Woah you ladies update too much for me to keep up!
I've had to do a loooonggg trawl through the pages to try and catch up best I can!
Firstly a big

nuttynicnak another teacher! There seems to be a lot of pregnant teachers around at the moment (there are 2 at my antenatal class) which makes me wonder who'll be teaching all the kids in a few months!
We still have alot of snow my end although it's been melting a lot of this morning. Although how we deal with snow makes me giggle in the UK, as the whole country seems to grind to a frantic halt but that's partly because the roads just seem so treacherous! Luckily I'm not at work atm so haven't had to go in, but like
doggylover my employers are complete arses when it comes to snow and expect you to trek in through blizzard like conditions! It's just not an acceptable thing to do at this stage of pregnancy so I completely agree you should stand your ground and not have gone in! I'm like you though and just feel so guilty about things and worry more about what other people think than how I feel (OH is always telling me off for this!) As
nuttynicnak said once LO arrives I think my biggest challenge will be standing my ground about my own feelings and thoughts as I often just do things to make other people happy! I have to put LO/myself/OH first from now on rather than fretting what other people think of me!
I've had a pretty boring weekend tbh. The snow is giving me cabin fever a little as although I've been out the house for little walks I haven't really done much else. Now the house is nested I feel a bit lost what to do for the next 9 weeks

I'm not complaining its lovely to be off work and I wouldn't swap to going back but I think I need a hobby something to keep me going until LO arrives as time is starting to drag a little (I think it's because I'm so excited to finally meet LO!)
We had our last antenatal class yesterday. I really recommend NCT to everyone the classes (apart from the BF one) have been fab and I've learnt loads and just feel so much more reasured and prepared for labour/birth/parenthood and so does OH. I plan to keep in touch with the other 3 couples, infact we are meeting for dinner next weekend which will be nice and hopefully a little support framework for when LO arrives. The girls are going for a nice meal whilst the men go to watch wrestling

bloody typical blokes!
One of the topics we talked a little about at NCT was parenting styles (Routine vs Babyled) which got me thinking about what kind of parent I will be. I'm hoping to be neither extreme really as think both have their positive and negatives and would like to take the best from both styles really. I'm not going to buy any books on either method as I think it'll just stress me out, however I'm more towards attachment parenting and their styles, what are your ladies thoughts on parenting styles? One of the things I like the thought of with baby led parenting is babywearing and I'm really considering getting one of these slings for when LO arrives https://www.nctshop.co.uk/images/4469-6.jpg
It's the caboo carrier and its good for wearing round the house/out and about so you can have baby close at all times easily, even if you are doing chores round the house etc. You can even breastfed in it! I really like the thought of having LO close by with you as I know they can be difficult to settle and when small don't like being put down. But at the same time I don't want to end up with a super clingy baby!

Don't you think it seems sooo difficult to know what will be best for when LO arrives as for every idea or theory there is a counter argument! I find this so hard as I just want to do the "right" thing yet there doesn't seem to be a right!