Sorry this is going to be long, but I'm going to try to catch up on posts!
Brooke - Glad to see you posting! I always worry about everyone when they haven't posted for a while! We do update this thread a LOT though so its understandable how it is hard to catch up! After just two days of not posting its really hard so I can't imagine after a week or more! We're just tooooo chatty lol!
I'm glad everything is going well with you, and the nursery sounds lovely! Piccies Piccies!
I'm always told I'm dehydrated from urine samples but it doesnt seem to matter how much I drink, I think I'm just one of those people who never drinks enough! I only seem to get thirsty through the night! I have been getting headaches too though (probably from stress lol) - they do it can be common. If you're sluggish too though, have they tested you for anemia yet? Here they test at around 30 weeks I think.
Hope your 32 week ultrasound goes well and you get lots of lovely piccies!

Oh and those socks are SO CUTE!!!!!!
Lauren - Thanks for your advice hun. I am hoping its just a case of the Breast Dr not really understanding, and that its not too bad. I'm mainly just angry because I remember so clearly the voicemail my GP left me when he was telling me the medication had been changed and I know he specifically said "We're changing you to this one because this one is not placenta crossing"....I just trusted what he said. But now that I've looked it up, EVERYTHING says it is placenta crossing. So why tell me something that's just not true?! :/
Awww the bambino bean bag is soooooo cute!
Brittany - Thanks :/ It has had me SO freaked out for the past few days :/
Yay for having all your big stuff crossed off your list!!!

I swear I relax more with every thing that gets checked off ours! hehe!
I'm glad your appointment went well! Lol @ Aiden kicking the doppler! Bean does that too, he also tries to wriggle away from it - anytime we use it we find the heartbeat and within second he's managed to wriggle right across to the other side, its like we're playing a game of chase!
The childbirth class all in one go sounds like a good idea! Let us know how it goes!
Laura - I'm sorry to hear about the arguments with your OH. It sounds like you've been handling pregnancy really well, so he should think himself lucky he's not MY partner!!! lol. You should definitely tell him off when he does things like that, he needs to learn and accept that its only going to get harder over the next 10 weeks or so and once the baby comes its going to be even more of an interrupted routine for a while! Bloody men!
And yay for moving!!!!
Sarah - that girl sounds such a massive twonk!!! I can't bare people like that, honestly!!! And she's a dr?! Can you imagine her poor patients having to deal with her attitude?! How annoying!!!! The joint baby shower sounds lovely! It sounds ideal for you too as it means the attention will be split between you and your friend, so you won't have to deal with being the centre of attention completely but you'll still get the pressies and the fun!

I hope you really enjoy it! If you don't feel comfortable you can always push your friend into the limelight more lol.
Aww I'm sorry about the row with your Mum. Sounds like she was in a bad mood! My mum gets like that when shes in one! :/
Alex - Yeah I will definitely write out my concerns and make a note of the people involved etc. I've found the contact details for the supervisor of midwives so I will contact them, and find out how to complain about the consultant too. Its just so unfuriating! I'm having to try to sort everything out myself and tie up all the loose ends, yet I'm a high risk pregnancy to begin with and supposed to be keeping my stress levels down - its ridiculous. These people need to do their sodding jobs properly :/
Aww my LO went mad with kicking when I watched Les Mis too, so I play the soundtrack to him most days! hehe! He loves it! Think I may have a future Val Jean in there, I'm a former drama student myself so I def want him to be theatrical and go to drama classes hehe!
Sleeping - I'm with the rest of you, its a nightmare! I wake up every hour needing a wee, and I literally have to grab the side of the bed to push myself up to get out! Or flip myself over like a literal whale to change sides! Plus if I lay on one side for too long I wake up with cramp in my thigh! And then theres the acid heartburn, so I have to have a mountain of pillows to avoid it - which just gives me a stick neck instead! And Bean seems to enjoy resting his feet on my ribs, which is extremely uncomfortable.
Sex Life - We haven't definitely gone into the down cycle now! The first trimester our sex life stayed pretty much the same, and the second trimester we had the "boost" that people mention! We were doing it much more frequently than usual! But the last 3 weeks or so, we've done it maybe once - I just feel too big and uncomfortable now! I haven't got the energy lol.
Shaving - It is def getting harder! Its so annoying as I'm somebody who gets REALLY irritated by having ANY amount of re-growth anywhere! The slightest bit of stubble on my legs annoys me like crazy! So I CANNOT stop shaving, but its becoming such a battle! I keep having to invent new ways to reach my legs and I'm sure I'll eventually be getting OH to do it for me :/ I did let my lady bits get a bit out of control but it was cracking me up, so I gave it a good going over a few nights ago and I feel so much more comfortable now lol. It was difficult as you're basically doing it blind, but I was just extra careful lol.
AFM - glad to report the scan was all fine! I know they can't pick up all kinds of abnormalities from them so i'm still a bit concerned, but I feel better just knowing that he's growing as he should and everything seems normal from what they can tell. He's weighing 3.88 pounds which is apparently on target, and head circumfrence etc are all right on average. He was very cute to see, it was amazing how his eyes were open for most of the time! I had no idea they kept their eyes open so much in there! And he was chewing away on something too, which was funny to watch.
I'm still feeling really annoyed with everything - Its been two days now since my midwife told me she'd passed the case over to the medical secretary to arrange me an appointment for next week with the thyroid consultant and to find out what I should do about this medication - and I STILL haven't heard anything from them.
So if I dont get a letter in the post tomorrow, it looks like I'll trying to track them down myself and get it sorted - its just so frustrating that nobody seems capable of just sorting things out, and I end up having to do it all myself. Its a massive hospital and I dont even know the name of the person I need to speak to, so its not easy to try and explain the whole situation to a receptionist and try to get through to the right people :/
I'm going to be worried now until the baby is here, I hate the idea of him needing to have a thyroid operation at birth - that was always a possibility because of my condition, but its something I should have known about for sure when they did the tests at 18 weeks, so at least I would have time to get used to the idea. But I feel slightly more relaxed having seem on the scan tonight and seeing that he LOOKS normal at least. So I'm going to try not to think about it.
Honestly, the WORST thing I could have done was Googled it - I had NO intention of doing so and had managed to refrain for two days, but then my "friend" (the same one who was going on about me probably getting post natal depression!) was telling me if it was HER she'd have Googled it right away and it was weird that I wasn't more concerned! - so she basically made me feel like a really shit mother for not looking it up myself, and hence me finding all those horrible things and ended up in a right panic :/ I've decided I'm not speaking to that "friend" anymore....
My aunt just came over tonight with a bunch of flowers for me which was really sweet, as when she came over yesterday I ended up bursting into tears and crying on her!
Anyway, sorry for my essay! I'm all caught up now!
I'm attatching some of the pics from the scan - we got 2 glossy pics, a load of black and white ones, a keyring and a lovely little gift box with a teeny weeny pair of socks in! How sweet?!
They're not the clearest pics as I took them on my Ipod but they give the general idea!