First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Alex - I think OH is the opposite, he's worried that he's gonna have absolutely no idea what to do when LO is here and that he'll be incapable.. he tells me this all the time. Like i've said though, many men have no experience with baby's until they get their own and he will be fine, we've got each other.
Yes, my mum will be at the birth, i'm having it at her house. She has said that she will go with whatever I want though - if I want her there she will be, if not then she'll either go upstairs or go out :thumbup: I need her to be there because OH is seriously not good when it comes to the actual 'birth' part - and that's only watching it on the tele - I actually think he'll either faint/throw up :dohh:
I would love him to cut the cord but I know this will definitely not happen so plan on letting my mum do this, as long as OH doesn't have a problem with it.
Then I want OH to give LO the first feed, this way he gets some special bonding time with her?

MrsHippo - I couldn't watch OBEM as we were busy moving and it obviously won't have recorded either :cry: I'll have to catch it on 4seven or whatever it's called :(
Which maternity pads are you getting from Boots? I had a quick look the other day and debated just getting the Boots own - 80 for £4ish? They didn't seem to have a good selection (or maybe I wasn't looking in the right bit?)
I would think you'd be best sterlising the bottles once you start in labour at home? Because i'm guessing you'll be in early labour stages at home for a couple of hours? :shrug:

ILoveLucy - That's terrible about your bank! Although like you said, why would you steal money and spend it on advertising :haha:
Glad everything went well at your appointment, I always forget to take a sample with me and have to do one at the end of my appointment :dohh:
Lovely bump :)

AsForMe - I'm absolutely nackered.
We moved everything out of our house last night. Whilst my dad and OH emptied and took all the furniture/items, me and my mum hoovered/cleaned so today i'm sore and tired :( At half 8 my mum made me stop and just sit because she said I was starting to look tired and uncomfortable.
We stayed at my parents which was nice as we got tea cooked for us and could just get climb into a nice comfy bed.
Tonight, we get the keys to the new house at 6:30pm so we'll be moving everything in. I think I might just do some delegating and point where things are going - don't think I could hack another night :nope:

No bump picture today as i've used all my data on my phone :dohh: Will post one tomorrow *hopefully*! xx
Oh also, I got to play with our pram last night :dance:


It took us a good 10 minutes to figure out how/where everything went.. once we'd put it up/down a few times, I found the instructions at the bottom of the box :blush:

It's a gorgeous bright red colour, same kind of material as the Quinny Buzz (really soft, squishy). Really tall, don't have to flick the handle upwards. Quite lightweight, although the car seat/carrycot isn't :haha:

So it's gone back in it's box and in my old room at my parents for now :( I want to keep it out and push it round :rofl:
Alex thanks for the infor re: CPR. I think you're right, and the main thing would be not to panic, and just do your best. Hopefully none of us ever find ourselves in that position though. And lol at you at the baby class crying! But LOs are adorable, and now we are so close to having our own I find them even MORE adorable! I'm so glad that you and your antenatal bunch are staying in touch, it'll be great after the birth as well to have them there going through the same thing.

Brittany :growlmad: about your charger! So annoying. Sorry to hear someone has stolen your credit card details. That's the second time I've heard that recently, and both times it was to buy ridiculous stuff. And such an inconvenience for you not to have a card now. Have a wonderful baby shower! I can't wait to hear all the great things you get, and then you can start ticking off everything from your list!

Hayley :happydance: for 26th March!!! That seems so soon!! Very exciting. And I am totally jealous that you know the latest date you'll meet LO! I hate the not knowing, it's a real struggle for me!

Laura sorry about your fight with oh the other day. He was being unreasonable definitely, and being a big baby as well saying you do everything with your mum. Is he 5?! Like "You like your mummy better than you like me" kind of thing :haha: Take it easy with the moving, I don't know how you are doing that right now! Definitely delegate, lots of pointing, and shouting if they get it wrong of course! Exciting about your pram as well!! We have ours set up in one of the spare rooms and sometimes I just go and stare at it lovingly :blush:

Lauren Hope you are feeling OK today, and got a good rest last night. Apparently you can buy bottles that are sterilised and come as a "one use" type thing in a sealed plastic bag. Maybe you could look at getting some of those? I think most bottles only stay sterilised (if that's the right phrase) for max 24hours, so it is definitely a tricky question.

Afm Nothing new at all!
DoggyLover, i'm jealous you can go look at you pram whenever you want :(

I seriously debated taking a picture of it when we got it put up so I could show MIL/FIL etc - secretly so that I could just look at it all the time :rofl:!!

I didn't though :nope:
Laura, I thought my DH would just want to cut the cord and that would be it but he's now telling me he wants to see the placenta too once it's delivered after learning about it in our childbirth class. I think he's nuts because it sounded disgusting when she was describing what it looked like.

I also think it's great that you're going to have your OH do the first feed. I'm planning to breastfeed so DH won't be able to do much with the feeding until after we have that established so he's going to be doing all the baths. I think it's important that the fathers have something so that they can bond with the baby.

Hope everything goes well with the move!

AFM, going to try to get some cleaning and laundry done so that the house is all tidy before we head out tomorrow.
Brittany, I know how it feels to have a laptop like that >.< Mine is awful, the charger has to be in all the time. Thats why most of the time I go on my phone, but then that takes me forever to write stuff! Sorry to hear about the card, some nasty people out there. Good job your bank picked up on it though and you got your money back quickly!! Like the photo too :) anyone noticed that our bumps aren't particuarly looking any different. Like before you'd notice a considerable change but now they look similar to how they did a few weeks ago? Saying that though, I haven't taken a photo recently so I can't really compare it to my last. But in the mirror I don't think it looks much different apart from changing shape once in a while. Oh and I bet your excited for your baby shower??!! :)

Laura, what pushchair have you brought again?? And soooo jealous of you moving!! Least you have been able to do it over a period of time though instead of trying to get it all done within one day!!

AFM, I wasn't very well again this morning :( it passed but I have felt a little off all day. Also, LO has had loads of hiccups just recently. She has it now, this must be 4th time today. But I can feel the hiccups really low down, at pelvic level. Almost feels like my bladder is pulsating lol. I find it cute but starting to get really annoying too...

I am so glad its Friday tomorrow, I am looking forward to a much needed lie in Saturday morning. Oh and we are picking up the car seat :)
Alex Ooh is that your due date?! Hey you never know, you might be one of those rare cases where you actually go on the date! :D I'm getting my friend to do an astrology reading based on the birthday lol - she does birth charts and they're SO accurate!
Yeah I know what you mean, I worry about the same thing when LO arrives - I want to make sure I go to things and mingle! I almost feel like I'll be more confident then though coz I won't REALLY be by myself, and baby will give me a talking point with other mums?! lol.

Lauren - Aww bless you welling up when OBEM starts lol. I well up when the babies arrive but thats all at the moment! Thats embarrasing enough though lol

As I'm not BF-ing I asked all about what to do about bottles etc, you don't need to take any to the hospital with you - the hospital expect you to provide milk (they ask for the ready made cartons as they don't want to be making up formula) but they provide the bottles etc so that you don't need to do your own sterilising. And for the first bottle, they provide the bottle and the milk.
I'm not sure if all hospitals differ, but this was the case for both Liverpool and Devon.

Hope you're feeling better now :(

Brittany - Aww what a pain about your laptop. :( Mine doesn't work unless its plugged in either and you have to wrap the wire around it in a certain way or else it doesnt charge lol. We def need a new one!

I know, I'm so pleased about the policy change! So funny too, after you had just mentioned the OH sleeping over thing a few days before.

I think we have to wear ID tags here too, but I think the security thing was more like thieving and stuff. I have to find out what the situation is now I know I'm most likely having a c section though - because I doubt they will let partners spend the night when I'm on a ward as I doubt other ladies would be comfortable having other peoples partners around all night long!
So maybe if you're on a ward its not possible?! I guess I'll find out at the hospital tour.

Yeah its hard to tell anything from the 3d scan pics, especially when they are from earlier on! I can't get any kind of idea of what Bean will look like from mine, coz all of the babies I know who were 3D scanned came out looking NOTHING like the images whatsoeever! You could never tell they were the same child!

I'm sorry to hear about the credit card :( How annoying!!!! There are some strange and horrible people around :nope:

I hope you enjoy your baby shower! How exciting!!!

Cute bump pic! :)

I can't believe your oh wants to look at the placenta?! lol! I saw one while watching the videos at my class the other day, I had never seen one being delivered before as for some reason they blur it out on OBEM - but oh my goodness, it was gross! And SO BIG!!! I commented to the MW that I had NO idea the afterbirth was so huge! lol

Laura - I think its a lovely idea for OH to give baby her first feed :)

I got my maternity pads from Boots but I didn't see any packs of 80! That would have been MUCH handier! I got two packs of 10, and now I'm thinking I need more. They were only about £1 each though.
They had some really thin looking ones that were called Maternity pads but I cant see how they'd be any use?! They were just like Always extra slim! So I opted to play it safe and get the ones that look like mattresses lol.

Aww I cant imagine how tiring moving must be at this stage! I found it EXHAUSTING when we moved and I was 20 weeks then!! (I think that was partly the distance too though - a 250 mile move during pregnancy is NOT something I would recommend to anybody lol).
I hope you're all settling in to your new place! :)

AFM - not much new to report. I'm just REALLY tired all the time atm, and I keep having little funny turns - like coming over REALLY hot all of a sudden and feeling light headed and out of breathe. Its annoying!
My mum thought it might be my BP and I do have a monitor here, but I couldnt find it to check it...irritating.

I'm still really struggling with the heavy bump too - it feels as though the baby is really low and is really weighing down on the bottom of the bump. I feel like I have to hold it underneath when I'm walking or else its just too painful :(
I tried a bump band for the first time today and it hasn't made the slightest bit of difference! :/

I'm attaching my 31 and 32 week bump pics - I noticed that my bump popped the day after my 31 week pic, I think you can really see the difference between the two weeks! I feel gigantic now!!!! (Still measuring 32 cms though?!)
(31 weeks in the stripy top, 32 weeks in the blue dress)


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Lauren please take it easy! That's two days in a row you have been off colour, don't push yourself too much :hugs:

Hayley same for you if you aren't feeling great. Sorry to hear your bump is feeling so heavy. You should mention to your midwife as they can give you a girdle I believe, which is used to take the pressure off. Might be worth looking into?

Brittany your oh wants to see the placenta?!? :shock: he must be nuts! I wouldn't want to see that in a million years, they sound so gross! Also, not to gross anyone out, but my brother said when he worked in obs and gynae that some of the placentas smelt really bad :sick:

Cord cutting my dh said he doesn't want to cut the cord. I was surprised as its such a typical dad thing, but he said he doesn't like the idea of cutting into something that's part of me, which I understand.

dads and feeding I'm also hoping to breastfeed, so Simon won't be able to help out too much (although I expect drinks and snacks to be brought to me!), But i hope that he'll find his own 'thing' with baby,maybe bathing like Brittany mentioned.

Classes once baby arrives I'm planning on going to a breastfeeding group, and hopefully a 'buggy babies' exercise group. My SIL is off two days a week and so we are going to go to mums and tots together, and the other days I plan to visit my granny each week, and spend one day at home with baby, so I'm hoping to stay pretty busy!

Afm got some really lovely comments from parents at parents evening tonight when I was saying I won't be back next year. One woman looked like she was about to cry, and said how sorely missed I will be. It was so lovely to hear, and people were asking all about when I was due etc, so I was really pleased! Also got two comments from colleagues today on how 'neat' my bump is compared to people they know of similar gestation, and another colleague was GUSHING about how beautiful my bump is and how pregnancy really suits me! So I'm feeling great about myself at the minute :haha: makes a change from being told I'm enormous and about to pop!!
Hi ladies, it's been a quiet few days on here :) hope everyone is well.

Laura, I hope you are getting settled in nicely to the new place, I'm sure you're exhausted though!

I went to get stuff for my hospital bag today, which makes it all seem real! I got maternity pads, breast pads, nipple cream, big (black) pants, a nightie/tshirt to wear during labour (I'm a bit gutted it'll get ruined, I really like it! I'm wearing it right now! Only £6 from Matalan though!) and some other bits and bobs, including some mattress pads just incase my waters break in bed!

I also got a baby care set - thermometer, nasal decongestor etc, so feeling very prepared right now. The costs all add up though - £50 in mothercare on basically a variety of things to catch my bodily fluids :haha:
Evening :)

Ooo you know what, I STILL haven't actually brought my hospital bag stuff. I have been on boots multiple times, added my bits to the basket then just come off!! I don't know why but I seem to be avoiding buying any of it lol. I am going in to town tomorrow though to meet my mum and co for lunch so I can go to boots then..... maybe.... hehe

Its nice to hear you got those comments on parents evening :) comments like that make me feel upset about leaving work!!

Hayley, my bump also feels rather heavy at the moment too. I am sure she is in my pelvis at the moment too because she keeps getting hiccups but I can only feel it really low. I have also been getting loads of BH lately, some really catch my breath too and can feel rather uncomfortable. I have also felt super pregnant lol, I struggle to get up off the sofa now, I can barely bend down to pick stuff up and it takes me ages to roll over in bed!! Oh and have you seen this comp, when I saw it I thought of you. Wouldn't want you to miss it :)

I don't know why but I keep getting that horrible feeling that LO will come early. I don't know whether others feel that too? But I can't help it.

We picked up the car seat today :) its just sitting in the back of the car at the moment, will bring it in tomorrow so I can have a proper look at it.

I will take a bump photo soon and post it up but when I looked in the mirror this morning I noticed that my bump seems to have totally changed shape. From up here I still look round and big but when I look side on my belly doesn't seem to be sticking out as much and has almost grown in length. Its hard to explain but I am sticking out a lot more down below so my belly looks longer :/ I've had people tell me how low my bump looks too this week.

The sickness thing seems to have passed. I didn't feel 100% for about 3 days, spoke to a mw as I thought it could be related to the vaccines I had. She said it is very unlikely as it comes and goes and is probably just my blood pressure. She just advised me to eat little and often and explained that it will be due to my uterus being big and squashing my organs. I also started thinking my MS was going to make a return, I would be so upset if it did as I never want to feel how I did in the first/second tri again.

I've been looking at holidays!! :icecream: had a look everywhere, I HATE HATE HATE these ''family resorts'' which is just full of screaming children and parents who live around them. So I was looking at luxury baby friendly holidays and seen some lovely places :) I was thinking about Greece or Italy. I was also looking at baby passports as wasn't too sure how you go about it but once LO is here I have to apply for one WITH a photo, she will look different by the time it gets back to us :rofl: I was thinking about possibly going September onwards.
Sarah - Ooh do you know, funny you said that - when I was at the midwifes office the other week I saw a girl with a funny looking belt thingy that she was fastening under her bump, I wondered what it was! Maybe it was a girdle type thing the midwife had given to her?!
I will definitely ask her about it when I see her on Wednesday as I am getting rather sick of walking around holding onto the bump!! Its just TOO heavy! :/ This baby must be a right little porker!

Awww yay for finally getting some nice positive comments from people!! I'm glad they were all cooing over you! It is nice to get the nice attention after all the negative nellies that pregnancy seems to draw!!!!!
Ooh I have been looking everywhere for nighties - I never thought to try matalan! I have two from Tesco but think I could probably do with 4 or 5 as I could be in for anything from 2-5 days and goodness knows I could be going through more than one a day if things get messy! eeek!

Where did you get your baby care set from? I'm still debating the expensive in ear thermometer or a more basic one! The in ear ones seem SO overpriced :/

Lauren - Oooh thanks for the comp link!! I will def have a go at that! :happydance:
Sorry to hear you're struggling with heavy bump too :( So annoying!
What do your BH feel like now? To be honest, I'm starting to doubt myself about them - I know I was getting them a while ago but now I don't know if I'm not getting them or I'm just not noticing them - BUT the ones I used to have were just quick tummy tightenings and never painful at all.
So I'm wondering if I'm looking out for the right thing?!
I keep getting painful twinges that make me gasp but I always put them down to kicks!

That bump change thing is what happened to me last week! I think the baby must sort of drop a bit around this stage and so the bump looks different/lower!

Holidays - Oooh holidays!!! :D That will be lovely! I know, its ridiculous with the baby passports isnt it?! Do they still last for 10 years?! That just seems ludicrous...imagine a 10 yr old using a baby pic passport...whats the point?! They could be anybody!

My holiday plans are all a bit up in the air - I'm supposed to be going on a mini cruise with my sister the first week in May, and my mum is looking after her two girls and Bean, but it all depends on my c section recovery - as they say 6 weeks and the cruise will be pretty much 6 weeks afterwards! My mum thinks it'll be fine (She's had two c sections herself) and that I'll need it by then but I'm not so sure.

Then I've got another mini cruise planned for September 13th - which is my birthday gift for OH as its his 40th birthday (eek!) in August, so i thought it'd be nice for us to have a little break together just afterwards - we don't fancy the idea of taking Bean with us because of the risk of Norovirus outbreaks on cruise ships so we're leaving him with my mum again.

But then because I'm going to feel like the worlds worst mother after going on two mini-cruises without Bean, I feel like we definitely need to plan a holiday WITH him too! But I won't be able to afford anything mega after the two cruises lol - so I'm thinking either a little week long break in Cornwall in the summer or maybe a little Christmas/New Year trip to Euro Disney?! I know he'll be too young to appreciate it but I've always wanted to go and will finally have the excuse of a baby to drag along lol!

AFM - I am actually starting to get really stressed out with blogging :wacko: I've just been looking through the things I have been sent to review and there is just too much stuff!!! All these companies expect their reviews up in a timely fashion, but it takes ages to test the things and write a decent review and then promote the posts so that they get a decent number of hits - I've just written out my schedule and it will take me up until 25th March to get every review done and posted!
Which means every day from now up until Bean is born! eek!! I need to not accept any more PR offers, its become like actual work now :/

Having said that though, the Bambeano bean bag came today and it is SO cute!!! So that freebie alone makes me think its worthwhile lol.

Scans - I know a few people are having growth scans, when is everybody having them?
Mine is Tuesday and I'm sooo nervous, I really think they're going to tell me he's a 12lber!!!
I'm not sure why but I've wrote a post and it has to be okayed by a moderator?!? It's showing up another colour to the other posts so not sure if you ladies can see it. As far as I can see I haven't sworn or anything in it so unsure what I've done wrong but feel a little like a naughty school girl!
Omg Alex, thats so weird?!! I can see theres a next page of posts but whenever I click on it it doesn't let me view it - I wonder if thats where your post is?!

They'd better not be ***ing up our thread after all this time lol
alex that's so weird, I definitely can't see your other post, I wonder what it is that triggered the need for moderator?

Hayley I am so jealous of all your holidays! That sounds amazing. I know you had mentioned the mini cruises before, and I have been mentioning them to dh ever since - but he hasn't gotten the hint! He is adamant he is not a cruising type of man! Where are the two you are going on headed for? I think a trip to Cornwall would be a lovely family holiday for you all. It's so beautiful down there, that's actually where dh and I got engaged! I think we will be holidaying in places like that in future with the in laws (I hope anyway!) I got the baby care set from mothercare - £16 for two thermometers (a forehead one and one like I used to take my bbt when we were ttc. Not sure where you put that on a baby :shock:), a gum massager (:shrug:), nail scissors and clippers, a snot sucker and a teething ring. It was the only set they had, all I could see other than that were strip thermometers. Don't let your blogging stress you out - its supposed to be enjoyable!! Do the companies give you a deadline for reviewing their product? If so, I say do all the things you want to keep first, and anything you aren't so fussed on you can leave a bit and if you don't get them done just send the stuff back if needed.

Lauren oh Greece or Italy would be a great family holiday - I've never been to either but I just imagine them both to be so lovely! Baby passports are stupid IMO! And there are still pretty strict rules for their photos which is ridiculous as how do you get a baby to look straight ahead?! Luckily the furthest afield we'll be going is England, and easyjet don't require a baby to have ID. Also the phrase "squashing your organs" doesn't sound great at all! I'm glad your feeling better, and hopefully eating more often will keep you feeling good.

Scans I think I get one at my hospital appointment on Wednesday. I hope so, as I also want to find out what sort of weight this baby is! I know they aren't exactly accurate, but an idea would be nice! I can't think of any other reason why this appointment is at the hospital if there is no scan...but I'll get back to you all on that one!

Afm I'm really tired today, and feel really....pregnant!! Just feeling clumpy and not as light on my feet as I had been over the last few weeks!! Suddenly wondering how I can make it through 4 more weeks of work...
I've not had any problems like that..... I hope they aren't changing the rules or anything. Unless they are just random checks they do? I don't know.

Hayley, sorry to hear you are stressing about it. If I lived close to you I would suggest taking some stuff from you to review and give you feedback ect? But would just be a pain with how far we live apart. I still want one of those bean bags, I am hoping to buy one with money being given to us. I am getting money from the girls at work and Dad and Jo said they are giving us money because of how 'picky' I am ...I am picky but those who know me will know what I like, just shows how little they get involved really.
The BH just feels uncomfortable but it happens all the time. It feels like a tightening sensation, like cramp but without the pain. I get pain sometimes too but I assume thats LO touching something....

I love all this spring/summer stuff coming in at the moment, after lunch today we popped in to a couple of shops. I picked up two pairs of jeggins from Zara, one is bright blue and the other bright pink. She has some normal coloured ones too which I got from somewhere else. But I love the bright ones, I love bright jeans for adults but I am never brave enough to wear them so I am taking full advantage of bean and dressing her in all sorts of wonderful things haha :) I have found the most amazing little pram shoes too from Ralph Lauren....I'll find a link actually *I am thinking out loud here lol*

I'm not normally one for leopard print but I loved these when I saw them!!! 50 is a little steep for me though so have been looking everywhere for something similar. Managed to find some nice ones from a seller on ebay but she has gone on holiday so I will message her once she is back to see if she has any.

I have seen those belly girdle things before, some look really big and bulky. I brought some of those bands in early pregnancy which are supposed to help but now they are too small to go over the lower part of my bump. You can get things like this though

I have seen cheaper so I would look around.

Two weeks left at work!! woop woop. I am literally counting down the days now.

The cruises sound nice :) I'm not one for cruises. Never been on one but they just don't appeal to me, I like to go out and the thought of being on a boat just doesn't do it. I know you stop off and go out and people tell me about how big they are...but I guess everyone likes something different. My mum and co (there are 6 of them so just refer to them all as co lol) are going on holiday to Egypt on Thursday. I am very jealous :)
I love Cornwall, I went there every year when I was young so it brings back childhood memories for me. I want to go and have been looking but as nice as it is I am more drawn to places abroad.
Oh and their passports are valid for 5 years now. I don't know how you get a NB to look at a camera either, I wonder if they are as strict as they are with adult ones?? I'll get a letter back going 'mouth is open, cannot accept or eyes are closed' haha
Lauren those little shoes are insanely cute!!! I'm not one for leopard print either, but they are adorable! And your LO will definitely be able to rock the leopard look! I can't wait to see some pictures of her when she arrives dressed in all her cute little gear! A the minute we just have all sleepsuits in white/grey/yellow, so I'm looking forward to being able to buy some more brights once LO is here and we know what 'flavour' they are!
I am so glad I found out what the sex was because I don't think I could have waited....I bet you find it hard don't you? Looking in the shops at girly stuff and boy stuff and not being able to buy it... I totally understand why people do it, I would love the surprise but I'd find it difficult :)

I can't wait to see everyones. It is all rather exciting and will be here before we know it!!! I can't wait until LO is here, I think about what she might look like all the time, whether she will come out with lots of hair, what eye colour she will have (obviously will most likely be blue when NB) but after a couple of months I wonder how they will change. I am also very excited about dressing her in the clothes I have :)
Sarah - They haven't given me deadlines as such but I just keep getting emails and calls from different PR companies asking "How Im getting on" with the products etc - feels like pressure to get the reviews done!
I shouldn't have taken on so many things all at once - I was too bloody greedy!!!! I'm definitely not taking ANYTHING else on (unless its amazing, obv).

Oooh I hope you do get a scan! *fingers crossed* I really want to know the size too. I know they can be wrong but just an estimate will do lol.

Seems like the "super pregnant" feeling is really hitting us all now :( At least we're nearing the finish line!!!

Oooh where in Cornwall did you get engaged? I've never actually been, which is ridiculous given that I lived in Devon for 6 years which is right next door!!!
My OH used to live in Cornwall before we met, he says there are some lovely parts and some rubbish parts lol.
I fancy St Ives from the look of photos etc.

Lauren - Yeah it would be handy if I had someone who could review things for me! :/ I've got 4 different stretch marks cream to try but how am I supposed to do that?! I won't know which ones are working and which ones arent - I only have a certain number of stretchmarks to try them on lol..

Those shoes are SO cute!!! Keep an eye incase they reduce them before Bean arrives, you never know! Otherwise, keep an eye out in TK Maxx as I saw lots of Ralph Lauren things in there last week! :D

I am lusting over something on Ralph Lauren too - its this:

Its in the sale for £25!!! I'm so tempted but reeeeeally shouldn't buy anything else :/
But you can personalise it with a little monogram of his initials!!! How cute?!!!

Must. Resist. Temptation.....:wacko:

Yeah, I bought some bump bands but they did nothing except make me itchy! They seemed almost too big to give me any support, I bought the M/L ones but theres no WAY the S/M would fit me so I don't really get it?!!!

I think I'll see what the midwife says.

Ooooh not long left for you at work!!! :happydance:

Cruises - don't get me started! lol. I'm like a cruise rep, I LOVE them so much its ridiculous!
I hadn't ever been on one until last year but I was just blown away by how amazing they are!
We only do the no-fly cruises (I don't see the point otherwise!) so it means your holiday starts right away - no time wasted at airports or in queues etc!
You just turn up, get on the ship, get handed your glass of champagne and you're on holiday right away! Its AMAZING!!

And the LUXURY - omg!!! I mean, it must depend on the cruise line...we've only been with Royal Carribbean - but they are like floating 5 star hotels.
Everything is silver service, the meals and choice of restaurants is unbeleivable - there were 7 restaurants on our ship all serving different things, then there is the promenade which is a big long shopping street with loads of shops, pizza parlour, cupcake shop, coffee shops, irish pubs, wine bars, Ben & Jerrys ice cream parlour, etc (all the food is included in the price so you don't pay extra for pizza etc!) .
Oh and they have a 50s American diner where all the staff dance on the bar etc! All the room service is free too.

Theres nightclubs, massive casinos, loads of different drinking venues, video arcades, mini golf, rock climbing walls, you can go ice skating, there's the flo-rider surf simulator, massive gym, boxing ring, spa and sauna, loads of pools, jacuzzis, loads of places for sunbathing....then theres the evening entertainment, different shows every night, quizzes, a cinema, ice skating shows - honestly, there is SO much going on that you literally cannot fit it all in to a two week holiday.

And thats just on board! You're also stopping off every day in different places - I love just waking up, going on to the balcony and thinking "Where are we today?!" - its amazing, like the holiday just comes to you!!

People tend to assume that cruises are for old people but honestly, if you pick a decent cruise line they're much more aimed at young people and families (they have great facilities for kids too, but they don't start until the child is 2 unfortunately! I was gutted to find that out!).

I've been totally spoiled by it now. I hate flying anyway so its perfect for me, but I just have no interest in ever going on any other kind of holiday again lol.

The mini cruises are a good taster to see if you like it and they're only about £200! The one with my sister is going to France, and the one with OH is to Bruges - I've actually never been to France or Belgium!
I think you should definately buy that RL outfit!!! Your excuse is that it is in the sale.... and there is nothing wrong with one or two little designer outfits :) I was looking at all sorts online yesterday. Some thinks are stupidly expensive though. I was looking at Dior and D&G ect and they charge a fortune. No way I am paying over 100 pounds for a babygrow!! AND they have nice stuff but I have actually seen nicer elsewhere. I went in to JoJo Maman Bebe today for the first time and they have some lovely things!!! I could have spent a fortune :) but resisted. Instead I brought sock ons and a jellycat bunny (soft toy).
I think you should definately buy that RL outfit!!! Your excuse is that it is in the sale.... and there is nothing wrong with one or two little designer outfits :) I was looking at all sorts online yesterday. Some thinks are stupidly expensive though. I was looking at Dior and D&G ect and they charge a fortune. No way I am paying over 100 pounds for a babygrow!! AND they have nice stuff but I have actually seen nicer elsewhere. I went in to JoJo Maman Bebe today for the first time and they have some lovely things!!! I could have spent a fortune :) but resisted. Instead I brought sock ons and a jellycat bunny (soft toy).

Awww cute! I've never looked at the Jojo Maman Bebe stuff, but I noticed we got a discount voucher through with one of the baby clubs the other day - are they really expensive?

I know! I'm terrible for just being a label whore lol. I find myself lusting after the labels even though I don't like the clothes that much! TK Maxx had Stella McCartney baby things in last week and I almost bought one even though I didn't actually like it much lol. Luckily OH reigns me in with things like that!!

I LOVE the Baby Dior things but they are CRAZY prices :(

I may have to give in to the little suit though, I mean...its Ralph Lauren AND its personalised, its like a keepsake really isnt it?! lol

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