Hayley that's so great about getting paid for stuff on your blog! Even if its only a little - every little helps lol! Also so glad to hear you have our c section appointment. It is insanely late, but as long as its sorted before you go into spontaneous labour
Lauren I've been having cramps in my legs this week too. Dh says its not cramp because it lasts a long time, but I count it as cramp!!! So sore, and I always get it at night just like you, just before bed so it makes it hard to fall asleep. Love the bump pic!! (Although I did have to chase it round my iPad screen as I rotated to see it and of course it rotated too

Nicola hi! Welcome! Congrats on your little girl, what wonderful news! And just right to tell people baby didn't cooperate - its your news and if you don't want to share it then that's that! I'm a teacher too, and a, currently counting down the days until maternity leave, always taking out our training days and the half term holiday! I think you are so right about becoming a possession when pregnant. People you don't know feel the need to comment (a man at our school open night said to me "you've some swell on you". Never seen in before in my life) and its just so weird. Generally everyone I know has been fab, so I can't complain too much, but some stuff I've heard is awful, and sounds like you've been on the receiving end of some too. I'm so sorry to hear about oh working away and you feeling lonely, especially as you live so far from family. Hopefully the friends you make at antenatal classes will be a great resource for you when LO arrives, and you will all be able to see each other regularly. I love your name choices! We have chosen Isabelle if we have a girl, so very similar, and phoebe was a big contender for us too! Heidi is so cute, I am a big fan of it, but sadly dh not so much. Oh also, should have introduced myself

I'm Sarah!
Britanny well done dh for being up and ready to go today to get the nursery finished! That's very impressive of him! Especially getting up so early on a weekend. Good luck with furniture building tomorrow - I really can't wait to see the finished product?
Hmmm so true that we haven't heard from some ladies in a while. I hope all is ok with them. And it's true, when so much happens so quickly on the threads it can be a bit off putting (she says after reading 4 pages of messages

Afm, we bought our nursery paint finally! We had loads of testers but none of them were right. We went to B&Q and dh found a dulux booklet and we finally found the perfect colour. It is light green, just like all the testers, but this was just the perfect shade! I didn't know so many shades of light green existed

so we bought it without a tester, and have decided that that's it! We also had my nephew Jacob all day today, which was great, and we had a lot of fun. We played in the snow, took him to see my granny, and generally enjoyed spending quality time with him. He was in a great mood, but when we dropped him off with my parents (who have him overnight tonight) he suddenly got in a bad mood, so of course they didn't believe us that we'd had a great day with him! I pity them trying to get him to sleep in that mood

I am exhausted though, he is a lively little monkey!