Alex Omg I am SO JEALOUS! You're having a "Babymoon"!

I keep telling Jon I want one, he has yet to take the enormous hint! lol.
Yeah I think I will tell the class leader about the c section. Thats IF it goes ahead though! I'm still entirely in the dark atm, could be a natural birth for all I know!!! Thats why I've booked the classes really.
I'm a bit worried that they're too late in the day though! I mean, they are the 16th and 17th March - doesn't that seem like its cutting it fine for an April 4th due date?! I could easily go early! eeek!
I haven't really looked into hypnobirthing (I get put off by seeing hippy dippy types on OBEM and they always annoy me, I end up hoping the baby splits them in two! But I don't know why as I AM quite hippy dippy ish in many ways....I go to spiritual fayres, read tarot cards, use crystals, etc etc! It
should be right up my alley!) - I might give it a little google today and see what I think.
I've been offered the chance to interview this A List celeb birth doctor who has a new book out called The Gentle Birthing Method, so maybe I'll ask her for some tips!
Good idea about the bump bands. I've ordered some online, def worth a try!!!!
As for your measurements, 31 cms would be about what you're supposed to be wouldn't it? (Or 32 for you?) Or is it that you're worried that you're measuring more than that?
Laura - Yeah, I pretty much did lay there crying lol. I cried when I got up too. I've basically just been crying pretty consistently!
Lol! I'd love OH to be pregnant - I swear he thinks he is though! He walks around holding his tummy and complaining about not feeling well about as much as I do, I don't know why he's under the illusion that I have any sympathy for him whatsoever!
Lauren - Tell me about it! I think its basically that Bean has realised he's been missing a torture opportunity - as I haven't had any problems with weeing until the last week, I was able to do the 6 hour journey from Devon to Liverpool twice without needing a wee stop once! - now all of a sudden its absolute overload!! All day and all night long, I constantly need a wee.
back on her bike and cycled off! That was a while ago and to this day still haven't told her haha... So yes, very weird dreams!!!
LMAO at your dream!! That makes me feel so much better about the bizzaro dreams I have been having!
Woooo for the Baby Baker dress!! Score!
Sarah - Thanks!

Lol I'm glad my OH isn't the only one who gets annoyed!
AFM - I'm feeling slightly better today thank goodness, but am typically home alone and bored senseless. OH was off on holiday ALL week and I was too unwell to go anywhere

I'm getting REALLY paranoid about going into labour on my own atm - whats everybodys OHs doing about paternity leave?
I am just worried coz OH is on a temp contract and apparently isn't entitled to Paternity leave, so would have to take it unpaid or use holiday (which he hasnt got much of left) - and also, they won't let him have his phone out on his desk until the week before my due date.
And my parents go to stay in Devon every few weeks for a week at a time, so they'll be going when I'm around 34 weeks and again when I'm 37 weeks!
So during those times, I'll be totally dependant on OH to be there if I go into labour and he won't be easily contactable
