First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Hi ladies :thumbup: Hope your all having a lovely day!

Early Labour Well I'm probably the only one not worrying in this aspect because of my job :haha: Because for me 32 weeks wouldn't be that early! Infact from now on I can breath a sigh of relief cos although 'V' day is 24 weeks I would not have wanted a baby coming that early at all! Honestly although LO would be in SCBU for a few weeks if they arrived now, and no doubt be a scary and frightening thing, they are resilient little things by now and pretty much come out ok! It's scary how good a 32 weeker can be. Not for a second saying I want any of us to go into premature labour as it wouldn't be good at all but trying to reassure you all that it'd be ok if you did!

Actual Labour I seem to swing between thinking it'll be ok and feeling quite positive and then sheer terror! My main worry is that I'll panic/stress myself out easily and end up getting my head in a state and making it worse for myself. If I can just keep calm (ish) and level headed I think I'll be ok. However I have a tendency to get this stupid anxiety thing where I become in a negative cycle and no one can get through to me (stubborn!) OH eventually gets through to me but it can take a while, so that combined with pain might not be a good combination! I'm not too worried about tearing etc as I know they numb you and everyone I've spoken to says you don't even notice it. I feel quite informed about labour thanks to the classes and also about afterwards.... my main thing I'm starting to stress out about is....

Being a parent I don't know what's happened but this week its really dawned on me this week that "Oh CRAP, I'm going to be a Mum and be responsible for a whole PERSON!" and what if it doesn't sleep/feed/stop crying....what the HECK do I do!! Shamefully to say I think I'm going to look at a few books about being a new parent which I always said I wouldn't do but I just feel CLUELESS about getting baby into a routine etc and what to do for all different scenarios! So I'm going to town in a bit to have a browse in a few book shops. I don't want to follow anything by the book so to speak but just feel like I need some advice on the subject lol!

Maxi/Maternity Pads You can get from lots of supermarkets and Mothercare (sorry US ladies) and are like ultra absorbent sanitary towels, a bit like the ones you wear at night. My antenatal teacher said you only need them for the first 3-5 days when your flow is really heavy and after that can just use normal sanitary towels. As for showering/washing, as someone else said, best not to use too many fragrances etc when you've just had a baby to let things heal down there. Your not supposed to use bubble bath once your waters have broken either as obv the mucous plug has gone.

Leaking I'm unfortunately having the opposite problem, my boobs are leaking everywhere! Like leaking all over my arm when I am lay in bed :wacko: It grossed me out at first, now I'm just worried that I won't have enough colostrum when baby comes as it's all coming out now!! Apparently how much you leak before baby comes has no relevance what so ever to how well you'll breastfeed/how much milk you have, some ladies just have leaky boobies!!

Congestion Yes I also have this and it's only just clicked it's probably baby and not a cold!

As for me Still got a bit of cabin fever as have been off for 4 weeks now. I almost wish I could do a sit down job for a few hours just to keep my mind occupied! Hence why I'm thinking of reading up loads just to keep me occupied!! Laura I know you said your LO was low, mine is the opposite and sitting up so high, almost under my rib cage! It's pretty uncomfortable at times and I've been feeling more breathless/dizzy this week. I seem to be getting higher and higher there isn't much room left up there now!! Also I noticed a weird thing this morning my legs looked a little blue/purplish (almost like when they say corn beef legs, sorry if that's a UK phrase!) My legs weren't cold though just you think I should ring my midwife? It seemed to go a few minutes later, I'm not sure if it's related to the breathlessness or not.

I'll finish with a 32 week bump!


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Lauren, I'll have to look into olbas sticks and see if we have something similar around here. Constantly feeling like I have phlegm in my throat is probably one of the most annoying things about being pregnant at this point for me.

Sorry your manager is slacking so much. Hopefully he'll get to your form soon so you can get everything for ML taken care of.

Sarah, I wish your hospital hours were the hours that my hospital had. Since the hours aren't broken up at all, I can seriously see my MIL coming at 9 AM when visiting hours start and trying to stay until 9 PM when the visiting hours end. Thankfully DH and I discussed this and he's on board with shooing the grandparents away after an hour or so. SIL has told us probably a thousand times that the grandparents are sooo annoying. Not to mention, DH and I are both kind of feeling a bit possessive of Aiden already. Like we get that others are excited to see him and meet him but at the same time WE are the ones who created him and we really don't want to have to share him right away either.

Hope your cold goes away soon!

Laura, I was trying to look for maternity pads but I couldn't find anything at any of the drug stores. I don't recall ever seeing them in any baby sections I've been through, may have another look next time I'm out. I'm not even sure what brands (if any) even make maternity pads here.

As for the labor videos, the instructor in my class says most of the couples that end up in shows like A Baby Story (I think y'all have that One Born Every Minute as an equivalent) is because something happens that isn't necessarily normal to happen with every labor. I don't know though since I don't watch those kind of shows.
Alex, I would definitely call your midwife right away. I remember reading that blueish/purplish legs could be a sign of thrombosis or DVT. Not sure if you have other symptoms that would point to that but I would definitely go and get checked just to be on the safe side.

Lovely 32 week bump!!
Alex, I would definitely call your midwife right away. I remember reading that blueish/purplish legs could be a sign of thrombosis or DVT. Not sure if you have other symptoms that would point to that but I would definitely go and get checked just to be on the safe side.

Lovely 32 week bump!!

Well I feel a bit of a numpty but I'm not sure if it's because my pants were a little tight :dohh: As I was wearing pre pregnancy pants that cut in a little....I've checked my legs again and they seem fine now....urgh I don't know what to do I hate calling my midwife cos she's crap and it's probably nothing!
Brittany - I don't know much about episiotomies (sp) but one of my best friends is from Hungary and she says in her country they cut you as a matter of course during EVERY labour! So I guess there must be some benefit to it?
Admittedly I haven't looked into it at all though. I figure it has to be done, I'll probably be in enough pain to not care by that point lol.
My sister was cut though and she had a hard time because the cut became infected - that seems to be a pretty common problem among the women I've known who have had them :/

Ha! Yeah my OH says the same thing about Drs appointments!! Baby brain does not help!!!!

Yeah its pretty routine, I don't know of any hospitals that allow overnight guests except for Private ones (they probably would allow it if the patient was a child, but that's all I think.)

At my hospital visiting hours are from 8-8 for the father/birth partner only, every body elses visiting hours are from 3.30-6.30 only!
I think that sort of sucks because if I do have the baby early in the day it means my family will have to wait most of the day to be able to meet the baby! I want them to meet him when he's brand new. :shrug:

Oh and btw I meant to say, thanks for reminding me about the professional photos!! We have those here in hospitals too, just for the baby though (not the parents too) - I want to remember to pack something nice for him to wear when the photographer comes in!

Lauren - Thanks! :) I got the mat from Amazon, it was only £6.99! :)

Aww your manager sounds like a right pain in the arse!! You'll have to do some harassing to get him to sign it! :/

Hey guess what! I won my first competition!!! lol! It was only for two tickets to the Baby & Toddler Show this weekend, but I was going to go anyway so it means I've saved myself the £30 it would have cost us to go! :D I'm happy with that for a first ever win lol!

Sarah Thanks! :) Yeah I think 2 gro bags will be enough. Has everybody got the actual Gro-Bag company ones?
I have one by Gro-Bag and one I bought yesterday in TK Maxx is by Pitter Patter - they seem much better for when baby is brand new as they are MUCH shorter!! It was only £8.99 too, so a fraction of the price of a gro bag!
I've been worried about the gro-bags being too big for the baby to be snug in so I'm much happier with this one to start off with!

Laura - Thats a really good point, if anything was that bad then everybody would only have one child!!
Stay clear of youtube videos in future though, eeeeek!

Alex - I would maybe just give the midwife or the labour ward a quick call (Thats my second point of contact after midwife, is this the case for everybody?) and just double check but if you think it was tight pants it's probably fine, just maybe keep an eye on it.
Lovely bump!!! :)

Leaky boobs - I really wouldnt worry about not leaking being any indication of BF success. Since we're all around the same stage and more of us are NOT leaking than are it must be normal!

AFM - Not much new to report today. I finally got around to getting out our stuff for Bean and photographing it last night though, god it took hours! My sister wanted to see what we'd bought as she hasn't been able to see anything since she lives so far away!
I'd put them up here but there's lots of them, so if anyone wants to see they're all up here:

Oh and I got a letter through today with an appointment to see the thyroid consultant to discuss the issue with my medication at LAST!!!!! The appointment is tomorrow morning!!!! Short notice or what?!!!
Luckily I don't have any other plans/appointments and OH is off on holiday this week!
Hayley - Firstly congratulations on your win!!! :happydance: its a great feeling to win something isn't it, even if it is something as simple as tickets to a show!!

My sleepbag isn't a growbag, I think they are really expensive. I've posted a photo of mine below. Oh as well as those little storage boxes I was telling you about.

I love some of your little clothes too :) I have a few bits I pick up all the time to just look at. And yes, talk about short notice for your appointment tomorrow. I'm sure all will go well :)

I don't have a clue what the visiting hours are like at mine. If I am honest, I want them to fall at the 'wrong time' so I have an excuse not to see people. Obviously, I want my mum to come but as I have said in a previous post, I really don't want loads of visitors. I'd much prefer them all to come and see me at home. When I was in hospital in June, Adam was with me all day everyday, just went home at night. But some nights he was there until 9/10pm... I know their visiting hours were really short. But no one ever said anything. I was in a bit of a mess though, emotionally. So I think they knew that and I would have probably discharged myself if I had to stay on my own. But I think most hospitals are quite good when it comes to having someone stay with you. I think as long as they keep themselves to themselves and aren't noisy. Hospitals aren't very nice places to be by yourself and the staff know that. No matter what your having done or what your in there for, it can be scary.

My manager finally signed that form so I sent it off today. So my official end date is Friday 22nd Feb!!! eeek :happydance:

I was given 25 pounds worth of love to shop vouchers from work (late xmas thing) so I went to mothercare this evening and brought a thermometer. I was going to buy one of those digital ear ones but instead decided to go for a traditional 'pop in the mouth or under the armpit' on but still has a digital screen. Then I brought a new lampshade thing, one of those fabric triangle dangly ones....I can't think for the life of me what they are called :dohh: then I brought two blankets, one pink one and another pretty bright stripy one. I was looking at the clothes in there but managed to resist temptation, otherwise I would have ended up spending a fortune!! She already has so many clothes!!

Oh and I have another viewer on Saturday woohoo :) she is a first time buyer and already has her mortgage in principle so fingers crossed.

Alex, I am sure the leg thing isn't anything to worry about but keep your eye on it. My lower legs/feet get like it sometimes when I have been standing upright - it happens when I stand at the sink washing pots or something. I think tight trousers make it worse too. But the first thing I do when I get home now is put something comfortable on :) now I don't notice it as much. If your bored you should enter some competitions online and try and win yourself something hehe :) I personally can't wait until I am off work. Mine is a mostly sit down infront of a computer role but I am so bored there at the moment and I find it very tiring. I'd much prefer a more active job. Not full on as I can imagine that to be awful. But I wish there was more for me to physically do. Oh and great bump pic AND you have the same bedside lamps as me!!! haha.

I have been in one of those moods this evening where I am really looking forward to meeting LO. I think seeing photos of my friend's baby has got me all excited :cloud9:


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hayley I did giggle a bit at "god help me when a head needs to come out of there!" But hopefully you will be ok and any tearing or cutting will not be too awful. I'm not looking forward to that. I like reading birth stories where people don't gives me hope! I have an asda gro bag and one from Matalan - no brand name here! The real grobags are so expensive! It's insane! Thank goodness you got up appointment! It's about time! And having it quickly is good, getting this all sorted out ASAP is a bonus (just lucky you're both free!) Had a wee peek at all your baby stuff - whoa! This boy is going to be one well dressed fella! I love the "I lovely grandad" babygro! Adorable!

Alex what you said about baby coming now has actually made me feel so much better :thumbup: it's great having someone with experience of early babies to give some advice! Love the bump! I'm still wearing all my normal pants, I have noticed the red marks getting deeper though, so may have to splash out on some new ones!

Maternity pads widely available in all supermarket retailers lol! Just have to look carefully - baby aisle not womanly aisle :haha: I've heard that they are actually more comfy then sanitary towels as they don't have that mesh top layer, so they are super soft.

Brittany I so wish my dh could stay those great hours, but like you, I wouldn't want grandparents there for that long, and I know my mum would try to be as well!! So in a way it's a good thing, but I feel like it should be different rules for daddys. I also think your right about the labours we see on TV. Either they are unusual labours, or unusual people who scream the whole time because they are clearly a bit over dramatic anyway if they sign up to be giving birth on TV!

Lauren sounds like a good baby shopping day! And :wohoo: about finishing work - less than a month to go now!!!!

afm some more scare stories from my colleagues today. I was basically lynched for not having my hospital bag packed, and given avery serious talking to about how "it could be any day now". I panicked - for a few seconds, then remembered they are all nuts and went on my merry way :haha:
I have my 32 weeks midwife appointment tomorrow. I have to ask midwife if I am as enormous as my mother thinks, and about getting bloods done which were apparently supposed to be done at 28 weeks...
Just munched through a 'share bag' of chips....probably not the best thing to do before asking someone if I'm huge :munch:!!
Lauren - thanks! :D I'm excited - I'm hoping its the start of a winning streak! hehe! And its the first thing I've ever won in my life!!!! :)
And a £30 saving works for me, I can spend that money IN the show now hehe!
Aww thats such a cute sleep bag!

My hospitals visiting hours are written in my notes, I only found them the other day!
If I do end up having a c section I'll be on a ward with other mums so I can see why they wouldnt let partners stay over as it might be uncomfortable for the other mothers. For a natural birth though, you get a private room here so I can't see why they have to leave so early then :/

Yay for getting your leave sorted! And sounds like you did really well for the £25 vouchers!!

Good luck with the viewing!

Sarah - Thanks! I'm nervous about the appointment tomorrow, especially as my mum is away and I wanted her to come with me as shes much more forceful than me with making people do things lol! But I'll just have to stand my ground and demand some answers!
Lol at the people you work with being nuts haha! I can't beleive you havnt had your 28 weeks bloods done - did they just not mention them to you?
I'm sure you're not huge!! Have you got one of the fundal height/centile charts in your hospital notes yet that they've been filling in?

Gro bags - They are pricey if you buy them from the site, but I got mine in TK Maxx for £12.99! They have TONS. They have the Pitter Patter ones and another make too...Bebe Bambino or something like that?! - those are both about £8.99. Like I say, I think the Pitter Patter ones are better as they're nice and short! I think I'll prob save the gro bag for when hes a bit older/bigger - unless he's extremely long!

AFM - just been swimming. Geez I was SO out of breath after every length!!! I've been going every week and been fine but it felt SO much more like hard work this week! Must be getting heavier :(
Alex, your pants being tight could of caused the blue/purple legs but I would probably still call your MW to be sure.

Hayley, I haven't really done much research about episiotomies. The only benefit that really seemed to be mentioned in my childbirth class is that the cut is a straight line rather then a diagonal which is how most natural tears tend to be. May have to read up about it more, especially if it's standard in Hungary. Like you said I would imagine there has to be some benefit to it more then it looking nicer.

I'm also jealous of your visiting hours. I think it would be so much nicer to have the visiting hours broken up until 2-3 hour blocks throughout the day rather then all day (granted you only have one block which kind of sucks). I just imagine MIL will come right when visiting hours start and try to stay the entire time which will irritate the hell out of me. Guess DH and I will just have to kick her out after an hour or two since the visiting hours won't help us out there.

As for the professional photos, the photos are definitely on the baby but according to the site they sometimes take pictures with the parents hands and with the parents holding the baby. I have to make sure I have clear/neutral polish on my nails and that DH and I have gray, white, or black shirts to wear. Are you planning to use any kinds of props in your photos or just planning to have him in a nice outfit?

Congrats on the competition win! I have no luck with those kinds of things.

Also good luck with your appointment tomorrow. I really hope you're able to get some answers.

Lauren, I'm like you with not wanting visitors at the hospital though DH and I will allow the grandparents to come if everything goes well. Thankfully everyone (with the exception of MIL who thinks she should be allowed at the hospital regardless because "she's waited so long to see the baby" cause apparently it's all about her :wacko:) DH and I have spoken to have been on board with coming to our home the first Saturday once we return home unless they're told otherwise so I've been very thankful for that. Have you been telling people that you would prefer visitors to come to your home rather then the hospital?

Hope everything goes well with the viewer on Saturday! FX'ed for you!

Sarah, do you do perineal massage? At my class we got a paper that tells us how to do it oursevles as well as how our partners can do it for us if we prefer but it's really supposed to help prevent any tearing from happening. I don't see myself doing it though but that could be something to look into if you haven't already.

I also wouldn't stress about your hospital bag. The only thing I've done is prepared my list so I know what I want to talk. I don't intend to actually start packing it until March. I'm trying not to do everything all at once otherwise we're going to have nothing to do but wait in the last month.
Just a very quick message bringing good news on the size of my baby front - my midwife said they are only a little one :) my fundal height was measures for the first time and is only 26cm! But that was by the student midwife so I'm not convinced of that! The experienced midwife had a good old feel and said I have lots of fluid but baby is nice and petite :) I'm so relieved! Now watch it grow to epic proportions before the end of march!
Great news about your LO DoggyLover! Maybe you're not having a moster after all :hugs:

I went to Mothercare earlier and finally made the final decision on our pram :D

I'm happy to say we ended up with the Jane Matrix Lightweight 2 in Scarlet!

The thing I love about it is I haven't seen one person with it so far! Also, the carrycot sits up to become the carseat so there's less peices/items to store and less faffing around :D

I cancelled our 'Baby Plan' with the Quinny Buzz on and transferred all our the money we had already put down (£360) onto the Jane, which left a balance of £90.
I had £70 left on a giftcard and the lady at the till told me to buy their monthly magazine (£2.90) which contained a £20 off voucher!

All done and dusted and it gets delivered to my parents within the next 7 days :dance:
Brittany - Thanks :)

I saw the professional pictures that were taken on my friends baby this week, she lives in California - they had pics of her in her fathers hand and a pic of the father kissing the babies head. There were none of the mother but that was probably her choice.

Here though they tend to just take basic photos of the baby, I've never heard of them including the parents in the shots - when my nieces photos were taken they were asleep and the photographer just snapped random shots of them in the hospital cot! They were pretty rubbish so my sister didn't buy any prints.
I'll make sure I have a nice outfit for him to wear but I don't think they'll let us use props. I plan on having my own professional pictures taken with me and OH when he's a few weeks old though, we have a photographer in the family so I'll get her to do a shoot for us :)

Sarah - oooh thats good news! :) All that worrying for nothing!! lol. DId they give you a guesstimation on size?
Did they do your bloods?

Laura - yay for the pram! Nice that you were able to take care of the balance with the gift card and discount from the mag too! Its so nice when assistants go the extra mile to help like that!

AFM - just got back from the hospital. Got to see the actual consultant (once the nurse realised that she wasn't going to be able to calm me down by herself, hehe!) and he reassured me. He said they do things differently in different parts of the country (which still makes no sense to me!) and that while Devon were planning on taking me off all meds in the third trimester, Liverpool don't do that and prefer to keep patients on medication throughout.
He checked my test results and said everything seems fine, but yet AGAIN (for a THIRD time!) it turns out they didn't do the sodding antibodies test that they were supposed to run on the last lot of bloods they took from me!! So I STILL don't know how big the risk factor is for the baby having thyroid problems.

He discussed the possibilities with me though, and said that the baby may have some thyroid problems but they will relatively easy to treat and shouldn't result in him needing to have an operation - he said the midwives should be monitoring the babies heartbeat as if its higher than normal that would indicate a thyroid issue (I'm pretty sure the midwives aren't checking that, but at least now that I know they should be I can chase them up on it!).
They took the bloods AGAIN and have promised the antibodies test will definitely be done this time, and they'll mail me the results in about a week :dohh:

So that's done at least - I have my next midwife appointment on Monday, and my consultant appointment about the birth next Wednesday.

I decided to book onto an NCT antenatal/birth course just incase I end up not having a c section (even if they schedule one, I could end up going into labour before hand and I'd hate to be unprepared!) - so I've done that today, it starts on 16th March.

Is anybody else just dreading bed time at the moment?! There is just no such thing as comfort anymore :nope: It no longer matter what I try!

I also had a PROPER freak out in bed last night - I suddenly was just overcome with sheer panic about EVERYTHING!!!! The birth (after telling Sarah not to worry about it!), the parenting part...everything!!!! It suddenly all seemed so bloody scary!!!
Hayley I'm glad yuor consultant appointment went (relatively!) well. More blood?! Really?! They'll bleed you dry soon! But yes, now that you know your midwife needs to check LO's heart rate to see if that indicates any issues, you can make sure it's done at every appointment and noted etc. So overall, generally good news! I'm sure th NCT class will have good info on C-sections as well which you might find useful. And a parenting part as well to ease your panic from last night! Don't worry, mine faded pretty quickly. Just don't think about it and it goes away :haha: And nope, no weight estimate yet for my baby. Also, congrats on winning the tickets to the baby show! May this be the start of a long winning streak lol!

Laura I love the pram! And that is so clever that the carrycot converts to a car seat. I haven't ever heard of that before (and I have done extensive pram research lol!) It's definitely a huge bonus, as it means you can get LO lying flat straight out of the car presumably. I've also never seen it before - you are a trendsetter!

Brittany I have heard of perineal massage, but it grossed me out a little when I read about it :sick: :blush: The thought of letting dh do that to me?! NO WAY! I don't think I would even be comfy doing it to myself! Glad to hear I'm not the only one not packed and ready for impedning labour!

Now, after being so excited that my baby isn't a giant, I've gotten really worried that they are TOO SMALL! :haha: I am never happy! I mean, I know the really the midwife was relying on her feeling around and that isn't hugely accurate, and she didn't say LO is TOO small, just not huge! But the measurement of my fundal height (first one I've had done) was only 26cm? And surely should be 31/2cm? As I mentioned though, that was done by a student midwife who is brand new to it all, and she did have some trouble finding the top of my uterus. I know fundal height isn't hugely accurate, so maybe I don't need to worry...but of course I will anyway!

Uk ladies does everyone have a hospital appointment at 34 weeks? I meant to ask today if I get a scan, but with the student midwife and the faffing that was done (they couldn't get my blood out, so had to be jabbed twice, and got whooping cough) I forgot to ask. I'm curious to know whether this will entail a scan, and whether I'll get a weight estimate then?
Laura, love the pushchair :) I am so excited about picking mine up!!

Hayley, at least you got to see a doctor this time around and that you were able to discuss your medication. So are you just carrying on with the meds now? And unfortunately he is right about different areas... I come accross it quite a bit here. The country is split in to sections and each section has someone different running it and a different panel of people making the decisions. Think most of it comes down to finance frustratingly!!

Sarah, as for an appointment at 34 weeks, I didn't think there were anymore hospital appointments? Unless you are classed as high risk, therefore your monitored better. But if all is well you do only get 2 scans then the option of paying for any private ones. But NHS won't give you another unless you needed it.

Bedtime at the moment isn't too bad for me, I am pretty much sleeping through. I am sooo tired during the day though :( its horrible. I've been getting backache too and LO is either sitting really low down or up high. Ahhh so uncomfortable!!!
My hospital appointment was scheduled after my 20 week scan. I'm dual care - so hospital and midwife, not sure if that makes a difference? I think it's different everywhere as some people are saying same as you and there is no 34 week hospital appointment, some have had routine scans around that time, and some say that yes, definitely a scan at 34 weeks. I'm baffled! I should really just either wait and see, or ring and ask!

My back has been getting sorer lately as well. I have read it a lot, and gave it a try last night - on all fours rocking my hips. I felt ridiculous...but it did definitely help! And sitting on my birthing ball has helped a lot too. Maybe time to steal another one?! ;) :haha:
Hahaha I think I'll be buying this one :p .... That's IF I can bring myself to get one though!!

But yeah, definitely have a chat with your midwife and find out though. My next mw appointment is on Monday but not sure what is happening then as had all my bloods done last time. I guess it's just a route check up.
I meant to ask my midwife today, and am so annoyed I didn't :growlmad: all the confusion with the student midwife being there confused me lol!
Sarah Ha! I know, I'm going to be running on empty with regards to blood! I'm still bruised from the FIVE attempts it took them to get the blood out of me last week so I wasn't best pleased, but luckily the nurse actually managed to get it first time lol. Wonders will never cease!

Yeah I'm quite looking forward to the NCT classes! Although I'm now wondering if I'm overdone it, as I've also booked us in for Newborn Know How classes in february at the community centre lol. How much can we learn?!!!
But its all fun and it keeps me entertained while the last months drag lol.

Aww I know what you mean, one worry just seems to melt into the next doens't it?! Do you think we'll EVER be calm about anything ever again?! lol.
26 cms does seem small I must admit, I'm surprised the midwife didn't redo it herself to double check that the student hadn't got it wrong.
As for the scan, I haven't heard of having one at 34 weeks but I know they will do more if the babies growth isn't measuring up so I wonder if its related to that or if its just something done as standard where you are?
It might be worth ringing them and asking.

I know we have 34 week midwife appointment, so unless its just that but they're doing it at the hospital for some reason?

Lauren - Yeah they want me to carry on with the meds until after the birth. I'd rather stop them but they insisted it was better not to :shrug:
It just seems strange how different areas of the same country use different meds at different stages, you'd think the NHS would stick to the same policies nation wide wouldnt you :/

Aww I'm sorry you're uncomfortable with back ache. You need a massage!!! I've been DYING to get a pregnancy massage, just wish I had the money!

I have my 32 week appointment on monday too, my notes give a breakdown of each appointment and it just says its to do the fetal growth measurements. Don't think there's any bloods at this one.

AFM- OMG I'm SO excited! Not another competition win as such, but feels like one! I sent out a PR shot for my blog and I got a load of responses today, so I'm getting some freebies to try (Simple baby products, stretch mark creams, shower gels, etc) - but I was AMAZED to see a response from Bambeano Baby Bean Bags (the ones Lauren showed us last week) offering me a free baby bean bag to keep and review!!!!!
SCORE!!!! :happydance:
Aww I'm so jealous!!! You should ask them if you can have two so you can send me one :rofl: I want a beanbag!! :) huge well done though, it's great that your getting so much attention, you must be proud of yourself.

Ooo I never thought about pregnancy massages... If I wasn't so damn ticklish is probably go for one!

As for the meds you are best doing as they advise :( it must be horrible though not knowing what to do... But as we have said before, if you didn't need them they wouldn't ask you to carry them on and you have to think about your health too. We need a healthy fit mum for a healthy baby :)

Sarah, maybe you should try measuring yourself? That's if you can find the top of your uterus though :) I am interested to know what I'm measuring as I feel as though I haven't grown much at all for a couple of weeks.
Lol! A few of the companies who are sending me stuff have asked me if they can send extras to do competitions for my followers, and one company has given me a voucher code for my readers to get money off (I'll share that here when I get it incase anybody wants some!) - I wonder if I can get a discount code out of Bambeano too?! lol!

You should try blogging you know! All I did was send out a PR request through Response Source's website and the companies just come to you with offers, its really easy! :happydance:

I am pleased, I've been writing since I was really young but I never took it seriously until I got bored when I had to stop working when I got pregnant!!! So its been a good push for me hehe!

Yeah, I'm gonna start taking it again :wacko: I'll feel better once I've got the anitbodies test back, if they will just bloody do it this time!!!! Third time lucky! :dohh:

They'll prob measure you on Monday at your midwife appointment :) I feel the opposite - I think I've had an enormous growth spurt over the last two weeks!!!! eeeeek!

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