My nips were over sensitive before I got pg so as you can imagine, they've just got worse! Hate it when they're itchy lol.
Yes the dividers are from IKEA they are a really nice purple, I've brought them before but have only done them in cream. Now they do purple, white, black and floral I got some other little pop up boxes too which are on top of the drawer at the moment, they'd be suitable for a little boys drawer but think they work well for either. There is loads I could buy from ikea but after today's horrible trip there, I'll be sticking to going in the evenings. It took me half an hour just to get out the car park!!!! I only live 20 min drive away from it so I can go anytime really but wanted to get the boxes today. I brought a cute lamp from there too. I'll take some photos of the other boxes and the lamp tomorrow
I don't have a ball. I was telling my colleague this story the other day. When I was at school I was naughty and stole an excercise ball!! (bad I know) but when my mum found it (stuffed in my pillow case ) she made me take it back. So since then I've never been able to look at a ball in the same way haha... That's why I don't have one lol
Quick question too, when are you all planning on washing LO's clothes? I was thinking about maybe doing it this week.... Then anything new I buy I'll just keep the tag on so I know it needs doing. It will be weird seeing all her stuff hanging up drying :O)
Lauren i can't believe you stole an exercise ball You rebel! That is so funny!
I love Ikea, but it can get insanely busy at the weekends!
In terms of washing clothes, I think I will wait until I am on maternity leave to do that. I've already washed some of my nappies (the preloved ones as they came with a weird chemically smell from previous owner which has since stunk out the room they were thrown into) and it was soooo strange seeing them hanging to dry! I was obsessed with watching them as well
BabyNurse - That's such a shame about the crib, i'm sure your mum will understand though. Maybe she could have it out at her house for when you visit? That way it will still get used and shown off
MakeUp - Definitely planning on having at least mascara on - I actually look ill if I don't
MrsHippo - Wow that carpet was a bargain! Love those drawer tidy's too - I'm a bit of a neat freak when it comes to drawers
I washed the clothes that I sent to my mums because I sent them in sealable plastic box/tub things (that were in the picture). The rest I will wash once i'm on maternity leave because we've packed all LO's room up and it's ready to all be moved into the new house. We don't move in until next Thursday but the owner has given us the garage key to move stuff over on week-nights
As for things left to buy we've got to get..
Travel cot (maybe)
Proper changing bag - still haven't decided on one!
Baby monitors
Night light/projector
Bedding - my mum's making this
I think that's about it... Then it's just a case of packing my bag
Quick question too, when are you all planning on washing LO's clothes? I was thinking about maybe doing it this week.... Then anything new I buy I'll just keep the tag on so I know it needs doing. It will be weird seeing all her stuff hanging up drying :O)
I've been doing mine as I go along. Sometimes I get two washes done in a week and other time it might not happen! Only got about four items left of clothes and some cot sheets.
Huge piling of ironing now though! Only issue with ironing. Xx
Oh no now I feel underprepared! Especially since you will be ironing it all Nicola!
I literally iron nothing unless it absolutely HAS to be ironed! And then I let the pile accumulate for weeks until I run out of clothes for work (which is much quicker now I only have a rotation of about 9 things!). I wasn't planning on ironing any baby stuff after washing.......maybe I need to rethink?!
I won't be ironing anything. I iron my own clothes just before wearing them, I am out with the iron and board everyday before work lol. Just don't have the patience to do it all in one go.
I was going to leave the washing for my mat leave but thought I could do it anytime now as she has her drawers. Didn't see the point in washing right towards the end, we don't wash all our stuff before putting it on do we? I was going to start doing bits this week, normally I buy sensitive gel and conditioner but when I went shopping last week I obviously decided to go for something different lol. So will wait until I've used all the current stuff and will wash her clothes once I have brought more.
I felt really tired once I got in from work so decided to have a little nap rather than force myself to stay up a couple more hours. Well.... Someone obviously didn't want me sleeping!! Literally as soon as I dropped off the dog decided to start playing with one of her toys rather loudly, then fell back to sleep. About 5 minutes later I woke up with a horribly painful cramp in my leg!!! I stood up to try and stretch and relieve it but then the other leg started to go!!! It was awful!! So I thought f*ck it and came in to the bath!! Lol. I haven't had a nap in ages and the one time I feel as though I need one my body doesn't let me!!
I know we all have a little while longer yet but do any of you worry about going in to labour early?? When I think about getting stuff ready or about buying things I always think 'what if'.... What if she comes early and I'm not ready?? I'd hate to be worrying about not having something!! I think I am being paranoid but my mums have always been early. I know she had a planned c-section for two most recent ones but her waters went and contractions begain before her planned dates...
Lauren, I'm like you with the housework. I've been needing more help with it and I really dislike having to ask DH since I feel like he doesn't clean things as well as I do. This especially irritates me in the kitchen when he doesn't bother to wipe off the counter or anything. Though last night I asked him to clean up the kitchen and he actually did way more than I expected him to do in there so I was quite pleased.
Sorry your DH is having a difficult time adjusting to your changing sex life. I feel like I've really lucked out here since my DH is usually exhausted from work and isn't in the mood too often himself. Have you told him the comments he makes bother you even if he's just meaning it as a joke?
As for washing the baby clothes, I will probably do it in the middle of February/end of February. I have my baby shower February 9th which I will get a bunch of clothes at and then I will better be able to tell what I still need to purchase. Hoping to have everything I need for Aiden to be taken care of before March so that my focus can be on preparing for labor/getting my hospital bag ready and spending time with my DH since that will be the last month it's just us.
Laura, I'm right there with you with the heartburn. I woke up with terrible heartburn twice last night. I kind of expected it though considering I had soup with tomatoes in it so I was basically just asking for heartburn by eating that. There are some tips in this book I got at my childbirth education class that you can try if you haven't already...
1. Eat 6 smaller meals each day instead of 3 big ones.
2. Avoid eating close to bedtime.
3. Don't drink a lot of liquids with your meals- drink between meals instead.
4. Avoid caffeine and spicy, acidic, or greasy foods.
5. Use pillows to prop up your upper body during sleep, or place something under the head of your bed to raise it higher than your feet.
Excellent news about moving! The location and size of the new place sounds great!
Hope everything goes well when you have to have your blood test repeated.
Hayley, I'm so glad everything went well at your 4d scan. At least it gives you some reassurance. Hopefully you can get the thyroid appointment sorted soon. I don't know what I would do if my hospital was like yours when it comes to getting appointments scheduled.
Love the scan photos by the way!
Sarah, I was surprised when the doctor said they wouldn't let me go more than a week over my due date since I've always heard that you tend to go over with your first anyways so I would think they would be willing to let me go 2 weeks over. Especially since Aiden has always measured 5 days behind my due date on scans so I don't even consider myself 40 weeks until April 3rd. I'm trying not to think about it too much though since it's still early and I imagine things could change once my doctor starts checking my cervix. I do like the idea of April 5th being the latest though, I'm starting to get really excited about labor and seeing him for the first time.
As for kegals, I have a hard time doing them standing too. I find it easier to do them when I'm sitting down but I can't do them while I'm doing other things so I'm not doing them nearly as much as I should be (200-300 a day is what we were told at my childbirth class, I'm probably doing 20 as pitiful as that sounds).
I'm sorry you're still having problems coming up with a boy name. DH and I struggled the most with the boy name too. Hopefully you will both find the right name soon.
Brooke, at the video.
Alex, glad everything went well at your appointment.
I love the boy bedding you have picked out. Did you try googling the name of the bedding to see if it's sold elsewhere. One of the sets I was considering getting from Babies R Us ended up being sold out but I was also able to find it on Amazon plus a few other sites so you may still be able to get it.
AFM, I'm probably not going to be spending a ton of time on the computer. My laptop keeps telling me that no battery is detected so if my laptop charger happens to get knocked out of my computer it immediately shuts down. VERY frustrating, especially if it happens in the middle of working on something.
I did have my childbirth education marathon class with DH on Saturday. It was from 8:30 to 4:30 and I think it was pretty informative. We got to practice different breathing techniques which I don't think are for me at all, massage techniques for different aches and pains, various labor positions. We went over birth plans a bit and got to have more information about interventions (after seeing what the forceps look like in person I really hope nothing like that has to be used because they freaked me out a bit) and what kind of situations would cause you to need one, etc. etc. We also went over what to pack for the hospital which I have been working on and have copied into spoiler tags for those who want to have a look.
Some cons about the class is I feel like it was awful when it came to talking about pain management. I feel like the instructor was pro epidural and that was basically the only kind of pain relief that seemed to be covered in detail. I guess it makes sense when you consider that 70% of women here go the route of having an epidural (I plan to have one myself) but I think it would have been nice for other pain management techniques to be discussed in more detail for those in the class who were on the fence/planning a natural birth.
I still feel very uninformed with what happens after labor too. Maybe this stuff would be covered in a different class but I was a bit disappointed that newborn procedures weren't really covered. I have no idea what kind of vaccines, tests, etc. are performed after birth or really what to expect for myself after birth. I just thought it would be nice to be a bit more informed about afterpains and lochia. I mean I know what that stuff is but I think it might be nice to know what the maxi pads the hospital supplies look like, what kind of pain relief options there are for after labor, etc.
Overall, I feel positive about having attended the class with my DH and I'm really excited about having Aiden. Though I may feel differently when I'm actually experiencing the contractions.
Hospital List
I plan to have one bag with my items that I plan to use during labor and another bag that will have my personal items, DH's overnight items, and baby items which won't be needed until after labor.
Items for Labor
Birth Plan
ID and Insurance cards
Hair ties/clips
Candies to suck on
Massage lotion/oil
Snacks for DH and I
Bottled water/cup with straw (the straw seemed very helpful for one of the women in the few labor videos I watched since her DH could just hold the cup for her and she could continue bouncing on her ball without spilling water on herself)
Entertainment for DH and I - Cards, Book/Magazines, etc.
Camera with batteries
Cell phones with chargers/list of people to contact
Heating pad
Slippers/socks and Robe
Personal Items After Birth (I'm buying most of this stuff new so it can be packed ahead of time rather then DH and I rushing around the house trying to grab the stuff that we currently use)
Toothpaste/mouth wash
Hair styling product
Body wash
Face wash
Razor (I think we're in the hospital 2 or 3 days here and I'm not going without shaving my armpits that long, probably not needed if you only have to stay in the hospital for a day)
Shower sponge
Nipple pads
Nipple cream
Clothes - For Me
A few nursing bras
A few pairs of underwear
A Nightshirt/nursing gown
A Going home outfit
Clothes - For DH (DH will be staying overnight with me at the hospital the day we have Aiden so he needs overnight clothes then he'll be able to go back and forth between our home and the hospital since it's like a 5 minute drive, not sure if this is something y'all will need since the UK seems to have much shorter hospital stay times)
PJ pants/shirt
Swimsuit (In case I need his help in the shower)
Going home outfit
Going home outfit for baby
Coat and hat assuming the weather will be chilly
Receiving blanket
Car seat installed
Photograph Props (A photographer comes and takes professional photos of the baby and parents in the hospital)
Owl blanket I'm making
Plain gray, black, or white shirt for both DH and I.
Baby book for foot/hand prints and recording other details if I feel up to it.
Brittany I'm glad that overall your birthing class was a positive experience, even if some parts were glossed over. As you say, it seems strange that they only concentrated on epidural when so many women want to go another route. Maybe the woman expected people to ask if they wanted other information, but then if people are shy, or first timers and unsure, they may not. I'm also interested in information about what happens once the baby is here. It seems like so much is done to prepare you for labour and birth, and so little is done to prepare you for the really scary bit - life with a newborn! Great hospital bag list, I'll definitely be stealing that as well! (I'm copying and pasting them all into one giant list!) Also, no way could a woman do 200-300 kegels a day!! That's impossible! I do maybe 100, but like I mentioned I'm not sure if they are "good" and actually being effective. Now I feel like a total slacker!
Lauren I have definitely been thinking about preterm labour a lot more recently. Every time I have a small cramp (which is rare) I find myself thinking "oh my gosh don't let that be a contraction" which I know is probably silly, but I think before 30 weeks I thought there was no way I could have the baby yet, and now it seems like a possibility, and its scary! Sorry to hear about your failed nap attempt - I hope the bath helps you relax and then you can head off for an early night.
I haven't been too worried in general about labour (at full term) and thought I was really relaxed. I was just reading up about the stages of labour, and I now TERRIFIED there is no way on earth I am going to be able to cope with the things that happen to your body. It's impossible!! Please tell me someone else feels, or has felt, this way?!
I was so annoyed with dh - I have to strip wash my preloved nappies before use, and I am using the dishwasher talent method (basically you use a normal dishwasher tab instead of detergent) Our new dishwasher tablets have weird gel, so I took one from my mum that is normal. Dh used it in the dishwasher Normally it wouldn't matter as I'm up there at least twice a week...but I have parents evening and then my mini baby shower and then ANOTHER parents evening so won't see them for ages! So I can't wash the nappies until after that. Honestly, men! The only time he puts the dishwasher on and he manages to annoy me with it
Since so many of y'all are sharing your shopping lists that you have for your baby I wanted to share mine. I'll be able to cross off a lot of this stuff after the baby shower Feb 9th but I did italicize the stuff that I do have.
My Baby Item List
Nursery Crib/Changer
Pack 'n Play (Travel Cot is what you call them in the UK I think) Crib Bedding
2 extra crib sheets Crib Mattress
Room decor (mobile, lamp, wall art, custom painted name letters)
2 Pack 'n Play sheets
Mattress Pad
2 Waterproof multi-use pads
Closet Organizer
Air Purifier
Receiving blankets
Diapering Diapers
Disposable Liners
Disposable wipes
Extra Liners/Doublers
Wet Bag for at home
Travel Wet bag
Diaper Covers for fitteds/prefolds
Diaper Sprayer
Portable Changing Station
Clothing - I've been resisting the urge to buy anything since I won't know what age range I will need.
Onsies (currently have 2)
Sleepers (currently have 1)
Baby socks (currently have 2 pairs)
Newborn Hats
Shirts (currently have 1)
Pants (currently have 2 pairs)
Scratch Mittens
Bathtime Baby bath
Wash cloths Baby soap
Baby lotion
Step stool/mat for leaning over tub
Grooming kit
Bottles (currently have 2 4 oz, plan to buy 2 8 oz since I got a coupon for them)
Breastmilk storage bottles (currently have 2)
Storage bags
Breastmilk mini cooler for travel
Breastmilk ice pack
Nursing pillow
Bottle drying rack
Bottle brush Breast pump
Bibs (currently have the 2 that I made)
Burb Clothes
Extra Gear
Travel System
Childproofing set
Baby gates
Photo book
Baby book
Baby monitor
Night light
Kick N Play Piano Gym
Door Jumper Mama Roo Bouncer
I think doing some kegals is better then doing none, Sarah. I about fell out of my chair when I saw that form said 200-300 a day.
I also don't think it's uncommon to be scared about labor. Especially with it being our first time and not having any idea what to expect. Everyone else says you can't compare labor to anything else iykwim? I think I'm a bit weird in that I'm not scared about labor at all. I'm actually really excited and can't wait to go to the hospital. Of course, I'm not in pain right now so maybe that's why I'm able to be so excited. I am nervous about what will happen to my body, I'm scared about tearing and the pain I will be in afterwards. I'm worried about how it will effect my ability to do stuff. Like if I tear and have to have stitches can I still use regular body wash or will I need to use special soap? Am I even allowed to wash down there if I have stitches and stuff? I feel like there is so much that I don't know about caring for myself after labor and I really wish it was covered in the childbirth class. You would think it would be.
There is so much to be told, maybe the classes don't want to bombard you with too much?? Also, what is a maxi pad lol???
My OH is the same with cleaning the kitchen. When I ask 'can you do the dishwasher' I expect the work tops and sink to be cleaned too - as I do. But he wont!!! Then when I ask him why he hasn't done it he goes 'you didn't ask me to'. Occasionally I will walk in and find that he has cleaned it but he will be lazy and not go behind the toaster or anything. Men!!!
Every now and then I think about labour, overall I don't think I am too worried about it but then, when I actually sit down and think about it properly it freaks me out a little. Still, my biggest concern is going to the toilet during!! Second concern is having to be cut or tear. My friend who had her baby over the weekend had to be cut, she said she was really worried about it when they told her that she'd have to have it done. Apparently they numb you first (which I didn't know, I thought they just went straight in there), she said that wasn't bad but didn't like being stitched back up afterwards - I assume thats because of how 'open' you have to be. As some of you are already aware, I am a very private person and the thought of that petrifies me. I will definately be doing my massages very soon!! Just need to go and buy some oil for them.
With any type of wound you should stay well clear of any soaps until it has healed. So if we were to be cut or tear we would have to make sure we shower (rather than bath) and just don't apply soap/shower gel directly on to it. They also advise that you wee in the shower too.
I think most of the aftercare information will be provided to you by your health visitor. I know they visit a few times after birth (not sure how it works out of the UK though?). I'm not too worried about looking after a baby... the thought that scares me is that my baby will depend on me so much and I am the one who will teach her about life, make sure she eats properly, put her in a good school, provide for her for many many years, be there to support her as she gets older and most importantly that she will trust me with her life. I got all upset thinking about that think that is the hormones though... I blame them for everything haha.
Oh and the kegals!!! OMG. I go days without doing any and even if I do I will probably do about 5-10 hahaha. They expect you to do hundreds??? Wow I am majorily behind. I know the best way to do it is when you are having a wee....just keep stopping it mid flow. Thats how they should feel too. Although I have read other things too about pulling in certain muscles ect ect but I don't get that.
Surely if you did 300 a day though you'd risk shutting off your pee because your muscles would be so tight?! That sounds so stupid, but when I started to need to pee more frequently at around 19 weeks I thought I'd done too many kegals and somehow had altered my whole muscle structure down there
I haven't been worried about labour at all until tonight. Like you, brittany I've been really worrying about the afterwards part- how will the bleeding be, will I get a lot of after pains, will I need stitches and be unable to sit down?! (My SIL had to have a rubber ring for 4 weeks...) But what I read tonight has put the fear of God into me! I think I'll be ok in the first stage, it's second stage labour I am now panicking about. It sounds awful. Not that I expected it to be a walk in the park, but when the literature you read basically says itself "this is hell and will be horrendous" that scares me a little!
Lauren, I definitely don't relish the thought of having to get stitched up, and sticking my foo in someone's face....horrible, horrible thought!
What scares me most is just the sheer pain factor. I have a low pain threshold, and I just don't see how on earth I am going to manage to get through, no matter how much pain relief I'm given! Short of actually knocking me out with a plank...
Sarah - I'm SURE you're not alone in that fear. The thought of labour itself doesn't really scare me - I've been thinking about it a bit because obviously they could schedule a c section for me and I could go into labour before hand, so I want to be prepared! But like the others have said, its more the after effects that bother me.
But you're bound to feel a bit freaked out if you've been reading up on it. I felt fine about a c section until I read about them in my pregnancy bible, then I suddenly hated the idea!!!! Literature can be very very scary
At the end of the day though, your body is designed to do it. The staff that will be around will have delivered hundreds of babies and I'm sure a LOT of the mums will have also had low pain thresholds (I have one too, I used to pass out if I knocked my elbow until I was about 15!) you'll get through it. You will probably surprise yourself!! My sister was very similar and everybody sort of agreed with her as shes this teeny tiny little thing who looks about 12! She looks far too delicate for something like labour and she's a real whimp! But she did it twice!
Brittany - i'm glad the class was good. Like Lauren said, here we have health visitors that come to your home after the birth and they are usually the ones who give advice on the after effects - do you have those in the US?
If not, it might be worth mentioning to your midwife on your next visit to see where you can get the advice you're looking for.
I am SO JEALOUS that your DH gets to stay in the hospital with you!! If I have a c section I will be in hospital for about 3 days, but my OH is only allowed to be with me from 8am-8pm! I'm going to HATE being alone (Though my mum says I wont, that apparently thats the best time when everybody has left and its just you and the baby!)
Great lists! I want the kick and play piano too, but I'm going to wait until he's a couple of months old.
Lauren - I worry about early labour a lot! I don't know about everybody else, but it seems like every newspaper is full of stories about pre-term babies at the moment! Everywhere I look, I see stories of babies born at 25 weeks, 26 weeks, etc! Its such a scary thought!
I read an article yesterday on the Daily Mail online about a woman who went into labour at 26 weeks while she was on holiday in Morocco!! IMAGINE!!!
Its probably not very likely to happen though, statistically - your mum would be more at risk to it if she'd had other babies for, but a first pregnancy is USUALLY 40 weeks or later rather than early.
Though having said that - I worked with a girl who went into labour early (37 weeks) with her first baby - and you know they say that a first labour takes forever!? She gave birth within FIFTEEN minutes! On her own, on the bathroom floor!
Her waters broke, she phoned her boyfriend at work and an ambulance - and the baby was out by the time they had all arrived!!! I cannot even begin to imagine how she got through that by herself!
AFM - OH got paid today so we went and did a bit of baby shopping! I got another towel, the second gro bag (Do you think two gro bags will be enough?!), and more outfit Oops - I also got some dummys, and little things like that! And I bought breast at least I have one thing for my hospital bag! hehe!
(Oh speaking of breast pads, in response to what Sarah was saying - I haven't had a drop of anything yet either! Which pleases me lol...I was worried I'd be squirting everywhere by now!!!)
This week I also plan on buying the baby bath and top & tail bowl, and maybe the in-ear thermometer. I'll be happy if we can cross those things off the list!
Ooh my changing mat came today too - I LOVE it! Hehe!
Lauren, a maxi pad is basically a pad with wings I think. From what I've been told you will need a pad with a high absorbency. Like something you would use for a heavy period? I'm no expert since I always used tampons but you can't use those for the first 4 to 6 weeks since nothing can be inserted into the vagina during that time. I do think they make pads specifically for use after pregnancy but I'm not sure what they're called/couldn't find anything at the drug stores I went to.
As for tearing, I'm thinking I'd rather tear naturally if I'm going to rather then having an episiotomy. From what we did discuss regarding episiotomies when we were going over interventions in the class, it seems just tearing naturally is better. I remember they said it can often extend farther then what a natural tear would, it could become infected more often, and they're more painful. Basically it seemed the only positive thing about an episiotomy is that it would be a straight line whereas a natural tear will more likely be diagonal.
Hayley, we do not have health visitors that come to your home. Basically if you want to see a doctor or nurse you have to go to them. We are in the hospital for 2 to 3 days though so I'm sure a nurse will be coming in and explaining things to me while I'm there. I just feel like it would be nice to know stuff ahead of time since I have no idea how I'll feel in the hospital. How awful would that be if I'm drugged up on pain medicine or half asleep when the nurse is telling me how to do something? I guess it's a good thing my DH will be there so he can be told the same thing I am. He likes to come to all my pregnancy appointments so he's told the same things I am since he thinks I forget a lot.
Is it routine to not allow the spouse to stay at the hospital over there? Visiting hours are 9 AM to 9 PM at my hospital but my spouse can stay with me as long as I want. Actually most hospitals around here with private rooms will have a second bed in them for a spouse or parent or something to stay overnight. I know when my sister was in the hospital with a really bad UTI my mom was able to stay over night with her in her room and she was 18 so legally considered an adult.
Also I must of missed the post Sarah made, but I also haven't had any kind of leakage either. At times I'm thrilled about it but then other times I make myself paranoid and think I haven't had any leaking because I'm not going to produce any milk. In my head, not being able to produce milk is the only thing that is going to prevent me from breastfeeding or exclusively pumping so that's probably why I get upset about it.
AFM I meant to ask this earlier but has anyone else been having an issue with congestion? I swear it feels like my nose is constantly stuffed up with gunk and whats even more annoying for me is I constantly feel like I have a bunch of phelm (sp?) in the back of my throat. I have no idea what to do about it though?
Brittany, I've had problems with congestion. It's rather annoying at times. When it's bad I use an olbas stick. It's not a squirty one, you just smell it and it clears your air ways. It's like vapour rub in a stick. That probably helps better than anything else I've tried. Do maybe you should see if there is anything like that where you are?
I like the mat Hayley, I saw one of them but the pink version on eBay and I thought about buying it
I'm tired today, only been at work for half an hour and already want to go home
My manager is annoying me at the moment, HR have said I am ok to bring my ML forward, just needed to fill out another notification form which my manager needs to sign. I asked him to do it yesterday as he was out the office last week (which he didn't tell me about) and since handing it to him yesterday it hasn't moved position. So he hasn't even looked at it. All I need is a signature!! He is slacking so bad with everything at the moment it's driving me mad. Roll on when I am gone!!!
Hayley thanks for the words of encouragement, hopefully I do as well as your sister!! And yep, reading can sometimes be too scary, but at least I'm prepared for the worstcase scenario! I love your change mat! So cute! I only have 2 grobags for 0-6 months as well. I figure they can be washed and dried in less than a day, so there will have to be some pretty spectacular sick/poop to need more! Can always get some more anyway after baby arrives.
I'm glad I'm not the only one NOT leaking and worrying, that makes me feel so much better! Like you Brittany it just concerns me that I won't be making enough milk to be able to bf.
Re: Ohs staying at hospital, in my hospital there are visiting hours from 2.30-4pm and 6.30-8pm. Ohs can also come from 9.30-11am, but that's it. No staying over at all. I'm hoping that I won't be in for too long, so it won't be too much of a problem. I hate the thought of dh not being able to spend that time with LO. And I hate the thought of having to do it without him!
No congestion for me, just a cold unfortunately this week!
Lauren go into your manager's office and just say "I need that signed please" and don't leave until they do it!!!
Baby Clothes - Nope, I haven't ironed any of them I washed them and then put them in the dryer - our radiators are ridiculous - and they came out perfect I'll be doing the rest the same way, so much quicker!
Early Labour - Yes, I worry about it a lot! Especially with how uncomfortable my downstairs is lately Because she lays so low all the time, I constantly feel like i've pulled a muscle at the front of my... bits so it feels like she will fall out soon
Actual Labour - I made the mistake of looking at YouTube at some home/water births last night Some of them, I was like "awww I hope i'm like that" then others absolutely terrified me. I swear some should have warnings on before they start!
The whole tear/cut thing freaks me out a lot. I'm just expecting to be cut (TMI: )
sometimes I get quite sore and can bleed after DTD with OH from what i'm assuming is me tearing a tiny bit.. god help me when a head needs to get out of there!
I didn't know that they numbed you before they cut you though..
All I think is, people would only have one baby if it was hurrendous, right?
Maxi Pads - I nipped into Morrisons the other day and they were on the shelf near the baby items, I think the Morrisons own brand were actually just called Maternity Pads, maybe different places class them as different things though?
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