First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Cloth diapers are so fun! I'm also planning to cloth diaper. Do you know anyone who cloth diapers? I wouldn't even know where to start had it not been for my SIL. She cloth diapered her second child so I was able to learn as well as try out many different kinds of diapers so I actually know what I prefer so it makes it easier for me since I know what I'm looking for.

Some advice, if you don't have any experience with cloth diapers I would recommend AIO, AI2, or pocket diapers. They're the most like a regular diaper and probably the easiest to learn on. These are the kind of diapers SIL started with and of all the other styles she has tried, these have been my favorite so I plan to go with these type of diapers.

I also recommend maybe buying one or two from several different brands rather then buying all of your diapers from the same brand. All babies are different and all brands are cloth diapers are different so what brand works well for one baby may not work well for the next baby iykwim?

Also, don't stress about not buying any yet. I have picked out a lot but haven't actually purchased any. I don't think I'll purchase any until I find out the gender in November. I kind of figured I'd rather be able to get some cute gender specific pattern diapers instead of a bunch of gender neutral ones. Not to mention, if you're ordering online, buying more at once will save you money with shipping costs.
I was looking at swaddles at the store the other day and I can't wait to get one! I'm starting to warm up to the baby aisle... When I first got my BFP, I avoided it like the plague. It was fun to shop for friends and their babies, but a little overwhelming when I thought of all the stuff I'd need for myself. Now I'm pretty excited (AKA impatient!).

I love all the scans! :) I don't think my next one is until November. We have so many things planned between now and then that I think it will go by fast, which also makes me nervous because that means I'll be halfway done! It's so hard to believe sometimes.

My only complaint is still the insomnia. I looked for Tylenol PM but I guess they pulled it from the shelf -- not sure why -- and they're bringing it back soon. I tried Unisom (doctor approved) instead... I don't think it helped. I know part of it is having to go to the bathroom 3-4 times a night. I stopped drinking after like, 5 or 6 in the evening and all I can say is that I hope it improves soon (for all of us) and I know I'm not alone!

How is everyone feeling? Has anyone got a bump started?

Anyone else's OH getting on their nerves? Mine's always on his phone and for some reason it's really started to bother me! He's on it when I wake up, he's on it when I go to bed, he's on it at the dinner table (my biggest pet peeve!!), he's on it when we watch TV together. He has an app for everything (even some pregnancy ones) so everytime I ask a question he jumps on his phone and then just never gets off. He's always researching his hobbies, which is cool, but it bothers me when we're having a conversation and he can't even make eye contact because he's also googling what time the sun sets so he can make plans to go hunting. It IS his first smart phone so I've tried to cut him some slack, lol, and I'm sure it's not even as bad as my hormones are making it seem... but still!!
Lindsey my insomnia is still the bane of my life at the minute. Exhausted today because of it.

I would put a ban on your oh using his phone at the table for sure! Tell him you will exchange his dinner for his phone. He doesn't give up the phone...he doesn't eat!! That would annoy me, definitely.

Brittany, thanks for the advice! I don't know ANYONE who uses cloth, it's not common at all here, so I'm totally out in the wilderness!! I think I am going to go for fitted to start, and then get some birth-to-potty AI2 and hybrids. I like the idea of the AIO but the only thing putting me off them is drying time. For some reason I really don't like the idea of the pockets!? But they have loads of cheap pockets on eBay, so will prob get some anyway!
Linzylou - My OH is constantly looking at his phone :roll: He's either on FB, BBM or just looking at crap :haha: It does get annoying though, like you say when you're eating dinner, watching tell etc and he's clicking away. He can't talk and use it at the same time either which is damn annoying cause if he's texting and I ask him something I have to wait till he's done till he will answer me :growlmad:!

Tell him you will exchange his dinner for his phone. He doesn't give up the phone...he doesn't eat!! That would annoy me, definitely.

How is everyone? We have our second scan tomorrow! :dance: I can't wait, this week seems to be going by so slow though :(
Amanda...ur sis is plain ugly! How rude! Yay for blankie and low risk results!!

Cloth diapers...I have no clue about them really but sure it must save money!

Would love to eat some cinnamon rolls right now....Mmm! :haha:
Lindsey, my OH is horrible with his iphone. Ever since football started he's always on there doing stuff with his fantasy football leagues and then if he isn't doing that he's playing games on there. It drives me nuts when he's supposed to be watching tv with me or something. Ugh, I swear some days I just want to take his phone and throw it across the room.

Sarah, I've never actually tried any pocket diapers since SIL never used them but I think they're supposed to be a lot like AI2 and I really liked those diapers so I'm going to try some. Like you said they have loads of them on eBay. I figure we'll never know which ones work the best for us if we don't try them.

Amanda, that is horrible what your sister did. I don't blame you for not talking to your family is that is how they behave. :hugs:

Excellent news about the Down's results. I'm still waiting to hear back about my test.

Anyways, I have found that my MS has gotten much worse the past few days. I read some stuff that hcg peaks at 12 weeks and that could be why I'm feeling worse but this really sucks. I've thrown up the past few evenings and I'm constantly nauseated/gagging. Right now I'm stuck sitting in my bed with a loaf of bread and a bottle of water because that's about all I can stomach. So I'm feeling pretty miserable. I just keep trying to tell myself that by the end of October I'll be 18 weeks and I should feel better by then but since I'm feeling so lousy now it's really hard to be positive. :(

On a better note, I'm starting to the Fifty Shades books. I figured a distraction would be a good thing to have.
Amanda - that is horrible!!!!! I hope you told her what you thought of her little outburst!! :growlmad: What a nasty thing to anyone...let alone your own sister!!!!

Does she have her own kids? Coz it reeks of jealousy to me!
Anyways, I have found that my MS has gotten much worse the past few days. I read some stuff that hcg peaks at 12 weeks and that could be why I'm feeling worse but this really sucks. I've thrown up the past few evenings and I'm constantly nauseated/gagging. Right now I'm stuck sitting in my bed with a loaf of bread and a bottle of water because that's about all I can stomach. So I'm feeling pretty miserable. I just keep trying to tell myself that by the end of October I'll be 18 weeks and I should feel better by then but since I'm feeling so lousy now it's really hard to be positive. :(

On a better note, I'm starting to the Fifty Shades books. I figured a distraction would be a good thing to have.

Awww Brittany, I feel for you :hugs:

This is exactly how I have been for the last 6 weeks or so....what's funny is that for the last two days I actually haven't thrown up and feel a little better, so I'm wondering if mine has passed (I've been told all the way through it that it should start to tail off between 12-15 weeks). *fingers crossed*

Just make sure you keep yourself hydrated, coz thats how I ended up in hospital!

I personally found that forcing myself to eat little portions every few hours (even though its the last thing you feel like doing, and it feels like a real battle to swallow anything...) did help...and peppermint tea was the ONLY thing that gave me a moments relief from the nausea.

I just noticed that our tickers state we're now in the second trimester at 12 weeks...I thought the second trimester started later?!
The MS was actually getting better at the end of 11 weeks. I would actually be fine most of the morning and then might have a bit of nausea in the evenings. Then the past few nights the MS came back and has been pretty intense.

I'm basically just laying in my bed with a bottle of water and a loaf of bread and I just force myself to eat a piece of bread every hour or so. I can't seem to stomach anything else right now. Peppermints are wonderful though. I suck on peppermint candy a lot and I find it helps. Popsicles also work for me.

Also, 12 weeks is the start of the second trimester but here at BNB it's considered first trimester until 13 weeks. It's exciting to think we only have 6 more months to go and then our babies will be here.

Oh I forgot earlier that someone was asking about bumps, here is my 12 week bump/bloat.


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Sarah, I guess we're still in the same boat with our insomnia! :( Last night was soo weird, though. I stopped drinking after dinner (5pm) and actually slept more soundly but I woke up three times with a FULL (like, bursting) bladder. Where does it come from?! At least I was able to fall quickly back to sleep this time. And haha, I'll definitely demand his phone in return for dinner. Sometimes, though, I think he might keep the phone!!

Laura, I'm feeling pretty good most of the time! Mostly just tired, hungry more often, and every few days I get this weird cramping. They aren't even as bad as menstrual cramps and I was reading that they could be growing pains? I'm not too worried but I'll still mention it to my doctor. How are you feeling?

Amanda, that's great news about your scan results! I think my next scan is around the same time as yours so we can count down together! I can't believe that your sister would say something like that... I don't even know what I would do/say, I'd probably so furious. On a happier note, that's really cute that your OH has baby brain!

Jenny, I saw a package of mini cinnamon rolls w/ cream cheese icing at the store last week! I talked myself out of it, but made OH go back later and get them.

Brittany, don't even get me started on football!! OH was so upset last week when the Patriots lost to the Cardinals (the Cardinals are actually our state's team but neither of us are natives to AZ so we don't care much for them). When his team loses, I usually tell him to go clean the garage or something because he's no fun to be around. My MOTHER is actually worse than anyone when it comes to fantasy football. It's hilarious to watch her yell, "Come on, earn us more points damn it!!!" at the TV every five seconds. I'm sorry about your MS, though. I know it takes a lot out of you. :hugs: LiverpoolLass has good advice! I heard taking small sips of water helps, and I agree with the peppermint. I found that applesauce agreed with me, as well, and Goldfish crackers (I got sick just looking at Saltines after a few days). One day soon (hopefully today) you'll wake up feeling great, I promise! 50 Shades will definitely be a good distraction, lol. And cute bump!

Here's my bump. The first one is 11+3 and the second 13+5 (I think it looks more round but maybe it's just bloat?). And then baby at our 12 week ultrasound.


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Laura good luck for your scan tomorrow!!!

Amanda oh my gosh your sister sounds vile. What an awful thing to say, and on Facebook where she knew other people could see it? I can't believe that. Glad to hear about your downs test as well!

Brittany :hugs: hopefully this is a last big surge of hcg before the placenta takes over and you start to feel better.

Ugh I am so exhausted tonight (again!!!!) I am flying to France tomorrow for my friends wedding (the one who told me she is pregnant who we talked about a few weeks ago) and I am her bridesmaid. The dress barely fits me, this is the last weekend I'll be able to wear it I think. And it's so tight, I am barely going to be able to breathe!!!

Ladies your bumps are so cute!! Mine looks so big today (hence why dress doesn't fit) you'd think I was about 5 months...
Still awake :growlmad: but OH and the puppy are, too, so at least I'm not alone. OH has to get up for work in seven hours but I'm more concerned about that then he is.

Today has been semi-productive. We've mostly cleared out what will soon be the nursery (weird to think about!!). Donated a bunch of clothes, shredded our scary pile of junk mail, put the pool table on Craigslist (poor OH) and started tentatively looking at baby stuff. Tomorrow we're going to the other side of town to pick up OH's wedding ring and the gun I bought him for his birthday/Christmas/Valentine's present. Got the okay from the OBGYN to continue shooting for now, which is good considering that's what is on the agenda for this weekend.

OH caught me making a spicy mustard sandwich today. Just mustard and bread. Yeah. OH was like, "Um, is there anything else on that sandwich?" And I was like, "Um, of course..." And then stuffed the whole thing in my mouth before he could make me prove it. Mmm, mustard -- my only real craving so far.

Sarah, I'm sure your bump is adorable! Have fun at the wedding and I hope you get some of your energy back!

As for me, I guess I'll take a pill and try to get some sleep. :wacko: Hope everyone is doing well and has a great Friday + weekend!
Hi :wave: Had our second scan this morning, put me back another measly day so my EDD is 28.03.13 now :)

Here's today's bloatiness, my 11 week scan and today's 13 week scan...

Ps - excuse me looking 5+ months already, not on the slim side to start with :blush: There are other pics in my journal (post #2) if you want a nosy :)
Brittany sorry about the dreaded MS. Smells have been setting me off a lot this week. Poor DH. He is so tired of me asking him to leave the room bc of something he is eating or drinking. :haha: His instant coffee made me run to the bathroom yesterday. Hopefully we get some relief soon!!

Sarah...France sounds fun. Squeezing into a dress that hardly zips does not! :/

Laura, how big you are also depends on which way your uterus tips. Some women have a uterus that tips outward to begin with. In my case, my legs are longer than my baby growth has nowhere to go but out. I had been working out and everything before we found out I was PG...was looking good and tummy was flat. Bloating fixed that really quick, and now I think it's calming down more to an actual little bump. Be proud of your bump! :)

This week is creeping by as I wait for my next appt on the 26th. Been over a month since we heard a heartbeat or ANYTHING...I am going nuts! The only means I have of knowing if baby is okay is (1) haven't miscarried and (2) have strong symptoms which means the hormones must be doing their job. I can't wait for some reassurance!!
Laura, those are great scan pictures! Your newest one is awesome - love the perfect little profile!
Laura, your scan pics look great!! And your bump is adorable too!! Mine is definitely on the "grow"! Looks much bigger than I would have expected at 12 weeks!

Jenny - only 2 days until your next appointment! I'm sure all is fine, so it will be so exciting! Are you getting a scan?

AFM, back from France. Had a mixed time. With the girls and their partners I stayed with it was GREAT. Had so much fun! The bride on the other hand...not so great. Some of you may remember I mentioned the girl who is pregnant and I think it's ridiculous etc? This is her. So she is 6 weeks pregnant and announced it at her wedding. To much, much shock. Glad I'm not the only one who wasn't thrilled! She also for some reason didn't speak to me AT ALL on the wedding day - despite me being a bridesmaid! She also ignored my dh when he tried to speak to her...but was fine with everyone else. No idea what is going on, but I am definitely done with her for a looong time. I mean, flying out to France for the wedding was so expensive, but I wouldn't begrudge her that because she is/was a close friend. But to ignore me blatantly all day? No thanks. And I mean I was talking to her, and she woulnd't speak back to me. Didn't want to cause a fuss on her wedding day so I just let it slide, but I'm definitely done with her.

Also, she really annoyed me with this story (I heard from another friend) - she went zorbing 3 weeks ago (Zorbing is when they strap you into a clear, plastic ball filled with air and push you down a it. Insanity!) and it's classed as a high risk sport. So she told our friends "Oh i knew I was pregnant but went anyway." The story is very very wrong because either:
1) She did know she was pregnant and did an extreme sportanyway, endangering her baby
2) Didn't know she was pregnant (she is now 6 weeks and that was 3 weeks she would have been only 7/8dpo. Not impossible but unlikely i think, especially since she tests with digis..) and is pretending that she DID know...and pretending that she put her baby at risk.

So she's either a liar, or she doesn't care at all about taking care of her body while pregnant. Either way, I think it's ridiculous, and just another reason I'm glad to have her out of my life for a while. Also, I happen to know she doesn't test early as she was more NTNP, and her cycle is really regular so she only tested if late. So I'm inclined to think it's #2.

Anyway, rant over! I was surprised how WELL I felt over the weekend! Despite travelling and late nights, I wasn't too tired, and didn't feel sick once!! Is this the magical end of the first tri symptoms?! That said, when I arrived back to the smell of our kitchen...gag central!!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well! Oh, and the good news was my dress DID fit OK in the end! But you can definitely see a bump under there in some photos...!!!!
Wow what a crummy person!!!!! I would also just leave her from now on. :/

End of first trimester = bliss so far!! Actually ate a real dinner last night!! Kinda scary though bc my boobs are not terribly sore and I am not sick. Still anxious to get that heartbeat Wednesday. I don't think they're doing a scan....but could be wrong! I feel like a cool kid now that I am finally a plum. :haha:

Any news ladies???
Glad you had a nice time away doggylover! Definitely think you're better off without someone like that.

I think I had slight morning sickness this weekend :shrug: Firstly, we went food shopping on Saturday afternoon.. I was roasting all the way round (OH says it was actually cold in there), got to the till and my lower back hurt like hell, I felt quite dizzy and like I could easily of thrown up - luckily I didn't as it was packed :haha:! Got home and had to sit on the sofa for 10 minutes with a glass of water, my head still felt fuzzy :wacko: Not sure if this was morning sickness or whether it was just dizzyness? My mum said she fainted a few times during both pregnancies so it's something I should watch out for..

Then Sunday morning I couldn't decide whether to eat my bacon, mushroom and tomato sandwich that OH had made me (;)) because I couldn't decide whether I felt funny because I was hungry or because I was going to throw up.. I chose to eat it and risk it :haha: I didn't throw up but I didn't feel to great either.. Definitely worth it though :thumbup:! x
Hi All!! :)

Welcome to the new people! :)

Sarah - glad you had fun at the wedding, sorry to hear about your friend being a pain. :/

I guess some peoples approaches to pregnancy differ a lot! I was really really shocked at a friends birthday party a few weeks of her friends is 13 weeks pregnant and she was guzzling glasses of wine :/
At first I thought maybe I was imagining it or maybe it was non-alocholic but then I heard her tell somebody that she "won't drink anything bad like vodka but she'll still drink wine".
I know some people choose to do that but it just strikes me as a little selfish :/

Anyway! I am just here to post that I had my 12 week scan today! :)

OMG it was SO incredible! Just seeing the little bubba....made it all seem so real! I was CONVINCED there'd be something wrong but everything seems fine! :)

I love my picture! I def get the feeling its a boy :)

I was surprised that I didnt get to hear the heartbeat though....she pointed it out on the screen but we didnt actually get to listen to it, did everybody else get to hear the heart beat at 12 weeks?


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