First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Could you send the other one (the different brand) back if you win the miyo hammock on eBay? Just say you bought the wrong brand accidentally.

Well, yesterday I tried to take the dogs up to bed so that I could recoup some sleep - they are usually fine up there, dh lets them up to me on a Saturday morning when he goes to work, but they wouldn't settle at all so it was worse than just staying downstairs on the sofa!
Sarah - nooo! I'd be livid! You're the pregnant one, you get the lay ins! Don't let that happen again next weekend - tell DH to think of the dogs as baby practice :D No lay ins anymore! (Except for you, because you'll be tired from all the giving the birth....obviously :P)

Lauren - oh thanks, now I'm hurrying round to get to TK Maxx before it shuts in the hope of finding some Ralph Lauren baby stuff! :haha: Lol! We got a grobag in there a while ago, was yours like £12.99 or something? SUCH a bargain, I was so pleased as was going to get one anyway but they're about £25 usually! :D
I LOVE designer baby things, I know some people think its chavy but I love it! Theres a shop here that sells Baby Versace!! SO cute! Quite pricey but they let you pay off weekly :D I REALLY want the dummy they do - its £25 but I'll just make sure he only has it when we go somewhere, and obviously make sure its secured on a dummy chain lol.
Do you like Juicy Couture? I LOVE it, our TK Maxx had the most adorable little box of Juicy socks for baby girls last time I was there - only £8! - had about 10 pairs in and the box was lovely. I seriously nearly cried as they had none for boys!

Nicola Hope you're feeling better today! Enjoy your sunday and just take it easy :)
Thanks, I'm sleeping a fair bit and just done the ironing. All this in between sleeps and sofa!

How is everyone else's Sunday?
My Sunday is a quite one, did nothing until about 4. We are starting to get the little room ready for bean so it's now just an empty room, need to paint and gloss it over the next couple of days. Now I'm really tired. Didnt bother with a Sunday lunch, instead we are going all out and having a cheese and bean tostie lol.

I'm not a fan of the juicy stuff... It's not bad but I went off it after seeing it on everyone on my big fat gypsie wedding :/
I do love some designer stuff though :) I agree that sometimes it does look chavy but I think it depends on the make and style.
My favourite by far is baby baker, they sell some lovely things and a fraction of the price of some other designers.
Sometimes it's the simple foods that are the most warming!

I hate beans but ham n cheese toasties are amazing! x
We also had toasties for lunch!

I must be the only person in the world who can never find anything nice in tk maxx! Y friend gets loads of stuff there and I've never once bought anything! Although maybe venturing into the baby section will be a different story..

My change bag finally arrived today :) it's a pink lining yummy mummy one, in multicoloured bows, and I love it!! Also ordered a new Moses basket mattress, so I'm feeling today has been productive!

Now, fingers crossed I get snowed in tomorrow so I get a day off work! Roads are really bad, but probably passable, but not sure I fancy risking it when 30 weeks pregnant especially since the last time we had snow I totalled my car by hitting a wall, and two years before that in the snow a guy smashed head first into me when he slipped on slush....
Thanks :) i'm seriously weighing up how awful i will feel about not going in vs how terrified i will be driving down, and trying to figure out which feeling is strongest!!! Dh hates travelling with me in snow now because I am so nervous the whole time (understandably I think!) and apparently being pregnant just makes that a million times worse. Yesterday he actually yelled at me (which he never does - I wasn't even sure he could yell!) because I was being so irritating when he was driving....I can't help it though, I'm just 100% sure we are about to crash!

I just ordered my TENS machine. It doesn't get sent out until 37 weeks, but its another thing to tick off the list :) anyone else planning on using one?
Lauren - Lol yeah they're all fake on gypsy wedding though! I don't like the tracksuits etc (Wouldnt wear any kind of tracksuit if you paid me!) but the baby stuff and the handbags/purses are to die for! So ultra girly. I love the "diaper bags" they do too.

Sarah - it depends on the TK Maxx! Our one in Exeter never had anything designer, it was all tat. The one nearest to me now is quite good, but the one in Liverpool city centre is AMAZING - it has full on Vera Wang, Emilio Pucci, Vivienne Westwood - all kinds! Its still expensive (I fell in love with a Pucci dress but it was still £300 :/) but a fraction of the normal price.
I try to avoid it as much as possible because its just torture lol.

They do have some cute baby stuff. Equally they have some absolutely horrific baby stuff! Its a bit like Primark in that you can find some nice buys but you have to go in there prepared to wrestle your way through a mountain of crap for hours to get it!
Your change bag sounds lovely! Where did you get that from? I want a really nice change bag. I saw a BEAUTIFUL one in mamas & papas but it was over £100 and it seems a waste when I get one with the pram anyway :/

I would absolutely think seriously about not going in to work tomorrow if the roads are bad! Its just not worth the risk at all :/

AFM - I've had a quiet day really. OH made me a lush english breakfast in bed this morning, which was very nice!! And since then we've just sat around watching TV and chatting! We did have a good clear out of the bedroom though, which was somewhat productive.

Its been snowing again pretty heavily here, so hoping the roads won't be awful tomorrow as I have no choice but to go out as got my sodding breast scan :/ Dreading that
I've contemplated tens but not sure on how effective they are having never used one before.

Think I'll look into it before baby is born and see what I think then. X
Hayley- See, the problem is I'm not willing to poke about in tk maxx to find the good stuff. I always seem to end up in the men's maybe ours just isn't the best one in the country!
I got a pink lining bag, but ordered it from another website as it was on sale after Christmas. They are usually £79, but my sister got it for £50. It is still expensive, but because she bought it for us I don't feel so bad :haha:

Be careful out driving in the snow, hopefully your roads will have been gritted well.

I am very cross - i got up at normal time today, looked out the window to see if our snow has melted any, and it hasn't, so I phoned my boss (at 7.15am) and told him its too dangerous and I am not going to risk it. His response "well can we play it by ear and maybe see you later on?" Basically saying I don't believe it's that bad and I expect you to be in work later. I know the snow isn't bad down with them (I work an hour away from home) and as I told him, it's not the depth of the snow, it's the road conditions. I'm so cross he never stopped to think that I am 30 weeks pregnant, and driving down ungritted, country roads which are covered in snow and ice isn't an option for me today. I'm also a little upset because I really like him a lot, and I don't want him to think I am taking advantage of the snow to not bother coming to work, and don't want to disappoint him. But what can I do?
You just have to do what's best, not going down those icy roads is best for you today. I'm
The worlds worst as feeling bad if I'm off ill or can't get in.

Don't feel bad, you have to do what's best for you x
Thanks, I'm the same as you about feeling bad - I hate feeling like I've let people down, or inconvenienced them. My husband just text me and although he left for work an hour so he said he's nowhere near close and I definitely made the right decision, which makes me feel a little better.
It's hard getting the right balance. I don't want to be seen as one of those people who take the piss all the time. I'm lucky that my school won't take risks with me. I was phoned last night to be told not to go in school. Luckily, my whole school is shut anyway so I don't actually feel too bad about it.

I often worry more about what other's think of me then actually thinking about myself. I think that really needs to stop now especially as I have a little life inside of me relying on me making the right decision for the both of us. (I'm good at saying these things, not good at following it up) x
You're lucky your school is shut - there doesn't seem to have been any snow at mine! And I am the only person who lives in this area, so the only person who won't be able to make it. I just hate the thought of others having to cover my classes, and there being no work left - I know how irritating that is! I asked another girl in my department to photocopy some activity sheets, and sent an email out about some work to keep some classes a little busy, but still feel bad. But at the end of the day, you're right - we are making decisions for two now, so got to do what's best. I will have to email my boss later and just make it very clear that its not an option that I come down. He is a total workaholic and doesn't understand why someone wouldn't walk the 36 miles to school if needed...
I can't believe he said that to you. Even if you get to work ok the last thing you need is stressing out while on the way. And like you said, it's not just you anymore you have to think about the safety of your LO too. Snow around here is bad today, I am only a 5 minute drive up the road... Although it took me 20 this morning because of some idiot van driver. I was a little annoyed this morning, I wanted to go to tesco at lunch to get food for the week (didn't bother yesterday as their bread ect is never fresh enough to last) but my colleague has decided not to come in due to the snow.. Again...she doesn't drive and has to come in on the bus. Last week her bus got stuck on a hill and ended up running really late so she was just told to go home. But now she won't even attempt it!!! That means I don't get a lunch because there is no one here to cover. I can sit and have a break but I can't go out. I didn't bring any food with me either but fortunately Adam was still at home so he brought a bit for me. But I'm still rather annoyed. She moans about the snow, she doesn't like walking in it or anything but it pisses me off that she can't even attempt to come in!! Adam has a 3 and a half hour drive to work today but he isn't ringing up work telling them he can't get in. If Adam wasn't at home this morning I would have ended up not eating until I got home :( she couldn't even text me first thing to let me know. So not a happy bunny.

Is anyone else fed up with work? Not physically, but mentally? I've noticed over the last couple of weeks that I come in and just don't want to be here . Like now, I have loads to do but just don't want to do it. I'd rather just go home. The 8th march can't come quick enough!!!
Lauren that's awful :( if public transport is running there is no reason why she shouldn't come in :shrug: and I can't believe that means you are basically trapped in work all day, no wonder you are fed up.

I am too, tbh. Knowing that we are getting so close now just makes me really not care...
Woah you ladies update too much for me to keep up! :haha:

I've had to do a loooonggg trawl through the pages to try and catch up best I can!

Firstly a big :hi: to nuttynicnak another teacher! There seems to be a lot of pregnant teachers around at the moment (there are 2 at my antenatal class) which makes me wonder who'll be teaching all the kids in a few months!

We still have alot of snow my end although it's been melting a lot of this morning. Although how we deal with snow makes me giggle in the UK, as the whole country seems to grind to a frantic halt but that's partly because the roads just seem so treacherous! Luckily I'm not at work atm so haven't had to go in, but like doggylover my employers are complete arses when it comes to snow and expect you to trek in through blizzard like conditions! It's just not an acceptable thing to do at this stage of pregnancy so I completely agree you should stand your ground and not have gone in! I'm like you though and just feel so guilty about things and worry more about what other people think than how I feel (OH is always telling me off for this!) As nuttynicnak said once LO arrives I think my biggest challenge will be standing my ground about my own feelings and thoughts as I often just do things to make other people happy! I have to put LO/myself/OH first from now on rather than fretting what other people think of me!

I've had a pretty boring weekend tbh. The snow is giving me cabin fever a little as although I've been out the house for little walks I haven't really done much else. Now the house is nested I feel a bit lost what to do for the next 9 weeks :blush: I'm not complaining its lovely to be off work and I wouldn't swap to going back but I think I need a hobby something to keep me going until LO arrives as time is starting to drag a little (I think it's because I'm so excited to finally meet LO!)

We had our last antenatal class yesterday. I really recommend NCT to everyone the classes (apart from the BF one) have been fab and I've learnt loads and just feel so much more reasured and prepared for labour/birth/parenthood and so does OH. I plan to keep in touch with the other 3 couples, infact we are meeting for dinner next weekend which will be nice and hopefully a little support framework for when LO arrives. The girls are going for a nice meal whilst the men go to watch wrestling :haha: bloody typical blokes!

One of the topics we talked a little about at NCT was parenting styles (Routine vs Babyled) which got me thinking about what kind of parent I will be. I'm hoping to be neither extreme really as think both have their positive and negatives and would like to take the best from both styles really. I'm not going to buy any books on either method as I think it'll just stress me out, however I'm more towards attachment parenting and their styles, what are your ladies thoughts on parenting styles? One of the things I like the thought of with baby led parenting is babywearing and I'm really considering getting one of these slings for when LO arrives
It's the caboo carrier and its good for wearing round the house/out and about so you can have baby close at all times easily, even if you are doing chores round the house etc. You can even breastfed in it! I really like the thought of having LO close by with you as I know they can be difficult to settle and when small don't like being put down. But at the same time I don't want to end up with a super clingy baby! :wacko: Don't you think it seems sooo difficult to know what will be best for when LO arrives as for every idea or theory there is a counter argument! I find this so hard as I just want to do the "right" thing yet there doesn't seem to be a right! :dohh:
Oh no hope your ok nuttynicnak. Sending positive vibes your way x x

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