First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Brooke, V day is viability day which means that your baby could survive outside the womb, though it would take the work of a lot of machines. If anything happened to the baby anytime before 24 works it would just be considered a miscarriage. So thats why people congratulate others when the reach 24 weeks. V-day for me is this Wednesday. I asked someone else about this a couple months ago because I had no idea what V-day was.

Sarah, that is awful news about your job. Will you and your OH be okay with one income until you can find something else?

Lovely bump pictures Lauren and Lindsey. I've been slacking on taking any bump pictures myself. I'll take one Wednesday for V-day. Am I the only one not experiencing any changes with their belly button? Mine looks the same as it did before pregnancy.

AFM, I'm really starting to have issues with my mother. While we were chatting on the phone today she referred to my baby as her baby. It really bothered me so I told her no, he is not your baby, he is my baby. I guess I kind of think a grandparent is not as important as a parent but according to my mom and MIL I won't understand until I have grandkids since they both obviously think they are just as important as DH and I.

Regardless it's making me very uneasy because I'm feeling more and more like my mom is going to be very selfish with my son when he arrives and try to take over. I had a dream awhile back about my mom holding my son and not giving him back when I asked and it's starting to feel like that is going to be reality.

I've already been expecting to deal with this kind of behavior from MIL because of the way she is with my nieces and nephew, I just really don't want to have to deal with it from my mom too.

Anyone else dealing with anything similar? Would be nice to know I'm not alone.
Because I'm on my phone I'm trying to remember what everyone put!

Firstly, hello newcomers :wave: and congratulations :)

And happy v day Brooke :) it will be mine around Christmas :O)

As for stiffness, haven't had much but I've been struggling to get up sitting in a certain position and bending down is really starting to get difficult!

I've not had problems with family members but I've heard quite a few stories about parents referring to their grandchildren as their own. It would make me really angry if I was in that position. My mum and stepmum both have a child under the age of 3. I really do think it happens to women whose children are all grown up and all of a sudden they'll have a little baby to look after again. Especially when they have a close relationship. OH mum (this is totally different lol but you'll see where I'm coming from) kind of stole my cat when we lived with her. She became really obsessed with the cat, locking her in her bedroom at night and cuddling her all the time and it wound me up so much, to a point where I was going to give the cat away even though I loved her to bits. I don't tend to see his mum often anymore but I imagine if we did she'd become a little obsessed with LO. I guess you'll just have to put your foot down when you need to, you'll probably find that they start telling you what to do all the time because that's the way they did it or think that's how it should be done.

Sorry to hear about your job Sarah :( can they not offer you anything else?? I don't blame you for being upset. You poor thing :hugs:

Loving the bump Lindsey, I was going to post one side ways but I kept getting crappy photos and ended up getting annoyed lol. So I just posted that one.

Oh and yes my tree is real, it's a little too big for the room but I don't care :p it smells lovely too.

I can't stop eating at the moment, I'll eat dinner ect then about 2 and a half to 3 hours later I am literally starving again!!

LO has started moving around again which I'm happy about, she went quite for a good couple of weeks. Adam felt her kick properly for the first time last night too after numerous failed attempts :D oh and when I was in bed last night she kicked me, well I wouldn't call it a kick, more like a rub lol. It felt really unpleasant... Like she rubbed the side of my stomach or something. It was really strange. Didn't like it at all!!

Has anyone else become... Errm... More nervous. It's hard to explain. Over the last month I'd say I am really jumpy and I feel uneasy in crowded places. I'm not worried for my own safety, but my LO's. I am constantly worrying about something happening and LO getting hurt. I never used to be like it.. Are these 'motherly instincts' people tell us about?
Welcome and congrats KuntryKutie and NoreenCasey! :)

Laura & Sarah-I'm so sorry to hear about job situations :/ WHat a crappy time of year to find out about it too,that really sucks :/
Sarah is there any chance that another position might open up at the school in the meantime?

Laura, babynurse & Lauren - such cute bump photos! :)

Linzy - I'm having the out of breath thing too! Its really starting to annoy me-I can't even climb the stairs without being out of breath!! Hope your LO starts to get active again soon- I think its true what they about them having a growth spurt and quietening down for a while, after Bean's quiet few days last week he's back in uber-activity mode again!

Brooke- happy v day! I see Brittany already explained it. I only realised last week when reading through the forums that it meant they aren't obligated to try to help the baby survive outside the womb until after the 24 week point :/ I thought it just meant the baby had a chance of survival if born early.
My cousin gave birth at 23 weeks 4 days though, and they wouldn't try to do anything for the baby-it was awful. So it makes more sense to me now That I've read thats what v day is :nope:

Brittany - nope, thankfully my belly button hasn't changed yet since pregnancy either! I'm very paranoid about it and I measure its depth every day lol-but so far, so good! Its the ONE thing I reeeeeally don't want to happen- popped out belly buttons have always freaked me out lol.
As for the grandparents thing, I think its really common.Everybody I know who has children has the same issue with grandparents - i Know I will have it coz my sister already has the problem with our parents. My Dad says the bond between grandchildren is actually closer somehow than the bond to your own children.
I don't think I'll mind too much-I know it will be irritating when they're trying to take over, but I'm going to look at it that we're lucky that the baby has their grandparents around- My son will only have one set of grandparents since OH's parents are both dead, and I know that it kills him not to have his parents around to meet the baby-so I'm trying to be grateful for mine being here, no matter how irritating they get lol.

Lauren -Yeah I've been getting a similar nervous feeling in public.I've also been getting the same rage problem that I saw other pregnant women have and swore I'd never have myself lol -where I find myself snarling at people who don't move out of my way in crowded stores or get too close to my bump! I almost ripped off some stupid girls head the other day when I was getting out of my car and she got out of hers at the same time and opened her door INTO my stomach!! I SWEAR she was lucky to walk away with all her limbs in tact... I was wearing my "I love my bump" top too so itsnot like it wasn't BLATANTLY obvious that I'm pregnant?!!

AFMI finally have my midwife appointment tomorrow morning, so hoping to finally get things resolved or at least on their way to being resolved!!
I am almost done with my Christmas shopping which is another big releif. I even wrapped most of my gifts tonight!!

My only issue has been that Bean has been moving around a lot today but REALLY low - this is way TMI but it felt like I could feel the movements in my bum/"minnie" area?!?!?!?! I was walking around a store and I had to say to OH "I feel like I'm going to look down in a minute and there's going to be a little arm hanging out?!"
It was soooo uncomfortable-has anybody else experienced this?!
Firstly, hi Kuntrykutie and Noreencasey :hi:

ILoveLucy - We have only decorated inside this year as OH hated the job of climbing the ladders every other day to sort the lights out that had flicked up into the guttering.
I've had a bit of stressy patches lately about Christmas gifts. Because OH got laid off last week, I paid for the food shopping with my wage last week so that he could get his presents done and out of the way - which now means I have to try and do my shopping with tomorrow's wages :dohh:
Yes, i've had a lot of "shit, my MIL will take over" feelings lately.. read spoiler:
I think more so because i'm really worried about what she will be like once LO is here. I'm not sure if i've mentioned in here before but she is (I and many others believe) an alcoholic. She drinks every day, all day and doesn't see the problem with it. She will regularly go days with contacting OH or picking up her phone and then act like it's completely normal. I have talked about it with OH and said that I don't want to agree to any plans of her having baby on weekends or to her looking after LO until she is here and we will see how MIL is. I just don't want all hell to break loose when she finds out :(
My mum can be quite overbearing too, I think it comes part and parcel with being a grandparent. I just think, at the end of the day they can look after LO when me and OH say. It's not their child, not their choice and we will have the final say about everthing.

LinzyLou - It's good to know that it's not only OH's family that have expensive taste! I agree, it is nice to know what they would like but it doesn't give them the right to expect people to buy off of the list!
My LO has been a little less active lately too, but I think it's either due to growth spurt or the fact that she's getting less and less room :)
Oh, if it makes you feel any better, I nearly pee'd myself the other day too when I sneezed - luckily it didn't actually happen as I was in Tesco :shy:

BStar - I get paid weekly so i'm with you on the budgeting thing! Nightmare when it comes to Christmas as we have to try and get a few presents each week :(
That's great about the saving thing too! We planned to try and save any extra money for when i'm on maternity, but we don't seem to have any spare!
My sister has done the middle name thing with my nephews. Both boys have the same middle name as my BIL, I think it's lovely!
I read that the downstairs problem is probably just due to increased bloody flow so but i'm hoping it sorts itself out soon :haha:

DoggyLover - Sorry to hear about your job, I hope they can find/sort you another position :hugs:

MrsHippo - I've had a strange feeling when I stand up sometimes, as if LO is laid funny, I get a weird pain/feeling in my lower belly?
Also, painted my toenails a couple of nights ago. Good job I did it then as I don't think i'll be able to comfortably get down there for much longer!
Eating has become OH's new little joke with me. I never seem to be full, it's crazy! I'll eat something and then go back into the kitchen and he'll say "Eva's feeding time?" :haha:
I have noticed lately that i've become a really nervous car passenger, to the point where I feel myself flinching or grabbing onto the seat all the time :( I have no idea why :shrug:

LiverpoolLass - LO kicks/punches are still really low for me most of the time too. Although, my mum was trying to feel her moving the other day and I mentioned that she has never laid on my left side, she is always on the right. The day after, she spent the whole day on my left side :dohh: She seems to be really near the surface lately though (as stupid as that sounds!) Normally, there's my belly chub between the outside and her but lately, more often than not my belly is rock hard
As for..
I was walking around a store and I had to say to OH "I feel like I'm going to look down in a minute and there's going to be a little arm hanging out?!"
YES! Although I said "I feel like she's gonna fall out" :rofl: It's so strange!

Hope everyone's ok, sorry for my essay! :flower:
Thanks for the kind words and thoughts ladies.

Luckily, we have a great amount of savings as we are big savers, and very rarely spend (we're not tight or anything :haha: we just don't eat out a lot, or buy a lot of new clothes etc!). I should get paid maternity until December, and then we will have enough savings to do us for at least 6mo-1yr if I am unable to find any work. But the thought of spending our savings sends a cold shiver down both of our spines...even though that's what we've been saving for - a rainy day! :dohh:

In terms of another job at this school... :shrug: everything here is very up in the air. There has been a lot of shifting about in the school since I arrived 3 years ago, so there may be jobs here next year, but starting in September which I obviously wouldn't want. So I'm just going with the worst case scenario for now as then things can only look up!

I am definitely feeling very protective over my bump in crowds too. In the corridor with masses of kids about I HATE having to push through them, and time any trips around school to mean I will miss the bulk of pupil movement!

Hayley, can't help on the movement front as mine seems to be getting scarily HIGH and close to vital organs that I would prefer remain unpunched! I did have some last night very far round, almost on my waist, which I thought was weird. Strange wee buggars we have in there :haha:

Lauren, I'm so glad to hear that oh has been able to feel movement! I think it makes it feel so much more real to them when they can feel their LO kicking. Plus it's cool to be able to share! I have to admit though...I don't always tell dh when it's happening as I like being the only one who knows :blush:

Brittany and Laura, I'm sorry to hear about troubles you are having with mothers/MIL.

laura if your MIL is seriously drinking that much I would be very hesitant of leaving LO with her, as I'm sure you are. But you never know, this COULD be the push she needs to try and sort herself out?

Brittany, my mum said last night "And in 3 months we'll have our baby!" And i replied "Oh, i didn't know we were having a baby!" and she just laughed and said jokingly "Well..WE are!" It doesn't bother me, as I know she will be totally respectful of dh and I when the baby arrives, and I know it's just because she's insanely excited. My family always make fun of her as ANY babies around and she is over getting a cuddle with them like a crazy woman! We joke that she'll set up a tent on our front lawn when LO arrives, but I know she is only so pyscho because she is excited and cares. However, if your mom really can't see the difference between being jokey about it, and ACTUALLY being over-bearing, then you you could be in for some tough times :hugs:

And of course we don't know what it's like to be a grandparent...we haven't even got the parent bit sorted yet!!!

Hope everyone is having a good day!
Noreencasey, I added you to the first post. Do you know what you're having or are you team :yellow:? kuntrykuti, I didn't add you to the first post since you edited your post so I thought maybe you may have posted by accident. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Lauren, that is so exciting that Adam was able to feel your baby kick. I remember how excited I was when my DH was finally able to feel something. Though I think it weirded him out a bit because he hasn't tried to feel him move anymore since.

I also relate to the being a bit more nervous. I live in the second biggest city in Illinois so obviously there are a lot of people around all the time. I've always kind of worried about something happening when I'm out walking my dog or something, especially if I'm walking in the evening. But now instead of being worried about myself getting hurt, I worry about Aiden getting hurt or my dog. It's kind of like do what you want to me but don't hurt them because that would be more devastating in a way. Not sure if that's exactly what you're feeling but if so then I'm the same. :)

Hayley, I hope your midwife appointment goes well and that you get things resolved or at least partially figured out. :hugs:

I've also had the issue with some uncomfortable movements from Aiden. It's not exactly the same but I've had some where it feels like he's kicking at my bladder or something because I sometimes notice a pressure down there. It hasn't been strong enough to suddenly make me need to use the bathroom or anything but it's very uncomfortable.

Laura, I completely understand your worries with your MIL. I would be so scared to leave my LO with her unattended. Hopefully she doesn't make a big deal about it when she finds out. I am trying to keep telling myself that it's my baby, my choices, and it doesn't matter what the grandparents want for that reason. I just imagine I'm going to have a lot of arguments to deal with because as of right now it seems like both grandma's are only thinking about what they want. Like MIL is already saying she will be at the hospital even though DH and I have said we want no visitors at the hospital so we can have that time together to bond as a family without outside interference. Then I've already had to fight with my mom about not touching my stomach. At Thanksgiving she reached her hand out to touch my stomach even though she knew I didn't want people other then DH touching my stomach because it's still very weird and awkward for me (especially since you wouldn't even be able to feel anything from the outside then anyways not to mention all his movements are still really low) and instead of just respecting it she pulled the whole "well that's my grandbaby in there" and then said how much she loved people touching her belly when she was pregnant. It was so frustrating because it's my baby and it's my body and I don't have to feel the same way she did about things. I just feel like things would be so much pleasant if they would just respect our wishes instead of trying to push what they want since at the end of the day, all it does is make us irritated with them because we're not going to change what we want to please them.

Sarah, I'm glad you have savings to make things easier if you are unable to find another job. I imagine that takes a bit of stress off.

AFM, DH and I tried to do one of our baby registries last night but apparently Walmart (or at least the Walmart we go to) doesn't do the registries in the store so I have to do it all online. I was so disappointed because I feel like that really takes from the experience of going through the aisles with my DH and picking stuff out. Hopefully Babies R Us isn't all online too or I'm going to be really bummed.
I forgot to post my bump picture. I took it last night before DH and I went out.


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Brittany your bump is lovely! It's looks such a cute size, but you've made me feel massive!

I dunno what to suggest about your mom and mil, you've obviously told them both you aren't comfortable with certain things, like touching your belly, and they aren't listening, which makes it hard for you. But try to concentrate on the thought that when Aiden comes along, you and dh will have him in your home, and even if they come to visit, you can always kick them out when they get too much (politely of course!) until they get the picture.
Sarah, I'm just happy that I finally have an obvious bump when I wear clothes. For the longest time before it just looked like I was chubby in the stomach region.

As for mom and MIL I've just been venting to DH and on here when they do things that irritate me. At the end of the day, I know I have DH to support me which does make it a little easier. I'm really soft spoken and I feel like people try to walk all over me all the time (MIL does this a lot) so it's made me feel so much better knowing that I have DH to make sure people do what I/we want since he doesn't care at all about upsetting people.
Dh and I are the opposite of you guys, he would be very quiet, whereas I am more than happy to speak out if something isn't right, but I think you might surprise yourself when Aiden arrives as to how happy you are to tell people to stick it when they try telling you what's best for your baby. And as long as you have dh's support, then you two and Aiden will be the happiest family, and at the end of the day, it's you three who matter.
Brooke, happy (belated) V-Day! I also get really sore if I stay in the same position for too long. I sit on my exercise ball a lot, as our reclining couch is ironically the least comfortable place anymore.

Sarah, I'm so sorry about your job. :( I know what you mean about not wanting to spend your savings even though that's what it's there for. Fingers crossed that something works out before then so you won't have to!

Brittany, my mom talks about the baby a lot but I wouldn't say she sounds possessive. I do worry that my MIL will try to hog the baby right after she's born (she'll be staying with us) but she lives a few hours away so at least it's not something I have to worry about all the time. How often will you be seeing your mom and in-laws? I'm good at standing up to my own family but am pretty soft-spoken otherwise, which is why I'm glad I have a DH like yours - I can count on him to stick up for us. Cute bump!!

Lauren, I think I know that "rubbing" feeling! It's really awkward and uncomfortable. There are times when I can literally feel her slide from one part of my stomach to another (it even looks lopsided!). And I'm with you on the eating... I never feel satisfied!

Hayley, I hope everything went well at your appointment! For a while, every time I got in the car the baby would wiggle around waaaay down there and it seriously felt like she was falling out. Now she hangs out under my ribs! Not sure which one is worse...

Laura, my MIL loves her wine and admitted to drinking two bottles a day at one point. She doesn't live close enough to babysit regularly but I think both DH and I would be hesitant to leave our daughter alone with her. I hope things with your MIL improve but if not, you're the parent and you make the rules! If she doesn't like it, then maybe it will help her realize that she needs to change.

AFM, our LO is back to being her active self. The other night, it seriously felt she was throwing a tantrum - kicking and punching. She was really high up and I don't know if she was hitting my stomach or what, but I felt nauseous for a while. Also, we're getting ready to paint so I've spent a lot of time squatting and bending over the last two days, and am really sore now... but other than that, I feel good. I just can't believe I will be in third tri by the end of the month!! Starting to get nervous about labor and delivery and having a tiny human being depend on me!
Lindsey i got so scared last night when I read someone's birth story on b+b and it had a part in it that said "and when we brought her home we just thought...what do we do with her now?"

Then i started to panic and was all "What DO we do when we get the baby home? How will we know when to feed/change/put them down for a nap? We're going to be useless!"

That's the first time I've actually thought practically about what you do when you bring a baby home, and I didn't like it! I feel so...unprepared. Even though I read everything I can, I guess we won't know what it's like until they are here. Same with labour (although I am REALLY pushing that to the back of my mind and expecting the absolute worst!)

Lauren, I had that weird rubbing feeling a few weeks back, and it was the only time I was a little bit grossed out by the baby moving. It felt like they were STROKING my insides. Gross!

My LO has been so active as well lately :) Last night s/he was wriggling so much my tummy was kind of...rolling?! It was weird, but great! And dh missed it because he was asleep on the sofa :dohh:
Linzy, Brittany & Laura - glad to know I'm not the only one with the bizzare low feeling! lol.

Brittany - cute bump pic! You still look so tiny compared to the whale that I've become, and you're almost exactly the same way through as me! eeeeek! lol

Well I had my midwife appointment, so finally the ball is rolling! I at least am registered with the midwife and the hospital here, and I'm awaiting my appointment with the endocrinologist for the thyroid side of things - so that's good news! Hopefully it shouldn't take too long to come through!

I told her I wanted the c-section and she said that should be fine, and has referred me to the consultant about that - so waiting on that appointment too but at least the wheels are in motion!

She scheduled my 25 week appointment for 28th December - a little close to Christmas for my liking but nevermind!

She also measured my bump for me - I was so pleased as my mother has been doing my head in lately going on about my bump being too big and how I'm going to have a huge baby!
The midwife said our bumps should apparently measure the same amount in cm's as we are weeks along - and I measured 24 cms! So I'm perfectly on target apparently, despite feeling huge!!! That shut my mother up :D

I asked her about the low down/going to fall out feeling too and she said its normal as the babies are still very low, below belly button level at the moment, so nothing to worry about providing there's no lost fluid! :)

In other news - its Thursday now in the UK, which means its V DAY FOR ME! WHoooohoooo!!!

Brittany - wasn't it your V day yesterday too? Congrats!!!!!!! :flower:
Hayley can I ask where she measured your bump from and too? My mw doesn't seem to do the measuring so I wouldn't mind having a DIY go at it!!!
Hayley can I ask where she measured your bump from and too? My mw doesn't seem to do the measuring so I wouldn't mind having a DIY go at it!!!

Sure! You'll prob get it at your next appointment though - she said they start bump measuring from 25 weeks, she just did mine coz I happened to be there and was 24 weeks anyway! :)

She felt around for my pubic bone (THAT was an all-too-intimate experience for my liking!!!!) and measured from there directly up to just under the breast bone. So that the tape measure goes over the belly button and runs right up the middle of the bump - if that makes sense!
Thanks! I am going to try that at home (as long as I can find my pubic bone lol! Biology was never my strong point...but rather me fumbling around for it than a stranger!) and see.
Lindsey, the plan is to see my family in Indiana once a month. Then DH and I have discussed wanting my mom to come out to stay with us for awhile before I'm due just to help get last minute things done before the baby arrives and just so someone would be here to help me should I go into labor while DH is working or something. Then we plan to have a get together with the entire family the first Saturday after we return home and then I don't want anymore visitors for awhile after that. Not sure how often we'll see the in-laws exactly but I really don't plan to see them much more then I see my family. Not to mention, I imagine those first 3 months are going to be rough if I'm exclusively pumping so I don't plan to be seeing anyone then.

Both my mom and my MIL have been driving me nuts though. My mom acts like she'll never see the baby and then makes me feel like I need to be driving out to Indiana every weekend or something so she can see my son which is not going to happen. Or she'll say stuff like, "I don't know if I'll want to give him back once I hold him" which I know is just because she is excited and stuff but at the same time it just makes me uneasy. Then with MIL, SIL just had her baby and MIL held him the entire time (I didn't even get to hold him :(). But there was a point where SIL asked for him back and MIL told her "No, you get him all the time" and then continued holding him. I don't know if SIL was bothered by it but I know I would be and I imagine she'll try to behave similarly with Aiden.

Hayley, glad things are in motion at your new doctors. I'm sure that's a relief. Also Happy V-Day! It was V-day for me yesterday. So exciting to finally reach this point. Next stop, third trimester! Eeek!!

I have my next appointment at the 18th. I wonder if they'll measure me then. I'm now worried that I'm not going to be big enough since I still feel like my bump is so small.

AFM, I've gotten one registry done. DH and I have to do our Babies R Us registry so that is the plan for this weekend. Also planning to get paint this weekend as well but not really sure how much, if any, painting will get done. Would be really nice for it to be done before Christmas like I want though.
Sarah - hope you can find it! I can find it quite easily but thats probably only coz I remember where she was poking around! Start at the belly button and work a few inches down until you feel the bone! :D

Brittany - yay for V day! I'm not actually 100% when third tri starts - how crap am I?!
Hope you get your registry and painting done! :)
I imagine they probably will measure you at your next appointment, but it probably doesn't matter as much at this stage if you're measuring smaller - It probably matters more toward the end!

Does anybody know how much weight they've gained from their booking in appointment to right now?
I've been trying to find out what the average weight gain is for 24 weeks pregnancy, from what I'm finding online it seems to be 15 lbs - does that sound right to everybody?
Hayley, I have no idea when third tri starts either. I think it's confusing since it's different in different countries. I thought it was 28 weeks for in the US but I'm not sure. My workout video for second trimester says it's for weeks 14-26 and then third trimester is weeks 27-40.

As for the weight gain, I'm currently at 17 lbs and that's slightly over what I'm supposed to be so I think 15 lbs is probably perfect at 24 weeks. I haven't gained any weight for 2 weeks though so I'm thinking Aiden went through a growth spurt or something around week 22 and that's why my weight jumped up so much. Would be nice to stay at 17 lbs for another 2 weeks or so since I think that's where you want to be for 26 weeks. I'm trying not to focus too much on my weight though because as someone who dealt with bulimia in her teens and as a young adult gaining weight has been difficult enough without me stressing about the number on the scale. I'm eating healthy, exercising, and that's really all I or anyone else for that matter can do. Not to mention, I think it helps to remember that not every woman is going to fit into the weight gain guidelines the same way not every woman has the standard 28 day cycle.
Glad your finally getting somewhere Hayley :)

I thought 3rd tri was around 27 weeks? Its a scary thought, everything is coming so quickly!! Don't worry about not knowing what to do when you get baby home, everything will come naturally :)

My LO has had some serious parties down there just recently, she is moving around now as I'm typing this out. Bless :) Oh and I've also had movement really low down, normally when I'm sitting upright.. It can feel a little uncomfortable sometimes. Almost like my bladder is moving around or something haha

Today I have been full of emotions, I have been crying on and off all day lol. Well first thing this morning a doctor rang up moaning about how she hadn't received some images (the system we use had gone down) but she was literally ripping my head off then started telling me that she was due to see her sick sister in hospital but because ''we didn't send her the images like we should have'' she now can't. Then said to me ''but obviously you don't care because it's not your sister in hospital''. OMG 1. I don't deal with the images, my manager does but he wasn't there for her to moan at and 2. THE SYSTEM was down, how was that our fault?? After about 5 minutes of her shouting at me and not letting me say anything she put the phone down. I literally burst in to tears after because I'd only just walked in, I had a really bad headache and obviously I was a little hormonal but there was no way she should have spoken to me like that, I completely understand she had a lot on but she should have stayed professional. Later this morning she spoke to my manager and apologise to HIM for the way she spoke! She didn't even have the decency to apologise to me :( so she made me feel really shitty then our other systems kept going down and I became majorly behind on work. Overall today has just been crap :(

Another thing which has been on my mind is that when I'm carrying bags or pushing a shopping trolley around ect I get a really horrible pain in my lower stomach. I have to sit down or stop what I'm doing completely. My mum reckons its me straining my muscles but suggested I speak to my mw about it on Monday. I think I just need to be careful moving heavy stuff but in my eyes I didn't think pushing a food trolley was that hard... I'll end up a vegetable if I can't do anything lol.

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