First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Wow thus thread moves quick!

I'm sorry I don't manage to post as much when I'm in work. I went back today to try to get normality back into my routine. It makes things go quicker too when hubby is away.

I'd slap my OH if he said that to me Laura. I'm lucky that OH does read things when I give them to him. I think coz he's away he feels lost and it passes the time for him when he's bored. I didn't know he'd been reading my pregnancy book till he quoted something from it.

I'd love to know how the tens machine works for you. I'll look forward to reading whether it worked or not.

Got a call from the hospital today with the results of my tests. I was being treated for the right condition and also on the right medication. I've never known a hospital to ring and check that.

Hope everyone has had a good day xx
...his argument was "well your not that pregnant at the end I'll do more!" I don't know how pregnant I need to be in his head before I get this special treatment!!

:rofl: maybe when you are in labour?! My dh is the same though. Before we lived together it was always "it'll be different when we have our own house" then "it'll be different when you are pregnant" now it's "it'll be different when the baby is here” :wacko: it's not big stuff just little bits around the house. I went mad at him when I was 17 weeks pregnant and cried that he was making a pregnant woman do everything and I couldn't go on anymore! I am still doing the exact same amount :haha: in fairness, he does actually do more than I think many men do!

Bed wise: must be a part of pregnancy nobody mentions- how annoyed the oh's get! Mine is the same. He does a fantastic impression of me getting up for my mid-sleep pee, and if I do honestly make that much noise it's no wonder he is annoyed! It's when he throws himself onto the bed in impersonation of how I lower my whale self down that makes me laugh...because its probably true!

Nicola: glad to hear the hospital is taking good care of you, and that everything is ok with your meds etc :) hope being back to school today wasn't too awful. After being off on Monday I can't believe how quickly the week has gone!
Alex, I was actually asking my mom about the bleeding today. She was telling me that I'll probably be fine with just a regular panty liner after the first week or two so you may not need the maternity pads the entire time you're bleeding.

I'm also going au natural down there. I tried shaving down there one time a few weeks ago and couldn't see anything and ended up cutting myself. Basically I felt like shaving just made me feel even more unattractive down there so I'm not bothering with it. Thankfully, my DH could care less one way or another whether I shave or whatever so I haven't felt bad about not really doing any grooming there. I do plan to buy a trimmer though so I can do some cleanup down there when it gets closer to delivery time like Sarah mentioned.

As for sex, I have definitely noticed some changes. It's definitely not happening as frequently as it used to since DH and I both are usually just too tired to be bothered. When we do have sex it is different. Positions that we used to love don't work with my bump so we're having to experiment with different positions. I was actually surprised that a position I didn't enjoy before pregnancy is actually my favorite position now. :haha: But basically I don't think your sex life changing now that you're pregnant is anything to think of as not normal.

I'm sorry the physiotherapy appointment wasn't very helpful.

I'm also sorry that you're stressing about the size of your bump. I would think if there is something wrong with your baby or anything your doctor finds concerning, he/she would have told you so try not to worry though I know that's easier said than done. :hugs:

Laura, I'm addicted to McDonalds sweet tea and I can't seem to resist ice cream. I think if I gave up everything that wasn't 100% healthy I would be miserable so I don't think you need to feel bad about continuing to have Pepsi, tea, and coffee.

As for the pee, I sometimes notice if I haven't drank anything for a couple of hours my pee will be a lot more yellow like FMU. Perhaps that was why your pee was more yellow? At least they said everything was fine though so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

So sorry about your OH! Could you maybe find some pregnancy books or classes that are targeted at guys? Shortly after I got my BFP, I picked up some pregnancy books for both DH and I. The one I got him was called "The Caveman's Pregnancy Companion: A Survival Guide for Expectant Fathers" by David Port and John Ralston. I think having something written about pregnancy that was targeted at guys was helpful for him since it explained everything he needed to know about pregnancy and what I might be going through/feeling but it was done in a guy friendly way. May be something to try with your OH?

Sarah, that girl sounds awful! I wouldn't want to speak to her at all and would probably avoid her anytime I did see her. Just reading the stuff she says irritates me and I've never even met her. :haha:

AFM, I forgot to tell you guys that I was talking to my doctor about whether or not it would be possible to set up some kind of induction date so it would be easier to plan for my mom to be out here before I go into labor since we don't live in the same state. She basically said it would be very unlikely that they would induce me before my due date (which I didn't want them to do anyways) and that they won't let me go more than a week past my due date. So basically April 5th is the last day I will be pregnant (unless my due date changes) if Aiden doesn't decide to make an appearance before then. It's a little overwhelming knowing exactly how long I have before my baby will be here.

Right now I'm thinking I'll have my mom come out closer to the 5th of April and then stay out here until April 13th which is when I'm thinking we'll be inviting our family and friends over to meet him for a couple of hours. I think it'll be nice to have my mom to help both DH and I adjust as well as help out with the household chores and the animals since I'm sure it will all be very overwhelming once we return home.
Hi girls,

Right there is a lot to catch up on :)

Laura, I am really tired at the moment too :( this evening is the first in a few days where I have had enough energy to actually do something, although still don't feel 100%. Sorry to hear about your partner. I read the other day that because men don't experience pregnancy it takes them twice as long to take in what is happening. When I read it I thought about my OH and realised that he has been really good. He doesn't moan about me moaning, he is always asking how I am feeling and he will do anything I want him to. Well, to an extent. He won't offer to do housework....but that sounds the norm with most men :haha: But if I am totally honest I'd rather do it myself anyway as he never does it the way I do. As for bedtime with him (when he is at home) isn't too bad. He does mention me moving around loads but doesn't complain about it. Oh and apparently I snore sometimes haha which I have NEVER done before!!

Sarah - you should soooo invest in a comfort sports bra!!!!! I was going to get another bra or two from bravissimo but as I was waiting for pay day and my bras were just becoming really uncomfortable, I went out and brought some comfort sports bras from Asda. They were about a fiver each. Since buying them there is no way I am spending my money on a new bra until LO is out haha. I forget that I am wearing them sometimes, they have a padded bit at the front and surprisingly hold quite well. They don't do much for your look though, so if you were to go out wearing a fancy top then you will want a decent bra. But for everyday they are great. I can't stand people like the one you are describing, she needs a good telling off!! You see it all the time though, its like she is telling you ''I know better than you'' pffft, p*ss right off. I feel the same towards midwives actually, I know they witness many many births but how do they truly know what it feels like unless they have gone through it themselves??

As for shaving, I am surprisingly keeping on top of it. Not as well as I'd like but I still manage to do it every 1-2 weeks. My legs I try and do as often as I can, same for underarms but shaving down below is just too hard. I find a way of being able to see though, lying in the bath using the sides to prop my legs up and tilt by body at an angle and I can see the top hahaha. I am still using a razor and will continue to, the blade is on the blunt side (which I always prefer using as it doesn't cut as easy).

My sex life is crap. It is very rare I actually want it though. The last time we had it was a few weeks ago and it really hurt me :( I don't know whether that was because I felt uncomfortable because all I could think about was my bump...I'm not sure. But OH is worried now that he will hurt me again. I feel bad for him because I know he wants it but doesn't really talk about it, he will say stupid things sometimes like ''not like you touch it anymore anyway'' which annoys me. He says he is joking but some how I don't believe him.

My LO kicks the doppler whenever my midwife listens, think its cute :)

I also think our LO's are all as active as each other at the moment. The last three days she has been having a party in there!!! Oh and she does something really weird, don't know if yours do too but it almost looks as though she is jumping up and down haha - obviously I know she isn't but it looks and feels as though she is doing something like that. My whole stomach shakes around, only lasts for a couple of seconds...very weird :/

AFM - After having a crap couple of days at work and not wanting to be there I made the decision to bring my mat leave forward. Only by two weeks but with my annual leave on top of that it means my last day will be around the 23rd Feb, I just need to get it confirmed with my manager but HR said its ok. Sooooo that is like just over 4 weeks away :D which sounds so much better than other 6!!!

Today I have brought a moses basket, not brought to use, but for decorative reasons. The hammock stand is waaaay too big for the smallest room - it will be in my bedroom anyway but when we have people around ect thought it would be nice to have her room dressed properly. So instead I brought a basket. I looked everywhere to get a nice looking cheap one but everything was quite expensive but in the end I ended up getting one from Tesco and with the help of my clubcard points I have purchased a 60 odd pound moses basket and stand for just over 15 :D so I am well chuffed about that. Last night I popped to homebase to pick up some paint as it was on offer (just magnolia to clean the place up a bit) and I saw some white floating shelves they had on offer for 9.99 so couldn't help but buy them for LO nursery. Then tonight I have glossed the skirting boards in her room as well as a dark wooden drawer, need to go over the drawers again tomorrow with a second coat. But will also be painting the walls tomorrow too. I'm not doing anything fancy with the room (although I really wish I could) but think its for the best to keep it as neutral as possible with it being on the market. But I will try and dress it nicely. I have seen a pretty lamp I want to buy from IKEA, going to buy a rug, nappy stacker, cute little teddys and a few baby storage box things. Hopefully it will all come together. Oh and I ideally want some nice curtains for the room but that will have to wait until I have a bit more money :p :baby:

Sorry for my HUGE essay!!

Oh and Brittany, it would be lovely if your mum could be there when you go in to labour. I guess none of us know when our LO's are going to enter this world so I guess its going to be really hard to judge when the best time is for her to come over. But I think the dates you have chosen are good, hopefully he will be good and come on/close to his due date :)
DoggyLover - I think it's mainly just because we've both been stressed out a little lately with all sorts of things and we have been taking it out on each other :nope:

I actually cannot believe the rudeness of that bloody woman! If she hasn't had children yet, how can she stick her two-penneth in?! :growlmad: I definitely hope she doesn't get an invite to your baby shower!

My Dh has an electric shaver for his hair/face. He is never thrilled to find out that I have used it on my lady bits
I'm not ashamed to say I do this also :rofl: OH was definitely not too pleased!

BabyNurse - I've seen two classes that I want to go to but they're not until February :dohh: I think I might just find some 'Dad' forums/pages on the internet for him to have a nose through. Don't get me wrong, he has done all the nursery out and been great with DIY stuff but just doesn't help/support me with the everyday stuff - cleaning, washing etc.

ILoveLucy - I'm glad they've given you a rough date of when you should have your LO by! At least now you can make arrangements with your mum etc :)

MrsHippo - Yay to moving your ML date :D Although I am slightly jealous because I have debated doing this soooo many times :haha: - especially at the minute (i'll explain further down)
Great way to use your Tesco points too! I never seem to accumulate many because I use them on stupid things or I forget my clubcard when i've done a massive shop :dohh:

AsForMe - Had a terrible night again last night with heartburn. I think it's just gonna become the norm now though.
By 11:45pm I was nearly in tears because every single time I went to lay down, it flared up :cry: OH offered to go to Tesco to get me something but I said i'd be asleep soon :hugs:
Maybe he's been thinking about our argument?

In other great news, we're moving! :dance:
We viewed a house last weekend, much closer to my parents, the clinic, a nursery/school, park and other things. Bigger house, built more for a family than the one that we're in - if that makes sense??

OH is ringing our landlord today though to try and agree a date to move out. We have to give a full month's notice (which is normal) but there's 2 weeks until our rent is next due which means really, we'd be giving 6 weeks notice - taking me up to 37 weeks!
I know it's bad, but OH is going to say that i'm struggling with my pregnancy and have been spending most of the time at my parents therefore we need to be closer for practicality - and also mention the timescale thing.

Our new landlady sounds amazing. Totally understood about our situation and said that we can have the keys whenever so that we can start moving things in to make the process quicker/easier :D

Another great thing is, I get to faff around in the nursery again! Luckily, with us only having one wall papered I might only have to buy one more roll of wallpaper as we already have nearly a full roll left over from last time :thumbup:

Will get a new bump picture up soon, my computer is faffing about at the minute :dohh:
Oh also, here's my baby stash to go to my Mums:

Because I’m having my homebirth at my parents house and planning on staying for a couple of days I’ve had to pack quite a bit. Also, because LO is measuring long/tall I don’t know whether she’ll be in newborn or straight into 0-3 sizing :dohh: I haven’t packed anything for me yet but all LO’s stuff fits into 2 plastic storage box things :)

So here’s my big ass list – my dad thinks we’re moving back home :haha:

5x Newborn sleepsuits
7x Newborn cap-sleeve vests
1x Newborn long armed vest
1x White knitted style cardigan/jacket

4x 0-3m sleepsuits
7x 0-3m cap-sleeve vests
1x 0-3m Long armed vest
1x Cream knitted style cardigan/jacket

4x Tiny baby cap-sleeve vests – Just incase!

4x socks (2 white, 2 pink)
1x soft slipper/booties
2x mittens (1white, 1 pink)
1x white hat

1x White shawl/blanket
1x Cream fleece blanket

Change bag – just the Boots free one, haven’t chosen one yet!
1x pack of nappies – mum has some at hers aswell
1x pack of wipes – again, already some at mums
Bag full of dummies ;)
9x 5oz bottles
2x milk powder containers
10x plastic backed bibs
5x normal bibs


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We will be moving on the 7th February :dance:

T just spoke with our landlord and although he's not happy, he's agreed!
I am so very jealous of you moving :) but how exciting!! It will be nice to live closer to your mum too won't it. And you have loads of baby stuff to take. I saw a couple of blankets in your photo and it reminded me that I really need to buy some. I want some nice thick, knitted multicoloured blankets. I think they are so pretty, will use them for pushchair and stuff.

Have any of you seen the bambino bean bags? They look so cool. I want one!!
Hi Girls,

I have missed a few days of posts so will try to catch up on everything tonight and reply properly then.

Just wanted to fill you in as haven't felt like talking about everything :/

Last few days have been HELL! Just going around in circles trying to get to the bottom of all of this stuff about the medication I've been on for the last 17 weeks.

It seems the medication is Pregnancy Band D - which means it IS placenta crossing, and can be harmful to the baby. It can cause serious thyroid problems/goiter at birth, and can even cause cretinism :cry:

So obviously since I found that out I've been really stressed out and upset. I've had a hell of a time trying to get ANYBODY to help me and do anything, the midwives have been absolutely useless and I will definitely be making a formal complaint about it all - I just want to get it all sorted out first before I put any energy into complaining.

It's just been one massive joke though - I went to the midwives office on Tuesday morning, saw my midwife and her supervisor, and neither of them had a clue - they noted down my worries and said they'd find out who to contact, but they didn't even feel around or offer to listen in to the babys heartbeat to reassure me - nothing at all! (I have my own doppler, but they don't know that!)

I STILL don't know if I should be carrying on with this medication or not because I CANNOT get anybody from the consultants office to call me back and discuss the matter - so I have been not taking it, but god knows what harm that is doing to me as it means my condition isn't being controlled.

I ended up in the hospital the night before last because of anxiety and reduced movements, everything seemed ok with the babies heartbeart and movements then...they also FINALLY run some blood tests so I should be able to find out from those how my condition is doing and wether the baby has any thyroid problems.... but as I've been so stressed out about what damage could have been done my Mum has booked me in for a 4d Scan tonight (I've been asking for a reassurance scan to be done but nobody would do it, so now we've had to pay for a private one! Again, pathetic - its THEIR mistake so why should I have to pay to find out if everything is ok!) - I'm going there in 2 hours, I'm really nervous about what they'll say but just fingers crossed that everything is ok. :wacko:
Liverpoollass Oh hunnie :hugs: sending huge virtual hugs your way you sound like you've been having a hellish time and the medical staff have been really useless. Although your not in the right frame of mind name, jot down all your worries/concerns/issues that you've had so that at a later date once you're feeling more together and clear headed you can write a formal letter of complaint - I suggest forwarding it to your midwives/consultant/hospital PALS team and anyone else you feel you have let you down. I'm so sorry you've had to go through all this stress and anxiety. Sending positive thoughts your way that you and LO are both safe and well and nothing bad has come of this. Is OH being supportive? So lovely though that your Mum has booked you a 4D scan (although like you said, it shouldn't have come to that!) so try and enjoy that at least and I hope you come away with some lovely photos of LO you can enjoy.

Laura91 So pleased your moving yay :happydance: It sounds like a lot more convenience for you and baby though in terms of Mum being closer/nurseries etc and a better home all round. Also you get to decorate nursery again, how exciting!

MrsHippo Yay for moving the ML forwards! Let the countdown begin! Also can you post a pic of your hammock once you've got it all sorted and up as I'm really confused what it looks like! It sounds fab though.

Nothing new for me to update really my house smells lovely as I've just attempted to bake my own bread! Not sure how it'll turn out but it smells lovely! Let's hope it tastes as good. I've got my antenatal check up tomorrow so fingers crossed everything goes ok with that. LO has been so active the last few days, infact he/she was lay in such an uncomfortable position yesterday lol. I also had a little play, as the other day when I was watching Les Miserables the baby was kicking lots, so yesterday I played some more Les Mis (and other musicals) to my belly and LO loved it! Was dancing and kicking all over the place! He/She seemed to like the male voices the most! When I played some normal music LO wasn't as active but as soon as the musicals was back on LO went crazy haha! So think I'm going to have a theatrical baby! OH isn't pleased I think he wants it to be into sports not musicals lol.
Awww Hayley I am so sorry you have had to go through all that :( But you have to stay positive, don't forget that all those things you have read could be potential problems. It doesn't mean your LO will have them. And as I said in my last reply to you (you might not have read it though with everything going off) the doctors do weigh out the pros and cons. If you needed it then they would have to keep you on them. I hope you manage to get some answers soon though, nothing worse than waiting around for phone calls and results. I am sorry it resulted in your mum paying for the scan BUT you finally get to see your LO, it will be amazing :) Hope you are feeling better soon and let us know what happens at the scan!

Alex, yes I will post a photo up. I have loads to pick up at the moment so once I have everything here and unwrapped I will put it all together and take some photos :)
Awww Hayley I am so sorry you have had to go through all that :( But you have to stay positive, don't forget that all those things you have read could be potential problems. It doesn't mean your LO will have them. And as I said in my last reply to you (you might not have read it though with everything going off) the doctors do weigh out the pros and cons. If you needed it then they would have to keep you on them. I hope you manage to get some answers soon though, nothing worse than waiting around for phone calls and results. I am sorry it resulted in your mum paying for the scan BUT you finally get to see your LO, it will be amazing :) Hope you are feeling better soon and let us know what happens at the scan!

Alex, yes I will post a photo up. I have loads to pick up at the moment so once I have everything here and unwrapped I will put it all together and take some photos :)

I echo what MrsHippo said. It's only potential problems not actual problems. Alot of medication for pregnancy aren't 'licensed' as such as pregnant people don't tend to willingly offer to be test subjects! Also like Mrshippo said dr's and medicine is very subjective and often dr's play each other off each other with "who knows the most" or "who has the most recent evidence" it drives me barmy at work sometimes as one dr does something then the next day another dr changes it. Both options were safe but it's just personal choice/belief/evidence a lot of the time as medicine isn't a yes/no answer its often weighing up pro's and cons. The way you've been treated (lack of information/communication) is bad and needs to be followed up at a later day (as I said before in my other post) but try not to panic too much (easier said than done) as your doctor might be able to explain his reasons behind putting you on that medicine etc. Try not to google too much either as it'll just be full of horror stories and bad experiences (as my OH always points out, people are much more likely to write down/express their feelings when something has gone wrong or something bad happens as it makes for better reading and people like to share bad/scary stories more than boring "it all worked out ok" stories) ... sorry if that sounds a bit condescending am trying to make you feel better :hugs:
Oh hun what a traumatic time you've been having, I'm sorry that they've been so shit with trying to explain things to you and comfort you. It's bad when you have to pay because of their mistake.

Fingers crossed the scan gives you the reassurance you need. I'll be thinking of you xx
Brittany I think it's so great that you know that, at the latest, Aiden will be here by April 5th! That's pretty quick to induce, I think here they let you go the full two weeks afterwards (which would take me to 11th April) but I haven't discussed it yet. It's great that it makes it easier for you to arrange your mums visit as well.

Lauren thanks for the asda bra tip :thumbup: I was going to got o mothercare, but asda will be much cheaper definitely! That's great about bringing your mat leave forward! I think it's the right decision because you seem to have been unhappy there lately, and things haven't been made easy for you. Sounds like you have got a good idea of what you want for LOs room, and I think leaving it neutral and dressing it with bits and bobs sometimes is a lot easier to do (and then change if needed). Love that baby bean bag! It looks comfy to say the least!

Laura glad I'm not the only one taking advantage of dh's razors lol! Congratulations about the move :happydance: that's wonderful news, and great that you will be closer to your parents!! I think you have more stuff on your list to take to your parents than I own for baby! But because its your parents it's great to be able to take as much as possible and not have to worry about having enough at any point. Your bump looks like its dropped a bit to me! My mum said apparently that's a good thing at this stage...

Hayley :hugs: I'm sorry you've had such a tough week. I can't imagine how worried you must be, but as the others said try not to take what the potential issues could be as gospel, and focus on baby being absolutely fine. Let us know how the scan goes, and a few pics would be lovely if you get them.

Alex you domestic goddess! I would love a bread maker (too lazy to hand bake!) as it definitely smells delicious. I used to be a nanny with a family and always popped bread into the bread maker - it was so easy and so tasty! Lol at your show tune loving baby! A baby after my own heart I must say! Good luck for the appointment tomorrow.

Afm, my LO has also been very active the last two days, which of course I love. I'm worried that I'm doing my pelvic floor exercises wrongly. The last few days they haven't felt very effective, like I'm not actually doing anything :shrug: and today when I did them I got a pain across the bottom of my bump. I try to do them in the car on the way to and from school, where does everyone else do theirs? It's a weird question, but I find I can't do them standing up. I'm worried now that I'm not doing them right and will piss myself forever more!

Also, on our flight back from my in laws before new year, dh mentioned that he wasn't 100% sure of the boys name we have chosen (Maxwell, Max for short). He said he wasn't sure if maxwell was right, but still liked Max. So I said to him to have a think and get back to me. And since then, with the doubt he put in my mind, I've gone off Max as well :dohh: I didn't want to bring it up, but he did last night, and I think we have decided that the confusion over what the lengthened form of Max would be has tainted the name for us both. So now we are back to Alex or Freddie - which is where we started 31 weeks ago :haha: dh exclaimed at one point "this baby NEEDS to be a girl as we have that sorted!"

And finally, I am so cross with my mum tonight. Our 10 month old pup is very boisterous, and he is mad for my 19 month old nephew. He sometimes gets over eager and knocks him down. Tonight, Jacob was crying, and my mum came in and said that my dog "had Jacobs arm in his mouth, and wouldn't let go" and my "dad had to pry them apart" so obviously I went nuts at the dog and gave him a absolute wallop and yelled at him. Then my dad asked why I did that, and I told him my mum said the dog had Jacob by the arm and my dad said that isn't at all what happened - he just knocked him over. So I said this to my mum and she went nuts at me, and started saying I was accusing her of lying, and how I always find something wrong with everything she says to me, and she can do no right as far as I'm concerned :huh: anyway, my family aren't best known for keeping our tempers, and I ended up yelling at her as well, but what I was saying was "you said my dog did this, and he didn't, and then you yelled at me for questioning it all" Honestly, she went absolutely mental and I have no idea why tbh. I guess she was in a bad mood as I heard her yelling at my dad too, but he was sticking up for me saying that what she told me had happened wasn't right (although then I heard him tell her to remember I'm hormonal :growlmad: I am probably the least hormonal pregnant lady ever!)

Anyhow, so she has annoyed me greatly. And she wonders why I don't want her in the room when I give birth?!?!?
I like the name Freddie :) I haven't been doing any exercises :blush: I know I should but I just forget... I should really start doing them shouldn't I?
I can't believe your mum. Maybe she doesn't like your dog so is making up stories so you get rid of him? I know some people can do these things without actually thinking about it then become all defensive when you confront them. I think it only gets worse as they get older too...

I am tired. Think I'll be jumping in to bed soon :)
Sorry this is going to be long, but I'm going to try to catch up on posts!

Brooke - Glad to see you posting! I always worry about everyone when they haven't posted for a while! We do update this thread a LOT though so its understandable how it is hard to catch up! After just two days of not posting its really hard so I can't imagine after a week or more! We're just tooooo chatty lol!

I'm glad everything is going well with you, and the nursery sounds lovely! Piccies Piccies! :D

I'm always told I'm dehydrated from urine samples but it doesnt seem to matter how much I drink, I think I'm just one of those people who never drinks enough! I only seem to get thirsty through the night! I have been getting headaches too though (probably from stress lol) - they do it can be common. If you're sluggish too though, have they tested you for anemia yet? Here they test at around 30 weeks I think.

Hope your 32 week ultrasound goes well and you get lots of lovely piccies! :) Oh and those socks are SO CUTE!!!!!!

Lauren - Thanks for your advice hun. I am hoping its just a case of the Breast Dr not really understanding, and that its not too bad. I'm mainly just angry because I remember so clearly the voicemail my GP left me when he was telling me the medication had been changed and I know he specifically said "We're changing you to this one because this one is not placenta crossing"....I just trusted what he said. But now that I've looked it up, EVERYTHING says it is placenta crossing. So why tell me something that's just not true?! :/
Awww the bambino bean bag is soooooo cute!

- Thanks :/ It has had me SO freaked out for the past few days :/
Yay for having all your big stuff crossed off your list!!! :) I swear I relax more with every thing that gets checked off ours! hehe!
I'm glad your appointment went well! Lol @ Aiden kicking the doppler! Bean does that too, he also tries to wriggle away from it - anytime we use it we find the heartbeat and within second he's managed to wriggle right across to the other side, its like we're playing a game of chase!
The childbirth class all in one go sounds like a good idea! Let us know how it goes!

Laura - I'm sorry to hear about the arguments with your OH. It sounds like you've been handling pregnancy really well, so he should think himself lucky he's not MY partner!!! lol. You should definitely tell him off when he does things like that, he needs to learn and accept that its only going to get harder over the next 10 weeks or so and once the baby comes its going to be even more of an interrupted routine for a while! Bloody men!
And yay for moving!!!! :)

Sarah - that girl sounds such a massive twonk!!! I can't bare people like that, honestly!!! And she's a dr?! Can you imagine her poor patients having to deal with her attitude?! How annoying!!!! The joint baby shower sounds lovely! It sounds ideal for you too as it means the attention will be split between you and your friend, so you won't have to deal with being the centre of attention completely but you'll still get the pressies and the fun! :) I hope you really enjoy it! If you don't feel comfortable you can always push your friend into the limelight more lol.
Aww I'm sorry about the row with your Mum. Sounds like she was in a bad mood! My mum gets like that when shes in one! :/

Alex - Yeah I will definitely write out my concerns and make a note of the people involved etc. I've found the contact details for the supervisor of midwives so I will contact them, and find out how to complain about the consultant too. Its just so unfuriating! I'm having to try to sort everything out myself and tie up all the loose ends, yet I'm a high risk pregnancy to begin with and supposed to be keeping my stress levels down - its ridiculous. These people need to do their sodding jobs properly :/

Aww my LO went mad with kicking when I watched Les Mis too, so I play the soundtrack to him most days! hehe! He loves it! Think I may have a future Val Jean in there, I'm a former drama student myself so I def want him to be theatrical and go to drama classes hehe!

Sleeping - I'm with the rest of you, its a nightmare! I wake up every hour needing a wee, and I literally have to grab the side of the bed to push myself up to get out! Or flip myself over like a literal whale to change sides! Plus if I lay on one side for too long I wake up with cramp in my thigh! And then theres the acid heartburn, so I have to have a mountain of pillows to avoid it - which just gives me a stick neck instead! And Bean seems to enjoy resting his feet on my ribs, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Sex Life
- We haven't definitely gone into the down cycle now! The first trimester our sex life stayed pretty much the same, and the second trimester we had the "boost" that people mention! We were doing it much more frequently than usual! But the last 3 weeks or so, we've done it maybe once - I just feel too big and uncomfortable now! I haven't got the energy lol.

Shaving - It is def getting harder! Its so annoying as I'm somebody who gets REALLY irritated by having ANY amount of re-growth anywhere! The slightest bit of stubble on my legs annoys me like crazy! So I CANNOT stop shaving, but its becoming such a battle! I keep having to invent new ways to reach my legs and I'm sure I'll eventually be getting OH to do it for me :/ I did let my lady bits get a bit out of control but it was cracking me up, so I gave it a good going over a few nights ago and I feel so much more comfortable now lol. It was difficult as you're basically doing it blind, but I was just extra careful lol.

AFM - glad to report the scan was all fine! I know they can't pick up all kinds of abnormalities from them so i'm still a bit concerned, but I feel better just knowing that he's growing as he should and everything seems normal from what they can tell. He's weighing 3.88 pounds which is apparently on target, and head circumfrence etc are all right on average. He was very cute to see, it was amazing how his eyes were open for most of the time! I had no idea they kept their eyes open so much in there! And he was chewing away on something too, which was funny to watch.

I'm still feeling really annoyed with everything - Its been two days now since my midwife told me she'd passed the case over to the medical secretary to arrange me an appointment for next week with the thyroid consultant and to find out what I should do about this medication - and I STILL haven't heard anything from them.
So if I dont get a letter in the post tomorrow, it looks like I'll trying to track them down myself and get it sorted - its just so frustrating that nobody seems capable of just sorting things out, and I end up having to do it all myself. Its a massive hospital and I dont even know the name of the person I need to speak to, so its not easy to try and explain the whole situation to a receptionist and try to get through to the right people :/

I'm going to be worried now until the baby is here, I hate the idea of him needing to have a thyroid operation at birth - that was always a possibility because of my condition, but its something I should have known about for sure when they did the tests at 18 weeks, so at least I would have time to get used to the idea. But I feel slightly more relaxed having seem on the scan tonight and seeing that he LOOKS normal at least. So I'm going to try not to think about it.

Honestly, the WORST thing I could have done was Googled it - I had NO intention of doing so and had managed to refrain for two days, but then my "friend" (the same one who was going on about me probably getting post natal depression!) was telling me if it was HER she'd have Googled it right away and it was weird that I wasn't more concerned! - so she basically made me feel like a really shit mother for not looking it up myself, and hence me finding all those horrible things and ended up in a right panic :/ I've decided I'm not speaking to that "friend" anymore....

My aunt just came over tonight with a bunch of flowers for me which was really sweet, as when she came over yesterday I ended up bursting into tears and crying on her!

Anyway, sorry for my essay! I'm all caught up now! :D

I'm attatching some of the pics from the scan - we got 2 glossy pics, a load of black and white ones, a keyring and a lovely little gift box with a teeny weeny pair of socks in! How sweet?!

They're not the clearest pics as I took them on my Ipod but they give the general idea! :)


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heya gals I haven't caught up on everything but I had to share this as it is soooo funny. Some of you may have seen it but gosh it made me laugh. Hopefully the link thing works. Let me know what you think :)

Awww Hayley look at his little nose :) its strange how different yours looks compared to mine. I bet it was lovely to see him move around though :) and the little socks! I want free socks lol.
I can't believe how much you have been messed around though, I would be fuming too. But yes definitely chase up your appointments.... Some secretaries can be useless. If you know your consultants name just ring the hospital switchboard and ask to be put through to his secretary. That way you don't need to tell switchboard your story :) try and ring before lunch time if you can though as there are a lot of secretaries that only work part time.

I have seen that video Nicola, made me laugh. Saw it on rude tube the other day :)

Well because I literally have bob all to do at work today I am doing all things baby. I have printed off info about birthing pools at my local hospital - I have just found out that they only have 3 between the two hospitals in nottingham and I never realised how 'perfect' your labour has to be to actually use one. The slightest complication and your not allowed... And if your waters have broken your only allowed in it if your baby hasn't opened it's bowels. So let's hope all goes well. I am also preparing and printing off my hospital bag check list and think I'll start getting it ready this weekend, well I will go out to buy the things I need.

My back is killing me at the moment, I'm sure it's these crappy chairs at work because it's the only time I tend to get it bad!!!

Oh and my belly keeps moving around, it's really strange. It's not like jiggly movements I've had before, they are slow but at times it looks like half my stomach is sticking out! I hope her doing that isn't going to bring on stretch marks!
LiverpoolLass - I totally agree with the other ladies and think you should keep a journal/notes on everything that's happened/happening. I also think that in your complaint, you should ask to be refunded - like you said, it's their fault all of this has happened so why should you have to pay out for a scan?!
Glad all was well at your scan and great to see you got some pictures accessories :thumbup:
Also, I couldn't wait till the weekend so read through you blog yesterday - I love it!

BabyNurse - I wish I could bake, I just don't have the patience. My sister bakes all the time; buns, bread, cakes etc. She makes me look bad!

DoggyLover - I must also confess, I haven't done any pelvic floor exercises either.. to be fair, I haven't done any real exercise :rofl:
Ugh, i'm sorry about your mum! Maybe she's trying to make things up so you'll get rid of him, like one of the other ladies said? Does she normally moan about him?
Good luck with choosing a new name, i'm lucky that OH let me have my way with LO's name. I think he had it in his head that he would just be stubborn and he'd get to pick but then when I said Eva, he liked it more than his own choice :haha:

BStar - I saw that video on Youtube before but then I noticed it was on RudeTube the other night :haha:

AsForMe - I finally had a break from heartburn last night, due to me having about 4 rennies in a row before bed :blush: but then got kept awake by something else!

I woke up around 4am with horrible stomach pains like cramp which lasted about 10 seconds, faded away and then came back. This was on and off for a good 10 minutes-ish. From then on i'd wake up randomly with a crampy feeling in my belly and it was absolute agony trying to turn over - I thought it might just have been the position I was laid in, apparently not.
OH absolutely shite himself - to put it politely :haha:

Is this BH??

Oh also, my Doctors surgery rang me yesterday. They need to do a repeat blood test to check my blood count (or something). The receptionist didn't know why and said she couldn't tell me anything more than my consultant at the hospital had put a request in for it to be repeated :growlmad:
Got home to a letter on the mat which read..
"A full blood count you had taken when you attended the hospital has shown some abnormal levels.
I would be grateful if you would contact your GP's surgery to arrange a repeat test."

I'm not bothered about the fact it has to be re-done - although I bloody hate needles! It's the fact that I saw my MW on Wednesday and she told me that all my results had come back fine. And she rang the Doctors whilst I was there to get the results from my GTT test so surely if there was something wrong with my other bloods, they would have told her on the phone?!

So, i've now got to go in on Wednesday am to have more bloods done which means more time off work. Luckily my boss was in the office (for once!) when I received the call.

He also asked when my Maternity Leave would be starting, he thought it started in the next couple of weeks. We talked and I have requested that I start it 2 weeks earlier than planned due to me moving house and the fact I feel i've been kicked in my goods constantly (:blush:) - he agreed! :dance:

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