First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Aww bless you. Where do your family live? At least he isn't away for too long. I have heard people on oil rigs working for 6-8 months of the year then are off for the remaining. Well he might think differently when your LO is here...might look at something closer to home? But then like you said, he is used to working away. Especially if he was away in the army for as long as he was.

I 'bumped' in to cherrybump in third tri and said hello. I thought about them the other day too though, but I think we have all developed a friendship with one another and I guess they didn't/don't get that...errrm, can't think of the word.... I'm sure you get where I am coming from though?? :p
He just sees it as anything is better than Afghan and if we can survive the tour of that then we will manage.

i don't mind sharing!
We tell people we like William and Henry for a boy. We do like them and had we be having a boy they would be strong favourites. Martin keeps adding in Promethius, Spartacus and Thor and you should see people's faces. He does actually like those names though.

Our list of names is about five firm faves are:

We have decided to wait a few hours after having her before definitely saying what we are going to call her. I don't want to make a rash decision. We might know instantly, but i said I would like to dress her and spend time with her before deffo saying yes we are calling her...

I need to change my ticker as well. I am actually 30 weeks tomorrow and it says Monday. x
Aww bless you. Where do your family live? At least he isn't away for too long. I have heard people on oil rigs working for 6-8 months of the year then are off for the remaining. Well he might think differently when your LO is here...might look at something closer to home? But then like you said, he is used to working away. Especially if he was away in the army for as long as he was.

I 'bumped' in to cherrybump in third tri and said hello. I thought about them the other day too though, but I think we have all developed a friendship with one another and I guess they didn't/don't get that...errrm, can't think of the word.... I'm sure you get where I am coming from though?? :p

My family live in Manchester, his family live in Birkenhead.
Nicola Aww cute! William Henry are the middle names we're using for our little boy :) (William is my Dads name, Henry was my OH's Dads name!).

I have little cousins called Heidi and Isabella, they are cute names - I especially LOVE Phoebe though! :)

I know what you mean about wanting to meet her first. Its one thing to pick a name but loads of people say they had one picked and changed their minds on meeting the baby!

So you're not in Manchester then? I probably missed where you said you are, I just looked at the location on your details hehe.
Birkenhead is close to me! :) My nan was from there.

Lauren oh well, at least Cherry is ok! I just worried that there might have been something wrong, especially as I know Amanda had been having a hard time. Hope everybody is doing well!
I guess the ones of us who chat regularly might be a bit difficult as we come on so frequently and chat, must be hard to catch up with if you miss a bit lol.
No, currently living in Northamptonshire near where oh was originally based. I work in Leicester. x

Hoping you ladies can put my mind at ease. Having leakage down there. I've had lots of discharge and it feels a little different than that. Anyone else had anything similar? x
I had some leakage last week. What does it feel like?

Mine felt like a little "gush" - it happened twice on one night, and once the next day. I was wearing dark underwear so I couldn't tell what colour it was but that is apparently important? I also couldn't really determine the smell, but thats important too.

I called the emergency number in my notes to ask for advice and they basically told me to put a sanitary towel on and check it in two hours, and go in if it was soaking wet - it wasnt though, after 2 hours it was just damp.

My midwife said it COULD be amniotic fluid but could equally be wee or extreme discharge, but that if I'm ever worried again its always best to go and get checked over and not to let the people on the phone deter me next time!

Hope that helps xx
same as you, a very small wee like when you're finishing off. I'm also wearing dark pants so can't see. will do as you say and see what happens. Just worried because I am on my own.
Do you have any pains with it? It'd be worth calling your labour ward or whoever your out of hours contact is to see what they , their advice might be different than what they told me!
Not at the minute no, have had the odd cramp over the last few days but goes after seconds.

Baby is still very active as well. I'll monitor it over night and see what happens.
I have leakage too but I am pretty sure it is just discharge as I seem to get that really heavy sometimes. But I have noticed on a few occasions that my undies look wet....almost like I have peed a little, but wouldn't we feel it come out if that was it? My wee is always cloudy too which is slightly annoying but midwife told me that was because there is discharge in it, which I think is weird.
Thanks mrs Hippo, I think that's what it is. I've had loads of discharge. I did feel this little but come out, but that's the first time.

I've checked my pad and it's dry. I'll keep an eye on it and then maybe phone tomorrow if it happens again. Monitoring baby movement as well.
Its quite fustrating isn't it, all these aches, pains and leaks!!! For about an hour now I have been getting a few sharp pains in my lower stomach, they seem to spread down to my lady are too. It hurts enough for me to hold myself to try and relieve it :/ pain only lasts 20 seconds or so though.

She is moving around under my ribs though so I am sure its nothing :)

But yes, monitor it but don't stress yourself too much! x
Nicola, you sound like you're describing my family a bit. The in-laws live an hour away and my family live about 3 hours away. DH and I are rather private people so we don't tend to go and visit our families much but it seems MIL is expecting to be seeing our baby everyday like she does SIL's kids (MIL babysits kids). That won't be happening since I'll be a SAHM but even if I were working, MIL lives too far away for it to be practical to have her as our babysitter. Then my family gets all stressed out thinking that the in-laws are going to see the baby everyday and that they will never get to see him. We've already said that we will make a weekend trip out to see them once our son is around 3 months and we've had time to adjust and get into a bit of a routine but geez, it's like they suddenly expect DH and I not to be private people since we have a baby. And like you said, our families definitely need to make more of an effort to come and see us rather then expecting us to drive all over the place since that's how it is now for me too.

I really haven't had any leakage, just discharge in my panties. I have read that amniotic fluid will have a sweet smell if that helps reassure you at all.

Lauren, I told all of my family that I don't want my belly touched and everyone has respected it even though with some of the comments it's kind of like I'm supposed to feel bad about it. MIL knows I don't like being touched and she's tried to touch my bump twice now. Like you, though, I don't see people too often so thankfully it's not something I have to deal with too much.

I also think you're right about families with babies being a little calmer when it comes to someone announcing their pregnancy. We haven't had a baby in my family since my cousin 13 years ago so this is a big deal. I have noticed my MIL is a little easier to deal with since she already has 3 grandchildren, the youngest just having been born in November.

Hayley finishing up the painting is going well. DH went to the paint store first thing in the morning and him and the person in the store found what they thought was the right shade (they were trying to look up the account this complex has there). It definitely wasn't though so DH went down to the leasing office to try to find out the exact paint code or whatever you want to call it and they just ended up giving him one of the gallons of paint they had sitting down there to use so DH didn't have to make another trip back to the store. So we just have to wait for the paint to dry and then I'm going to try to talk DH into putting the furniture together.

I've also noticed that we haven't heard from a bunch of the ladies in awhile. I just assume they've all been busy with their everyday lives and haven't had time to check in. I know this thread moves fast so sometimes when I get on here and see there are like 4 pages of missed posts I sometimes get back off until I have more time to actually read and catch up.
Hayley that's so great about getting paid for stuff on your blog! Even if its only a little - every little helps lol! Also so glad to hear you have our c section appointment. It is insanely late, but as long as its sorted before you go into spontaneous labour :haha:

Lauren I've been having cramps in my legs this week too. Dh says its not cramp because it lasts a long time, but I count it as cramp!!! So sore, and I always get it at night just like you, just before bed so it makes it hard to fall asleep. Love the bump pic!! (Although I did have to chase it round my iPad screen as I rotated to see it and of course it rotated too :dohh:)

Nicola hi! Welcome! Congrats on your little girl, what wonderful news! And just right to tell people baby didn't cooperate - its your news and if you don't want to share it then that's that! I'm a teacher too, and a, currently counting down the days until maternity leave, always taking out our training days and the half term holiday! I think you are so right about becoming a possession when pregnant. People you don't know feel the need to comment (a man at our school open night said to me "you've some swell on you". Never seen in before in my life) and its just so weird. Generally everyone I know has been fab, so I can't complain too much, but some stuff I've heard is awful, and sounds like you've been on the receiving end of some too. I'm so sorry to hear about oh working away and you feeling lonely, especially as you live so far from family. Hopefully the friends you make at antenatal classes will be a great resource for you when LO arrives, and you will all be able to see each other regularly. I love your name choices! We have chosen Isabelle if we have a girl, so very similar, and phoebe was a big contender for us too! Heidi is so cute, I am a big fan of it, but sadly dh not so much. Oh also, should have introduced myself :dohh: I'm Sarah!

Britanny well done dh for being up and ready to go today to get the nursery finished! That's very impressive of him! Especially getting up so early on a weekend. Good luck with furniture building tomorrow - I really can't wait to see the finished product?

Hmmm so true that we haven't heard from some ladies in a while. I hope all is ok with them. And it's true, when so much happens so quickly on the threads it can be a bit off putting (she says after reading 4 pages of messages :haha:)

Afm, we bought our nursery paint finally! We had loads of testers but none of them were right. We went to B&Q and dh found a dulux booklet and we finally found the perfect colour. It is light green, just like all the testers, but this was just the perfect shade! I didn't know so many shades of light green existed :wacko: so we bought it without a tester, and have decided that that's it! We also had my nephew Jacob all day today, which was great, and we had a lot of fun. We played in the snow, took him to see my granny, and generally enjoyed spending quality time with him. He was in a great mood, but when we dropped him off with my parents (who have him overnight tonight) he suddenly got in a bad mood, so of course they didn't believe us that we'd had a great day with him! I pity them trying to get him to sleep in that mood :haha: I am exhausted though, he is a lively little monkey!
Cramp can last for a good couple of minutes. I've had some really painful, long winded ones. I have found that walking around (well trying to!) eases it off much quicker than just lying or sitting there through it. When I get it bad the area can hurt for days! Most painful cramp ive ever had was in my tongue!!! It happened a few years ago, twice. I was yawning both times and the cramp goes all the way down the throat, can't speak, swallow and it's hard to breath. It is honestly the most painful thing I've ever experienced. Think they both lasted a good 4/5 minutes before the muscle relaxed. Hope I never get it again!!
Not sure I'd like tongue cramp. Had the odd leg one in bed.

Thanks everyone for making me feel so welcome, and normal!

Glad others are experiencing what we are. My mum is fine as she appreciates things and visits when her and my dad can or mart is away. We do tend to find though that we hardly get any visits from anyone which can be a bit upsetting.

Suppose it won't matter too much when baby is born, I'll be a busy little mummy!
Brittany & Sarah - yay for the nursery paints!!!! Pictures when its dry please :D I love seeing all of your nursery pics - I think I'm living through them due to my lack of one :/

Lauren - tongue cramp?! Omg that sounds horrific!

afm - Yeah I def think I'm going to call on Monday and request they bring my appointment forward. I mean IF its an appointment to discuss c section dates and the c section is definite, then its fine. But if its an appointment to discuss whether or not I'm having one...I want to know sooner than 32 weeks!!! I want to look into birthing classes and do some reading up on pain releif, etc!

Also, we paid our deposit on the pram today! Woo hoo! Arriving in 6 weeks :)
Thanks for all your help yesterday ladies. I rang the helpline this morning and they just think its increased discharge.

I have to monitor it all day and if there's any change then they'll take me in to check.

Just going to relax today and put my feet up x
Nicola, good decision to ring the helpline. Definitely take it easy today - that's what Sundays were made for!!

Lauren, seriously a tongue cramp?! That sounds horrific. I hope I never experience one - largely because I knw dh would say " well maybe if you ever stopped moaning...."!!!

At the weekends, because we have the two dogs, someone always has to be up early to get them up and give the, breakfast, as they sleep inside. Usually, dh on a Saturday as he goes to work, and then I let him lie in on a Sunday, as I feel that's kind of only fair. But this weekend he was off yesterday, and I've had to get up both mornings, bringing his total number of lie ins to 2, and mine to 0. It's so annoying. If he sets the alarm to g eat up, that wakes me up too so defeats the purpose, or if I wake up and then wake HIM up, I stay awake so it also defeats the purpose. But it's just so annoying to not get a lie in at all :growlmad:
The cramp is awful. I recently discovered that my colleague has had it once before too... So I'm not alone hehe.

I would be so annoyed if I couldn't have a lie in. I would have just let the dogs out and gone back to bed leaving them in the garden for a bit lol. My dog is worse than me in the mornings, I literally have to drag her out of bed and lock her crate so she can't go back in!!

Yey on the pushchair!! I can't wait until I've got mine, leaving it at the shop for as long as possible though as currently don't have the space to keep it here. Yesterday I brought a growbag from tk maxx, oh and a really cute little Ralph Lauren jumper, it's white with a tiny little baby pink horse. They are £70 normally, got this one for £19.99. We are fans of designer stuff but can't always afford it so finding that was great :) you can get quite a bit off eBay too but I always worry about it being fake...

Our miyo stand arrived on Friday, we put it up and it's huge!! Haha. We are just waiting for the hammock to arrive now - had to buy another make as nowhere sells miyo anymore :( although, I placed a bid on a used one on eBay but at the starting price... It's been about 4/5 days now and no one has outbid me yet!!!! We don't need it! But I can see us winning it now. So I'll end up with two!

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