First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Right here are my predictions :)

1. Hayley - 26th March
2. Alex - 28th March
3. Lindsey -29th March
4. Sarah - 30th March
5. Me - 31st March (just have a feeling she will be here by the end of the month)
6. Laura - 2nd April
7. Brittany - 3rd April
8. Brooke - 7th April

I haven't put weights as I honestly don't have a clue!!! I wasn't sure if anyone other than Hayley was having a section? Memory like a badgers bottom, I tell you.

Brooke, sorry to hear you have been in hospital. At least things are ok though, lets hope you don't have too many further problems with your BP.

Usernames - my username is one I use for all sorts. I have a hippo (posted a photo at bottom :)) he is a door stop but lives on the end of my sofa, his name is Mr Hippo :haha: but whenever I have to create usernames I am always sitting next to him so I just took the name Mrs Hippo.

Posted a couple of other photos too, one of my belly which was taken a couple of days ago. I have grown so much over the last couple of weeks to a point where I am actually outgrowing my maternity tops :cry: I don't know what is going to be said at my MW appointment tomorrow, when I measured big I didn't actually think I looked THAT big, but now, wow!!! I struggle to do anything now....walking is difficult too!!

Then I have posted a photo of some little Ralph Lauren booties which OH's auntie brought us from TK Maxx :winkwink: Oh and a photo of some shoes which I am planning on treating myself to as a ''well done to myself for going through 9 months of pregnancy'' gift :D they aren't online or in the shop yet though which is rather annoying so thats why I took a photo instead.

Hayley, I have been getting lots of period type pains too recently. My lower back is killing me today as well, although think that is related to a bad night as my hip/legs are hurting too. Not had anymore blood thank god. I have noticed that I have lots more discharge, its watery though.... I read that it is common towards the end of pregnancy but how do I not know its me leaking waters? I'd have thought there would be a significant amount of water even if it was just trickling out?? :shrug:


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hayley thanks for the link, I will have a wee read when I'm done here! Also :thumbup: for that hospital check list. Good to know what is actually needed in hospital and what is useful. Luckily I have it all but the phone charger packed, which I should definitely do as I am awful at forgetting to charge mine! That is definitely scary that this is yur last real week alone! I keep doing things/going places and thinking "next time I'm here I will probably have a baby!" It just all seems like its getting so close, but yet seems so far away at the same time. I'm so jealous that you know exactly when LO will get here :growlmad: :haha:

What are your plans for your week alone with Jon?

Brooke so glad to hear from you! Sounds like you are well prepared now for LOs arrival! I'm glad your shower went well (even if it was hecticl that many people there all for you is amazing!) I can't relieve how much you've been in hospital, but glad that everything seems ok with both you and LO, even if there are still question marks over your bp and generally what's happening. They haven't mentioned or thought about pre-eclampsia? That's really the only thing I know which makes bp go high :haha: hopefully at your next appointment (same day as mine!) they will say that you don't need to be back in hospital for any stays until LO is on the way, and you won't have to worry too much about the hospital bag not being ready!

Lauren :rofl: at "memory like a badgers bottom"! And if my baby comes on the 30th I am coming over to hug you for making it happen! I love the pic of those little bootees, they are absolutely adorable. And those shoes are intense - no way could I wear shoes that high! I'd break my leg!
Some of my maternity clothes are also a little...erm....tight is an understatement. One maternity vest doesn't stay down farther than my disfigured belly button - and it was my go to when nothing else fitted. So the next few weeks should be fun, living in basically tent clothes!
I'm sure seeing the blood on the tp must have almost given you a stroke. Not that it's any better coming from the back end, hopefully it isn't too bad 'back there'.
With cm I get loads, but it comes out more slowly than I imagine waters would? I imagine if any of it were to come out that it would gush, even if it was just a little. Also, this is totally gross, but someone on another thread said that you'll know it's your waters because of the distinct smell - and I quote "like semen...or decomposing grass" :huh: :shrug: not sure how they are the same, but there you go!

Afm not much new. My hip was really sore last night and today which made it hard to walk the dog, so we were going so slowly, and I felt sooo pregnant and fat! My face is puffy (despite the lies my family keep telling me!) which makes me feel soooooo fat :(

My sisters best friend is pregnant. She's 31 and has been trying for a few years. But when she first went to the dr she was told her pregnancy was ectopic and she would miscarry :shock: just from her abdomen being felt. It wasn't, thank heavens, but since then she's been very sick, and had lots of pain (which is why they thought ectopic in the first place) she's now 18 weeks but is miserable because she is terrified something is going to go wrong, and isn't enjoying it because she's in so much pain. I feel so bad for her, and it made me realise how lucky I've been. I know that some of you ladies have also (and at continuing to) had a really rough time, and as much as I'm ready for LO to be here, I have loved being pregnant and just feel so lucky that I've had such an easy time so far. Long may it continue into labour and birth :haha:
My first photo was from 33 weeks and the second is 35 weeks, 6 days. I think I look massive compared. I don't have that round look anymore :(


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Lauren there is a definite difference in your pics, but I think you look just perfect! Remember how close we are now! So every time I feel huge and puffy faced and horrific, I remind myself that we are allowed to now because we are pretty much ready to go!

Hayley, I read your blog post and that holiday sounds amazing! I'm off to look at holidays in the independence, and see if there is any possible way we would ever be able to afford such an amazing holiday!!

So I don't think I've ever uploaded a bump pic? Not any time in the recent past (as in the last 25 weeks lol!) but I took one yesterday, so here we go! Please excuse the straggly hair- it was wet, not just gross and greasy :haha: because my top is sitting funny at the back it makes me look like I'm ready to topple over! I'm huge!!!
Also. It makes me so sad to look at the picture because despite being a D cup now, my boobs look so small, again emphasising how ginormous my bump is!


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Had a quick scan though but will do a proper catch up when on the laptop..

Bleeuugghhhhh exactly how I feel today Well how I've felt for the last couple of days. Still got this bloody cold Can't seem to shake it off!

Last couple of nights I've had what I'm guessing are BH during the night - woken up with belly ache, the kind you get when you think you need the bathroom due to a dodgy belly

Really struggling to sleep too, due to these belt aches, the fact I can't breathe through my nose hardly, the return of heartburn and a stupid cough

Plus I'm waking up anywhere from 7am to 9am every morning - great.

Today I've felt really off it? Unsure whether its down to just feeling run down an tired though?

I walked 10 houses down the road to my parents house today and was left with what felt like stitch in the lower left of my bump for a good hour after... LO has also been soooo active since - also lots of pressure in the top of my bump as if she's pushing her bum right up?

So yeah, pretty poor post but at least it's an update! xxx

Ps Doggylover our bump photos look very similar (I think anyway!) x
Lauren - I've made a note of your guesses :D

Aww I think your bump looks cute. I wish mine was more obvious like that - yours looks big in a bump kind of way if that makes sense, whereas just looks like a big tummy! Just BIG all over the area rather than just like a bump - do you know what I mean?!
I'd rather have your bump! :D

I actually think it looks like its changed because of something to do with where the baby is - does it feel like shes changed position?

When I had my internal scan, they told me that Bean was laying on his side - I never imagined him laying that way, I always think of them laying flat - but if you think about it - if they're laying on their sides its bound to make a weird shape in our bumps!!!

I would get your midwife to be specific about what position she thinks baby is in. And if that doesnt answer anything, tell her how uncomfortable you are and demand a growth scan! Definitely mention the waters thing too - my sister had low fluid with her second baby and she didn't have a clue that she'd been leaking until they told her! So its def worth mentioning and ruling out.

I LOVE those Ralph Lauren booties! Awwww! And WOW at those shoes!!! I love shoes but I don't think I'd be able to walk in them! lol! You are brave!!! They are very striking though!

I have a pair of "post baby" shoes I got from OH for Christmas - I cannot wait to wear them!!!! I'll have to snap a pic to show you, they're Ted Baker and they're sooooo sparkly :cloud9:

Sarah - No problem! :) The Iglu website is def your best bet! The prices of cruises seem high but you only pay £150 deposit to Iglu and you dont need to pay the balance until 6 weeks before you sail, plus when you think it includes all your travel and meals and entertainment - its really not too bad! :D Especially the mini cruises.

We haven't got too much planned for our last week alone really! I just want a nice chilled week - we've had such a lazy day today! We've pretty much just lazed around on the sofa watching dvds, ordered pizza, and I had a pamper day - face mask, bubble bath,etc! :D

Aww I'm glad you've enjoyed your pregnancy. I have hated mine lmao. Genuinely!!

I'm sure your labour will be smooth too! *fingers crossed* I think some people are just good at pregnancy - I'm not one of them!!!!

My mum actually commented the other day that I shouldn't have any more children as all the problems I've had "show the drs were right and my body can't handle pregnancy" (because I was warned not to get pregnant until I'd had my thyroid gland removed) - I found that quite upsetting :/ I know I've had a few issues, but I'm almost at the end and I'm still alive!!! :growlmad:

Aww yay for a Sarah bump pic!!!! I don't know what you're talking about - I was half expecting a picture of Mr Blobby from your descriptions!! Your bump looks lovely!!!! Mine looks much bigger than yours, you look lovely and proportioned! And I've changed my mind on the gender guess - I now think you're having a girl (I know old wives tales are a load of crap, but you're carrying high - similar to Lauren and Laura - and they're having girls :D)

Laura - Aww I'm sorry you're feeling rubbish :( I hope you feel better soon.

Alex - I'm wondering where Alex is! She was doing a lot of things to bring on labour - I wonder if she's gone in?!!

AFM - Nothing new to report since earlier (more period pains!) - but I wanted to share some bump pics. I realised today that - although I've taken LOADS of weekly bump pics - I have never taken one of the bump bare! So I took some today - I think clothes mask how HUGE it really is mahoosive!!!
I'm scared I'm having a 12lber :/

Also - thought I'd show my stretchmarks (second pic - they're under my belly button and to the right...and their are some that have just appeared on my right side which you can see in the first pic! Yay :/)

Piercing - does anybody have a pierced belly button? I had mine done years ago and its been closed over for about 10 years, but the holes were still visible - since my tummy has expanded, the place were the piercing is looks SO weird - its turned into a weird S shaped mark!!! Has this happened to anybody else?!
It looks disgusting - I'm worried its there to stay! OH thinks its just stretched skin and it'll go back to normal after but I'm not so sure!
I've included a pic of that too to show what I mean.


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Hayley, I have my belly done too and although I haven't wore a bar for about a year and a half I still have a hole. I stick an earring in once in a while lol...I don't want it to heal up, I just never got around to getting a new bar. My hole has turned strange though, yours seems to have stretched downwards as mine has stretched across. It doesn't look very nice anyway. And OMG my tattoo next to my belly button :haha: its turned huge!! but not as bad as I thought it would, hopefully it will go back to its original size after.

See I thought the bump change might be to do with her moving position but it doesn't feel like it. I'll get the MW to see. I will be talking to her about my concerns though. I read on the main forum yesterday about a girl going through the same as me, she was sent for a GTT but still awaiting results, if they come back clear she was being induced at 38 weeks. So we will see what they decide to do with me.

I think I know which shoes you are on about if they are the glittery ted baker ones, do they have a bow on the front? I have seen some lovely ones in there. I LOVE my high heels, I have so many. Those wedges I like are a little high so I will have to try them on first but I love the look of them. I brought a huge pair of shoes a couple of years back and I have only wore them twice, both times I have fallen over and seriously injured myself :haha: first time I fell face forward down some stone steps and hit my shin, I had the biggest bump, it looked like an egg and I couldn't put much weight on it - that was before I had even left this property. Then the second time we had been out down town for a couple of hours, I had only had one or two drinks and walking to the next bar I fell and bloody fractured a couple of bones in my foot. Ended up crying then storming...well hobbling off to a taxi because my friends were laughing at me lol, then ended up in a&e getting it x-rayed. So those shoes are staying away!!!

Sarah, your bump looks so cute :) you are carrying really well. I agree with Hayley too about it being a pink bump :p I'm with you on the boob front, I went up to an F cup yet because my belly seems so huge my boobs have gone!! Depending on what I am wearing I will sometimes wear one of my 'enhancing' bras which even it out. They are uncomfortable though so won't wear one for long.

Laura, I have been feeling off too. I don't know what it is though, just don't feel myself and a little nauseous. Oh and I have been getting bad stomach ache too, its hard to relieve it. If I got stomach ache before I'd lie on my front and it would get rid of it, now I can't do that :(

I am sooooo itchy at the moment. I am literally ripping my body to shreds. My belly, legs, arms, boobs, just never ends. I have marks all over me from it. Adam keeps shouting at me lol but I just can't help it.
Lauren keep an eye on the itching, after what I've heard from ladies on here about the liver problem I can never remember the name of, I am paranoid every time I have any itch! I have a great moisturiser from tesco which is for mums to be, I think it's called bump, which helps if I get too itchy.
I cannot believe you have shoes that have broken bones in your foot! You are a crazy lady!

I am not a heels person at all. I'm pretty tall (just over 5'8) and all my friends are tiny, and Simon is only about 5'11 so I feel really uncomfortable wearing heels, like I'm a giant! And because I never wear them, I am now physically incapable of doing so! I walk like bambi when I have anything over a two inch heel on!! Some of my friends, and my mum, wear heels all the time because they are so tiny, but I am always in flats!

I'm secretly pleased that everyone is saying I have a pink bump! Both Simon and I would be over the moon if LO is a girl. It's weird as I always, always wanted just boys, and of course honestly I won't care either way what we have, but because all the little ones in my family (5 under 5!) are boys, we just would both love a girl to be a bit different, and even more special! That said, everyone I know IRL thinks the baby is a boy :dohh: including Simon!!

Hayley I can't believe your mum said that to you! Yep, you've had a rough time, but you have come through it amazingly, and done a wonderful job of growing little bean, so I think it's a hugely unfair, and rude!, comment. I think every pregnancy is so different - in the future I could have an awful time, and you could have a plain sailing pregnancy, it just depends on which way the wind is blowing the night you conceive I sometimes think! :haha:
And don't worry, from the looks of it your nowhere near a 12lb baby!!

I don't have my belly button pierced (I'm far too wimpy!) so can't comment personally, but I know my SIL piercing went INSANE when she was pregnant. It was pretty gross to see :haha: she wore a "pregnancy bar" in hers as long as she could - basically just a really long belly bar from what I remember!

Laura, I get really bad stitches when I'm out walking the dogs. I find rubbing the area helps, but I get maybe three or four in one walk and no idea what brings it on. I used to get them if I walk too soon after I eat, but now it's just whenever the fact takes my body! Sorry to hear you are feeling a bit rubbish overall :hugs:

Afm, I feel like the first day of my maternity leave has flown in! How did I ever have time to work and do other things?!?! I got up at 9 (to a phonecall from school about a job coming up in a nearby school they have put in a good word for me apparently!) and since 10 have been non stop cleaning and tidying and sorting! And now just made dinner and am about to walk the dogs. How I will fit this baby into my clearly hectic lifestyle I have no idea :rofl:
Sarah, you mentioning the carpets needing shampooed reminded me I have to do the same thing. I'm trying to work at it gradually this week rather then trying to do it all at once. I cleaned my kitchen last night and then I took care of the dining room this morning. Thinking tomorrow will be the living room, the entry/stairs, and the half bath. Then all that is left is upstairs which I should be able to do Wednesday.

Your bump is adorable.

Lauren, sorry you have been upset over your puppy. :hugs: Just remember she's in a better home now and you did what was best for her. Perhaps you can still see her on occasion too? Might make you feel better about your decision to give her up if you see first hand that she has adjusted well to her new home and is happy?

As for the bleeding, were you straining to have a BM when it happened? I noticed that I will occasionally bleed after a BM if I've been straining but it doesn't happen any other time. Just wanted you to know you're not alone.

I think your bump looks lovely.

Brooke, sounds like you've had a lot going on. :hugs: Hope everything is good with your blood pressure on the 13th when you have your next appointment.

Glad your shower went well too and that you got many nice gifts.

Hayley, glad you feel more prepared with your hospital bag. You mentioned several of the things that they said you should have in my birthing class. I kind of questioned the usefulness of some of the stuff but it's nice to know you confirmed several of them actually being needed.

Laura, sorry you're feeling so awful. Sending :hugs: your way!!

AFM, not too much to update. Finished the cross stich quilt and birth announcement I was working on. Will attach pictures though you have the excuse the poor quality. The ones I took on my camera were too big to post here so had to use my phone.

Going to the leasing office tonight to sign our new lease. I can't believe we've already been here almost a year and it's time to decide whether we're staying or going (obviously we're staying). Really seems like we just moved in. Also need to go to the vet to pick up heartworm meds for my dog so I can give her, her next does in April.

Tomorrow I have my next OB appointment and DH and I will be touring the birthing center.

Other then that, nothing else happening other then me just doing a bunch of cleaning/organizing.


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Oh yes Hayley, I knew I had forgotten to mention something - about your mum. I think it is very rude of her to have said that. Some family members can be really horrible sometimes, I don't know if they realise they are doing it? My mamma (mum's mum) can be really really nasty sometimes and I don't think she knows she is being like it.

Soooo guess what, I am measuring 41 weeks!!!! I knew I was measuring big but OMG. So now I have been referred to see a consultant at the hospital and it is up to them whether they scan me or not however, mw thinks they will. She said they need to work out whether she is big or whether I have a lot of water or not. My mum reckons I have a lot of water as my belly is rock hard most of the time and we can't think of another explination for it.... As for the itching, she took blood for it. Said I will get results by Wednesday. Its to check for cholestasis or something and my liver function. She did say normally you get itching on your hands and feet though which I don't have. Its just everywhere else. Oh and she felt me and said she isn't breach!!! Yey!! she does think she has 'burrowed' in to my pelvis though and thats what is causing pain in my lower back and hips/top of legs. The mw also said 'if you can keep her in for the next 6 days that will be great, otherwise she will be premature' :shock:

Sarah, glad your first day of mat leave has been a productive one :) its nice to have time to yourself isn't it.

Brittany, they are adorable :) I wish I had the patience to do something like that!!
Oh before I forget, if any of y'all would like to be Facebook buddies feel free to PM me your name and I'll add you. I was thinking with it getting close to the end, updates regarding labor and pictures of the baby will be posted on there far sooner then I'll get around to posting here. Since we've been going through these 9 months together and I didn't want to leave y'all out. Don't feel obligated though, I understand people wanting to keep their identities private and such. I just ask that anyone who wants to become Facebook friends keep Aiden's name secret since we did not reveal it to our family and friends and not mention BNB. I use this site to do a lot of venting and I would hate for family to be able to find me here.
Lauren, hope everything works out with the tests. I can't believe you're measuring 41 weeks. Is it possible they got your due date wrong?
Lauren, oh my gosh I can't believe you measure 41 weeks! Is that your fundal measurement? I think I've said before that I really do not trust that (I apparently grew 5cm in 3 weeks and then haven't grown since...but I know I have!) but it's good that you will be seen by the hospital just in case. Hopefully you just have lots of water protecting your little lady, and she is just perfect size. And...was there any thought that she would be coming out in the next 6 days?! Cross your legs tightly just in case :haha:

Brittany, I am very into owls at the minute so I love your cross stitch! Both are really beautiful, and I can't believe your were able to make them! I'd have had an eye out by now! Dh brought the carpet shampoo-er home today, so he is in charge of that tomorrow (he said its too heavy for me. I'm gutted, I was really looking forward to being disgusted at how filthy our carpets are!) while I'll do a few more bits and bobs.
Enjoy your tour tomorrow, I hope it all goes well and you're happy with what you see, and good luck for your doctors appointment!

Facebook if any of you ladies are on Facebook I would love to be fb friends, as Brittany said, to get birth updates and pictures of your little cherubs when they are up! But again I totally understand if you don't want to be :mrgreen:
I'm Sarah Jay, and my profile picture is the one I posted below (so you can more easily find me! Not that I imagine there are a lot of Sarah jay''s an usual last name. Thanks for that one dh!)


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I have heard lots of mixed stories about fundal measurements and that they aren't 100% ... We will see what the consultant says anyway, hopefully I won't have to wait too long for an appointment. My midwife will be ringing tomorrow morning.

Even though I highly doubt she will make an entry within the next 6 days it does worry me that she said that!!

I'm glad you have mentioned Facebook as I was thinking the same thing the other day. I'd hate for us all to give birth then end up not talking because we are too busy. My full name is Lauren Purdy and my piccy is the same as the one on here. I did change my privacy settings a while back so if you can't find me let me know and I'll look for you :)

Oh and I keep forgetting to say, we finally decided on a middle name :D so her name will be Beau Harper Goodson :)
I added you :)

I LOVE Beau's name! It beau-tiful! (Sorry that is a terrible pun :blush:) it's so unique, And I think it flows perfectly!
Thank you :) the more I say it the more I love it. I wanted something different and I think her name is.

It is strange going though your guys photos hehe..... when I talk to you on here I get an image of each of you (what you look like ect) and non of you are what I imagined. Well the three I have so far :p I am nosy and have to go through photos :haha:
Oh I'm glad I am not the only creepy photo stalker then! :haha:

For some reason Lauren I always imagined you were fair haired, but you are SO dark! I was so surprised! Like you say, you build up a picture...but it's really based on nothing :haha:
I found some of you on Facebook! And I also pictured Lauren being a blonde! I'm not very active on Facebook but I plan on being more so once the LO arrives. It's great finally having a face to go with the names and I can't wait to see everyone's babies when they arrive!

Beau's name is perfect! I love Harper, so cute.

Love everyone's bump pictures!

I've been so hormonal this week. I feel like Seth and I can't have a conversation without it turning into an argument. I have no idea (other than hormones) why I'm so confrontational but it's not doing me any favors!! I'm glad he left for a few hours so I can cry and hopefully get it all out of me...but this is definitely not how I expected or wanted to feel the last 2 weeks! Maybe it's just hitting me that this is the last two weeks...and of course the anticipation/anxiety of labor!
Lindsey, I have episodes like that too. I can get really angry for no reason and everything irritates me, poor Adam gets the brunt of it normally. I do think its our hormones, we all have a lot on our minds too. Its only natural. I am sure it will pass, when you have calmed down maybe speak to Seth about how you feel. They need to be told to understand sometimes....

I expected you to be dark Lindsey. Sarah, had a flick through your wedding photos :) I am so jealous. You looked lovely. My photos aren't anything exciting, mostly me drunk out with friends haha. I haven't uploaded anything for a long time now though, haven't even posted my most recent holiday ones (not that I am a fb addict or anything :haha:) I just feel like I have some catching up to do :)

I don't know what to do tomorrow, I am meeting my stepmum on Wednesday for coffee/lunch but they are the only plans I have all week. I hate being stuck in at home all the time, might take a trip to IKEA. I'll end up with no money soon though with the amount I spend on fuel!!
Lauren - Oh well I'm glad I'm not the only one with the weird belly button! I hope they go back to normal after :/

Eeek at 41 weeks! Like Sarah said though, I think fundal measurements are a bit naff at telling anything!! You probably just have a lot of water! When is the consultant appointment?
I hope they do scan you, just to put your mind at ease a bit!

Did they say anything about what position baby is in?

I LOVE Beau Harper - that is beautiful :)

Lol @ the shoes! Yeah the Ted Baker ones have a big bow on the front! I <3 them, I can't wait to wear them!!

As for the itching, I'm the same - they tested me for the cholestastis and liver thing but it was fine (my hands and feet arent itchy either!) - its just an all over irritated itching feeling :/ Nothing seems to help!! Its very annoying.

Sarah - Aww you're like me but the opposite with the gender thing - all the kids in our family are girls, so we were pleased to be finally providing the boy! lol. I know what you mean, it does make it a bit special when everybody is excited as there hasn't been one of that gender for ages! :)

Yeah it did really upset me what my mum said. I don't think she realised it would, but shes always like that! Shes quite mean but she doesnt realise!

Brittany - Aww the projects you've been working on are adorable! I wish I had the patience for things like that. So lovely to hand make something for the baby!

I hope your tour of the birthing center is good and more informative than mine was!

Linzy - Aww I'm sorry you've been feeling so emotional :hugs: Its good to let it out now though - hopefully you're just getting it all out of your system and you'll feel much better in time for the birth!

AFM - Not much new here! Enjoyed my first day of mine & Jons last week alone! Although family members keep "popping in"! My cousin came over earlier and stayed for an hour, my aunty has just popped over and stayed an hour and another cousin has just text and said she's coming over tomorrow afternoon to take me out for lunch - its lovely of them and I get the feeling that there's been some kind of conspiracy behind my back to all rally round and "look after" me while my mum and dad are away! Which is sweet - but I kind of wish they'd all sod off lol.

We did manage to go out for a nice meal tonight though, just the two of us. Hard to beleive it may be the last time we can do that without having to plan babysitters etc!!! eeek!

Facebook - I've found Lauren and Lindsay and added you - Sarah I found you but for some reason its not giving me the option to add you!!

Anybody is more than welcome to add me - but same as Brittany, we're keeping the name a secret so please nobody mention it hehe - my name is Hayley McLean and my image is a baby scan photo! This link should take you to my profile:

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