I just typed out a WHOLE huge reply and the computer swallowed it! Grrrr!
Now I'm probably going to forget everything I wanted to say.
Lauren - The c-section is because my medical condition (Graves disease and some heart problems) means I have an increased risk of death in childbirth. Basically the stress that labour can put your body under means I could go into a thyroid storm, which can be fatal.
I also have an increased risk of stillbirth, so a planned c-section can be beneficial as its a more controlled manner of getting baby out safely.
The medical condition also means I've had an increased risk of miscarriage throughout so the entire pregnancy has been classed as "high risk" - I was supposed to refrain from getting pregnant until I had an operation to remove my thyroid gland completely, but it didn't work out that way in the end!
Alex - Yeah he really is just not the best person to have around me at stressful/anxious times unfortunately.
The ante natal classes could be a good idea, but I'm not sure if they'd be worthwhile if we are having a c section - don't they usually focus purely on vaginal births?
I hope the conversation with your mum goes well! And hope you managed to find some nice bits & pieces while you were shopping. I can't believe its time to start thinking about nighties for hospital etc already - it's getting sooooo close!
Brittany - Cute bump pic! Its really coming along now, you can definitely see a difference since the last pic!
Ah thats handy that you've been able to count kicks that way! I haven't tried it yet but maybe I should give it a go since I'm 28 weeks tomorrow.
I'm not sure its going to be so easy though, as Bean seems to be having wiggles at any given moment during the day right now - he used to have a routine of being active more at night, but the past few days its been much more spaced out movements - but big ones, so i'm not worried.
(Last night I felt him sort of roll around - it felt like a 360 degree turn! It made me feel queasy lol).
Yeah I'd definitely love to have OH there at the birth, but it really is a choice of deciding whether to sacrifice a happy birth experience for myself so that he can be there or let myself feel happier and more relaxed and make him wait for half an hour to meet the baby.
Its not an easy call. I'd love to think he could be trained to be better but its been 2 years of him knowing how I am, and he's never improved so I doubt it will happen now.
When I was in A & E earlier in the pregnancy was a prime example - he knows hospitals freak me out, and I was laying there hooked up to all kinds of different monitors - as soon as one started making an alert noise, I started to panic and looked to him for support and he was no use at all - he was even more panicked than me, and just kept saying things like "That doesn't look normal, should your heart rate be that high? If they don't hurry up and get in here you're probably going to die!".
That is just the opposite of what I need from him but he's incapable of thinking before he speaks. I can imagine he'd be watching what the surgeons are doing and making comments about how scary it all looks, or worse...faint! :/
AFM - I went to see the Dr today for a check up after the mastitis. Its better than it was but my breast still looks mis-shapen, so now she wants to send me for a breast scan

SO not looking forward to that!
I booked myself in for my whopping cough vaccine, so I'm having that tomorrow morning.
I also tried to collect my Mat B1 form today - has anybody got theres yet? I swear the receptionist has given me the wrong thing! All it is is a piece of paper that says "Mat B 1" on the top and has a list of questions and answers about what the certificate is. There is nothing on there to be filled in or signed by anybody - I swear she's just given me a leaflet that explains it and not the actual form!!
Also this afternoon I went swimming for the first time since becoming pregnant, it was soooo lovely and relaxing but since I've come home Bean has been kicking SO hard - I don't know if the exercise just woke him up or if he didn't like it and he's punishing me lol.
Its funny with the whole visitor situation, I seem to feel the opposite of a lot of you. I'm worried that people might not come in to visit! I REALLY want lots of visitors at the hospital. I've asked my sister to book holidays from work so that she and my nieces can come to Liverpool (from Devon) when I have the baby, I want loads of family around us!
I was gutted that hospital policy is not to allow children on the ward as I REALLY want my nieces to meet their cousin when he's brand new in hospital :/ I was thinking of fibbing and saying they're Jons children as siblings are allowed in lol.