending on what happens on D-day

. I love the middle name Katie, I was toying with the name Isabelle Kate but I'm pretty set on Isabelle Ellen ( much to hubby's disgust). But Ellen is my middle name and it has been passed down to the first boy female on my mum's side of the family for at least 5 generations and I recently found out that it has a connection to my dad's side of the family as well. It might sound a bit old fashioned but I love the idea of giving my daughter the same middle name as me and carrying on the tradition. As for Max I'm keen on either Maxwell Brian or Maxwell Kenneth as Brian is my dad's middle name and Kenneth is his first name. Again I really like the idea of giving the name some tradition, plus i think my dad will be super excited if we did that
Mrs Hippo your tree looks lovely. Is it a real one? I still haven't decorated mine yet. I'm hoping to get to it in the next day or so *fingers crossed I have the energy* hehe. And I love the name Beau Skyla it is very unique and quite pretty I think

. Colds when you are pregnant are the worst I found that vicks was my best friend and so was steaming up the bathroom, and having eucalyptus oil sprinkled on the bottom of the shower before I turned it on. It would steam up the bathroom with eucalyptus steam that would help to clear my nose. Also there is some lemsip that you can take while pregnant I think its just the plain original one but it helps. And of course hot lemon juice and honey and sleep
lots and lots of sleep. I hope you are feeling better soon if youre not already.
Liverpoollass it sucks that you are still getting nowhere with you appts and such. I would be getting very frustrated. I think your idea of being forceful when you see the midwife is a good idea. Its not good but sometimes you have to get a bit angry/upset before people will take you seriously. Good luck with it all and keep us updated. My fingers are crossed for you
Laura91 thats sucks that your other half lost his job. Hopefully he can get it back soon and in the meantime at least the government will be able to help out a bit. And good work on being so prepared for bub already, that must take some of the stress/strain away

. Love your bump by the way.
Linzylou nice baby bump
Kuntrykutie and
Noreencasey and welcome
I too have had the lady part problem, and its also a bit itchy around the knicker line. It looks like I have gained a lot of weight in that area. Even my hubby noticed the other day

. Im hoping its just increased blood flow and goes away very quickly once bubs is born!! hehe
Oh and my belly button, its not an outy yet but I think its on its way. I have my belly button pierced so I have just had to put in the pregnancy belly bar and it is huge but Im not sure what will happen if my belly button pops, as to whether I can keep the bar in or will have to take it out. It made of very pliable plastic stuff so it might be ok lol.
Im starting to get a lil worried as Im 24 weeks now and I can only think of one time that I felt a definite kick. I get a lot of flips but not many kicks. I really hope that isnt a bad sign. Or perhaps it is happening and Im just not in tune enough to figure it out. Also I dont think hubby has felt any movement yet, sometimes he says he does but I think thats wishful thinking because its usually those times that I dont feel anything
My friend and I baked our annual Christmas cupcakes on the weekend. They looked fantastic but my body was not happy by the end of it. We did 72 cupcakes and it ended up taking us about 9-10 hours. Once we were all done I sat on the couch for a lil while and when I went to get up I was walking like an old woman and pretty sore. So I think I may have over done it hehe whoops! I will post a piccy for you all soon.
Also I just hit 24 weeks yesterday!! Hooray!! I will post a pic of my 24 week bump soon. Excuse my ignorance but why does everyone say happy v-day for people when they hit 24 weeks?
Ok and I apologise again for using nicknames I cant seem to grasp all the real life names and keep mixing up the real names and nicknames
.. doh

By the way I have been meaning to mention that my real name is Brooke