Sarah - I wish I was kidding! Honestly it just made me so annoyed I couldn't stop crying (hormones probably weren't helping lol). Even two days later when I was telling my Dad about it I was crying lol.
Its just SO infuriating, we could REALLY do with that money and instead some other pregnant woman who has never worked is going to get it
Aww yeah the job was really fun! I wouldn't be able to go back though as they had to hire someone to replace me and the jobs there don't often come up. Plus when we go back to Devon we're hoping to move closer to my sister rather than back to Exeter so we won't be in exactly the same area. Its a shame, It really was my dream job!
Alex - Thanks!

I love it too hehe.
That is awkward about your Mum :/ I know what you mean as my mum can fly off the handle really easily too, some people are VERY difficult to discuss anything with!
Maybe you could just mention your birth plan to her in "Passing" and see if anything crops up? Then if it does, you can gently say how you'd rather it be just the three of you for the birth so as to keep your stress levels down, but that obviously as soon as everything is all done and dusted you'll be excited about them coming in?!
If I were you, I'd be tempted to fib about it and say the hospital only allows one person or your midwife recommend it being only the three of you lol.
Laura - Yep, the swing has the LED lights in the top hood!

Its really cute!
Oh dear! I'm sorry about your bad day with the Drs. I can sympathise on the bloods as I have had to have blood tests every month since I was 18 because of my medical condition - I'm not scared of it so its fine, but they can NEVER get blood out of me first time - my veins always collapse so it usually takes a couple of attempts in each arm before they finally get anything! And I usually have to wait while different nurses and drs try to get the blood lol. Its so embarrassing.
I hope the pain relief helps but if not I would definitely ask for a second opinion! Was that Dr in a walk in centre?
I only ask coz whenever I've been to walk in centres with any problem, the Dr always looks about 12 and they ALWAYS pull out a medical book to look things up and Google things! Only seems to ever happen to me in walk-in centres though!
AFM - OH & I measured my bump last night! It took a lot of Googling to figure out how to find my uterus lol! But we found it eventually and did the measurements, and I'm measuring 27 cm exactly.
So I think it must just be looking smaller because its moved higher up!

Thats a relief as I was worried it could have been due to the fluid leakage I had last week, eeek lol.
(I then had a go at measuring OH's "Bump" and apparently he's 22 weeks along lmao)
As for the parents/visitors at the birth thing - I hope Alex doesn't mind me jumping on her band wagon but I could do with a bit of advice on the subject too actually.
As you all know, I am most likely going to be having a c-section (hoping to finally get the consultation appointment through at some point this week!) - the thing is, I have always had a real problem with anxiety/nerves - part of my condition is that I suffer easily with panic attacks, and as I have never ever had an operation of any kind before - the idea of being in theatre and under anesthetic scares me quite a bit.
Now because its a c-section - you're only allowed to have ONE birthing partner in there with you.
OH obviously wants to be there for the birth, and I do understand that and in ideal world I'd love him to be there too - but the problem is, he is AWFUL with regards to making me panic MORE.
I know I'm already going to be really really worried, will possibly have a panic attack, and I know he always says the worst things possible and the looks on his face give away his own panic - he just makes me feel 10X more anxious in any given situation.
Whereas my mother has obviously lived with my nerves and panic for a lot longer than him, and is VERY good at calming me down and stopping me from going into a panic attack - also, she has had two c-sections herself so I would feel better from her being there and talking me through it all. She is a very calming influence to me.
So - I REALLY want to have my mother in there with me, but I feel bad that OH won't get to experience it - do I sacrifice the birth experience for myself and risk that I'll go into a huge panic so that OH can experience the birth? Or do I save my own sanity and allow myself to hopefully have an enjoyable experience even though it means OH will be in the waiting room and will have to wait the half an hour or so it takes to stitch me up before he gets to see baby?