First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Brittany - Thanks! Ooh so we're due around the same date along with Jennynbaby! How exciting :)
The forum link is

LinzyLou - Aww I love Spencer for a boy, thats so cute! I like your girl name choices too...I like Sierra. My little niece has a friend named Sienna and I think thats super cute :)

Laura - seems like my sore boobs aren't easing off at all, so I may have to try the bra thing...though I usually hate sleeping in bras! :/ Maybe its coz I was large chested to begin with - I was already a 36E bra size so now that they're getting bigger, its getting ridiculously uncomfortable! :cry:

Amanda - I love the blanket! I wish I could make something, I have no talent for anything like that!

As for gender, I didn't realise break outs were an indicator of a girl - I've never suffered with spots in my whole life but now my forehead is covered in them! :nope:

I'm soooo excited to find out what it is! Its funny how you guys seem to prefer boy clothes - one of the main reasons I want a girl is coz boys clothes just don't do it for me lol. I LOVE pink though, and anything frilly and cute - I love the idea of little dresses!

But then again, if I have a boy it would be SUCH a novelty in my family - there hasn't been a boy born on my side of the family for 28 years!!!! So it would be veeeeery spoiled :haha:

Sarah - Its funny, I've gone off our girl name too - since waaay before I even got pregnant, me and OH referred to our future child as "Daisy" and were all set on it. But I've really lost interest in it now :/

I've also been loving Isla! I think its beautiful - unusual but not too out-there. Amelia is cute too! My niece is named Amelie, which I think is lovely :)

There are so many beautiful names but we've pretty much settled now on Malin-Rose for a girl. I have always loved Rose, and Malin is a name that we stumbled across on a name website - it has a lot of meaning to me as I lived for the first 25 years of my life on a street called Malin, and its where my parents still live - I love the idea of using it as a name!
Plus my grandmothers name was Mal, and the meaning of the name "Malin" is little warrior - which matches the Aries starsign that the baby will have, as Aries was the god of war :)

As for a boy, we've been settled on either Kylan or Mackenzie all the way through!
Laura, I should've been smart like you and not told anyone my thoughts on baby's gender. I told OH's mom that the u/s tech thought it might be a girl and that very night OH got a "congrats on your baby girl!!" text from a friend. So yeah, lesson learned!

Jenny, that's awesome you got to hear the hb!! And only a month until you find out the sex - so jealous! My dr hasn't even told me I can book the scan yet. I'm not breaking out but my skin has definitely changed for the worse.

Amanda, that's a really cute blanket! How long did it take? I could never do something like that. Happy 14 weeks, btw!

Sarah, I knew you would like that name lol! Aubrey is on my list of favorites but I love Isla! Maybe your dreams are a sign?

Hayley, no boys for 28 years?? Wow! I love the name Malin! That's cool that it has so much significance for you as well. It reminds me a little bit of a girl my cousin dated whose named was Marin. And I actually do like Sienna more than Sierra but OH is being stubborn. I just noticed that tomorrow you will be in the 2nd tri! Yay!

Well... I broke down and bought a BellaBand. I love it!! I don't need it full-time yet but one of my favorite pairs of jeans is really snug. It's a lifesaver! Now I just need to find one in white.
Liverpoollass - Mine was really comfy to sleep in as it was just like a crop-top.. but more supportive obviously :haha:!

Linzylou - I want some bands! I don't exactly need them yet but it is getting a struggle to fasten some trousers :blush: x
Lindsey, I think OH and I are pretty sure a girls name will be Emily Michelle. For a boy we have a long list of potential first names but we don't have it narrowed down at all. At least we know the middle name will either be Michael or Matthew. We're kind of planning to have all our kids middle names start with a M. Both OH and I have middle names start with an M so we think it would be kind of cool for M to be a middle initial for everyone in our family.

Amanda, your baby blanket is really cute! I love seeing the stuff you make! I can't wait until I know the gender so I can get to work making some stuff for my baby.

Hayley, thanks for the forum link. I'll have to register and see what people say about my ultrasound pictures.
Hayley, no boys for 28 years?? Wow! I love the name Malin! That's cool that it has so much significance for you as well. It reminds me a little bit of a girl my cousin dated whose named was Marin. And I actually do like Sienna more than Sierra but OH is being stubborn. I just noticed that tomorrow you will be in the 2nd tri! Yay!

Well... I broke down and bought a BellaBand. I love it!! I don't need it full-time yet but one of my favorite pairs of jeans is really snug. It's a lifesaver! Now I just need to find one in white.

I know! Exciting either way :haha:
Aww thanks, I'm glad you like the name. Its the only one I've really LOVED that I've come up with so far :)

Yay for 2nd tri! I am SO hoping this is the end of the dreaded morning sickness!

Is a BellaBand the same thing as a Bump Band? Like a band you wear around your tummy?
What exactly are they for? I've never been able to figure it out lol.

I wore my first maternity top yesterday! It had "Mummy to be" written across it, it was so nice as cashiers in stores kept asking me when I was due and stuff :haha:
LiverpoolLass, the BellaBand is an elastic band that you wear around your tummy and over your unbuttoned or too-loose jeans. I like it because it makes my regular jeans more comfortable until I can fit into maternity ones. It's not too noticeable under my shirt, either - it just looks like an undershirt.

Brittany, that's a cute name! And it's nice that you guys actually agree on it, lol. I like the whole tradition with the "M" middle names.

We're going to OH's parents' house on Sunday for dinner and I'm not looking forward to it. OH's step-mom is upset because she wanted one of her two daughters to have the first grandchild even though neither of them are in positions to do so right now. So she's pretty much been sticking her nose up at us since then, telling us that "our lives are in for a huge change so hopefully we're ready." A simple congrats would've been fine, thanks. :dohh:

Oh well, we'll just call her out in front of everyone if she says anything rude.
LiverpoolLass, the BellaBand is an elastic band that you wear around your tummy and over your unbuttoned or too-loose jeans. I like it because it makes my regular jeans more comfortable until I can fit into maternity ones. It's not too noticeable under my shirt, either - it just looks like an undershirt.

Brittany, that's a cute name! And it's nice that you guys actually agree on it, lol. I like the whole tradition with the "M" middle names.

We're going to OH's parents' house on Sunday for dinner and I'm not looking forward to it. OH's step-mom is upset because she wanted one of her two daughters to have the first grandchild even though neither of them are in positions to do so right now. So she's pretty much been sticking her nose up at us since then, telling us that "our lives are in for a huge change so hopefully we're ready." A simple congrats would've been fine, thanks. :dohh:

Oh well, we'll just call her out in front of everyone if she says anything rude.

Ahhh I see!!! Sounds good! :)

That is just horrible what your MIL said. I can't beleive how rude and selfish some people are.

This has been playing on my mind so much lately...I have been SO disappointed in the reactions of some people to the pregnancy news.

My aunt, when I told her in person, actually said to me "Oh you silly girl"...then pointed at my sister with her two lovely little girls and said "I mean come on, is THIS what you want?!"....

I spent about an hour last night crying on OH because I'm so upset at how people who I once considered my closest friends have not even bothered to send a message or call to ask me anything or congratulate me.
One person, who I used to be extremely close to, has only "liked" my scan picture on Facebook...No message, no congratulations....and this was my best friend for 12 years.

Is it selfish of me to expect people to want to congratulate me?! If I ever saw somebody announce their pregnancy, I would have to say something to them no matter who they were....let alone a supposed close friend. :cry:
Hayley of course you aren't being selfish expecting people to congratulate you!! Especially someone who is supposed to be a close friend! And your aunt sounds like an idiot :haha: is she is actually looking at your sisters kids and implying there is something wrong with having babies then she must have a baby aversion or something. But at least she isn't just against your seems like she's against ALL babies!!!

Lindsey I'm going to be stalking any names you mention from now on! We have such similar taste!!! Also your step mother in law sounds like a bit of a bitch - she should be pleased that she will have any grand kids- it shouldn't matter who "has them first".

Some people are clearly insane when it comes to other people's pregnancies! It'd be different if we were 15 or something...but we're all adults with oh looking to expand our families. How can that ever be seen as bad?!?!

Brittany I love the idea of all middle names beginning with M! A cute family tradition! In My dh's family his mum, sister and himself all have names starting with there were three S. Jay in their house before I arrived, and now I am a fourth! I would love to name our children all S. Jay, but it would be too hard to find names I like for all my kids (I'm planning many more!!!!!)

Afm, feeling so much better at the minute.the only thing making me gag now is the dishwasher which is great! Still a little tired, but nothing like I was a week ago! :)
Lindsey, I can't believe the way your OH's MIL is behaving. I can't believe she can't just be happy for you instead of being jealous. Does she not realize her two daughters may not WANT to have kids right now? I know when OH and I weren't in a good position, though we would of loved to have kids, we would never start TTC until we knew we could give our kids all the things we wanted. I hope she'll come around soon.

Hayley, I'm sorry you're not getting better reactions from people. My cousin who is LTTTC has shown more of an interest in my pregnancy then my sister and obviously after TTC 4+ years talking about other people being pregnant isn't easy for her. But I've kind of started looking at it like this: I don't know when people are having good or bad days. Some can be WTT and are jealous of your news because they wish it were them, some could be TTC and having trouble and again a bit jealous because it's not them, and some just aren't interested in kids themselves and may have a harder time finding the excitement in it. Like my cousin said though, she may cry and be upset about my pregnancy but it's not because she's unhappy for me, it's more so she is upset with her own situation. My feelings are a bit hurt that my sister doesn't seem to care at all but I think a lot of it she's jealous because she wants all the attention on her. At the end of the day though, I can't control how people react and people's reactions don't change how OH and I feel about this baby. The way I have been trying to look at other people's reactions has me some so maybe that can help you some too.

MS seems to be a lot easier today, just nausea but it goes away when I eat though I have gagged a few times when I sneeze or smell something unpleasant in the kitchen. Really hoping it's on it's way out but I'm just trying to keep taking it day by day and not focus so much on when the MS might leave.
I try not to put much stock in anything his step-mom says. When OH and I first started dating, I worked as a data entry/accuracy clerk in the receiving office at a big warehouse. It was a cushy upstairs job. She was quick to tell everyone in the family that OH's new girlfriend worked in a warehouse - like it was the worst thing ever. OH can't stand her. We have no idea how his dad (literally the sweetest man ever) could have ended up with a woman like her!

Hayley - I don't understand it, either. Maybe some of your childless friends aren't sure what to say now that one of their closest friends is pregnant? Still, a simple "congratulations" doesn't seem that hard! I hope your friend comes around.

Brittany - So glad today has been a good day for you! I haven't thrown up in weeks but this morning I made a banana/pineapple smoothie with coconut milk and yeah... it was no bueno. I'm pretty sure it was smoothie-related and not MS but it definitely ruined my morning!!
Eww the sound of that smoothie sounds gross. :haha:

Not sure about breakouts and gender...but I have some spots that are irritating me! I have no clue about the gender of this baby anymore. It is driving me mad! :rofl:

Amanda love the blankie!!! One of our customers is knitting us one. :)

Sarah teaching must be exhausting being preggo. I taught for four years but don't now. I am glad I am not managing crowds of children while wanting to puke my guts out. Lol

Too tired to write more! Checking back tomorrow. ;)
Hi ladies, sorry some of you are having trouble with people re: congratulations :dohh:

I sort of have that problem with MIL. Unless me or OH fetch it up, she doesn't speak about it. When we first told her she asked if it was an "accident" :saywhat:

Other than that we've been lucky with everyone elses reactions :)
My in laws live across the ocean. I am fortunate to say I like mine. Sure they're not perfect and MIL had a hard time cutting the apron strings but now that son #2 got married I am old news. :haha: I think they were happy to hear there is a grandchild coming. MIL has been buying baby boy clothes....they are convinced it is going to be a boy. I will laugh if it is otherwise!! I never had a sis and my mom lived far away....I would sort of love to have a little girl. But healthy is most important!!! I am thankful for that.

Some people are just ignorant and rude. No idea of how to behave. So sad what some of you have to listen to! :(
I'm pretty certain my MS lately has been related to my prenatal vitamin. Wednesday night I didn't take my prenatal and was actually able to keep my dinner down that night and the next day I only had minor nausea that easily went away with a snack. Last night I took my prenatal right before bed and my stomach just got more and more upset until I had to run to the bathroom to throw up my dinner. Then today the nausea is horrible and it seems snacking doesn't make it any better. So I'm done with my prenatals for the time being. I have read that some ladies that are more sick because of their prenatals just take two children's Flintstones vitamins. I think I'm going to go that route and see how things go. Anyone try that or no anyone who has? I'm really hoping in the next few weeks I won't be dealing with this anymore. When did everyone's MS stop anyways?

Jenny, I have no idea what the gender of my baby is anymore either. I was thinking girl and then I recently had a dream where the baby was a boy.
I stopped taking my pregnacare vits in when I was 12 weeks mainly cause I ran out and forgot to buy more :blush:

Im gonna ask my midwife when I next see her if there's anything I need to be taking but every test i've had so far has been fine :shrug: x
Laura I cannot believe your MIL asked if your baby was an accident!!!!!! That is HORRIFIC! I would have been unable to control my anger at that!

Brittany fingers crossed that it is your prenatals making you sick and once you stop you are feeling much better. Let us know how you get on!

Jenny, not going to lie, it is exhausting teaching at the minute, but I'm sure everyone else is the same at work! I find I am much more easily irritated by the kids about little things than I would normally be!

My in laws also live across the water - they are in England. I wish that we lived closer, but dh knew I couldn't ever move away permanently from my family so he stepped up and did it instead, which I am forever grateful for. But I hate that we only get to see his family 5/6 times a year :( they are amazing, and I love them, but we just can't afford any more flights. They come to us as well, but its hard for his dad to get time off work. It sucks.
Brittany - I've also heard that a lot of women get sick just from their prenatals. Hopefully that's the case for you because it sounds like an easy fix! I had all-day nausea from weeks 6-10 but I'd have to say it became manageable (with food) around 8 weeks. It was pretty much nonexistent by 11 weeks. I hope you feel better soon!

My dad passed away last year and today's his birthday so I'm feeling a little down. Up until today, I haven't told anyone on his side of the family that I'm expecting. I'd have to say that my grammy took it pretty well when I called her this morning. She apologized for not sounding very excited, that she was just really shocked, and asked if the pregnancy was planned, if we were going to get married before it's born, and if this means I'm not going to look for a job now (I'm recently unemployed). Her reaction doesn't really bother me because I know that's just how she is!

Anyway, she was sounding happier by the end of the conversation and wants me to call more often and send her the ultrasound pictures. Hopefully the news cheered her up a little bit since this is kind of a sad day for her as well.

I'm just glad that everyone on all sides of the family finally knows!
Omg Amanda I cannot believe your dad sent your oh that card on your engagement. Pardon my French, but what a total asshole. Your family (without wanting to be mean) just sound awful, they should be so thrilled for you and oh and yet they are just mean. Maybe you should consider getting some Italian lessons and moving out to be with oh's family!!!

Also, I cannot believe that blanket only took you three days!!!! Talk about talent!

Lindsey sorry you are having a rough day :hugs: you know what grandparents are like - they have such old fashioned views and anything else is wrong!!! My dh's grandmother told us that the only reason she approved of us living together was because we had already gotten engaged and set our date for the wedding. Before that dh lived with my parents and I when he first moved here, and his granny thought he lived somewhere else. We didn't correct her!

Weirdly, I am having a real spell of missing my in laws today. I suddenly just want to see them. Looked at some flights for the end of next month, but they are so expensive :( hopefully SIL is coming over next month, but will have to wait until Christmas to see MIL and FIL.

Got my flu jab today...the woman full on stabbed me. It was agony!
Hi ladies,

Mind if I join you?

My EDD is April 5th, and I am team yellow, so no finding out the sex for me!
We need a nice surprise after the 2 years we've had!

Little about me... Don't want to bore you!

I am 31, husband is 32, and we have been together for 11 years on babies due date, and married for 2 years!
I am from jersey (channel islands uk) and my husband is Danish, and 4 months ago we moved from jersey to Denmark to start a new life, new challenges, and new scenery and lifestyle in which to get pregnant and enjoy family life!

We had 2 MMC in 2011, but we finally have our rainbow baby in there now!

I have had all day morning sickness from 3 days before my period was due! Tired a lot, and a back back on and off!
MS has subsided a little now, it's not all day, but I have the odd spurt of it now and again!

Think that's enough now, sorry for dribbling on!

Welcome! So glad you are here to join us, and huge congratulations on your rainbow baby! Looks like Denmark did the trick, and hopefully it'll be a wonderful place for you to raise your LO. Sorry you've been feeling awful, hopefully now you are in the second tri you will start feeling a lot better.

I'm glad I have a team yellow partner in crime! :haha:

Ladies I just put a bid on eBay for my first baby item! And now I'm checking every five mins to make sure I don't get outbid!!! It's a set of cloth nappies, the exact brand I want at a great price. I had said I didn't want preloved, as I thought we should buy everything new this time and have it for the next 3 (if I get my way! :haha:) but they are just such a bargain!!

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