First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I didn't cry or anything at my scans. I felt a little overwhelmed but at the same time felt as though I was looking at someone elses scan rather than my own. I didn't truely 'feel' pregnant until she started moving around. I get a little emotional when I watch programes where people give birth, I don't think its so much the baby actually being born, its watching other people cry...especially men. I hate seeing men cry.

Well I have ordered my pushchair :D its the icandy peach, it comes with a carrycot, main stroller seat, maxi cosi carseat in the same colour, adapters and two raincovers.
This is the piccy of it in carrycot form - its the violet one we are having. I am planning on picking the carseat up sometime within the next few weeks just incase she comes early. The pushchair we can also pick up at anytime but they will keep it right up until baby is born.

I sold my won handbag on ebay, it went for 140 :) which I am happy about. That will pay for her hammock with door hook....we will buy the main wooden frame when we move out but while we are in here (thats if we are still here by then) we will hook her on to the bedroom door lol

I have felt so tired over the last two days, after being up for about 3 hours today I needed to go to sleep. After we ordered the pushchair we went for food then I came home and was flat out for a good 40 minutes or so. Even now I am sitting here yawning. I could do with something to give me a bit of energy!!
I have soo much reading to do in this thread but I'll type what I remember for now, and then hopefully catch up tonight:

I didn't cry at any of my scans, either! I did cry while watching Elf this Christmas - the part at the end where Santa flies over New York City and everyone is singing. I don't even like that movie lol.

I've never been much of a "kid person" myself. I never liked to hold my friends' babies or babysit. I always felt awkward around young children, not sure why. Lack of experience, I guess? :shrug: But, I am so excited to have my own and I'm sure it'll help me feel more at ease around other babies/kids.

Lauren, :hugs:! It must be heartbreaking to give up your dog, but you're a good puppy mom for doing what you think is best for her. My dog has been glued to me for a few weeks now (she won't even let me go to the bathroom by myself) and it's a little annoying. I think she knows her life is about to change! Also, I can't wait to see pictures from your scan tomorrow.

My LO has been kicking me in the exact same spot (directly below my ribs on the right side) since last night and it's finally hurting. I love that she's so active but I wish she'd give that spot a break! I've tried cold water, laying on my other side, bouncing on my ball, and going for a walk but she's content where she is and won't budge! It's kind of a distraction while eating, since I feel like my stomach is rolling (like when you're nauseous). Silly baby!

I'll definitely read more tonight so I'm all caught up. Here's my almost 30 week bump. After tomorrow, I'll be in the single digits as far as weeks go (9 left)...scary!!


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Sarah - oooh I'd have killed that kid!!! How rude! Glad your bean has been more active! What kind of movements is it?
Lately mine have been less like kicks and more like roll-overs!

Brittany I'm glad i'm not the only one who didn't cry at the scans hehe! I get really uncomfortable around big displays of emotion too. I'm not going to deal well at the birth, I know it lol.

Lauren I'm sorry about your dog, it sounds like you're doing the best thing though. Yay for putting the deposit down on the pram! :)
And well done on selling the bag for a nice amount! That'll come in handy! :)

Linzy - such a cute bump piccy! You look so tiny compared to me - I'm such a whale :D
My bean has been doing the "rolling" thing too - makes me feel a little queasy! I hope yours eases up on that spot soon!

AFM - I had my whooping cough vaccine. Serves me right for saying the flu vaccine didn't hurt - my arm has been KILLING me since I had the shot on Thursday morning! Oh well, at least its done now.
I also got the RIGHT MatB1 form at last - silly receptionist!!!
My next midwife appointment is Monday so I'm planning on harrassing her with a ton of questions - like WHEN do I finally get to talk to the consultant about the c-section, is the baby still breech and if not how is he laying, what happened with the leakage I had, and can you measure me please...she's going to hate me :D

Oh also, I did a post on my blog about nasty comments people make about baby bumps/weight in pregnancy - I mentioned a couple of your stories lol! It felt GOOD to be able to talk about the comments that have annoyed me, knowing that the people who made the comments would be reading the blog! :happydance:
Hi ladies, I do apologise I seem to (as usual!) missed loads of posts and get all in a muddle trying to reply to everyone individually so I'll just bullet point things I remember people mentioning lol!

Scans I didn't cry at any of my scans either! I was too nervous tbh that everything was ok and kept asking the sonographer if this and that was ok. Like someone else said it didn't really feel like me they were scanning or my tummy. Infact the first time I cried was when I felt jiggles kick! With the heartbeat as well whenever the dr/midwife finds it they always look at me expectantly like I might cry but again as I am neurotic and have my own doppler I can listen anytime I like so have become quite accustomed to it! :haha: Wow I sound like an emotionless cow now!

Movements Jiggles had a quiet day the other day - therefore sending me into a crazy panic! I had a listen with doppler and all sounded ok but I was still worried as usually when I lie down LO has a rustle around before getting comfy. I ended up poking poor thing loads and 'moving' something across my belly :blush: probably not the best idea as then I gave myself a BH, whoops!! Then I started feelings some kicking in my spine and really low so think LO was lying a weird way, poor baby trying to have a rest and it's momma waking it up! I'm getting lots of movements otherwise though but less small kicks and jabs more whole belly movements like you can really feel the size now and sometimes if I press I can feel shapes of limbs/head/bum! Bit freaky that something so big is in my belly!

Pets I don't have any pets so can't really comment much on this but so sorry to the ladies who are having to make difficult decisions regarding what is best for pet/baby. It must be heartbreaking as they are part of your family :( I'm sure whatever decision you make is for the best.

AFM OH and I had a productive day yesterday decorating the nursery with our wall decal. It looks fab though and we are so pleased we keep going in just to look at it! :happydance: We had a minor hiccup with lining up part of the tree but luckily a squirrel sticker has saved the day and you can't see the fault now lol! I can't wait for LO to arrive now it's so exciting. I went shopping the other day and got last few bits - some tiny baby clothes (just incase) a sterilizer (again planning to BF but need one for pump/dummy and just incase I express and give a bottle). In the next few weeks I am going to start putting together my bag a little (scary prospect!) My hips are still painful but my friend gave me a (not) so attractive girdle to wear to help and it does seem to ease the pain! I am seeing the dr next Friday but thinking of asking for a sick note for my last 2 weeks of work as can't see it improving standing up for 13 hours but really nervous he'll say no :cry: Otherwise in myself I am feeling pretty well and must be having a rush of good hormones as feeling really positive about life/pregnancy and all gushing that I am a pregnant lady.

Even though I am so so looking forward to LO arriving I also think I will really really miss being pregnant! Even with all the little niggles I've had along the way (which is nothing really) I've loved it so much, the bump, the kicks and flutters, the way people are a bit kinder to you, just how you feel a bit more special than your average joe because hey, you've got a person growing inside you lol! I've also loved how much closer OH and I have become, just getting excited about LO arriving and discussing things together and picking things out. I'm sure next week when I'm in pain and miserable again I'll be poo pooing all the positivity but thought I'd have a little :happydance: whilst I was feeling good to perk you up if you were feeling down!


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Alex whoa, I adore your nursery! Congrats on getting it finished, it looks absolutely wonderful! Your wall decal is gorgeous as well - I have a real thing for owls at the minute so loved that bit especially! And only one hiccup putting it up isn't too bad at all. We had the same issue putting the tree in our living room up, but like you, a spare sticker (a leaf!) saved the day for us. It must be so exciting having all the bits in there ready to go! Glad to hear you are feeling slightly better, but don't be afraid to tell the dr that while you do feel better, it's because you've been getting lots of rest and standing/waing for any period of time is still agony, so work is really not an option at all.

Hayley I read your blog post about people's comments, very well written, and I loved the wee pictures to go with it! Hopefully some people will get the message intended! I als read what your mum said about the umbilical cord if you raise your arms - never heard that one before!! My movements are a mix of rolls, kicks and what can only be described as pushing. Sometimes it feels like baby is in there just pushing all of them against a certain part of me, so I feel loads of pressure. It's weird... Sorry to hear your arm is sore after the jab, I'm definitely going to be in agony when I get mine!

Brittany even if it take your older cat a few weeks to come round to Aiden I'm sure she will be super with him once she adjusts to the change. Older animals can be a bit set in their ways at times, can't they?! You actually made me think of a potential nightmare issue when our baby arrives - you were saying your dog loves people. Our youngest dog just adores mankind in general, and he will be beside himself when we have so many visitors to see the baby. He is going to be a nuisance because he's so massive and always manages to get into the wrong place at the wrong time :dohh: that'll be a fun few weeks!

Lauren I love the icandy peach, it's definitely right up my street!! And the purple colour looks lovely as well. Sorry to hear that your dog will definitely be heading to a new home, but its such a brave decision to make sure that she has what she needs despite how you feel :hugs:

Lindsey beautiful bump picture! You would never guess that you are 30 weeks at all! Sorry to hear LO has been pounding on the same spot, give her a few pokes back to see how she likes it :haha:

Afm I just had my second pregnancy-related hormonal nuclear meltdown :haha: I was making pancakes for breakfast and it just all went pear shaped. I threw the pan against the wall and left in a strop before bursting into tears like a lunatic and sobbing for twenty minutes. Meanwhile, poor dh cleans up the mess and makes a New batch of pancakes for me with the sort of patience that gains a sainthood. I've been very lucky not to be too hormonal during this whole pregnancy, I think it's just a whole load of things combined today that tipped me over the edge....
Sarah - thanks! :) I'd highly recommend blogging, its such a good release for your gripes! hehe! I've applied to some companies to review baby things too, looks really promising! One of the companies thats contacted me is actually one of those wall decal sticker companies so they're gonna send me some nursery stickers to try for free - all I have to do is review them and I get to keep them! :D
Lol, yeah I'd never heard the umbilical cord one either but I googled it and its def an old wives tale! Hilarious!
My arm is much better today, so at least the pain doesn't last too long!

Aww I'm sorry about your outburst. If it makes you feel any better, I have those a lot! I think we're definitely entitled to them and really if you think about it we're only helping our OH's get used to the temper tantrums and crying they'll have to deal with from the children, so we're doing them a favour :D

My last outburst was about two days ago when I sent OH in to Greggs to get me a pasty and told him I only wanted a hot one, he came out with a cold one and I had an absolute melt down....threw the pasty at him and started crying, and actually made him go back in and demand his money back. And he did it. How embarrassing - I'd have told me where to go!

Alex - Aww the nursery looks amazing! Well done! :) Aww at least you've had a cry at movements - I havn't cried at all! Well no - I've cried plenty but only in an emotional outburst/anger kind of way, I haven't actually cried because of anything to do with the baby. I seem to be extremely cold! :/
I'm glad you're feeling so positive about the pregnancy and everything at the moment.
I can't relate - I hate pregnancy lol. I think it'll feel strange not to feel movements and stuff anymore, but I don't think I'll be missing any of it lol. At least I've come around to the idea of being pregnant again now though - for the first 25 weeks (While I was still throwing up several times a day!) I swore I was never ever doing it again!
I love the nursery Alex, is your furniture from mothercare? If it is, I was looking at it today :) I also LOVE owls. I would so buy a real one if I could!! I am glad you are feeling better in yourself too!! A bit of time away from work can do wonders for our mental health!! And don't worry about your gp saying anything when you ask for the remaining two weeks off, just explain that you are still in pain when standing for long periods of time. If you want to go back they can write notes for you to work shorter days or just one or two days a week also. But you do what you feel happiest doing.

I can't wait until I go off, although if I went off even earlier I think I'd get bored. This last week went really quickly though so I am sure March will be here before I know it!!

Well I had my scan today :D I was there for nearly two hours!! she was being an awkward little bugger and had her hand up on her face as well as her FOOT!! She was lying in a nappy changing position and wouldn't move haha. We had to go on a couple of walks, ended up going to costa for a coffee and muffins to try and get her to move. Eventually we managed to get a decent shot - right at the end and had to go 10 minutes in to someone elses appointment!! But it was amazing to see her move around :) Here are the two best photos of her. We have loads of photos...can't stop looking at them :) She has a right pair of lips on her too haha. I keep saying 'she might be the next angelina jolie' haha

I haven't had any major outbursts or anything. I get stroppy sometimes and feel like jumping on the sofa and ripping apart the cushions far have resisted the urge though!! I feel happy most of the time :) Oh and as for movement I think we are all experiencing something similar, I still get the odd kick and punch but most of the time it feels like she is flipping around in there, it can be rather uncomfortable at times!! They are probably making the most of the space as in a few weeks it will become rather snug in there :haha:

We had our first viewing today, will find out tomorrow whether he liked it enough to put in an offer though. He is a single guy who has recently split from his wife but they have a 3 year old which he will have stay around reguarly...he thought the smallest room might be a little too small but that was the only negative comment he made. I hope hope hope he can look past that and work something out. But fingers crossed. I have also, as thought I might, kept the giving pup away thing on hold....for a bit. If we manage to get this place sold within the next month or so then I will keep her, if not, she will have to go, living here just wouldn't work out. But I'd hate myself if I gave her away then ended up getting an offer and moved out a few weeks later. But we will see.

Anyway, here are the photos :) second one she has her tongue sticking out :p


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Holy moly, I've missed tonnes! I'll try and bullet point stuff :)

Visiting - OH has now said that he agrees with the homebirth so looks like that's all set. I'm having it at my parents house (it's bigger and more practical) and we'll be staying there for a few days so my mum can help me get into the swing of things.
We haven't set any visiting rules in stone but I'm thinking of parents and siblings on after a couple of hours - me and OH will have a couple of hours with LO, obviously my parents will already be there so will let them have an hour. Then call OH's parents to come round - they're separated so will take a good couple of hours and will probably fetch OH's sisters too :dohh: Then call my sister, BIL and kids.
Next day grandparents and aunties - I only have one aunty/uncle and so does OH so that won't be too bad :)

Emotions - mine seem to over the top today. Had a bicker with OH earlier (via text :dohh). He rang me shortly after to talk and apologise and I ended up crying like a complete mess - not so good at work :haha: Luckily there's only me in, for a change!

My Doctors Appointment - nope, it was a proper Doctors. I took the co-codamol on Saturday evening because we walked to the local shop (literally a 5 minute walk, if that) and back and I could have cried. Seemed to take the pain away though :shrug: They said co-codamol is fine, just no more than the recommended dosage - obviously :huh: and not to take anything else containing paracetamol.

LiverpoolLass - Could you maybe ask the hospital if you could have two people, really explain your worries? Other than this, I have no idea!

DoggyLover - I'm sorry you're still worrying about having a big baby :hugs: Don't forget, I'm right there with you and we can share our chubby babies! I was talking to someone yesterday and said how I'd love a little 7lber and she practically laughed in my face and said "I really doubt it. She already weighs over 3lbs and you're not exactly small" :growlmad:

MrsHippo - Ooh nice choice on pushchair!
As for your 3D scan, looks like our LO's are laid in the same position and she definitely has a good pout on her!

Nursery - both looking gorgeous!

Weight - I think I'm still under my pre-pregnancy weight but not by much now.. It seems to be creeping back :haha:

Hospital Bags - When is everyone thinking of doing this? I need to pack two.. sort of. One with clothes for me, OH and LO for a few days at my mums and then an 'emergency' one incase I have to be transferred to hospital (which I'm hoping I won't need :))

AsForMe - Sorry I've been a bit awol! OH had the S&D bug from NYE until.. well he's still got a bit of sickness!
I managed to catch the dodgy belly side of things last week but luckily it only lasted a couple of days :thumbup:
Housework and washing seems to be piling back up as neither of us have had any energy or get-go to do anything - not looking forward to tackling it all :dohh:

Hips/groin seem to have settled down a little (apart from when I want to walk anywhere, then it feels like she's about to fall out!) - 3D scan yesterday showed she has moved positions.

Went back for part two of our 3D scan yesterday to try and get some better pictures. LO still refused to move her hands/feet out of her face :growlmad: Still got some nice shots/footage though so nevermind!
She is now head down - quite low though :wacko: with her hands up by her face and her feet resting on her head! No wonder my lady parts hurt when I walk, everything's crammed right down there!
I'll try and sort the photos out tonight and put the one showing this on here - sonographer managed to get a good shot of it, only in 2D it's still quite good :)
Everything with LO is fine, she is still measuring a week ahead though so I'm going to mention this to the midwife as I'm now thinking maybe they shouldn't have put me back a week to start off with :shrug:
I know she'll come when she's good and ready but surely there's a reason they only let you go 2wks overdue? If they let me go 2wks over, I could infact be 3wks over..
Her legs, belly, head and weight are all measuring around the 30 week marker. She weighs 3.4lbs and her feet measure 6.3cms already!

Also, on both 3D scans it is showing that my placenta is now at the front :dohh: and the cord is infront of her face/mouth most of the time. The sonogorapher says this shouldn't be a problem but I'm also going to mention this to the midwife just incase :thumbup:

I think that's everything :haha:... here's 29w belly - watch it doesn't have your eye out! :winkwink:
doggylover Aw bless your meltdown it did make me giggle a little sorry :blush::haha: I haven't had an major hormonal meltdowns yet, I sometimes have a bit of a nag/moan fest at OH but tbh that was usual before I was pregnant :wacko: I tend to just cry really easily at sad things!

LiverpoolLass Your outburst made me laugh even more sorry! I just had an image of a woman throwing a pastry at a bloke outside Gregg's and stuff splattering everywhere :haha: I'm sure it wasn't like that! There seems to be a lot of hormonal throwing recently, maybe I need to take on this new sport!

MrsHippo Yes the furniture is from Mothercare, I'm not sure if it's still in the sale but we got £400 off which was pretty impressive as it made it nearly half price. It is so well made and sturdy though and I love how it has loads of storage space. Loved your 3D pics as well what a pout! She's going to be gorgeous! All these 3D scans are making me want one!

Laura91 Left some comments in your journal :thumbup:

AsForMe Nothing new really just having a chill day as ended up in Ikea yesterday (buying more stuff :dohh: my favourite sport!) and my hips were in agony afterwards so I need a rest today. The house needs another tidy though so will have to do that - it seems all I've done since I've been off is tidy and I think it's all done then something else crops up!!
Alex sorry to hear you are still sore....but a trip to Ikea might just be worth the pain?! I bloody love ikea, honestly, it's like an addiction! I think you should maybe take up throwing some things and just blame it on pregnancy hormones, but just do it for fun lol! I certainly felt better after the pan hit the wall (and the pancake splattered.....!) Also meant to say before I'm so happy to hear that you are now feeling really good about being pregnant. It's good to know that the time you have had off work has been a benefit physically and emotionally, as its obviously let you relax and enjoy pregnancy rather than constantly being in pain and worried.

Laura sorry to hear you and dh haven't been well, that bug is a definite bitch. And don't worry about housework, plenty of time for that when you are both feeling better. I didn't realise you had originally been put back a week - that makes sense that LO is now measuring ahead by a week surely. Definitely mention it to your midwife. (And then I'm going to be the only one with a huge baby :haha:) and I cannot believe someone made that remark to you! So so rude. And your bump picture shows that you are just perfect! You don't look huge at all! And certainly not as huge as I think I am! Glad the scan went (relatively) well though, can't wait to see the pics.

Lauren that is one angelina jolie pout your LO has, definitely! So adorable! I'm glad the scan went well, and having a coffee and muffin midway is only a bonus! I'm glad the viewing went pretty well, fingers crossed for an offer. You'd think if he only has his child at weekends (or similar) that it would be perfect - what's the point in having a huge room if its never used??

Hayley oh my gosh your Greggs pasty hormonal outburst did make me laugh quite a lot! Your poor dh having to go back!!! Bless him (but lets face it, he should have gotten it right :haha:) I'm sorry to hear you still aren't overly enjoying pregnancy, but glad that you think you could maybe do it again. You definitely have had a rough time, so it's no wonder you aren't entirely thrilled with the whole process.

Hospital bags... I was actually just thinking about this yesterday. I was planning to wait until I'm on maternity to do ours (so at 37 weeks) but is that too late? So I think maybe once my in laws come and we get the nursery set up, I've moved all LOs things in,then I'll sort our bags out, so that will be 34-35 weeks.
Here you go MrsHippo - matching baby's :haha: x


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Lauren - awwww such cute scan piccys! Love the one where she's pulling tongues! She's gonna be a cheeky lil monkey! hehe! How sweet!!! Did they tell you the current weight and measurements etc?
Good luck with the apartment guy, hope he was interested!

Laura - Aww yeah I'd def mention your concerns to the midwife and see what they say, like you say you don't want to end up going 3 weeks overdue as there must be a reason that they induce after 2 weeks!
Glad baby is lying in the right position now though! :) Did they say the weight was normal for the gestation? I have noooo idea what the babies should be weighing now to be honest!

Yeah it can't hurt to ask about having two people in with me but I'm like 99% sure it'll be a no - I've never heard of any hospital letting more than one person in for a c section.

As for hospital bags, my mum said to me tonight that I should have one ready by now! So thats got me panicked. I'll probably start prepping one this week just incase, can't hurt to be organised!

Ooh how is the homebirth going to work? Will you have a midwife there with you? I know very little about home birthing.

Amazing bump pic! You can REALLY see the change in babys position from the week before!! How cool!

Alex/Sarah - Lol! Well we were in the car when I threw the pasty back at him, but it was quite funny! Poor OH has to put up with temper tantrums like that a lot from me - bless him, he's a bit of a saint! :D I don't care though, he gets none of the pregnancy discomfort/sickness/etc so anything I choose to put him through he can just grin & bear it as far as I'm concerned :D

Yay for Ikea, I love their stuff!

AFM...FINALLY met my own midwife at last today! Pleased to say she is absolutely lovely and by far the best one I have come across so far, so yay that she is my regular one! :D
She was very very thorough - she listened to beans heartbeat (141 bmp, fine apparently), she said he's turned so he is no longer breach he's now head down - good boy!, she measured me and said I'm measuring at 29 cms which is about right as I'll be 29 weeks on Thursday, and she asked if I had my consultant appointment through to discuss the c section yet and was quite miffed when I said I hadn't so she's made a new request for an appointment and said it should DEFINITELY come through in the next few days *fingers crossed*!
I asked her about the fluid leakage thing, she said its hard to say what it might be as it could be wee, discharge or it could be little leaks of amniotic fluid - she said if it happens again I should insist that the hospital see me, but that from feeling my bump my fluid levels seem fine so she's not worried.
SO all good news! I don't have to go back until 31 weeks now.

I have my thyroid appointment on Wednesday so hoping everything is ok on that front, and the maternity hospital called me today to invite me in for the hospital tour so thats all booked for 4th March! How exciting! :D

Oh also, has anybody experienced anything painful yet?! Its hard to describe exactly what I mean - but tonight I went to the cinema with OH (Saw Les Mis, AMAZING!) and Bean was being EXTREMELY active - doing constant somersaults and full on turns - but every now and then I'd get a sudden really intense pain! Kind of like a cramping/tightening sensation low down in my bump, that would last for about 30 seconds and be so painful that it would make me jump and screw my face up - and then it would go completely. I was really worried that I was about to go into labour in the cinema!!!!
Has anybody had anything like this? It lasted for about an hour, but its been fine since!
Her estimated weight was 2lb10 which was bang on average for 28 weeks. She showed me this chart with their averages and my LO was right in the middle. I can't stop looking at her photo, it's so strange. Completely different from the other scans, it's weird knowing what your little baby looks like. I feel very protective over my scan photos lol.

As for hospital bags, I have been thinking about it too. I read that we should do it around 35 weeks or something but I worry about her coming early. What if she comes and I don't have time to pack the stuff I need ... Well I haven't even brought it yet!! I am planning on buying a cheap big bag from primark I think (for those outside of uk, primark is one of those shops that sells everything really cheap but stuff isn't too bad. Serves its purpose). I might start packing it gradually soon.

Has anyone else thought about actually giving birth yet? I have always been worried about ''going to the toilet'' during labour and it petrifies me :/ I am very very private when it comes to that subject! I won't even go if OH is at home, I wait for him to go out. I have been with him for close on 7 years now and I still behave that way!! I have been told a mixture of things from 'when baby comes out it doesn't give space for anything else' then I read on the third tri forum that someone had it ''dug out of her'' which just sounds so so so wrong. At this rate I won't be eating anything around due date!!!
Oh and Laura, sooo cute :) do you find yourself staring at the photos too? Or is it just me lol?

And Hayley, so glad to hear that your midwife is nice and you finally got looked at properly :) hopefully you won't have to wait too long now to speak to your doctor about the c-section. Keep us updated anyway :)
then I read on the third tri forum that someone had it ''dug out of her'' which just sounds so so so wrong.


I really hope that doesn't mean what i think it does....but I'm scared it does!!!!! How horrific! The third tri boards are EVIL! To be honest, I'm not fussed - if I poo myself I do :shrug: I would VERY much prefer that i didn't, but I don't think I'll be able to help it!! Plus my SIL said that when she did nobody even mentioned it. She only found out she actually had afterwards when she asked her husband. Luckily, my husband and I are quite open about stuff like that (i.e. we are very immature and make poo and fart jokes. And not at all in a creepy way, but if one of us is peeing, the other will still come into the bathroom if we are talking. Probably very weird!) So it's not a huge worry for me (yet!). Also, glad to hear LO is perfect weight :) Isn't it strange to think though that 2lbs 10 of your weight is now another person!?

Hayley: Glad to hear the midwife appointment went really well. Such a weight off your mind to know that your care iswhat you want from here on in. And great news about your fluid seeming fine :) I have had a couple of painful jabs (i think in the bladder?) But nothing as painful as what you described - maybe just really intense Braxton Hicks? (Which, btw, my oh likes to call Branston Pickles :wacko:)
LiverpoolLass - He said that her weight measured up to her being in the 30th week so still a week ahead :dohh:
I'm glad you finally got to meet your MW and glad that she's lovely!
Could the pains have been BH?
I'm planning on staying at home as long as I can and then when I start getting uncomfortable, ringing my mum to come pick us up. Then we'll just relax at hers and ring the midwife when we need to. She'll come when I'm ready - when contractions are close or whatever. I'm planning on having a waterbirth so I'm guessing OH and my mum/midwife will have to set this up too :shrug:
So once I've had baby and presuming everything's ok, I'm practically already at home and me and OH can relax 'at home' with LO :)
If all goes to plan anyway :haha:

MrsHippo - I love looking at LO's pictures, I've put them in a little 'Baby's Photo Album' because I was getting paranoid that OH was passing them round people and getting finger marks on them all :rofl:

Has anyone else thought about actually giving birth yet?
I haven't until last night when I had a dream that me and OH had gone to a family party and Eva just slid out whilst I was in the elevator :rofl:! I just walked up to OH and handed her over and smiled :huh:

DoggyLover - I think we may be thinking the same thing here as I'm a little bit :sick:.
I've also taken the attitude of "if it happens, it happens" - there's nothing I can do and I'm sure that when the time comes I'll be distracted by the pain/concentration :) Although I still make jokes with OH that if this does happen, he'll have to scoop it out of the pool :haha:

Isn't it strange to think though that 2lbs 10 of your weight is now another person!?
I read on another thread that you've got baby's weight, plus placenta weight, plus fluid and some other stuff.. I'm blaming all this on my weight creeping back up ;)
Laura: :haha: at that dream! If only it would be that easy on the day...! I'm with you, go with the flow on the day, que sera sera and all of that (Now, come back to me in 73 days when I'm screaming blue murder and see how I feel!!) Yep, apparently practically NONE of the extra weight we have is actually our own weight - it's all boobs and blood and baby stuff! Thank heavens!!

Oh my I am getting some kicking, right down really low on my right hand side. Feels like someone is rubbing their knuckles along my insides!!
I mainly get kicks to the bladder lately, laid in bed last night she was kicking my bladder and then pushing downwards with her head - I had to warn OH not to lean on my belly incase I accidentally peed :shy:

My dignity has completely gone out the window lately - the joys of pregnancy! :rofl:
Lauren - Aww thats good then! :) Bless!

Yeah Primark is a good idea for a hospital bag, they have some nice big ones. I might have to go and have a nosey there tomorrow when OH is off work hehe.

Aww the toilet thing was always a worry of mine with relation to labour too!
I had a friend YEARS ago who had a baby, and she terrified me by telling me all about how she pooed everywhere while she was giving birth and the midwife was shouting at her!
But do you know, I think you'll always get horror stories - my sister was really worried about the same thing but she said she has NO idea wether she did or didn't in labour because there's too much going on and you're too focused on just getting the baby out to even think about it or care! She said even if you do "go", that you're not likely to even notice and they'd just quietly take it away without even mentioning it - they're obviously used to it!
My sister was more worried about her partner seeing, as she's very much the same as you, so she had a rule that he wasn't allowed down the "Business end" of things until the baby was actually crowning - at all other times he had to stay by her head! lol.

Sarah Lol! I love that sentence - "I'm not fussed if I poo myself!" thats brilliant :haha:

Sarah & LauraYeah I suppose it could be braxton hicks, but I have had those loads and they haven't yet been painful - and when these pains were happening my stomach was soft to touch, not contracted like with BH. Weird!! Hasn't happened since last night though! Odd. It definitely wasn't pain from the baby moving though - it felt like something else. Its really hard to describe!

Laura - Aww it'll be nice to be at home straight away with the baba :) Do you just hire a birthing pool then?
Sounds very fancy! :D Its mad how different all of our births are going to end up being! :)
Lol love that dream you described!

AFM I don't know whats up with me today, I feel massively depressed :(
Has anybody felt depressed during the pregnancy? I've only noticed it in the last week or two, but a "friend" of mine who I confided in has stressed me out even more by telling me that if I have depression in pregnancy I'll probably end up with really bad post-natal depression! Great :wacko:

I think its just our living situation. I am SICK of us living with my parents, I just want to get back to our own space back in Devon but we're kind of stuck - we would have the money to move back at the end of this month, but we can't really as it would mean transferring all my ante natal care over again and its only just started to get sorted from moving here in November so it seems a bit late into the pregnancy to be changing over again now :/

I'm just SO fed up though - the name situation is really bringing me down. I'm sick of my parents forcing their suggestions onto me and criticizing mine & OH's ideas - yesterday my Dad actually said to me "We've got a stake in this baby too you know. Its a third yours, a third Jons and two 6ths mine and your mums!"....My response of "Oh right, well I'll meet you in the delivery room when you're giving birth to it too then, shall I?!" just made him laugh but SERIOUSLY?!

I know its just a name, but naming is one of the main things I've always looked forward to about having a baby and its been completely ruined for me.

My mum told me the name we like best is horrible, and actually said "Your sisters kids have names that we feel proud calling out in public, I'll feel ashamed shouting out Tyne in public". I mean...WTF kind of thing is THAT to say to someone, let alone someone pregnant and emotional!?

She also annoyed me again today because I mentioned I might want to have a 3D scan - she was just so dismissive saying its a waste of money, they look nothing like real babies and the baby will just be creeped out by the pictures when its older, nobody ever looks back on them once the baby is here anyway, and "anyway you're supposed to be saving money, stop wasting it"...

It just really wound me up. I'm not a child! And I don't see spending money on seeing my baby as a waste! But then its like, whats the point?! I just feel soooooo deflated :(

It sounds so bad to admit it, but with the way everything is making me feel at the moment I don't even feel a little bit excited about having the baby :cry:
Awww Hayley, I want to give you a hug :hugs: I'm not surprised you feel the way you do with family like that!! I don't want to sound horrible but I think they are bang out of order, especially what your mum has been saying. This is why I haven't told anyone the name because I didn't want reactions like that. But even so, it has nothing to do with her what you decide to call YOUR child!! and as for the scan...pffft, I would just go and get one anyway. I think she is just being really horrible. End of the day it is your first baby, make the most of it!!! And even if your child doesn't want to see it when they get older it doesn't matter, its for you. I really really do hope you go for one (by the way, if you do book it NOW, they can have long waiting lists!!) it really is such an amazing experience. I am so glad I had mine, I am really excited about meeting her since seeing her on the scan (not that I wasn't anyway :haha: but even more so now). I think you are just going though a spout of feeling a bit poo....overall I have felt much happier but some days, like yesterday and today I feel a bit down. I think its because Adam is working away this week and I am coming home to an empty house with nothing to do and have no money to go out and do anything!! But I think we are more likely to suddenly be on a high one minute and a low the next due to our hormones. I think you should just try and keep yourself to yourself and if you can try and get out in the evenings so you aren't around everyone. The trip to primark sounds like a good idea though :) go and treat yourself to a little something!!

Well my mum told me to try and go to the toilet when labour first starts...that way if its all out then hopefully I should be ok haha :blush: but yes the story of 'had to dig it out of me' is what your thinking. If I can find the thread I will show you!! I think she was talking about how constipated she was. It just sounds so wrong though. The third tri board does have me rubbing my head sometimes....

Is anyone else worried about the weather? I had to go to the post office this morning and I was pretty much walking on a sheet of ice...I am scared of falling over funny and hurting bean. Obviously I know they are well cushioned but if I fell on my stomach it could potentially do some damage??

I only have about 7 weeks left at work then three weeks later its due date!!! :shock: :shock: its scary!!!! Its got me thinking about how much I still have left to buy...but at the moment no money to pay for it all!! ahh.

I can't stop eating at the moment!!! Especially chocolate....I am eating sooo much. I will end up giving birth to a chocolate bar at this rate :rofl:

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