First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Thanks. All ok. Just a urine infection and internal infection causing mild contractions but nothing to worry about.
On antibiotics so hopefully will clear it all up xx
Sorry to hear you had a bit of a scare Nicola, glad everything is ok though :)

Alex, I am planning on buying a sling...or pinching my mums anyway. Not planning on using it too much though as I do worry about them becoming clingy. I'd hate for that to happen. My dog is clingy (not that it is the same thing lol) but that is bad enough and drives me up the wall. I think its very important for children to have independance so I will try and encourage it as much as possible - as well as trying to keep a close bond. I am sure we will find a happy medium. A colleague of mine literally lets her children run her life, especially when it comes to night time. Although I think they try and get them involved in a lot of out of school activies....but from what she tells me, her youngest (toddler but is old enough to sleep in a bed now) refuses to sleep on her own due to mum and dad paying her way too much attention when she was crying at night when younger. So she comes in to work some days looking awful and its because she has been sleeping on her daughters floor all night because she wouldn't settle. I do not want to ever be in that position!! So I will be strict on the sleep routine. Hopefully it will go to plan ;O)

I felt an actual body part today!!!! I felt her moving ever so slightly up just under my left rib so I put my hand there and realised that part of my belly was sticking out. It felt quite bulky but couldn't tell you what it was....all very exciting though :)
Very exciting, I can't wait for that. Hoping I get to see a foot stick out or a hand.

I love feeling the hiccups, makes it more real xx
Alex I know what you mean about cabin fever - I've had one day off and I was bored by the end of it! Goodness only knows what I'll be like on full time maternity! I'm so glad your NCT classes went well, and that's so nice about going out with the other couples. It'll be so nice to have people at the same stage of babyhood when your LOs arrive, and have people to meet up with for coffee etc. In terms of parenting, we haven't really got a certain style. I think we will just do what feels right in every situation, but it seems my views are slightly more aligned with natural/attachment parenting as well. We bought the Boba 3G carrier and dh can't wait to use it! I agree its finding that line between keeping baby close, but not raising a child who can't be independent. But I'm sure we will all do just brilliantly and find the 'right' way for our LO!

Nicola glad to hear you are (sort of!) OK and it's nothing overly serious - although the mild contractions bit doesn't sound good. Get lots of rest and drink plenty!

Lauren your work colleague sounds like my aunt and uncle in how they raise their kids. Their oldest boy didn't sleep in his own bed until he was 3, even though his younger brother did. And my aunt and uncle let them do whatever they want without reprimanding them etc. it drives the rest of us mad! (Lucky ill be such a perfect parent :rofl:) And I know what you mean about feeling a body part! I think it was last week in bed when I felt something sticking out, and its so hard to describe but you just know it's a body part rather than a general kick. I think mine was either a heel or an elbow, as it was quite pointy!

My LO has been super active today - I keep telling dh "I have a busy baby today!" It's been great to feel him/her moving so much, especially since I've been really sore today and that usually makes me worry. I think walking in the snow the last 3 days with the dogs has taken its toll- my right hip and knee are really achy, and when we got back from our walk today my back was sore. Today is the first day I've felt really PREGNANT and cumbersome lol! So I'm off to have a bath to ease my pains (although not too hot of course...)
Nicola - Glad you're ok! That must have been really worrying

Sarah - Aww yay for baby being super active! I'm sorry about your boss being like that. How annoying :/ You did the right thing though, you and the baby have to be the top priority at the moment.

Alex - I'm glad you've been enjoying the classes! So nice that you're meeting up with people from it :)
As for the parenting style - i'm planning on being in between the two. I don't really like the idea of what they call attachment parenting purely because I've seen people take it to extremes and it can lead to extremely clingy/spoiled children! I've worked in lots of day care settings (nurseries and as a nanny) and I've seen lots of different extremes of parenting styles - I really think its best to just do obviously whatever feels right to you, but also just not to take things to either extreme.
I'm not planning on getting a sling as I prefer the idea of the baby getting used to not being carried all the time, I plan on spending my free time holding and playing with the baby and the times when I'm doing chores will be the times when the baby is in their swing or bouncer (in the room with me) - mainly because I know that if the baby ends up in a daycare setting in the future they won't be getting carried around, so there's no point in them getting used to it in the early days!
(Plus I'm a ninny and I'd be worried about falling over while I was wearing the sling and the baby being stuck!)

AFM - I've had a shocking day today :wacko:

I had my breast scan - it was ok, I was a bit miffed that I wasn't allowed to take my mum into the waiting room with me despite being nervous, even though every woman there had somebody else with them! - and the nurse freaked me out by telling me they'd just do a scan and possibly a biopsy!! Nobody had mentioned any possibility of a biopsy to me!

The scan was fine, but the Dr called me in after to talk to me about something he'd noticed while looking through my notes - he asked me about my Graves disease, asked lots of questions about my medical care, when I had seen the consultant last, how often they monitored my bloods, and how long I had been on my current medication.

He then told me that the medication I am on (Which I was put onto in week 12 of the pregnancy, after being told it was NOT placenta crossing and therefore better for the baby) is NOT the correct medication for me!
He asked if I have been feeling tired and sluggish (which I have) and said that's probably why, because I shouldn't be on this medication - he also said the medication IS placenta crossing and can be harmful to the baby!!!!

I can't believe it! He told me its not his area of expertise so he didn't go into HOW it could be harmful, but he said I needed to be aware that it seems like somebody has "dropped the ball" on my care and that I need to ring some necks, and chase some people to find out what they're playing at!

I'm SO upset about it. That's SEVENTEEN weeks I have been taking this medication, thinking its perfectly safe, only to find out from a completely unrelated dr that its NOT ok and could be damaging my baby!!! Its just unbeleivable
Oh gosh Liverpoollass that's awful you've been on the wrong medication all this time! I'm so sorry. Please try not to stress too much (difficult I know!) until you have more information as I'm sure baby is fine. You really need to put in a formal complaint about the lack of care you've recieved it's atrocious!

Nicnak: glad your ok please rest and take it easy!

Lauren: I've been feeling limb shapes too its amazing isn't it lol! Sometimes something sticks out loads and travels along my body! Like something from alien but obv nicer!!

Great to hear people's opinions about parenting! Like people said its about getting a balance. Fingers crossed the choices we make will be right!
Oh god, that's awful about the medication. Do you know what's going to happen now?

:hugs: xx
Hiya Gals.:hi:

HOORAY!! I just finally caught up on all the latest. Holy Moly, I agree with Alex that you guys update this page a lot, I have been trying to catch up since I got back from xmas/new year’s. I was a bit lazy over the few days I had off work over the holidays and didn't catch up on my reading while I was at home. I work on the computer all day at work so I figure a few days away from it would be good, but then by the time I was back at work there were sooooooooo many updates and then cos I mainly only read while I’m at work I kept getting busy at work.
But anyways I'm back into it now and all caught up on where everyone is at. I must remember to not miss too many days between reading or it's an absolute mission to catch up.

So becoz I just read like a month's worth of updates I can't remember specifics of everything that has happened so I will just tell you what has been going on with me and relate back to other people's posts when I remember (darn this baby brain it's shocking!!)

So first off we have painted our nursery YAY!! We actually painted it about 3 weeks ago. And as seems to be the norm with team yellow's we also went green, the exact shade is called Egan and we got it in half strength and it's a Taubmans paint. The full strength colour was a bit bright, but the half strength is perfect!! It's still bright but in a lovely way. And it goes perfect with our jungle theme. It's one of those colours that makes you smile when you see it so I’m very happy with our choice. And as my hubby is an artist (tattoo artist, wood carver, he also draws & paints) he has been promising since we found out we were pregnant that he would paint a jungle mural, but then he got really busy with work and decided that maybe he wouldn't. Well good news is since we painted the room he has found his inspiration again and started the mural on the wall. I'm so excited, it's going to look gorgeous! He has done a tree with a monkey hanging from it and an owl on the branch with some birds flying around, and on another wall he has done a giraffe (I'm completely addicted to anything giraffe atm) and another monkey hanging off a branch to feed the giraffe. It's only in chalk at the moment but I love it so much already. He is also thinking of doing a cute looking lion or maybe an elephant somewhere as well. I will definitely be taking photos once it's all done.

Some of you ladies have mentioned the pelvic pains or SPD, and I have also been experiencing these. I'm not too bad if I’m sitting or standing for a while but once I go to change from one to the other my body objects. I have spoken to both my mw and physiotherapist about it and they both said it's completely normal because all the soft muscle in our bodies is loosening in prep for the birth and that the is a bit of gristle at the very front our your pelvis that holds the 2 halves together and that that has gone soft too, which is why I get the pain in my pelvis bone area mainly at the front.
I've also been getting a lot of swelling, mainly in my feet and ankles which means I’m usually laying with my legs above my heart by about 8pm every night. It doesn't help that we are in the middle of a VERY hot summer which doesn't help the swelling at all. The last few days have been between 32-36 degrees Celsius and over the Xmas and New Year’s it was between 39-44 with New Year’s Eve being the hottest day at 43.4. That was an absolute killer. I'm so jealous of you ladies with your wintery weather, maybe not so much the insane snow you have been having though.

Oh and sleeping, I'm finding I'm dreading that more and more each day as I always wake up sooooo sore and I need to keep getting up to pee in the middle of the night. Plus I am also getting those dreaded cramps. Although I have read and been told that I should elevate my legs for a while before bed and also make sure I am getting enough fluids and do some simple calf stretching exercises before bed. I have also been getting hubby to give me a calf massage before bed and so far that seems to be helping. He seems more than happy enough to take a few mins to massage my calves before we go to sleep rather than be woken up in the middle of the night with me yelling and writhing in pain.

As for maternity leave I will be finishing up on the 15th Feb, because they have a law here that if you want to continue working after 34 weeks you need to get a drs note. So I have said I will start maternity leave as of Monday 18th Feb but if I'm feeling up to it and the dr says its ok I might still come in for a few hours a few days a week, as my replacement (the lady who used to do the job but retired) doesn’t start back until the 25th of Feb. Plus the little bit of money would be helpful, as otherwise I will have the 6 weeks, before bubs is born, unpaid :wacko:

Hi Nicola and welcome :flower: and sorry to hear about your scare. Hopefully the antibiotics do the trick and there is no more scariness like that again.

Hayley that's great to hear that you finally have an appt to discuss the c section but it sucks that it’s taken them so long! and I’m so sorry to hear about your discovery of the medication not being the best one for you. I agree that you should definitely write a complaint as their treatment of you has been despicable!! As if being pregnant isn't stressful enough, then to add on a sickness as well it would be even worse and for them to not be caring and understanding and helpful is just downright wrong! I hope you can get it all sorted soon, and maybe have a few weeks where you don't have to stress over someone's lack of treatment towards you.

Alex, Lauren and Sarah (I hope I got those names right I'm still not great with matching the real names and nicknames up properly) I too have been noticing what I am sure are baby limbs sticking out. the other day I was driving and felt something poking me on my right side and when I moved my hand and touched the hard object it moved away! Which was freaky and cool all at the same time! I also felt yesterday what I can only assume is my baby's bum poking out yesterday up near my ribs on the right hand side. I'm also getting a lot of the somersault/360 degree movements, where it feels like my tummy is rolling over and over again. It's a rather weird feeling especially when I’m trying to eat something lol. I've also been getting a fairly consistent pain on my left side just near/under my ribs, which is starting to get rather frustrating.

I had a very expensive weekend this past weekend, I finally found some fat pants to fit me, well they are actually shorts. They aren't maternity ones as I haven't been able to find any of those they are just normal denim shorts that I can wear comfortably with my belly belt. But hooray now I don't only have the one pair of shorts to wear :happydance:. I also bought our swing as it was on sale for $150 instead of the usual $250. It the fisher price luv u zoo cradle and swing. It fits with our theme and has the ability to swing side to side or back to front. I also bought my glider, it's a babyhood sovereign glider with ottoman. I'm stoked cos I got it second hand on gumtree for $270 and it is the latte colour that I wanted and is in brilliant condition. And I saved almost $200 by not getting it new :happydance::p

Just quickly have any of you girls suffered from dehydration during your pregnancy? I think I have been the last few days cos I have a headache that won’t go away and I have been rather tired/sluggish as well as just plain old achy. I have been taking panadol and drinking loads of water and gatorade and berocca, but it doesn't seem to be going away *sigh*

Also I have been told by my mw that my platelet count is low. Has anyone else been told this? Apparently it should be between 100-150 during pregnancy and I was 138 at the start of pregnancy then it went down to 119 around 24-25 weeks when I had my glucose test and now it's down to 106 as of the 7th of this month. So I have to go for another blood test this week to see if it is still dropping. If it stays low or goes below 100 I won't be able to have the baby at the hospital near my house but will have to be transferred to the women’s and baby's hospital an hour away in Perth, because I will be classed as high risk.

Oh and next Tuesday I go for my 32 week u/s to double check my placenta has moved and I get to see my bubba again and get more pics!! YAY!!

Ok last thing I thought I would share these cute things with you all. You may have heard of them already but they are called trumpette socks and they are socks that look like shoes, which are apparently perfect for babies as the shoes sometimes don't fit them properly and plain socks often can just ruin an outfit. Here is the link https:// I just thought they were so gorgeous and if they weren't so gender specific I would be buying a bunch of them. But I will just have to wait until I know if we have a lil boy or girl before I can buy them.

Ok so I think I have bored you all with my novel, yet again. I have to remember to start replying sooner and not leaving it all to put in one post:dohh:
Hayley I can't believe that BUT pleeeeease don't worry about it too much yet as he could be wrong. Especially with him not knowing what the risks are. Basically, the tablets they give you - for anything (like the ones I had for my sickness) aren't always on the 'safe list', the reason they aren't on there is because they haven't been able to test it on enough women but the few that have been on it have had no problems....and the doctor who gives you the tablet has to weigh out the pros and cons of it. If you need it then they will give it you, if you can go on without it then they won't give it you. So this breast specialist you saw probably saw that the tablets weren't on the safe list hence why he brought it up. I've worked around doctors and consultants for over 6 years now and one always knows more than another and vice versa. Even though they are doctors it doesn't mean they know everything. Have a chat with your GP before you do anything!!

Brooke, I LOVE those little socks. I have some myself....well not for MYSELF but for LO lol. I am planning on buying more :) you can get little tights like it too. They are so cute!! Glad to hear the nursery is going well, you defo have to post photos once its finished. I went through a phase of dreading going to bed because I was waking up all the time, this last week and a half have been fine though. Last night I woke up about 4 times but that doesn't bother me too much, its when I am up for a wee, cramp or need a drink.
I was dehydrated in first/second tri but that was due to the sickness. Now I am thirsty ALL the time, it drives me up the wall - but being thirsty was how I knew I was pregnant lol, don't know why it happens though. I will drink and drink and drink and it just won't go. I drink loads during the day, not too much though as I know too much can be bad but I will probably drink 8-10 glasses a day then a coffee or two on top of that. I find that drinking something different tends to help a little but not completely. Headaches are common in pregnancy though so it might not be due to dehydration. If you don't want to take paracetamol try drinking an energy/sports drink (sugar only, like lucozade, make sure it doesn't contain taurine like red bull). But the sugar and electrolytes in the drink will help the headache. But if nothing works then see your doctor :)
Oh and I am VERY jealous of your hot weather, although I have heard it isn't the most pleasant when pregnant. I'd do anything to be on holiday at the moment, mmmm hot sunshine, beach and fresh fruit :icecream:

I don't have anything new to was pants as usual, I've sat around all day wishing I was at home. I wanted to paint the smaller room this evening but I reeeeally can't be bothered now. Might have an early night, again. I was in bed at 8:30 last night!!!
Hayley :hugs: I can't believe that news about the medication you are on. That is scary news, and absolutely unacceptable. What's the next step in terms of you getting it all sorted? Really scary that someone could make such a mistake. But as Lauren said, try not to worry. I am sure baby is doing just fine in there, otherwise your scans would have picked something up.

Lauren I'm exhausted too, and work is just not doing it for me at the minute either!

Brooke so glad to see you back! I'm glad you got your nursery paint sorted - I found it so tough to choose the 'right' shade of green! And that's so cool about oh doing the mural, I can't wait to see a pic of it! We are also having a jungle art theme- but since we ave no artistic talent, we have to buy a wall decal! Your maternity leave starts so soon (I'm jealous!) but that'd be great if you could work a little extra before you stop for good. I didn't realise you aren't allowed to work past 34 weeks without a dr note - that makes sense though. Although paid no work would definitely be better! I think I get mildly dehydrated sometimes, but I have been trying so hard to drink lots. It's annoying though because then I have to pee so much! I find if I am dehydrated I get achy rather than headaches, so know then to start glugging! And congrats on your bargain swing! What a saving. I never find anything good like that. I can't believe it's so hot with you, I would collapse on a normal basis, but when pregnant I'd die! Glad you found some shorts though, hopefully you stay nice and cool from now on. Haven't seen those wee socks before - so cute!

Afm, back to work today despite the snow closing down my area (I work far away from home, and they have no snow). Now I'm off to see a friend who has been in Australia for 6 months. I am tired and really can't be bothered, but know I should as I won't get to see her again before the baby arrives, so want to have a bit of 'grown up' time with her lol!
Sarah, so glad you find the perfect shade for your nursery. It's amazing how many different shades of colors are out there. It seemed like it took DH and I forever to find the right shade for our nursery. Can't wait to see pictures when you are finished painting/setting up.

I'm sorry you're not getting to sleep in at all, Sarah. My DH leaves all his alarms on (like 10 alarms, no joke) even when he doesn't have to get up early so I'm constantly waking him up to turn them off. I find this incredibly frustrating especially when DH doesn't even have to get up for work on that day.

If my hospital has the option to use a TENS machine I may give it a try instead of getting an epidural. I had never even heard of a TENS machine until joining this site though so obviously they're not as common around here.

Lauren, I've never heard of the tongue cramp you're describing. I certainly hope I never experience it myself though. Sounds really scary!

Feeling body parts is exciting isn't it? I've been able to feel actual body parts a few times too (no idea what they were though). I remember my SIL being able to feel her stomach and being able to tell me where everything was. I think it will be cool being far enough along that we can do that too.

Alex, I'm not committed to one particular parenting style. I think DH and I will both pull ideas/techniques from the different styles.

As for baby wearing, it's something DH would like to do on occasion but I don't really plan to do it myself. Like Lauren, I don't want my baby to become clingy. I would more so like to be able to put him in his playpen or bouncer in the same room while I do things, so he is close to me but is able to entertain himself.

Nicola, glad to hear you're okay!!! Hopefully the antibiotics will clear everything up. :hugs:

Hayley, that's awful news about the medication you have been taking not being safe for the pregnancy! I really freaked out after getting my BFP for taking 2 ibuprofen. I can only imagine how you're feeling! :hugs: :hugs:

Brooke, I'm really looking forward to seeing pictures of your nursery. I originally wanted to do a jungle theme in my nursery but my DH became obsessed with penguins so we went arctic themed instead.

I'm sorry your platelet count is low. Is there anything you can do to prevent it from dropping further or increase it? The only issue I've been having is my iron being low so I'm having to eat more iron rich foods so I don't become anemic since right now I am considered borderline anemic.

AFM, DH and I are still working on the nursery, with DH's long work hours we're lucky if we manage to get one piece of furniture set up. So far we have the crib/changer and glider/ottoman put together. Wednesday, we're hoping we'll be able to get the dresser put together and Thursday the little storage shelf unit should be arriving so hopefully we'll be able to get that set up then. I'm thinking by Sunday everything will be set up and all the boxes will be cleared out and I'll be able to get some pictures to share with y'all. I also ordered the Mamaroo bouncer today which means DH and I have purchased all the things we planned to buy before the baby shower. So now we just have to wait until February 9th when we can see what we get as gifts and what we still need to purchase. Majority of that will be little stuff though so it's nice that the majority of the big things have been taken care of.

I have my 30 week doctors appointment today. DH is working late so I'll have to go to this appointment by myself. I think it's a pretty standard appointment with the pee test, weight check, belly measurement, and listening to the heartbeat. I will get info on the kick counts and will be starting those now at this appointment. Hopefully that's the only new thing though since DH won't be there. I felt bad when I told him my last appointment was just a standard one and he wasn't missing anything and it ended up being my glucose test.

Saturday, DH and I have our childbirth education class. We're doing it all in one day rather then in 4 evening classes since it's more convenient for DH with his work hours being so unpredictable right now. I'm excited and nervous at the same time.

Anyone else feeling nervous about their bodies? I'm not really scared about giving birth but I have found myself freaking out about the way my body will be afterwards. Like I find myself worrying about whether or not I will feel comfortable with the way things look down there once everything is healed. I don't want to be so insecure about my body that I don't want DH to see me naked or something. I also worry about sex too and whether or not it will still feel good for me and DH. My DH has been great about reassuring me that he will love me and my body no matter what but I can't help worrying about this, especially since I have started to notice a few stretchmarks appearing so there is no denying that my body is changing. Thought it might be nice to mention it to you ladies who may be having similar thoughts/concerns. Though my DH has been great at reassuring me, his body isn't changing so I don't think he truly understands how scary it is for me.
Yeah, I'm worried about my body too. I've asked for reassurance and like you he gives it.

I'm scared that I'm going to not shrink back down there and it'll not be the same during sex. I'm petrified of labour as well.

I've always been quite petite so I'm struggling with my expanding bum, legs and boobs. It just feels do alien to me. I know it's natural but embracing it is quite difficult.

Thanks everyone for thinking of me. I'm crossing legs for no more scares!
I haven't really thought about how I am going to look after... I was a little worried about how my sex life would be though. They say everything springs back to how it was though don't they?

As for birth, I have thought about it a bit more just recently and I do get that horrible shiver afterwards! I am worried about tearing or having to be cut, (tmi) but I think I am quite 'tight' lol and worried a baby's head won't pop out of there!! I am planning on starting perineum massages sometime over the next few weeks though. I am also a tad worried about my boobs, I've always liked the way they look but now I'm worrying they will be ruined :( I know it may sound selfish but I'd hate for them to look horrible.

There is me saying I haven't thought about it much... I was obviously lying to myself haha
So glad to hear I'm not alone in being a bit worried about how things will be afterwards. :hugs:

My doctors appointment tonight went really well. If y'all remember the last appointment I had blood showed up in my urine test so they wanted to do more testing to see if there was something going on. I was never called about the results so I really wasn't sure what to expect but turns out everything is fine and there was no bacteria or anything for me to be concerned about. :happydance: The doctor also explained to me that if the baby kicks on the bladder a lot, that could cause some blood to appear in the urine. I wish someone would have told me that awhile ago since Aiden does have a habit at kicking at my bladder on occasion. Here I had been worrying that I had some kind of kidney/bladder infection or a UTI but just wasn't having any symptoms.

In other news my weight was great. They have me at having gained 21 lbs. According to my scale at home I'm at 19.8 lbs gained which I think is more accurate considering I'm not being weighed with shoes and stuff on but anyways my doctor was very pleased with my weight gain. My blood pressure was also great and my belly was measuring exactly where it was supposed to be. So everything was great with all that stuff.

Aiden did give me and the doctor a laugh at the appointment though. He has been very anti my stomach being touched lately. Seriously, I can't even rest my book on my belly when I'm reading because he'll repeatedly kick at it until I move it. Anyways, as soon as the doctor put the doppler on my belly he kicked it. It was great getting to hear his heartbeat though which was in the 140 bpm range.

I was also surprised that my DH was able to make it to this appointment. The job that he was supposed to be working late on got cancelled so he was able to get home an hour before I had to leave. :happydance: Though tomorrow he is supposed to be working late so not sure what that means for us getting furniture put together.

Anyways, I have quite a few things to read that I got from the doctor today so I'm going to take a look at those and then head to bed.
My LO does that as well. I was on a monitor on Monday and the baby was kicking where the pad was. When that didn't work they just moved out of range so no heart beat was registering. I knew baby was ok coz I could feel her moving but they had to keep moving it to pick it up.

Hehe jiggles isn't keen on the doppler either, usually kicks and boots it until I move! Also sometimes when I sleep on my side he/she kicks my arm where I rest it until I move it!!

LO has been so active the last few nights its crazy! I went to the cinema last night and the sound must've been keeping him/her awake cos he/she was constantly shuffling about and kicking me! I went to see Django so was a bit worried about some of the language they were hearing :haha:

I love lucy So glad your appointment went well and you and Aiden are all ok and no problems with your urine :thumbup: Your comment about putting on 21lb and being ok also reasured me as I have put on 22 lb so that makes me feell better that your dr said that is ok.

For all the ladies suffering from cramps my antenatal teacher told me that apparently you can get bad cramps in your legs due to a lack of I think of potassium in your diet - lack of some vitamin anywho, and to eat banana's apparently might help!

I am a little worried about my 'lady parts' post birth, mainly the giant long AF you have for weeks/months afterwards :cry: I hate getting AF and used to run my pill packets together to avoid it so the thought of having a super heavy period and looking after a newborn fills me with dread! I brought some maternity pads the other day and they are so gross and bulky I'm going to be walking around like a bloomin cowboy the way they looked! My plan with how it all looks is just not to look tbh! It's already got into a bit of a wilderness down there :haha: as I can't really see to 'groom' it properly anymore plus the regrown was so itchy I've just gone for the au naturale look for winter haha!

Possibly TMI but has anyone else's love life tailed off quite a bit since being pregnant? OH and I are probably closer than we've ever been apart from in that department! We do still :sex: occasionally but it has dropped off significantly since I got pregnant. TBH I don't really mind as I don't seem that horny and neither does he....I'm a bit worried it's not normal though :shrug:

I had my physiotherapy appt yesterday for my SPD which was a bit of a waste of time tbh! We sat in a group and they went through what it was and how to ease it, but I knew most of it from reading up on the internet. Then I saw a physio 1:1 for about 5 mins and she made me do some painful exercises and mumbled something about a part of my hip that is was focused in and sent me on my way :growlmad: So not much use really!

I came away a bit worried/paranoid though as both the physio and the nurse commented that I looked quite small for 31 weeks. Although I'm flattered in one way to be told this I'm really worried that LO isn't growing properly as I am already on nearly the smallest line on the centile chart (I know they can be pretty useless) but I'm worried my placenta isn't working properly or something (yes stupid work making me fret again!) I feel like I've grown since my appointment 3 weeks ago and OH said he thinks I have but it's difficult to judge yourself properly isn't it. Plus I don't feel small at all I feel pretty massive! I tried to measure myself when I got home but got 3 different measurements ranging from off the chart big, just right and off the chart small!! So came to no useful conclusion apart from stressing myself out :dohh:
Hi ladies :flower: Lots to catch up on!

Food - I've tried to be as good as I can but the only things I haven't 'given up' are Pepsi, tea and coffee. My MW said I can have up to 4 cups of coffees a day or 6 cups of tea ;)

Blog - LiverpoolLass, i'm ashamed to say I haven't read any of your blog yet but i'm saving it for this weekend so I can have a good snoop :D (Also, I have no idea whether the placenta can move around all the time or if it's stuck in the same place :shrug:)

Nuttynicnak - :wave: Absolutely love the names you have picked out - so girly! Sorry about your scare! Hope everything's ok now?

Pee - I've started to notice my underwear is a little wet sometimes too (sorry!) and today at my MW appointment my sample was very yellow - like FMU but it wasn't :shrug: She said everything was fine though..

Cramp - Not suffered too much from it, I tend to get a couple of twinges in my foot at night.. the tongue cramp thing did make me laugh a little though - sorry MrsHippo!

eBay - I love it. I never put a bid in until the last 30 seconds though, that way there isn't enough time for bids to get ridiculous - I'm the sneaky last minute bidder that everyone hates ;)
Although saying that, I was watching a gorgeous maternity wrap dress earlier and had it open on my phone with 8 minutes to go and then got too engrossed in something else and forgot to bid.. :dohh: It only went for £3.08 too!

TkMaxx - Hate it. I never find anything in there that I like and feel like i'm routing through a jumble sale :(

Snow/Work - I came in at 1pm today (after my MW appointment) for the first time this week. I let me bosses know on Monday morning that I wouldn't be in as I wasn't willing to risk the snow/ice, Tuesday was the same too. If they don't like it, they can lump it - i'm not risking the safety of me or my baby!

Yes! I've started to feel totally fed up with work in the last couple of weeks :( When my alarm goes off in a morning I just don't want to get out of bed - not because i'm tired (well a little) but because I don't want to come into the office and work. 5 and a half weeks left for me = 27 working days... :coffee:

LiverpoolLass - That's ridiculous that they wouldn't let you have your mum with you - especially with you being pregnant! So what happens now with regards to the major eff up that someone has made??

Body - I'm not too worried about what i'll look like after, I doubt i'll be letting OH anywhere near me in that way for a while :haha:! I'm just expecting my body to be a complete mess, then I can't be too shocked/distraught afterwards :thumbup: I'm also worried that i'll have to be cut or that baby won't fit.. :shy:

Movements - I still haven't felt hiccups - I don't think :( She has however been extremely active over the last couple of days - some of her movements/kicks make me sort of jump.. Sort of out of shock of how strong they are I think? She also hates anything being leant/rested on my belly - OH thinks this is hilarious and says she's spoilt already :haha:

AuNaturale - With you on that one :shy: What I can't see won't hurt me :haha: We haven't DTD for a couple of months anyway so it's not as if OH's seen it for a while - although, when he does he's gonna be shocked :rofl:
I'm struggling to do my bloody legs, nevermind anywhere else!

AsForMe - I'm soooo tired this week it's unreal. Me and OH decided to swap sides of the bed so that we're used to it by the time LO's here (not sure if i've mentioned this already...). Anyway, i'm used to it but OH isn't :growlmad:
Throughout the night I wake up because he's rolled over that much that he's in the middle and I have so little room. He also like to steal the quilt because he's used to having the edge on his right side - which is now where I am.
Between this, my pee routine, heartburn and throwing myself around like a beached whale I don't really get much sleep :sleep:

I'm starting to feel myself losing it a little with OH lately. For example, last night I had an awful night - with everything above. Heartburn was absolutely horrid and I just couldn't get comfy. I started to turn over and woke OH up. He then started kicking off about how I was pissing him off, waking him up every two minutes, how he had work in the morning and how I'm moaning about everything :growlmad:
I ended up telling him to eff off and if he didn't like it to go downstairs.

We went to Tesco the other night, had a bicker in there because I didn't know what I wanted for tea and he was "sick of making all the decisions" so I said i'd just do something out the freezer. We both walked out of the shop, not speaking and he stormed off infront and left me to walk on my own - it's a 30 second walk from out house but totally not the point when the floor is covered in snow/ice.
I got home and told him he was selfish and shouldn't be leaving me to walk on my own with the weather as it is.

I have had a great pregnancy so far, nothing to complain about up until the last couple of weeks. Even now, I hardly complain. The odd time i'll huff/puff because of heartburn or because i'm being booted but I don't winge about it - it's part of being pregnant! Yet whenever we argue/bicker, he makes out like i'm constantly moaning about it and that i'm 'playing' on everything and exaggerating.

I went shopping with my mum the other day, only upto Boots and Matalan but had a funny turn outside one of the shops. I got too hot inside so went to get some fresh air. Luckily I managed to catch my mums attention because all of a sudden I felt awful, really dizzy, red hot, sick and everything kept going dark - my mum said I was on the point of fainting and was glad she'd spotted me.
I told OH when I got home and he didn't seem that concerned.

I'm not asking for him to pussyfoot around me or run around after me.. just to show a little bit of support really.. :( Like I explained to him the other night during our argument, he hasn't read one pregnancy book, email, update or anything. He hasn't got a clue how i'm feeling, what i'm going through or what to expect! Boy is he going to get a shock.

Anyway, sorry for rambling on - just needed to get it out :flow:
Brittany I hadn't heard of TENS either until joining here, but thought I would give it a go! Mine only got £21 for 7 weeks, so even if it doesn't work I haven't lost out too much. It sounds like you and DH are being very organised, and that's great about getting all your pre-shower stuff. Now just to wait for the shower which will be so exciting! Think of all the great stuff you will have to put in the nursery afterwards! So glad your appointment went well! It's scary to think that the baby kicking could cause blood in your urine - those little ones must kick harder than we realise! Your weight gain sounds great as well, mine is still steadily creeping up (sadly those extra few pounds last week didn't disappear again!) so sounds like you are doing perfectly!

In terms of body afterwards, I haven't thought too much about how my body is changing, but I am 100% sure that afterwards I won't quite be happy with it afterwards. I've always been lucky that I'm pretty slim (not super skinny, just normal I guess) and have always had a weirdly, naturally toned tummy. I guess those days are gone, but I'm hoping that running around after LO keeps me in shape, even if it is a new sort of shape.

I am worried, as Alex mentioned, about the bleeding afterwards. My periods have always been very heavy, and I just imagine it's going to be WEEKS of that. Also, I never use sanitary pads because I find them uncomfy - always use tampons - so I'm worrying about how I will feel using maternity pads as well.

Alex my sex life is non-existent. This is no lie, since we got our BFP, we have had sex 3 - maybe 4? - times. That's it. Neither of us has a crazy sex drive anyway, but it is weird because we never even mention it. Last time we DTD I was so uncomfortable (mentally/emotionally, not physically) and I think it was probably pretty obvious!

Shaving wise - I shaved my legs on Monday night for the first time in (no joke) 7 weeks. Totally gross I know, but since it's winter and we aren't DTD...nobody sees them :haha: And shaving my other bits (and I don't mean armpits!) I was actually discussing this last night with my pregnant friend. She is only 24 weeks and was asking what I do in that department. My Dh has an electric shaver for his hair/face. He is never thrilled to find out that I have used it on my lady bits :rofl: but last time I used it, I couldn't see a damn thing! Just kind of hacked at it! Seemed to work though! So once more of that at mayve 37 weeks, and I think that'll do me! Might even do the legs again before then!

Laura sorry to hear your sleep is suffering :hugs: Heartburn actually had my DH up all night two weeks ago, and he was so exhausted he couldn't go to work the next day, so I know how it must be for you (Weirdly, the Polish lady who cleans my classroom just came in and started talking about her daughter's pregnancy heartburn!) I'm sorry that you are having a rough time with DH as well. Maybe it's just all starting to sink in for him that life is about to change, and he is having a freak out? No excuse, no matter what it is, as he definitely shouldn't be leaving you to walk home in snow/ice alone :growlmad: Maybe you guys should go out for a nice dinner, or have a date day to try and spend some nice time together before baby arrives?

Afm my back is sore again, and I really think it's my bras being too tight - but I'm too lazy to get more. I NEED to this weekend though to see if it helps.

Also, I don't know if you remember the girl at the New Year's party telling my my bump is huge and the baby could be a hermaphodite?! Well, I was at a thing last night and she was there. Background on her: she is a Dr currently working in Obs and gynae, BUT she has only been there for 6 months. Now, that clearly means she knows all about everything related to child birth. She was telling horror stories last night which don't bother me, but freak my pregnant friend out a LOT(and it was her house!) And then I mentioned I ordered my TENS and she just laughed and said "A pile of crap." That made me so cross, because she has never been in labour before so how the hell would she know!?!? I just spat out at her that I know lots of ladies who have said it helps, and that everyone experiences pain differently so you can't say. She gave me such a patronising smile I could have walloped her. Then, she decided to tell my friend and I not to get an epidural EVER. Now I really hope I don't have to, but my friend wants one. It's her choice, and this girl went on and on about how awful they are. She's such a irritating bitch lol!

Our friends have decided to throw us a (very small) joint baby shower, and I hope they don't invite her. I don't really want one in the first place (I dunno why, it just makes me feel uncomfortable) and I told my sister that when she suggest one, but my friends are so excited, and because it's for 2 of us I can't really say no. It's a sweet suggestion, so I shall (as DH put it) just have to shut up and suck it up :haha:

Phew, what a post!
Laura sorry to hear OH is driving you a bit barmy! I think men find it really difficult to understand what it's like to be pregnant! Are you going to any classes together before LO arrives? I think the classes have helped OH understand a little bit more about labour/birth/newborn. When I was first pregnant he used to read the baby book every week with me but he hasn't looked at it for months now! Mind you I'm just as bad and haven't looked at it either!! He's not been too bad in general and has pulled his thumb out when it comes to decorating and putting up the furniture in the nursery. He keeps shouting at me for "doing too much" but then doesn't really offer to help out around the house! One of us has got to do it so unless he does it himself I end up doing if lol!! He said the other day that he thought I was going to be worse than this and more moany and I do feel I haven't pulled out the pregnancy card that much and given him a easy ride. This caused an argument because he said he did stuff for me loads and that's why I didn't have to pull out the pregnacy card! I pointed out though I've not gone mental at him once (more than my usual personality!) and that he doesn't do that much at all...his argument was "well your not that pregnant at the end I'll do more!" I don't know how pregnant I need to be in his head before I get this special treatment!!
Doggylover that woman sounds like she needs a massive bitch slap!! I can't stand stupid people forcing their ideas and opinions on you, especially when she has never been through childbirth herself! Why she feels the need to scare you both with horror stories is beyond me! I don't understand either why it's any of her business of you want an epidural or to use a tens machine! I hope she doesn't come to your baby shower!

I've ordered a tens machine too as the antenatal class recommended it. It was £23.99 for 6 weeks so I thought what the hell I may as well give it a try! What is there to lose! At the worst I'll try it and it'll not work and that's that!

Glad I'm not the only one with hairy lady bits haha! Unfortunately OH doesn't have a trimmer so I just have to use a razor which seems a little unsafe now I can't see what I'm doing! The worst part though was how itchy it felt when it was growing back so I'm just leaving it be now!! Also glad people don't seem to be having rampant sex! Not just me then!! Like you said Doggylover neither myself or OH have brought it up as we both seem ok with it so I'm not going to rock that boat!! Like I said before I feel way closer to him on other ways at the moment, just emotionally etc, we still cuddle and stuff just no jiggy business!

Like others he is getting a bit fed up with my constant shuffling around in bed! I do feel bad as we only have a standard double so not exactly loads of room once you add a pregnant woman and the massive pillow between my legs! Everytime I turn over I think it wakes him up a bit and I go to the loo loads as well. He made the error a few weeks ago of complaining I was waking him up but I think my dagger look I gave him has stopped him mentioning it again lol!

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