Sarah Here's the wrist/foot finder set I got from Amazon - its really cute and very unisex!
I had a look last night for other new born toys but there is VERY little around so I think maybe just one or two more rattles, and that will be all for now!
Its going to be weeks and weeks before they are playing after all, and some of the baby toys are so hard and clunky they look like they'd be dangerous if a new baby whacked themselves with it!
As for the light show, I haven't looked at many yet but this is the one I have on my list provisionally:
Things like that though I don't necessarily need before the birth, just depends on offers and having the money spare!
Lol! A "snuggy" is one of these - - I suppose the real word is a comforter, but my nieces call theirs "Snuggys" lol.
What's a snuza go?
I probably only look like I'm doing well with my list coz I haven't got any nursery stuff on there yet, we don't have the space to store it here so we'll have to wait until we've moved to sort his nursery out with things like drawers, shelves, wall decal etc! :/
You're doing great with your list! And OMG good idea about dark towels and dark pj bottoms! I've added those to my list! hehe!
As for make up, I'm the same! I'm taking all of mine with me and a mirror lol. My mum was telling me last night that when she had me the hospital staff were all laughing at her as the first thing she did when I was born was put her full face of make up on!
I want to feel presentable though - there's going to be lots of photos and we'll have to live with them forever! I don't want to be cropping myself out of them all!
Lauren - Thanks for sharing your hospital bag list! HA! I forgot to put maternity notes on mine!
Dry shampoo is a fab idea, I've nabbed that for my list. My mum was telling me that after a c section you're not allowed to use things like shampoo or shower gel for a few days, so dry shampoo will be a life saver for me!!!!
I'm not planning on getting a full on playmat yet, but I want just a basic one that baby can lay down on that has some bright colours and little squeaky toys on etc - I think we'll get this one as it looks the most basic and newborn-friendly:
I've got a prince lionheart on my wishlist too! They look so cute! I'm not 100% sure if we'll get one as they're quite pricey for a bear but I love the idea of them so if we happen to have the spare money I'll probs pick one up!
Aww the bouncer is nice and modern but I know what you mean, it is expensive!
Oooh does your friend know what she's having? I'm the same, been SO much more interested in people having babies since becoming preg lol!
As for the BH, mine have been happening on and off but I'm not sure I'm noticing a pattern or an increase. Its probably different for everyone. My friend is about 4 weeks behind me in her pregnancy and she's been getting them really strong! She says laying in a hot bath for ages helps her though!
Nicola - that bedding set is really cute!!
Alex - I agree with Lauren & Sarah, the moses basket for the day time to keep your mum happy and the co sleeper of a night!
I think its a good idea for baby to have different sleeping routines for day time and night time sleeps so that they can differentiate - my plan is for daytime sleeps to be downstairs, in the pram, and for people to NOT pussyfoot around him so that he learns to sleep with a bit of background noise. And nighttime to be upstairs in his basket, with his mobile on, all nice and dark and quiet - so he knows thats "Proper sleeptime"
AFM - Done absolutely nothing all day today! The snow has been SO heavy here!!!
I did do my hospital bag list though, I think I might be needing a suitcase.
Hospital Bag Things
For Hayley -
Maternity notes/birth plan
Underwear (lots of!) - big stretchy pants for after c section!
Dark towels
Dry shampoo
Make up
Phone charger
Pens & Paper? (Birth announcement cards?)
Clothes to come home in
Maternity Pads x 2
Hair Bobbles
Breast Pads
Camera & Charger
For Baby -
Scratch Mitts
Coming Home Outfit
Car Seat for coming home
Cotton Buds
H20 Wipes/Pure Wipes
Cartons of formula