First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Hayley that is such great news about your blog!! You lucky woman! Well, not luck I suppose, hard work! But great news. Enjoy all your little freebies, and may there be many more to come!

Honest a lord, my arm is AGONY after my whooping cough vaccine. I couldn't sleep last night because it was so sore, and it really limited how I could sleep (ie on my right hand side or not at all. So it was really not at all...) so now I am exhausted and in agony. Wonderful start to a Thursday!!!
LiverpoolLass - Glad you got to speak with the actual consultant, hope it helped a little :hugs: Sorry your had to have more bloods! Great stuff about the freebies too :thumbup:

DoggyLover - I've never seen a carseat that does it either. It's really good because you can also have it laid down flat in the back of the car if LO is asleep and it just lays accross the seats and fastens in with the normal seatbelt :) That way you don't have to wake baby up or have them sat upright whilst asleep.
I've got a hospital appointment at 37 weeks, I only found out/realised the other day that my care is 'Consultant Led' - I think it's because my BMI was like 1 point over what it should have been at my booking in appointment. Saying that, i've lost weight since but they won't change it, apparently they have to go by your starting weight :growlmad: Stupid! I don't think they offer a scan unless they think baby is big/small for that week though :shrug: My midwife said to mention my 3D scan measurements to them and they might change my dates or look into it further for me..

AsForMe - I've been really busy this week trying to sort out what furniture we have and seeing if there's anything extra we need - there's a dining room in the new house so needed a couple of extra bits.

I managed to get a brand new cream two seater sofa for £40 off of a local Buy/Sell facebook page which got delivered to my parents on Monday, then yesterday we went and picked up a dining table which I got off of eBay for £25 - Bargains!
Because one of the downstairs rooms is quite large, i'm planning on putting the dining table at one end and the two seater at the other and having it as a sort of 'Day Room' then the smaller room as our proper living room.
Other than that, I think we should have enough curtains, accessories to kit it out :)

I'm struggling this week - I feel huge, heavy and just plain tired :(

I've had enough of working now, there's nothing to do when I get here as business is quiet so it means me coming in and trying to keep myself busy in an office on my own. Luckily, i've only got 2 weeks left :coffee:

Baby is laid really low again lately so i'm struggling all the time with pain/discomfort and she's taken to kicking/punching into my right hip-bone.
Because of how low she is, my ladyparts constantly feel like i've pulled a muscle in them which makes any kind of movement hurt - like hell! Even a simple task like crossing my legs is agony. I caved and took some co-codamol last night but I don't really want to be taking it, i've heard mixed reviews :nope:

Sorry for the long whiney post but here's my enormous self to lighten the mood :flow:

Ps. Had to stop cropping the photos down because i've stopped fitting in the frame :haha:
Ooo you just reminded me that I still have to get mine done!! I will book an appointment when I go on Monday. Sorry to hear you have a sore arm though :(

I am so fed up with work this week, so glad it's Friday tomorrow.

I'd love to have a blog but I know you have to be dedicated don't you.. Maybe I could look in to it when I go off? I'll have plenty of time on my hands then :)

Laura, that sofa was a great bargain :) bet you can't wait until your moved!!
I too am totally fed up with work as I've said. I come in to work at 8:30 and I have no energy, I just want to sleep and to make matters worse - work is also very quiet!!! I'm pulling my hair out. All I want to do is go home :( I have 22 days left before I go off and it can't come soon enough. Also, my office chair is so uncomfortable it hurts my back but if I sit upright bean digs in to my ribs... So I just can't win.
Nice bump piccy :) I need to take one of me. I'll do it sometime soon.
Sarah, I wouldn't stress too much about the size of your baby. Especially since the baby was measured by a student who could have easily made an error if they haven't had a lot of practice.

The perineal massage was weird to me too. Like you I don't even feel comfortable doing it let alone having DH do it. I think when DH read the paper on how to do it, it weirded him out a bit too. :rofl:

Also, I know I'm not in the UK but my next appointment is a 33 week one and all my paper it says an US is only needed if the mother is diabetic or hypertensive.

Laura Congrats on deciding on your pram, must be nice to have that purchase out of the way.

Great deals on the furniture too! I might have to start checking ebay and buy/sell FB pages when DH and I decide on getting a new dining room table.

Your bump looks lovely!!

Hayley, so glad your appointment went alright. At least it seems the risk for your baby having any kind of serious thyroid issues seems low which must be a relief.

I hope you enjoy your class. I thought there was a lot of good information in my class. We even covered C Section a bit as well since even though the ladies in the class are planning a vaginal birth, a C Section can still happen so I would think you will be able to get information on both types of birth. I remember before you were talking about there not being any classes focused on C Sections.

I also dread night time as well. I hate every time I wake up and have to go to the bathroom, roll over because I'm too uncomfortable on every side, it just takes so much effort and I moan and groan so much from it being so uncomfortable that I probably sound like I'm dying all night. Last night I actually tried to convince myself that I didn't have to pee that bad just so I wouldn't have to get out of bed. :haha:

As for massages, at my class we had a chiropractor come in and show us massage techniques to help various aches and pains. We also get a complimentary appointment at her office should we choose to use it for taking the class. Maybe you'll get something like that at your class.

AFM, not much to update on. Just been working on my two cross stitch projects (the quilt and the birth announcement) since I was in the mood to get stuff done on them. I also have another project coming today so I'm really excited to have that to work on when I need a break from the cross stitch. Anyone ever try one of these huggable latch hooks? I never have before so no idea how it's going to turn out but this is the one I got.
Laura Thanks! :)

Wow you got some real bargains with the furniture! Well done you!
I hope the two weeks left at work goes quickly :/

Sorry to hear you've been so uncomfortable. I'm really starting to worry about the next 9 weeks or so - if its THIS uncomfortable now and its only going to get worse, can you imagine?! I don't think I'm up to it ! :wacko:

Your bump looks beautiful!!!

Lauren - Yeah with a blog I guess the best way is to do regular posts. I have a sort of weekly schedule I stick to! I used to blog when I was working, it was doable (Blogger is a REALLY easy site to use, and you can schedule blog posts so I used to write them on a weekend and schedule them to go up throughout the week!) but its definitely easier when you're off!!
It could be something fun to keep you occupied while on mat leave, definitely!
And "Mummy" blogs are SO popular. I've had SEVENTEEN more offers from companies today, it is literally mind blowing!!!! Let me know if you do decide to start and I can give you some tips on PR companies to approach etc!

Brittany - Thanks! :) Yeah it is a relief. The breakdown of the classes did mention c section so I think it will be discussed, though probably only briefly but thats better than nothing at all! :)

Lol I'm the same with trying to convince myself I'm not desperate for the bathroom!! Its getting worse and worse for me now....I must have had to get up about 11 times last night :wacko:
I've never tried making anything like that but that penguin is adorable!!! :)

Sarah - Thanks!! :) I'm really excited!
Aww I'm sorry about your arm - mine was like that too, so sore it was hard to sleep on it! Weird coz the flu one didn't bother me whatsoever!!!
Mine took about 2 days to stop hurting after the whooping cough one :/

AFM - I've woken up feeling like absolute crap today. I don't know what is wrong with me! EVERY part of my body is aching, even my eyeballs! My head is pounding, I feel so sluggish and tired and I am STARVING constantly but I just don't feel like eating :/
I hate today.....

Seriously, a possible 9 more weeks of this.....arrrrrgh.

My bump feels SO HEAVY to lug around, and I had been lucky up until now with not needing to pee all that much but NOW....geez, its literally every 5 minutes. I'm wondering if I can talk my mum into a stanna stairlift coz is some effort getting my arse up those stairs so often!!! :wacko:
DoggyLover - Forgot to say, the hospital isn't my next appointment.. I have MW on 14th Feb (32w), MW app & home visit at 36w (homebirth check) and then i'll have the hospital appointment at 37w :dohh:

Didn't want you to think that was the only appointment I had :haha:

AsForMe - Totally feeling sorry for my self lately. I feel so tired and run down in general - i'm so glad it's Friday!
Woke up this morning with a nice big coldsore errupting on my bottom lip :growlmad: and absolutely no energy - I literally had to watch telly in bed for 10 minutes before I could do anything.

My get-up-and-go definitely got-up-and-left :nope: x
Oh also, I know a couple of you are having trouble with your noses but have any of you had/got this?

If you're queezy, don't read!

Woke up this morning and my nose was stuffed/full (sorry!)

Went to blow it but couldn't so had to pick it :shy: and it was a big lump of snot/bogey/blood :sick:

I keep needing to blow my nose cause it's irritating me, feels like cold - but when I do it's like blood/snot :shrug:

Oh ladies sounds like we are all feeling a bit rubbishy this week :hugs: to everyone!

I managed to get some more sleep last night (went to bed at 9pm, after a nap from 6.30-7pm!) and slept a little better, so feeling much brighter today. We have a super busy weekend though, and I just want to do NOTHING :(

Brittany is it the penguin you are making?! It's adorable!! I wish (as mentioned previously) I had any crafty talents, you will have so many hand made lovely bits for Aiden, and that's so nice for him to have and keep.

Hayley I hope you are feeling better today :hugs: And I am the same with the pee. In the evening it's the worst. And I am now going twice at night instead of just once. Fun! Plus every so often my child decides to poke/headbutt my bladder which makes it sting, and then I have to go right away lol! Oh pregnancy! And 17 offers for stuff for your blog?! Amazing!!

Laura Sorry you are feeling so crappy :hugs: I hope it's just a phase and you start to feel brighter soon, and your get up and go gets up and comes back!!

Oh, baby is kicking away right now. Well maybe not kicking so much as trying to bust out of there :haha:
Laura, I've had that problem for months now :blush: it drives me mad. But like you, I can't just blow. So frustrating. And yes it contains a bit of blood which is completely normal in pregnancy due to increased blood up in your veins. It should start to go once LO is here. I have developed a cherry amingioma :( for those who don't know what it is, it's like a blood filled blister but is basically irrupted blood vessels. When I first got it a few weeks ago it was about the size of a pin head (on my back this is) and I thought it was a spot so curiosity got the better of me lol... But it bled. A lot. Then when it eventually stopped i noticed it had become bigger. It has bled about 6 times or so now, everytime getting bigger :( so now it's huge and I hate hate hate it. I have to wear a plaster so 1. I don't see it 2. So I don't catch it and make it worse. Apparently they are more common in the elderly and in some cases can come up in people younger, pregnant women being most common. The only way to get rid of it is to have it lazered which the NHS might not fund as they are harmless. So most people have to pay for it. I haven't seen a doctor yet but when I do I hope I can have it treated on NHS as I am young and it makes me so self conscious. Damn pregnant body!!!

Apart from that though I am actually in a good mood today. I have felt like utter crap all week so it was really nice to wake up in a good mood with energy!!! After work I have loads of housework to get on with for the viewing tomorrow. Got my sister coming over in the morning too so once the viewing has finished we will go in to town for some lunch and a spot of shopping :)

And thanks Hayley, ill defo let you know if I decide to do it :) oh, are you going to the baby and toddler show tomorrow or Sunday? I completely forgot it was this weekend so can't go tomorrow but thinking about going Sunday. If your going tomorrow can you let me know how it is? Id hate to drive all that way for it to be rubbish. Although if that happens I could always go shopping instead hehe
Sarah I'm glad you were able to sleep! If I nap at all in the day I have no chance of sleep at night, so thats really good!

Ouch with the stinging bladder! I can never tell what part of me is being poked/headbutted so maybe bean hasn't found my bladder in that way yet?! I can tell when his foot is in my rib....that hurts.

Two toilet trips sounds like bliss to me right now - I counted last night, I got up to wee SEVEN times. And I wouldn't mind but I was only actually in bed for 5 hours coz I ended up just giving up!!

Laura - eew. lol. Aww that sounds horrible. I have had some bunged up-ness but no blood at all for me yet. :wacko:

Lauren - Oh no, that sounds so annoying :( I would speak to the GP and see what they say. Ages ago I wanted a mole freezing off purely for vanity reasons and my GP just did it in his office! I know its different with lasering but you never know they might just do it on the NHS!

Aww I've got to go on Sunday coz Jon is working all day Saturday. I'll let you know if anybody I know goes on Saturday though, one girl I know did mention on Facebook that she was going on the sat so I did ask her to let me know what its like!

If its no good, its right opposite Liverpool One so you could always go there instead :winkwink:


Didn't fall asleep until 7 AM this morning....SERIOUSLY, 7 AM!!! I just layed there for hours totally unable to get comfortable.
Then OH started thrashing around, throwing a strop because I was keeping him awake (?!?!?!??!!) and went and slept in the spare room! SO I was FUMING with him this morning and he's still getting the silent treatment - I mean, COME ON!! He had ONE disturbed night....try not being able to sleep ANY night!!!!!!! Grrrr :growlmad:

So when I eventually fell asleep I stayed there until noon, then obviously had to get up - and now every part of me is aching like mad.

I mentioned this to my Mum before and it turned into a sodding competition - apparently my sister is MUCH sicker than I am!! I DON'T CARE!!!!! She's not pregnant too!!! :D
sleeping Aw sorry to hear all you ladies are suffering so much with sleep. Touch wood I've not been too bad. It takes me a little longer to get comfortable and I wake a few times needing the loo but I'm not too bad. The only trouble I've been having with sleep is having really weird vivid dreams/nightmares! I've had them all through pregnancy but they've been more intense the last few weeks and are so odd!! People who I haven't seen for years (old school friends/ex's/even people I've never met!) crop up!! Often they are naughty dreams as well :blush::haha: but weird naughty dreams! Other times they are just plain odd, but always really vivid and when I wake up I feel all confused and odd lol! Wow crazy hormones maybe!!

Laura Love your buggy and so neat that it folds down flat in the car, never seen one that does that before!

liverpoollass glad you got to see your consultant and smooth things out. Hope you feel more reassured now. Glad you've booked some classes as well, as I said I found them really useful and hope you will too. Maybe mention to your class leader about your planned c section and she can give you some more info. Would you find it useful to have tour of hospital as well? We are doing that as well, you might find it helpful. Have you looked into doing any relaxation or anything to prepare and maybe help your anxiety? My friend lent me a book on hypnobirthing and although its a bit hippy in places I have found a lot of it really useful as I suffer from anxiety/depression so am planning to listen to the cd to try and calm me down and keep my anxiety at bay and just prepare me a little. It's quite a personal choice though and not for everyone.

sarah try not to worry about small baby, they will send you for a growth scan if they are really worried but it sounds to me like the student midwife got it a bit wrong! I don't think I have anymore hospital appointments or scans just seeing midwife/gp as I am low risk pregnancy.

aches and pains sorry to all the ladies suffering from aches and pains this week :hugs: they say the last trimester is the hardest and its pretty daunting to think we have 8 weeks left and it'll only get heavier! I feel lucky as don't ache that much compared to some people. My SPD hurts alot at times but as long as I keep varying where I sit and walk around little and often it helps. I do feel larger and more lumbersome by the day though! It's such an effort to get up/bend down/turn over! Not painful as such just difficult! I'm trying to keep semi active though and have small walks and hope that helps. Maybe for some of you it might be worth getting a bump band if your finding your bump heavy? I find it quite helpful as it lifts bump off your hips and just relieves the pressure a bit.

There is a lot of coughs and colds going around though at the mo, my OH has suffered all week and feeling sorry for himself bless him. So maybe a few of your are under the weather because of that? I always hate this time of year, miserable weather, cold and lots of bugs around!

as for me OH surprised me last night by suggesting we have a little getaway before baby arrives, his treat! So I think end of February we are staying in a lovely 4 star hotel near York, we saw a deal online which includes overnight stay, use of spa and 1 hr treatment, afternoon tea and 3 course dinner and breakfast, all for £99 pp! Sounds lovely and relaxing. Just what we need before LO arrives! I also love York so we might have a little wander round the city and castle as well. Really looking forward to that and really touching that he suggested it bless him.
LiverpoolLass - I don't feel as bad about my nightly toilet trips now compared to your seven :hugs:!
Wow 7am?! I think i'd of just laid there crying if it was me :haha: My OH seems to be moaning about how i'm interupting his sleep, taking up too much room and generally annoying in bed lately :growlmad:
If we had a spare bed still, i'd definitely be sending him in there! :haha:
I'd love for them to be pregnant for 24 hours.. just so that they can see how uncomfortable it can be and how the 'lovely kicks' aren't always so lovely :nope:

Alex - Extremely jealous of your trip to York :sulk:
Alex I am unbelievably jealous of your trip away. What a great thing for him to suggest doing! That will be such a lovely time for you both to relax before LO arrives. And LOL at your dreams! Maybe DH thinks some of them will be put into practice if he takes you for a romantic weekend away!?!?

Hayley seven toilet trips?! Sorry I complained, my 2 are nothing at all in comparison! You poor thing! Sounds like you have been having it rough in the sleep department :hugs:

OHs and bed... yes. What is this with them moaning that we are keeping them up?! I mean, this baby is half them, so they should get half the disrupted sleep at least! Plus, we are doing them a favour, setting them up for the weeks, months...maybe years...ahead when they get no sleep! Actually, my DH sleeps through anything (except apparently this hippo going to the bathroom and back into bed!) so I will be doing all the night time getting up no doubt!
7 trips is a lot during the night! Mine changes, some nights I can get up 2 or 3 times for a wee and others I don't go at all. I always wake up in the morning needing one though, it's one way to get me out of bed! ;)

I am one for strange dreams anyway. All very vivid too, bet if I wrote them all down when I woke up I'd be able to write really messed up stories haha. I had a sexy dream last night (I'm always my non pregnant self though!!) but I don't complain about having them. If I can't enjoy it in real life at the moment, the least I can do is enjoy it in my dreams lol :p
But I'll give you an example of a REALLY messed up one. My family were enjoying a pleasant bike ride through the countryside and we stumbled accross some sheep. Cutting long dream short, somehow my sister got bum raped by one of them hahaha but in my dream I couldn't help her because I found it so funny. Once the sheep got off her she was traumatised and got back on her bike and cycled off! That was a while ago and to this day still haven't told her haha... So yes, very weird dreams!!!

I ordered this little knitted dress from baby baker at debenhams a few weeks back. After about 4 weeks I still hadn't received it so rang debenhams and asked where my order was... Turned out the courier left it on the letter box. Well I certainly had nothing on there so just assumed someone had taken it as it isn't secure at all. Anyway, they refunded me as they no longer sold them (sale item) and that money went back in the bank yesterday. Got home from work today to miraculously find a debenhams parcel sitting on the glass recycling boxes... It was only my dress. So I now have a free baby baker dress :) which by the way is adorable!! It's so soft too!! Brought it in 3-6 month but can't wait to put it on her with a little pair of tights and little shoes :D
Oh dear
So I was looking through my maternity notes this morning and noticed my stupid doctor plotted my growth wrong on the chart. I've actually jumped up loads and baby has gone from measuring small to too large! This sent me into a bit of a panic. So I decided to test my urine (nurse in me!) and I've got quite a lot of sugar in my urine, d'oh!! I'm trying not to panic too much because 1) it doesn't necessarily mean I have gestational diabetes and 2) even if it is GD hopefully I can control it with diet. Tbh I kinda knew I was pushing things as I am drinking/eating waaayyy too much sugar!

I will give my midwife a ring Monday and see what she says (probably nothing as she's a bit crap!) but need to let her know none the less I suppose. Bit gutted as pregnacy has been going quite well so far but trying to stay positive. Just a bit of a pain and worry on my mind.

Mrshippo your dream really made me giggle! Sounds a t like the kind of dreams I've been having!!
Alex I love that you have stuff to test your urine in your house! Fingers crossed its nothing and just a one off.

Someone on another thread told me about a Cow and Gate diet calculator for pregnancy app for your phone. I downloaded it last night and its a great way to keep track of what you are eating. I was very pleased to find out my bread/cereals intake and fruit intake are super. But like you Alex, my sugar intake isn't so great at all.........!
Haha yes I have wee test sticks plus a BP machine! I'm like a walking GP surgery! Probably not good though for stress levels! Well just been for a lovely nice walk, re tested urine and its clear of sugar now so hopefully was a one off high reading due to my biscuit breakfast! I'm definetely going to keep an eye on it though and try and limit my sugar intake.

I'm still a bit worried bout my jump in growth. I can't decide if he wrote 31cm by accident and what he plotted was the real number or if he plotted 31cm wrong on the chart. If its the later then I've had a massive growth surge which I'm not sure if that's ok or not. Hopefully it'll be ok at my next appointment
Alex Omg I am SO JEALOUS! You're having a "Babymoon"! :D I keep telling Jon I want one, he has yet to take the enormous hint! lol.

Yeah I think I will tell the class leader about the c section. Thats IF it goes ahead though! I'm still entirely in the dark atm, could be a natural birth for all I know!!! Thats why I've booked the classes really.
I'm a bit worried that they're too late in the day though! I mean, they are the 16th and 17th March - doesn't that seem like its cutting it fine for an April 4th due date?! I could easily go early! eeek!

I haven't really looked into hypnobirthing (I get put off by seeing hippy dippy types on OBEM and they always annoy me, I end up hoping the baby splits them in two! But I don't know why as I AM quite hippy dippy ish in many ways....I go to spiritual fayres, read tarot cards, use crystals, etc etc! It should be right up my alley!) - I might give it a little google today and see what I think.

I've been offered the chance to interview this A List celeb birth doctor who has a new book out called The Gentle Birthing Method, so maybe I'll ask her for some tips! :D

Good idea about the bump bands. I've ordered some online, def worth a try!!!!

As for your measurements, 31 cms would be about what you're supposed to be wouldn't it? (Or 32 for you?) Or is it that you're worried that you're measuring more than that?

Laura - Yeah, I pretty much did lay there crying lol. I cried when I got up too. I've basically just been crying pretty consistently! :D

Lol! I'd love OH to be pregnant - I swear he thinks he is though! He walks around holding his tummy and complaining about not feeling well about as much as I do, I don't know why he's under the illusion that I have any sympathy for him whatsoever! :D

Lauren - Tell me about it! I think its basically that Bean has realised he's been missing a torture opportunity - as I haven't had any problems with weeing until the last week, I was able to do the 6 hour journey from Devon to Liverpool twice without needing a wee stop once! - now all of a sudden its absolute overload!! All day and all night long, I constantly need a wee.
back on her bike and cycled off! That was a while ago and to this day still haven't told her haha... So yes, very weird dreams!!!

LMAO at your dream!! That makes me feel so much better about the bizzaro dreams I have been having!

Woooo for the Baby Baker dress!! Score! :D

Sarah - Thanks! :cry: Lol I'm glad my OH isn't the only one who gets annoyed!

AFM - I'm feeling slightly better today thank goodness, but am typically home alone and bored senseless. OH was off on holiday ALL week and I was too unwell to go anywhere :( Typical!!!

I'm getting REALLY paranoid about going into labour on my own atm - whats everybodys OHs doing about paternity leave?
I am just worried coz OH is on a temp contract and apparently isn't entitled to Paternity leave, so would have to take it unpaid or use holiday (which he hasnt got much of left) - and also, they won't let him have his phone out on his desk until the week before my due date.
And my parents go to stay in Devon every few weeks for a week at a time, so they'll be going when I'm around 34 weeks and again when I'm 37 weeks!
So during those times, I'll be totally dependant on OH to be there if I go into labour and he won't be easily contactable :(
Hayley, that's ridiculous that they won't let OH keep his phone out. He needs to keep it in a pocket right close to him so he feels as soon as it rings, and can check it on the sly. Very disappointing about not being entitled to paternity leave as well. Hopefully baby will come when your mum and dad are here, and can hold the fort with your until OH arrives.

For us, it's not a problem. We own a shop, and when the baby decides the time has arrived to make an appearance, a family friend (who helps out in the shop anyway) has said they will be there in 10 minutes. My dad and this friend will then split the next two weeks between them to allow Simon to have a good stretch of time off, which is great.

Alex, glad to hear the sugar levels went down. Did the dr measure you as 31cm, and write that down, and then plot a higher number on your graph? If so I would assume the plotting is a mistake rather than the measurement. Can you measure yourself to check? I finally got round to measuring my own fundal height last night. I used online instructions to find the bits needed, then got OH to bring in the tape measure and I was bang on 32cm. I was so pleased as I was convinced the student nurse during the week measured me wrongly, so it was a relief!

Afm, I got a letter today telling me my bloods showed low iron. My brother is a Dr and says its very common in pregnancy, because of fluid retention which can dilute the blood samples, and not to worry too much. I bought a supplement to take, but I was a little surprised as my prenatal has 100% of the RDA of iron in it, so now I'm wondering if its a good enough supplement :shrug:

We ordered the material for the nursery curtains today. I nearly died when it came to £70- I could have bought them for much less! But my SIL is paying for it as she is making the curtains so its her gift to us for the baby, which isn't so bad!
Sarah I know, its so annoying. OHs phone is like decades old (He refuses to update it!) and the vibrate function doesn't work - so thats not even an option! :/

Aww thats handy about the shop arrangement!

Glad to hear you're measuring right. I want OH to measure me again tonight, I've got a feeling I'm in for a shocker so I'd rather know now so I can prepare my face for when the midwife tells me the measurements on monday lol.

Did the Drs letter not tell you what to do about the iron levels? If you're anemic they should put you on iron tablets anyway shouldn't they?
Are the over-the-counter ones the same?

AFM - I've had a massive panic today! I got out the bath before and my bump had suddenly dramatically changed in appearance?!
I swear - its dropped LOADS, its much rounder and "pop"ier than it was yesterday, and its solid! What on earth?!!!!
I've had loads of crazy movements from Bean too - scary!!!

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