Hi ladies

Lots to catch up on!
Food - I've tried to be as good as I can but the only things I haven't 'given up' are Pepsi, tea and coffee. My MW said I can have up to 4 cups of coffees a day
or 6 cups of tea
Blog - LiverpoolLass, i'm ashamed to say I haven't read any of your blog yet but i'm saving it for this weekend so I can have a good snoop

(Also, I have no idea whether the placenta can move around all the time or if it's stuck in the same place

Nuttynicnak - :wave: Absolutely love the names you have picked out - so girly! Sorry about your scare! Hope everything's ok now?
Pee - I've started to notice my underwear is a little wet sometimes too (sorry!) and today at my MW appointment my sample was
very yellow - like FMU but it wasn't

She said everything was fine though..
Cramp - Not suffered too much from it, I tend to get a couple of twinges in my foot at night.. the tongue cramp thing did make me laugh a little though - sorry
eBay - I love it. I never put a bid in until the last 30 seconds though, that way there isn't enough time for bids to get ridiculous - I'm the sneaky last minute bidder that everyone hates

Although saying that, I was watching a gorgeous maternity wrap dress earlier and had it open on my phone with 8 minutes to go and then got too engrossed in something else and forgot to bid..

It only went for £3.08 too!
TkMaxx - Hate it. I
never find anything in there that I like and feel like i'm routing through a jumble sale
Snow/Work - I came in at 1pm today (after my MW appointment) for the first time this week. I let me bosses know on Monday morning that I wouldn't be in as I wasn't willing to risk the snow/ice, Tuesday was the same too. If they don't like it, they can lump it - i'm not risking the safety of me or my baby!
Yes! I've started to feel totally fed up with work in the last couple of weeks

When my alarm goes off in a morning I just don't want to get out of bed - not because i'm tired (well a little) but because I don't want to come into the office and work. 5 and a half weeks left for me = 27 working days...
LiverpoolLass - That's ridiculous that they wouldn't let you have your mum with you - especially with you being pregnant! So what happens now with regards to the major eff up that someone has made??
Body - I'm not too worried about what i'll look like after, I doubt i'll be letting OH anywhere near me in that way for a while

! I'm just expecting my body to be a complete mess, then I can't be
too shocked/distraught afterwards

I'm also worried that i'll have to be cut or that baby won't fit..
Movements - I still haven't felt hiccups - I don't think

She has however been extremely active over the last couple of days - some of her movements/kicks make me sort of jump.. Sort of out of shock of how strong they are I think? She also hates
anything being leant/rested on my belly - OH thinks this is hilarious and says she's spoilt already
AuNaturale - With you on that one

What I can't see won't hurt me

We haven't DTD for a couple of months anyway so it's not as if OH's seen it for a while - although, when he does he's gonna be shocked

I'm struggling to do my bloody legs, nevermind anywhere else!
AsForMe - I'm soooo tired this week it's unreal. Me and OH decided to swap sides of the bed so that we're used to it by the time LO's here (not sure if i've mentioned this already...). Anyway, i'm used to it but OH isn't
Throughout the night I wake up because he's rolled over that much that he's in the middle and I have so little room. He also like to steal the quilt because he's used to having the edge on his right side - which is now where I am.
Between this, my pee routine, heartburn and throwing myself around like a beached whale I don't really get much sleep
I'm starting to feel myself losing it a little with OH lately. For example, last night I had an awful night - with everything above. Heartburn was absolutely horrid and I just couldn't get comfy. I started to turn over and woke OH up. He then started kicking off about how I was pissing him off, waking him up every two minutes, how he had work in the morning and how I'm moaning about everything

I ended up telling him to eff off and if he didn't like it to go downstairs.
We went to Tesco the other night, had a bicker in there because I didn't know what I wanted for tea and he was "sick of making all the decisions" so I said i'd just do something out the freezer. We both walked out of the shop, not speaking and he stormed off infront and left me to walk on my own - it's a 30 second walk from out house but totally not the point when the floor is covered in snow/ice.
I got home and told him he was selfish and shouldn't be leaving me to walk on my own with the weather as it is.
I have had a great pregnancy so far, nothing to complain about up until the last couple of weeks. Even now, I hardly complain. The odd time i'll huff/puff because of heartburn or because i'm being booted but I don't winge about it - it's part of being pregnant! Yet whenever we argue/bicker, he makes out like i'm constantly moaning about it and that i'm 'playing' on everything and exaggerating.
I went shopping with my mum the other day, only upto Boots and Matalan but had a funny turn outside one of the shops. I got too hot inside so went to get some fresh air. Luckily I managed to catch my mums attention because all of a sudden I felt awful, really dizzy, red hot, sick and everything kept going dark - my mum said I was on the point of fainting and was glad she'd spotted me.
I told OH when I got home and he didn't seem that concerned.
I'm not asking for him to pussyfoot around me or run around after me.. just to show a little bit of support really..

Like I explained to him the other night during our argument, he hasn't read one pregnancy book, email, update or anything. He hasn't got a clue how i'm feeling, what i'm going through or what to expect! Boy is he going to get a shock.
Anyway, sorry for rambling on - just needed to get it out