First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Oh my gosh your scan picture is amazing!!! Congratulations! So pleased it went well
, I'm not having a 12 weeks scan, mine was at 10 as uncertainty about my dates but I also didn't hear the heartbeat, just had it pointed out. I guess some places don't do it?? Gaah cannot believe someone would drink while pregnant! I know they say one or two glasses of wine won't hurt, but I don't see how it can be that big a deal to give it up for 9 months! But each to their own I suppose!

Welcome clarkeyness!!! And congrats!!!!

Laura, weirdly I felt exactly like you are describing earlier today. I'm a bit of a fainter though, and what I had definitely felt like a faint coming on, so yours may have been as well. I am often sick after I faint as well. It would suck for you to START your ms now!!! It's supposed to be finishing!!!

I'm 100% freaked belly button has started to pop out!!! It's kind of more or less just flat right now. My dh pointed it out earlier, and it's so gross..I'm very freaked out! I can't stop touching it :haha: gross! I didn't think this happened until like 20+ weeks!!!
Beautiful scan picture Hayley (think I have the name right!!) :)

Welcome Clarkey!! :wave: How are u feeling? That phase was AWFUL for most of us here. Loads of nausea.

So I read 24/7 nausea is a sign of having a girl. ?? If it is true mine is definitely a girl! :haha:
Sarah, sorry to hear about your friend! She sounds a little like a drama queen, ignoring you and all... and I'm not sure why anyone would "brag" about putting their baby in danger. I would not be sad to lose her as a friend. My belly button hasn't popped yet, but it definitely feels a little shallower. Not something I'm particularly happy about, lol. You should post some photos of your bump!

Jenny, yay for being a plum! And for feeling better! Most of my symptoms started to drop off around 11-12 weeks. I think it's normal? I'm excited for you (and a little jealous :)) that you get to hear your baby's heartbeat this week!

Laura, maybe it was just dizziness? I've kinda felt that way twice this week. The first time, we were driving down the road (luckily I was in the passenger seat) and things just started spinning and I was covered in a cold sweat. OH ran into a gas station and got me water and some candy. I don't know if it's low blood sugar or not enough water or what but it did go away after a few minutes of reclining in my seat with some water. Same thing happened the other day after I exercised and took a shower -- I think I overheated and had to go lay down in front of the fan. Fx it's not MS, though!

LiverpoolLass, congrats on your scan!! Love the picture! Did baby move around a lot? And I did get to hear the heartbeat at mine, but that will have to last me until November because I don't think they do it again until my gender scan. :( When do you think you'll get to hear the heartbeat?

Clarkeyness, hi and welcome!

Nothing much going on here except a bunch of home improvement projects. We're painting our master bath today, which means I have to clean it first. I've lost 1 lb since my last appointment at 10 weeks, while OH has gained almost 10 (I swear he has more cravings than I do). He also told me the other day that his "boobs" hurt lol! My next appointment is a week from today but I think it's going to be pretty routine. I wish my next scan was sooner than November!
Im actually doing really well...just slight dizziness if I dont eat in time but that is it. I was worried as i didnt have any MS but had a scan at 8 weeks and everything is perfect!! I have another scan in a couple days as i had a small implantation bleed in my uterus which they said is normal. They want to see if it has absorbed. Looking forward to seeing my LO again :)

Im so happy for everyone for 2nd tri and cute u/s pictures!! :hugs:
Nothing much going on here except a bunch of home improvement projects. We're painting our master bath today, which means I have to clean it first. I've lost 1 lb since my last appointment at 10 weeks, while OH has gained almost 10 (I swear he has more cravings than I do). He also told me the other day that his "boobs" hurt lol! My next appointment is a week from today but I think it's going to be pretty routine. I wish my next scan was sooner than November!

:rofl: at your oh!!!!! Sympathy pregnancy symptoms?!

We really need to redo our main bathroom as well, but aren't sure whether to splash the cash now before the baby comes, or try to do it afterwards...we need a whole new suite though because the current one from the old house owners is VILE. Well, my mum loves it, but I just despise it!!!

I'm 12 weeks today!!
Happy plum day Sarah!! :dance:

Lol @ the male breast tenderness and cravings. Hilarious!! :rofl:

The dizzy spells sound scary! I get light headed and get dizzy sometimes but not like that...probably one more thing to "look forward to." Lol
Sorry I haven't been on here much. I've book distracted by the Fifty Shades books. Not to mention the 12th week of pregnancy has been terrible for me with the MS. I threw up my dinner just about every day. Poor OH kept saying it's because I don't like his cooking which of course isn't true. I will say things seem to be a bit better today so hopefully this is the beginning of the end as far as MS goes for me. I've read for most people MS disappears between 12-14 weeks so hopefully I'll be one of those people.

I love all the scan and bump pictures! :)

I haven't noticed the need to urinate as much lately. I read that in second trimester that once the uterus moves up more it won't push on your bladder as much so hopefully those of you waking up in the middle of the night a lot to go to the bathroom get some relief soon. At least for a bit until the third trimester when we will have our babies pushing on our bladders.

Sarah, your friend doesn't really sound like a friend at all. I can't believe she just ignored you all day. Especially after the money you spent to fly out there for her special day. I also can't believe she would do an extreme sport if she knew she was pregnant. I mean if she didn't know and did it that's different but she's saying she knew. That's rediculous! I can't imagine too many people think that well of her.

LiverpoolLass, I was able to hear the heart beat at my 12 week scan but I'm not sure if that's something they always do. I think it might just depend on the person doing your scan or if you ask to hear it?

Jenny, I've also read that having bad MS is a sign of a girl. If my baby isn't a girl I'll be very surprised. Not to mention, everyone keeps saying it's a girl based on the scans and heartbeat plus everytime I dream about the baby it's alway a girl.
Brittany sorry you've been feeling so awful. Hopefully it will stop in the next few days. And I'm really hoping that the pee thing is true too! I'm sick of getting up at night to pee! It's driving me mad!

I am convinced my baby is a girl, and I had a dream the other night that we asked at the 20 week scan and it was a girl. Boy I'll feel silly if it's not!!

Probably asked/discussed before, but is anyone finding out the gender?? We aren't planning to.
I read the same thing, Brittany, but I still have to pee 3-4 times a night!! It's the one symptom I've had every day since before I even tested. I really hope my uterus moves over soon!

We plan on finding out the gender. OH wants a boy but is convinced it's a girl. When I asked our ultrasound tech for an educated guess, she said girl but we're not buying anything pink until we know for sure. I've had one dream about the baby so far and it was a boy. So who knows! :D

Jenny, I think my dizzy spells had something to do with low blood sugar. A good excuse to keep a bag of fun-sized Snickers around!
Thanks girls! :)

Has anybody posted their scan pics on any of the forums offering gender prediction, or tried the nub or skull theories?

I've posted mine - the nub isn't visible on my pic, but based on skull theory everyone has guessed girl for mine! Which is odd, because I have had the feeling right the way through that its a boy!!

I've decided to book a private gender scan at 16 weeks - I found a place nearby that can fit me in and I don't think its too expensive. I loved my scan but it seemed so rushed, I think a private scan will mean they'll spend a little more time on it! :) And I'm loving the idea of finding out the sex early!

We're definately going to find out the sex (We went baby shopping for the first time after the scan yesterday, wanting to buy our first baby outfit...I tried three shops and not one had anything cute in neutral colours! :/) - but we're not going to announce the sex until its born :)

Is anybody else having reeeeeally sore/tender boobs, particularly at night time? It's stopping me from being able to get into a comfortable sleeping position at all! :sleep:
Sarah, we're planning on finding out the gender. That scan is actually already scheduled for November 13th. I'm very impatient about it. I feel like I can't really plan until I know what I'm having since I don't want a bunch of gender neutral stuff.

Hayley, I posted my scan picture on here and everyone was saying girl. I think the nub was too difficult to make out so most were going by skull theory which isn't as reliable but everyone kept saying girl. I think I'll be surprised if it's boy considering how many people have said it's a girl and all the other prediction stuff/dreams that said girl as well.

I actually think the skull on your baby looks more like a boy from my understanding of how the theory works but I just recently read up on it so who knows how accurate I am.

Anyways, I posted a list on the first post with names (if you posted your first name) and usernames along with due dates. I thought it might be easier to have a quick list to look at if we forget what name goes with what username or something since I'm sure I'm not the only one who forgets occasionally. Also, I just skimmed posts quickly when doing this list so if I got info wrong or missed something let me know and I'll change it.
Good idea Brittany, thanks for the front page!

Aww seems like I am the only one NOT finding out the gender then!!! I can't wait to hear what you ladies are having though, that'll keep me going until my baba is here!

I didn't post my scan pic because it was only at 10 weeks so I didn't think it would be clear enough. I also don't know about the skull and nub theories...I read some of the posts and half of them are saying girl and half of the boy for the same pic!!
Ooh thanks Brittany, thats handy! :) My due date is April 4th now, so looks like I'm with Dixie83185! :thumbup:

I don't hold much faith in the gender guesses on this site as they're just fellow mummies pretty much - I found a site where actual medical professionals post their educated guesses! :)
I've had 5 responses so far, and all of them say girl based on skull theory - but no nub for me!

I just posted up my friends as she had her scan today, so I can't wait to see what guesses she gets!

Mine has been very mixed so far - I did the baking soda test and got boy, Chinese gender test says girl when done the correct way (With my lunar age and the lunar month of conception!), the Ring test says boy...and I havn't had any baby dreams yet!

I've booked the private gender I guess I'll be finding out for sure on 23rd October...YAY!!!! :happydance:

Sarah - I would love to have the patience to wait to find out, it will be SO lovely to have the "Its a boy/girl" announcement at birth!! :) I think if I ever have a second I'll try to wait.
I'd be more tempted to wait if I could find any gender neutral stuff I like but everything I like is in pink or blue! :nope:
Sarah, I'm not sure if you're the only one team yellow. You're the only one who has posted saying they were that I saw. I have two friends that are pregnant right now who are team yellow. I don't know how y'all do it. I'm already driving myself nuts wondering.

Hayley, I'll update your due date. I think most of the info I went by was what people posted on their first post in here. I actually think my due date should be April 4th or 5th based on what the baby measured at my first scan but my doctor still has my due date as March 29th based on my LMP.

Also, what is this gender site you're posting on? Is it free? I might have to post to and see what they say.
I think I have convinced myself that the baby is a girl - just because of the gut feeling, so I'm just totally expecting that. If it's a boy I'll be very surprised! So i feel like i already know in a way...if that makes sense?! But again, if it is a boy I will feel so stupid!!!!

I agree that boy/girl stuff is much cuter than neutral, but we'll only buy a few bits and bobs, as i know when my SIL had my nephew she got a ton of newborn boy clothes as presents, so I'm relying on our friends and family being just as generous!! :haha:
We popped in Babies R Us the other day and were just browsing the clothes. The only thing I dislike about girl stuff is that most of it is pink. The boys' section had all kinds of colors and just "normal" things like jeans, shorts, little manly-man sweatshirts and stuff like that but the girls' was all about pink and poofy. Although I did find some cute aqua blue pieces.

Don't get me wrong, I like me some pink... but I don't want my daughter's every outfit to be that color. I'll definitely go crazy with bows and headbands if she'll wear them, though, especially if she's like me and doesn't grow hair until she's two years old. :haha:

Anyone started thinking of names yet?

OH is insistent on having at least one child share his first and middle initials (SP) so for a girl we like Sarah, Shelby or Sierra. I'm pretty much stuck on Spencer for a boy but OH doesn't like it. :shrug: At least we have time!!
We have our second scan on 9th November where we will definitely be finding out the gender :D We can't wait! I keep having strong feelings that it's a girl but then think what if it's a boy? :haha: I haven't told anyone in RL that I think this so I don't look silly if i'm wrong :blush:

I posted a thread in 2nd/3rd Tri area (can't remember which) and the last time I checked, it was 13-7 in favour of girl...

Can't remember who posted about the sore/tender boobs but I had them from around 7-11 weeks and found it awful to sleep, hurt like hell when I wanted to turn over in the night - it was horrid! I ended up buying a cheap sort of sports bra (a bit bigger than needed) and sleeping in that. That kinda helps :thumbup:

Brittany and Hayley we are all due the same time! I am April 7th. :)

My bbs were very sore a couple weeks ago. Still tender but not like before. My nipple felt like it was getting stabbed repeatedly. :haha:

Just went to doc! Heard baby's heart ticking away at 149bpm! Gender ultrasound is in exactly 4 weeks on Oct 24th. :cloud9: Thinking it might be a girl....not sure though. My face has been breaking out. My dreams are always about a baby girl. Have not gained any weight. Maybe I won't get fat. That would be nice. :haha:
Amanda - that's so cute that your OH is getting so much stuff!!! I love how excited they get!!!

Jenny - is breaking out and not gaining weight a sign of a girl? If so I am DEFINITELY having one. I look worse than some of the kids I teach at the minute! So spotty and gross! And haven't gained or lost a single pound!

Lindsey - I'm the same about girls stuff - why is it ALL PINK?! I hated pink as a child, and definitely want to steer clear of it as much as possible if I have a girl! I think baby boys clothes are soooo much cuter! And I think Sarah is a WONDERFUL name :haha:

We have chosen Alex for a boy, but I went off our girls name, so we are currently on a shortlist of Isla, Amelia, Isabelle and Aubrey (the original). My favourite is Amelia, but dh doesn't like it as much as the others. Although in my dream the other night when the baby was a girl, we called her Isla, and every time I think about it I call the baby Isla without a reason...maybe it's a sign?!

As long as I'm not like your family, Amanda, and have myself convinced it's a girl and it'll be a boy in the end!!! :haha:

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