First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Hayley no offence intended, but your mum is being a massive bitch. Those things she are saying about baby's name are totally unacceptable. Ask her how she would feel if in 10 years you tell your son "granny said before you arrived she was ashamed of your name" and obviously he is going to feel like he and his name aren't good enough. Hopefully something like that would make her see that what she is saying is unacceptable, and hurtful, to all 3 of you. My mum has been irritating too, not as bad as yours, as she keeps saying "Noah is a lovely name" literally about 6 times since the start of December. And each time I say "yes it is, it's lovely, but Simon doesn't like it that much." And yet she goes on about it :shrug: we haven't told them our chosen names yet, and she acts like I am keeping this huge secret, but like you say, naming baby is one of the things I've been looking forward to as well, and I'm not letting them ruin it for me.
Lovely of your friend to imply you are going to have PND :growlmad: I think when you are living with your parents, and having that attitude from them, that its only natural to be fed up and feel a little down in the dumps. I would go mad if we had to move back in with my mum. I'd murder her! Just try and concentrate on how great it will be when you are back in Devon, with your little man snuggled up in your arms.

Lauren sorry you've been having a rough week too. I can imagine how crap it is just being home alone in the evenings. Do what I do (even though dh is here!) - look online at baby things! That eats up all my time! Going to the loo when labour starts is actually a great idea - will limit the likelihood of any nasties! I know people used to take castor oil to prevent it, but I heard an awful (although I laughed!) story about a girl who took loads in the 3 weeks before her due date and was planning on stopping the day before so that it didn't have the opposite effect during birth....she went into labour two weeks earlier and apparently it was quite something! :haha: I'm the same - 7 weeks of work then 3 weeks to go! Can't believe it!! How has this all happened so quickly?

I'm actually going to be a little sad to not be pregnant anymore. I can't wait to have LO here of course, but I will miss that special feeling - being the only one who knows what LO is doing, and having people (most people!) being so extra lovely. I've been loving it so far!
It doesn't feel two minutes ago that I was telling everyone I was pg!! I am counting my 7 weeks from next week, so give or take a few days :) you think 9 months and it feels a lifetime away!

And I do sit online quite a bit but sometimes I go on the internet then sit there staring at google homepage because I don't know what to look at lol!!

Talking of names I am totally stuck on a middle name. As we are spelling Beau the way we are I want her to have a feminine middle name... We have thrown a couple in to the hat but I'm not 100% about them. I know it can wait until we register her but I'd like to have a name now!

I think I'll miss feeling LO move around inside of me but certainly won't miss being pregnant :D I can't wait until I am able to drink wine, eat cheese, go on the sun bed, sleep on my tummy and most importantly get my sex drive back!!! My list could go on but those things are towards the top :p
LiverpoolLass - I literally have no idea what the belly thing is then :huh:
Yep, I think I've got to find and hire it myself.. I can't quite remember - I'll check next week at my MW appointment :)
I'm sorry you're feeling a little down lately but by the sounds of it, you have a lot to making you feel that way :hugs:
Firstly, your friend shouldn't stick her two penneth in and tell you about the PND thing - if anything it's just gonna put more worry/stress on you!
Secondly, I think anyone living back at home with parents, partner and being pregnant would stress out a lot - you've been used to having your own space and privacy.
Lastly, I'm sorry but your parents sound extremely out of order for voicing their opinion like that! Like others have said, it's your baby, no one elses. If they like certain names so much, why didn't they name their children it? This is what I said to OH after his mum tried influencing our name choice :sulk:
My mum wasn't exactly keen when my sister announced my nephews name but she never said anything to her and after a couple of days, it totally grew on her and she loves it now!
As for saying baby's a 3rd theirs too.. I'm sorry but wrong again. I think your comment was genius though ;)
As awful as it sounds, I think you might need to sit down with them and let them know how they're opinions are making you feel :hugs:

MrsHippo - Sorry you've been feeling a little down too :hugs:! Sort yourself some crap telly out - my Sky planner is always filling up but it gives me something to do when I'm in on my own :)
I've read in a lot of different threads and email updates that a few days before labour, your body naturally has a 'clear out' (:sick:) and that's how some women know they're nearly there :shrug: Maybe it's a bit of a myth.. or wishful thinking :haha:
Is Beau her set name now then? I think it's lovely! What middle names have you come up with so far?
The weather is awful here today. Absolutely freezing and everything is like ice :( It's a good job I don't have a uniform for work because I'm throwing anything and everything on lately just to keep warm. Today's outfit of choice is leggings, long grey vest, OH's very thick knitted grey cardy and some knee length boots/welly things ;) Doesn't look so great but I'm toasty!

DoggyLover - I think I'll miss being pregnant too.. although I won't miss getting stuck trying to roll over in bed :haha:

When is everyone's last day at work? Mine is Friday 1st March :dance:
Which makes me 36W1D - I think.. x
liverpoollass sorry your having a tough time :( it must be so stressful living with parents I wouldn't be able to do it without going a little barmy lol! Your parents are completely out of order with the name situation and saying baby is 1/3 there's!! You seriously need to sit down with them and discuss this, I think grandparents sometimes get a bit of a power trip and think they are just as important as you and OH so they need to be brought down a peg or too!

Sorry other ladies have also been feeling a little poo and down :( think the time of year doesn't help does it!

I have gone into full blown nesting mode, the house has been attacked from top to bottom, I'm being ruthless with throwing stuff out! Have also gone round the whole house with anti bacterial wipes lol! I'm like a woman possessed!

I too have a big grumble/ goes (lol)

Grr is everyone's dr's surgery as unhelpful as mine! My sick note runs out today (16th) however I couldn't get a appointment until Friday (18th) ... Bearing in mind I booked this 3 weeks ago! I was assured by receptionist that the dr would backdate my sick note to cover the 17th.
Any who today the weather is being forecast heavy snow for Friday, bloody typical! Nothing planned all week then Friday I have dr's booked and supposed to be seeing friends! So I rang the surgery for some advice because obviously if it snows really heavily I don't know whether I'll be able to make it in. Firstly it took me about 10 minutes to get through to a receptionist I explained the situation and asked whether there was any appointments either this afternoon of tomorrow. She was so rude "well that's not an emergency we have no appointments you'll just have to come in Friday". I explained I'm pregnant, so don't want to drive if its really snowy, could I maybe have a telephone appointment at least and do they definitely back date sick notes as if I am off work without a sick note then 1) I'm taking unpaid leave and 2) I'm potentially getting into trouble with work. She was so snotty said she didn't know if he'd back date the note I'd just have to ring Friday and its not an emergency to need a sick note and she has no appointments at all in the next week so if I don't come Friday that's it!! So basically if its heavy snow Friday I have no choice but to go in anyway and risk crashing my car!! I'm so mad cos when I booked the damn appointment for Friday 3 weeks ago I expressed my concern that my sick note ran out a few days before and would that be ok and the woman was like "yes yes it's fine they backdate them all the time" then the snooty woman today basically said no they don't backdate them and refused point blank to give me an appointment! So what am I supposed to do! I'm already down one day sick pay if he doesn't backdate the note, if I can't get in Friday god knows how much money I'll be missing out on, potentially hundreds of pounds!! what a stress I bloody hate my drs the way they work is so backwards not letting you book an appointment unless they reckon your deemed ill enough and then only booking them weeks in advance!!

Phew big moan over! I hate snow it always seems to know when I have plans and try and ruin them and stress me out!
Ps...with regards to poo, according to the lady at my antenatal class, diarrhoea is one of the first signs of early labour so you might have a clear out beforehand! I'd try not to stress bout pooing during labour as apparently most ladies do and it's completely normal and usually they just clear it up no fuss and you'd know no different! She also said a lot of ladies feel like they need a poo right before baby comes as it presses on your rectum so that's a sign baby is about to crown but not to worry if a bit of poo comes out when u do as u can't really do much about it and its not much!
Alex, I'd call them back, make a complaint and ask to speak with someone else :sulk:

She had no right to be funny with you! Would she prefer you to not turn up to the appointment (if weather's bad) and waste the doctors time? Snotty cow!

My doctors are generally okay for getting appointments. Getting through on the phone though, crazy. You seem to be on hold forever! Then when you go to the appointment, they're 99% of the time, running late :growlmad: x
Alex, I'd call them back, make a complaint and ask to speak with someone else :sulk:

She had no right to be funny with you! Would she prefer you to not turn up to the appointment (if weather's bad) and waste the doctors time? Snotty cow!

My doctors are generally okay for getting appointments. Getting through on the phone though, crazy. You seem to be on hold forever! Then when you go to the appointment, they're 99% of the time, running late :growlmad: x

I think I'm going to ring tomorrow for an emergency appointment and just make up a reason I need to see them, I can't risk losing out on money for work! So mad tho think I'm going to look into changing dr's as when LO arrives what if I can't get an appointment! Ridiculous.
My GPs is very hit and miss. Sometimes you can phone and get an appointment later that week, other times it might be three weeks :shrug: very annoying. But they are all very pleasant.

Alex lol at your nesting! I am definitely noticing things that need cleaned, but will wait until I'm off and go nuts on each room then I think! And interesting about the diarrhoea, will keep an eye out for that when I think I might be on the way :haha:

Laura my last day at work is the week after you -8th march. Does it seem like forever away to you?! I feel like its never going to come! Has there been much snow with you? Of course we have none, so no snow days for me! But it's chilly here too. Your outfit definitely sounds cosy - especially with oh's clothes in there! They are always so snuggly!

In terms of missing things when we are pregnant - the only thing I have said "I really wish I could have that" this whole time is slightly runny fried eggs! I like them runny, so I've not been having them at all (no point in my eyes if you have to have them hard!!) but that's about it! In 10 weeks time I'm sure ill be wishing for my pre-pregnancy self back though - I think it's only going to go downhill from here! The last two weeks my back has been getting sore mid-afternoon, and nothing relieves it. Is weird though as its really high up, and in a very specific point, but so uncomfy. So another 10 weeks of that will be fun :thumbup: not to mention whatever else the last few weeks throws our way!
Lauren - Aww thank you :hugs: I'm sorry you've been having a rough week too.
And yes, treating myself is called for I think hehe.
What ideas have you had for Beau's middle name?

Sarah - Yeah, she is being a bitch :/ Ugh! Why do mothers feel the need to go on and on about a name they've latched on to even though you've already told them you're not using it! My mum is the same with the names Elliott & Emil - she's obsessed even though I've told her a million times I don't like them.

Alex - bloody Drs surgeries! Mine is very similar - you have to be some sort of psychic and feel your illnesses coming on 3 weeks in advance as thats the only time you can get appointments! They say you can call on the day for an emergency appointment but they NEVER have any available!
Some drs receptionists really do think they are the actual drs - you should make a complaint about her attitude. If I were you, I'd just call for an emergency appointment - if they ask what its for just say you don't wish to discuss it with them (the receptionist doesn't need to know at the end of the day!), and just make something up for the Dr and do the sicknote thing as a "By the way, while I'm here...." sort of thing.
They should back date it though, especially as its only an extension - I've never had any problem getting a dr to backdate a sicknote.

afm I had my appointment with my thyroid dr today - what a joke! They basically just didn't know anything! I asked for the results of the tests I had done months ago in Exeter which are supposed to let me know if my condition and medication has had any affect on the baby - they basically have lost the results! So they said they'll repeat the test - in 3 weeks!!! Great - so i'll just wait around for ANOTHER 3 weeks then, brilliant. Grrr :growlmad:

As for what I've missed, I'm with you Lauren - cheese & wine!!!!! I cannot WAIT to get my hands on some brie and I'm worried I'm going to be sneaking bottles of Prosecco into the hospital after the birth as waiting until I'm home seems like too long! lol.
I'm quite looking forward to being able to get on a diet and get control of my body back too, though I'll probably change my mind about that when its time to do it! I feel so huge at the moment though, its depressing! I don't feel like a glowing pregnant goddess, I just feel like a big sack of spuds!
I'm worried I'm going to be sneaking bottles of Prosecco into the hospital after the birth as waiting until I'm home seems like too long! lol.

:rofl: I can just see this, the midwife comes round to check up on you and bubs and you are necking a bottle of Prosecco!! They may give you funny looks when you arrive and your hospital bag is clinking!!!
Haha I said I'd be popping a bottle of champagne in my hospital bag, only a little one though :p with not drinking for so long I'm worried I'd get drunk off one glass haha!!

I hate gp surgeries too sometimes. Mine tell me you have to ring at 8am for a same day appointment. Sometimes, even if you ring a few weeks in advance, they still tell you to ring on the day you want the appointment as 'the doctor hasn't released their timetable yet' it's silly. But if you want an emergency appointment they tend to be quite good but have to be prepared to wait a while.

I too have been getting back ache high up, it's at a point where I struggle to reach. I have been so desperate for a back massage all week :( I'll ask Adam for one tomorrow though :)

As for middle names.... I have none in the pipeline :( I haven't actually sat down and thought of any though. I've been so pre-occupied just recently. I think me and Adam need to have a sit down and throw some ideas in to the hat.

Well I have a couple of things to share which is very exciting!! One of the local radio stations (GEM106) have been running this competition thing all month where they pay a bill for you. You enter your details online along with the price of your bill you want paying and how much it is. The only catch is that you have to listen to the radio all day and they call out 4 names a day. If they call your name out you have half an hour to ring them back, if you go over that half an hour then you miss it. Well.... If you haven't already guessed, I WON!! I got a £200 cheque on its way to me :D I was over the moon!!! I nearly missed it though!! I got in to work and was a little pee'd off due to something work related, went on Facebook and someone posted on my wall 'ring gem fm, they called your name'!!! I took his word for it, rang them and all of a sudden I am on air completely tongue tide!! I didn't know what to say hahaha. But if I didn't go on Facebook I would have missed it!!! So I've been a happy bunny all day! :headspin:

Secondly, that guy who came to view our place on Sunday is coming back for a second viewing tomorrow!! :) - just means I have some more cleaning up to do tonight!! But fingers crossed its because he is considering it!!

Last night I brought beans hammock. Found out miyo (the company that supplied the one I wanted has stopped distributing to the UK!!) so I ordered the LAST stand on their website then brought a different make of hammock. They aren't supposed to go together but we will make sure it's well secure.

I am sitting at work very bored, still got just over 2 hours left :/ I have just eaten a big McDonald's too and feel rather full :)
Alex, I LOVE your nursery. It looks so good all put together. DH found out what the exact paint color is that we need to fix up the spots on the ceiling where he got sloppy so we'll be doing that this weekend and then I'll finally be able to start putting my furniture together. I don't think my nursery will really be complete though until after my baby shower February 9th. We've hardly bought anything since we're not sure what all we'll be gifted at the shower.

Sarah, I'm sorry about the pancakes. I think I'm incapable of making a perfect pancake. If they're actually round I end up overcooking them (though I don't mind a darker pancake) or they look really good color wise the shape is off. It's funny you mentioned pancakes though because it's something I've been craving. I made DH take me to an Ihop for dinner one night because I wanted blueberry pancakes and I knew my attempts would fail miserably. :haha:

I seem to have more forgetfulness then any kind of emotional outbursts. I'm sure DH hates talking to me these days because I know I ask him the same questions or make the same comments multiple times because I simply can't remember what he said or if I had already commented on something.

Hayley, I really like your blog. I used to blog when I was in high school but I don't have much time for it these days. I do keep a journal on here that I post in but that's about it. I'm also right there with you as far as hating pregnancy goes. The MS, the heartburn, all the aches and pains, I'd basically like to fast forward through the pregnancy and get right to my baby being here.

As for the pains you described, I haven't had anything similar but do you think they might have been braxton hicks?

As for depression, I only found myself struggling when I was dealing with the bad MS. I would basically cry all day because I was so miserable. But once the MS left I haven't really felt depressed. With everything going on with your family though I can't blame you for feeling depressed. Your parents are being ridiculous! :hugs: That baby is yours and Jon's and all decisions regarding him belong to you two. Your parents do not have any say and I think it's terrible that they are acting like they can force their opinions on you. I really don't know what to suggest though unless it would be possible to find a place out there to move to so you wouldn't have to change hospitals again.

Lauren, the scan photos you shared look great. What a cutie!! I hope everything works out an the guy puts in an offer on your place. I imagine it would be nice to be able to keep your dog. I would be devastated if I had to give up any of my animals so I can only imagine how tough it is having to consider giving up your dog.

I'm a bit worried about going poo while I'm delivering but everyone keeps saying that they won't tell you if you do and for the most part you're going to be so focused on pushing the baby out that you won't care then anyways.

Laura, I'm planning to have a hospital packed and ready to go at the start of March. I figure about a month or so before I'm due is a good idea. Getting everything set up for the baby will be the main priority in February after the baby shower and I imagine trying to focus on the hospital bag then too would be a bit overwhelming.

Love the scan photos!!

AFM, I've been dealing with terrible pain in the bottom/sides of my bump. It's terrible at night so I basically dread having to sleep these days.

My next appointment is on the 22nd so I'm hoping to bring this up with my doctor and see if there is anything I can do to make sleeping a little easier.

Then I have my childbirth education class on the 26th. I'm really excited but nervous at the same time since I'm so shy. I'm hoping DH and I will be able to make some friends out here though. Would be nice to have some friends out here with kids.
Oh Hayley, I knew I had forgotten something. I get an intense pain in my lower belly too. It is hard to explain... I mentioned something about it on here a while ago. I normally get it when I'm active (i.e. walking fast, pushing trolley around supermarket ect). I can feel it slowly come on then suddenly I literally have to stop because it becomes too painful. When I told my mw about it she told me to just take it easy and said its caused by stretching muscles. So I can only assume its the same or similar to what your getting? Maybe you were just sat funny at the cinemas and it set it off. I can't go to the cinemas anymore because it hurts too much to sit there for that long :( I really want to go and see a couple of films too... :'(
Sarah - LOL @the clinking hospital bag! Imagine!

Lauren - congrats on winning the radio contest! Geez you jammy thing! lol! How lucky are you?!!!
Since you mentioned the handbag I've been entering competitions every day from the forum you told us about lol, no wins yet though! I don't think I've ever won anything in my life!

What kind of middle name do you want to go with? Are you planning on using a family name or just another name that you like to go with Beau? I think you're right about adding something obviously feminine... something like Beau Amelia or Beau Olivia would be pretty!

Good news about the guy coming back for a second look too!

Oh I remember you mentioning the bump pain now! Yeah I wonder if it was the cinema not helping, that was the first time I'd been to the cinema since being pregnant and we saw Les Mis which is pretty long! So I guess being in that position for so long may not have helped!

Brittany - Aww I'm sorry you've had pain while trying to sleep. I hope your midwife can help on the 22nd!
What kind of pain is it?
I hope the childbirth classes go well too! :) I'm sure you'll be able to make friends, at least you'll have common ground with the people there right away! :)

I think the pains I had COULD have been extreme braxton hicks but those are supposed to be painless so I'm not sure ;/
I did read though that if we eat spicy foods we should watch out for extreme movements from baby, as what we eat now affects the flavour of the amniotic fluid that the baby swallows - and both times the pain happened it was accompanied by the most EXTREME movements I've ever had - and both times, I had eaten spicy Indian Madras curries the same evening. So maybe that was why?! Maybe Bean was objecting to spicy amniotic fluid lol.

Thanks for checking out my blog! :) I love writing it, its such a release! And this week I had a company email me and offer me a contract with them where they provide me with free custom made dresses if I post photos of me wearing them on my blog! AND the website emailed me and asked me to write a guest article for them! :D
I'm sooooo excited about it!

afm - I am also craving pancakes. Thank goodness its pancake day soon in the UK! :D
We signed up for our newborn know how classes so those start in early feb, I'm excited about that!
I also have to go for my breast screening next week as the Dr is worried about the mastitis issue I had, soooo dreading that :/

I think I'm going to start my hospital bag pretty soon, as I just found out that my sisters friend had her baby yesterday - 8 weeks early!!!! She only weighed 2 lbs 12 oz!
And my pregnant friend Faye was telling me how she herself was born at 29 weeks gestation!
Can you imagine?! So all this talk of very early babies has me freaked out!
That's great news about your blog! So exciting :)

And fingers crossed you will win something one day :p I got my first win after 3 weeks or so of entering them. I probably entered at least 20 a day then though! But you can set something up on your computer which automatically fills the forms in... Saves lots of time :)

I worry about bean coming early too. I have had a couple of comments recently too saying that my bump has dropped :/ will it go back up lol???

I like your middle name suggestions, Olivia is my sisters though so won't be using that :) but yes, I just want something feminine and pretty. I'm not one for traditions like using family names. I like the name Fleur but don't think that goes. People will look at her name on paper and think 'what were the parents thinking' haha with all these funny names

One name I have just come accross online which I'd never even thought about before, I have the perfume at home too and love the name! --- Valentina .... Beau Valentina Goodson ?? I think it's quite pretty. What do you think?
DoggyLover - Yes, the 1st March seem so far away! I think once we're into February it'll fly round :)
Weather's not been too bad. It keeps snowing but not settling properly so it's just a slight covering on the ground - very slippy though!
I'm with you on the runny egg thing. That's the only thing i've really missed :( I told OH that once baby is out, i'll be having eggs and soldiers for breakfast, dinner and tea until i'm sick of it ;)

LiverpoolLass - I can't believe they've lost your results! Could they not get another copy sent over?
Also, great news about the company emailing you with a contract :hugs:

MrsHippo - That's great news about the radio thing! You're so lucky!!
Hope the guy viewing the house comes through too, that'd be great :)
Mmmmm McDonald's :cloud9:

ILoveLucy - I've read that the pains you're describing is just stretching muscles like MrsHippo said. Hope they ease off soon!

AsForMe - 30 weeks yesterday = 3/4 done :bunny:

This week, everything's started to kick in.

I now have to have a pee routine for bedtime - I feel like a child! I have to go before I get into bed around 10pm. Then before we go to sleep around 12am. Then I go again about 4-5am. Then again at 8am before I leave for work.
Where is all this fluid coming from because I know I'm not drinking all this through the night so unless LO has a stash in there somewhere, I have no idea!

Yesterday I got to work (after a 25 minute bus ride in the freezing cold) to find that T had taken my work key off my keyring mistaking it for our backdoor key :growlmad: Cue me being livid and taking another 25 minute bus ride home again then a 15 minute walk to my mums because I didn't want to go home. Then went to a new Morrisons that's opened near us, walked around for about an hour. Got home and could hardly move - way overdid it :( Groin/hips are still absolutely killing me today.

Tiredness is becoming a killer this week again, I feel like i'm reliving 1st Tri all over again :sleep:

Oh and heartburn is my worst enemy.

Overall, not a great week but hey ho. Maybe things will pick up again soon :haha:

Here's this weeks bump against last weeks and a a mini progression picture..:
Wow Laura you have definitely changed since 29 weeks, might be the way bump is sitting but bump looks rounder... But that might be your clothes actually. Anyhoo, you look good anyway :)

Can't believe you haven't been eating runny eggs! I know they recommend not but I've been eating lion stamped eggs. I cook them a tad longer than I do usually but they are still runny. I ate it quite a bit when I didn't feel very well (once I was able to keep a bit down). I don't eat them every day, once in a while. But I know everyone has different opinions on it so I guess you do what you feels best :) I did however, have the best thing at a restaurant a couple of weeks ago - breaded hens egg!!! It was sooo nice. That was runny too. Never had one breaded before, it was lush. Will definitely be trying that again :)
Hello again ladies, well we are well and truly snowed in my end so I'm holed up in my living room all cosy and warm watching the snow. It's very pretty but as usual in the UK causes utter havoc! I had to cancel my dr's appointment and I think my antenatal class is cancelled tomorrow as well :dohh: I was supposed to be seeing friends as well today but this has also gone to pot! It's pretty blizzard like outside though and about 5-10 cm so I'm going nowhere! Again I'll bullet point if thats ok as I've missed loads!

Pain in belly I hadn't had this until yesterday when I was driving and had what I can only describe as really intense stretching pains in my lower tummy, almost like I'd strained something (like when your sick loads) I was freaking out but they weren't like cramps just pulling sensation. I think it was the driving that did it :dohh: It went as soon as I stopped driving but I'll be more careful from now on.

Well done on winning the radio competition mrshippo! I never win anything! I never enter anything though so unsurprising really :haha:

liverpoollass I love your blog! Your sense of humour towards pregnancy really makes me giggle! You are such a fashionable momma to be as well you put me to shame! I went to the shops with my friend yesterday and I felt so frumpy and unfashionable! Although I love my bump I am a little fed up of wearing the same boring stuff over and over and can't wait to buy my summer wardrobe...fingers crossed I get my figure back, well I say 'back' as I wasn't ever a slim minny but I'd like to be able to fit back into normal clothes again!

I love Lucy I was really shy about antenatal classes too but they have been fab :hugs: It's so nice to meet other couples going through a similar situation and hopefully I will keep in touch with the other couples from the class as they all seem really nice. Everyone will be a bit nervous at first but usually the leader does some ice breaking stuff and you all have the common ground of babies to talk about!

Laura91 Commented in your journal :thumbup:

As for me Managed to sort out the doctors sick note fiasco after stressing out all of Wednesday evening...poor OH had to listen to me stress/whinge/cry for ages :wacko: But I rang this morning and spoke to a much more friendly receptionist who put in a request for a repeat backdated sicknote that I can hopefully pick up Monday. I've had to reschedule my antenatal check up and whooping cough jab however I'm not driving in these Arctic like conditions!

I've had a pretty boring week and have just spend all week being in a weird nesting/clean freak like state, cleaning every surface and organising every room and draw, including a few trips to the tip, I'm not sure what's going on there as usually I'm a right lazy bones!

I'm def starting to feel more pregnant though and certain pregnant ailments are coming back, like Laura said I am peeing every 5 mins and having to get up in the night loads (anyone else though when they go it's hardly anything!) I also feel more tired/breathless and moving around seems more lumbersome now...getting up from sofa/turning in bed/going up stairs! My hips and legs are really hurting by night time even if I haven't moved around much so I have to rotate between the sofa/chair/ball to get comfy. OH and I are like musical chairs as when I move he has to move as well! He is so annoying though on my exercise ball and like a typical boy with a round object I keep finding him doing completely inappropriate things on it - standing on it, rolling around the living room doing weird exercises giggling to himself, bouncing it like a giant basketball :dohh: Honestly what is it with blokes and balls they just can't resist playing can they :haha: The guys at the antenatal class are all the same with their partners ball so it must be a man thing lol.

I'll leave you with a pic of me looking rather ball like myself and my 30 week bump! Excuse the grumpy face I did a smiley pic but just looked weird so went for the sulky look instead haha!


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Also just noticed, I have 30 working days left after today! :dance:

MrsHippo - I'm wearing the same outfit (I have washed it inbetween :haha:) So maybe she's just changed positions? :shrug:
I've had one measly runny egg since getting pregnant (probably the highlight of that week!). I made the mistake of reading out a list of stuff that I couldn't eat to my OH a while back and has since banned me from them all! :cry: I do try and sneak things in when he's not there but we're generally in the house together :dohh:
What's breaded hens egg?

Alex - I need to borrow a pump off someone to blow my ball up still :haha: I keep forgetting about it and the box just keeps getting shifted around the room! I think my OH will probably be the same as yours though with regards to innappropriate usage :dohh:
Alex I like your phone cover :) I want to buy a nice one for my phone. I am well and truely sick of cleaning, with these viewings I am obviously making sure the house is spotless... I can't wait for tonight, can just sit down and relax :)

A breadded hens egg is...a breaded hens egg lol. It's a whole egg. I think they must partially boil it so it's cooked enough to take the shell off then cover it in bread crumbs or whatever they use and assume pop it in a fryer. It was cooked perfectly though. Very yummy.

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