First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I'm so glad I'm not the only one planning on a bit of make up! I don't wear much, some mineral foundation and mascara, but I need it lol!

Alex, that co-sleeper looks great! I understand why you don't want to hurt your mums feelings, so I think you've made a great compromise - see how her crib goes and if after a week or so it isn't working, definitely get the nct one. I also love that bedding set, it's a real shame it's sold out. I haven't seen such a cute gender neutral set before, it's gorgeous!

You also reminded me we need to get a new curtain pole and tie backs. My SIL is making our curtains for us (and a patchwork quilt for the cot for decoration instead of a bedding set) so I also need to get that material at some point. I'm just getting plain white, and then a band of colour for along the bottom to match the walls as closely as possible.

I am majorly pottering about today! Watching episodes of Buffy, and in the breaks doing wee bits of cleaning and tidying, but have to take the dogs out and do some shopping or we'll starve tonight!
I know I love the bedding set so really upset its sold out :( some of the stuff is on sale at the mo but I'm scared to buy it incase the stuff that's out of stock doesn't get restocked :( I have a feeling the range is being discontinued so really bummed out.
Alex - You could always take the moses basket and rent the co-sleeper. You could keep LO in the moses basket during day sleeps then have her in the co-sleeper at night. That way your keeping everyone happy :) We brought our moses basket just for decoration but I actually think will use it during the day (if she settles in it) as it is much easier to move around then the hammock will just be for night time. I like that bedding too, such a shame its sold out. Its typical though isn't it, you wait and wait and wait then when you come to buy it they either don't do it anymore or are out of stock...and will be until AFTER LO is born lol. We were really lucky with our pushchair as we had the last one in purple, they had a good 2/3 month waiting time before they had anymore. So I think I am very lucky to have gone in the day I did.

Soooo I went out today hoping to find some nice blankets, but instead I came home with a few other bits that I didn't really need (photo at bottom) and clothes for ME haha.
My friend rather annoyed me, I text her and asked if she wanted to come in to town with me for a catch up as we haven't seen each other in a while. Thought we could go for some lunch or something. She agreed and told me that she had the kids with her (she has a 5 month old and her partners lad who is 5 I think), which I didn't mind. Normally I'd offer to drop her off after as she doesn't drive but with the snow I told her my car really doesn't drive well in it so I won't be able to drop her off or anything, she then text me back and said 'awww I don't have any money for the bus, so shall we meet up next weekend instead' !!!!! :O WHAT!!! She just expected me to pick them up and drop them off!!! I was really angry actually. What makes it worse is that the eldest doesn't have a booster seat either, I have taken him out once before without one which I wasn't happy about but she just dropped 'do you mind if we pick him up on the way' one day.... so I couldn't really say no. So not only was she happy for me to risk getting stuck in the snow this morning she would have also let me drive L around without a booster seat...again. So overall, not very happy with her at the moment. Also, if she didn't have money for the bus I guess she would have also expected me to get her and L a drink ect while we were out. hmmmm

I need to go carpet shopping tomorrow, once we have a new carpet in LO's room I can get it ready properly :)


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The range is quite new though. Is there anyway of checking?

I bought mine early for the fear of the stock getting sold out. Some bits did go out of stock but so far been replenished. It's awful when you want something but can't get it. I'll keep looking for you as there's the odd bit I have been looking at too.

I need the border. Xx
Alex, I think Lauren's suggestion of using the Moses basket during the day is a great one. We actually plan to do that as well, as we got a swinging crib for our room and there is no way I could move it up and downstairs, so we have our Moses basket on loan from my SIL (who has it on loan from a friend!) and it will be for downstairs, daytime naps. Or so the plan goes!

Lauren, grrr I hate people who take advantage like that, and just expect you to do things for them. And after you making an effort to arrange to see her and catch up, it's just so rude! I love the little pink shoes you got! Very cute. What is the orange thing above the lamb? It looks lethal!
Sarah Here's the wrist/foot finder set I got from Amazon - its really cute and very unisex! :)

I had a look last night for other new born toys but there is VERY little around so I think maybe just one or two more rattles, and that will be all for now!
Its going to be weeks and weeks before they are playing after all, and some of the baby toys are so hard and clunky they look like they'd be dangerous if a new baby whacked themselves with it!

As for the light show, I haven't looked at many yet but this is the one I have on my list provisionally:

Things like that though I don't necessarily need before the birth, just depends on offers and having the money spare!

Lol! A "snuggy" is one of these - - I suppose the real word is a comforter, but my nieces call theirs "Snuggys" lol.

What's a snuza go?

I probably only look like I'm doing well with my list coz I haven't got any nursery stuff on there yet, we don't have the space to store it here so we'll have to wait until we've moved to sort his nursery out with things like drawers, shelves, wall decal etc! :/

You're doing great with your list! And OMG good idea about dark towels and dark pj bottoms! I've added those to my list! hehe!

As for make up, I'm the same! I'm taking all of mine with me and a mirror lol. My mum was telling me last night that when she had me the hospital staff were all laughing at her as the first thing she did when I was born was put her full face of make up on!
I want to feel presentable though - there's going to be lots of photos and we'll have to live with them forever! I don't want to be cropping myself out of them all!

Lauren - Thanks for sharing your hospital bag list! HA! I forgot to put maternity notes on mine! :dohh:
Dry shampoo is a fab idea, I've nabbed that for my list. My mum was telling me that after a c section you're not allowed to use things like shampoo or shower gel for a few days, so dry shampoo will be a life saver for me!!!!

I'm not planning on getting a full on playmat yet, but I want just a basic one that baby can lay down on that has some bright colours and little squeaky toys on etc - I think we'll get this one as it looks the most basic and newborn-friendly:

I've got a prince lionheart on my wishlist too! They look so cute! I'm not 100% sure if we'll get one as they're quite pricey for a bear but I love the idea of them so if we happen to have the spare money I'll probs pick one up! :)

Aww the bouncer is nice and modern but I know what you mean, it is expensive!

Oooh does your friend know what she's having? I'm the same, been SO much more interested in people having babies since becoming preg lol!

As for the BH, mine have been happening on and off but I'm not sure I'm noticing a pattern or an increase. Its probably different for everyone. My friend is about 4 weeks behind me in her pregnancy and she's been getting them really strong! She says laying in a hot bath for ages helps her though!

Nicola - that bedding set is really cute!! :)

Alex - I agree with Lauren & Sarah, the moses basket for the day time to keep your mum happy and the co sleeper of a night! :)

I think its a good idea for baby to have different sleeping routines for day time and night time sleeps so that they can differentiate - my plan is for daytime sleeps to be downstairs, in the pram, and for people to NOT pussyfoot around him so that he learns to sleep with a bit of background noise. And nighttime to be upstairs in his basket, with his mobile on, all nice and dark and quiet - so he knows thats "Proper sleeptime" :D

AFM - Done absolutely nothing all day today! The snow has been SO heavy here!!!

I did do my hospital bag list though, I think I might be needing a suitcase.

Hospital Bag Things

For Hayley -

Maternity notes/birth plan
Underwear (lots of!) - big stretchy pants for after c section!
Dark towels
Dry shampoo
Make up
Phone charger
Pens & Paper? (Birth announcement cards?)
Clothes to come home in
Maternity Pads x 2
Hair Bobbles
Breast Pads
Camera & Charger

For Baby -

Scratch Mitts
Coming Home Outfit
Car Seat for coming home
Cotton Buds
H20 Wipes/Pure Wipes
Cartons of formula
Hayley- Oh another hospital bag list to steal ;) thanks! My SIL actually gave me the tip about dark towels and pj bottoms. For the inevitable bleeding that happens :shock: which I am not looking forward to! Thanks for the links to those bits and bobs. I'm going to order a Sophie la giraffe from amazon (for a friend) so may order a couple of other bits while I'm at it! And yeah, I looked online last night at 'newborn' toys and they are either ALL cuddly toys, or teethers, or really clunky looking things as you mentioned.

A snuza go is a clip on breathing monitor. We have a breathing mat as part of our monitor for upstairs, but this clips onto the nappy and will be good for when baby is napping downstairs. I am 100% paranoid about SIDS - despite never having known anyone who has lost a baby to SIDS - so I know I will be a wreck at all times, and want as many things to help ease my paranoia as possible :haha:
Lauren - I forgot to say, cute stuff you bought! I'm intrigued by the orange thing too hehe!

Sarah - Ohh the Sophie's are so cute! I'm definitely getting one when Bean starts teething! :)

Oooh I've never heard of those. I'm REALLY paranoid about SIDS too :(
I can't decide what to do about it though - I keep looking at various devices but my Mum is always telling me they're probably just going to make me more scared! I know some of the monitors have been reviewed as going off a lot even when the baby is absolutely fine and I think I would just have a heart attack on the spot if it went off :/
But on the other hand, I don't know?! Maybe it is worth it?! I just can't decide what to do.
I did want those sleepsuits that change colour if the baby overheats but I read that they've stopped making them - you can still get some old stock online, but WHY have they stopped making them?! Are they ineffective?! I just don't know what to do for the best!
Whats the monitor you've got with the breathing thing?
Never heard of those sleepsuits! Very interesting. I imagine they were pretty expensive to make, which is maybe why they stopped making them? People were maybe going for the wee gro egg type things instead if they were cheaper?

I'm not sure what make the monitor is actually, we have it on loan from my brother and SIL. It used to make me feel so secure when I was babysitting my nephew, and I never had a false alarm with it, and I don't think they did either. I'll have look at it later and get back to you on what make it is. I think I would rather have 100 false alarm heart attacks, to be honest! I know with the snuza a lot of reviews said they constantly had false alarms, so sent it back for a new one which worked fine, so I am hoping if that happens with mine I can do the same.
Hahaha the giant crab claw thing is stuck on the sheep. Its a pushchair clip on thing. Although I didn't actually notice how big it was until I took it off the carboard. There are some bibs under the cardigan too, needed more of them. They are very cute, brought them from boots.

Oh and Hayley, those little rattle things - the butterfly I have sitting on my worktop right now :) I found it in the cupboard. It must have been Reuben's from when we last looked after him.....that was ageeees ago too!! So I will just wash it and she can use it :) and my friend HAS had a little girl, she announced she would be having one but since last being on here she has given birth bless. Still waiting for photos though :O)

I have missed loads on my bag list - mittens!! Oh and I didn't even think about the dark towel and pj bottoms. I have a few red pairs though so I am sure I can use them :) But yes if you have a c-section you can't wash properly for a while so you might just find it nice and easy to use dry shampoo and just give yourself a once over with wipes until your on your feet.

I couldn't buy anything like that monitor, I do think it would make me more paranoid. I think because we are all first timers we over worry. If I spoke to my mum about it she would tell me not to bother. But then she is well experienced. I haven't bothered with any kind of monitor, we will get one when we move out but our place is so small here we would just hear everything anyway.
Lauren - Ahhhh I see! hehe! Ooh did have Boots have a good selection of Bibs? I haven't looked there for ages. I need some more bibs! I can never find nice ones! And they're always bloody massive!!

Oooh handy that you found the wrist finders!! hehe! Aww yay for your friends little girl! Has she got a name yet?

Sarah Yeah they were actually featured on The Apprentice aaaages ago, and I thought then that they were a great idea! But the website seems inactive, and they just say to email them for stockists.
They'd be so handy coz the idea is you can just look and see that the baby is too hot from the colour, so you don't have to wake them up by taking their temp to check!

Re: the breathing monitors - I've just looked up the reviews on the Snuza Go - I don't know what to do now lol. My mum just keeps saying about how they never had anything like this until recently and she thinks its all scare mongering, and of course babies will stop moving sometimes and hold their breath - and the reviews generally say people have a few scares (most people seem to be saying about 3 scares in 6 month periods) - so on one hand, I think its worth the scare to avoid the obvious! But on the other hand, I'm SO anxious anyway and I just know I'd have a big panic attack if the alarm went off! :/ Also, would the alarm wake the baby up too if it was a false alarm? Coz it makes me worry if that rude awakening would be dangerous for them?! (I seriously worry about EVERY little thing, its horrible!)

I honestly don't know what to do for the best on that one! Eeeek. OH thinks we should get one, my mum thinks its silly. I am genuinely caught in the middle!
Yes they had quite a few. Mine are quite cute and one of them had a big owl on it - which is why I brought them :) they are a nice size too. I am surprised I haven't been in to boots yet, they had some really nice clothes. Oh and M&S have loads of nice things, lots of outfits - rather than mainly sleepsuits. I could have spent a fortune in there earlier.

Well only you can decide whether you want stuff like that or not. Its all comes down to personal preference doesn't it. Its not an essential item but if you think it will reassure you then get them.

I think its weird how things just stop being sold. Like the Miyo hammocks, why stop distributing in the UK but not anywhere else?? But I think it comes down to sales as if there was a problem with the item itself they would have to announce it. Maybe those temperature sleepsuits just weren't selling.

My friend has called her baby Evie-Mae. Finally posted a photo up too, its made me more excited about meeting our LO <3
Aww I'll have to have a look. I got a few outfits from Boots at the beginning but haven't been back in since! M & S do have lovely outfits! I've got a few from them. I think Next are my favourite though!

I'm arguing with myself about this at the mo -

I LOVE it but I'm not sure if a boy can get away with it and I don't like the Lion one they do!

I love babies dressed up as embarrasing things! I'm definitely getting one of these:

hehe! He's going to hate me when he's grown up! :D

Ooh I went to TK Maxx the other day, they had Baby Stella McCartney! *swoon*.
I didn't have any money though - now Jon's been paid I bet they have nothing at all when I go back in!

I might get one of the breathing things, as I suppose if we don't like it or use it then we would probably be able to sell it on and not lose out much on the price!?
Yes you could sell it on. We have a few bits which we will be selling on after.

I like the lady bird one :) and I don't think it's overly girly, think its very cute though :) I agree NEXT is my favourite, more so for things like sleep suits though. Debenhams is a good place, I saw lots of really cute dresses yesterday. Oh and monsoon too, I'll defo be buying her some dresses from there :)

That pea pod outfit really made me giggle. I can't wait for Halloween, I have already been thinking about what to dress her up in lol x
Thanks for the idea of using my Mum's crib downstairs, unfortunately it is way too big and our house is way too small to do this :( it's bigger than a Moses basket, quite difficult to describe but basically if I get the co sleeper we'll probably have to give the crib back to my mum or put it in our loft. I'll stick with my original idea and try using it for a few weeks and see how I go. A lot of ppl BF with just a Moses basket and manage perfectly fine so it might be that the co sleeper is more a luxury than a necessity. Out of interest are any of you ladies planning on BF? I know that Liverpoollass and laura91 aren't planning to but what about you other ladies? I have to admit its probably one of the things I'm more nervous about - getting it right/being able to do it/having support. There seems to be a lot of support in the community for BF moms but I tend to have a negative outlook on life and give up easily so think it'll be a real challenge for me to work through those first difficult weeks.

As for the apnoea monitors, admittedly we have a sensor mat that I am planning to use. I haven't seen those clips before but they look fab. I'm terrified of SIDS and would rather have a false alarm than nothing and not know if baby stops breathing. It's personal preference though as a lot of people would find it more of a panic. It's a bit like a Doppler. I brought one and found it really reassuring but a lot of people find them scary. I think it's because of my medical background I find more intervention like that reassuring and knowing less just stresses me out more!! I suppose it depends on the person, it must be difficult though when you have people (like your mum) giving their opinion.
Lauren Evie-Mae is such a sweet name!! Just wait until you see her, then you'll be SO excited about meeting LO!

Hayley oh my gosh I love those two wee outfits! I love dressing babies up in novelty gear - I feel so sorry for this poor child! They have no idea what is coming their way :haha: A pumpkin at Halloween is my ultimate dressing up dream lol!! In terms of the monitor, they definitely aren't an essential (but then I guess so many baby buys aren't!) but I do know that, as I mentioned, it made me feel so much more secure when I looked after my nephew and could hear that rhythmic 'tick' noise from the monitor. I just checked, and our is an Angel Sounds.

Alex I am hoping to breastfeed :) Hoping being the operative word! I have read some of the La Leche League book (The womanly art of breastfeeding) but need to get a bit more of that read in the next few weeks. I'm also planning on attending a breastfeeding meeting when I'm on maternity leave. My SIL went to a local one and said it was great, so I will try that out, and I may also head to the nearest La Leche League one as well, just to try and get as much info as I can. It's the thing I am most looking forward to tbh, being able to feed the baby, but as you mentioned, it's also one of the things I am most nervous about. I stalk the breastfeeding forum on here, and there are just so many stories of how tough it is, which seems to be pretty normal. I hope that when LO gets here we get off to a good start, and I have the perseverance to power through the first tough few weeks. I will be very disappointed with myself if I have to FF, not because I think that there is anything wrong with it, but simply because I know I'll feel like I failed. I've been having a real panic this week as my pregnant friend (she's 24 weeks) said she's been leaking loads, and I haven't AT ALL, so I am of course taking this as a negative sign :(

Afm, just back from a walk with the dogs. I thought since it's the weekend I would take them up the local mountain trail. BIG MISTAKE. I swear the wind speed was about 7000mph, and the hailstones were like ACID DAGGERS! But at least the dogs are happy, and I feel good after a big walk :)
I know I keep peering into the breastfeeding forum and freaking out!! I've had quite a lot of training (with my job) but its different when its your own! We had a BF day with my antenatal class but the woman was just crap and I came out of if feeling more nervous rather than less nervous! I have a NCT DVD to watch plus my friend recommended watching a video on YouTube called "from bump to breastfeeding" so going to watch that this week. There is a support group in my local area that 'buddies you up' with a established BF mum which sounds good but makes me nervous as its a stranger lol! I am really looking forward to it but just scared I think of failing like you said I have nothing against FF just will feel like a failure if I give up and I know OH will be disappointed (he'd never be angry but he's pro BF) also a lot of my friends BF so I feel a bit of peer pressure to do it right and not fail! I don't think not leaking now is a bad sign. I have been leaking since about 26 weeks a little and the last week I keep waking up and my right boob has leaked loads onto the bed but I don't think that means I have more milk I think some ladies are just more leaky than others!
I am planning on just expressing....but I have heard that is more difficult. I don't have anything against breast feeding but I have super sensitive nipples, always have. I HATE Adam touching them and I can barely touch them myself, it would be my worst nightmare having my LO on one. As much as I'd like to do it, I just don't think I could. Just the thought of it actually fustrates me. I was a little annoyed earlier though, I went around to my dads after visiting IKEA and my SM asked me whether I am BF...but before I answered she told me that she thought I wouldn't be. So I was quite annoyed that she automatically thinks I am one of those who won't even attempt it.
I will be happy if her first feed is breast milk as I know how important it is to kick start their immune system ect. I would be really upset if I couldn't provide that for her. I know they say breast is best but I think they put way too much pressure on mums to do it, then it causes all sorts of upset for the women that can't produce enough milk or their baby just doesn't take to it. I however, hate the attitude of some young women that wouldn't even consider it because their boobs ''are for show or sex''. I love to hear that someone is breast feeding, I do think more women should do it - and more publically!! But you should never feel as though you are a failuare if you can't. I am just doing what I can and hopefully it will work out.

I haven't had anything come in yet either, I keep checking but nope, they are dry as anything.

So today we went to look for a new carpet and found one for 30 pounds :O) it was a ready rolled one. We didn't need to buy underlay or anything as the current one was in good condition. It is much darker than what I was planning on buying but it doesn't look bad in the room. I have cream walls, white drawers, cream moses basket, white shelves and a white blind so it doesn't look too dark in there. I will pop the sheepskin rug in there too. Still have quite a bit to do though, I want some nice curtains and a new lampshade for ceiling light, would like some nice paintings or something on the walls too as it looks very plain at the moment. I have attached a couple of photos, one of the basket - as you will see, I have dumped a load of stuff in there lol but uploaded it so you could see the colour of the carpet. Also a photo of the inside of the drawers. I brought some little boxes to put the clothes in, you can't tell on the photo but they are quite deep. I have used the top drawer for NB-up to 1 month clothes and the bottom one for the size up then will just change it once she gets bigger. I have also used the top little drawer thing for all the bits and bobs. I got excited so had to share it with someone :) But once I have finished it all properly I will post a photo of the whole room. I still haven't put up the hammock yet, just haven't had time or I am too tired. Might do it one night in the week.


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I love the draw dividers...I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to organising stuff like that and love stuff to have a 'place' lol. I've got some wicker basket type things that are lined for my shelves but no drawer dividers....still a little undecided what to do.

Aw I completely understand about the sensitive nipple thing, mine went through a stage when I was first pregnant where even if my nipples touched my bra I'd cry out in pain! They've got better since but go through stages of being very ouchy!! I agree there is a lot of pressure on ladies to breastfeed as it's seen as best. I have nothing what so ever against FF and don't think in the long term 2 babies on FF or BF would be awfully different, however I have my reasons for wanting to BF as I do believe, if you possibly can, it is best for baby. I think the best thing is to just source out information and as much support as you possibly can. I have been doing some research today and watched a few DVD's, may buy a book for reference and also emailed a La Leche lady in the local area to see about going along to a local BF support group before LO arrives so I can find out about BF in my local area. I know that I have people around me who will try and be supportive (OH, friends who have BF) however I will also come up against people against BF - for instance my Mum isn't very pro BF, never BF us and I can imagine any difficulties I come up against her suggestion will be "give it a bottle" which I don't want to be the first option. You seem to come up against 2 camps. The BREAST IS BEST people who rant on about it and make you feel bad if you can't do it, but also equally you have people who haven't breast fed and when you come up against difficulties they are the first to smugly say how it just needs some formula and then it'll grow/sleep through the night/be more content. I don't understand why rather than give their 2 cents worth people can't just be supportive of others decisions and try and support it! Grrr rant over lol.
I totally agree - people should be supportive of whatever decisions are made re:feeding a child, and remember its such an individual thing - for some it works and some it doesn't, and some people aren't comfortable with it and we should respect everyone's right to do what they feel is best for them and their baby.

Luckily my whole family, dh and dh's family are all supportive of bf, and my SIL did it for 8 months with my nephew, so she is a good source of info. It seems a lot of people in our mums generation didnt bf, so some of them seem to think its a bit unusual. My mum bf all 3 of us, so she is big in favour of it lol.

Alex sounds like you are being really proactive in seeking help and advice for bf, so fingers crossed that it all goes smoothly for you. I'm sure it will be just fine for any of us who want to do it, if we can just grit our teeth through the painful bits!

Lauren I can't believe you got a carpet for £30! Bargain! I think the colour is nice, it works well with the cream walls, and will be good at hiding any little person stains ;) I love your organised drawers - are they Ikea drawer dividers? I'm getting some as well, I LOVE them. They keep everything so neat! I'll be using mine for my cloth nappies to keep all the bits separate, and labelled for dh! Screw your SM saying you wouldn't bf. IMO expressing for LO is exactly the same as, at the end of the day, they still get the goodness from you. I have heard that its hard, but I am sure that you will do brilliantly with it. I can't imagine how awful it must be to think about bf if your nipples are so sensitive, no wonder you don't fancy it at all. Luckily my nipples aren't sensitive at all - but sometimes the thought of it does creep me out slightly!

I brought an exercise ball home from my parents tonight for a bit of bouncing. It's given me a blinking sore back though - which I thought was the total opposite of what it was supposed to do?! Anyone else with a birthing/exercise ball?

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